VII. The four major diseases and blindness


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Each of Chapters 3 through 6 is devoted to a specific disease and the ophthalmic characteristics associated with it. This chapter is concerned with all four diseases as they exist in combination, and in relationship to blindness and selected other characteristics of the study population.

Macular degeneration, cataract and glaucoma can occur as a result of a number of other diseases or of treatment for other dis- eases. In this study, however, occurrences secondary to disease or treatment for disease were excluded; they are not considered as the senile or chronic primary form of the disease. Therefore, relationships between the four dis- eases in this set of data represent an associa- tion between primary occurrences.

Criteria for the diagnosis of each of the four diseases are explained in the individual chapters. Data on diabetic retinopathy in this chapter are based on the criteria for retinopathy established for this study (Chapter 5) in the presence of diabetes mellitus as diagnosed in the Framingham Heart Study. Blindness is defined as visual acuity 20/200 or worse. Table 7.1- Prevalence of the Four Diseases in Eyes

Table 7.1 presents the prevalence, in eyes, of each of the four major diseases studied, in

total, occurring alone, and in combination. Of the 5262 eyes studied, 651 or 12.4% were diagnosed as having one or more of the four diseases. The percent of eyes with disease was strongly related to age, increasing more than eightfold from 4.3% in eyes of persons less than 65 years old to 37.9% in eyes of persons 75 years old or more. The age trend in prevalence was very strong for senile cataract (SC) and senile macular degeneration (SMD) but less strong for diabetic retinopathy (DR) and for open angle glaucoma (OAG).

Not only did the percent of eyes affected by disease increase with age but the percent of eyes affected by multiple diseases also in- creased. Overall, nearly onethird of the 651 affected eyes had more than one disease. This increased from 14.2% of diseased eyes of per- sons less than 65 years old to 40.3% of dis- eased eyes of persons 75 years old or more. The diseases varied greatly in terms of the frequency with which they occurred in com- bination: 38.5% of eyes with SC had another disease, 29.2% of eyes with OAG, 42.2% of eyes with DR, and 78.0% of eyes with SMD had one or more of the other three diseases.

The most frequently encountered combina- tion of diseases in the same eye was senile cataract and senile macular degeneration; 16 1 of the 504 eyes with senile cataract (31.9%) and of the 209 eyes with senile macular


degeneration (77.0%) had both diseases. These were the two most prevalent of the four diseases and both were heavily concentrated in the age group 75 years and older.

The criteria for diagnosis of senile cataract and of senile macular degeneration each in- clude the requirement that visual acuity be limited to 20/30 or worse; i.e., among eyes with the anatomical abnormality characteris- tic of the disease, diagnosis is “conditional” on the presence of the visual acuity limitation. Imposition of the identical “condition” for diagnosis of each of the two diseases inflates the proportion of eyes with either disease that will have both diseases diagnosed. It may therefore be misleading to use the data in Table 7.1 to test the association between the prevalence of senile cataract and senile macular degeneration. The criteria for diag- nosis do not require a causal relationship betwe.en the anatomical abnormality and the visual acuity deficit; the potential effect of this on the inflated apparent association be- tween the prevalence of the two diseases has not been investigated.

A slightly larger proportion of the eyes of women (13.2%) than those of men (11.2%) were affected by disease and a much larger proportion had multiple diseases (34.6 versus 22.9%).

Table 7.2 - Prevalence of the Four Diseases in Persons

Table 7.2 presents the prevalence of the four diseases in persons rather than in eyes as was shown in Table 7.1. Of the 2631 persons in the study population, 420 (16.0%) had one or more of the diseases. All of the patterns of disease pointed out in Table 7.1 are evident here also: the strong, increasing trend with age for SC and SMD but a less clear trend for DR and OAG; the increasing percentage of persons with multiple diseases with increasing age; the variation among diseases in the fre- quency with which they occurred in combina- tion; and the higher prevalence of disease, and especially multiple diseases, among women than among men.

The comments on Table 7.1 regarding the effect of the visual acuity requirement for the diagnosis of SC and SMD on the apparent association between the prevalence of these diseases in eyes also applies to the data on persons in Table 7.2.

Table 7.3 - Prevalence of the Four Diseases in Persons by Standard Age Classes

There were 2496 persons in the FES population between 55 and 84 years old at the time of the screening examination. Preva- lence data limited to this age range are pre- sented here to facilitate comparisons with other sources of prevalence data that are pre- sented for standard lo-year age groups. The prevalence rates differ little from those given in Table 7.2 which includes 133 persons ages 52-54 and 2 persons age 85.

Table 7.4 - Disease by Number of Years Since Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus in FHS

Table 7.4 presents the number of persons with ocular disease diagnosed in the Framingham Eye Study and diabetes mellitus diagnosed in the Framingham Heart Study. Of the total screening population, 256 persons (9.7%) were diagnosed as having DM. Of the diabetics, nearly one-third had one or more of the four ocular diseases in the FES, twice the prevalence of eye disease among persons without diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy was diagnosed in 18.8% of diabetics. Senile macular degeneration was twice as prevalent among diabetics as among nondiabetics (10.5% versus 5.2%) and senile cataract was also more prevalent (19.1% versus 11.6%). Open angle glaucoma occurred only slightly more often among diabetics than among non- diabetics (2.4% versus 1.8%). This pattern was constant over age and sex groups.

The percentage of diabetics increased from 7.6% among persons less than 65 years old (105/1382) to 13.4% among persons 75 years or older (53/396). But among those with any of the four major eye diseases, the percentage of persons with diabetes decreased from 30.9% in the less than 65-year-old group to 15.2% in the 75-year-or-older group, pre- sumably because senile cataract and senile macular degeneration are more strongly as- sociated with an increase in age than they are with the presence of diabetes.

The last eight columns of Table 7.4 present the frequency of ocular disease by the number of years since onset of DM. The prevalence of eye disease was greater by twofold among persons with DM diagnosed 15 years or more previously as compared to persons whose DM had been diagnosed within 5 years. The in- crease in prevalence with increasing number of years since diagnosis of DM occurred in

460 Surv Ophthalmol 24 (suppl) May-June 1980 LEIBOWITZ ET AL

every ocular disease, but was weakest for SMD. Small numbers cause some irregular- ities in the various age and sex groups.

