Ventajas de la Experimentación con Animales Desventajas de ... · Desventajas de la...


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de cosméticos en animales por algunos años, tales como Australia e Israel.

Ventajas de la Experimentación con AnimalesTodos los tratamientos y posibles curas para enfermedades mortales, son unos de los beneficios de la experimentación con animales. Es por esto que ciertos países apoyan estas investigaciones, ya que estas pruebas han salvado numerosas vidas humanas, incrementando así la expectativa de vida aproximadamente 20 años.

Desventajas de la Experimentación con AnimalesA pesar de los grandes beneficios que traen estos experimentos, son los animales quienes sufren las graves consecuencias. Anualmente millones de animales son víctimas de la experimentación, ya que mueren al ser torturados. Las evidencias de casos de maltrato se pueden ver en las siguientes pruebas que se son hechas a los animales en distintos experimentos:

Examen “Draize”: Este experimento pretende medir la toxicidad de las sustancias, mediante la aplicación de una solución concentrada en los ojos de los conejos. Para esto, los inofensivos conejos, son introducidos en una caja, la cual tiene un pequeño agujero para la cabeza del animal e impide su escapatoria. Además los párpados de los conejillos son sujetados con pinzas para que estos no puedan eliminar la sustancia, al parpadear. Como consecuencia, estas criaturas pierden la visión, o terribles irritaciones son causadas en sus ojos.

Análisis de la Piel: Para esto, los animales son inmovilizados mientras se rasura y se raspa una zona de su piel con cinta adhesiva. Luego la sustancia es aplicada en la herida hecha, y cubierta con yeso adhesivo.

Días después, los investigadores observan si hay alguna irritación y dependiendo del resultado, repiten esta prueba en el mismo animal y en la misma zona durante todo un año.

Prueba de Dosis Letal 50% (DL50): Esta prueba consiste en hacer ingerir forzosamente una sustancia a aproximadamente 200 animales, hasta que el 50% de ellos mueran. Su fin es medir la dosis letal de la sustancia aplicada. Normalmente las sustancias que son utilizadas para realizar este experimento corroen la piel, explotan en el cuerpo del animal o se encienden por si solas.

Con estas pruebas, se puede demostrar que los animales sufren durante todo el proceso de experimentación. Sin embargo, no son solo los animales quienes se ven afectados, también los humanos corren sus riesgos con estos métodos. Esto se debe a que los resultados de estos experimentos podrían no ser confiables, puesto que, la respuesta de un animal a un fármaco puede ser distinta a la de un humano. Este es el caso de bastantes medicamentos, que pese a funcionar correctamente en animales, presentaron inconvenientes al ser utilizados en personas y fue necesario retirarlos del mercado. (Caso de Perhexiline, Zemid entre muchos otros fármacos.)

AlternativasPara reemplazar la experimentación en animales, se podrían considerar: los cultivos de células, tejidos y órganos; microorganismos como las bacterias, investigación molecular, estudios de tejidos, simulaciones por computador, estudios de población (epidemiología), investigaciones clínicas con voluntarios humanos, utilización de cadáveres donados a investigaciones o uso de muñecos o modelos para aprendizaje.

Estas posibles soluciones no sólo defienden los derechos de los animales, sino que también algunas de estas son más económicas, rápidas y eficaces.

Por ejemplo, la mayoría de facultades de medicina de EE.UU., han sustituido la utilización de animales vivos en fisiología, farmacología y entrenamiento quirúrgico por métodos de aprendizaje sin animales.



Lineas de acción:¿La experimentación en animales es indispensable y/o necesaria para la supervivencia del hombre?

¿Se considera viable diseñar e implementar por la Naciones Unidas instrumentos sociales para gestionar los derechos de los animales?

¿Cómo reunir recursos internacionalmente para promover experimentaciones alternativas de mayor costo pero mejor resultado médico en comparación a las pruebas en animales?

