Update Module #1



Update Module #1. Module Objectives. Understand that the Danielson Framework for Teaching serves as the foundation for the evaluation system and how the Educator Effectiveness system supports a thriving workforce - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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UpdateModule #1

Module Objectives

• Understand that the Danielson Framework for Teaching serves as the foundation for the evaluation system and how the Educator Effectiveness system supports a thriving workforce

• Introduction to the Danielson Framework for Teaching and how the framework aligns with school improvement priorities

• Understand what is confirmed and still pending from DPI and what we can do now to prepare


Why a new evaluation system?

• A core value held by the Madison district is that “great teaching matters most.”

• Teaching is complex, and a critical aspect of ongoing improvement in practice is high quality feedback that supports professional learning and growth

• Our current evaluation system is outdated and does not provide adequate, ongoing feedback for improvement


District Priority IV- A Thriving Workforce

Successfully implement new evaluation systems for teachers, principals and central office staff anchored in a common understanding of high-quality, standards-based instruction… -The MMSD Strategic Framework


Why a new evaluation system?


2 Parts of the Educator Effectiveness Evaluation System

Professional Practice Goals:Based on the Danielson Framework for Teaching

Student Learning Objectives:Based on student growth data


What is the Danielson Framework for Teaching?

The Framework for Teaching is a comprehensive and coherent framework, that identifies those aspects of a teacher’s responsibilities, that promote student learning.


Why the Danielson Framework for Teaching?

Research has shown that each component of the Framework for Teaching is associated with improved student learning. That is, high levels of teacher performance on the instructional framework as a whole predict high levels of student learning.

-Measures of Effective Teaching Project


Domain 4 - Professional Responsibilities- 4a Reflecting on Teaching- 4b Maintaining Accurate Records- 4c Communicating with Families- 4d Participating in a Professional Community- 4e Growing and Developing Professionally- 4f Showing Professionalism

Danielson’s Framework

- 3a Communicating with Students- 3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques- 3c Engaging Students in Learning- 3d Using Assessment in Instruction- 3e Demonstrating Flexibility & Responsiveness

Domain 2 - Classroom Environment

Domain 3 - Instruction

- 2a Creating an Environment of Respect & Rapport- 2b Creating a Culture of Learning- 2c Managing Classroom Procedures- 2d Managing Student Behavior- 2e Managing Physical Space

Domain 1 - Planning and Preparation

- 1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy- 1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students- 1c Setting Instructional Outcomes- 1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources- 1e Designing Coherent Instruction- 1f Designing Student Assessment

Turn and Talk

With a partner or group of 3

Review each of the four domains, and the components associated with each domain, what connections can you make to your daily work?


What is the Danielson Framework for Teaching, and how does it fit with other

instructional priorities?


MMSD and the Wisconsin DPI Pilot

• The Educator Effectiveness system continues to be piloted across 232 districts across the state of Wisconsin

• MMSD has 5 schools participating in the pilot during the 2013-2014 school year

• Feedback from pilot participants continues to be used to shape the system


What We Know For Sure• MMSD is required to implement the Educator

Effectiveness System beginning 2014-2015

• All evaluators must be certified through a 25 hour online training and assessment (Teachscape)

• The practice portion of the evaluation system is based on the Danielson Framework for Teaching

• All teachers and evaluators will have access to training on the Danielson Framework through Teachscape- March 2013


What We Know for Sure

• The evaluation system will require annual development of professional practice goals and student learning objectives

• Teacher compensation will not be based on evaluation results


What Continues to be Discussed

• Guidance for evaluation of other roles (e.g. central office, student services, BRS)

• Time/capacity study to determine time requirements and capacity issues for principals and teachers

• The number of components that will be rated over the summative evaluation period and parameters around Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)


What can we do now?

• Continue to focus on great instruction through the actions steps outlined in the school’s SIP (i.e. Data analysis, CCSS, Gradual Release, and Close Reading).

• Optional exploration of the Danielson Framework for Teaching as an additional resource for analyzing instructional practice, within the cycle of inquiry.


What is the timeline for implementation in Madison, and what can we do now to prepare?


Next Steps

• Teacher Teachscape licenses distributed via email, March 2013 with directions for optional exploration

• Evaluator Teachscape certification completed April 7th, 2014

• February-April DPI required Educator Effectiveness Module

• MMSD Formal Educator Effectiveness Launch, January of 2014, watch for ongoing communication and updates through MMSD Connect

• August Welcome Back-Educator Effectiveness Professional Development

