Unit 3: Miracles of Jesus NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Manstorage.googleapis.com › wzukusers...


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NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

Unit 3: Miracles of Jesus NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man

Scripture: Matthew 9: 1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-39

Lesson Goal: Jesus was a very powerful teacher. He proved to everyone that he was really God by healing

the sick and forgiving people of their sins. In this lesson we will see how four friends showed kindness to their paralyzed friend by bringing him to Jesus.

Introduction: This is the second lesson in Unit 3:The Miracles of Jesus. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. This Bible story is found in three of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Jesus was a very powerful teacher. He proved to everyone that he was really God by healing the sick and forgiving people of their sins. In this lesson we will see how four friends showed kindness to their paralyzed friend by bringing him to Jesus. This book is part of the Gospels. The Gospels are the first four books in the New Testament. The gospels tell about the life and ministry of Jesus. The word "gospel" means the good news about Jesus. Let's say the names of the gospels together. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: What is the worst thing about being sick? When you are sick you do not feel good. Your stomach or head might hurt. When you are sick, how do people treat you? Of course doctors and nurses can help you feel better by giving you some medicine. Did you know that there is another kind of medicine besides pills and shots? It is called laughter! That's right smiling can make anyone feel better. When children are very sick sometimes people will go to the hospital to entertain children and make them feel better. One of the groups that often visit hospitals are clowns. They are called clown doctors! Proverbs 17:22 says "A cheerful heart is good medicine." That's what these clowns are doing isn't it? They are trying to make the sick children feel better! When Jesus was preaching here on earth He healed many people and made them feel better. In this lesson we will see how three men showed kindness by taking their paralyzed friend to Jesus so he could be healed.

Opening Prayer: Dear Jesus, Help us to be the kind of friend this paralytic man had. We always want to encourage others to know and trust You, Lord Jesus. You’re the only One that can help in time of need. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Memory Verse: Our memory verse is 1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to

cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/XHFF-bqthN8 How good of a friend are you? What would you be willing to do for your friends? Come meet some very good friends who helped a paralyzed man meet Jesus. (Crowd sounds) When Jesus was in Capernaum, so many people came to the house where he was staying that there was no room left inside or even outside the door. Not too far away, in another house, five friends were talking. Have you heard the news? Jesus is here. He is here in Capernaum. Oh, how I would love to see Him, I can't walk, but you all should go. Leave me here and go see Him. I won't mind. You can tell me all about it when you get back. Go, see Jesus. No, I have a better idea. I've heard that Jesus can heal people-blind people, deaf people--even people like you who can't walk. I think we should all go to see Jesus and ask Him to heal your legs.


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

But how will I get to Jesus? Easy. There are four of us, and we are strong. We will carry you on your mat. Let's do it! (Sounds of friends agreeing to the task) So the four friends carried their paralyzed friend to the house where Jesus was preaching. But they were in for a surprise. (Crowd sounds) Look at all these people here to see Jesus. I can't even see Him. We've got to get close to Jesus. Let's try the roof. (Sounds of carrying man up on roof) Now what? We still can't see Him. I know. Let's cut a hole through the roof and lower our friend into the room on his mat. Then Jesus will be sure to see him. That sounds good. Let's try it. (Sounds of opening section of roof) Okay, the hole looks big enough now. Everybody ready? Here we go .... (Sounds of lowering the paralyzed man down into the room) We did it! Excuse us, Jesus? There were so many people that we couldn't get through the door. So, we cut a hole in the roof and lowered our friend down to you. Please help us, Jesus. Please, Jesus, we know that you heal people. That is why we have brought our friend to you. Please heal his legs so he can walk. I am pleased with your faith. My son, your sins are forgiven. When the religious leaders heard what Jesus said, they became very angry. (angry whispering) What? This man says He can forgive sins. How dare He say that! No one can forgive sins but God. Who does He think He is?vBut Jesus knew what they were thinking. Why are you thinking such things? Which is easier -- to say to a paralyzed man, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say 'Get up, take your mat, and walk'? But to prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins -- Young man, I tell you, get up, take your mat, and go home.(Crowd hushes and murmurs) Look, I can stand! I can walk! Jesus has healed my legs. Thank you so much, Jesus! The friends were so happy that they had come to see Jesus. Their paralyzed friend was healed and they could all tell others what Jesus had done for them. When Jesus lived here on earth, he went from town to town teaching people about God. He also healed people who were sick, lame, blind or deaf. One day Jesus was in the town of Capernaum. Crowds of people were gathered around him, filling the house where he was staying. People stood in the doorways, leaned through the windows and sat or stood on almost every inch of the floor. People were everywhere. Even the Pharisees and teachers of the Law had come to hear him. They were trying to find ways to accuse Jesus of breaking the Law. While Jesus was preaching in the house, four men arrived bringing a paralyzed friend they wanted Jesus to heal. These four friends were determined to help their lame friend. It took all four of them to get the man to the house. But now the crowd around the house was so big they had no chance of getting inside. At first they must have thought, "We'll never get our friend to Jesus." But then one of the men had an idea. It they could not go through the crowd they would go over it! So they climbed up the stairs on the outside of the building to get onto the flat roof. The roof was made of woven branches and mud. The men started digging at the mud plaster and wood,. Soon they had made a hole in the roof! They made the hole bigger and bigger! The people below must have been amazed when they saw the roof being taken apart! Finally when the hole was large enough, the men slid ropes under the mat and lowered the paralyzed man right down in front of Jesus! When Jesus saw the man, He said something that surprised everyone. He didn’t lay hands on the man and pray for his healing. Instead He said, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” Jesus first forgave the man of his sins before he healed him. Some of the Teachers of the Law listening were thinking, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?" When Jesus said, "Your sins are forgiven," he was also claiming to be God. Only God has the right to forgive sins! Jesus knew that the lame man had a greater need than even being healed of his crippled body. He needed to have his sins forgiven so he could go to heaven!


