Vic’s Views…. Mission and Ministry First!€¦ · prayer for being burned out, prayer for...


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November 2018 Monthly Publication

Vic’s Views….

Mission and Ministry


We are in the process of streamlining our

administrative structure to a Guide Team

model. This model combines the work of

Trustees, Staff Parish, Finance, Lay Leader-

ship and Church Council into one working

body with three internal focus groups called

triads. One triad will focus on personnel, an-

other triad will focus on finance and the third

triad will focus on property issues.

The 1996 General Conference of the Unit-

ed Methodist Church made provision for a

simplified structure in paragraphs 244.2 and

247.2 of the Book of Discipline in order to

release people from committee work and free

them up for gifted, passionate, Spirit-led

ministry in the community. We, as a church,

are on our way to making this more of a real-

ity than ever before.

In August of this year, nominations from

the congregation where received of people

who have demonstrated gifts and graces in

these particular areas of work. Since

then, those lists have been narrowed down

and selected by our Lay Leadership Team

and approved by our Church Council and

Charge Conference.

The Guide Team will begin their work in

earnest in January, 2019, but we are already

meeting to understand our new role and

build a covenant together under which to do

our work.

Please know that the decision to go this

direction is NOT just to reduce the number

of meetings our administrative structure re-

quires. It DOES do that, but the greater goal

in going with a Guide Team model is to

make ministry more effective and the offer-

ing of Jesus Christ to our community more

of a focal point of what we do as a church.

In his book, “Renovate or Die, 10 Ways

to Focus your Church on Mission,” Bob

Farr writes, “One of the key strategies to

(church) growth is a simplified structure, a

unified structure, a structure that keeps the

church focused on its mission and points the

(continued on page 2)



(continued from page 1)

church in a direction with purpose and ac-

countability.” Farr goes on to say if we are

to live out the mission to “Make disciples

of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the

world,” we have to release people from

their obligations to sit in committee meet-

ings and, instead, give them opportunities

to be in ministry.

The designing of our Path of Disciple-

ship that our Discipleship team has been

working on coincides with this administra-

tive renovation so that new and longer

time members alike can discern and discov-

er their place of ministry. Our focus is shift-

ing to ministry and mission and away from

committee work.


have lived into that calling faithfully and

beautifully over the many years of our ex-

istence but this recent move to a simplified

structure helps to ensure a continued focus

on ministry rather than meetings for many

years to come!

I want to thank the new Guide Team that

is taking on this new roll! Please be in

prayer for each of them as we learn togeth-

er what it means to put mission and minis-

try first.


Senior Pastor

Vic Willis

Associate Pastor

Perri Martin

Business Manager

Beth Harrison

Lay Leader

Stan Cooper

Property Triad

Doug Alexander

Mary Lathrope

Leo Pfliger

Personnel Triad

Lee Perron

Greg Sabo

Carole Storch

Finance Triad

Pam Heady

Jim Manser

Jim Stetler

Your Are Loved!

Pastor Vic Willis





At the end of September, a small group of

our church leadership and staff went to the

New Room Conference in Brentwood, TN.

This is an unapologetic Wesleyan confer-

ence. This means not just United Methodists

attend it. Instead any denomination that has

roots from the ministry of the Wesley Broth-

ers (African Episcopal Methodist, Free Meth-

odist, Salvation Army, and Wesleyan just to

name a few) This was my second time going

to this conference, and I wanted to make sure

our staff came with me this year and also,

someone from our New Room Bands. To say

it was amazing is an understatement. It was a

holy sacred time!

Our ministry staff has a continuing educa-

tion budget line where we go and learn more

about our vocation and calling and how to

serve best. We attend countless conferences

to learn good ministry practices and how to

reach new people. However, this conference

is different. Though this conference sells lots

of study materials to bring back to teach with

from their publisher Seedbed, and there are a

few sessions on programs you can imple-

ment, the majority of the conference is about

personal self-care of our faith. This confer-

ence is about experiencing “A Great Awak-

ening” in our generations and how it starts in

each of the lives of the leaders of the church

deeply desiring to seek Christ through the

power of the Holy Spirit. The speakers were

convicting and powerful. After each speaker

there was a time for prayer: prayer of repent-

ance and confession, prayer for healing,

prayer for being burned out, prayer for minis-

try and prayer for revival in their souls. You

name it, this conference is covered in prayer.

