Unit v jeopardy


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1. Lets Get Ready to play Todays Categories are: Unit V Jeopardy Review! 2. And nowhere is the host of Jeopardy Mr. Sea! 3. Category B Category D Category E 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points Category CCategory A Rules of Jeopardy! Dont buzz in until the entire question has been read (including stuff in parenthesis) If you DO buzz in early you may NOT answer that question 1 point for right answers but -1 for wrong answers (so dont buzz in unless you think you know the answer!) If Mr. Sea says tie buzz in again Some questions have more than one correct answer (theyre in Orange) so buzz in again for more points! Whispering during a question is considered cheating and you will be deducted a point for it ENFORCERS!!! (Ill explain) Everyone must go; missed turns cost your team a point Ill listen to TEAM CAPTAINS but anyone else who argues with Mr. Sea will cost his or her team a point There are DAILY DOUBLES in which you may risk any or all of your points FINAL JEOPARDY is worth TEN POINTS and is winner-take-all 4. What is the only type of bill that has to start in a specific house of Congress? 5. What do we call a Congressperson or Senator who introduces a bill in Congress? 6. Name a person or group who often draft (write) bills for lawmakers 7. Give an example of a special interest group 8. Name a way interest groups influence lawmakers to vote for or against a particular bill 9. What do H.R. or S in a bills title signify? 10. After being assigned a title by the clerk where are bills sent to be discussed, debated, and revised? 11. What do we call the non-relevant amendments lawmakers sometimes add to congressional bills to bring money or other projects back to their state? 12. What does it mean if a bill is reported by its committee? 13. Name a person or group who influences how a lawmaker will vote on a bill 14. What is the MOST important factor influencing how a lawmaker will vote on a particular issue? 15. How many votes constitute a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate respectively? 16. How do the House and Senate differ regarding time restraints during debate of a bill? 17. What do we call the tactic sometimes used in the Senate to delay or block voting on a bill by talking it to death? 18. How many votes does it take to invoke cloture and end a filibuster? 19. What two positions in Congress are generally considered the most important for ushering bills through the legislative process? 20. Name a power of the Speaker of the House 21. How does a congressperson become Speaker of the House and how long does the Speaker typically serve in that position? 22. Who is the incumbent Speaker of the House and what political party does he or she belong to? 23. Who is the President of the Senate and what is the one power this person has in the lawmaking process? 24. Who is the incumbent Senate Majority Leader and what political party does he or she belong to? 25. True or False: A bill only has to pass in one house of Congress in order for it to be sent to the Presidents desk 26. To what sort of committee would lawmakers from the House and Senate send their bills to resolve differences between the two chambers? 27. What are the TWO major options a President has once a congressional bill reaches his desk? 28. What fraction of both the House and Senate must be in favor of a bill in order to override a presidential veto? 29. Of the approximately 2,500 presidential vetoes in American history about what percent have actually been overridden by Congress? 30. What is a line-item veto? 31. What did the U.S. Supreme Court rule in Clinton v. New York regarding the line-item veto? 32. Define divided government 33. Why did our Founding Fathers intentionally make the legislative process so difficult and time consuming, and involve so many different groups? 34. Name a way the President can influence the lawmaking process other than signing or vetoing bills 35. Explain the relationship between the President and Congress in the budget writing process 36. What do we call the speech given by the President every January to a joint session of Congress in which he reports on the condition of the nation and announces his legislative goals for the year? 37. List a check and balance Congress possess over the executive branch in the legislative process 38. What New Deal program signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1936 provides financial support (money) to elderly Americans and individuals with disabilities? 39. What factor is MOST responsible for the projected bankruptcy of the Social Security system? (Hint: What group of people began retiring in 2010?) 40. Explain the difference between entitlement spending and discretionary spending in the national budget 41. Of entitlement spending and discretionary spending which of the two consumes a larger portion of the national budget? 42. Why is it difficult for national politicians to make major changes or cuts to entitlement programs? 43. Which of President Lyndon Johnsons Great Society programs provides free or reduced cost healthcare for the elderly and individuals with disabilities? 44. Explain the two major points of the Affordable Care Act signed into law by President Obama in 2010 45. Explain the two major civil rights laws signed by President Lyndon Johnson as part of his Great Society program: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 46. Other than the elastic and commerce clauses, what has been the national governments biggest advantage over the states since ratification of the Constitution? 47. What are the two types of grants-in-aid awarded to the states by the national government? 48. Describe the differences between a block grant and a categorical grant and explain how categorical grants allow the national government to exert control over the states 49. Generally speaking would a Republican prefer Block Grants or Categorical Grants? 50. How does devolution of power allow the states to become laboratories of democracy? 51. FINAL JEOPARDY FINAL 52. Put the following steps from the legislative process in the correct order from 1(the first step) to 10 (the last step) 1. ___ A clerk assigns the bill a title beginning with either H.R. or S depending on where it originated 2. ___ Both houses of Congress approve the conference report and send it to the President 3. ___ A bill is introduced by a member of Congress who sponsors it by placing it in the hopper 4. ___ The committee approves the bill and reports it to the full House or Senate 5. ___ If the President signs the conference report it becomes a law; if he vetoes it both houses of Congress must secure a two-thirds vote to override the veto 6. ___ The bill goes to a specific committee for discussion, debate, and revision 7. ___ The bill is debated on the floor of the full House or Senate and amendments are made 8. ___ Debate comes to an end and the amended bill is read and voted on by the full House or Senate 9. ___ One house approves the bill and sends it to the other half of Congress where the process repeats itself 10. ___ If there are differences between bills passed by the House and Senate a conference committee is formed