U.S. General Services Administration What is the DOD Purchase Card On- Line System (PCOLS)? LaKeisha...


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U.S. General Services Administration

What is the DOD Purchase Card On-What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?Line System (PCOLS)?

LaKeisha GillLaKeisha GillLead PCOLS InstructorLead PCOLS InstructorDefense Logistics Agency-Log Info SvcDefense Logistics Agency-Log Info Svc

July 31 – August 2, 2012July 31 – August 2, 2012

2012 GSA SmartPay Conference “Fine Tune Your Payments Program With GSA SmartPay”


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What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

(agency name)

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What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Visit the Citibank Welcome Center– Governor’s Lobby

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Citi offers on-site training at no cost for agencies meeting the required minimum participant level of 20 or more as set forth in the GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract.

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Distance Learning–Video Conferences

Please e-mail us at CommCard.Training@citi.com and a Citi training coordinator will work with you directly for on-site or Distance Learning sessions.

What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?



Interactive Training Events – GSAAll DOD GPC


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– Norfolk, VA

– Washington, DC

What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?



Course Description


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

(agency name)

This session will provide a fundamental overview of the Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS). In addition to its purpose and background, a high-level explanation of PCOLS applications Suite (AIM, EMMA, DM, RA, and Reports) and how these applications serve to support the DOD’s Purchase Card program will be discussed

All DOD GPC Attendees


Goals & Objectives


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?Department of

DefenseAll DOD GPC


• Gain an insight to why we use PCOLS

• Identify the different PCOLS applications and become more familiar with what they do

• Recognize the benefits of using PCOLS in your GPC program




What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

PCOLS History and Description


From 1996-2002 there were over 600 DOD and Inspector General audit reports issued

Findings included systemic issues regarding: Account reconciliation and certification Administrative controls Management oversight Purchase card use Separation of duties Training

PCOLS History and Description


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



In response, the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense charted the Charge Card Task Force to evaluate departmental management and the use of cards issued under the GPC Program

The Task Force developed 25 recommendations that were to significantly improve the Departments charge card programs. Examples include: Increase management and accountability Strengthen internal controls Enhance the capability of the workforce to accomplish

assigned charge card responsibilities

PCOLS History and Description


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



In 2002 the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense OUSD(C) signed out Management Initiative Decision (MID) 904 mandating remedies to control identified deficiencies

The final phase was implementing PCOLS

PCOLS History and Description


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



• PCOLS is a DOD-wide suite of electronic systems that GPC officials use to improve the management and accountability within their GPC Program organizations

• PCOLS is comprised of four applications

• The government developed applications are EMMA, AIM and PCOLS Reporting. The Industry developed application is DM/RA

• PCOLS is CAC enabled to ensure secure authentication and non-repudiation. This enabling technology serves as a key internal management control

PCOLS History and Description


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

How PCOLS Benefits the GPC Program


PCOLS Mission Statement

To maintain the efficiencies of the purchase card program to meet the department’s micro-purchase needs while leveraging automated capabilities to eliminate fraud, waste and abuse vulnerabilities in the DOD Purchase Card Program

PCOLS Benefits


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



Document GPC organizational hierarchy


Automated capabilities



Access to transaction history

Real-time transaction monitoring

Reporting capabilities

PCOLS Benefits


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Overview of PCOLS Suite of Applications

PCOLS Sign-On and Referral System (SRS)


SRS is a Single access point to get to PCOLS applications https://pki.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/pcols-web/

PCOLS Sign-On and Referral System (SRS)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



• Main menu features the suite of applications permitted to each specific user

PCOLS Sign-On and Referral System (SRS)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Overview of PCOLS Suite of Applications

Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA)


EMMA is a web application that allows users to be provisioned for AIM

Users can create and manage organizations and roles, including provisioning users to a specific role

The system was set up with a hierarchical structure and each role has specific permissions assigned to them

Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Organizational Hierarchy


The primary user of EMMA are the Agency Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPC)

When users of the PCOLS applications are provisioned they will receive an email notification with a token embedded link. Clicking this link captures the users CAC information and associates it to their specific role

Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


CAC enablement aids as a security benefit


Adds visibility, documents GPC hierarchy

Adds accountability, provides an additional level of supervisory involvement throughout the PCOLS applications

CAC enabled for security

Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Benefits of EMMA


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Overview of PCOLS Suite of Applications

Authorization Issuance and Maintenance (AIM)


Workflow tool that performs various Purchase Card Program account authorization and maintenance functions

Allows users that are provisioned in EMMA to be assigned to specific accounts in AIM

When account issuance or maintenance requests are processed through the necessary workflow in AIM they are sent automatically to the bank for implementation

Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



AIM does not duplicate work done at the bank or change current access to the bank

Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



Examples of actions that A/OPCs can perform Create new managing and

card holder accounts Update users on accounts Update purchase limits Change account status Ensure that ongoing training

requirements are met

Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



All roles, A/OPC and below, have access to AIM including the RM and RM Pool

Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


NOTE: Cardholders only access AIM one time


Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Issue Cardholder Account


Increased visibility with task and account update email notifications Users are notified of updates and changes regarding their

accounts Tracks GPC training dates for Primary and Alternate A/BOs

and Cardholders Tracks required appointments and review dates for A/OPCs

Additional accountability with required supervision involvement

Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Benefits of AIM


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Overview of PCOLS Suite of Applications

Data Mining and Risk Assessment (DM/RA)


DM reviews 100% of the purchase card transactions to provide near real-time transaction monitoring and history access

Each transaction is assigned a Risk Predictive Model score

The model flags 4% of all GPC transactions for review. 3% are flagged as potential high risk and 1% are flagged at random

Data Mining/ Risk Assessment (DM/RA)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