Links de Apoyo: tp : / / w w w. e c o 2 s i t e . c om / In for m e - 3 0 7 -Experimentos-con-animales : / /w w w.s o c ie dadanima l .net / t27861-experimentacion-de-productos-cosmeticos-o-medicinales-en-animales-crueldad-animal


Comité Social, Cultural y Humanitario

Por: María José Ramírez

La Asamblea General es uno de los órganos principales de las Naciones Unidas, al cual refieren gran cantidad de temas. Con el fin de facilitar y mejorar la solución de estos, la Asamblea General se divide en seis sub-comités. El tercer comité se encarga de los aspectos sociales, culturales y humanitarios por lo cual es también conocido como SOCHUM.

A pesar que los objetivos son muy comunes entre varios comités de las Naciones Unidas, este comité se destaca por tener la participación de todos los países miembros de la organización. De este modo se hace evidente que toda problemática se ha de tratar desde aspectos sociales, culturales y humanitarios. El comité discute temas como la protección de niños, la promoción de libertades fundamentales, la eliminación del racismo, la promoción del derecho a la autodeterminación, los conflictos armados y preservación de pueblos indígenas, entre otros.

SOCHUM se destaca por su proyección con respecto a las problemáticas y establecimiento de propósitos a largo plazo, es decir que al llegar una problemática el comité sentenciará cuales van a ser los objetivos que se han de cumplir por medio de soluciones de otros sub-comités y establecerá la política internacional frente al tema.

El comité tiene el poder de brindar una solución y pedir a otros comités desarrollarla a profundidad. Por ejemplo si el comité SOCHUM propone una solución de carácter de inversión en educación, solicitara al comité de UNESCO ejecutar el planteamiento.

El comité como prioridad, trata aspectos como:• Calidaddevida• Juventud• Vejez• Prevencióndelcrimen• Poblacionesafectadasyvulnerables• Justiciacriminal• Controldedrogas

Es importante recordar que SOCHUM como órgano de la Asamblea General no tiene la autoridad para imponer sanciones, en cambio, por medio de sus resoluciones brinda recomendaciones de gran importancia y cuyo seguimiento está comprometido por la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y tratados multilaterales para la solución en conjunto de problemáticas.



A su vez, la militarización del área, como consecuencia de “la guerra contra las drogas”, ha causado innumerables conflictos humanitarios en el norte de México. Sin duda, el abuso del poder es uno de los lastres más pesados que arrastra la historia de la sociedad Mexicana.

Efectos:La permanente vigilancia ilícita de ambos estados en sus fronteras, ha causado la constante violación a derechos fundamentales consagrados en La Carta Universal de Derechos Humanos, tales como: derecho a la libertad, derecho al trabajo y consecuentemente discriminaciones de tipo racial, social, e ideológico. Desde luego, toda esta situación se enmarca en el deseo de cada nación, por proteger su soberanía.

Soluciones: Se trata de buscar soluciones, no de contenerlos mediante muros.

1. Propender por un mundo sin fronteras, internacionalizando la comisión de delitos. Puesto que, cualquier país, como protección a su soberanía, puede iniciar procesos contra un individuo. La internacionalización de la justicia lograría borrar las actitudes mezquinas y los abusos humanitarios presentes en la zona.

2. El derecho universal al trabajo es violado por las migraciones, muy a pesar que este derecho es fundamental para el ser humano y se encuentra consagrado en La Carta Universal de Derechos Humanos. Por consiguiente, ningún país miembro puede negar este derecho a ninguna persona.

Documentos importantes: • CartaUniversaldeDerechosHumanos

Links de apoyo:

Documentos importantes:1. Carta Universal de los Derechos Humanos2.Cartade lasNacionesUnidas capítulo IV (LaAsamblea General)

Tema 1:Solución a los Refugiados y Asuntos Migratorios

Frontera de USA con México, “Muro de la Tortilla”

Conflicto:Entre la frontera de Estados Unidos y la de México, como en todas las fronteras del mundo acontecen cada día, infinidad de sucesos, tales como: paso de personas, de vehículos, de mercancías; tráfico de gente, de drogas, de dinero; productos e insumos agrícolas; conflictos por la distribución de las aguas de los ríos colindantes; cuestiones de seguridad, etc.

