Unit 6. The first president of the Republic of Texas Sam Houston


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Unit 6

The first president of the Republic of Texas

Sam Houston

The second president of the Republic of Texas

Mirabeau Lamar

Sam Houston called this man “The Father of Texas”

Stephen F. Austin

This Texas president wanted to join the United States

Sam Houston

The Father of Education

Mirabeau Lamar

Sam Houston’s and Mirabeau Lamar’s treatment of Native Americans was:

Very different

This group assisted settlers with Indian conflicts:

Texas Rangers

This Texas president thought Native Americans should leave


Mirabeau Lamar

This Texas president wanted the capital in Houston:

Sam Houston

This was the theme of Lamar’s presidency:


This Texas president wanted the capitol in Austin:

Mirabeau Lamar

This was the result of Lamar’s Santa Fe Expedition:

Mexico invaded Texas.

This is what happened to Texan prisoners in Mier who picked black


They got shot.

This is why Sam Houston did not run for president two consecutive


It was against the Constitution.

U.S. President James Polk was in favor of the annexation of:


Three major reasons why the U.S. delayed annexing Texas:

1. Mexico did not recognize Texas Independence.

2. Texas was a slave state.

3. Texas had a high debt.

Angelina Eberly led this war …

The Archives War

The Archives War kept the capitol in this city:


Some Anglos thought that Mexican Texans favored this country:


The last president of the Republic of Texas:

Anson Jones

This is what the 1845 joint resolution did:

It made Texas a state.

The Texas Constitution of 1845 protected:


The U.S. president at this time

James Polk

This was the idea that the U.S. would expand from coast to coast:

Manifest Destiny

President Polk sent this man to Mexico to try to buy land for

$30 million.

John Slidell

The disputed land in Texas was between these two rivers:

The Nueces and

the Rio Grande

Fighting between the U.S. and Mexico began when President

Polk sent troops across this river:

The Nueces River

Three causes of the Mexican-American War:

1. Westward expansion of trade

2. A dispute over the Texas boundary

3. The Annexation of Texas

In the Mexican-American War, there were this many battles.


This general led troops to the Rio Grande

Zachary Taylor

This general led troops to Mexico City:

Winfield Scott

This is where the treaty was signed.


According to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the south

boundary of Texas was this river:

Rio Grande

Represented farmers & laborers

The Democratic party

This group represented business & commercial interests

The Whig Party
