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Update on country situation: LATVIA

Lisbon, 18th October 2013

Anda Karnite

Department of public health and epidemiology,

Riga Stradins University, Latvia

Number of notified HIV and AIDS cases in Latvia


Number of notified HIV cases by mode of transmission in Latvia


Studies on HIV prevalence among PWID in Larvia

Coverage, NEP/SEP

(17 LTCs in 2013)

Coverage NEP/SEP

• 23.7 syringes per PDU (n=13,141 according to Trapencieris et al.) per year in 2012

Coverage, OST(9 Methadone cabinets, Buprenorphine in 5 cities in 2012)

• Despite the increase the coverage is 2-3%, still the lowest in Europe• Not all clients are everyday clients...


• RDS study 2012 (EC project TUBIDU led by National Institute for Health Development, Estonia)

- Have received syringes from NEP/SEP within last 4 weeks –25% (out of 300 current IDUs)

- NEP/SEP/street workers as a main source of syringes within last 4 weeks – 17% (out of 300 current IDUs)

- 50% never received any drug treatment

- 4% have received methadone/buprenorphine

• Cohort study 2012

- At least 1 syringe within last 30 days: 77% from street workers, 30% from stationary SEP, 15% from mobile unit

- 12% «out of coverage»

- 5% have received methadone within last year

- 13% received any drug treatment within last year


Furthermore, our model shows that social heterogeneity of the susceptible

population can explain the shift in HIV-1 incidence in Latvia over the course

of the epidemic. Thus, the decrease in IDU incidence may be due to local

heterogeneities in transmission, rather than the implementation of control

measures. Increases in susceptibles, through social or geographic movement

of IDU, could lead to a boost in HIV-1 infections in this risk group.

How did funding change between 2009 to 2013? Trends for 2014?

1) for NEP/SEP: Increase □ No Change � Decrease □2) for OST: Increase � No Change □ Decrease □

What are the main funding sources for prevention programmes?

- Government + municipalities + NGOs (projects)

Harm reduction funding


Thank you!

Autumn in Riga
