Unit2 week1observation assignment


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Unit 2

Personal Observation Assignment

Unit 2: Week 1


Our world is made up of patterns. Every aspect of the earth from the smallest animal to the largest mountain contains patterns.

Unit 2

Grab your camera and head outside!

Tools : Paper, pens and clip boards

IF at all possible, observe the place that you would like to do a community design for----not one home, but a neighborhood, a community commons area, a park, or a

new village site, etc.

*Take pictures of patterns*Look for straight lines in nature*Observe the land’s natural patterns

(make a sketch and then take its picture)

*Look for interesting, out of place things:Extra large piles of snow? Types of trees? Dips in the landscape?

Any useful materials you can see?

Make sure you only observe---only the facts. It’s not time to analyze yet.

Unit 2


Go to google maps and find the location of where you observed today.

Save that map with your photos & sketch. Then upload them all to your personal blog.

Unit 2

Write your Personal Observation Blog. Tell us about each picture and what you learned. Did you see bigger patterns than just the obvious ones?

This post can be three pages with pictures, but not too

much more.
