VIDYA SHAKTI NIYAS - creating jobs for local youthsPooja was good at studies and wanted to make big...


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AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

Formation of Vidya Shakti Niyas has been a blessing for many in the surrounding. For many women, who had none to look at, feel emancipated today, courtesy the interventions and support extended the VSN lady volunteers. The cases of malnutrition of children & young mothers has been completely resolved over these years as there are no more death being reported from our vicinity, on account of undernourishment. VSN has served the community as a Public Charitable Welfare Trust and has always strived in uplifting the lives of the weaker sections of society residing in the surroundings villages. Their welfare measures include issues on general health & wellbeing, nutrition, education, sports, social awareness, entrepreneurship, employability, female empowerment, mother & child care, art & culture among others. However, the most important contribution made by VSN is the jobs created by it in its various establishments. Around 80 workers make their living by working in the Jeet Fly Ash brick plant, which is a wholly owned unit of VSN. For the employees at Jeet Fly Ash, it is a home away from home as they have always been cared that way. This is the reason that despite their wage being restricted to government approved daily rate, they have not resorted to find an engagement elsewhere. For the brick plant management, their continued association augurs well, in terms of not losing out on experience. From a mere 45 employees in FY18, the number has more than doubled in the past 7-8 years, as the volunteers have been able to grow the business in manifold. Here, when the capacity was being increased, there was an opportunity for VSN to opt for complete mechanization of process to restrict the number of employment avenue and thus, become more cost competitive, in a business where the labour cost makes a huge difference. However, the VSN management decided to let the contractual workforce increase and in the process, has got 100 employees in its rolls (please see the graph given alongside)

Care has been taken to maximise the intake of employees from the D&T community, with particular preference to female employees, wherever possible. All possible care has been taken to provide an amiable working atmosphere, while catering to all welfare related provisions, including annual health checkup. VSN is all set for increasing its brick making capacity and will thus, will create further new opportunity for jobs. The bricks produced by Jeet Fly Ash Product are superior in strength, build and are widely utilized in various construction activities around the region. This has been possible due to the engagement of the contractual workforce, who have been associated with the brick unit for many years now.

VIDYA SHAKTI NIYAS - creating jobs for local youths



52 60 64 6418 20 20 20

88 8980 84



FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 (Dec)

Tribal Dalit % D&T



e SC/


Contractual workforce employed in Jeet Fly Ash Product

AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

Inequalities between men & women and discrimination against women have been an age-old social evil prevalent all over India and particularly in its villages where women, for ages, have been mere objects of use. The hamlets around Tata Sponge were no different until Vidya Shakti Niyas decided to make an assertive statement. An example of the metamorphosis brought in Panchananpur has become a major awakening for women in others villages too. Panchananpur village is located in Anseikala GP of Joda block in Keonjhar district of Odihsa, where more than 98% families belong to the scheduled tribe community. The villagers depend on mono-cropping, which depends upon the rainfall. More than 70% of the families work as daily wage earner in the nearby mining activities. With no other source of income and core source becoming scarce of late, a support was needed for them to supplement their income.

VSN could realise the plights & needs of women through their regular interactions and petitions being submitted to them for charity. And therefore, a sustainable source of income was necessary for these village women, ideally by leveraging their latent skills. In the search of mapping such skills with the regular needs, it was observed that, in some families, women members processed rice flakes manually and generated a moderate income. However, for want of sufficient market & scale of order, this was never encouraged at a commercial level. Realizing the potential and need for this nutritious supplement, members of VSN decided to turn this endeavor into a

commercial venture. The local women were motivated to form a group to scale up processing of rice flake powder. As an outcome of constant discussion and encouragement, “Maa Mangala SHG” was formed that comprised 10 ST women. Facilities were provided to begin the venture in a semi-mechanized manner. Support from VSN came in the form of seed capital, installation of machine, skill development and development of market.

Beginning at a small scale, the group now sells more than one thousand kg of rice-flake powder every month in the nearby markets & areas. By the end of 2015, not only the members got back their invested capital but could also disburse the earning from the business among themselves.