Table 7.5 - Disease by Average Intraocular Pressure

Table 7.5 presents the distribution of intra- ocular pressure (IOP) in eyes by diagnosis of disease. The IOP is the average of three con- secutive readings done at screening examina- tion. Each line gives the distribution of IOP and the mean and standard deviation for eyes with a particular disease or multiple diseases. The mean IOP was 16.54 mmHg for all eyes, 16.37 for eyes with none of the four diseases and 17.79 for eyes with any of the four dis- eases.

There were small sex differences. Eyes of males with none of the four diseases had a mean IOP of 16.28 mmHg while eyes of females had a mean of 16.44 mmHg. Eyes of males with any of the four diseases had a mean IOP of 18.24 mmHg while eyes of females had a mean of 17.51 mmHg. The means for each disease occurring alone were slightly lower for eyes of males but the means for diseases in combination were higher for eyes of males.

The percentage of eyes with no disease or with any particular disease that have IOP at or above a specified level also indicates a sub- stantial degree of association between IOP and SC, DR and SMD, as well as with OAG.

Table 7.6 - Disease by Visual Acuity

Table 7.6 presents the number of eyes with and without disease classified by the visual acuity obtained on screening examination. As in Table 7.5, each line gives the distribution according to visual acuity for eyes with a par- ticular disease or combination of diseases.

Visual acuity (VA) was better than 20/30 for 87.2% of all eyes, for 96.3% of eyes with none of the four diseases and for only 23.2% of eyes with any one or more of the four dis- eases. This percentage varied greatly among the four diseases: 13.3% of eyes with senile cataract (SC), 52.8% of eyes with open angle glaucoma (OAG), 56.6% of eyes with diabetic retinopathy (DR), and no eyes with senile macular degeneration (SMD) had VA better than 20130. SMD and SC had VA re- quirements as part of the definition of dis- ease. No eye could be diagnosed as having SMD unless its visual acuity was 20/30 or

worse. Eyes with cataract also had to have VA of 20130 or worse; only aphakic eyes did not have to meet a VA requirement. This pattern of variation among the diseases holds for the three age groups, although the in- fluence of age was evident in decreasing percentages of eyes with VA better than 20/30 with increasing age.

Sex differences were striking. VA was better than 20/30 for 34.1% of eyes of males with any of the four diseases but for only 16.4% of eyes of females. This difference between the sexes was small among eyes of persons less than 65 years old; however, in the 75-years-or-older group, the difference was threefold (data not shown). This is consistent with the observation that a smaller percen- tage of men than of women have multiple dis- eases in the same eye (Table 7.1) and a smaller percentage of men’s eyes were blind (Table 7.8).

Table 7.7 - Disease by Visual Acuity in Better Eye of Persons

Table 7.7 presents the distribution of VA in the better eye of persons by the presence of the four diseases in either eye. A large per- centage (92.8%) of persons had VA better than 20/30. Only 61 .O% of those persons with any of the four diseases had VA better than 20/30; this percentage varied according to the particular disease, as discussed in the text on Table 7.6 with respect to all eyes. The difference between sexes was also large; 70.1% of males but only 55.1% of females with any of the four diseases had VA better than 20/30 in the better eye.

Table 7.8 - Prevalence of Blindness in Eyes

Table 7.8 presents data on the number of eyes that were legally blind and on the diagnosis of disease in those eyes. Blindness is defined as a visual acuity of 20/200 or worse; 152 eyes (2.9%) were blind by this definition. The proportion of blind eyes increased more than fivefold, from 1.4% in persons less than 65 to 7.8% in persons 75 and older. Blindness occurred slightly more often in eyes of women (3.0%) than in eyes of men (2.7%). The age gradient was much less marked for men than for women.

It should not be assumed that blindness was necessarily due to the disease diagnosed for the blind eye, but rather that the two events occurred in the same eye. However, of


the I,52 eyes, 55 were either enucleated or were blind but did not have any one of the four major diseases. Thus, 36.2% of blindness occurred in eyes not known to be affected by the four diseases considered to be the major causes of adult blindness in the United States. The prevalence of particular diseases with blindness in the same eye was largest for SC (1.5%) and lowest for DR and OAG (0.2%), with SMD intermediate (0.7%).

Among the eyes with each of the four dis- eases, the percentage of blind eyes was as follows:


Among eyes with One More than

disease the one only disease

SC 16.1 14.5 18.6 OAG 15.3 11.8 23.8 DR 15.7 0.0 37.1 SMD 16.7 17.4 16.6

This table can be read as follows. Of all eyes with SC alone. 14.5% were blind, and of all eyes with SC and one or more other diseases, 18.6% were blind. Blindness occurred more frequently in eyes with multiple diseases ex- cept in the case of SMD. The percent of blind eyes increased with age among eyes with open angle glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy but not among eyes with senile cataract or senile macular degeneration. This last observation must be viewed with caution because of the small numbers involved. Table 7.9 - Prevalence of Monocular and Binocular Blindness in Persons

In the total screening population, 136 persons (5.2%) had visual acuity of 20/200 or worse in one or both eyes. Of the 120 persons with one eye blind, 72 had one or more of the four major diseases diagnosed in the blind eye. Only 16 persons were bilaterally blind and 13 of these had one or more of the four major diseases diagnosed in both eyes. Table 7.10 - Prevalence of Monocular and Binocular Blindness in Persons by Standard Age Classes

Table 7.10 shows the prevalence of blindness and the diseases associated with it for standard IO-year age classes. As in Table

7.3 which presents data on the prevalence of diseases, 133 persons ages 52-54 and 2 per- sons age 85 are excluded. The rates must be regarded with caution because of the small numbers involved.

Table 7.11- Percentage Prevalence of Binocular Blindness in FES and in Statistics on Blindness (Kahn and Moorhead) by Cause and Age

Little information is available on the prevalence of ocular disease and blindness in the United States. Kahn and Moorhead (K&M) have published Statistics on Blindness in the Model Reporting Area: 1969-l 970 which gives the prevalence of blindness among persons on registers in the 14 MRA states. Blindness was deIined in their publication as a corrected visual acuity of 20/200 or worse or a visual field con- stricted to less than 20” in the better eye. Each of the diseases is simply taken as reported to the state agency.

Comparative figures on percentage prevalence taken from Table 7.10 and the tables on blindness in whites from the K & M publication are presented in Table 7.11 for blindness associated with each of three dis- eases and for blindness without regard to cause. The FES definitions of the three dis- eases are those used in other tables in this monograph and differ from those used in reporting to the blindness registers.