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

Jesus knew what the Pharisees and teachers of the Law were thinking and so He turned to them. "Which is easier" he asked, "To say, "Your sins are forgiven," or to say "Get up and walk?" Jesus wanted them to know that He was the Son of God. Jesus continued, " I want you to know that I have the power to forgive sin." Then Jesus went to the paralyzed man and said, "Get up, pick up your mat and go home." Immediately the man stood up, picked up the mat he had been brought on and went home praising God. Everyone was amazed and started praising God, too. Overcome with awe they reported, "We have seen remarkable things today." Do you know what sin is? Sin is anything that we think, say or do that is displeasing to God. For example God has told us in the Bible not to lie. When we lie that is a sin. Disobeying our parents is also a sin. Taking things that don't belong to us is wrong. Our sin is why Jesus came from heaven to earth. Jesus willingly gave His precious blood on the cross to pay for our sins. By receiving Him as our very own Savior, He will forgive our sin, just as He forgave the sin of this paralyzed man many years ago. Jesus loved the lame man very much and he loves every person in the world. Jesus shows his love for us in many ways. But he especially showed his love for us when he took the punishment for our sins when He died on the cross. He wants us to confess our sins so he can forgive us. Jesus was very pleased with the faith of the men who brought the lame man to him. The four men knew they could not give their friend forgiveness of sin or the healing so they brought him to the One who could, the Lord Jesus Himself. God can use you to make a difference in someone else’s life just like this paralytic’s friends did. You can show God’s love to a friend who needs Jesus in a special way. The best kind of friend will always encourage others to know and trust the Lord Jesus, the only One who can really help them in time of need. You may have to go out of your way with extra time and effort, but what a difference it can make in the life of your friend! The four men were in our lesson were willing to do whatever it took to get their friend to Jesus. They even went to trouble to take the roof off the house! But how happy they must have been to be a part of a miracle! What a difference they had made in the life of their friend! God can use you too to make a difference in someone else’s life. What does a good friend do? A good friend shares. A good friend smiles. A good friend gives. A good friend takes turns. And Most of all--a good friend talks about Jesus Let's ask God to help us be kind to everyone we know and bring them to Jesus. Remember let's bring our friends to Jesus!

Review Questions: Bible Baseball Divide the class into two teams, (permanent ones are good). Make a baseball diamond and 2 sets of markers to represent the two teams, Flip a coin to see which team goes first. The first person up to bat must answer a question correctly by himself. Team members cannot give the batter the answer. If he answers correctly, his marker goes to first base. If he answers incorrectly, the question goes to the next batter on the team. Each incorrect answer is an out; three outs and it's the next team's turn. Determine the number of innings per game by the size of the class. 1. Where was Jesus during His early ministry? (Around the Sea of Galilee.) 2. In what town did this story take place? (Capernaum) 3. Where was Jesus when people were crowding in to hear Him teach? (In a house.) 4. Why couldn’t the man get up and walk like other people? (He was paralyzed.) 5. How was the paralyzed man able to come to Jesus? (Four friends brought him.) 6. Why were the four men willing to do whatever it took to get their friend to Jesus? (They loved him.) 7. Why did they have a problem getting into the room? (A crowd of people blocked the way.)


