Unit 9 Hall Elizabeth Social Construction Essay 2


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Social Construction ~ 1 ~

Running Header: Social Construction: A Study of Theory

SocialSocial Construction:Construction:A Study of TheoryA Study of Theory

Elizabeth HallElizabeth Hall

Kaplan UniversityKaplan University

Deviance & Violence CJ266Deviance & Violence CJ266

Melissa AmayaMelissa Amaya

March 09, 2010March 09, 2010

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Social Construction: A Study of Theories

In our modern society, advances in technology and science have propelled the study of crime into

new frontiers. While the actual study of crime dates back to earlier decades, these advances have put

crime data and the study of it into the forefront of our society. Criminologists devote their life to

assessing, comprehending, restraining, and helping lawmakers to prevent criminal and deviant acts. Not

all criminal acts are deviant, and likewise all deviant acts are not criminal. Serial killers with the nature

of their crimes cross both categories due to the violence associated with the crimes, the recidivism of the

crimes, and the deviant nature of most serial killers even though the particular deviance varies per killer.

These can include but are not limited to cannibalism, dismemberment, necrophilia, and sadism.

Criminological Theories that began in the mid 1800’s have been developed and tested over time. With

each new advance in technology, the methods of testing these theories become more exact. In this essay

we will discuss the various Social Construction Theories that today’s criminal justice system uses to

control and prevent criminals such as serial killers from committing their crimes. These consist of the

social structure, social class, social process, neutralization, social control, and labeling theories (Siegel,


Social Structure Theory

Social Structure Theory reasons that the socioeconomic forces drive those in underprivileged

financial situations to commit crime, and that this is the reason for crime. This group of theories consists

of three theories:

Social Disorganization Theory- primary focus of this theory is environmental conditions.

High unemployment and school dropout rates are symptoms of this problem in a


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Strain Theory suggests that discord in the goals a person has and what actual resources one

has to attain that goal is the main reason for crime (Siegel, 2007). Richard Ramirez fits into

this theory because he started his killing over disappointment that a woman did not have

anything of value to steal which was how he supported himself. His first murder was just a

burglary gone awry. He then went on to the following year to become a serial killer

claiming 12 more lives in the span of one year.

Cultural Deviance Theory due to burden and societal separation people in lower class areas

develop their own subcultures, which do not conform to societal rules. For example, dad is

a drunk, and hangs out with other lower class drunks who think that it is perfectly normal

to beat their wives. By association, they can reassure themselves that their criminal

behavior is normal.

Although Strain Theory might work in relation to some serial killers, overall, it does not seem that social

structure theories work well in relation to serial killers (Siegel, 2007).

Social Class (Anomie) Theory

Anomie Theory group contends that societal inequity causes awareness, which in turn causes

crime. The lower class worker feels strain because they cannot afford the things they need. They then

turn to dealing drugs to attain the means to achieve societal equity. These theories are:

Institutional Anomie Theory states that because of our incessant need to keep up the status

quo the United States is full of anomie.

Relative Deprivation Theory says harsh divisions between the upper and lower classes

cause feelings of jealousy and suspicion, which gives the criminal notions of disgrace by the

upper class, thereby causing the criminal to have desires to disgrace them in return.

General Strain Theory maintains that it is not one type of strain but individuals reacting to

several individualized strains at once are more likely to commit crime.

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(Siegel, 2007)

This theory best fits the serial killer in the fact that most of them seem to have several different problems

all at once. John Wayne Gacy seems to be a perfect example of this. John grew up in a strict Irish

catholic family. He had a bad relationship with his abusive father, whom he wanted to gain approval

from desperately. When he was only eleven, John injured on the head by a swing, received a blood clot in

his brain. This clot caused him severe blackouts and headaches, which went undiagnosed until he reached

the age of 16. Even though doctors remove the blood clot, health problems continued for him, in less than

a year John receives the diagnosis of an unspecified heart condition. John was also a homosexual, which

could not be revealed because of what his father, might think. (Clark Prosecutor, n.d.)

