Unit 14 zoology Warming-up & Reading To teach a fish how to swim. ( 班门弄斧 ) Love me, love...


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Unit 14

zoologyWarming-up & Reading

To teach a fish how to swim.

( 班门弄斧 )

Love me, love my dog.

( 爱屋及乌 )

Interesting Proverbs

The sparrow (麻雀) near a school sings the ABC.

( 潜移默化 )

Dog doesn’t eat dog.

( 虎毒不食子 )

Go home and kick the dog.

( 回家生闷气 )

When the cat is away,the mice will play.

( 山中无老虎 , 猴子称大王 )

( 江山易改,本性难移 )

Have a bee in one’s head.

( 胡思乱想 )

You can’t make a crab( 蟹) walk straight.




beehive honey

as busy as a bee






hum/ buzz

What other words come to your mind when you see “bee” this word?

The Language of Honey-bees


Para. 1

Para. 2

Para. 3

Para. 4

Para. 5

Para. 6

Para. 7

Para. 8

1. The circle dance

2. A brief introduction of the bee

3. Whether bees could tell each other the exact position.

4. The wagging dance.

5. Pro. Karl von Frisch built special hives to study bees.

6. The number of wagging dances indicates the exact distance to the feeding place.

7. “Bee-line” and “ to make a beeline for ”

8. Something about the professor

Match the general idea of each paragraph.

Careful Reading

Para.1 a brief introduction of the bee

Q: Why is it the honey-bee that has interested scientists most?

Because of the language they use to communicate with each other.

Para.2 Pro. Karl von Frisch built special hives to study bees.

What was Professor von Frisch puzzled by?

When he placed little dishes of honey on a table, bees soon came. As soon as one bee discovered the honey, many more came to it one after another in a short time.

the circle dancethe circle dance( Food is near. )

Para.3-4 the circle dance and the wagging dance

the wagging dance

( Food is far away. )

Para.5The number of wagging

dances indicates the exact distance to the feeding place.

1. What did the scientists discover?

2. What a maximum distance do the bees fly?

They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.

Bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 kilometres between their hive and a feeding place.

A circle dance

A wagging dance

A faster wagging dance

A slower wagging dance

Food is near.

Food is far away.

Food is closer.

Food is farther away.

Note making

What was the remaining question for Professor von Frisch and his partners?


The remaining question was to find out whether bees could tell each other the exact position of a feeding place.

To make a beeline for someone or something means:


To go quickly along a straight course for somebody or something.

Information about the scientist

Name: _______________

Nationality: ____________

What’s he? ________________

Research work: _________________

How to find it out: _________________

His discovery: ______________________


Karl von Frisch



the language of honey-bees

by doing experiments

circle dance & wagging dance

Won a Nobel Prize in 1973

Do you know… Do you know…

Do you know how other animals

communicate with each other?

Do you think that human beings and animals can communicate with each other? How ?
