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Tweeter-Tweeterson @URAwkward From Thursday, 14 December 2000 - To Wednesday, 27 June 2012

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December - 20002000 December

Day 14@KeenanCahill my son showed me your new video today. Loved it. I am so impressed!.

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January - 20012001 January

Day 3@AlwaysJerzy what anybody thinks. ;).

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December - 20112011 December

Day 3@AdasHeart @alwaysredcapped @jay511kiki @rightsideoftrax the subpoenas will clear it up. I can't wait. That's 1 threat I'll welcome!! :). @AdasHeart that's what I'm saying. They're harassing me for shit I haven't done. Get the subpoena & STFU already. :). @AlwaysRedcapd r we sure that's kiki, & not someone pretending to be her? Why not use her real acct if she's going to let us know who she is. @NewYorkAvenue hey, I haven't seen you since Thanksgiving. I hope all is well!?. @AlwaysRedcapd @rosemarynsage me too. Lmao!.

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December - 2011@TouchofClassff good morning! How's it going, girl?. @AdasHeart how is she going to do that? I would never make fun of anyones child. That's Meg , Cheris, & Kiki, not me! Funny Kiki knows how. @AdasHeart everyone operates, yet she is being played a fool by her friends. Meg made fun of her baby. But, red wishing her well is some. @AdasHeart sneaky underhanded trick. She's a clown. #Hotmess. @TouchofClassff sorry! I haft to prepare for Christmas. shopping!!! :) ha!.

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December - 2011@PattiBaroni my nieces would just die to win her Gear. Lol. @TouchofClassff thanks dear. ;) I'll be there Monday with bells on, literally. Lol. @AlwaysRedcapd notice who's following her? The gutter trash that instigates her. I agree w/ chins that she's dumb, but I think she's a nasty. @AlwaysRedcapd bitch for using her. I would feel bad if Kiki wasn't such a nasty idiot herself. @NewYorkAvenue Got it! Thank you! xxx. @AlwaysRedcapd @TouchofClassff @AlwaysJerzy I emailed yall a video. Lol.

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December - 2011@PattiBaroni I know! She really got on my nerves on this season of JS. Whiney as hell. No self control. The message they're sending to kids. @PattiBaroni is disgusting. I tell my nieces it's all fake of course they don't believe me. @Salvie366 that's funny!! Haha! My kids say stuff like that too. I can only imagine when they're teens. I'm skeered! Haha!. @Salvie366 I figured. his mama. @Salvie366 haha! That's true! Jesus let's us screw up before he judges. Smart kid. Lol. @Salvie366 you're on fire today. Haha!. :) He sounds witty like

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December - 2011@Salvie366 I rly would. I luv dry sarcasm. My hubs dad had a dry sense of humor like that, I nvr knew when he was serious. Very entertaining.