Buoyed by the success, the SHG purchased a new flour machine during early 2016, and as a result, they are now catering to the orders from the neighboring villages too.

Each member of the group has been making a decent earning from this venture now. Most importantly, their endeavor has earned them a respect in the village as they are now consulted by their menfolk on important matters. The needs of business has turned them into leaders in their own might, and a more responsible member of their families who are now regarded for their regular contribution to their families. In view of the acceptance received, these women members now also play active role in village cleanliness movement, school enrollment drive, complete immunization coverage, etc.

MAA MANGLA SHG AT PANCHANANPUR – earning livelihood, gaining respect……


Ms.Ruchi Narendran interacting with the members of Maa Mangla SHG The SHG members during their regular meet with VSN Trustee


AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

Sankarpur, a village situated in Chamakpur Gram-Panchayat of Joda block in Keonjhar district of Odisha, houses around 200 families, dominated by ~75% of D&T population. The village economy primarily depends on seasonal agriculture and almost half of the families earn their living through daily wages. However, return from both the sources of livelihood saw a diminishing trend of late, due to sporadic rainfall and closure of many mining activities in this mineral belt. The villagers and Tata Sponge held rounds of discussions to explore sustainable supplementary income sources. One such proposal was mooted by the “Jay Durga Yuvak Sangha” and “Maa Tarini Women SHG” – a group of 25 fervid villagers which comprise more than 75% people from D&T community. They took the mantle with the support of few opinion makers from Tribal communities and joined Tata Sponge to pave a new path of income generation in the region - to develop a mango orchard. It was decided that the villagers, in coordination with the Revenue Inspectorate office, will identify a dispute free community land for plantation of mango saplings. They had to bear the responsibility of nurturing & protection of plants, and the company agreed to provide the initial support for 3-4 years. Once the orchard would bear fruits after four years of plantation, the committee would take the responsibility of collection of fruits, marketing, maintaining the accounts and distribution of proceeds among the members. The agreement also required Tata Sponge to build the capabilities of the group for better upkeep of the saplings. During FY’15, the villagers with the support of Tehsil office identified a community land, where 1000 hybrid mango saplings were planted jointly by the villagers and Tata Sponge volunteers, under the technical guidance of district and sub-division Horticulture department, Govt. of Odisha. This initiative came up for acclamation from the then District Collector & Magistrate, Keonjhar, who personally visited the site and inspired his officials and local leaders to emulate

such projects elsewhere too, as these models addressed both livelihood and environmental needs. Encouraged by the overwhelming response from the villagers and their requests, the company planted another 1100 mango saplings at the adjoining plots in Sankarpur, thereby spending a total of Rs. 6.7 lakh on plantation, fencing and maintenance. Another Rs. 3.13 lakh was spent to make provision of a deep bore-well with arrangements of mechanised drawl of water for hosing the saplings. The water is also utilized for drinking purpose by the surrounding habitation. Thereafter, the company has been spending @ Rs.4 lakh per year, for the maintenance of these saplings and will continue doing so till FY19. A separate capability building program was conducted for the village committee, for self care of these saplings. To further the program, the company has decided to construct a pump house and also construct a multi purpose hall which can be used for meeting purpose, storage of mangoes, watch & ward, etc. There is a complete metamorphosis in Sankarpur as expectation is brewing with the growth of sapling into fine trees which will bear fruits in another year from now. The nurturers have already thought of a fitting name as the brand of its mangoes - “Sankarpally Aam”. In acknowledgement of the village committee’s resolve to nurture the environment through such plantation drive, the District Forest Division awarded this Committee with a salutation of “Prakriti Mitra” during 2016-17.

