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Autumn’s SkyWritten by: Jordyn Johnson

Chapter 1“I can’t believe you’re leaving already,” Autumn sighed as her brother,

Joey, zipped up his suitcase. It was August, and his first semester of college was about to begin; the school he’d chosen was three hours away, and though it wasn’t easy, he decided to leave his little sister behind with their parents.

“I know,” he shook his head, “The summer went by faster than I planned, too, but you’ll be alright... It’s your senior year of high school; you’ll be so busy you won’t even notice I’m gone.”

“That’s highly unlikely,” she assured as he picked up his suitcase from the bed and duffel bag off the floor.

“Hey, it’s only a year, then you’ll join me on campus.” He stepped toward the bedroom door.

“Come on; you know you’re going to miss me, too.” She crossed her arms with a smile and he turned back to her.

“Well, maybe a little,” he admitted before he continued out toward the living room. She followed as he made his way across the house to the front door. He opened it to the lovely aroma of their mother’s lilac bush on the front lawn just beyond his faithful old truck. The green paint was a little rusted off up underneath but the truck was his pride and joy, which took second only to his baby sister. After slinging his bags into the bed, he opened his driver’s side door while Autumn stood against the truck waiting on his goodbye but dreading it. Suddenly, their parents came out of the house and swarmed the truck.

“We’re going to miss you, Son.” His dad shook his hand before he pulled the boy in for a hug that ended with a pat on the back. His mother embraced him and gave him a tearful kiss to the cheek as she let her baby boy go. Joey then turned to Autumn who sighed but forced a smile to wish him the best.

“It’ll be over before you know it...” he took her in his arms as he tried to smooth over the situation, “Take care of yourself.” She nodded unable to speak as she blinked back her own tears. Eventually, he let go and got into his truck with not another word. The engine roared, but before he put it in gear, he took a quick look in his rear view mirror. In it, he watched his mother wrap her arms around Autumn from behind. His sister waved goodbye to him before he looked away and drove off.

Autumn let out a breath as her mother gently stroked her hair. “Come on,” she invited, “Let’s order a pizza and call it a night, huh?” Her mother led her inside as her father stood there watching his son disappear over the next hill.………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Her life seemed to move in slow motion as the days progressed, but soon her first day of school was upon her. “I’m going for a run during lunch,” her best friend Lydia said as they stood by their lockers. “You can join me if

you’d like... I want to stay in shape for this year’s track; it’s our last year, and I want to finally get a medal.”

“Sounds good,” Autumn smiled, “I could use a run.”“Cool… So how’s Joey doing on his own?”“Well, he called yesterday to check on us all and he seems to be

enjoying himself; he’s made buddies with his roommates already, and there’s a bike shop within walking distance-”

“Oh, so he’s good,” she laughed, “He’s always loved motorcycles.”“Remember that summer he won racing that one he built at home?”“It was really impressive,” she nodded, “He’s going to be an engineer

right?”“Yeah,” she smiled with pride as they began to head toward class,

“He’s been set on it since junior high; I’ve never known anyone to be that focused.”

“Well, Autumn, it runs in the family; your track record is one everybody still tries to beat.”

“Well, thanks, but I just run; it’s second nature,” she shrugged, “I do enjoy it, though.”

“Yeah, I know you do,” she smiled, “There’s that, then there’s Tommy Cooper.”

“Running with Tommy is nice,” she smiled before both girls snickered, “It’s definitely a perk.”

“I heard he’s joining basketball this year...”“Really?”“He and Aaron are inseparable. What are the odds of the two hottest

guys in school being best friends?” The girls laughed together before they made it to the classroom and took their seats.

“So speaking of guys,” Autumn turned to Lydia, “Have you asked Mike out yet?”

“No...” she shied away, “Kind of hoping he asks me...”“Do you want me to talk to him?”“No!” she laughed, “I’ll do it.”“Uh, huh, like you did with Steven?”“How was I supposed to know he was moving away?”“Fine, I’ll give you that one,” she joked, “But if you don’t talk to Mike

by Friday, I’m talking to him for you.”“You wouldn’t,” she glared playfully.“Is there an instance in our past that leads you to believe I wouldn’t?”Her friend thought a moment, “No, but please let me do this.”“You have until Friday,” Autumn shrugged making Lydia smile with an

eye roll as the teacher came into the room.“Alright, Class, if you would all take your seats, we can get started,”

Mr. Matherson said as he made his way to his desk. “Now, I know it’s the first day of school, but we are all seniors here and we have a lot of ground to cover before this year is over so unfortunately we have to get started today.” A collective groan and a few sighs of disappointment erupted from the class.

“I know, I know, but the new curriculum guidelines say ninety percent of class time must be used up by teaching... Not my rules but Principal Connors; if you have any issues take it up with him. Don’t shoot the messenger.” He put his hands up making Autumn smile and a few of her classmates giggle. “Alright, let’s turn to page ten where the text begins... Macroeconomics...”……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Three class periods later, it was lunch time, and since the seniors get an hour, Lydia and Autumn decided to run on the school track for half of it before they came in to eat.

“It’s cold enough out here,” Lydia remarked as her breath crystallized in front of her. Autumn laced up her shoes with a chill before she pulled on her jacket.

“I thought it was still summer,” Autumn shook her head, “Last week it was eighty degrees.”

“It’s just because it rained yesterday,” Lydia explained before she reached down to touch her toes.

“Probably,” Autumn pulled her foot up behind her and breathed through the stretch. “We should do this every day until track season; maybe we will finally beat East Jackson and make it to state finals.”

“That’d be a great senior year!” Lydia smiled, “I bet I can out distance you.”

“You know you aren’t faster?” she joked.“You may be fast, but I have endurance,” she prided herself, “Come

on.” The two started at a brisk walk, worked into a jog, then a run. Autumn built speed and by the time she made her first lap, her friend was a good distance behind. The smell of the brisk breeze and the feeling of her own power was something that she loved more than anything. It helped her to clear her head and get her brother off her mind, but overall it reminded her that God was in control. She prayed the year would fly by and she would soon be sharing an apartment with her brother in Morton County; however, her prayer was interrupted when she heard someone coming up beside her. Expecting it to be Lydia, she turned to the runner with a smile, but was surprised to find a dark headed boy with baby blue eyes smiling back at her.