Day 4@PattiBaroni haha! So true!. @NewYorkAvenue really? 3:30? Haha!. @AdasHeart me too. I'm waiting on my subpoenas. If they don't do it soon, I'm going to turn those "meant to be" threats over to authorities. @AdasHeart I don't plan on being harassed forever. They won't stfu until they're proving to be the lying-trash they are. I'm not the idiot.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart they want me 2 b. Nor am I an emotional cutter. I don't hang out on blogs reading nasty comments about myself, & ppl I care ab. @AdasHeart I don't understand why anyone would. @AdasHeart they're not hurting me, and I won't let it go that far. I don't read it. You shouldn't either. They're ignorant, & mean nothing 2. @AdasHeart any of us. Do you still sleep well after they're awful to you? I do! They're wasting their time. Hey, I heard Meg was inviting.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart people to Eff her? She even made a sign w/ her picture on it. I thought she was already, uh, busy. @NewYorkAvenue @adasheart is that info Real Ada?. @AdasHeart @NewYorkAvenue That must be awful for you? Having to contact friends & family to warn them of these ppl? Embarrassing! You know. @AdasHeart G's family and friends. Contact them. I would. Eff them all. They need to learn respect. Treats others how u want to be treated.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart force feed it to the bitches. There is a reason they do this to you. Most would turn their world upside down. @AdasHeart that's fine, I guess. But they need to stop acting shocked when someone strikes back. What if Grace landed on a nice little. @AdasHeart website, and noone cared enough to tweet her ab it. you know- they didn't want to embarrass her. What if her fam saw it? What if. @AdasHeart someone sent her family messages to the page and begged them to get her help? Haha! That sounds familiar.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart of course that was a hypothetical question. :) Grace is probably making herself a webpage she can use to frame me w/ now. @AdasHeart Megs picture! It says Eff all you bitches. That's an invitation if I ever saw one. Meg's a cyber-hooch. She shouldn't advertise. @AdasHeart well, I would tell you what I would do. But... defending/helping you reads as instigating. You're expected to stand alone. #duh. @AdasHeart lol that cracks me up. I don't know what you should do. I wouldn't let them get away with harassing my fam/friends. That's insane.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart I actually think these women are dangerous. Their threats, interference with personal lives is not normal. They can say what they. @AdasHeart want ab you. But if you behaved like that, I would distance myself from u. Their behavior is a far cry from insulting remarks. @AdasHeart Grace is used. They give her info bc they know her big mouth will repeat it on the tl. She's nuts, & they know it. That's y they.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart defend her. They're responsible, & if they don't Grace might get upset & talk. Nobody would share anything w/ Grace they didn't. @AdasHeart want told. She's so dence. @AdasHeart dense even. Haha!. @AdasHeart I kno they have. They kno no one over here is unstable enough 2 retaliate by contacting their family.They bank on that, obviously. @AdasHeart yes! But Grace will always be the main idiot. She is easily manipulated, u can see that. she will be the one that ends up in jail.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart who tweets names, Grace! Who posted the link to the webpage they made for you. Grace. Why? Because nobody else wants 2 look scary. @AdasHeart wonder why poor Grace can't see she is loathed more than everyone. Everytime I think of this crap, I think Grace. When ppl. @AdasHeart retaliate- they go after Grace. I hope Grace reads this and opens her eyes. Everything she says about u applies to her. @AdasHeart yes, her kid! Everyone should worry about his being neglected. Twitter is Graces first love, ur her second. If she gave him the.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart amount of attention she gives you she wouldn't need to worry. @AdasHeart she should be punished. Ashe tweeted the link for all to see. Where would she get the link if she wasn't in on it? Did she rt, or. @AdasHeart was Grace the first to tweet it?. @AdasHeart coming home for Christmas? Ha! She doesn't live that far from Grace.. Why does she haft to wait for holidays? That's says a lot!. @AdasHeart I'm glad to hear that. :). @AdasHeart I'm going to bed Ada. It's late, and I'm exhausted. I'll Ttyt.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart I knew what you meant, sweet Ada. xxxx ttyt okay? I can't keep my eyes open. Lol xx. @AdasHeart she was in on it then. See, she's dumb! I bet she's GrannyC. Lol. @thatsomefunysht it's entertainment for some. I have a genuine disgust for certain ppl. I have asked several y they hate so & so, & they. @thatsomefunysht have no real answer. They may say, she lies? Why that drives them to behave like juveniles, I don't know. They not only lie. @thatsomefunysht they're guilty of horrible acts.

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December - 2011@thatsomefunysht I know a certain someone who used to say "I gave them a chance, I'm such a poor judge of Character" & she turned out to be. @thatsomefunysht the nastiest one of all. That's some spooky chit. Lol. @thatsomefunysht I assume u know who I am talking ab. Prob not. What I mean is, it's scary when someone pretends to be kind, & naive. @thatsomefunysht then, they strike when no one expects it. Haha! It cracks me up for the most part. But I haven't been hurt like some.