MANGO ORCHARD AT SANKARPUR – supplementary livelihood in a greener way



AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

It is often said that there are more sorrows than happiness in life, and if someone thinks deeply about and becomes upset, he will only time to worry. We should ignore the bitter truths of life and always keep searching for the refreshing moments of happiness. This philosophy became quite apparent with the life story of Pooja Das (a scheduled caste) , a scheduled caste girl from the vicinity for whom the life was always a challenge. She lost both her parents at a very young age, and was left orphan with 3 other siblings in the family. Pooja was good at studies and wanted to make big in her career. All her hopes were shattered with the passing away of her father and soon thereafter, her mother too left them for the heavenly abode. The pressure of managing the family was a bit too heavy on her elder brother, who could somehow get one of the sisters married off. The situations forced Pooja to discontinue her studies after Standard X and sit at home. It was at this point in life that she decided to support her brother in running the house. However, there were not many opportunities and on top of that, ensuring security of a girl was of paramount importance. Moreover, she was also not adept in any skill or could undergo any vocational training, for want of money. It was during such an imbroglio that Tata Sponge volunteers approached her to undergo a 3 months’ training program on behalf of Shahi Export Pvt Ltd (SEPL), assuring her of a career which could assuage her from her current predicament and will also provide a platform to her to resume her studies. As per the model, girls with a qualification of Std.X are shortlisted by the representatives of SEPL, after making the interested girls go through few rounds of screening. This is then followed by a 3 months training at SEPL’s centres at Bhubaneswar and Sundergarh in Odisha and upon successful completion, the girls are offered employment at their Centres

in Bangalore and Bhubaneswar. Besides, company provides joint hostel accommodation to these girls, post their placement, with day canteen facilities and other benefits as well. However, there is no such compulsion that the girls must join them and rather, they are free to start of their own too. The starting salary is anything between Rs.8,000-10,000 and can go further high, depending upon the candidate’s performance and potential. Depending upon the prospects of the candidate, she can even expect faster promotion, which was the case with Pooja, who is currently a Lead now, for her batch at Bangalore. When contacted last, this is what Pooja had to say “I have got a new lease of life, reasons to smile and I am all to make the most of it. My ambitions have got new wings now”. Tata Sponge wishes Pooja the very best in her future endeavor and will stand by her in her strives.

Training centre at SEPL (above) and below : Pooja Das (in the centre) during one of her periodical tests at the Training Centre

INDUSTRIAL SEWING TRAINING PROGRAM – Harnessing girl power to earn with dignity



AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

Mr. Dhabaleswar Naik (a Tribal boy) of Deojhar G.P. was a bright student who had cleared his Class X examination in flying colours. However, much to his craving desire, he did not have the required wherewithal to pursue a technical

qualification. His mother, with her meagre income, was unable to support him. Unfortunately, he had lost his father some years ago. He scored very good marks in his Standard X examination, but the future was still bleak, with no one to help him financially for paving the road ahead. Going by his flair in education and his ardent desire to do well in life, the Principal of Deojhar High School approached VSN with a recommendation to consider supporting this child. During the very first interaction, VSN officials found a passion in Dhabaleswar which needed a platform to unleash. Accordingly, the Trust decided to fully support Dhabaleswar financially and he was encouraged to proceed with his future studies which had been broken. With this support from VSN for the next two consecutive years, he successfully completed his ITI in Electrical trade at Modern Institute of Technology, Balasore. Encouraged by his initial success, he again approached VSN to support him for pursuing a Diploma course in Electrical Engineering from Keonjhar which was instantly accepted and he went on to complete his Diploma in First Class. Thereafter, in order for him to seek an on-the job experience, Tata Sponge gave him an opportunity to undergo the one year paid training course in the company where he excelled not only in technical skills, but also evinced keen interest to learn other facets of maintenance. This included his exposure in safety

aspects, TPM philosophies (JH Circle), participation in various internal competitions and above all, curiously learn about various facets of plant & machinery. With referrals and his own efforts, Dhabaleswar was an easy pick by Jindal Steel in his very first interview with them, where he worked for a brief while. With the working experience gained from Jindal Steel, and having savoured the TATA culture through his training and interactions during the training period, he applied for a job at Tata Steel’s OMQ Division, Noamundi where he could succeed to secure a permanent job in the Maintenance Department. Dhabaleswar is today a happy & contented person and has hunger to provide the best of life to his mother, who always stood by him during his initial struggle. His missive to VSN (given below) speaks volume of his gratitude for the able help that he received from VSN, right in time.