There was also time for prayer with those around

us and our team. We were really touched by the

power of the Holy Spirit and feel challenged,

empowered and filled for the ministry we are

serving in. Pastor Vic said this conference will

be a staple for his future years in ministry. I feel

the same way.

Last year when I left New Room, I was given

this creed that the conference put together. I

want to share it with you. I pray this everyday as

a sit down at my desk. I invite you to pray it with

me and see how God moves in our lives and

brings a great awakening in our lifetime! Isn’t

that our prayer that our nation and community

would turn to Jesus as Lord and Savior of their

lives? Let it begin in us through prayer!

The Sower’s Creed

Today, I sow for a great awakening.

Today, I stake everything on the promise of the

Word of God. I depend entirely on the power of

the Holy Spirit. I have the same mind in me

that was in Christ Jesus. Because Jesus is good

news and Jesus is in me, I am good news.

Today, I will sow the extravagance of the gospel

everywhere I go and into everyone I meet.

Today, I will love others as Jesus has loved me.

Today, I will remember that the tiniest seeds

become the tallest trees; that the seeds of today

become the shade of tomorrow; that the faith of

right now becomes the future of the everlasting


Today, I sow for a great awakening.

Lord, let revival begin in us!

Pastor Perri


At Home

Fran Altman

Jimmy & Rhoda Clovis

Joe & Ethel Croce

Dick Davis

Audrey Grant

Joan Griffin

Howard & Nan Jackson

Jean Kushall

Deborah Larsen

Geri Meneely

Roger & Barb Molendyke

Jackie Morton

Damon & Ruth Runyon

Adele Stewart

Mary Thompson

Matt White

Matt & Helen Williams

Virginia Wilson

Bay Breeze

Dorothea “Dodie” Fleming

Brookdale Palmer Ranch

Vivian Slimak

Live Oak Manor

Shirleen Gallagher

Magnolia Acres

Gayle Davis

Manor Care

Mel Herman

North Port Pines

Janice Reynolds


Geri Demmin

Quality Health Care Center

Dorothy Burton

Sunset Lakes Village

Al King

Vivian Miller

Towers of Venice

Audrey MacEhiney-Rogers

Brookdale Venice

Jim Roch

Discovery Village

Jean Lesher

Family Affair

Alice Buck

Marjorie Fitzgerald

Grand Villa

Margaret Cypher

Dorothy Hill

Diane Keemon

Mary Rainey

Heritage Oaks

Frances Bates

Peg Grim

Audrey Lindsay

Willard & Janet Wilson


Millie Messner

Jeanne Sawyer


Do any of you know what a row house is? Well I lived in a row house when I was

young and when I went to bed upstairs I had to pass through my grandparents bedroom

to get to mine. One night on the way to bed my grandmother called me to her side. I

must have been about seven years old. She told me she had an infected toe (a corn on

her toe – do you know what that is?) and she asked me to pray for her. I did. The next morning she called

me to her side and had me examine the toe and I found it completely healed. I believe that God used this

experience to prepare me for ministry increasing my faith – allowing me to know that He is able to answer

prayer. I have had the privilege to stand by many beds through the years and pray for others seeing results

of answered prayer. I am always blessed by the faith of little ones.

He tells us that we must become childlike in our faith. I have had interactions wherein God has blessed

me abundantly using children to speak to me. Recently Pastor Perri’s son Trey requested that his family

pray for my daughter Donya who is working through cancer. Pastor Perri told me it was a very sweet pray-

er and then he requested the song Healer by Hillsong to sing over Donya. Perri said to me “I pray the heart

and faith of my three year old will bring healing, wholeness and peace in your family this week.” What a

special blessing. We are going to spend some time with Donya and I can’t wait to share this with her.

When you pray “Believe” God respects your trust and faith in Him.

Pastor Don

P.S. Thank you to all of the Congregational Care Ministry Team that is so faithful in their ministry.


What if you didn’t have to face car payments

or credit card debt? What if you were on the

same page with your finances as your spouse and

could avoid those destructive money fights?

What would the people of this church be able to

accomplish without being held back by finances?