En las últimas dos décadas, la región fronteriza de México se ha convertido en una zona con un alto grado de inseguridad. Por su misma condición limítrofe con Estados Unidos, se acentúan aquí fenómenos como el tráfico de drogas y de personas; lo que provoca niveles de inseguridad que no se presentan en zonas alejadas de la frontera.

La violencia tiene relación, generalmente con enfrentamientos entre los grupos que se disputan el control de actividades ilícitas y que muchas veces gozan de la protección de las diversas fuerzas policíacas. En efecto, la participación de las diferentes corporaciones policíacas en actividades ilegales y su resistencia a limitar su actuación al marco constitucional, también, es un problema importante.



Lineas de Acción:¿Qué se puede convenir entre los países para lograr un mundo sin fronteras y sin restricciones migratorias?

¿Qué proyectos se pueden adelantar de manera conjunta entre los países miembros para lograr bajar las tasas de desempleo a nivel mundial?

¿Cómo afecta la irregular situación fronteriza a las dos naciones involucradas, es posible encontrar abusos tanto sociales como culturales y humanitarios? De ser así, ¿Cómo podría SOCHUM ejercer una solución viable al conflicto?

Tema 2: Tráfico Humano

Estrategias para reducir el tráfico de personas en África

Conflicto:El tráfico humano es el comercio ilegal de personas, con propósitos como la esclavitud, prostitución, pornografía infantil, trabajo forzoso, y extirpación de órganos.Este es un delito internacional que viola los derechos humanos.

La primera causa del tráfico de personas en los países de origen, es la pobreza, que impide a las personas satisfacer sus necesidades vitales, por lo que se sienten presionadas a huir hacia un mundo de bienestar.

Otros elementos a tener en cuenta son las situaciones de violencia y de conflictos, que provocan el éxodo y la expulsión hacia lugares más seguros.

Todo esto afecta de forma especial a la mujer, debido a su situación de desigualdad, precariedad y falta de futuro en muchos países en vías de desarrollo.

Una de las principales causas del tráfico humano en la frontera entre África y Sudáfrica son las re-presiones políticas que existen en muchos países del norte del continente. Por esto, la población está desesperada por emigrar, lo cual es muy favorable para los traficantes quienes se aprovechan de la situación de la población oprimida para traficar con ellos. Estos, sobornan a las autoridades para poder pasar la “carga” a través de la frontera.

En África occidental se estima que 35.000 niños son objeto de explotación sexual y comercial.

Efectos:De acuerdo con un informe difundido por el centro de Estudios Innocenti, “El tráfico de seres humanos, especialmente mujeres y niños, en África”, hay cinco áreas que merecen una atención especial:

- La explotación sexual.- Otras formas de explotación económica (el trabajo doméstico y el trabajo en la agricultura comercial y en las plantaciones).- Las prácticas tradicionales.- La adopción



- Los conflictos (reclutamiento de niños y niñas para la participación en hostilidades y actividades relacionadas).

El tráfico de personas es un proceso dinámico y las vías empleadas pueden cambiar rápidamente de acuerdo con el contexto político, económico y legal. En la actualidad no hay ningún país en la región que no afronte el tráfico de personas, particularmente el de mujeres y niños. Así mismo, ningún país puede decir exactamente cuántas víctimas del tráfico hay, porque no se emplean métodos de recolección de datos estadísticos para determinar la dimensión del problema.

Soluciones:Los países fronterizos deben ofrecer mayor seguridad y control en sus fronteras, cerrando cualquier posibilidad para que los africanos sean utilizados por las mafias para la explotación humana, a la cual ya se encuentra sometida un gran porcentaje de esta población.

Una solución inmediata es que los países miembros de las Naciones Unidas, pero principalmente los países fronterizos con África, firmen un convenio internacional para contrarrestar la “trata de blancas”.

Documentos importantes: • Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas paraPrevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños (más conocido como Protocolo contra la trata de personas).• Protocolo contra el tráfico ilícito demigrantes por tierra, mar y aire.