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December - 2011@thatsomefunysht haha! I wish that were true. That shld be true!! :/. @AlwaysJerzy Thank you. :) you're so sweet. Love the new avi- HAWT!!. @angelfrmcanada @AdasHeart @Salvie366 @thatsomefunysht @rosemarynsage so true. & it's not like we're short on material to work w/. @AdasHeart hey girl hey! Lol what's going on today? I have nothing to do, & I'm happy about it. :). @Salvie366 haha! It sure is. :). They're invading some ppl's personal lives. Blocking doesn't help.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada hey. :) how's your day going? All my girls? @Salvie366 @NewYorkAvenue @rosemarynsage. @NewYorkAvenue that was quick. Lol. @AdasHeart you're their drug, Ada! They look to you for euphoria. They give me agita. @angelfrmcanada lazy! I just started laundry myself. I'm hoping not to move around too much today. I've been running around since last wknd. @angelfrmcanada idk. Someone emailed me a couple comments that were left on Reds blog bc I honestly don't read them. Anyways, they said.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada they had issued a subpoena 4 twitches blog, a youtube? And 5 other Accts? I can't wait!. @angelfrmcanada idk what YouTube they're talking an either. Amia's lie stated that she emailed me the content of her video, twitches made it. @angelfrmcanada and she posted it on her YouTube. The last part was the only truth she told. But, they can subpoena whoever they want. @angelfrmcanada I know. Maybe they lied to get a subpoena. I don't care what they did/do. This is the only acct I use to talk to, or ab them.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada did you read their comment? It was comical. I guess they wanted to ruin my Thanksgiving? They said as much. I didn't see. @angelfrmcanada the comment until after TG. It was ridiculous. They're some weird b's. @angelfrmcanada that's the one. @angelfrmcanada @AdasHeart that's exactly y I don't read the comments. I'm not a glutton for punishment. Especially not from trash. @KharRyan how about I tweet the Mayor KHAR? I'm sure he would love to know ab this shit!.

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December - 2011Exciting! RT @PDXsafety: RT @PortlandPolice: We added a new photo to our Grimm Behind the Scenes album. #teamadams. @Kharryan I deleted those tweets! Regardless if it would have had any real affect on ur life or not, I don't wanna be the one to report u. @Kharryan I changed my mind. I can't stoop to your friends level after all. @angelfrmcanada I have no more patience for this crap.. Anything they can do to get someones attention, or a laugh, they do it. They're like. http://t.co/Jm0rzwj8

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada children.. Things are getting worse. They're not gonna like it if someone strikes back. Ugh! #uglyshit. @angelfrmcanada wow girl! I just deleted tweets to him. I couldn't do it. When I said impersonation, I acct. @angelfrmcanada at first. That's illegal. Ada isn't a public figure, neither is her husb. She needs 2 take pics of this & add it 2 her file. @angelfrmcanada maybe Khar will stop and noone will haft to report her? is one. Idk. I would hate for her to get into real trouble. Arguing was referring to the parody

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada thing. This is harassment, impersonation, defamation. Is the cheaters website still up? They would sue us for all we own if. @angelfrmcanada we did this kinda shit to them. They know it. @angelfrmcanada Idk what her husband does. That makes it worse. Ugh!. @angelfrmcanada that's what I said. I was only repeating her words. Still, maybe she'll talk to you. I'm not defending her at all. I just.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada don't know if that's the way to go. As far as we know she could be a mother. Who knows? I just want it to stop. That's all. @angelfrmcanada I know, that's weird. That nurse was asking ab my husband, & I've never tweeted that woman. I don't understand what. @angelfrmcanada motivates them. Grace posted my name, I posted her pic. Why keep it going? I don't see whats so funny ab it. @angelfrmcanada why would her posting my name bother me now? It's already been posted. Which is weird bc I never posted shit ab them b4 that.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada grace is only causing problems for her so-called friends. Everyone knows who Sasquatch is now, so WTF is stupid doing? She. @angelfrmcanada wants me to post her friends shit? What? Obviously she does. That's how they operate, so she knows the deal #nicefriendfiona. @angelfrmcanada did you see the question I dm'd you?. @angelfrmcanada someone on their side told us that Khar is running our drivers license. Did u hear ab that? I don't know if it's true, but.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada it would explain a lot. Her friends posting our info everywhere doesn't ease my mind about it. @angelfrmcanada She used to tweet the mayor on her damnert acct. I'm certain she called him her boss in a tweet or two. I think she's a cop. @angelfrmcanada I don't know if she is the one she claimed to be. She's retired. @angelfrmcanada I don't have any of her tweets. Sorry!. @Salvie366 haha! You're so positive. :). @angelfrmcanada we've upset someone. Lol idk what he said, I don't open links. Lol. @Salvie366 lol.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada that's smart! Let's Rt @themayor bc he's being flooded? I deleted my tweets, & I @ him twice. Khar @ him a lot. @angelfrmcanada I don't know what they did. I think it's despicable to post an anonymous users info. Especially when the person posting is. @angelfrmcanada anonymous and they wish to stay that way. Those women are so immature, & Moronic. @Salvie366 Yeah, don't lost any sleep. Some of their "friends" r not their friends. It's hard to know if that's true.