For more than 20 years, more than 4.5 million

people have learned how to handle money God’s

way and take control of their futures.

You have that opportunity! Financial Peace

University by Dave Ramsey will be offered here

at EUMC beginning January 20, 2019. This

weekly hour and a half class will instruct you

over 9 lessons how to create a budget you can

actually follow.

There is a cost to the class and there are par-

tial scholarships available, but it is strongly rec-

ommended each household finds a way to pay

for the class. It will be your first wise financial

step. One kit will cover one household/couple.

Registration begins November 11th in Fellow-

ship Hall or on EUMC’s website, under Featured



January 20—March 18, 11:00-12:30*

Cost: $109 per household

Facilitated by Donna Peyton

Room to be announced

*Nursery and Children’s Church will be extend

until 12:30 for parents taking the course.

Traditional Service Usher Training

Tuesday, November 6th

at 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

This is for all existing ushers, men and women,

who serve at the 7:45 or 11:00 services. If you are

interested in being an usher, this training is also for


Please sign up in the usher’s room or in Fellow-

ship Hall on Sundays.

Pastor Vic will be leading the training.



You have an opportunity to join a team of volun-

teers working on Hurricane Irma recovery.

We are now cleared to assist deserving families

who experienced disaster during Hurricane Irma.

Week long mission trips are planned:

November 5-9, December 3-7, January 14-18,

February 11-15 & March 11-15.

Construction skills are a plus, but if you can take

directions and are a willing worker, we can use you!

Teams will stay at Riverside Retreat Monday-

Friday for sleeping, eating and fellowship.

If interested call Peter Patrick 410-713-2406 or

Joyce Doyle 941-474-5588



Ms. Patty’s Playroom…

I know I said thank you in the bulletin immediately following the 5th Sunday offering

but I feel it is important to say thank you again for the wonderful gift of nearly $6,000!

You make such a difference in the continued success of our school. I am truly grateful

for this congregation and its support.

I want to share some important Fundraising events that I think you will enjoy. As you know, Christmas

Shopping is very much on many people’s minds. I would like to share a very special shopping link:

This link takes you to a wonderful website filled with grand things and the best part...with every purchase,

the Preschool receives a percentage back in cash! So please, “Shop till you drop” as the saying goes!

December 12th is our Christmas Concert. This year, we may be able to provide a special opportunity to

purchase the children’s artwork. We are working out the details but will update you in the December News-


Finally, On January 12th, we will be having a “Paint Night.” Mark your calendars now, gather your

friends and/or family and get ready for a painting adventure and maybe even a dinner out! More details will

be shared in the December Newsletter.

Huge Christmas Rummage Sale!

Friday, November 23rd & Saturday, November 24th 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.

Held in Fellowship Hall

Previously used Christmas trees, ornaments, wreaths and decorations of

all kinds!

All proceeds to benefit

Foundations Early Childhood Learning Center


Super Senior Birthday Registration


Birth Date / /

Month Day Year

Are you a Super Senior of

four score years or more? We

have the names and birth dates

of many of our 80 (or more)

years old, but we want to recog-

nize ALL of these honored

members. Please register your

birthday if you haven’t done so

already. Just call the church of-

fice or send in the registration


The Super Senior birthdays

are listed each month in the

Messenger. Help them celebrate

their super birthday by congratu-

lating them on their special day.


Super Senior


** 90 (or over) Years Young!

11/01 Georgia Mitchell

11/02 Ronald Matthews

11/03 Bill Miller, Jr. **

11/13 Jo Matthews

11/18 Helen Funk **

11/20 Russell Gustin **

11/22 Jean Lesher **

11/30 Bill Brookstra

Christmas Poinsettia Plants

We will be decorating our Sanctuary with poinsettia plants for Sunday,

December 23rd & Christmas Eve services at 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 & 10:00 p.m.

If you would like to order a plant “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone

special, please fill out the form below. Please put the form in the collection

plate or bring to the office. Make check payable to EUMC, $8.00 per plant.

