Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · PDF fileFr Bill O’Shea ... Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart...


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St Bernard’s Church 4 Klumpp Rd., U M G.

St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan & Chester Rds

Eight Mile Plns, Bne.

St Catherine’s Church 388 Newnham Rd., Wishart.

PARISH PRIEST Fr Patrick Molony

ASSOCIATE PASTOR Fr Stephen Kumyangi


PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Mrs Trish Stapleton pa.umg@bne.catholic.net.au

PASTORAL MINISTERS VOLUNTEERS E: cv.umg@bne.catholic.net.au

YOUTH & YOUNG PEOPLE Edwin Pereira E: yaya.umg @bne.catholic.net.au

PARISH MANAGER Mignon Telford E: umg@bne.catholic.net.au

PARISH OFFICE Michelle Baldi Lorraine Neagle Phone: (07) 3849 7158 Emergency: 3830 5178 Fax: (07) 3849 8742 E: sec.umg@bne.catholic.net.au Website:http://umgwcatholic.org.au/ F: Like us: http://www facebook.com/umgwparish

DEANERY www.parishes.bne.catholic.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL Welfare: 3010 1096

ST BERNARD’S SCHOOL 1823 Logan Rd., U M G Phone: 3849 4800

ST CATHERINE’S SCHOOL 388 Newnham Rd., Wishart Phone: 3349 7188


24 Klumpp Rd., U M G Phone: 3347 9200

NEWSLETTER 10/11 June 2017

THE MOST HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY/A READINGS: Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

GOSPEL: John 3:16-18

Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we aim to be an evangelising, faith-filled parish whose members care for one another and are welcoming and inclusive.

‘The old man, the young fella and the bird!’

Years ago I was asked to take a parish-based catechetics class for children from a government primary school. I started by trying to work out how much the children knew about the basics. I asked, ‘When we make the sign of the cross, what do we say?‘ ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ came the firm reply. So far so good! I tried upping the bar. ‘What do we call the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?’ There was complete silence. I tried another track. ‘What do you think of when you make the Sign of the Cross?’ There was an awkward silence and then a bright little boy cheerily said, ‘The old man, the young fella and the bird!’

No one can blame those children for the poverty of their images of the Trinity. Many older Catholics have similar images from paintings and holy pictures. The mystery of the Trinity means that in whatever way we portray God as Father, Son and Spirit it will always be inadequate and incomplete. No one has ever seen God or the Holy Spirit. No one has a portrait of Jesus. All the images and words we use for the Trinity are more a reflection of our faith than the final word about God. God is always more than any name we use or any concept we have. The special insight into God we celebrate today is that relationships are at the very centre of who God is.

It took the early Christians four hundred years to fully grasp what Jesus was on about when he spoke of his relationship to the Father and Spirit. They struggled to understand how and why God would have three faces and yet exist as One Being – love as One, act as One. They settled the ‘how’ of the Trinity’s nature by teaching us that the persons of the Trinity are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal. They settled the ‘why’ of the Trinity by reflecting that their experience of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit was an encounter of love. They knew the core of God was not an idea or a principle, but was a loving relationship. Furthermore, the early Christians knew that they were invited into this relationship.

What was true for them is true for us. Think about this for a minute: we believe that the God who creates, redeems and sustains the world seeks us out and invites us into a loving relationship. This is what gives us our greatest dignity and urges us on to share this message with everyone we meet. What a privilege! What an invitation! What a God!

It also follows that if relationships are at the core of God then, for those of us who accept the invitation into the Trinity's embrace, relationships are meant to be our core business too. We are not to be isolated believers or private disciples. The degree to which we understand today's feast will be shown in the care we take in our many and varied relationships, be they social, intimate, professional, civic or international.

Every time we do anything to form new and good relationships, mend those which are broken, help other relationships to be deeper and richer or just enjoy the ones we have, we discover one thing: Trinity

Adapted from Richard Leonard SJ LiturgyHelp.com

At the end of the month, Fr Hyacinth will be relocating to move closer to the two Universities where he lectures. Fr Hyacinth has been Priest in Residence in the parish since his arrival in Australia in June 2010. We are most grateful for his presence

and worth in the parish over the past 7 years. His final Mass here will be Saturday 24 June, at 6.00 pm, St Catherine’s, Wishart.