The FES prevalence of blindness is sub- stantially higher than that reported in Statistics on Blindness except in those in- stances in which the FES prevalence is zero. Here, however, even a single case would have yielded a much higher prevalence. Despite the small numbers, the data are consistent with the observation (Kahn HA, Hiller R: Blindness caused by diabetic retinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 78: 58-67, 1974.) that the ac- tual prevalence of blindness is probably greater than that based on the registry data. Table 7.12 - Blind Eyes with No Study Diagnosis of SC, OAG, DR, SMD

Table 7.8 showed that there were 55 blind eyes that did not meet the criteria for diagnosis of senile cataract, open angle glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy or senile macular degeneration according to the FES definition. One of the authors (MMK) reviewed the examining ophthalmologists’ notations in “other findings” and/or

462 Surv Ophtholmol 24 (suppl) May-June 19130 LEIBOWITZ ET AL

reviewed the subjects’ entire study record for pathology possibly related to the blindness. Table 7.12 shows the frequency of pathology for the 55 eyes.

Only 2 eyes had no pathology recorded that could account for the blindness. Nearly half of the eyes were amblyopic or enucleated. The 3 eyes with other pathology had a macular scar, a retinal detachment and cornea1 disease respectively. Six eyes were considered by the reviewing ophthalmologist to have SC or SMD although the eyes did not meet the

study criteria for these diseases. Table 7.13 - Enucleated Eyes

As part of the screening examination the nurse taking the history of ocular disease and diabetes was to ask the subject if he/she had had an eye removed. Seven persons had had one eye removed; an eighth person had lost both eyes as a result of trauma. Table 7.13 lists the persons with anophthalmos along with age, sex and reason for loss if known.



Disease Total Number

Total 5262 None of 4 4611

2G 504 72 DR 83 SMD 209

2764 2644

72 20 30 17

1706 1475

165 29


792 492 267

23 24


2214 1202 692 1965 1143 608

171 30 55 42 12 18 37 16 13 62 5 17

SC only 310 57 107 146 115 28 38 OAG only DR only :li

17 24 10 34 12 16 23 19 6 27 13

SMD only 46 6 23 17 16 3 49

SC & OAG 12 SC & DR 16 SC & SMD 145 OAG II DR 0 OAG & SMD 1 OR & SMD 1

1 5 7 0 1 1



i 120

4 6

44 0 0 0


945 0 0 D


92 0


5 0 1 423 0 1

12’ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

SC & OAG & DR SC & OAG & SMD : SC & DR & SMD 13 OAG & DR & SMD 0 SC & OAG & DR & SMD 0 Any of 4 651

Percent -.

None of 4 87.6 SC 9.6 OAG 1.4 DR 1.6 SMD 4.0

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.7 86.5 62.1

2.6 9.7 33.7 0.7 1.1

:-: 29 3:o

0.6 4:l 15.4

2.1 6.3 18.4

E 0:2

:*: 1:3

k-i 2:1

[able 7.1 Prevalence of the Four Diseases in Eves (Eyes Screened)

(65 65-74 75+ Males (65 65-74 75+ Females <65 65-74 75+



i 231

SC only 5.9 OAG only DR only Ii:; SMD only 0.9



DR & SMD 0.0

SC & OAG & DR SC & OAG & SMD i:: SC & DR & SMD 0.2 OAG & DR & SMD 0.0 SC & OAG & DR & SMD 0.0 Any of 4 12.4

0.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 ::6" 0.3 2.6 11.9 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 E

0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 03 0.0 E 1:1 0.0 E i-i

13:5 E


3 0 1

30 0 0 1 1

0 0 0 D D 0

249 59 84

100.0 100.0 100.0 88.8

7.7 1.9 1.7 2.8

5.2 1.5 1.2 0.7

K 1.9

E 0.0

i:: 0.1

E 11:2

95.1 87.9 2.5 7.9 1.0 2.6 1.3 1.9 0.4 2.5

2.3 5.5 23

::: 1:3 0.2 0.6

0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 i::

0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1

320 3048 1562 1014 472 214 2646 1501 867 278

86 333 42 110 181 12 30 a 11 11

8 46 14 16 16 40 147 12 53 82

49 195 29 69 6 17 5 8 5 21 10 10 9 30 3 19

97 4



30" 0


7 1 13

103 ; 0 0

A 1 0

i 32

0 0 D



: 0


b 0


2 0 3 1

10 0 E 0 0

402 61


i 0


; a 0 0


100.0 66.9 26.9

3.8 2.5


100.0 100.0 86.8 96.1 10.9 2.7

1.0 0.5 1.5 0.9 4.8 0.8

100.0 85.5 10.8

1.1 1.6 5.2

100.0 58.9 38.3

::4" 17.4


::i 2.8

6.4 0.6 0.7 1.0

1.9 0.3


6.8 0.8 1.0 1.9


i:; 1.7

1.3 0.0 9.4

E 0.0

0.1 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0

0.3 0.4 3.2

E:i 0.0



i:: 0.0


i:! 0.0



E 13:2


Table 7.2 Prevalence of the Four Diseases in Persons (Persons Screened)

(65 65-74 15+

781 507 236 739 410 119

28 72 110 7 a 7 a 9 9

11 40 51

18 42 58

z 6

3 145 i 5

1 2 3

6’ 242 393 0

E 0

t 1

0 0


h : :

00 i z 0 0

42 97 117

100.0 100.0 100.0

Disease Number

Total None of 4

Total <65 65-74 75+ Males <65 65-74 751 Female*


2631 1382 853 396 2211 1301 698 212

324 49 111 164 50 16 20 14 48 16 18 14

149 lb 55 78

1107 943 114



160 1524 93 1268 54 210

7 22 5 26

27 102

SC only OAG only DR only SMD only


2 35

9 10 99



3 2

10 0

37 66 13 lb 11 10

6 18

a8 5 3



5; 0


2 1

i 0


601 346 562 288

21 39 9 12 8 9 5 15

19 24 9 10

: i

0 1

:, 1:

i 00 1 0

0 1 n 0


30 4 3 6

FJ 20

z 0


:, 0



:: 22


: 6 0


0 1 1

i 81

100.0 94.1

3.5 1.2 1.2 1.2





i:: 0.1


i:: 0.0 0.0 5.9

i 30

0 0 1

SC & OAG & DR SC d OAG & SMD SC & DR & SMD OAG & DR & SMD SC & OAG & DR & SMD 0 Any of 4 420



i 164

i 58

1 2 7

i 256

100.0 85.2 10.3




::: 1.2


;:i 0.0 0.1


i:; 0.0


100.0 83.2 13.8

1.4 1.7 6.7

100.0 93.5


::: 0.8

3.2 1.5


0.0 0.2

to” 0.0 0.2

E 0:2

E 6.5


Total 100.0 None of 4 84.0

EG 12.3 1.9 DR 1.8 SMD 5.7

SC only 7.3 OAG only DR only Ii-; SMD only 1:3

100.0 100.0 81.8 53.5 13.0 41.4


i:: i::