The deadline to order is Monday, December 3th


Please Print Clearly


Phone No._________________________e-mail____________________________

In memory of:_______________________________________________________

In honor of:_________________________________________________________

______I will take my plant(s) AFTER the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve church service or

pick up on Christmas Day outside the west entrance to the Sanctuary between 11:00

a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

______I will leave my plant(s) for the homebound.


Missions It’s November 2018 al-

ready. Halloween is over and

the little ghosts and goblins

are busy making turkey deco-

rations. We’re looking for-

ward to Thanksgiving and thinking about all the

things we are thankful for as individuals, as fami-

lies and as a church. For me, the list is long in-

deed. One of the many things I’m thankful for is

that I can be a part of the Missions Committee.

Everyone on the committee is thankful that we

can be involved in ministries sharing the Gospel

in so many ways.

We’re thankful that, through support of the Cu-

ba Methodist churches, we have been able to be a

part of the growth of the church in that island na-

tion. Persecuted by the government and neglected

for so many years, the work in the beginning was

indeed daunting. Through prayer, and personal

and financial assistance, the churches are growing

and new church plants are sprouting up in the out-

lying areas of this island nation. Hats off to Dan

Christopherson for leading the way.

We’re thankful that we can play a part in the

support of Ryan Kaminski in Uganda. Through

our support, and that of other churches, he has

been able to expand his Kayongo’s Hope school

to include a pre-school. The building for this new

school is already under construction and with its

completion; he will be able to serve children from

pre-school through Grade 5.

We’re thankful we are able to contribute to the

work of Audrey Volz and Shepherd’s Lambs in

Haiti. Audrey called me last night (October 8) to

tell me of the destruction by a 5.9 magnitude

earthquake in Milot which destroyed all the work

which had been done there. Audrey has been serv-

ing the people in Haiti for many years, establish-

ing a sewing school, churches, orphanages, and

more. Prayers are needed for her and her flock.

We’re thankful that we can help support Dr.

Jane Weaver and her San Lorenzo clinic in Ecua-

dor. This clinic provides high-quality care to pa-

tients, many of whom would not be able to access

the services provided in other health care facilities.

Dr. Marvin Eastlund has been travelling each year to

the clinic to share his expertise in gynecologic sur-

gery. In 2014 he began providing Mega-Voice solar-

powered recorded Bibles through Galcom Internation-

al which are then distributed through the clinic.

We’re thankful that we are able to provide the

Whitlocks with Galcom recorded Bibles for distribu-

tion in Kenya.

We’re thankful for the contributions which allow

us to help support important training for missionary

candidates, preparing them for the field. Bible study,

courses focusing on the complex concepts involved in

tribal church planting, such as understanding culture

and learning language, equipping them to effectively

communicate cross-culturally and more. Training is

also vitally concerned with their individual walk with

God, so that in an isolated, high-pressure environ-

ment, this relationship can survive and even thrive.

We’re thankful to be able to assist missionaries

who work with the Tribal Quechua people in the

mountains of Peru. They provide pastor training, chil-

dren’s programs, nutritional information and

healthcare. In addition, they welcome short term mis-

sion teams.

We’re thankful that Agape Flights is now able to

fly church supplies into Cuba. What a blessing this

has been to be able to deliver the water filters to Cu-

ba. In addition, Agape flies to Haiti with supplies for

missionaries there.

We’re thankful to be able to help the ministry

which delivers Galcom recorded Bibles by small para-

chutes into the mountains of Mexico.

We’re thankful to help Karanda Hospital in Zim-


We wish you a very thankful THANKSgiving.

Nancy Prins, Chair


Collection Sunday for the Operation

Christmas Child Shoebox

is…...NOVEMBER 11th !!!!



For the 9 months ending September 30, 2018

2018 2017

Tithes & Offerings $1,296,493 $1,262,976

Expenditures $1,274,063 $1,203,431

Tithes & Offerings

Less Expenditures $ 22,430 $ 59,545

2019 Florida Conference Women’s Retreats

“..…got Joy?”

February 8-10 & March 8-10

Please prayerfully consider joining us in 2019

for a glorious weekend, a time to pull away from

your daily responsibilities and truly relax in the

peace and beauty of the Life Enrichment Center.

Be inspired by the assembly of leaders providing

spiritual guidance, and experience the very pres-

ence of the Lord. You will join like-minded

women and surely strengthen your relationship

with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

There are two sessions from which to

choose. While each session is similar, each has

very different speakers who will set distinctive

vibes for the weekend. If you can’t decide, attend

more than one! The theme for 2019 is “…got


The Old Testament verse is Psalm 5:11 NLT

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let

them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your pro-

tection over them, that all who love your name

may be filled with joy.”