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December - 2011@veronicaromm you don't think impersonating a law enforcement officer is a crime? Using department equip to stalk ppl online? Impersonating. @veronicaromm private persons online? Posting defamatory statements ab strngers using their real name for anyone to find? using ppl's pics. @veronicaromm to set up fake, disgusting webpages that say your allowing people to shit on you? that's not a crime? You're right about the. @veronicaromm Internet making me act crazy. I think everything I just mentioned is crazy, and it's been done.

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December - 2011Day 5@veronicaromm it's easier than it used to be now that cyber-bullying laws have been passed in most states. Look, Idc what Khar says she does. @veronicaromm for a living. She may be what she says. Idk. I do worry that this situation is getting progressively worse. The stunts are. @veronicaromm increasingly more worrisome. And they stalked my personal Info & made it public for the ppl pulling these stunts to see. That.

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December - 2011@veronicaromm bothers me a great deal. I wanted to remain anonymous before I ran across those people. :/. @veronicaromm I do think I misunderstood your tweet. haha! Sorry! I would blame it on lack of sleep, but I think it's bc I'm feeling. @veronicaromm a bit defensive. Sorry!. @stormyhazy I agree. She's a milf for sure. @AdasHeart I can't believe they did that! Even if u were using that woman's picture, wtf do they care? That's some whacky shit. who's Doug?.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart oh. Khar thinks she is above the law now. She said "it's being handled" haha! She doesn't have a clue. @Kharryan if you want my deleted tweets, I'll get them for you? Or I can just tweet them again. I was trying to help u. See, I know y u. @Kharryan u feel invincible. & ur wrong. That has nothing to do w/ u harassing us. Also, u've been doing this shit for a year. It didn't. @Kharryan just start. I can find your "I'm a cop in Oregon" tweets. & blog comments. I was trying 2 keep twitter drama from affecting ur lyf.

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December - 2011@angelfrmcanada that's right Angel. Check out Twitterloco's blog. Cop, damnert, Khar, libel, all over it. Dated back way before what Khar is. @angelfrmcanada referring to. In fact, I don't trust the bitch. I'm going to grab the cop, in Oregon named Susan Johnson info. She called me. @angelfrmcanada a liar, which means she is likely to lie again, & set me up for something crazy to save her own ass. Remember that time on RCH's blog, the 1 ab Jenn. U said you aren't good @ investigating people at home? As opposed 2 Work? #Nothingtoworryab.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart I guess damnert feels she has permission to harass us now. I think not! Once they contact ppl in ur real life, it's no longer. @AdasHeart Internet drama. Once they posted my name for their psycho friends to get a hold of they crossed a line. Invaded my privacy. The. @AdasHeart defamation is no longer being placed on a screen name, but a real person. My family has business Accts all over the Internet. @AdasHeart I won't have those idiots ruining reputations. Yours either. She's an idiot to think she gets a pass. She is held to a much.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart higher standard than the clowns she tweets. @AdasHeart omg! Who are they, the picture police? I just saw Mackie's picture on a photographers website. Who was using that? Hm! I know!. @AdasHeart I also saw the old muslim woman damnert used to use on a photographers website. They're all crazy. Nobody cares ab anyones pic. @AdasHeart that doesn't even make sense. Fiona needs to see a DR. She feels important when she sticks her nose into everyones life. She.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart needs real friends. She obviously has NONE!. @AdasHeart @Kharryan Do u think u ppl can stalk, & threaten ppl, Khar? How is this okay? http://t.co/q4vbFNh1. All LIES @Kharryan defamation. I can prove it's all lies. Can u explain y u encourage harassment, lie, an threaten ppl?. Keep spinning! I document facts. Not BS lies. I can prove this is defamation. Fact: threatening me! Libel! http://t.co/JCvDlJbs. @AdasHeart Ada, shh, woman! Not for her!. @Salvie366 oh, I didn't see Mackie's real picture. I saw the Native American pale woman she used as her avi. Lol.