7.7 22.2 1.9 1.3

::: E

0.4 1.3 0.5 0.8 i:: 14.9

0.0 i:: 0.0 0.0

0.1 0.5 E 0.3

E k:Z

18:2 4%

100.0 100.0 83.2 58.1 11.3 33.8

3.5 4.4 2.6 3.1 4.3 lb.9

6.9 18.8

2.9 ::;

:*; 318

i:i i:;

0’:: 12.5 0.0

0”:: 0.0 0.0

0.3 0.6

E:i 0”::

E lb:8

i*oo 4119

94.6 3.6 0.9 1.0 1.4


i:: 0.4

0.1 0.3

o”:o” 0.1 0.0


i:; 0.0 0.0 5.4

80.9 50.4 14.2 46.6

::: 3.0 3.8 7.9 21.6

a.3 24.6 ::; 0’0 04

2.8 2:l

0.4 1.3 0.4 1.3 ::A 16 0:o 5

it: 0:o 04

0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 El 2 0’0 1

1E 0:o


SC & OAG 0.3 SC & OR 0.4 SC & SMD 3.8 OAG & DR 0.0 OAG E SMD 0.1 DR & SMD 0.0

SC 8 OAG & DR SC & OAG & SMD is: SC & DR & SMD 0:4 OAG 6DR & SMD 0.0 SC 1 OAG & DR & SMD 0.0 Any of 4 16.0

Table 7.3 Prevalence of the Four Diseases in Persons bv Standard Aqe Classes

65- 74

(Persons Screened)

75- 55- 65- 7s 84 Females 64 74 84

55- 65- 75- Total 64 74 84

55- 64 Males Disease


Total None of 4


ZD Any of 4


Total None of 4 SC OAG OR St40 Any of 4

2496 1249 853 394 2083 1174 698 211

320 46 111 163 49 15 20 14 46 14 18

146 14 55 :;

1049 a89

543 508

20 a 7 4


346 288

160 1447 93 1194 54 207

7 22 5

27 10’: 67 253

706 507 234 666 410 118

113 27


39 12



26 72 109 7 8 7 7 9 9

40 50 :oo 97 116 413 75 155 183 160

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.5 94.0 81.8 53.6 12.8 3.7 13.0 41.4

2.0 1.2 1.8 1.1 ;::

100.0 84.7 10.8


1.:: :

100.0 93.6

3.7 1:5

100.0 83.2

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.3 80.9 50.4

3.7 14.2 46.6 1.0 1.6 3.0 1.0 1.8 3.8

58.1 82.5 33.8 14.3

4.4 1.5

1% 1.7 6.9

41.9 17.5





::: 5.8 1.1

16.5 6.0 1s”:: :::4” 1.4 7.9 21.4 5.7 19.1 49.6


Table 7.4 Disease by Number of Years Since Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus in FHS (Persons Screened)


MtF Total Nclne of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG 8 other OF! only DR II other SMD only SND & other Any of 4

<65 Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only 01\G & other DR only DR & other SMO only SMO & other Any of 4

65-74 Total None of 4 SC only SC 8 other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Asly of 4

75+ Total None of 4 SI: only SC & other 0.46 only 0,4G & other DR only D7 & other SMD only SYD & other Any of 4

Males Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

Females Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG 8 other DR only OR & other SMD only SMD 8 other Any of 4

Total No DM DM No. % No. % No. 4.

2631 100.0 2211 84.0

191 7.3 133 5.1

34 1.3 16 0.6 24 0.9 24 0.9 35 1.3

114 4.3 420 16.0

1382 100.0 1301 94.1

37 2.7

:3' 09 0:9 3 0.2

11 0.8

ii 04 0'4 10 0:7 81 5.9

853 100.0 698 81.8

66 45 :*: 16 1:9

4 0.5 10 1.2

8 x

:; 4'3 155 l&2

396 100.0 212 53.5

88 22.2 76 19.2

5 1.3

39 02:83

:: E

1:: :66:95

1107 100.0 943 85.2

:: 66 317 23 2.1

5 0.5 13

139 Asi 1:2 34

164 1:::

1524 100.0 1268 83.2

118 92 El 11 0.7 11 0.7

:: 07 l:o 22 1.4

2375 100.0 2039 85.9

174 7.3 101 4.3

31 1.3 13 0.5

i i:: 28

3:: 14:1 i-E

1277 100.0 1221 95.6

31 2.4

126 05 0:9 3 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 6 0.5

566 i::

755 100.0 631 83.6

2 ::i 14 1.9

ci 04 0:o 0 0.0


256 100.0 172 67.2

17 6.6 32 12.5

1.2 ; 1.2

24 24 z-:

7 217

i: 7.8


124 1:::

343 100.0 187 54.5

82 23.9 60 17.5

: 15 2'0

i 0'0 D:O 8 2.3

56 16.3 156 45.5

977 100.0 849 86.9

:: 66 3:2 21 2,l

105 100.0 80 76.2

: ::: 1 1.0 0 0.0

11 10.5 48

z 0:o 4 3.8

25 23.8

98 100.0 67 68.4

1: 1::: 2 2.0

1: 12

48 ::: 5 5.1

31 31.6

:i 1.2


1398 100.0 1190 85.1

110 7.9 70 5.0 10 0.7 10 0.7


1: E 1:1

53 100.0 25 47.2

1: 11.3 30.2

F 0.0

3 ::; 11 20.8

3 5.7 11 20.8 28 52.8

130 100.0 94 72.3

9 6.9 10 7.7

15 22 1:5

13 10.0 9

k !:8”

36 2::;

126 100.0 78 61.9

228 1;:: 1 0.8 1 0.8

:: 1;:;

146 4.8

11.1 48 38.1 2::

5.2 4.7 16.8 2:: 14.9

Years Since Diagnosis <5 5-9 10-14 15t

0. 3 No. I No. % N 0.