The New Testament key verse is James 1:2-3

NLT “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles

of any kind come your way, consider it an oppor-

tunity for great joy. For you know that when your

faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to


For more information go to the EUMC

website at:

To register:

Please mark your calendars for Friday, February 8,

2019. EUMC will once again sponsor Night to

Shine, a prom for adults with special needs.

There are a number of ways to assist with this year’s

prom. We are looking for donations for the Bou-

tique. Our guests are invited to the free boutique in

the weeks prior to the prom. We are in need of larger

size formal gowns and men’s suits.

Please contact us via email:

or contact Pat Kelly at 941-468-0422 to donate.

Beginning January 6th, you may sign up in Fellow-

ship Hall to volunteer for the various teams. Feel free

to contact Margaret Rock 941-468-6318 with any


EUMC office will be closed on Thursday & Friday

November 22nd & 23rd in observance of


The office will re-open on Monday,

November 26th at 8:30 a.m.


Ministry in Music

Calling all Veterans!

The November 11th concert by the

Sarasota Concert Band will include a special salute

to our Veterans, as well as other Americana and

traditional band music. Please come so we can

honor you and your service!

The December 1st performance of the Christ-

mas portion of Handel’s Messiah will be a grand

start to the Christmas season. Robert Romanski

returns as Artistic Conductor and Sarasota’s Qol

Quartet will be the featured soloists. Tickets are on

sale now. See the ad in this newsletter on page six.

Fonda Davies Director of Music Ministry

The Holy Spirit, Ever Near

My article this month is a continuation

from the October Messenger. How perfect

our God is. He reminded me of the work

and the reason why Jesus sent us the Holy

Spirit. He ministers to us on Holy

Ground, if only we will stop, find a quiet

place, and listen. God knew what I needed

and the Holy Spirit took care of me. I recall another

time I was brought into God’s presence. At that time I

remembered why the Holy Spirit called me to start the

Intercessory Prayer Group, In His Presence; and I

wrote the following poem.

The Holy Spirit of God, Ever Near

The Holy Spirit of God is ever near, living within me to catch every tear.

Teach me to love, to study, to obey, what will this day

bring, what will I pray?

Pray for the broken hearts that pain from divorce? Where is that love that came with such force?

Pray for addictions of drugs and alcohol? What drove these souls to such brutal Hell?

Oh how my heart aches for these hurting children of

Yours; please open some windows, as you close battered doors! Your human creatures can’t handle this rain,

when it pours!

So many voices cry out……heal my cancer, please provide me a job, put food on my table, I am in need of a car. I am so lonely, I have no place to live, my husband beats me, and I have no more to give! Where do I turn?

Where can I go? Who will hear?

The Holy Spirit of God is ever so near, living within me to catch every tear.

The Holy Spirit living within me to pray for your needs, calling on God, through Jesus, so you may be freed.

Freed from your sorrows, freed from your pain, finding an answer, what will it gain? Communion with you God, a love so great; healing, forgiveness, arms now raised in praise!

The Holy Spirit of God ever near, Living within me to catch every tear.

Barbara Ierardi Prayer, In His Presence; Intercessory Prayer Group

Memorial Corner

9/16 Rich Wack

10/10 Jan Prins

Our thoughts and prayers are with

their family and friends.

Christmas Dinner 2018 Style

Please call Grace Talada 474-2385 after No-

vember 1st to reserve your favorite job. Here's a

partial list: waiters, waiter helpers, line servers in

the kitchen, pie cutters, cranberry dippers, set-up,

clean-up, takeout room, delivery persons etc. Most

of the placement takes place in November as the

computer gal, Lori Bauer arrives and is ready to

roll after December 11th. We welcome new people

and our old timers. We enjoy having 3 generations

also! Many hands make for an easier day and the

fellowship is priceless.


Breaking Bread Together

It is that time of year that we elicit interest in a

small social group within the church better known

as “Breaking Bread Together.” this is a group of 5

to 8 people that gather 4-5 times to create new

friendships within the church. Each couple or sin-

gle person hosts a small potluck gathering in their

home. You may choose to go to a restaurant, have

lunch, brunch or a dinner together. It is up to each

group to determine how they will meet, the times,

dates and places. It is a great way for newer people

to get to know members of the church or even for

longtime members to get acquainted with others

that they may not know. Devotional time is sug-

gested at each gathering.