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

8. How did they get the paralyzed man into the room? (They lowered him through the roof.) 9. Did Jesus heal the paralytic when He first saw him? Why not? (Jesus forgave the man’s sins because a

spiritual healing is of greater need and importance than the physical healing.) 10. What did Jesus tell the paralyzed man? (Your sins are forgiven.) 11. Who thought Jesus was speaking blasphemies? (Teachers of the Law) 12. Why did the scribes believe Jesus spoke blasphemies? (He forgave the man his sins.) 13. How could Jesus know the thoughts of the scribes? (He was God and could read their hearts.) 14. What did Jesus say the Son of Man has power to do? (He has the power to forgive sins and heal the sick.) 15. How did the paralyzed man show he was made well? (He got up and walked.) 16. What did the people do after seeing this miracle? (The people praised God.) 17. In Mark 2:5, whose faith did Jesus see, that of the four men or that of the paralytic? (Four men.) 18. Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven you,” or to say, “Arise, take up your bed and

walk”? (It’s easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven you” because it’s harder for others to prove or disprove.) 19. How could you be a better friend to others? To Jesus? 20. Read 1 Peter 5:7. What does the Lord want us to do? (Pray about our needs and cares.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Match the Meaning (Grades 3-5) Our memory verse is 1 John 1:9 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Let's say it again together 11 John 1:9 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Look verse up in scripture and read together several times. Use two sheets of 8 1/2" x 11" copy paper. Using a black marker, divide the paper into ten squares. Print "confess", "righteous", "forgive", "sins", and "cleanse" into the squares. In the remaining squares print the following definitions: "to tell God about your sin;" "fair or right"; "to stop feeling angry or blaming a person for something wrong he or she has done"; "to make clean"; "thinking or doing what is not right." Photo copy two copies for each group of six to eight students. Cut the squares apart to make cards. Have the students read 1 John 1:9. Read and show one of the word cares to the class. Then show several of the definition cards to the class and allow the students to guess which definition goes with each word card. Repeat for all five words so that the children are familiar with the definition of each word. Divide class into groups of 6-8 students. Give each group two complete sets of word and definition cards. Students place the cards face down on the floor or table. Instruct students to play a game like Concentration taking turns turning over the cards to see if they can find word and definition cards that match. When a student finds a matching pair, he or she collects that pair. Continue playing until all the cards are matched. Repeat game as long as time allows.

Group Learning Activity: Recipe Card for a Good Friend (Grades 3-5 Write the following special recipe on the whiteboard or on poster board and display to the class: "1 cup Friendship; 1 cup Hope; 1 cup Thoughtfulness; 1 cup Faith; Pinch Tenderness; 1 cup Charity; 1 Tablespoon Gaiety. To the 1 cup of Friendship, add 1 cup Thoughtfulness. Cream together with a pinch of powdered Tenderness, very lightly beat in a bowl of Loyalty. With a cup each of Faith, Hope, and Charity, be sure to add a tablespoon of Gaiety that sings, and also the ability to laugh at little things. Moisten with the sudden tears of heartfelt Sympathy. Bake in a good-natured pan and serve repeatedly." Directions: Give a blank 3" X 5" card to each student in the class or print out the recipe card template below on card stock. Have the students design and write their own recipe card. Use the recipe directions above as a guide. Encourage the students to think of "ingredients" they would include. List how much (one cup, three teaspoons, a sprinkle) that they would add of each quality. Discuss whether Jesus qualifies as a great friend, according to their recipes.


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

Group Learning Game: Mat Relay (Grades K-5) Divide the class into two or more teams with up to nine players per team. Smaller teams will work, they'll just do the relay twice. This game works best on a smooth surface such as wood, tile, or vinyl flooring. Supply each team with a towel or small blanket. One team member will sit on the towel while two others pull it across the floor to the opposite side of the room, then turn around and pull it back. A new set of three--one sitting and two pulling--takes over to repeat the relay, until all the team members have participated once or twice. Safety note: Caution the children who are seated to lean forward and hold tightly to the towel so they don't fly over backwards!