“I’ll race you to the line,” he challenged speeding up. Grateful to have a competitor, Autumn smiled and ran her heart out. He matched her step for step, but at the very end she gave it her all and crossed the line first. “Ah, man,” he laughed and he slowed to a stop. She slowed down and went back to him. “I always wondered if I could outrun you,” he breathed hard with his hands on his knees.

“Did you get tired of basketball, Aaron?”“Never,” he assured, “I’m just trying to stay in shape is all... You’re an

incredible runner, Autumn.”“Thank you,” she smiled catching her breath, “You’re not bad yourself;

you nearly had me.”

“Maybe tomorrow I’ll win,” he proposed, “But do you care if I train with you?”

“Sure, whatever,” she shrugged invitingly. They began their jog around the track together, “, how are you?”

“I’m good,” he smiled looking over to her, “You?”“I’m trying to get into the swing of things,” she said, “But its going

better...”“That’s good,” he nodded, “Joey Hanson is your brother, right?”“Yeah do you know him?”“He used to date my sister, Jessica-”“Jessica Bradford, yeah I remember that now.”“How’s he doing?”“He just left for college a couple weeks ago; he’s studying

engineering.”“Good for him; she’s at MCU studying cosmetology.”“Cool,” she smiled, “Do you miss her?” He looked to her then looked

back ahead of them.“I guess... Do you miss him?”“Like you wouldn’t believe,” she told him, “He and I are really close.”“I’m sorry... Where does he go to college?”“Crawford Community College for now then in a year he’ll transfer to

MCU.”“Why not just a straight shot to MCU?”“Well, Crawford is three hours away, but MCU is five; he wanted to be

closer to me in case I needed him or something... We’re going to MCU together next fall.”

“Awesome... I’m off to Jagerton University on a full ride scholarship after this year.”

“So good they picked you a year early,” she smiled, “Pretty impressive...”

“Some think so,” he chuckled.“Some? Please, girls fall all over you, and people already ask you to

sign their notebooks... everyone knows you’re going to be great.”“Well, thanks,” he smiled proud of himself, “I’m just excited Tommy’s

playing with me this year.”“I bet,” she smiled, “He’s not still running track is he?”“Nah, he wouldn’t have time for track and basketball since we have

the same practice hours... I guess that’s not good for you.”“Not at all,” she sighed, “He’s one of our best runners, though he

never enjoyed it.”“His dad was a big track star... He wanted the same for Tommy, but

he’d rather shoot hoops. His father finally gave in this year.”“I bet he’s mad,” Autumn looked to him.“A little,” he chuckled, “I honestly, wish my dad would take it that

well...”“What do you mean?”

“Well...” he sighed, “Since I was five, my dad’s trained and taught me how to make every play and shot there is…”

“But?”“But I don’t enjoy it... at all. I honestly would love to take a year off

after high school, but I can’t... Why am I telling you this?”“I don’t know,” Autumn giggled, “But its ok.”“You can’t tell anybody.”“Why would I risk your entire reputation?”“I don’t know... but don’t, please.”“I won’t, but if you hate basketball so much, why are you training for

it? Why don’t you just quit and do your own thing?”“And upset the world to make myself happy, please,” he shook his

head, “I’m not up for the drama.”“Well, I can’t believe you’d settle for a life that’s mapped out for you...

Aaron, that’s not right.”“Yeah, well, after thirteen years of my dad’s hopes so high, I’m not

about to kick the stool out from under him... It’ll be over after college.”“I doubt it; as good as you are, I can see the NBA... This could be a

lifetime nightmare for you, when will it end?”He was quiet a moment as he thought, but ultimately he shook his

head, “I can’t disappoint my dad... One more lap and I’m heading in. When we cross the line this time, I want a race, and don’t you dare hold out on me, Autumn Hanson.” They shared a competitive smile.

“If that’s what you want,” she shrugged.“I’ll leave you in the dust.”“Ha, you’ll have to catch up to eat my dust.” Their feet crossed the line

and the race was on. The athletes were pretty evenly matched and stayed side by side. However, in the back stretch, Autumn underestimated his ability as he gave it his all. She tried to make up the ground, but he beat her over the line by a single step.

“Ha! Oh my gosh, I won!” he laughed as he slowed to jog beside her.“I’ll get you tomorrow,” she warned with a smile.“I look forward to it,” he told her before he jogged away.With a smile, she scanned the track looking for her friend Lydia, but

realized she and Aaron hadn’t passed her at all. Deciding this was her last round, she slowed to a walk to finish it out. When Lydia finally came into view, she was on the bleachers talking to Mike. Autumn smiled proud of her friend and hoped for the best. Her heart rate came down as she continued to walk when Lydia came over to her.

“Hey!” she smiled happily.“Hey,” Autumn nearly laughed, “So, how’d it go?”“Well, we’re about to go eat lunch together... do you want to tag

along?”“No,” she laughed, “You two have fun; I’m just gonna run it out.”“You’re not going to eat?”“I’m not really hungry,” she shrugged, “Now, go!”

“Ok,” Lydia smiled, “I love you!”“You too,” Autumn returned the smile as Lydia left. Once more,

Autumn quickened her pace...…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Day in and day out, Aaron would run with Autumn, and soon their friendship began to be one that both treasured. Soon, Tommy joined them and the three of them grew closer while Lydia would take her lunch break getting to know Mike.

“Aaron,” Tommy got his attention as he left the school making his way toward the track. Aaron looked up from tying his shoe as Autumn stretched to her toes. “Aaron, Brooke is waiting for you in the cafeteria; she mentioned something about her birthday...”

“Oh my gosh, I totally forgot,” his eyes were wide as he looked to Autumn, “Um, I’m sorry but-”

“No, it’s all good,” she smiled, “You don’t want to let her down on her birthday.”