71 100.0 55 77.5

: 70 7:o 0 0.0

20 00 2:8

2 4 ;:: 4

16 225::

28 100.0 26 92.9

2 7.1

i i-i 0 0:o 0 0.0

: 00 0'0 0 0:o 2 7.1

29 100.0 22 75.9

: E

i 00 0'0 1 3:4 : 10.3 3.4

14 100.0 7 50.0 2 14.3 3 21.4

0 0 tx : 7:1

1 :*: 3 21:4 7 50.0

35 100.0 30 85.7

2 5.7 1 2.9 a0 0’0 00

2 517 1

: i-0’ 0:o 5 14.3

36 100.0 25 69.4

43 1::: 0 0.0

i 00 0:o

11 30.6

91 100.0 68 74.7

L i:; 2 2.2

: 60::

: :::

2: 255::

47 100.0 39 83.0

2 4.3 1 2.1

i i:: 4 a.5 i 0.0

i 20-F


31 100.0 22 71.0

3 2 :::

A i-i 2 6:5

: :*22 1 3:2 9 29.0

13 100.0

: E 3 23:l 0 0.0

00 E 0 0.0 1 7.7 3 23.1 6 46.2

46 100.0 35 76.1

4 8.7 3 6.5

i 0":; 2 4.3

:, C% 2

11 234:;

45 100.0 33 73.3

33 2 0 0 E

8'9 i 0'0

4'4 32 6'7

12 26:7

44 100.0 28 63.6

: :::: 0 0.0 1

i lf.43 9:1 : 2.3

16 3:::

16 100.0 11 68.8

2 12.5 1 6.3 00 0.0

2 1022

00 00 0'0 1 6:3 5 31.3

18 100.0 13 72.2

: 1::; 0 0.0

: 1::: 2 11.1 0 0.0

0 5 2;::

10 100.0 4 40.0 2 20.0 2 20.0

: 00 0:o

: :FJ-i 1 1o:o 1 10.0 6 60.0

22 100.0 15 68.2

3 13.6 1 4.5

0 1 40::

2 :




22 100.0 13 59.1

42 189:: D 0.0 0 0.0

; 13.6 13.6

20 00 9:1 9 40.9

50 100.0 21 42.0

1: 3:::

: g-i

:: 22:o 34.0 0 0.0 9 18.0

29 58.0

14 100.0 4 28.6 : 28.6 0.0

0 0 i-i 5 3517 5 35.7 0 0.0

120 :;'::

20 100.0 10 50.0

: 200::

A xl 5 25:0 4 20.0 0 0.0 3 15.0

10 50.0

16 100.0 7 43.8 0 0.0 8 50.0 0 0.0 : 12 6:3 5

8 50.0 0 0.0 4 25.0 9 56.3

27 100.0 14 51.9

0 0.0 5 18.5

0 :

9; 25:9

i 22.2

4 1::: 13 48.1

23 100.0 lfl 30.4

11 4E 1 4.3 : 17.4 4.3

11 47.8 : 21.7 0.0

16 69.6

466 Surv Ophthalmol 24 (suppl) May-June 1980 LElBOWlTZ ET AL

Table 7.5 Disease by Average Intraocular Pressure (Eyes Screened)

Disease rota1 IOP in mnHy

<13 13-15 16-18 19-21 r-s SD

M+F Total 5223’ None of 4 4578 SC only 307 SC & other 192 OAG only 50 OAG & other 21 DR only 48 OR & other 35 SMD only 46 SMD & other 161 Any of 4 645

609 539

41 19


i 0 3


1508 1380

78 30

7 0

: 7


1824 1606

104 65


2; 13 22 56


886 751

57 43 10

7 15

9 9


257 208

18 17


i 7 4


139 94

9 18 15

; 3

1: 45

16.54 3.76 16.37 3.40 16.78 5.13 18.33 5.17 21.78 9.81 22.81 8.08 18.31 3.28 20.63 6.88 17.39 3.13 17.58 4.39 17.79 5.58

(65 Total None of 4 SC only SC E other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

2744 2625

57 15 16

3 23


1: 119

320 309

i 0 0 0 0 2


851 830

11 3

i 3 1

i 21

970 928

26 3

ii a



433 406

: 5 1

10 2 0 3


126 115

i 2 2

: 1 1


44 37

: 4 0 1

i 1 7

16.29 3.30 16.22 3.23 16.33 3.65 19.47 4.12 21.06 5.11 22.33 2.08 18.61 3.37 18.86 2.73 15.17 4.92 18.36 4.57 17.76 4.27

65-74 Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other OR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

7% Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD E other Any of 4

Males Total None of 4 SC ony SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR onlv DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

Females Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other OR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

1698 1467


:: 5

19 10 23


192 166

15 4 5

z 0

: 26

781 486 143 119

10 13


1:: 295

i47 17 15 0 0 0 0 1


2197 1951


:i 8

27 10

:6” 246

252 663 233 602

12 36

; ; 0 0

h :

i 8” 19 61

3026 357 2627 306

195 29 136 16

16 3 13 0 21 1

:i F 115 16 399 51

428 390

27 4 3 0 1



229 160

2 2 0 1

: 22 69

845 778

i: 0 0 0

: 21 67

608 529

26 27


1; 5

:: 79

246 149


k 2

5 30 97

766 690

2 5 3

12 3

186 76

1058 916


i 8


:i 142

312 263

24 14


i 2 4


141 82 26 25

2 5


2; 59

347 308

17 9 7 1 3

: 6


539 443

40 34

3 6


L 28 96

39 18

a 9 1 0 2 3 1 7


105 81 10

z 1 4

: 4


152 127

a 12


.i 6 2 6


ii a 5 7 2


: 22

16.86 4.04 16.65 3.53 17.71 7.36 18.43 3.57 20.42 9.08 23.00 4.00 17.79 3.36 18.80 2.49 18.04 2.67 17.87 3.31 18.21 6.21

29 13

0 12

4 2 0 3

t 16

16.75 4.54 16.32 3.78 16.25 3.16 18.13 5.90 26.20 15.55 22.85 10.14 18.83 2.99 22.33 9.07 17.29 2.78 17.37 4.81 17.46 5.51

64 16.50 37 16.28

5 16.76 10 19.77 10 21.21

3 26.38 2 18.22 2 23.10 0 17.13 7 18.65

27 18.24

16.58 3.77 16.44 3.44 16.78 5.40 17.74 4.16 23.00 13.34 20.62 2.93 18.43 1.96 19.64 3.07 17.53 2.75 17.16 4.04 17.51 5.39

3.75 3.34 4.64 6.88 7.80

12.19 4.06


E 5:84

* Excludes eyes missing IOP.





Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR A other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG A other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

65-74 Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG A other DR only DR A other SMD only SMD 6 other Any of 4

75+ Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG 8 other DR only DR A other SMD only SMD 8 other Any of 4

Males Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR A other SMD only SMD (I other Any of 4

Females Total None of 4 SC only SC 8 other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

Table 7.6 Disease by Visual Acuity

Total 0.

5250* 100.0 4599 100.0

310 100.0 194 100.0

51 100.0 21 100.0 48 100.0 35 100.0 46 100.0

163 100.0 651 100.0

2762 100.0 2642 100.0

57 100.0 15 100.0 17 100.0

3 100.0 23 100.0

7 100.0 6 100.0

11 100.0 120 100.0

1702 100.0 1471 100.0

107 100.0 58 100.0 24 loo.0

5 100.0 19 100.0 10 100.0 23 100.0 47 100.0

231 100.0

786 100.0 486 100.0 146 100.0 121 100.0

10 100.0 13 100.0

6 100.0 18 100.0 17 100.0

105 100.0 300 100.0

2207 100.0 1958 100.0

115 100.0 56 100.0 34 100.0

8 100.0 27 100.0 10 100.0 16 100.0 46 100.0

249 100.0

3043 100.0 2641 100.0

195 100.0 138 100.0

17 100.0 13 100.0 21 100.0 25 100.0 30 100.0

117 100.0 402 100.0

(Eyes Screened)

Better lhan 20130


4579 87.2 4428 96.3

66 21.3 1 0.5

37 72.5

4: 9% 0 0.0

00 00 0:o 151 23.2

2629 95.2 2570 97.3

22 38.6 0 0.0

15 88.2 0 0.0

22 95.7 i 0.0

0 i:: 59 49.2

1459 85.7 1404 95.4

19 17.8 0 0.0

17 70.8

1: lo:::

It 00.: 5: 23.0 0:o

491 62.5 454 93.4

25 17.1 1 0.8 5 50.0 ft 1oo:o 77

00 E 3; 12.3 0.0

1964 89.0 1879 96.0

32 27.8 0 0.0

26 76.5 0 0.0

27 100.0

: 00 0:o

a: 3:::

2615 85.9 2549 96.5

34 17.4 1 0.7

11 64.7

2: 9:::

i 00 0:o 0

66 1:::

Visual Acuity ZU/JU- 20;50



20;100 0.

LU/ZUU or Worse 0.

435 8.3 104 2.3 168 54.2 128 66.0

4 7.8 12 57.1

1 15 422-i

1;: 65:2 68.1

331 50.8

76 2.8 40 1.5 20 35.1 11 73.3

: 6:'; 1 4:3 2 28.6 3 50.0 8 72.7

36 30.0

164 9.6 43 2.9 65 60.7 39 67.2

1 4z

i 0:o 4 40.0

:64 69.6 72.3

121 52.4

195 24.8

ii 4.3

56.8 78 64.5

2 20.0 8 61.5 0 0.0

119 65::;

1;: 65;:;

154 7.0 50 54 4::: 39 69.6

0 5 6;:: 0 5 5i.i

68'8 :: 69'6

104 41:8

281 9.2

1:: 2.0

58.5 89 64.5

4 23.5 53.8

: 4.8 10 40.0 19 63.3 79 67.5

227 56.5

93 1.8

32: 1E 29 14:9

4 7.8 3 14.3 0 0.0 7 20.0 a 17.4

:; 15.3 11.1

19 0.7 10 0.4

5 8.8 i 13.3

0 to" 0 0.0

; 28.6 33.3 i 7.5 9.1

32 1.9 a 0.5

11 10.3 a 13.8 3 12.5 2 40.0 0 0.0 22 20 aI7 0

6 12.8 24 10.4

42 5.3 3 0.6

15 10.3 19 15.7

1 10.0 ; 7.7

3 1::: 4 23.5

ia 17.1 39 13.0

35 1.6 7 0.4

12 10.4 9 16.1 3 8.8 ; 25 0:o 0

i % 7 15.2

28 11.2

58 1.9 14 0.5 19 20 1:::

: 5.9

0 El

: :63:: 18 15.4 44 10.9

143 2.7

2 1:-i 36 18:6

6 11.8 Fl 23.8

13 3;::

2; E 97 14.9

38 1.4

:i 1E 2 13:3

: 3::: 0 0.0 3 42.9

: 16.7 18.2 16 13.3

47 2.8

:62 1::: 11 19.0

3 12.5 A 20 0'0 0

: 21.7 40:o

7 14.9 31 13.4

58 7.4 8 1.6

23 15.8 23 19.0

: E 0 0:o 6 33.3 2 11.8

2 17.1 16.7

54 2.4

22 17 1::; 8 14.3 5 14.7 i 12 0:o 5

2 20.0 : 15.2 6.3

32 12.9

a9 2.9 24 0.9 28 14.4 28 20.3

: 30.8 5.9

0 11 4i.i

7 2313

:05 :;::

* Excludes eyes missing visual acuity.

468 Surv Ophthalmol 24 (suppl) May-June 1980 LEl8OWlTZ ET AL

Table 7.7 Disease by Visual Acuity in Better Eye of Persons

Disease in Either Eye Total


MtF Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only 330 & other Any of 4

2630* 100.0 2440 92.8 2210 100.0 2184 98.8

191 100.0 117 61.3 133 100.0 59 44.4

34 100.0 30 88.2 16 100.0 5 31.3 24 100.0 24 100.0 24 100.0 8 33.3 35 100.0 23 65.7

114 100.0 56 49.1 420 100.0 256 61.0

<65 Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD Ei other Any of 4

1382 100.0 1360 98.4 1301 100.0 1291 99.2

37 100.0 30 81.1 12 100.0 7 58.3 13 100.0 13 100.0

3 100.0 1 33.3 11 100.0 11 100.0

5 100.0 3 60.0 6 100.0 6 100.0

10 100.0 8 80.0 81 100.0 69 85.2

65-74 Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

853 100.0 698 100.0

66 100.0 45 100.0 16 100.0 4 100.0

10 100.0 8 100.0

18 100.0 37 100.0

155 100.0

.'I, i rota1 None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

395 100.0 211 100.0

88 100.0 76 100.0

5 100.0 9 100.0 3 100.0

11 100.0 11 100.0 67 100.0

184 100.0

Males Total None of 4 SC only SC & other OAG only OAG & other DR only DR & other SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