Social Process Theory

Social Process Theory claims that all people have the ability to be criminals regardless of class,

ethnicity, or gender. The theory claims that if the societal bonds that a person holds are constructive,

then the person will be law abiding if these bonds are counter constructive, the person will not be. The

theories in this group are as follows:

Social Learning Theory claims that criminals learn from other criminals, and that crime in

itself is learned behavior instead of ingrained. This theory applies well to team serial

killers because of the propensity for them to learn techniques from each other.

Neutralization falls under social process group as well. This theory states that, criminals

do not act like criminals all of the time. When they are not committing crime they attend

picnics social gatherings, and regular community functions. When they are at these

gatherings, however, it is common to find that the attendees are also comprised of criminal

and deviant members. (Siegel, 2007)

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Social Control Theory

Social control theory maintains that every person is born capable of committing crime and that

the society we live in today lends itself more to crime than ever. Just about everywhere, you look; the

opportunity to commit crime exists. People who obey the law do so either out of personal belief in

religion or morals, or due to a need to conform in order to keep their standing in society and their

reputation in check. When these bonds are not present, a person feels free to break the law. (Siegel, 2007)

Ted Bundy as a good example of social control theory and serial killers, because of the fact that he

resented finding out that who he thought was his older sister was actually his mother. He had negative

attachment to family because of this scenario, and became one of the United States most notorious serial

killers we have ever seen. (Bell, n.d.)

Labeling Theory

Labeling Theory This theory looks at the careers of criminals as being a product of disparaging

societal relations and disgracing social encounters and the subjective nature of the law. The key tenets of

the theory are as follows:

Those who currently are making the laws bias the criminal natures of certain behaviors.

This means that what is considered to be a crime is only such because people label the

behavior as a crime.

People are labeled as well as acts.

Whether the behavior is positive or negative, prejudiced explanation of behavior is


The theory also works off the assumption that once one is labeled, as for example, a pothead,

meaning a person who smokes marijuana, the rest of their life will follow suit as a pothead with all of the

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social stigmatization that follows that association. It also suggests that lawmakers can change what deems

an act to be illegal, to suit their own needs, as was the case with marijuana (Siegel, 2007).

Labeling theory seems to work best with serial killers, because of the nature of the crimes. Almost

all serial killers have some deviant desires with maybe the exception of German serial killers who kill

more for money and items rather than sexual gratification, or perversion. According to the theory once,

you are labeled, you are always considered to be labeled as such. (Siegel, 2007)

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Works CitedBell, R. (n.d.). Ted Bundy: The Early Years. Retrieved March 08, 2010, from Tru TV Crime Library: http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/bundy/2.html

Clark Prosecutor. (n.d.). John Wayne Gacy. Retrieved March 04, 2010, from John Wayne Gacy: Executed May 10, 1994 at 12:58 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Illinois: www.clarkprosecutor.org

Frontline. (1997-1998, Winter). Busted: America's War on Marijuana. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Dr. David F. Musto Interview: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/dope/

NBC/MSNBC. (n.d.). Seung-Hui Cho. Retrieved February 08, 2010, from http://www.bing.com/reference/semhtml/Virginia_Tech_massacre?fwd=1&qpvt=va+tech+massacre&src=abop&q=va+tech+massacre

Office of National Drug Control Policy. (2006, July 19). ONDCP Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse Fact Sheet. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Drug Use Trends October 2002: http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/publications/factsht/druguse/

Panel, V. T. (2009, November 15). Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech Addendum to the report of the review panel,presented to Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Commonwealth of Virginia. Retrieved February 11, 2010

Pumroy, D. K. (2007). What Caused the Tragedy at Virginia Tech? (J. Wyatt, Ed.) Behavior Analysis Digest International , 19 (2), pp. 5-7.

Reagan, T. (2009, March). Marijuana Incorporated: Inside America's Pot Industry. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Marijuana Incorporated: Inside America's Pot Industry: http://www.cnbc.com/id/28281668

Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. (n.d.). Library Resources. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from Schaffer Library of Drug Policy: http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/index.HTM

Siegel, L. (2007). Criminology: The Core (Third ed.). Belmont, CA, United States: Cenegage Learning.