St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

The annual collection for the SVDP Winter Appeal will be conducted in the Parish this weekend June 10/11.

The local SVDP Conferences are extremely grateful for the generous support provided by parishioners in the past. This winter your commitment to helping those experiencing disadvantage, poverty and homelessness is still very much needed as volunteer SVDP members offer them a hand up, a way forward. Cash donations may be placed in the envelopes provided, or card details can be completed on the flap of the envelope. The envelopes may be placed on any of the collection plates today or anytime throughout June.

FIRST EUCHARIST We welcome and remember in our prayers the 64 children who were recently Confirmed in our parish, and approached the Table of the Lord for the first time this month.



Parents if you would like your children to prepare for the sacraments at the beginning of next year, you need to register them with the parish now. For information call Trish or Michelle to register.

RCIA Post Easter Get-together: Coffee & Chat A reminder to all our new and newly confirmed adult Catholics that we will have an informal get together on Tuesday 13 June at 7.00 pm in the parish boardroom.

RETREAT Parish Pastoral Council & Liturgy Team Members are invited to attend a reflection and formation time in the Aspinall Centre on Friday/Saturday 4/5 August. Facilitator: Sr Mary Franzmann. Please mark your diaries.

BAPTISMS Congratulations to Lucy Thirkell, daughter of Mark & Vanessa; Daniel Schroder, son of Glenn & Jessica;

Walter Brierley, son of Rani; Michelle Daniel, daughter of Pritam & Maria. They will be baptised this Sunday in St Bernard's Church.


17/18 June 2017

Please arrive 15 mins before


St Bernard’s: Margaret Beiers,

Joseph Cosico, Denise Child; Lyn

Allsop, Irene Lam, Lyn Rebecchi;

Anne George, Sean Szetoo, Brad

Correia; Christina Stewart,

Michele Alexander, Francis


St Martin’s: Carol Fuhrmeister,

Kathlyn McCarthy, Cristy


S t C a t h e r i n e ’ s : J o a n n e

Blanchfield, Novita Jurry, Brian

Rayfield; Marian Fernando,

Carly Jeffery, Edan Pereira.

Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish


Next Sunday 18 June 2017 9.30 am - 3 pm

There’s lots to enjoy at the fete for the whole family. Entertainment, Rides & Games, Cakes & Sweets, Hot food, Craft & Plants, Raffles & Prizes, Trash & Treasure. Come along and support our local primary school.

Time to Curl up with a Book? In this month of June we celebrate three very special feasts:- Pentecost - the birth of the Church The Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - the Gift of the Eucharist. Our book selection this month contains Fr Bill O’Shea–Questions Catholics Ask, Fr Timothy Radcliffe O.P. Why Go to

Church - and many others. All worth checking out.

Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Catholic Church The Regional Tribunal of Qld has made available brochures with information about annulments and re-marriage in the Catholic Church. Copies of these brochures are at our parish churches. Further information please phone the Brisbane Tribunal Office on 3324 3033. Email: tribbris@bne.catholic.net.au or visit the Archdiocesan Website: ht tp: //brisbanecathol ic.org.au/l i fe/marriage-annulments/.

Vocations Novena (V9)

Prayer Campaign 2017



11 June - 6 August 2017

Sunday June 11th – The Most Holy Trinity

Let us pray:

For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and Religious Life, that more men and women will respond with generosity to the call to serve God in this way. Let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Please pick up a prayer card at the church door.


Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish

RIDE TO REACHOUT Catholic Mission’s Ride to

Reachout is a bike ride, from

November 15-26, focusing on

one of the most beautiful of “all

the nations”, Cambodia, but it

will give participants a chance to see

how Mission is unfolding across the

Cambodia countryside. Call 3336 9239

for more details or for a FREE

information pack and be a part of this

historic – for all concerned – experience.

GRIEF & LOSS SEMINAR Supporting family after a child dies at

any age & from any cause.

Hosted by The Compassionate Friends

Qld. Saturday 17 June, 8.45 am - 3 pm,

O’Shea Centre, 19 Lovedale Street,

Wilston. Online booking:


Contact Drop In Centre: 3254 2657

(Monday, Tuesday, Friday)

E: info@CompassionateFriendsQld.


