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Index No/Swoco e°2S)Ga:



2nd Year Examination in Arts ®©2S5 Dead raoas'g®©^ C«J8 »528f-e&&3

Semester - II - March - 2017 ©(OS) ®£3®@€3°2adc3 -2017- ®3&Z5

ICT2214 - Web and Graphics Designing (Two Hours) (ai ©^2558)

Answer AH The Questions

This question paper consists of III sections (10 questions on pages 1-8) ©®© gcsfei 02303 ©sasOea" HlaSzsf &®&i5?Si<SfD. (8£) e°25> 1-8 qzsfOs gote> 10)

Instructions to the Candidate: CfCSg®255dj. 20Q c£3®^ea°:

• Enter your index Number on all the pages including the cover page. 2>S®ocf StoaCD a°25)c3 igcf SQOzsf efi^gsfO 8cag® 8Cj£>e eft2Jj,(g2sf 25)d2rf25i.

• Write the answers to the questions in the space provided in the paper itself. ®Q)®Ef 8 § 2 5 0 \ gcfel £325)®ca$ ^ «;2§ §©£>28 C3®-e&2cf (§ca2sf25).

Index No./ Stoooo ef°2s>cs:

Section I (Questions 1.1-1.5) (Marks - 05) I £>2n ®2»3cies (cjofen a°2a 1.1-1.5) (e2?-^ -05)

1. Underline the most suitable answer for questions 1.1-1.5. (Marks -1 x 5 = 5) ge&n a«2a 1.1-1.5 esq»3 OQiisf egggg 8g i$d csSs-f <j>d2s? a^zrfzn. (C2?-®*) -1 x 5 = 5)

1.1. is a online document that contains information. GS2JJ ®25»d25i_d\ qQ°(Q a2si23<5d3(5 gScszS.

i) Domain name ii) Web site iii) URL iv) Web page

1.2. Information between following partnered tags will show up in the browser. £350253 0{(rf g<B(3 «25X5 ©233023X51 @Qa) @Se3d®C3S <q5cS255C3 ® S .

i) <body>, </body> ii) <html>, </html> iii) <table>, </table> iv) <head>, </head>

1.3. What tag element will display a horizontal line across the screen? Sdcs codecs &6ed cgdzs? ^dcaznca 02rf©2S5° 252)255 Tag element © © 2 5 3 ° <q? i) <br> ii) <a> iii) <hr> iv) <line>

1.4. General numbers and roman numbers can appear in an list. S33®325533 <g>(32Sfe5® 6320 ©dd® <§>(32sfc)® QIBCSQQSS) S3° ® S . i) Unordered ii) Ordered iii) Definition iv) Straight line

1.5. The most suitable file format for photographs in webpages is ©OS 8g0<3 cfx2S dscsDdiO esqsos 0£)325J> gggOzsi file format Q^i<s7si i) jpg i i )bmp iii) png iv) tif

Section II - Web Design (Marks - 35) II 02S3 ®255oOea - W e b Design. ( C 2 § « § - 35)

Write the answers for questions 2-6 in the space provided in the paper itself. gcfe) a°253 2 - 6 ^2sf03 gefc> ©23)®g38 ^ a^g? §®Q£3 e3®«&2S3° 8^2%di g c s s t e .

2. List six (06) advantages of using web applications. (Marks 6)

©O© «l£3°<5@23te2rf t03823©G3S ©3& £OC32sS (06) GiSd25 ©25) 23d25te>. ( C ^ " ^ 6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; Paee 1 of 8

Index No./ Sworn «°2ata:

3. What are the pros and cons of 'Fixed width' and 'Expandable width' layout? (Marks 4) 'Fixed width' eseo Expandable width' layout sB ®eoo esse zndzsi @®o^>Qo $ ? ( C ^ ^ g 4)

4. What is HTML? Briefly explain. (Marks 5) HTML G32g Z5®25$ C_? @2S)3®C32rf Ol£0l^(§ 2S)d25te\ (C 2 ?-^ 5)

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Index No./ 8eo3<H a°25>ca:

5. Explain how C S S is different from HTML. (Marks 5) CSS, HTML Q@&$ ®0&>d Ozsteai ®23@d e_iS oxaox^g zadzsto. ( c 2 ? - ^ 5)

Paee 3 of 8

Index N o . / Steam e°255cs:

6. Consider the following code and answer the questions 6.1 - 6.8. oeoza @2ste> (code) eaxeSdeO .-osSS^ gcfe> epos* 6.1 - 6.8 e_a$£>3 Sgqjdx C30c325te>. <html>


<script type="text/javascript">

function disp_prompt() {

var name=prompt("Please enter your name","Harry Potter")

i f (name!=nun name!="") {

document.write("Hello " + name + "! How are you today?")





<input type="button" onclick="disp_promptQ" value="Display prompt box" />



6.1.What is the name given to the button? (Mark 1) Button es^eoo ^ qi§> 255® q5®z5J <j? ( e 2 ? - ^ 1)

6.2.What happens when the button was clicked? (Mark 1) Button 02S> click 25><g SO Sg Ozstezr? q>®253° <j? (C 2 ?-^ 1)

6.3.What is the variable name? (Mark 1) 80(333@C3S 235® 25®2S? ^? (.(32§>-e§ 1)

6.4. What would be the value of the variable, if the user input is 'Nimali'? (Mark 2) oSSS(3ZS>C33@CS5 «3<3255C3 'Nimali' 255®, SOeB®caS «C0C3 2®23? 8c3 3>xS e? (C 2 ?-^ 2)

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Index No./ SK»OO e°2E>ca:

6.5.What would be the output, if the user input nothing? (Mark 2) C3S$<3ZSC33 2380255° a3C_3253C3 ®25)325)®<g* 253® g!©q325X3 2S5® 255° 8c3 SD S C_? 2)

6.6.Explain the purpose of having the 'if ( ) ' condition inside the function. (Mark 3) Function 6253 25© 'if ( )' condition SSi®® adg-efi oi^i^Q 25)d25)°25). (QS?,i§ 3)

6.7.What is the code to display a prompt box? (Marks 3) Prompt box 623255° ebaznca 2§S®® code 6235 23®2S5° e? (e^-eg 3)

6.8.What will happen if the following tag was included in the head section, instead of the body section? (Mark 2) 020235 tag 025), body ®zs)30®e33 ai233,ig23J 23>dzg ©OOO head @2s»c)®e33 ax233,<g253° 23)®g? 253® 23)®2S)° 8g ®S C? ((32S/S§ 2)

<input type="button" onclick="disp_promptO" value=Disp!ay prompt box" />

Pase 5 of 8

Section III - Graphic Design (Marks - 30) III Qis) ©aswOes - Graphic Design ( C 2 ? - ^ - 30) Write the answers for questions 7-10 in the space provided in the paper itself, getei a°2a 7 - 1 0 gsfc> ozgecsS ^ e zS <j>®£)S S3®-e£2sf B§,^d% Qas&i&i.

7. Explain the following items with examples, (at least two examples for each) (Marks 10) 0202s efSza® ccpeod-eS e3®<e) SetexJ" zadzste). (a£>® £>CQ®-c325i 023° e8255©ca25? esqsoa c^oeod-eS @232S°0255° ©CS04DC023 C ^ c s ) (e2?i§ 10)

i) Image manipulation software

ii) Illustration software.

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Index No./ 8K»CO a°23ca:

8. Explain the difference between Lossy and Lossless compression. (Marks 10) Lossy eseo Lossless compression S ©Saw oieo^g radzste). (e*?i§ 10)

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Index No./ Stoaco e°253cs: What compression method do you recommend for web images? Explain your answer.

(Marks 5) @Q3) image £ 3 ^ 2 0 0 ®£) sSbs^ca 2350255 Compression 2S)®c3 2S5®25* ^? ®S@erf Sg2^d e i s o ^ g 235d 255(255. ( C 2 ? ^ 5)

Explain the term 'GIF'. (Marks 5) 'GIF' C3255°255 8d255C5 2S502J5B255. ( C 2 ? ^ 5)

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