With referrals and his own efforts, Dhabaleswar was an easy pick by Jindal Steel in his very first interview with them, where he worked for a brief while. With the working experience gained from Jindal Steel, and having savoured the TATA culture through his training and interactions during the training period, he applied for a job at Tata Steel’s OMQ Division, Noamundi where he could succeed to secure a

t j b i th M i t D t t

FINANCIAL & EMOTIONAL SUPPORT – for a few smiles more



AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

As per a research on brain development, the outcome supports the value of high quality preschool education programs for young children, as the study on early childhood education also establish clinching benefits. The research goes on to prove that children who have traditionally been at the risk of not doing well in school are affected more by the quality or lack of early childhood experiences than the other children, who were nourished & developed properly during their infancy & early childhood days. Backed by the KISS report and interactions with the Anganwadies, the company decided to start its endeavors from the pre-primary level, by kindling & honing the intellectual levels of the children through a special project - PRARAMBH got evolved as a model to meet with this objective of the company. It was also to supplement the noteworthy services being extended by Vidya Shakti Niyas (VSN) in the nearby villages, through the Anganwadi workers.

In the five surrounding gram panchayats, 67 Anganwadi centers are operational with 1792 preschool children, out of which 1326 belong to the scheduled tribe and scheduled caste communities, i.e. 74% of student strength.

After deliberation with the decision makers, VSN and Anganwadi aurhoties, Tata Sponge decided to adopt a two-pronged approach under Prarambh - construction of model Anganwadi which will offer multiple child-friendly features and facilitate a teaching environment which will have a joyful-simulative learning environment; and secondly, capability building of the Anganwadi workers to improve preschool education standards. In coordination with ICDS, training programs were organized for the Anganwadi workers and tested through regular follow-ups.

As its plans, Tata Sponge has already constructed ten model anganwadi centers, out of its commitment of eleven centres – the 11th one will be complete in March this year. These centers comprise a specious classroom,

office room, kitchen & store room, long verandah to take MDM (Mid-Day-Meal), toilets, water facility and compound wall (wherever necessary), etc. All the walls have been adorned with a number of child friendly paintings based on the preschool syllabus (BaLA Painting), to aid the teaching & learning processes. The project cost is approx.Rs.225 lakhs for construction & implementation of entire facilities at 67 AWCs.

The firewood earlier used in the kitchens of these Anganwadi Centres to cook MDM would smoke the entire year, which was also causing health concerns for the toddlers. Realizing this necessity, Tata Sponge has provided smokeless burners at all the 67 AWCs in these 5 GPs. See results on Prarambh in Figure 3Cii.16 – 18.

These model centers came up for high appreciation by the Authorities (Sub-Collector & Sub-Divisional Magistrate, District Social Welfare Officer, District Education Officer and many other academia). The models are being replicated elsewhere in the State which establishes its approval around the places. Meanwhile, the Anganwadis are reaping the benefits of these improvements – in terms of ensuring presence of higher number of students in the classes and delivery of better pre-primary standards, including a better health regime being followed for these kids (details can be shared during the site visit).


PRARAMBH – towards an overall development of tiny toddlers


AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

The baseline survey conducted in schools around Tata Sponge during July 2015 revealed concerning standards of the students in class VI & VII. While reinforcing its earlier practice of providing general & infrastructural support, scholarship, etc, Tata Sponge joined hands with AIFT & SSA to conduct a series of training programs for the teachers, various awareness campaigns in the schools and built a number of infrastructural facilities in the periphery schools to bring about a transformational shift in the space of education. “Project Guru Dikshya” first began with a comprehensive training of the teachers of 50 schools from the seven blocks of Keonjhar district, on Computer Aided Learning(CAL). Necessary hardware were provided to the 14 Non-CAL schools to foster an environment of collaborative learning by empowering teachers to use technology as a pedagogic tool, leading to better learning outcomes among students of under-resourced government schools. In the other 36 government run CAL schools, they were provided with the desktops, whereas Tata Sponge became the first in the state of Odisha to provide Laptops, projectors and ensured electricity connections in the 14 Non-CAL schools situated at its neighbouring 5 GPs. Apart from centralized training of teachers and reviews at Tata Sponge computer academy, on-the-job coaching and mentoring were provided regularly by