The first group gathering will meet through

January. New groups beginning in January meet

through April. It is up to the discretion of each

group how often and long they wish to meet.

For more information please contact either….

Beth Delp: 941-493-0942

Pat Cameron: 417-230-1008

Please join Pastor Don and

Mary on a trip to Ft. Lauderdale

for the Christmas Pageant at the

First Baptist Church, on Decem-

ber 8, 2018. This is an outstanding presentation. We

will leave EUMC at 8:00am, stop along the way for

refreshments, enjoy a buffet lunch together, attend the

pageant at 3:00 p.m., then return to EUMC stopping

on the way back for a snack. The cost is $100 per

person. Please make your reservations in Fellowship

Hall or by calling the church office. Seats go fast!!

When the trip fills names will be taken as a back up.

The cheerful hands and hearts of

Prayers & Squares, the Prayer Quilt

Ministry (P&S) will gather for their

monthly session on Thursday, Novem-

ber 15, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00

p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Just in case a

new pair of eyes may be reading this for the first

time, I'm reminding everyone that Prayers & Squares

is an "open" door ministry where you can come and

go whenever your schedule allows between the

hours listed above. We are looking forward to wel-

coming you, and hopefully demonstrating the many

ways to help us that do not require sewing ability.

Please bring a bagged lunch and beverage if you'll be

with us for our 12:30 lunch time. Refrigerators are

available. Please don't hesitate to contact me with

any questions.

In this month of Thanksgiving, we tend to more

openly express our gratitude for the many blessings

we enjoy each and every day. It is a gift to work to-

gether in this ministry, and make it possible for

someone to be wrapped in the prayers and love of

their Christian brothers and sisters. On behalf of the

girls and guys of P&S, please accept our sincere

thanks for the many kind words of appreciation, the

heartfelt prayers offered, as well as donations to our

ministry. The biggest blessing is our opportunity to

expand the prayer life of EUMC by encouraging the

privilege of praying for each other through this min-


With the Light, Love and Peace of Jesus,

Jane Parker



Two parent date opportunities are scheduled at the beginning of December:

Saturday evening, December 1st from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., dinner will be provided.

A daytime opportunity on Saturday, December 8th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Parents need some time to themselves and to prepare for the Holidays. We

invite you to sign your children up for one or both of these time frames.

They will enjoy the crafts, games, snacks, music, movies, free-play, science and

valuable Christian fellowship with their peers.

For more information about serving in our Children’s Programs,

or how we can serve you? Please call Suzie Asa or Casey Church

through the church office, 941-474-5588 or

by email or

The Kid’s Choir

The Kid’s Choir is open to children who are in

Kindergarten through 5th grade. We will be

meeting and rehearsing upstairs in the children’s

building on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in

Room 300. Please check your child in and bring

them to the second floor of the Education


They will be performing on several Sunday

mornings between now and Christmas with a

culmination of their efforts on Christmas Eve

during the 6:00 p.m. family service.


Ft. Myers Christmas

Keyboard Festival

Please join Pat Cameron who is

coordinating a trip on Friday, December 7, 2018 to

the Christmas Keyboard Festival at the Ft. Myers

First Assembly of God Church. It will be a music-

filled night of both sacred and secular music with

eight baby grand pianos, a 100 voice choir, orchestra

and featuring the power-house vocals of Veritas (5

men who are back up singers for Sandi Patty!).

We will depart EUMC on December 7 at 3:15

p.m. by bus and have dinner at The Three Fishermen

Seafood Restaurant on the Caloosahatchee River in

North Ft. Myers. The show begins at 7:00 p.m., we

will board the bus to return to Englewood at 9:00

p.m. and should arrive back at EUMC at 10:30 p.m.

Cost is $48 per person and includes food & trans-

portation. A love offering will be taken at First As-

sembly of God Church for the beautiful program.

We have a great block of seats reserved.

Sign ups for this trip will take place November 11

& 18 in Fellowship Hall and we are limited to 55


Book Buzz!!!!