Group Learning Activity: Drama (Grades K-5) Say: The man in our lesson today was paralyzed. Have you ever pretended that you were paralyzed? Let's see if you can do that now. Lay down on the floor. Remember you cannot move your arms or legs. (Optional is to provide a mat for them to take turns lying down on the floor.) Discuss: "How does it feel not to be able to move your arms or legs? What would it be like if your nose itched? Or a fly landed on your head?" Set out a blanket and several elastic bandages. You can use rolls of gauze or bathroom tissue to "bandage" the paralyzed man. Ask for a younger smaller student to act as volunteer to be the "paralyzed" man on the mat. Bandage the crippled man. Ask four older volunteers to carefully move the "paralyzed" student around the room. Encourage students to respond about how helpless they feel as the crippled man or how it feels to be dependent on others to help you. How does it feel to be the one helping the lame man? Is the mat heavy? Relate this experience to how disabled individuals feel and how difficult it is sometimes to be the caregiver.

Group Learning Activity: Forgiveness Card Game (Grades 3-5) Divide students into pairs to play the "Forgiveness Card Game." Print one copy of the page of letter cards and one page of the game spinner on card stock for each of the pairs. Cut apart the game letters. Shuffle and stack them with the letters face down. Give each team a spinner and paper clip to use as a spinner. Students will take turns spinning the spinner and choosing the number of cards indicated by the spinner, trying to collect letters to spell the word "forgiven." At the end of each turn, students must discard any duplicate letters by placing one or more duplicate letters face up. The other student may pick up the discarded card or cards instead of spinning the spinner. First student to spell out "forgiven" calls out "Forgiven!" to end the round. Winner tells one reason he or she is thankful for Jesus' love and forgiveness. Play additional rounds as time permits.

Group Learning Activity: Mud and Straw (Grades K-3) Supplies: chocolate pudding, chow mein noodles or frosted shredded wheat cereal, plastic table cloth, wax paper, spoons, baby wipes. Procedure: Cover the table with the plastic cloth. Set out a square of wax paper for each child. Help children clean their hands with baby wipes or wash thoroughly at a sink. Give each child a handful of chow mein noodles, or frosted shredded wheat cereal and several spoonfuls of chocolate pudding. Explain to the children that roofs in Bible times were made out of mud and straw. Give children spoons and show them how to layer their chocolate pudding and chow mein noodles or cereal to make "roofs." Retell the Bible lesson about how the men dug through the roof so they could see Jesus.

Group Learning Activity: Lifting the Roof (Grades K-3) Supplies: shoe box with lid, dowel sticks, hole punch, people or animal figures made from clay Procedure: Before class punch holes in a shoe box and lid as shown in the picture. Insert small dowel sticks through the holes so the lid can't be removed. Let the children take turns pulling the dowels out, taking the lid off, and putting people or animal figures inside. Use modeling class to shape people figures to use. Retell the Bible story lesson using the figures and removing the lid to lower the paralyzed man down so Jesus could heal him.


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

Group Learning Activity: "Soap, Sin, and Scars" (Grades 2-5) Materials needed: Bars of soap (one for each child); Large nail; Quart jar; Bleach; Tongs; Paper towels; Permanent Marker (one for each child) Preparation: Pour bleach into the quart jar and seal tightly. Using the large nail, etch the word sin deeply into each bar of soap. Procedure: Give each child a bar of soap. Talk about the word sin and what it means. Ask the children to tell you some things they consider sins. Have the children color in the word "sin" on their soap bar. (The markers tend not to work after one usage, so you may want to substitute iodide if you don't have one marker per child.) Talk about forgiveness and why it is that only God can forgive sins. Using the tongs slip the bars of soap into the quart of bleach one by one. Show the children that what we thought was permanent is going away. Sometimes we think we have done things that are too bad for God to forgive. Nothing is ever too permanent or bad for God to forgive. Lay each bar of soap on a paper towel to dry. Draw the children's attention to the fact that the word sin is still a scar on the soap. When Jesus forgives us, He doesn't always remove the scars left by sin. The sin is completely forgiven, but sometimes we have to live with the scars that sin has left. If someone does something to hurt his body, then is sorry and asks God to forgive him, God is happy to do so. But he might still have bad health or problems because of what he did to his body. Have a special prayer with the children concerning forgiveness. Encourage them to share the experiment with their friends and family.