1107 100.0 943 100.0

73 100.0 41 100.0 23 100.0

5 100.0 13 100.0

9 100.0 13 100.0 34 100.0

164 100.0

Females Total 1523 100.0 None of 4 1267 100.0 SC only 118 100.0 SC & other 92 100.0 OAG only 11 100.0 OAG & other 11 100.0 DR only 11 100.0 DR & other 15 100.0 SMD only 22 100.0 SMD d other 80 100.0 Any of 4 256 100.0

Visual Acu1t.y dJ/JU- 20&o

/O/60- 2OjlOO


22 0.8 6 0.3

2 5.9 2 12.5 0 0.0 4 16.7 1 2.9 6


5 0.4 3 0.2

27 : 8:3 0 0.0 0 0.0

(Persons Screened)

Bett Than 2G30


0, 0. or Worse 0. b

789 92.5 688 98.6

38 57.6 27 60.0 14 87.5

1 25.0 10 100.0

3 37.5

:: 66.7 67.6

101 65.2

291 73.7 205 97.2

49 55.7 25 32.9

3 60.0 3 33.3 3 100.0 2 18.2

235 45.5 34.3

86 46.7

1046 94.5 931 98.7

50 68.5 22 53.7 21 91.3

20 0 1: 1oo:o

5 55.6 a 61.5

1:: 58.8 70.1

1394 91.5 1253 98.9

67 56.8 37 40.2

4” 81.8 36.4

11 100.0 3 20.0

:2 68.2 45.0

141 55.1

152 5.8 17 0.8 66 34.6 58 43.6

2 5.9 a 50.0

i 3;:: 9 25.7

47 41.2 135 32.1

16 7 A::

i 13.5 33.3

0 0.0 2 66.7 0 0.0

20.0 il 0.0 2 20.0 9 11.1

52 6.1 7

26 3;:: 14 31.1

1 6.3 25.0

:, 0.0

42 25.0 22.2

:: 29.7 29.0

84 21.3 3 1.4

:z 39.8 52.6

1 20.0 55.6

?I 0.0 6 54.5 5 45.5

if 50.7 44.0

47 4.2 a

19 260:: 16 39.0

i 0.0

60.0 0 0.0 3 33.3 4 30.8

:29 35.3 23.8

105 9 E

i: 39.8 45.7

2 18.2 5 45.5 0 0.0 6 40.0

22.7 3: 43.8 96 37.5

2 2.5

1 6.3

12.5 :, 0.0 0 0.0 4 2.6

12 3.0

6 7.9 20.0

; 0.0 0 0.0 2 18.2

10 5.4

9 0.8

1 11.1 0 0.0 1 2.9 7 4.3

13 0.9 4 0.3 1 0.8

7.6 ; 0.0

9.1 :, 0.0 3 20.0 1 4.5 5 6.3 9 3.5

16 3 4 7 0 1 0

: 5


1 0 1 0 0 0

00 0 0 1

7 2 1

i 0 0 2 2



: 5 0

:, 1

40 7


: 1

Fl 0 0 1 1 3




:, 3

i 10

0.6 0.1 2.1 5.3 0.0

E 12:5

5.7 4.4 3.1


2 0.0


0”:: 0.0 1.2

::t 1.5 4.4 0.0

i:: 25.0 11.1

2.7 3.2


&Z 0.0

11.1 0.0 9.1

El 3.8

0.5 0.2 1.4 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.7 2.9 1.8

0.7 0.1 2.5


3 20.0

4.5 5.0 3.9

* Excludes person missing VA; inclupes enucleated eyes as 20/200 or worse.


Table 7.8 Prevalence of Blindness in Eyes


Total No blindness Blind Blind with:

None of 4 SC SC only SC & other OAG OAG only OAG & other DR DR only DR & other SMD SMD only SMD & other Any of 4


.Total INo blindness 131ind 131ind with:

None of 4 SC SC only SC & other OAG OAG only OAG & other DR DR only DR & other SMD SMD only SMD & other Any of 4

Total (65 65-74 75+ Males <65 65-74 75+ Females (65 65-74 7%

5262 2764 1706 792 2214 1202 692 320 3048 1562 1014 472 5110 2725 1655 730 2154 1178 674 302 2956 1547 981 428

152 39 51 62 60 24 18 18 92 15 33 44

2: 45 36 11

6 5

13 0

:: 8


23 12 :i :: 10 12 23

i 11 4 23 5

: 3 2 3 3 : 6 0 0 0 : 1; 20 6

: : 2

16 31 ::

2 15

7 : 1; 17 6 5 6 E : z :

5 1 3 : 0

2 i 0 :

0 0 0 0

i 2 1 z 0 4

: 0 32 ;

: : 11 12

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.1 98.6 97.0 92.2 97.3 98.0 97.4 94.4 97.0 99.0 96.7 90.7

2.9 1.4 3.0 7.8 2.7 2.0 2.6 5.6 3.0 1.0 3.3 9.3

i:: 1.3 1.6 ::i 0.3 i:; 36 0.1 3:8

0.8 1.2 1.5 0":: 0.7 1.3 5.8

2: i:; 0:6 g-99

0.0 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.4

0.i 0.7 2.5 imY 0.3


0 0'4 3

1:8 :::

::: 2: 1.0 1.0 :*i 0.7 1:9

2: E 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3

i:: E i:: ::i

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 i::

E 0.4 0.1 1:3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.3 1.3 1.4 0.7 1.6 3.8

:; 28 28


: 11


:: 7


0.9 1.8 0.9

i:; 0.0


i*: 0:9

t: 2:1

(Eyes Screened)

8 13 : 16 7

3; 17

: 9 1 18 3 0 0 1

: : : 0


i 0

9 1: 1 4 2

: 2: ::

D 4 0.4 t: 0'5 0:4 2:o E

Table 7.9 Prevalence of Monocular and Binocular Blindness in Persons (Persons Screened)

Total <65 65-74 75+ Males <65 65-74 75+ Females <65 65-74 75+ Number

Total 2631 1382 Wo blindness 2495 1344 One blind eye 120 37

None of 4 48 23 With SC 59 10 With OAG With DR ; G With SMD 23 3 Any of 4

Two eyes blind :62 14

None of 4 ; With SC 1: 1 With OAG With DR With SMD Any of 4

1 0

: : 13 1

853 809

37 15 17





i 5

396 1107 342 1052

46 10 Ii 32 21

i ; :: 27 5

8 :


1 ;