It is Thanksgiving time and I am thankful for

my washer and dryer.

I imagine some of you have Maytag products in

your house. We had a Maytag washer and dryer for

33 years with only two service calls!

Anyway, many of you probably don’t know

about the Maytag Dairy Farms in Newton, Iowa.

This farm was a hobby for E.H. Maytag, son of the

company’s founder. He only sold the milk and

cream locally. But when his son, 29 year old Fred

Maytag II, took over the appliance operation in

1940, he began scouting around for a more profita-

ble way to use the dairy’s high-quality milk.

A year later, Fred and his brother Robert heard

that two Iowa State University microbiologists had

been working on a new process for making blue

cheese. The scientists were trying to come up with

a Roquefort-style blue-veined cheese that could be

made with cow’s milk instead of the traditional

sheep’s milk—and a recipe that would cut down on

the long time it took to develop the flavor and col-

or. They succeeded by using more rennet, which

coagulates milk and turns it into the curds and

whey needed for cheese making. Result: a new

kind of blue cheese that was consistent in color and

quality, with a tangy flavor and a firm but crumbly

texture. By agreement with the university, the May-

tags began to produce the new cheese at their dairy.

You may have eaten their blue cheese in your

dressings! The Maytag corporation has changed,

but the Maytag Dairy Farm is still a family owned,

family run business.

Oh, and by the way, our “new” Maytag washer

and dryer are now 21 years old and still going


Have a great turkey day! See you in the library!

Pam Heady, Your church librarian

Welcome Back Winter Friends!

Come join us for our November 1st

United Methodist Women Brunch

11:30 Social Time, 12:00 Brunch

(Bring a brunch type dish to share.)

Program: “The Beauty of Madagascar”

Presenters: Jim & Ellie Manser

Hostess: Sarah Circle

Remember to bring your World Thank


Save the date: December 6th

Christmas Celebration


Dinner in Fellowship


5:00-6:30 p.m.

There is a $6 suggested

donation. If you are

unable to afford this, please

feel free to have the meal on us.

Take-out meals are available for $6 each.

As always children eat for free!

Kid’s meals are always served.

Left over food is given to

Englewood Meals on Wheels.

November 7

Chicken Pasta Primavera

Tossed Salad

Garlic Bread


November 14

Roasted Turkey


Green Bean Casserole

Cranberry Sauce

Tossed Salad

Pumpkin Pie

November 28

Beef Stew

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Antipasto Salad

Ice Cream Sundaes

Winter Retreat, “Build Your Life on the Rock”

(based on Isaiah 26:4 & 1 Corinthians 10:4)

Our Youth have the opportunity to go to

Stone Mountain Park in Georgia from

December 30th—January 3rd. They will

be participating in various service

projects and fundraisers to attend. If you

see or experience our young people serving, please

give them a pat on the back or a high five!

The youth are having a

car wash on Sunday,

November 11th following

the 11 o’clock service.

Please drive on over to

help support our kids!

Do you need help with your

Christmas decorations? Are your

decoration boxes or tree too

cumbersome to manage by

yourself? Our youth, parents and

volunteers would love to help you!

Sign-ups begin November

4th in Fellowship Hall.

Prayer Warriors

If you have not selected a youth to pray for, we

invite you to pick-up a young person’s name

before they are all swooped up!

Swing by the table in Fellowship Hall on

November 4th, or contact us through

the church office.

Do you have questions about our program? Or if you

are led to get involved through mentoring our

awesome youth, contact me through

the church office.

Please pray for our efforts.

Thank you! Suzie Asa

941-474-5588, email or

Pancakes & More! Served by Men’s Fellowship

Saturdays 7:30—11:00 a.m.


November 17

December 1, 15 & 29

January 27

All the Pancakes You Can Eat! OJ & Bottomless Coffee/Tea

With Egg & Sausage or Biscuits & Sausage Gravy or

Quiche & Fresh Fruit

$6.00 / Children Under 12 eat FREE!

Enjoy Live Music Buy: Crafts/Honey/Nuts



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November 2018

Englewood United Methodist Church

700 E. Dearborn St., Englewood, FL 34223

Phone No. 941-474-5588 Fax 941-475-2865


Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 10, 2018

8:30 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

Coffee & Donuts in the morning!