“She’d never let me forget it,” he was sure.“How old is she now?”“She’s seventeen today…We’ve been together since she was just

thirteen.”“Wow,” she smiled, “That’s sweet.”“Ah,” he waved it off, “But I better go; I’m taking her out for lunch.“Well, have fun,” she hoped as she pulled her leg up behind her for a

stretch, “Is Tommy going too?”“Nah just me and her,” he started to walk off, “I’ll catch you

tomorrow.”“Don’t count on it,” she teased making him smile as he left.“Hey, Autumn,” Tommy finally made it over, “How are you today?” The

gentle breeze blew his sandy hair.“I’m good,” she smiled, “You?”“I’m hanging in there,” he nodded, “Economics is going to be the death

of me.”“It’s not that bad; Mr. Matherson is my favorite teacher.”“Well, he’s not real fond of me,” he told her.“Now, why would you believe that?”“It’s not believe; I know. He caught me sneaking answers from Aaron’s

paper, and since he can’t stand the sight of me.”“I couldn’t see you cheating, Tommy Cooper; why’d you do it?”“I don’t know,” he sighed, “But I don’t anymore.”“We’ve only been in school a month,” she laughed.“I had Mr. Matherson last year for electoral psychology class.”“Psychology?”“Yes, I want to be a therapist someday, and I thought I’d get some

classes out of the way early... I dragged Aaron with me,” he laughed.“He’s a good friend.”

“Yeah...” he agreed as they started out onto the track. “Hey, can I ask your opinion of something?”

“Sure.”“Ok, well, I really like this girl-”“You have my interest,” she turned to look at him.“She’s a good friend of mine,” he smiled, “But the problem is, she’s

really close to another friend of mine.”“How close?” Autumn’s heart wanted to leap.“Really close,” he nodded.“Does she like you, too?”“I think so...”“You don’t know until you ask.”“Well, that’s the thing; I don’t know if I should.”“Why not?”“Well... she’s Aaron’s sister.”“Oh...” she was a little disappointed.“Oh my gosh, you thought I meant you,” he realized, “I’m so sorry

Autumn-”“No, no it’s cool; just totally didn’t expect the whole sister thing, but

um... I don’t like you like that anyway-”“Autumn,” he shot her a look, “We’ve been running track together for

two years... I’m not blind.”“So... you just don’t like me?”“It’s not that I don’t like you; you’re a great friend, but I just couldn’t

see us being more...”“Ok, I can live with that,” she nodded, “Can I still crush on you?”

Jokingly, she laughed as he shook his head.“It’s totally up to you, but just know it’s not going anywhere,” he“A girl can dream.”“So…are we cool?”“Yeah, we’re cool,” Autumn smiled, “Anyway, back to Jessica Bradford

who is away at MCU...”“She’s been texting and calling me daily,” he smiled, “I liked her when

she was here, but now that we talk... I think I love her.”“Aww…so what’s the problem?”“She’s Aaron’s sister.”“And?”“Well... I’m his best friend.”“The guy he trusts most in the world with the girl he cares for the

most... I think he’ll be happy for you.”“No, here’s how it’ll go down; he’ll find out, then he’ll kill me, then he’ll

bring me back only to kill me again.” She laughed at his worriment.“Oh stop,” she shook her head, “Why don’t you just ask him first?”“What if he says no?”

“Well, then you could choose to be the noble friend and walk way or the romantic lover who does it anyway though you lose your best friend…It’s a sticky situation.”

“I know, but I can’t help how I feel for her; I think she may be the one.”“Like, the one?”“Yeah,” he smiled his soft brown eyes glowing, “She just seems so

perfect for me, you know?”“That’s sweet,” she smiled, “Just talk with Aaron first...”“Yeah... thanks, Autumn,” he smiled to her, “So do you have a

boyfriend?”“I don’t actually... not that I’m looking or anything,” she shrugged,

“Senior year will be stressful enough.”“Yeah, I hear you,” he nodded, “But to be honest, I think Aaron’s sweet

on you.”“What? No, he’s with Brooke, and he’s way out of my league.”“Out of your league? Autumn, you’re beautiful,” he said of her auburn

hair, green eyes, and tan skin. “All he talks about lately is you.”“Really?” she blushed, “And thanks by the way.”“It’s true... I’ve known him since fourth grade, and Aaron has a thing

for you.”“But Brooke-”“I don’t think he’ll leave Brook, but he’s definitely not overlooking

you.”“So where does that put me?”“Well, let’s just say reverse our situation pretty well sums it up,” he

snickered.“So, I can’t have you or your best friend,” she joked.“Sorry off limits,” he joked, acting as if he were too good. She playfully

shoved him with a laugh.………………………………………………………………………………………………………

That night, she was missing her brother so she called his dorm, but it yielded no answer. With a sigh, she laced up her shoes and decided to run her problems away since she had no one to talk to tonight; Lydia was on a date with Mike, and Autumn’s parents were working long hours and wouldn’t be back until nearly eight o’ clock. She ran for a couple hours and was on a back road all alone when the hum of a motor came up behind her. She thought nothing of it as she waited for the motorist to pass, but it never did. In fact, the motorcycle stopped behind her. Quickly she turned to the person as they turned off their bike and kicked out the kickstand.

“Autumn,” a familiar voice recognized her. He took off his silver helmet revealing his curly brown hair and a smile she’d known since she was twelve.

“Kaden,” she smiled, “It’s been forever.”“Yeah, it’s kind of weird not going over to your house,” he shrugged

before he added, “But Joey’s gone so...”“You’re welcome anytime you like,” she smiled, “You became almost

like family to us... we kind of miss you.”

“Yeah?” he raised an eyebrow.“Yeah,” she crossed her arms.“Sure is nice of you,” he smiled, “But what are you doing way out

here?”“Just uh... clearing my head.”“Well, it’s getting dark; you won’t make it back in time before the

sunsets... Would you like a ride?” he offered her the helmet.“Um... nah you know, I’ll be fine... probably should head back now

anyway...” she shrugged, “But thank you, though.”“I can’t let Joey’s baby sister walk home alone in the dark; he’ll kill

me,” he chuckled making her laugh, “Come on.” He tried to hand it to her once more but she graciously shook her head.