Links de apoyo: tp : / / w w w. lu k or. c om / n ot - mu n / a f r i c a /portada/09080326.htm

Lineas de Acción:¿Cómo los países miembros de la carta universal de los derechos humanos pueden ayudar para evitar el tráfico humano?

¿Cómo pueden los países miembros comprometerse para que en sus legislaciones se prohíba el ejercicio de la prostitución?

¿Cómo proteger los derechos de la mujer en cuanto al tráfico de personas teniendo en cuenta su actual vulnerabilidad en países Africanos?

¿Cómo se puede prevenir la rápida expansión de mafias internacionales, las cuales impulsan el tráfico humano como el mayor negocio internacional?


Disarmament and International Security Council


DISEC was the first committee to take part of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). As its name stands for, DISEC serves as a forum for representatives from all UN members to debate on disarmament and security issues, in an environment of equality. As a member of the UNGA, its aim and purpose is to recommend possible solutions that pursue the prevention or reduction of international hostilities and conflicts by the use of resolutions of other organs of the UN such as the Security Council (UNSC). Neither the committee nor any of its delegates has the right to impose any type of sanction; if it is desired, their members first would have to present the case and then by a voting process, pass the proposal directly to the UNSC or other pertinent organ of the UN.



Topic 1:The Context of Virtual Weapons as WMD

How could they become a threat to International Security?

“Action in cyberspace will form part of the future battlefield.” Britain’s Armed Forces Minister, Nick Harvey (May 31st, 2011)

The history of technology is the record of the invention of tools for development, production and other topics that involve the need of an instrument. Technology started with the wheel’s invention at the year 4000 BC and has evolved geometrically, reaching a point where it is virtually impossible for us to handle it.

Throughout history new technologies have revolutionized warfare; either abruptly or gradually. For example nuclear fission, the aircraft, Nitroglycerin or even gunpowder. All of them have changed the concept of warfare and warlike conflicts in a sudden way. Examples such as nuclear weaponry in the present, or gas cameras during the WWII show that it is a fact that technology is likely to become a threat to human welfare.

New resources and tools such as computers and internet have transformed economies, politics, communication and defense; sometimes, any aspect of the modern society. In any advance of human knowledge, technology has been intended to be used positively, causing huge advantages and discoveries for human kind. But as time passes, it starts to become another way of self-extermination.

Technology has made huge advances in war commodities. In the present it has turned into a requirement to have technology in the armed forces, to be able to face the MEDCs and the actual dominant nations (G8). Tools like thermally guided missiles, radars, WMD’s, aircrafts, acoustic weaponry, satellites, chemical/biological weapons and even the old conventional weapons, facilitate the way of human destruction. Nowadays, execute an indivudual is an easy task.

Talking specifically about Digital Technology, in the same way as it is used in the development of media, education and capital, they are also used in warfare; with defensive aim, strategic and offensive as well. Modern society knows about nuclear shields, radars, GPS (global positioning system) and internet communication between troops and the army´s command base. But what happens with the destructive aim? Do we know about it? Everything regarding army issues has a negativeaim;thereissmallconcernaboutVirtualWeapons? Does modern society even know about them?

Technology and its “humanist” uses create a many issues, the main one is: “Is the human race evolving or devolving?”

What are Virtual Weapons?VirtualWeapons,alsoknownasCyberWarfare,isthe weaponry that involves the violation of security throughout the cyber web. They are mainly used to conduct espionage in enemy countries or organization with the aim of sabotage.

Usually, this process is politically motivated, in order to have access to information from the enemy state. As Richard A. Clark describes it in his book



‘Cyber War’ : Cyber warfare can be defined as the “actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation’s computers or networks for the purpose of causingdamageordisruption.”VirtualWeaponswere first developed during the Cold War (1945-91), with the creation of the intranet (the beginnings of what we now call internet), and the first computer. These were developed by the U.S government in order to spy on and monitor the actions of the USSR.

A new threat in Cyberspace.After land, sea, air and space; cyberspace has become the fifth domain of warfare, a new battle stage that is available to the armed forces of any state or any NGO’s, such as HAMAS or AL-QUAEDA.