Book & pay by Monday 12th June.

ALTAR WINE COMPANY Brian & Yvonne began delivering Altar

Wine to parishes back in May 2004 and

unfortunately it has outgrown their

ability to continue. Delivery is to 70

parishes, including Catholic, Anglican &

Lutheran. It is an ideal opportunity for a

retired (or semi) person, 3 or 4 hours/

week. They would just love to sell to a

parishioner or someone suitable for this

very personal type of business. Yvonne

0416 151 537. Brian 0416 120 839.



Wednesday, 14th June,

6.30 pm – 8.00 pm.

Presentation in the

Auditorium followed by

the College tour with our

Student Leaders. There is

an opportunity to meet

with our Principal and members of the

Leadership Team. Bookings

recommended. To book a space, please

contact our Enrolment Officer 3347 9223

or email: gomf@cvxmck.edu.au

WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Especially John Ward (husband of

Denise), Ray Cleland, Pat Clark, Lou

Musser, Peter Faughey and Francisco

Fanara who have died recently, also

Mary Rhodes, Tony McDermott,

Giovanna Dileo, Shane Drage, Sara

Schneeberg, Bill Bourke, Liggy & Lino

D’Souza, Dr Hilary & Cleta Desouza,

Rita Galea, Simon Tinh, Laura Sim,

Charles & Scott Sullivan and deceased

members of the McAnalen family

whom we remember at this time.

THANK YOU Danuta would like to

sincerely thank all for

their kind expressions

of sympathy, and for

the cards and floral arrangements

received following the recent death of

her husband Ray. Your prayers,

thoughtfulness and generosity at this

time are greatly appreciated. Danuta Cleland

GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Leo

and Carmel Feeney who

celebrate 50 years of

marriage this weekend.

We wish them every

happiness and many

blessings in the years to come.

C O R P U S C H R I S T I PROCESSION Let us publicly honour Our Lord

through the city streets, 2.00 pm

Sunday 18 June, St Stephen’s

Cathedral. Proceedings led by

Archbishop Mark Coleridge.

SENIOR COACH TOURS Wednesday 28 June, Northern Rivers

District of NSW. Tour, morning tea

and lunch at the Tyalgum Hotel. All

included $45. Bus leaves St Catherine’s

at 8 am. Bookings Maureen 3343 3144.

Stamps for the Columban Missions can

be left in the box at St Catherine’s.

Thursday 15 June. Beaudesert Shire

Historical Church Tour. A tour guide

will show us the great churches around

the Beaudesert district. Lunch at the

RSL Club. Cost $50 includes m/tea,

guide and lunch. Bus departs St

Bernard’s 8.30 am. Contact Sue

3349 8198.

LOURDES HILL COLLEGE Past Pupils Association

Annual Seniors Past Pupils

Morning Tea Duhig Hall ~

Lourdes Hill College,

Tuesday 20 June, 10 am. Cost $25.

Bookings essential by Thurs. 15 June.

Enq: Marilyn Loth 0422 854 737 or

E: marilynloth@hotmail.com, Loreto

0412 769 708 or E: rclvlotz@gmail.com.

A MUSICAL AFTERNOON Pregnancy Crisis Inc. invites you to its

annual lunch, starring the Pop’s

Quartet, St Bakhita Community Choir

and Gracie Mack Jazz Trio. 12 noon

Saturday 1 July, Marymac

Community Centre, 616 Ipswich Rd.,

Annerley. Tickets $60/$45. Special

family prices. Bookings 1300 777 777

or email pci777@bigpond.com. QLD IRISH CHOIR Invite you to attend: The June 2017

“Celtic Winter” Concert. Guest:

International Trumpeter and Recording

Artist: John Coulton. The Brisbane

German Club – Vulture St. East Bne.

Sunday 18th June, 2 pm – 4 pm. Cost

$15. Bookings Jennifer 3399 3129

(M) 0447 744 788.


Tickets can be purchased at the door.

Afternoon Tea is included.