“I’m not a little girl... I’ll be alright,” she turned to walk home, “But thank you Kaden; it’s good to see you again.” She started to walk on when she heard the motorcycle start back up. Assuming he was heading on his way, she started her way homeward, but after a minute or so, she realized the hum of the motor never faded away nor did it pass her. She turned back to see Kaden was slowly following her. “Are you gonna follow me?” she wanted to laugh.

“Until you’re home,” he smiled. She shook her head and went toward him as he put his feet down to steady the bike. With a smile, he handed her the helmet to which she snatched it from him with a playful laugh. “I was just on my way to church, do you want to go? If not its fine, your house is on the way-”

“No, I’ll go; it sounds fun,” she snapped the straps under her chin and swung her leg over the bike. She wrapped her arms about his middle as he started to make it move ahead. He lifted his feet from the ground when they were moving fast enough, and Autumn held tight to her brother’s best friend.

They arrived at the little white church only a minute early. Parked cars were everywhere but with his bike it was no trouble finding a place to park. She took off the helmet as he put out the kickstand and shut it off.

“I forgot how fun those things are,” Autumn smiled.“Yeah,” he chuckled, “It’s still my baby.”“You and my brother always did have a crazy fascination with them,”

she remembered, “There was one summer you both worked on his bike for days...”

“That thing always gave him trouble... I was so glad when he got his new one.”

“Yeah, I remember,” Autumn nodded, “Sure has been weird without him lately...”

“I bet,” he stood up allowing the bike to stand on its own. “I’ve been missing him myself, but he told me to make the most of my senior year.”

“Yeah, me too,” she sighed, “Well, we’d better get in there; they’ll start without us.”

“Probably already have,” he chuckled, “Come on.” They made their way into the church for the Wednesday night services.

After an hour of singing His praises and hearing His Word, they were dismissed into the night. “Bye, Autumn,” a girl from school waved as she got into her SUV. Autumn waved to her as she and Kaden neared the bike once more.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked her.“Are you going to take me home this time?” she joked taking the

helmet off the seat.“Very funny,” he smiled sitting down. She quickly sat behind him and

wrapped her arms around him once again. Soon, they were off and headed back toward the Hanson house.

Finding that her parents were already home, Autumn got up quickly and took off the helmet handing it to him. “Thanks for the ride,” she smiled.

“Yeah, whatever,” he shrugged, “Tell them I said hi.”“Well... why don’t you come in for a minute; I’m sure they’d love to see

you.”“Ah, I’d better get home; Dad has a fit if I’m too late.”“Biker dude has a curfew,” she teased.“Nice,” he wanted to laugh.“Just a minute,” she pleaded, “They’ve been missing you.”“Fine, but only if you don’t tell anyone about the curfew,” he joked.“My lips are sealed,” she smiled as he turned off the bike and set up

the kickstand. They made their way into the house and upon the door closing behind them they heard Mrs. Hanson’s voice ring out.

“Ben, she’s home!”“Apparently, I’m not the only one with a curfew,” he smiled to her. Her

mother met them in the backroom with a hug for her daughter.“Mom, I’m fine,” she tried to tell her.“You didn’t leave a note or call... We had no idea where you were.”“I had my phone on me.”“We tried to call; it kept going to voicemail,” she put her hands on her

hips.“Autumn,” Kaden stole her attention, “We turned them off because we

were at church.”“Church?” her mother raised an eyebrow, “I guess it is Wednesday

isn’t it?” She sighed and began in a forgiving tone, “Just please leave a note next time.”

“Well, I was just going for a jog, and I planned to be back before you. However, I ran into Kaden and-”

“Kaden!” Mrs. Hanson just realized who the young man was standing there. She threw her arms around him like he was her long lost son. “Kaden, my boy!”

“Told you she missed you,” Autumn smiled to her brother’s friend who gave her a look behind her mother’s back.

“Of course I did! Now, come on,” she led him into the house, “You must stay for dinner.”

“Mrs. Hanson, I’d love to, but-”

“I’m not taking no for an answer,” she pulled him out a chair from the table across from her husband.

“Now, Maura, the boy might have something to do,” Mr. Hanson said as he sat down to his setting.

“Nonsense,” she waved her hand, “I’m calling his father; don’t want you in any trouble, now,” she smiled to him as she crossed the room to her phone.

“I guess I’m not the only one who knows about the curfew,” Autumn smirked to Kaden.

“If you tell anyone else, I’ll kill you,” he assured making her laugh. They all sat down to Mrs. Hanson’s barbecued chicken and mashed potatoes.

“Ben, bless the food please, Dear,” Maura asked of her husband after she came to sit down.

“Alright,” he accepted and waited for all to bow their heads, “Dear Lord, thank You for all this food and this wonderful family and the unexpected but very welcome guest. Please bless this food unto our bodies and help those who have not... We ask these things in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.” All looked up to each other and smiled before Mr. Hanson reached for the serving spoon handle only to be slapped on the wrist by his wife.

“Let Kaden go first; he’s the guest,” she reminded.“Right,” Ben took his hand back allowing Kaden to get his spoonful of

mashed potatoes while Mrs. Hanson divided out the chicken, first serving her anxious husband. “So uh... you two went to church tonight; what was it about?”

“David and Goliath, Sir,” Kaden answered passing the mashed potatoes on the Autumn at his right, “One of my favorite stories.”

“Why is that?” Autumn asked him as she took the spoon.“I’ve always been for the underdog; a young kid beating a giant that a

whole army couldn’t take down? That’s like one of the ultimate examples.”“Considering it was only a slingshot and a stone, it’s really impressive,”

Autumn agreed.“David didn’t only have a slingshot and a stone...” her dad objected.“I’m pretty sure he did, Ben,” Maura disagreed.“No, no he had God on his side, and even though it showed us all how

faithful David was, it’s also a reminder that with God we can all do great things...” Soon it was quiet as they dug into their supper.