the trained cluster coordinators appointed by AIFT, with the support of Tata Sponge. The project began with some huge expectation and during the first year, marked improvement was observed in the academic performance of a section of students. However, during subsequent interactions with the targeted student groups and teachers, certain revealing facts came into light, which prevented meeting of the overall objective of this project : Most of the teachers employed in these government

schools (on which Tata Sponge had no control) were primarily not locals, but had been transferred from elsewhere in the State. This meant that they were not conversant with the local dialect “Ho”, which is a prerequisite in this part of the State to establish an effective conversation.

The general educational standard of the schools was not upto the mark. Most of the students had got promoted to the upper classes due the implementation of RTE policy, but their comprehension standards were not appropriate to their age. As a result, when exposed to a new approach of digital learning, they completely lacked the minimum qualification required to appreciate the same.

Learning from the facts above, the company has currently suspended the project and is rather on the verge of finalizing another invention with the help of Tata Steel, whereby remedial classes will be run in all the primary schools to improve the educational standards of the children there, for 2-3 years with the help of some local teachers (youths from the nearby villages) who will also expose them to the standard Odiya language. It is expected that in 2-3 years, they will not only gain fair knowledge to appreciate the CAL concept, but will also be able to effectively interact with the teachers appointed by government from elsewhere.


GURU DIKSHYA – introducing digital learning in village schools

EDUCATION – a “dare to fail” Project

AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

To elicit the interest of students & faculty members in schools & colleges situated in the district of Keonjhar, which are dominated by D&T students, and showcase

their propensity & talent in science, Tata

Sponge Leadership

decided to begin a

science exhibition in 2014 which is

held every year on 2nd November, to coincide with the inaugural day of our company. This is one of the several interventions undertaken by the company under its Educational endeavor. The initial plan was to reach out to 50 odd schools in the District, which required preparedness of a higher magnitude. Accordingly, a detailed action plan has been successfully implemented which delivers the following : Commitment of Senior Leadership, in terms of

release of resources (funds & volunteering time of employees), partaking in the 2 day event as an act of encouragement.

In a remote location like Bilaipada, outsourcing such events is cumbersome and expensive. Therefore, more than 200 volunteers (employees and their ward) spare their precious time to contribute to the various needs, for over a week.

Seek partnership of external agencies viz. Government, Media house and Society. Almost all the major newspapers in Odisha cover this event, which local government officials visit and encourage the students.

Facilitation provided to the participating Schools : Company provides grant to each school to aid them for development science models, travel and other sundry expenses. During their stay at Tata Sponge, the entire movement, food & accommodation are

arranged by the Company free of cost. Schools with max D&T students are given special preference.

Several rounds of competitive events and entertainment programs (mostly organized by the participating schools) help in maintaining the euphoria among the participating students during two days. A gamut of exciting gift hampers & trophies await the winners and make these programs very competitive.

The exhibition attracts schools from all over Keonjhar district & renowned schools from nearby Jharkhand. More than 50% of the children studying in these schools belong to the SC & ST categories.

Exhibition 2014No of Schools 36 Project 75 Students 218 Teachers 65

Exhibition 2015 No of Schools 68 Project 102 Boys 279 Teachers 102

Exhibition 2016 No of Schools 79 Project 116 Boys 328 Teachers 111

Exhibition 2017 No of Schools 80 Project 128 Boys 358 Teachers 126

SCIENCE EXHIBITION – introducing digital learning in village schools

EDUCATION – a “dare to fail” Project


AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

One of the nearby villages, Lahanda, has been divided into two parts by a railway track and National Highway. While the side closer to the highway is inhabited by families primarily belonging to general caste, the other side is occupied by the Tribal community, who suffer the stigma of being untouchable. Their children could not attend school as their parents found it unsafe for their children to purse education with the upper class students. To address the need of imparting education to such children while keeping the social stigma in mind, Tata Sponge initiated action through VSN to start a school for children above 3 years of age. The school named as ”BASANTI BIDYA PITHA” was started in the month of October 2009 in a club house with 26 ST children and two teachers hired from within the village. All required assistance for running the school was provided by VSN, including periodical visits by the volunteers to ensure sustenance of this endeavor. Within a short span, the school has gained momentum