Craft Learning Activity: Mat Weaving (Grades 3-5) Materials: Bibles, paper twist (available at craft or hobby stores) measuring stick, scissors, chenille wires, tape Preparation: Cut paper twist into 2 foot long sections. Each student will need approximately six sections of paper twist and nine chenille wires. Make a sample mat following the directions below: Procedure: Say: "In Bible times people made mats by weaving reeds together. Let's make some mats that look like the ones used in Bible times." Give each student nine chenille wires. Students arrange the wires approximately 1 inch apart from each other placing them parallel on the table. Tape the tops of the wires firmly to the table. Give each student six lengths of paper twist to unwrap. Student weaves a length of unwrapped paper twist over and under the wires, beginning at one corner near the tape. At the end of a row, the student wraps the paper around the wire and continues weaving the next row in the opposite direction. When the first paper twist length comes to an end, the student continues weaving with another length of paper twist, overlapping about 1 inch of first paper twist with the new section. When students are finished weaving through all the wires remove tape from the wires and firmly bend wire ends over the paper at the top and bottom of the mat. The finished mats should be approximately 10 X 10 inch squares. Mats look best if the paper twist and the chenille wire are similar in color. For the most reed like look, bunch the paper twist so that it about 1 inch side as it is woven through the wires. Instead of paper twist use crumpled paper bag cut into strips, long reeds of leaves, burlap lengths or thick yarn.

Craft Learning Activity: Wanted Poster Say: Today we are going to make posters about ways we can be a good friend to others. Wanted posters usually show people the person that the police want to catch. Our Wanted Posters will show the kind of friend we WANT to be! Preparation: Write the following words or phrases on strips of construction paper: "shares"; "smiles;" "listens"; "not bossy"; "helps"; "says good words"; "waits "; "takes turns"; "gives"; "kind"; "is fair" and "tells the truth." Put the strips of descriptive words and phrases in a pile. Duplicate for larger numbers of children. OR print one copy of the



NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

template below for each child. Give each student a light colored construction paper, markers, and glue. Each child is to choose and cut out the phrases that describe qualities that describe the kind of friend that they would like to be to others. Student then draws a picture of himself or herself with the Wanted header. Glue the cutout phrases onto the poster.

Craft Learning Activity: Create a Pop Up or Peek a boo Greeting Card (Grades K-5) As a group make a prayer list of people that are sick in your church or class. Ask: Who can help or cheer up someone who is sick or hurt either in their body or in their heart. Suggest that the class members do something kind for them. Perhaps they could make a card, send it, or deliver it, do a chore for them, go visit and cheer them up by being with them, or something else you think of. Pass out 9" x 12" colored construction paper. Ask students to fold the sheet in half. Pass out 8 1/2" x 11" drawing paper and fold in half. Have students decorate the outside and inside of the greeting card. To make a pop up card: Cut a piece of card stock the desired size for the card (8 1/2" x 11" is good.) Next fold the card stock in half. Cut two parallel slits on the folded side of the paper about one inch apart. Next fold the tab up and crease it. Open up your card and then pop the paper toward the inside of the card. Make a pop up design that goes with the theme of the card. Color the design with markers or crayons and glue the design to the pop up slit in your card.

To make a peek a boo card: Simply cut out a shape on the front of the card such as a heart, stick person, cake, etc. You can use squeeze punch scissors which can be found at a craft store. Younger children will need help cutting their shapes. Glue fabric squares, bits of scrap book paper, tissue paper, or paper Mache to the inside of the card so it is visible through the opening. Or simply have the students draw and color a design on the inside of the card to "peek through" to the front. Encourage children to be creative with writing their greeting, poem, or verse. Life Application Challenge: God is Our Healer In this lesson we learned that God is our healer. Not only does He want to heal our bodies, He also wants to heal our hearts. Jesus did that when he healed the paralyzed man and told him that his sins had been forgiven and that he should "Get up, pick up your mat and go home." Lead the group to do the following:

Praise--God doesn't want the unkindness of others to hurt you. Let's praise Him for being the Healer of our feelings.

Ask--Ask children to think of something that hurts them on the inside. They can ask God to heal their hearts.

Confess--We've all been unkind with our words. Let God remind you of a time when you've said something hurtful. Then we'll tell God what we've done and ask Him to forgive us. Lead children in prayer for the person they hurt to be healed in his/her heart.

Thanks--Has God ever healed your body or heart? Share a personal sotry of when He did this for you. Then go around the group and let each child thank God for being a healer. Remember to thank God for each child in your group. Remember that no child should be forced to pray but do encourage and invite each one.


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man Matthew 9: 1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-39

1 John 1:9 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous

to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015


NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015

Game Spinner Print spinner on card stock for each team. Insert paper clip in center to use as the spinner.




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NT3.2 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man © Beverly Wilson 2015