“Mrs. Hanson, this chicken is incredible!” Kaden remarked taking another bite.

“Thank you,” she smiled as Autumn sipped at her milk.“So Kaden, you still work down at the bike shop?” Autumn asked him.“Yeah part time anyway, since school started back.”“They do know you’re only a high school student don’t they?” Mrs.

Hanson raised an eyebrow, “Do they know you’re not certified?”“The boss knows, but he says I do just as good if not better than the

guys who went to school for it. He says as soon as I get done at MCU he’s making me manager.”

“There you go,” Mr. Hanson smiled proud of him, “That’s great, Kaden; a promising future.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she smiled, “I’m still playing football this year if you all want to come out; our first game is Friday.”

“Well, I’ve got a meeting at five... I’ll have to catch the next one,” Ben told making Kaden nod in understanding.

“That’s the one I’m supposed to help with isn’t it?” Mrs. Hanson sighed. After her husband nodded, she turned to the boy, “I’m sorry.”

“Nah, it’s cool,” he shrugged.“I’ll go,” Autumn offered, “Lydia wants me to go so she will have

someone to talk to while Mike is playing.”“Cool,” he smiled to her, “Yeah Mike’s really flipping over her.”“Really?” she was excited for her friend, “She’s liked him forever.”“Seems to be going good so far,” he nodded, “But uh... I saw you

running with Aaron yesterday... what’s that about?”“He’s just trying to stay in shape for basketball season and me for

track... we’re just friends.” He nodded catching her parents looking to each other with suspicious smiles.

“What?” he asked them.“Nothing,” Mrs. Hanson looked back to her plate still smiling. They ate

the rest of their dinner before Kaden decided he’d better get on home. They invited him back whenever he wanted, and Autumn assured she’d see him Friday night.

When Kaden got home that night, he decided to call Joey to see how he was doing. He crossed his father’s trailer to where the phone was connected in the living room. As he made his way back to his room he dialed the number to his buddy’s dorm.

“Hello?” an unfamiliar voice answered.“Hey this is Kaden Black; I was wondering if I could talk to Joey

Hanson.”“Um... yeah let me get him.”“Thank you,” he said waiting for Joey to pick up.“Kaden?”“Joey!” he smiled, “How’s college?”“It’s alright I guess,” he laughed, “I didn’t expect to hear from you,

you’re not much of a talker.”“Well, I just got back from seeing your family; it didn’t feel right not to

call you...”“You went to the house?”“Well, I was dropping Autumn off, and -”“Why was Autumn with you?”Kaden sighed, “Ok, let me start over; I was coming home from football

practice when I saw Autumn jogging up the road. It was getting late so I asked her if she wanted a ride... We went to church, I took her home, and your mother held me hostage until after I ate dinner with them.”

Joey laughed, “That sounds like Mom. How’s Autumn?”

“She’s good, just missing you... She’s trying to stay in shape for track; she’s been running with Aaron Bradford and Tommy Cooper.”

“Why are those two with her?”“They claim basketball...”“Do you think they’re up to something?”“I don’t know for sure, but you know Aaron’s a lady’s man...” Kaden

reminded.“He’s been with Brooke Connors for years...”“There are girls she don’t know about,” he assured, “Autumn doesn’t

let anyone walk all over her anyway; she’ll be fine.”“I don’t know... I don’t like the thought of her around a guy like that...”“Yeah, but what can you do?” Kaden sat back in his desk chair with a

sigh, “She can handle herself, Joey; don’t worry about her.”“See this is the kind of stuff I should’ve stayed home for...” he sighed,

“I knew I should’ve waited the year to go to MCU.”“Joey, Autumn is fine, ok? Aaron is not going to do anything-”“I want you to watch her.”“What?”“Just watch over her for me, ok? Nothing can happen to her...”“But Joey-”“You know I wouldn’t ask this of you if it wasn’t important to me... You

are the only guy I trust around her. Autumn is everything to me.”“And if something happens to her on my watch, you’ll hate me

forever...”“No, I won’t, but I’ll feel better knowing you’re watching out for her...

Please, Kaden.” Kaden sighed and put his head in his hand thinking it over. “You don’t owe me anything so I understand if you don’t.”

“I know how important she is to you; I just don’t want to mess it up...”“Kaden, you’re my best friend, ok? I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t believe

you could do it... I wouldn’t blame you for anything, just knowing that you tried is enough for me.”

“Fine,” he sighed, “But if she starts to catch on-”“I want her to know.”“What?”“If she ever needs help, I can’t get to her fast enough being three

hours away; I want you to be the one she runs to...”“Well, you’re telling her; I’m not,” Kaden almost laughed.“Fine, I’ll call her tomorrow,” he shrugged, “Thank you.”“Yeah, sure.”“Well, how’s football going?”“It’s good... first game is Friday.”“Ah, man... I want to go so bad... Starts at six right?”“Always,” he reminded.“Well, if my last class doesn’t keep me late and I don’t have to work

the next morning, I’m gonna try to make it.”“Awesome,” Kaden smiled.

“Who are you playing?”“East Jackson... they look pretty good this year.”“Well good luck; maybe since Camden Barker isn’t playing defensive

line you guys might get the field goal,” he joked.“Yeah, so thankful he’s out this year,” Kaden agreed, “Kind of weird

not having you around though...”“Ah, you’ll get used to it, and come next year you’ll be wishing I’d

leave you alone.”“I’ll try to remember that,” Kaden laughed.“Oh hey, the pizza just got here; I’ll talk to you later, man.”“Pizza? It’s nearly midnight.”“College is awesome!” Joey laughed, “Bye, man!”“See you, Joe.”

Chapter 2

The band played loudly as the cheerleaders chanted and cheered in their hunter green uniforms as they waved white pompoms. The fans were on their feet yelling encouragement to their favorite players. The smell of pizza, nacho cheese, and hotdogs filled the stadium bleachers as Autumn made her way over to Lydia who waved her arms to her friend in all the excitement.