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December - 2011Stalking. @Kharryan I don't want u to claim u didn't know. http://t.co/T1GfdXDK. Missed this one @Kharryan again, LIES! Threats. Smh! #evil. @vodka4dummies it would appear u are the moron. Did u see my ques to khar? "am I to believe u used a real officers name @ Portland police". @vodka4dummies that was a question incase it still went over ur pinhead. If ur going to jump in, at least make sense. Thanks! So, did u find.

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December - 2011@vodka4dummies out her real age when you made that fake fb acct to befriend her? Or when you and Meg stalked her & tld me she was on that. @vodka4dummies Honda site. A real live Lesbian in Vancouver.Don't lie! I have Megs Dm. she tells me how u 2 searched Oregon police. @vodka4dummies departments. But you found this chick, & u just know it's her bc her name is Susan & u know Susan is... Wanna see it? I know. @vodka4dummies you two liars told everyone I hacked loco's blog & td u the Honda girl was damnert. #sickliars I am harassed, accused &.

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December - 2011@vodka4dummies threatened bc of u 3 liars. Meg, u & Amia. Your lies have made ppl believe I am capable of this shit. U 3 are responsible for. @vodka4dummies everyone being stalked, & harassed. you 3 are sitting pretty. No ones bothering u 3, r they? You POS. @vodka4dummies I'm just sorry ppl enjoy the drama so much, they ignore the obvious. There hasn't been peace on twitter since u showed up. Talk about being dangerous! Vodka4dummies! Guaranteed, if ppl wud act like adults & compare stories. You'd be BUSTED! #liarsrdangerous.

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December - 2011http://t.co/hNWqplrI @AdasHeart told ya!. New law passed Nov.25thPeople guilty of (or crimes/Cyber-harassment will be banned restricted) from the Internet. @Duhresa_Giudice WTF is wrong with you? Making trouble how? Tell me WTF u think I've done? I ain't buying what ur selling nutty-lady. @Duhresa_Giudice since when is you & your friends posting personal info re: names/ phone (cont) http://t.co/j5Fe6n4m. @AdasHeart just block her. Don't even let it upset u. This is the same girl that just accused us of making trouble? Haha! Gawd! Just lol.

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December - 2011@AdasHeart tell who what?. @AdasHeart There is no need to explain to anyone who doesn't already know what's going on. There are too many ppl involved now. @TRACY_DiMARCO you look much younger. :). @hotchicknwings haha! That reminds me of a scene in the movie- The Pink Panther: "cun I buy Damnbooger" I saw that Sat. Haha! So funny!. @OMG_RyanBurgos I luv Judi too. #TeamJudi. @JUDiJAiKRAZi uh, did your followers just go up by a few thousand? That was crazy!!! #Lovegames #Teamvoodoo. @MeloneySmith you have the most awesomest avi I've seen in awhile. #cute.

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December - 2011Ut-oh the younger woman! RT @rawveggies: Britney's sister Jamie Lynn Spears allegedly has a huge crush on Kim Zolciak's husband Kroy. @OMG_RyanBurgos :) I didn't love Nikki. I do love me some Judi though. She's bright, and crazy. The perfect mix. an IPod #BarbiesDone. Haha!. If Barbie is so popular, why does my kid want

Day 6Rt @kambrock "It's not that "my boobs are bigger than yours!" taunt. It's the way my brother says it."
