USA Grows - Wilkes-Barre Area School District 112.pdf · Began in 1793 in USA ... Increased in USA...


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Industrial Revolution

Change from making products by hand to using machines and tools

Began in 1793 in USA

Picked up around time of War of 1812 b/c of British blockade

Led to growth of cities in USA

New England Factories

Sam Slater built first spinning mill factory in USA in Rhode Island

Was a great place to build factories b/c they needed water to run

the machines and also rivers for transportation, both of which New England had a lot of

Lowell Factory

Francis Cabot Lowell built a factory in MA

Spun cotton into cloth

A lot of women worked here

Workers were paid very well ($2-$4/week)

Interchangeable parts

Parts that can be used in multiple pieces of product

Before interchangeable parts, no two pieces of a product were


These allow for quicker and better manufacturing

Eli Whitney was first to start using these (muskets)

New inventions during Industrial


Steam engine- James Watt

Cotton gin- Eli Whitney

Threshing machine


Steamboat-Robert Fulton

Reaper-Cyrus McCormick

Telegraph- Samuel Morse


Steel plow- John Deere

Cotton Gin

Before cotton gin, a worker could only clean one pound of cotton

per day

After the cotton gin, they could clean 50 pounds of cotton per day

Partly responsible for growth of slavery and southern economy

staying mostly agricultural (farming)

Slavery increases

1808, it becomes illegal in US to import slaves from Africa

Between 1810-1840, number of slaves doubled

In 1840, only 1/3 of southerners owned slaves and only 10% of them

had more than 20 slaves

Even southerners who didn’t own slaves supported the idea of


1840, only 5% of African Americans were free in the south

Slave Rebellions

Nat Turner led a revolt with 70 other man killed 55 white people in


Most of the men were killed or captured

Turner was captured, tried, and hanged

200 African Americans were killed throughout the south by whites in

revenge for Turners rebellion

Slave Culture

Common culture developed in the 1800s among the slaves in the


This culture helped sustain them through their horrible ordeal

Religion was very important to the slaves

Slaves sang spirituals, folk songs that has religious themes

Were foundation for jazz, blues, and other types of modern American


Atlantic Slave Trade

Slavery was very common in Africa going back to the Ancient


When the Europeans set up colonies in Africa, slavery increased

Millions of Africans were taken for slavery

Horrors of Slavery

20 percent died on ships

Branded with hot irons

Slaves received little food or water on the ships


Feeling of pride and loyalty to your country

Increased in USA during War of 1812

American System

President Madison’s plan to make American economy self sufficient

Part 1- protective tariff making American products cheaper

Part 2- establish a national bank that would create one national


Part 3- improve transportation

Election 1816

James Monroe wins election (Democratic Republican)

Showed that Americans were ok with strong federal gov’t

Monroe’s presidency became known as “Era of Good Feelings”

Canal Era

Main way to transport products before the train

Erie Canal was the biggest canal built (connected upstate NY to



Loyalty to interests of your region or section of the country

West- they wanted cheap land

NE-focused on manufacturing and trade

South-focused on slavery and farming

Missouri compromise

1817, MO applies to become a state

At the time, there were 11 slave and 11 free states

Admitted MO (slave state) and ME (free state) to keep the


Also banned slavery north of southern border of MO

Mason Dixon Line

Became a symbol of border between slave and free states

On the border of MD and PA

Borders set

1818, US and British reached an agreement on border between US

and Canada

1819, Spain agrees to give Florida to US which extends southern border

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

President Monroe ordered that “the Americas” was closed to


Told Europeans to stay out of this part of the world and we would defend our interests

Also agreed that US would stay out of European matters