“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Autumn apologized.“Nah, it’s ok; you just missed kickoff,” Lydia shrugged, “Look, Mike is

number 05, do you see him?”“Yeah, he’s in the huddle,” she smiled, “You must be excited.”“I can’t wait to see him play!” she beamed, “Kaden is number-““Twelve. He has been since peewee football,” she remembered, “It’s

kind of his lucky number.”“I’ll say; he’s one of the best on the team. Last year, when Joey was

quarterback and Kaden was his blocker, no one touched your brother all season.”

“I remember,” she nodded, “Do you think he’ll get a scholarship?”“If he doesn’t, there’s something wrong with those scouts,” Lydia

chuckled, “Oh! They threw the ball to Mike!” Everyone got on their feet cheering on her boyfriend as he ran his heart out to the end zone. “Woo! Go, Baby, Go!” she screamed as Autumn laughed both at her friend and in pure joy of him scoring their first touchdown. She saw Kaden punch the air in victory on the field before he high-fived Mike when he came into the huddle.

“Klemmins High School Panthers have scored the first touchdown of the season!” the announcer declared making the crowd roar. In the midst of the commotion, Autumn heard a familiar voice.

“Kaden!” Joey yelled from the stands getting his friend’s attention. He held up three fingers making the senior smiled and went back into his huddle.

“Joey!” Autumn was beside herself as she made her way over to him, “Joey!”

“Hey!” he hugged her, “Watch this, watch this!” He anticipated what was to come as the huddle broke up and the boys made the play he suggested. As soon as the ball was hiked, Kaden showed no mercy on the man in front of him taking him down hard as the new quarterback, Brad, made his way through the mess. With Mike on his heels for protection, he zigzagged all the way down the field to the spot where he was to intercept the ball from the other team. However, one got past Mike and took Brad to the ground before he could get there. “They almost had it…Man, I miss those guys,” Joey sighed as he watched them scurry back into the huddle.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” his sister squealed.“I know; I didn’t know if I could swing it, but I did,” he smiled.“So what’s college like? Is it as cool as we pictured it?”

“No, it’s better; Autumn, we can go or do whatever, whenever we want! There’s so much freedom that it’s unreal! I had chocolate chip cookies for breakfast yesterday…” he made her laugh.

“I miss you,” she admitted.“You too… I kind of got used to you being attached to my hip,” he

joked making her playfully slap him.After a few more plays, Autumn decided to make a trip to the

concession stand for a drink. As she made her way through all the people, she saw many familiar faces among them.

“Hey, Autumn,” McKenzie smiled to her across the counter, “What can I get you?”

“Can I have a water, please?”“Certainly,” she nodded and got into the cooler.“Do you still have your chocolate chip cookies?”“I have two left,” she smiled, “Would you like one?”“I’ll have both if you don’t mind.”“I don’t mind,” she giggled, “That’ll be three dollars.” She went back to

get a sandwich bag to put her cookies in while Autumn dug the money out of her purse. They exchanged, and soon Autumn was on her way back to her seat; however, she’d grown too anxious for her cookie. McKenzie’s recipe was unsurpassed, and she took advantage of every time she made a batch. The sugary desert melted in her mouth as she walked on, that is until she heard a woman raise her voice. She turned to the parking lot to see Brooke coming unglued.

“I’m SORRY!” Aaron offered.“You’re sorry? How long has this been going on? Please tell me you

didn’t…”“I DIDN’T!”“Are you lying to me now? SEE? I don’t even know! I can’t believe

you’d throw away four years of being us… Aaron, it’s not like you!”“That’s what I’m trying to tell you; I was drunk.”“What were you doing drinking anyway? WHO ARE YOU?”“Brooke, come on-““You come one!” she roared, “She wasn’t the only one was she?”“No, I mean, yes… I mean… I’m so confused,” he grabbed his head.“Well, when you figure it out and get your head on straight, give me a

call, but until then,” she took his class ring off her finger, “I’m done, Aaron.”“Brooke, Baby, please,” he tried to beg her as she tearfully walked

away. “I love you!”“You should have thought of that before you ran off with Tiffany! Did

you ever even think about me?” she turned around.“I’m sorry,” he cried, “I can’t take it back… But I am sorry… I won’t

happen again.”“I want to believe you… But I don’t,” she again walked on.“Fine,” he gave up, “Just go…” He watched her leave and with a sigh,

he turned toward the game to find Autumn standing there with a single

cookie stretched out to him. He half smiled and walked over to her taking the cookie from her hand.

“I find chocolate helps me feel better,” she offered.“Thanks,” he took a bite, “I think I’m going to go on home…”“Are you sure?”“I don’t know… I think I just need to shoot some hoops or something…”“There’s an outside court across campus; I’ll shoot with you.”“But I saw Joey earlier-”“He’s home for the weekend; you need me right now.”“You’re a good friend, Autumn,” he smiled to her, “I’ve got a basketball

in the truck.” Silently, they crossed the parking lot to his navy blue, brand new truck and got the ball. She held it while he ate the cookie thinking to himself. “What I can’t figure out is who told her…”

“So you really did cheat?”“Yeah…” he sighed, “I don’t know what happened; one minute we

were just talking and the next thing I know we’re in the backseat.”“Were you drunk?”“It was like I was drunk…” he said making Autumn shake her head.“You expected her to stay when you lie like that?”“I know I’ve made mistakes, ok?”“Why did you do it?”He thought for a moment when they reached the asphalt, “You only

live once… It’s high school, Autumn; these relationships don’t mean a hill of beans.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way,” she crossed her arms, “But I happen to think these are some of the most important relationships we’ll have…”

“How’s that? After high school when you’re ready to settle down, you can have a job, a house, be able to support a woman-”

“Only to find out she only wanted you for your job, house and stability… Here we have none of that.”