Some scenarios imagine the almost instantaneous failure of systems that keep the modern world turning. As computer networks collapse, factories and chemical plants explode, satellites spin out of control and the financial and power grids fail. A clear example of this can be seen in the explosion of a Soviet pipeline during the “climax” of the Cold War (1982). The damage in the pipeline was caused by the sabotage of the CIA to the Soviet computer control system. This was seen as the first attempt of disruption through Cyber webs; what the American Thomas Reed (former air force secretary) calls as “The Logic Bomb.”

The main fields in a society such as economics, politics, defense between others are based and organized in cyberspace, which is originally meant to protect. However, nowadays, it has become one of the main failures of a society as it increases risks to its security.

Cyber-attacks in Estonia One of the first real threats to the welfare of a statewas theCyber/Virtual–offensivemoves inEstonia in 2007 (also known as Estonian Cyber war.) This Cyber-attack was based on sabotage of websites containing local organizations, such as the National bank, parliament, ministries, newspapers and broadcasters.

Although its impact was considerably low on the Estonian state, it did affect organizations such as the Estonian Reform Party, which had their website sabotaged and spammed. Even though, military planners all around the globe are studying intensively this cyber case, as “it could be the start of a new type of war”

The Estonian Foreign Minister, Umas Paet, directly accused the Kremlin (Common name for the central base of the Russian government in Moscow) for the cyber attacks on April, 2007. After arduous, still ongoing investigations, Estonia’s defense minister admitted that there was no evidence linking the cyber attacks to the Russian Government.

This belligerent attack on Estonia had a huge influence all around the world and triggered a number of military organizations to reconsider the importance of network security . On June 14 of the same year, defense members of NATO held a meeting in Brussels, Belgium, to immediate actions regarding the defense against cyber warfare.

“Titan Rain”

Titan Rain was the name given to the first known Cyber-attack towards the U.S. This assailing movement was done during the year 2003 and was basically a series of coordinated attacks on American computer systems. These intrusions were labeled as Chinese in origin, but it was never completely proven that they had any relationship with the Chinese government.

It was catalogued as a corporate and state-sponsored espionage with the aim of gathering U.S government private information, as stated by the SANS institute (SysAdmin, Audit, Networking, and Security).

Titan Rain hackers obtained information and access to U.S archives located in computer networks which belong to organizations such as Lockheed Martin, Sandia National Laboratories.



The development of virtual weapons in BritainThe fact is that cyber-weapons programmed to counter growing threats to national security from cyberspace are being developed by the British government; as stated in May 31 2011.

The British armed forces minister, Nick Harvey admitted that cyber-weapons have become an integral part of the country’s armory declaring the existence of an authorised military programme.

During his speech, his main defense statement was the danger of a violation in the state’s cyber sovereignty, causing a disastrous damage in society. He exposed the presence of these weapons as a way of protection if an attack is being perceived. “The consequences of a well planned, well executed attack against our digital infrastructure could be catastrophic.”

“With nuclear or biological weapons, the technical threshold is high. With cyber, the finger hovering over the button could be anyone from a state to a student.’’

The exact nature of the weapons being developed is being kept secret, but the minister confirmed they would be governed by the same rules that apply to the deployment of other military assets.The Cabinet Office and the Cyber Security Operations Centre at GCHQ have taken the lead on the project, with the possibility of the Ministry of Defense providing input in the future.

Threat of a Virtual Weapon ProliferationNowadays the international community has to deal with the topic of nuclear proliferation, but a new age is coming.

The nuclear topic just began as a new technology and way of defense, but when the other states saw,

that it was vital in their armed equipment, global proliferation was seen. New possible weapon propagation is seen; Virtual Weapons globalspreading.

Important issues to take into account• Whatwouldbetheeffectinastateincaseof a violent virtual attack?• CouldVirtualWeaponsbecomeanecessityfor every country as nuclear weapons are?• Should virtual weapons proliferation beprohibited?• Which action lines shouldDISEC followin order to prevent this catastrophe?• ArevirtualweaponscategorizedasWMD?

