Useful, Lasti ristmas - Chronicling America · in Rayne and for seven years he Had a large practice...


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E F MILLARD Proprietor & Editor — — — — -------------- A Live. Wide Awake Home Weekly— The Leading Dollar V’^ekly of the Attakapas







H I L E S p e n d i n g y o u r

C h i s t m a s m o n e y d o

n o t f o r g e t t h e H o m e

t h e S h o p a n d t h e K i t c h e n .

J u s t a f e w o f t h e u s e f u l a r ­

t i c l e s f o r e a c h , c o n t a i n e d in

o u r s t o c k a r e h e r e s h o w n .

T h e r e a r e t h o u s a n d s m o r e ,

a n d w e ’ r e g l a d H o s h o w ’e m .

Useful, Lasti




F YOU, when selecting your holiday presents, will come to our store and inspect our large assortment of articles

suitable for Home, Shop, Farm or K itchen, you can­not fail to appreciate the value of this suggestion.

The very best, latest and most useful articles for con­venience and economy are


m Æ5*:, .


O F ONLY bring good cheer and joy to the hearts of loved ones during the brief and

merry holiday season, but by reason of their useful­ness and convenience serve throughout tin* year as a constant reminder of the loving kindness, sympathy and thoughtfulness thus made manifest by the giver.

For Sale by E ra th H ard w are CoA. F. VOORHIES, Hanager. NEW IBERIA, LA.

W E G I V E T R A D I N G S T A M P S .

S i


R E M E M B E RThat Now is the Time to Buy Your

H O L I D A Y P I A N O .

A MOKE APPROPRIATE GIFT, at th is season of the year, can­

not be conceiveJ of. You .are invited to call and see our KRANICH & BACH, CONOVBB, CABLE, KINQBURY, W EL­LINGTON and other makes of dfeaodagjl P ianos. Our CHASE

& BAKER Piano P layer, from a musical standpoint, cannot be ex ­celled. Call and hear it play. It plays any piano. W e offer bar­g a i n s i n sligh tly used Pianos fnd P layers.

OUR CHICAIs the Standard


COTTAGE ORGANthe American Home.



C hristm as Cards.In this line this house has for years made a specialty o f the finest of art pro luctions. The line o f Christmas Cards for this season is no exception to (he rule. They are new and up-to-date.

A rt C alendarsThe selections for this season represent the wonderful advance­ment made in the arts of printing and engraving. You will find Calendars suitable for the parlor, the office, or my lady’s boudoir.

Booklets.ucef^ of

provided better than ever before. The best and latest are here. Booklets to please and instruct children, youths and old peopie.

Toy Books.The children will be m a ^ happy by the possession of the beau­tiful Toy Books in this colleeflbn, and the striking illustrations will prove instructiye as well as am using. Bring the little ones.

NEWEST GOOD$.The stock of Holiday Goods was never’so com­

plete as it is this yetHc embracing Toilet Articles of new and beautiful desigHy*4̂ rient;d and other rare Per­fumes, Notions and Presents suitable for all ages and both sexes. All are cordially invited to see them.

LEE’S DRUG STORE. ̂ Prof a M Dtdenmhre, presi

. eut of Un» Doloainbro, Academy, »ken on a recent visit to our of* ®®> Raid that lie had ten car

“ters constantly at work on the ew dormo tory of that institution.

® applicants for scholarships to till the increased oapac-

ixt 0 ? , 8cLooli l»y the end ofmonth.

An unfortunate accident befell little Calvin »Sampson, Mr. Junius Sampson’s son. who is on a visit to ids mother’s relatives in Fausse Pointe. While out hunting last week lie shot awiy one of his fin­gers, necessitating amputation of the lacerated parts. He was very courageous throughout the ordeal and bore the affliction manfully

The New Iberia Southern Canal.

At last there is something more than “talk” doing.

On Monday of this week Mr. F. S. Hoyt, the contractor arrived here and set the ball lolling. Or. ders were placed for lumber with »Mr. (). G. Dupre, and it was promptly delivered on a site near the head of the proposed canal U. S. Davidson was engaged and at once started the construction of a boarding house for the accom modation of the employees on the Canal work.

Through the kindness of Mr. Leon Lemaire, the president of the drainage board which has this work in charge, the writer, was taken in the President’s buggy out to the works to see what was goingon, on last Wednesday fore noon. We met Mr. Dent Thomas, a son of Mr. Hoyt’s partner, who

j is down here from northern Iowa;I also, Mr. Richardson of Alexan. dria. Both these gentlemen will be on the work till ils completion.

The machinery has been shipped from various points—a part from .Sew Orleans, another lot from St. Louis aud some from Alexandria. Its arrival is expected before the close of this week, when it will at once be taken to the point of its use.

With the outfit coming from St. Louis is a complete electric light plant which will be used for night work. It is the intention of the contractor to.employ three shifts of workmen in the cutting of this canal, working each shift eight hours. By this system there will Oe no stops in the work from its start to its finish.