& fame due to its academic performance. Today the school has three teachers and 162 students, inclusive of 11 children who have switched from other schools nearby; 90 per cent attendance; and 100 per cent pass results with all Class V students securing admission in nearby private and Government schools for the higher classes. Three of its students have even received state scholarships. After an inspection by government authorities, the school was recognized as a Model School as early as in 2011 and thereafter it was taken over by the state government. But VSN’s involvement with the school continues unabated, with its needs like the dining-cum-activity hall, the boundary wall, educational aids, organizing competitions and by providing nutritious supplements.

In another development, the State government has started a new branch of school under its scheme “Odisha Aadharsh Vidyalaya School” which is very close to the location of Basanti Bidya Peetha. Education of D&T children in these government schools is absolutely free, besides some of the grants being given to such children. This has led to some of the admissions from this region going to the new school. However, the school still caters to a large section of the society and continues to leave its marks in the sands of time, by reaffirming VSN’s resolve that the children should not be deprived of their basic rights to education, simply on the basis of caste.


68 74 81 74 77 74106

133153 160 158 162








FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

Boys Girls TotalStudent Strength (100% ST)

Numbers are likely to drop with the opening of a Govt School nearby for D&T, 3 years ago. All expenses are borne by the Government.

Lahanda Munda sahi Primary School – a success story drafted by VSN

BASANTI BIDYA PEETHA – Breaking the caste divide…….



AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

Education is a necessity for all section of people. Unfortunately, in-spite of several provisions of government towards universalisation of elementary education, large number of children are still out of school, majorly engaged into child labour. Residential Bridge Course (RBC) is a programme for ‘out of the school’ children under the “Thousand Schools Project” of Tata Steel. RBC aims to bridge the gap of learning that has developed among such children and gradually mainstream them in schools as per their age and Right to Education (RTE) norms. Children who have dropped schools or have never been to schools for varied reasons are brought to Residential Bridge Course centres to fill their education deficit and equip them with knowledge and skill to re-enter government schools.

In RBC the children get all opportunities to develop mentally as well as physically. Being residential, children are provided with all amenities within the campus. They learn to read and write in their pace going on to be mainstreamed into formal schooling. RBC provides space to children, their parents & the whole community to experience significance of education and need to bring ‘out of school’ children back to school as well.

The Case of Gura Naik (a Tribal Boy) Gura, a Tribal boy, was managing a living at his uncle’s small hut with his elder brother, two sisters, aunty and grandparents. Being a causal labour in one of the local companies, it was extremely difficult for Gura’s uncle to manage the daily living and taking care of six family members. And therefore, he was not in a position to afford any expenses on education or related, which left Gura wandering around the village, and would pick up odd jobs at times to earn some money. However, he was not very happy about life, when he would see children of his age going to school, properly dressed and on return, sharing the learning with him. It was a demoralizing effect on the young minds of this child. His despondency finally came to an end when the Aspire team spotted him and made his Uncle agree to spare to undergo a one-year residential programme at Tata Sponge premises. Upon arrival at the newly constructed Residential Bridge-course Center (RBC) of Tata Sponge, Gura’s first response was ‘BUGIN GE’ (feeling better), to her Aunt who accompanied him to drop at the center.

Despite being only 10 years of age, he outsmarts many seniors in curricular and many other co-curricular activities. Dreaming of going to a bigger school after a year from RBC, staffs of ASPIRE gave a very positive feedback about him. His elder sister Sankari is now hopeful that her will continue his education and will become

another respectable citizen of the society.

RESIDENTIAL BRIDGE SCHOOL – Breaking the caste divide…….



AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

Amidst various programs intended under Government’s “Swatch Bharat Abhiyan”, prominent is the construction of toilets in order to ensure sanitation facilities in rural areas, with the broader goal to eradicate the practice of open defecation. The KISS study revealed that many of the villages in the vicinity did not have toilet facilities and in fact, only 2% population in this region used toilets.