Useful Links:h t t p : / / w w w . e c o n o m i s t . c o m /node/16481504?story_d=16481504&source=features_box1 lymai l t i c le -1392622/Cy b er-war fare-Br i t a in-developing-virtual-weapons-combat-hacker-threat.html#ixzz1O3apumxV

Topic 2: Disarmament in Post-Soviet Countries.Introduction to the Union of Soviet Socialist Re-publics (USSR)



USSR flag

Commonly known as the Soviet Union, the USSR was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia* between 1922 and 1991.

It was a country with a single party political system dominated by the communist party; it was actually a highly centralized state with a planned economic system. Its name was given by the fact that it was a union of several states and governed communities ruled by the government house called “The Soviet’’.

The Soviet Union was officially established in December 1922 as the result of the several revolutions and conflicts such as the long and bloody Russian Civil War ensued between the Reds and the Whites, starting in 1917 and ending in 1923 with the Red’s victory.

From its beginning, the government in the Soviet Union was based on the One-Party Rule* of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

*One-Party Rule: A type of party system government in which a single political party forms the government and no other parties are permitted to run as candidates for election.

*Eurasia: A continent covering about 52, 990, 00 km2 or about 10.6% of the Earth’s surface.

The USSR during its stand was one of the most military powered countries of the world. Its official army, the Soviet Armed Forces (also called the “Red Army of Workers and Peasants’’), has been one of the most massive and impotent military forces in world’s history. With an estimated of 1,800,000 men in its ranks in 1939, the Red Army

was the most threatening army during the Second World War. At the end of the war, the bigger amount of casualties was commonly estimated in excess of 20,000,000, both civilians and military, although, the soviet army defeated the 80% of the Nazi Army.

The Cold War officially began just months after the WWII finished. This important age was where the power of the Soviet Union was exposed. The Cold War was the conflict between Communist nations led by the Soviet Union and the Capitalist nations led by the US. During this era, Soviet Russia and United States began the production and development of weaponry that nowadays continues threatening international security.

Through those years, United States military power was based on technology, while the USSR was in the army. Nuclear, conventional, chemical and other weaponry was massively produced in the Soviet Union, in order to be at the level of its main enemy.

Post-Soviet Countries

When the Cold war ended in 1991, the fall of the Soviet Union occurred in December of the same year, disintegrating into fifteen separate countries, all the weapons produced during its power that were left in all the post-soviet countries:

1. Armenia 2. Azerbaijan 3. Belarus 4. Estonia 5. Georgia 6. Kazakhstan 7. Kyrgyzstan 8. Latvia 9. Lithuania 10. Moldova 11. Russia 12. Tajikistan 13. Turkmenistan 14. Ukraine 15. Uzbekistan



All these countries are post-Soviet states, also commonly known as the Former Soviet Union (FSU).

Soviet weaponry nowadays.There has been a constant global discussion about the location of all military tools that were developed by the USSR during the Cold War, by the threat of a chemical catastrophe during the 1970’s. Some people said that they were destroyed just before the fall of the Soviet Union, but during the past years, there has been found a threatening number of military armaments in countries developing that at the same time where integrants of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Case: MoldovaMoldova, officially the Republic of Moldova is a country located in Eastern Europe, having its frontiers with Romania and Ukraine. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldovan SSR (Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic) as part of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It became officially an independent state on August 27, 1991.

Although Moldova does not have the industrial capability to produce nuclear or dual-use

nuclear commodities,in the last years has been located the presence of WMD that belonged to the USSR in its moment. (WMD’s does not only means Nuclear Weapons; Weapons of Mass Destruction aboard Biological, Chemical, Nuclear, radiological,acousticandinsomecasesVirtual)

In the past, Moldova was one of the main weapon basements of the Soviet Union. When its independence occurred, a large number of these weapons stayed in this country, belonging immediately to the Republic of Moldova. The difficulty of Moldova referred to give up these weapons is the danger for a sovereignty violation by its frontier countries and Russia. Moldovan representatives, always talk about this weaponry with only defensive aims; “only when the United Nation certify this nation that our sovereignty would never be violated, we would disarm.’’ Moldovan Prime Minister.