It is probable that the breaking of the first dirt will be accom pauied with proper and fitting ceremony. The little daughter of Mr. Leon Lemaire has been spo­ken of to act as sponsor on the occasion. A twin or double handle spade will be provided. With this tool Messrs. E. J. Cars tens and Leon Lemaire together will lift out the first spade-full of earth—the dredges will do the rest.

Dr- Warren (I. Young.

Prominent Crowley Physicians Will Lo­cate in New Iberia-

You can pay yourP a y Y o n r P o I l T a i N o w !

other taxes later. One Dollar now w ill save your right to vote.

When you wake uy with a bad taste in your moutji'fgo at once to EstorgeMlrng sto/e and get a free sample ofi ChajfiberIain’s Stomach and Liver A b lets. One or two doses wijj^nake you well. They also cure biliousness, sick head ache and constipation. Dec.

Dr. Warren G. Young lias de cided to leave Crowley and before the first of the year he will take up his residence at New Iberia. He regrets leaving Crowley, and thinks the surrounding country to New Iberia a more promising field.

Dr. Young has been identified wit It Crowley for fourteen years and during his residence here lie has proven himself one of the brightest physicians in Southwest Louisiana. He is a man who be­lieves in progress, is energetic and is ever on the watch for new methods whereby he may alleviate the pains of disease.

He lias served as coroner of Acadia parish and was at one time president of Hie Crowley Board of Health during some of its most trying periods. While serving in this capacity he greatly demonstrated his ability as a phy. sician. Early in 1891 lie located in Rayne and for seven years he Had a large practice in that town where lie was greatly admired. In 1898 lie came to Crowley and is now one of the most prominent physicians here and has and en­viable record, with a large prac­tice.

He is a gentleman of culture and refinement, affable in manner and a man of more than ordinary abil ity aud of handsome physhpre, tall and stately.

The first Lorenz operation ever performed in the state outside of New Orleans was undertaken in this city last April and was a suc­cess in every respect.

He has the honor also of having performed what is known as the abdominal section operation, the only one ever accomplished in Acadia or Vermilion parishes.

He will leave behind him a host of admiring friends who will re­gret very much his departure, but who join with the Signal with kindest wishes for his future suc­cess.

Dr. Young still believes in Crowley and thinks it one of tLe best cities in the State, but go< s to New Iberia as he thinks it a better field —Crowley Signal.

Get a free sam pW of Chamber­lain’s Stomach an^Liver Tablets at Estorge drugstore. They are easier to talraind more pleasant in effect than pills. Then their use is not followed by constipa­tion as is often the ease with pills. Regular size, 25c. per box. Dec.


Herman H Shadle Unanimously Chosen Chief-

On last Saturday evening, pur­suant to a call, issued by the com mittee from America Fire Co. No. 2 a meeting of delegates from all the fire companies was held in the offices of Messrs. Burke »V Burke, for the purpose of organizing a Fire Department and the selecting of a Chief aud Aid. The several companies were represented as follows:

Iberia Fire Co. No. 1; L. l ’fister, Chas. A. Dupuy, L. Ba/.us, II. F. Levy, li. Espenan.

America Fire Co. No. 2; C. L. Reynolds, X. F. Herpeche, Luneas Rogers, A. K. Veazey, L. M. Le­maire.

West End Hose Go. No. (!: W. J. Bernard. Isham Vest. Ed Per­ron, Frank Laiighlin, G us Ordi neaux.

East End Fire Co. No. 7; Wal­ter J. Burke, Geo. W. Dallas, R. A. Pomeroy, Reno F. Delalious saye, J. X. Thibodaux.

Mr. Lemaire called the meeting to order and explained the pur poses of the call. Hon. Walter .1. Burke was unanimously elected the permanent chairman of the meeting and Leon M. Lemaire was elected permanent secretary.

The question of a Firo Depart­ment was then discussed. This point settled in the affirmative to tHe satisfaction of the delegates, the next step was to consider tlie qualifications of the possible Chief. After quite an animated debate, it was decided that the Chief of the New Iberia Fire De­partment must be selected out side the membership of the iudi vidual companies. It was next decided that the delegates should vote individually, preferably to voting by companies iu blocks of five.

The question of the Aid to the Chief was theu discussed aud li nally decided by resolution, for­mally carried, that the Chief should have the authority to nom inate his Aid, aud that there shall lie but one.

The Chairman was then author ized by resolution, to appoint a commit tes, on® from each delega­tion, which committee was in structed to confer with the Mayor and City Council. The object of the conference is to secure the drafting and passing of a town ordinance, recognizing the Fire Department, and vesting the Chief and Aid with power and authority to do such things as may be necessary in the perfor­mance of their respective duties. The Chair then announced the following appointments: L. Blis­ter, C. L. Reynolds, W. J. Ber­nard, and W. J. Burke.