“It’s not all unicorns and rainbows on this side either, ok? If you’re good at what you do, the woman only clings to you to be popular and have her own name. When you find out, you’re so hurt that you don’t care if you hurt her back… Then it’s one lie after another trying to keep together what’s already broken anyway. Finally, she finds out, and now you’re the bad guy because she dumped you for cheating though she never really loved you in the first place… Yeah, high school is great,” he said sarcastically before he shot the ball across the court.

“I’m sorry,” she told him trying to think of what to say, “It’s not always like that…”

“It is for me… Everybody thinks I’m the next big thing… I just want to find a girl who is half decent, not looking for a handout or to be popular… I want her to love me for me…” He dribbled the ball around aimlessly before he caught it in his hands. “Sorry, I don’t mean to-”

“It’s ok,” she smiled, “You need to talk… But you know no matter how bad she hurt you, it’s never ok to cheat.”

“Yeah I know… I felt awful the first time, but I let the pain she made me feel justify it, and after that, I just didn’t even think about it… I know it sounds horrible… Even I think it’s horrible. She had every right to leave…”

“Just try not to do it again, then you won’t have to regret it…”“Yeah…” he shot the ball effortlessly and made the basket. The ball

rolled away once it hit the ground, but he went over to pick it up. He bounced it to Autumn who caught it in her hands like a foreign object. “Shoot,” he encouraged. She shrugged and took aim for the basket but missed, hitting the backboard. It came back to her and Aaron came over with a smile, “You’ve got to use your shoulder,” he made the motion allowing her to observe, “And step into it; try again.” She shot it once more trying his suggestions, but she still missed. “Now you’re not aiming,” he laughed, “You have to put it all together, see?” He got the ball from the ground and made a beautiful jump shot.

“I think you like to show off,” she laughed.“Maybe a little,” he admitted making her smile. They shot the ball

around for awhile and she even got him laughing; she could tell he felt better.

Before they knew it, the football game had ended and fans began to leave the stadium and drive away in their cars.

“Well… I should probably get back to my brother; he won’t leave until he knows where I am.”

“Ok,” Aaron accepted, “Let me walk you to him.”“I don’t even know where he is… Besides, I can manage.”“People are going to be crazy in that parking lot; you shouldn’t go

alone, let me walk with you.”“Nah, it’s ok,” she dismissed, “I’ll see you Monday, Aaron.”“Alright well, goodnight, Autumn, and thank you…”“Yeah, no problem,” she smiled before walking on to find her brother.

She made it to him without incident and saw he was already talking to Kaden, a very sweaty tired Kaden.

“Hey, where’d you go?” Joey asked her when they saw her.“Well, I went to get my water, and I ran into a friend.”“You were gone for nearly two hours,” Joey worried.“Look, I ran into a friend who had a bad night so we talked and went

across campus to play some basketball to calm his nerves.” Kaden and Joey both looked to each other knowing it was Aaron she spoke of. “But anyway, who won?”

“We did,” Kaden breathed, “Donny kicked the field goal with only six seconds left on the clock.”

“Awesome, Congrats!” she smiled making him feel proud.“Well, I’m going to hit the showers,” he slapped Joey’s shoulder. “See

you later, man.”“Hey, um Ethan and Beau wanted me to hang out for an hour or so; do

you care to take Autumn with you to the after party?”“No, I can take her-”

“What?” Autumn burst in, “Joey, I’m not five, ok? I did drive the car.”“Mom let you take the car? Why?”“Because I’m eighteen… But Kaden, I appreciate the offer.”“Yeah no problem,” he shrugged and walked off, “I’ll meet you both

there.” Joey turned back to Autumn.“Who is the friend anyway?”“Joey, come on; do you really want to argue with me? I haven’t seen

you in over a month.”“I just care about you, ok?”“What happened to ‘It’s all cool’ Joey? You used to roll me down a hill

in a tractor tire!”“Autumn-““I already have a dad,” she breathed, “I just miss my brother.” She

hugged him with a forgiving smile.“I’ve asked Kaden to watch over you for me,” he admitted making her

jerk back from him.“You what?”“Look, I’m not close anymore so if you get into something that you

need help out of, I want you to call him. I asked him to look out for you; like a brother thing.”

“I already have a brother!” she let go of him, “What is with you?”“What?’“I don’t need a babysitter, ok? Just…Gah!” she walked away.“Autumn!” he called after her, but she ignored him, even when he

yelled the second time. She took out her phone and called up Lydia.“Hey what happened to you?” she answered the phone.“Where are you?”“I’m headed to the after party with Mike. Are you coming?”“Yeah I’ll be there in a minute,” she said and hung up the phone.When she got there, the party was barely started; pizza was on the

table, soft drinks were being poured, and the music was booming. However, no one seemed to be in the partying mood.

“Autumn,” Lydia came over to her, “We’re about to leave; there’s not much going on here.”

“Give me five minutes,” she said making her way toward the music table which consisted of a radio and a full album of CDs. She found some good party music and put it in, cranking it up. Next, she pulled Lydia with her onto the dance floor and started getting everyone to dance. It wasn’t long until the party was alive and hopping. When the football players arrived, the revved partygoers sparked the team’s excitement and had them thrilled over the win. “Kaden!” Autumn yelled to him from the crowd of dancers. “Come on!” she waved for him to join them, but he shook his head. She rolled her eyes and went back to jumping around with Lydia.

“Autumn, find a slow one,” her friend requested.“Alright, but let’s keep it going for awhile first, ok?”

“Ok,” she shrugged, “So I saw you walk off with Aaron…Is there anything I should know about?”

“Brooke broke up with him; she gave his ring back and everything…it was pretty bad,” she told, “I just wanted him to talk it out.”

“Did he?”“Yeah, that’s where I was the rest of the game.”“Oh… you think he’s sweet on you?” her eyes were playful.“Aaron? No, no we’re just friends.”“But if he asked?” she was curious.“Who’s gonna turn down Aaron Bradford?” she laughed when suddenly

Joey came up behind her.“You will,” he said sternly.“Um, no I won’t,” she crossed her arms.“He’s a jerk, Autumn; I don’t want you hanging out with him, much less

dating him.”“For one, you don’t know him, and for two, you don’t have the

authority over me… Seriously, what happened to you? You never were like this; we used to sneak out and steal the car just to do it, and now you act like you want me to padlock my room.”