: 0 2 7 3

601 578

22 15





; 0 0 1

346 330

14 4

: D 2

10 2 1

i 0 1 1

160 1524 144 1443

14 70 4 25 9 38

i : 2 18

10 45 2 11

; ;

i : 1 5 1 10

781 507 766 479

15 23 8 11 5 10

1 1 A

: 1: : 5

i 0 :

i ; 0 4

236 198

32 6


: 10 26



: 6

470 Surv Ophthalmol 24 (suppl) May-June 1980 LEIBOWITZ ET AL

Table 7.9 Prevalence of Monocular and Binocular Blindness in Persons (continued) (Persons Screened)

Total (65 65-74 75+ Males (65 65-74 75+ Females (65 65-74 75t Percent

Total No blindness One eye blind

None of 4 With SC With OAG With DR With SMD Any of 4

Two eyes blind None of 4 With SC With OAG With DR With SMD Any of 4

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.8 97.3 94.8 86.4

100.0 100.0 95.0 96.2

4.5 2.1 2: 1.9 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3

100.0 95.4

100.0 90.0

100.0 94.7

4.6 1.6

::2" 0.3 1.2

100.0 100.0 100.0 98.1 94.5 83.9

4.6 1.8 2.2 0.3

43 11 6 ::: 1:8 2:5

4.0 1.2

k9" 0.0

8.8 2.5

::: 0.0

::; 45 2:2 13.6 2.5 0.6 Es 97 0.1 0:4 0.1 0.0 1.7 0.3 1.2 4.2

0.3 0.9 2.7

i:; 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5

0.2 0.9 3.0 0.5 0.2 0.6 1.3 6.3 1.3

oo*: 0:o 0.0 0.6 0.6

1.0 2.6 9.1

El 0:l

0'2 08 0:4

E 1:8

2.4 1.2 2.9

o”-! 0:o

3.0 0.7


0.9 2.4 11.0 0.0 1.0 2.5 0.0 i:: 0.0 0.0 2.5

0.0 0"': 03 0'3

0.0 0.0 0.0

D:4 1:O 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.8 0.3 0.2

0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3

0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4

it: Ei 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.3 0.7 0.0 0.8 2.5

Table 7.10 Prevalence of Monocular and Binocular Blindness in Persons by Standard Age Classes -(Persons Screened)

55- 65- 75- 55- 65- 75- 64 74 84 Females 64 74 84

507 234 479 196

23 32 11 6 10 23

h .i 10

1: 26 5 6 1 0 3

: f 1

i i

100.0 100.0 94.5 83.8

4.5 13.7 2.2 2.6 2.0 9.8

04 i:: 1:7 1.2 4.3 2.4 11.1 1.0 2.6 0.2 0.0

26 Ki 0'4

0'4 i:: 1:3 0.8 2.6

55- 65- 75- 64 74 84

1249 1215

33 20


: 3

13 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

853 394 809 340

37 46 15 10 17 32

i 4 3

8 22 ::

7 8 2 1

3 i

: 1

; ;

100.0 97.3


E 0:2 0.2 0.2


K 0:D 0.0


100.0 100.0 94.8 86.3

4.3 11.7

2: 0:5

2; o:a

0.0 1.0

2: 0:8

E 2:D

0.2 0.3

El A-i i:: 0:3

0.6 :::

543 524

18 12

4 1 2 1 6


:, 0 0 1

100.0 96.5

2; 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.2

k: 0.0

ii*; 0:o 0.0 0.2

346 330

14 4 7 3 0 2

10 2 1

i 0 1 1

100.0 95.4


:*i D:9 0.0 0.6

i:: 0.3

E-Z 0:o



2496 2364

116 45 58



:: 3


: 7


100.0 94.7


:-i D:4 0.3

xi 0:6 0.1 0.4 0.0

i:: 0.5


1049 998

46 20 20

; 5



LE 0


100.0 95.1

4.4 1.9 1.9 0.6 0.2 0.5 2.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3


Total No blindness One eye blind

None of 4 With SC With OAG With DR With SMD Any of 4

T;v,p',; ilind

With SC With DAG With DR With SMD Any of 4


Total No blindness One eye blind

None of 4 With SC With DAG With DR With SMD Any of 4

Two eyes blind None of 4 With SC With DAG With DR With SMD Any of 4

160 144

14 4 9

t 2

10 2 1 1

i 1 1

100.0 90.0


:-ii 1:3 0.0

l:i 1.3 0.6


iE 0:6

1447 706 1366 691

70 15

:i 8 5

3 5 : 18 2

45 11 ; 1 0

Y i 3 0 5 0

10 0

100.0 100.0 94.4 97.9

4.8 ::,:

:*: 0:7

i:: 0.1 0.1 ::: 0.3

0.8 h:i 0.1 0.0

Z:! i::

i:: E 0.7 0.D


Table 7.11 Percentage Prevalence of Binocular Blindness in FES and in Statistics on Blindness (Kahn A Moorhead), by Cause and Age

65-74 75-84 FES K&A FE-5 K&t4

MtF All causes 0.821 0.322 2.030 0.722 Zataract 0.352 0.038 1.777 0.107 Diabetic retinal disease 0.234 0.027 0.254 0.027 Glaucoma 0.0 0.036 0.254 0.097

Males All causes 0.578 0.359 1.250 0.714 Cataract 0.0 0.041 0.625 0.102 Diabetic retinal disease 0.0 0.020 0.0 0.017 Glaucoma 0.0 0.043 0.0 0.104

Females All causes 0.986 0.294 2.564 0.726 Cataract 0.592 0.036 2.564 0.109 Diabetic retinal disease 0.394 0.032 0.427 0.034 Glaucoma 0.0 0.031 0.427 0.092

Table 7.12 Blind Eyes With No Study Diagnosis of SC, OAG. DR, SMO

Amblyopia 18 Enucleated Macular Degeneration not senile ii* SMD not meeting study criteria 2 Cataract not senile SC not meeting study criteria i Glaucoma not open angle Retinal pathology i Other pathology Unknown :

- Total 55

* One eye also had secondary cataract and glaucoma.

Table 7.13 Enucleated Eyes

Person Eye Age Sex Reason

: Right eye

:; Female Due to trauma at age 5

Right eye Male No statement

: Right eye 66 Male Due to trauma at age 13 Both eyes

2 Male Gunshot wound

i Left eye Female Secondary to cataract surgery Right eye 68 Female No statement

c3 Right eye 57 Male Due to trauma Left eye 80 Male No statement