Xavier Ilerpeche then rose and put H. H. Shadle in nomination tor the position of Chief of the New Iberia Fire Department. This nomination was promptly seconded by Gus Ordineaux. No other names were submitted. Mr. Shadles nomination and election were made unanimous.

The meeting then adjourned subject to call of chairman Burke.

A y e r s P i l lAct directly on the liver. 1 They cure co n stip a tio n ,

^ hihousm », sick-h. adache, jMofd for

Want your moustache or heard a beautiful brown or rich black? r ? BUCKING HAM 'S DYE

.A. A A i A Al. Al Ak A. A-

J L J ^ T ' I * L ' U J F A \ K ! )


m 0 1I.*

Everything Needed for the Convenience of the Home KitchenTflil OF THE BEST QUALITY

Also, a Complete lino of Dried F ru its and Nuts of a ll

kinds for the CHRISTM AS H O L ID A Y TRADE.

All Pure hoses Pramptly Delivered

C o r n e r S t . P e t e r s a n d C e n t e r S t s , , N E W IB E R IA . L A . LeM A IRE BROS.

F T T T T T T T T T T T T T ▼ ▼ ▼ ' T T V T T T T 7 T T T T T T '¥

B e Q uick.Not a minute should be lost

when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy given a^soon as the child becomes h<$arjf, or even after the eroupy caiami appears, will pre­vent the dxtack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Estorge Drag Co.

_____________________ Dec


2 -- oxlO Reversible Engines.1— 5x8 Tandie Bed Engine.1— S ’ixl2x30-inch Planer.1— Slide Rest.1— Portable Cylinder Boring Ear.1— Large Chain Drill.4— Tube Expanders, from IJ4 to 3

inches—will sell these singly, in pairs, or the whole set.

The above will be sold cheap. A bargain for any one needing any of the above For further particulars and prices, call at this office,


TakesI b e r ia B


p stock in theID

g A ssociation


W e e k s S t r e e t , O p p o s it e th e P o s t O f f i c e . f

Having recently moved into these new quarters I am in a bet­ter position to serve the public.

FipiipineiitH^are first class in every particular.Good driveTS furnished to all points.

TTie P a tro n a g e of tine IF’nnblic Solicitées..


Dainty, bewitching.So charming and bright.

Her garments are seloed On the light running White.

T h is is the No. 27 Automatic Lift, Swell Front White. It’s a swell machine and is made for those who desire an extra fine article. Something unique,but at the same time a thoroughly practical machine.,

R. P . B L A N C H A R D . A G E N T . ,Ni;w H lE K I l , l . t



G a r d e n S e e d . G a r d e n S e e d .New Crop Direct From the (irow er, Sold . .In Q e n t it ie s to Suit the Purchasers...

Dwarf Beans,Pole Beans,Beet,Cabbage,Cauliflower,Carrots,

OTc**, , Leek, Pepper,f*oin, Musk Melon, FaddishCucumber, Water Melon, SpinachEgg Plant,

: Endive, ..Lettuce,

"Mustard, Okra, *Was,


Parsley. \ Tu rnip.

E. J. CA&8TEINS, Seed Merchant,202 204 E. Main Street, New Iberia, La, J

r f “ "1' - * - . —


T h e BesVu] E v e r y Line anti Grade

N k f e r s , L a r g e o r Small, Solicited

E stim a te 014 Contractor’s .P.ilts Fur-

nishen'upon Request.

N E W YARD cZ S \ r W cst Mai"

...Une S treets,

N E W I B E R I A . L A .

Clarence E. Duperier.


L o n g d is ta n c e l in o s a n d te le p h o n e s c l th is C o m p a n y ô p a b lo y o u to t a lk a lm o s t a n y w h e r e in S o iity ie n ^ In d ia n a , S o u th e r n I l l in o is , K e n tu c k y , 'T Q f in e s s e o , M is s is s ip p i a n d L o u is ia n a . W ^ c a n p u t y o u in q u ic k a n d s a t is f a c t o r y q o r fy p u n ic a t io n w ith t h e p e o p le o f t h is g re A t se& tyon o f th o c o u n t r y .W e s o l ic i t y o u r p a t r o n a l» . R a to s r e a s o n ­a b le . E q u ip m e n ts a n d f a c i l i t ie s u n s u r ­p a s s e d .

JAM e n E. CALDWELL.& Geu’l -r

l ELAND H U M E, bi-'y it A»»'t Oeal Mjr.

T. D. W E B S .T r t a s n r « .

JERRY W. TAYLOR,M ason, Contractor and Bu+lder

Sugar House Woik, Furnace Setting, Heavy Foundations, Etc., a Specialty.

OaTLock Box 1ÎJÇ. - - NEW IBERIA, LA.EBtjjiiateB Ifriraiaked Upon Application. _