“Nothing, Ok?” But the look on his face told a different story, “Just be careful, for me? Can you do that?”

“Yeah, ok,” she backed off, “Are you ok?”“I’m good,” he shrugged it off, “I’m going to get some pizza; it looked

good when I came in.” He left the girls looking at each other with raised eye brows.

“What do you think he’s upset over?” Lydia asked.“I don’t know, but I know Joey and he won’t talk until he’s good and

ready.”“So five beers?”“You got any?” she smiled jokingly.“Are you crazy? I don’t keep that stuff on me, but I’ve got a ten if

someone wants to go to the store.”“Nah, I’ll just let him talk when he’s ready.”“You know that’ll be never,” she warned.“Ah, I’ll leave him alone tonight; he’s trying to celebrate with Kaden.”“Yeah, alright,” she agreed, “But hey, how about that slow song?”“One more song first, then I will, I promise.”“Alright,” she smiled before Autumn made her way to the music table

again. Keeping the party pumping, she put in another fast, booming song and lined up a slow one for all the couples out there. She danced her way back into the sea of classmates but still tried to stay close to the table to switch out CDs.

“Kaden,” she caught him at the drink table, and again tried to wave him over with the same result. This time she went over to him, “Come on; it’s your party, you should dance.”

“I don’t dance,” he denied, “And nor will I start.”

“Oh, come on; you’ll enjoy yourself.”“No, I won’t.”“Trust me, just one.”“That’s how all bad things start; that’s what the snake said to Eve.”“You’re really comparing this to that?” she laughed making him smile,

“Just one song or even the rest of this one.”“Fine,” he caved. Autumn smiled as he followed her out toward the

crowd. “How do I do this?” he seemed scared to move.“Just find the beat and move to it,” she shrugged, “It’s easy, seriously.”

He watched her for a moment as she kept the rhythm of the song with the swing of her hips. “Come on,” she encouraged as he nervously took a step on his own. With her smile encouraging him, he started to loosen up and dance freely making her laugh with joy. “See? I told you you’d love it!” But the song didn’t last long and someone else switched it to the slow song she had set out. As soon as its sweet melody came across the airwaves, Kaden stopped dancing as everyone else paired up.

“I’m out,” he told her starting to walk away.“Oh come on, Kaden, you know you want to,” she teased as he waved

her off making her laugh.………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The weeks flew by and though Joey feared it, Aaron did not ask Autumn out. To the surprise of many, he tried his best to make it work with Brooke. Finding that he still loved her, he refused to let her go without a fight. However, the fight is only worthwhile if both believe it’ll work… Brooke’s lack of trust broke them up three more times before he decided he was done for good… His heart now broken, he turned to Tommy and Autumn for help and friendship, but there was one thing that Aaron never suspected of his best friend.

“Aaron, can we talk?” Tommy nervously began as they jogged with Autumn on lunch break.

“Ok, what’s up?”“Well, um…I have something to ask you that’s really important to me

that I have your approval first.”“What are you talking about?” he wanted to laugh.“Well… Aaron… I want to ask you if I can date Jessica.” Aaron stopped

running almost as soon as Tommy got the words out of his mouth.“What?”“She and I have been talking a lot, and we agreed to talk to you first

before we actually started dating…”“Everyone wants something; Brooke wanted popularity, Dad wants a

basketball star, teachers want a straight A student, and you, the one guy I thought only wanted to be my friend-”

“I do!”“You want my sister?”“It’s not like… She’s not just some girl to me, ok? I love her; I think she

might be the one.”

“Save it for the soap operas, Dude; all along you just wanted to be close to me to have my sister.”

“It’s not like that at all!” Tommy argued, “Get over yourself, Man! I do just want to be your friend; the whole thing with Jessica just started over the summer…”

“Just leave me alone,” he ran ahead of them.“Let me talk to him,” Autumn offered, “Just go on inside…”“Ok,” Tommy nodded feeling awful.“I’m sorry,” she offered him.“It’s not your fault,” he sighed, “But I’m dating her anyway.”“Good for you,” she smiled before he left the track. She turned her

attention to Aaron as she took off in a sprint to catch him. Calling to him, she asked him to stop and to her surprise, he did.

“Can you believe him?” he put his hands on his hips.“I know; it was rather bold, but it’s incredibly sweet.”“Oh gosh, he’s gotten to you, too? How is it sweet? Of all the girls in

the world, he chooses my sister?”“Look at it this way, your best friend is dating your sister.”“How’s that supposed to help?”“Of all the people you trust, he’s the one you trust the most, right?”“Yeah…”“Of all the people you want to protect in this world, she’s the one you

want to protect the most, right?”“I guess…”“So if your favorite guy wants to date your favorite girl, why don’t you

approve?”“Because it’s Tommy and Jessica… It’s weird.”“He’ll protect and love her like he ought to. If he has any respect for

you, he won’t hurt her.”“If he touches her, he’s dead,” he threatened.“Aaron, do you see what I’m saying?”“Yes… It’s just… Of all the people I’ve protected her from, I never

thought he’d be the one to steal her away.”“I think it’s rather noble of him to ask you first; he wants your blessing

because he values your friendship…”“Maybe you’re right,” he sighed, “After the whole Brooke thing, I’m a

little-““I know,” she smiled, “its ok. That’s what I’m here for.”“You know, you’re the one I can’t figure out; what do you gain by being

friends with me?”“Um a friend,” she smiled, “I enjoy your company…”“And you treat me like I’m normal and not some superstar like all the

other girls… You are the only one that’s not been star-struck by the sight of me.”

“You’re human too,” she shrugged.

“I think I’ve gone crazy,” he said putting his hand in his dark hair as his heart sped up, “But Autumn, will you be my girlfriend?”