This study further identified the cause of absence of toilets not as poverty but the mindset and ignorance of the people towards water and sanitation aspects. These findings and a response to the call by the PM of India set the foundation stone for the formulation of “Swabhiman” project.

Swabhiman projects aims at covering the immediate five surrounding villages of Tata Sponge and reaching out over twelve hundred families, of which 87% belong to ST/ SC communities; and make them open defecation free(ODF) villages by 2020. The project model includes a household toilet, bathroom and community water supply facilities. To facilitate in this mega project, Tata Sponge has forged partnership with a credible NGO named Gram Vikas and District RWSS wing.

As developed under the project Jal Dhara, the “Jala O Parimala Samiti’ of respective villages have been given the additional responsibilities of maintaining these toilets. Each impacted family has contributed

Rs. 1000/- towards building corpus fund for future maintenance of the project.

Exposure visit and series of awareness camps are being organized for the villagers in order to bring about an attitudinal change towards health and sanitation.

Smt. Anjali Khuntia President of Kaliabeda “Jala O Parimala Samiti” had to say this, “this is our true Swabhiman” project, which ensures our safety and self-respect with the provision of toilet and bathroom for each women in the village. Moreover, through the Jal Dhara project, we could get water round the clock at our home.”

SWABHIMAN – bringing about a cultural change…….



Target: 1150 Toilets, Bathroom & Water facilities

by 2020

Implementation plans: 2016-17: 123 units 2017-18: 234 units 2018-19: 345 units 2019-20: 438 units

Project Cost : Rs.711 Lakh of which Tata Sponge will contribute Rs.251 Lakh

AA Application 2018

Leadership Strategy Employment Entrepreneurship Employability Education Essential Enablers

The areas around Tata Sponge’s location have been traditionally known for agriculture, while quite a few have now taken up jobs in the mining & other companies, as their sources of regular income. The populace majorly tribal, despite resorting to sources of gainful employment, they are still quite emotionally attached with their lands and its associated activities.

During the survey to ascertain the need based analysis of the surrounding area, it was revealed that the per capita income of the farmers was rather low. Some of the primary causes were as follows :

Traditional methods of cultivation Old implements Problems of soil Insufficient irrigation facilities Problems of pests & diseases Lack of high yielding seeds

Beginning FY15, VSN took the mantle of improving the agricultural output in some of the areas, on a trial basis and towards its implementation, did a brainstorming with all the concerned farmers and officers from District Agricultural office. To begin, VSN started its programs in a 5 acre area and then increase its spread to 20 acres. Based on the recommendations received, following supports are being provided by VSN :

Agricultural training to the farmers : From time to time, VSN has organized several training programes, with qualified & experienced District Agricultural Officers as the Resource Persons . Besides the usual training reference materials, these programs have also seen distribution of rice seeds and a few implements, which would have been a part of the course module, in order to implement the learning back in the farmland.

Rabi Crop farming : High Yielding seeds were distributed to the farmers and techniques of farming were explained by the agricultural officers so as to ensure higher per capita production.

Multi Cropping and vegetable farming : Farmers are now aware of the season when vegetables provide better income and the techniques to increase the produce. Assistance, as appropriate, is also being provided to market their product as fair price.

Distribution of agricultural implements and fertilizers : Under this program, VSN has distributed modern ploughs, winnowing machine, submersible water pump, high quality fertilisers.

2017-18 (up to Dec.’17) SC/ST OTH TOTAL Amount

spent Distribution of Iron plough 46 12 58 Circa

Rs.1.5 lakh

Donated water pump 30 03 33 Distribution of seeds 10 00 10

While the exact impact of these programmes have not been worked out on monetary terms, the beneficiary group claim that they have been able to double their income, and therefore, are a happy lot!   




74 55



3 3




FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18(Dec)

Total farmers D&T farmers No. of trg

Farmers Training conducted by VSN

SABUJ SWAPNA – the green revolution…….