Location of post-soviet countries



Cases In this part of the guide is where your research is involved. Delegates as you are the ones in charge of moving the committee, your own knowledge must be seen. You must research about other cases such as the one shown above. Search about every post-soviet nations, and be prepared to debate about important decisions in cases that you are going to bring into the committee. If the country that is involved in the case has no presence in the committee DISEC, the members of the chair would be in charge of bringing a delegate to represent any country.

Take into account that this topic is not just talking about Nuclear weapons It is debating any type of weapon that could become a thread to international security .Examples:Chemical:



Important issues to take into account:

• How defensive aims have difficult thedisarmament of any weapon?• What’sthedangerofahighlyarmedworld?• WhatcanwedoasDISECtopromotethedisarmament in post-soviet countries?

Useful Links: (UN Resolution) t t p : / / a r i w a t c h . c o m / V S / J D /ImpressionsOfSovietRussia.htm : / /w w w.p e acemagaz ine .org/archive/v14n2p26.htm}


Economic and Financial Committee

By: Santiago López Estefan Juan Felipe Forero Acosta

Introduction to the Committee ECOFIN is the Economical and Financial Affairs Council. This organization is composed of the Economic and Finance Minister of the Member of the States. ECOFIN Council covers a number of areas including: economic policies coordination, economic surveillance, monitoring of Members of States budgetary policies and public finances, financial markets and capital movements, and economic relationships with third countries.

The ECOFIN Council also has a major responsability, which is to decide the way that the budget of the European Union which is about 100 billion Euros is going to be distributed:



The main policies of this committee are:

1. The Council of the European Union passes laws, usually legislating jointly with the European Parliament.

2. The Council co-ordinates the broad economic policies of the member states.

3. The Council defines and implements the EU’s common foreign and security policy, based on guidelines set by the European Council.

4. The Council concludes, on behalf of the Community and the Union, international agreements between the EU and one or more states or international organisations.

5. The Council co-ordinates the actions of Member States and adopts measures in the area of police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters.

6. The Council and the European Parliament constitute the budgetary authority that adopts the Community’s budget.

7. Important Documents and Treaties

In this Council, there are large numbers of treaties form each year, these agreements are often an extensive nature such as Trade, Cooperation and Development and Association Agreements or they may cover a wide range of specific subjects including: textiles; fisheries; customs; science and technology; transport; etc.

Below is a list of the most important ones:

Official journey legislation of the European Union.( journey information and notices of the European Union ( of Lisbon (

Topic 1:Microeconomic incentives in gras-sroots economics. Microeconomics refers to the branch of economics that analyses the market behaviour of the process of the decision-making of the firms and household and of individual consumers. It involves the interaction between individual buyers or sellers and the factors that influence the choices, in particular of the patterns of supply and demand and the establish price in small markets.

In other terms Microeconomics study specific firms: the way they are formed, regarding the cost of producing and supplying, how the price varies according to the completion of other producers and of the demand of the product, the factors that might affect the price, the demand and the supply of one good, and the benefits and limitations of expanding, or reducing a company.

Grassroots economics is a new humanitarian branch of economics which attempts to bring 60% of the population , which lives under poverty into the economic system. This has been a problematic for some of the countries that had become totally dependant on the international aid they were recieving, but one is having no response or a very little response by the countries receiving the aid. This type of problem, when nations depend just on the financial assistance of other countries seems to have created huge problems, such as corruption and economic instability, sometimes due to the fact that the aid goes to inadequate distributers or that the aid is not well distributed. The assistance provided should not be used to help few wealthy benefactors, but is supposed to be used to provide some benefits to the poorest population.

Economical examples: HAITIOne example of this problem is Haiti, after the earthquake one year ago 87% of the total income gain by this country came from international aid, this is a tremendous help for the country, but it’s also a major problem because the only productivity they have is based on a reduced 13%. The continuous help of the international community to the affected country is causing an important regression on the economical growth of Haiti. This is just one side of the problem, because more