Flagged transactions are required to be dispositioned by the Primary or the Alternate A/BOs, who received the notification email

With every flagged transaction, a maximum of 13 questions must be answered

Flagged transactions are time-sensitive and must be completed

Data Mining/ Risk Assessment (DM/RA)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



High risk transactions require an Independent Review by the A/OPC. In this case, a specific email notification is sent

A/OPCs are notified by email when the A/BO has completed the review

Independent reviews can be completed by the A/OPC after the A/BO has dispositioned the case

Data Mining/ Risk Assessment (DM/RA)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Flagged transaction


Real-time transaction monitoring provides additional accountability

Email notifications to associated users provides increased visibility within the GPC program

Secure access to transaction history

Risk Predictive Model automates the process to assess risk and the sample selection of transactions to review

Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Benefits of Data Mining


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Overview of PCOLS Suite of Applications

Data Mining and Risk Assessment (DM/RA)


Risk Assessment uses internal controls and measures, coupled with results from DM, to report potential risks

5 categories in Risk Assessment Control: Span of Control Separation of Duties Authorization Controls Card Status Transaction Review Controls

PCOLS Risk Assessment


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Benefits of Risk Assessment

Reports generated quarterly show side-by-side comparison view of GPC Program health for 3 billing cycles

Dashboard design provides a snap-shot view of the overall health of GPC Program during a given billing cycle to provide increased visibility and accountability

Control categories assist in assessing risk associated with the organization’s Purchase Card Program


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Overview of PCOLS Suite of Applications

PCOLS Reporting


Users will be granted access to a set of reports that are generated in association to their specific role

In order to provide these reports, Reporting will utilize data from AIM, EMMA, Defense Eligibility and Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS), DM/RA and appropriate bank systems

Each role has permission to run a specified set of reports

PCOLS Reporting


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



PCOLS Reporting


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Reports Res


e M
















ve A







































Account Status x x x x x x Annual Review of Managing Accounts x x x x x x Approving/Billing Official x x x x x x x Case Disposition Detail x x x x x x Case Disposition Summary x x x x x x Conflict of Interest x x x x x x x Infraction Detail x x x x x x Program Management x x x x x x Provisioning Status x x x x x x Purchase Card x x x x x x x x x x Recommended Action Summary x x x x x x Training Due x x x x x x x x Workflow Aging x x x x x x x x x



• Account Status Report- allows users to review the number of accounts in a selected A/OPC Organization

• Annual Review of Managing Accounts Report- allows users to view a list of Managing Accounts with upcoming review due dates

• Approving/Billing Official – allows users to view a list of Active and Suspended Managing Accounts in AIM and the A/BOs assigned to them

• Case Disposition Detail- allows users to view the details of each flagged transaction that was reviewed during the reporting period

PCOLS Reporting


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



• Case Disposition Summary Report- allows users to view a summary of DM flagged transaction case dispositions by A/OPC organization

• Conflict of Interest- allows users to view a list of individuals within the identified organization that hold an A/BO role and Cardholder role within the same Managing Account

• Infraction Detail Report- allows users to view details of infractions by A/OPC organization

• Program Management Report- allows users to review a summary of transactions and DM/RA case information for a organization during one bank cycle

PCOLS Reporting


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



• Provisioning Status Report- allows users to view all individuals in a selected organization in an active status

• Purchase Card Report-allows users to view a list of Cardholder Accounts that meet the selected reporting criteria

• Recommended Action-allows users to view a summary of DM flagged transaction case dispositions

• Training Due Report- allows users to view a list of dates that training is due for A/BOs, Cardholders, or both

• Workflow Aging Report- allows users to view tasks within A/OPC organization that have been in workflow to long

PCOLS Reporting


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC



Access to data from all PCOLS applications

Track training dates

Monitor account status and conflicts of interest

Quick reference of user status in EMMA (pending or active)

Oversight of transaction dispositions in DM

Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM)


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


Benefits of Reporting


What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

Overview of PCOLS Suite of Applications



Mandated for the elimination of fraud, waste and abuse

Documents the GPC organizational hierarchy

Provides security through the use of CAC enabled access

Automates account issuance and maintenance

Real-time monitoring of transactions

Engages the supervision within the purchase card program



What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC





What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?All DOD GPC


PCOLS Help Desk

Phone: 800-376-7783, com 269-961-7307, or DSN 661-7307

Email: dlacontactcenter@dla.mil

Operation Hours: 24x7

PCOLS Website at DAU Acquisition Community Connection (ACC)


PCOLS Website at DLA Logistics Information Service


Contains: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

System User Manuals (EMMA, AIM, DM/RA, REPORTING)

DEERS Address Update and User Maintenance Portal Links

Various Training Aids

What is the DOD Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS)?

LaKeisha Gill


Department o DefenseAll DOD GPC



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In January 2007, Citi released a Climate Change Position Statement, the first US financial institution to do so. As a sustainability leader in the financial sector, Citi has taken concrete steps to address this important issue of climate change by: (a) targeting $50 billion over 10 years to address global climate change: includes significant increases in investment and financing of alternative energy, clean technology, and other carbon-emission reduction activities; (b) committing to reduce GHG emissions of all Citi owned and leased properties around the world by 10% by 2011; (c) purchasing more than 52,000 MWh of green (carbon neutral) power for our operations in 2006; (d) creating Sustainable Development Investments (SDI) that makes private equity investments in renewable energy and clean technologies; (e) providing lending and investing services to clients for renewable energy development and projects; (f) producing equity research related to climate issues that helps to inform investors on risks and opportunities associated with the issue; and (g) engaging with a broad range of stakeholders on the issue of climate change to help advance understanding and solutions.

Citi works with its clients in greenhouse gas intensive industries to evaluate emerging risks from climate change and, where appropriate, to mitigate those risks.

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