CATHOLIC LEADER ‘May the Holy Spirit grant peace to

the whole world,’ Pope Francis

prays after latest London terror


Catholic school principal says

‘sexting’ a major problem among


New Brisbane bishop prepares for

‘enormity of the role’ and asks for




1. Holy God, we praise thy name; Lord of all, we bow before thee.

All on earth thy sceptre claim, all in heaven above adore thee.

Infinite thy vast domain, everlasting is thy reign.

3. Holy Father, holy Son, Holy Spirit, three we name thee;

While in Essence only One, undivided God we ‘claim thee;

And adoring bend the knee, while we own the mystery. © WOL Int German “Te Deum” CA Walworth 1820-1900.. Lic. 1326E

FIRST READING: Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9


Response: Glory and praise forever!

1. You are blest, Lord God of our Fathers.

Blest your glorious holy name. (R)

2. You are blest in the temple of your glory.

You are blest on the throne of your kingdom. (R)

3. You are blest who gaze into the depths.

You are blest in the firmament of heaven. (R) © Word of Life Int. Smith Colin WIL Lic 1326E

SECOND READING: 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

♫ GOSPEL ACCLAM: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory

to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to God who is, who was

and who is to come. Alleluia. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. © WOL Int. Mason P WIL Lic. 1326E.

GOSPEL: John 3:16-18


Take and eat, this is my body.

Take and drink, this is my life blood.

Whenever you share this meal with others

do so in memory of me. © Word of LifeInt. Russell, Maggie WIL Licence 1326E


Lord we come to your table.

Lord, we hear your Word.

Lord, you are our Bread of Life

and we, the Body of Christ. (repeat) © Word of Life Int. Herry, Michael HER Lic 1326E


May our worship and praise speak out with our lives

As we grow in your presence O God.

And in seeking your path from the truth in our hearts,

May we know your presence forever. (repeat) © Word of Life Int. Herry, Michael HER Lic 1326E


1. Glory be to God in heaven,

peace to those who love you well;

On the earth let all your people

speak your grace, your wonders tell:

Lord, we praise you for your glory,

mighty Father, heaven’s king;

Hear our joyful adoration and accept the thanks we bring.

2. Only Son of God the Father,

Lamb who takes our sin away,

now with God in triumph seated

for your mercy, Lord we pray:

Jesus Christ, most high and holy,

Saviour, you are God alone

in the glory of the Father with the Spirit: Three in One! © WOL Int Perry, Michael Jubilate Hymns (Tune Ode to Joy- Ludwig van

Beethoven) Lic. 1326E

MASS TIMES 12 - 18 June 2017

St Bernard’s:

Tues. 9.15 am

Wed. 7.00 pm - 2nd Sunday

Thurs. 7.00 am

Fri. 8.00 am

Sat. 6.15 pm

Sun. 7.00 am, 9.30 am, 6.15 pm

St Martin’s:

Fri. 9.30 am

Sunday 8.00 am

St Catherine’s:

Mon. 9.15 am

Wed. 7.00 am

Sat. 6.00 pm

Sun. 8.30 am


St Bernard’s - Sat. 5.15 pm

St Catherine’s - Sat. 5.00 pm



Mon. 12 June 2017

HeartFIT: 11.30 am, Aspinall Centre.

SVDP Meeting - 5 pm, St C’s Community Centre.

Tues. 13 June - St Anthony of Padua

Craft Group - 10 am, St Bernard’s Community


Ecumenical Service - 10 am, Mt Gravatt Hostel,

Agay St., Mt Gravatt.

Wed. 14 June 2017

SVdP Meeting - 5 pm, Aspinall Centre, Room 1.

Beside Restful Waters - 7.30 pm - St Bernard’s


Finance Meeting - 7 pm, parish office.

Thurs. 15 June 2017

Play Group - 9.15 am St B’s Community Centre.

Seniors Bus trip - To Beaudesert. Bus leaves St

Bernard’s 8.30 am.

Friday - 16 June 2017

Play Group - St Catherine’s Hall, 9.30 am.

HeartFIT: - 10 am, Aspinall Centre.

Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish


18 June 2017

READINGS: Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14-16;

Corinthians 10:16-17.

GOSPEL: John 6:51-58.
