VARBERG PRAYERLTTER - Converge · VARBERG PRAYERLTTER ... pray for the people of ... For 12 years...


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Typhoon Haiyan not only hit our city with some of the strongest winds on record, it also caused a storm

surge that flooded our downtown and coastal areas with ocean water up to the second floor level. It had

such force that it flattened even well built structures.

Whole Neighborhoods Were Wiped-out


November 2013

Super Destructive Typhoon

Even though it has been a dozen days since the storm we still have no accurate idea of how many

died. Many people have simply evacuated our city to go live with relatives in other areas of the Philippines

because no stores have opened yet, we probably won't have electric service for months, and most hous-

es lack part of the roof or windows and it rains everyday. Margie and Vicki were out of town and missed the

storm of a lifetime, but I was here through the storm and I have stayed to salvage what we can and to min-

ister to the hurting people all around us.

We need you help. You can send your gift to:

Converge Worldwide

2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd.,

Arlington Heights, IL 60005.

Include a note that you want your gift to go to

Bethel International School, project 634290

Or you can make your gift electronically

by going to the website of Converge

Worldwide and clicking on the

“Give” tab in the upper right. Then

enter “Asia” in the “Area” box and for

the project “634290." .

We had built our school buildings well, but the

force of this storm was unbelievable. I have live in

the Philippines for almost 40 years and have expe-

rienced dozens of typhoons and 4 previous "Super

Typhoons." But Typhoon Haiyan was a category

beyond "super typhoon."

The single story Pre-school building on the left and

With God's Help We Will Rise From the Ruins Page 2

Bethel International School was Devastated

It has been hard to help people physically because all stores are closed, but I have assisted in dis-

tributing relief to endless line of needy and hurting people. I have been able to pray with many and

to encourage them, that even though they may have lost everything, the same God that helped

them acquire what they had, can still help them rise from the ruins of this typhoon. But do

pray for the people of Tacloban. Many have lost loved ones. Many, from the poor to the rich,

have literally lost everything they own.

the Cafeteria, with the blue floor, sustained the

least damage. The Elementary Gym in the center

foreground and the High School Gym in the cen-

ter background were completely destroyed. The

three story classroom building and the staff

apartments in the upper right lost most of their


This is what many of the classrooms looked like. When the storm tore off the roof, the rain

brought down the insulation and the ceiling tiles, and soaked all the desks and books.

Page 3

Our library is on the second floor so the concrete third floor protected it some. But the winds

were so strong it blew in the windows and tossed tables and bookshelves around. This wind car-

ried water with it so everything got soaked.

Bethel International School was Devastated

Bethel International School was Devastated

Page 4

We had built our school buildings well, but the

force of this storm was unbelievable. I have

live in the Philippines for almost 40 years and

have experienced dozens of typhoons and 4

previous "Super Typhoons." But Typhoon Hai-

yan was a category beyond "super typhoon."

Our Mission Must Continue

For 12 years we have strived to be the best school in the Waray area and to train our students to be men and

women of God who will influence the Waray area for God. We have helped our students develop a relationship

with God and gain the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in life, but we have only had three graduating

classes so far. We have only had 31 graduates. At present we have 288 students. I believe God would like us

to raise this school from this destruction so that we can continue to disciple these 288 students, and the

hundreds of students that will follow in the years to come.

The single story Pre-school building on the left and

the Cafeteria, with the blue floor, sustained the

least damage. The Elementary Gym in the center

foreground and the High School Gym in the center

background were completely destroyed. The three

story classroom building and the staff apartments in

the upper right lost most of their roof.

dren and family, at least Margie and I haven't

lost our memory of those events yet, and I

thank God we did not lose a child in this

storm, as some other families did.

Margie and I live in the apartment on the

right. I was putting a tarp over our bed

when the wind blew in the glass windows

on the second floor spraying me with

glass. I thank God I only got a small cut

on my head and several small cuts on my

legs. I retreated out of the room, but

when the wind shifted and I was able to

go back in, half our bed and Margie's desk

had been blown out the side window.

Photo albums were soaked and pictures

scattered on the walls and ceiling. When

the roof blew off a lot or our possessions

as well as the possessions of two other

missionaries were blow across the fields

behind our school. But even though we

lost many precious pictures or our chil-

Page 5

Staff Apartments Lost Their Roof, Too

I know that God wants this school to continue. I

am here holding down the fort. I have already ar-

ranged for contractors from other provinces, not

affected by this catastrophic typhoon, to come

with materials and crews to repair our roof and

windows and ceilings so that we can open by Jan-

uary. But I will need your help to pay for these

repairs. We also will need to replace many desks,

books, computers, and other pieces of equipment

like mics, projec-

tors, and sound

equipment that were damaged by the water.

Please prayerfully consider if God would

like you to give to help us. Your gifts are

needed right away as I need to start repairs

right away. We have an obligation to our 288

students to open as soon as possible so that

they will be able to graduate on schedule.

Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 6

Help Us Rebuild so Ministry Can Continue

We need you help. You can send your gift to:

Converge Worldwide

2002 S. Arlington Heights Rd.,

Arlington Heights, IL 60005.

Include a note that you want your gift to go to

Bethel International School, project 634290

Or you can make your gift electronically by

going to the website of Converge

Worldwide and clicking on the “Give”

tab in the upper right. Then enter “Asia”

in the “Area” box and for the project

“634290." .