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Unit 1【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Who Studies at College ESL      ?

① Most American colleges and universities have       English as a

Second Language programs. ② Who are the students? ③ They are adults of

various      . ④ What are their      ? ⑤ Some students have

studied it before, and other students have not. ⑥Are they all new to America?

⑦ Some students are new to America, but other students are not. ⑧ Some

students didn’t study English       now. ⑨ They       families

and didn’t have time to study. ⑩ Classes       people from various

nations. ⑪ Japanese are a large group in some       of the U.S. ⑫ In

other areas, there are not many Japanese.

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Unit 2【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Understanding Universities in the U.S.

①The United States has over 1,200 four-year colleges and      , though

many of them are not       nationwide. ② Almost every state has at

      two public universities. ③ In      , these universities usually

have some       campuses. ④ Most students come from      

that state, because students from other states must pay more      .

⑤Some private universities are very old, and those universities have beautiful

      buildings. ⑥ Public universities are quite      . ⑦ They

built many of their buildings in the 1960s, and they don’t look very      .

⑧They are just simple       buildings.

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Unit 3【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Student Visas for Foreign Students

① Japanese can enter the United States as       without visas for short

stays. ② After 90 days, that       ends. ③ For many Japanese, studying

in America sounds      . ④ To study in America,      , a person

needs an F-1 visa. ⑤To get an F-1 visa, a person must have an I-20      

from a college or university. ⑥ You must       for the F-1 visa and

receive it before you enter the U.S. ⑦You cannot apply for it in the U.S. ⑧Even

though the process seems a bit       , this rule is very strict.

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Unit 4【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Going to a New School in America

①Americans do not have a       upon entering a new school. ②They

celebrate       from a school. ③When they are younger, they usually

go to public schools with other children from the       . ④ At every

level, there are many students who have gone to school together for many

years. ⑤ At the same time, Americans       moving normal. ⑥ The

school often makes new students       . ⑦Schools show their students

their differences in homework, testing and       events. ⑧ Such a

system may give you       . ⑨ Actually, many Americans have exactly

the same      .

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Unit 5【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

People with Liberal or Conservative Backgrounds

①Americans often speak freely of       and romance. ②When speaking

of life in      , many strong opinions are commonly      .

③ Some opinions have few supporters. ④ For example, during elections,

      choices are defended strongly by voters, even by those who vote

for      , candidates. ⑤However, this does not       Americans

always act freely. ⑥Many children are raised by       parents. ⑦Those

parents may feel it is their job to decide their children’s      , music,

even dating habits. ⑧ Among school-age children, some are       to

date at an early age and others are not. ⑨Americans are not surprised at how

differently various families act.

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Unit 6【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Various       of Parties for College Students

① American student clubs used to have the biggest parties at universities,

but other kinds of parties and events have become more important. ② Now

students in       often have informal parties themselves. ③ Those

parties are       small and just include groups of friends. ④ Many

students make a lot of their friends at such parties. ⑤Universities      

the biggest events to make them successful. ⑥Those events are both large and

     . ⑦Normally, they are daytime events such as large sport      

or graduation ceremonies. ⑧Almost all students will       club, dorm

and university events at some time       their student life.

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Unit 7【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

The Most Important Item a Student Owns

①When Americans enter college, many of them have       computers.

② In       years, computers have become the most popular graduation

      for students finishing high school. ③Some computer makers have

      high school students for computer sales. ④Makers hope students

will       brand loyalty and buy their computers again. ⑤      

know students do their school work on computers every day. ⑥Students who

have a good experience with their computers will want the same computer in

the      . ⑦To       sales, stores often include popular software

which students may      . ⑧ So, the months before school starts have

become important for       stores and computer makers.

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Unit 8【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

American People and Directions

① Most Americans are quite       to give directions to their homes or

anywhere else. ②Sometimes those directions may include some      .

③ They might not       that a store or office has changed its name.

④ They could confuse the       of street names. ⑤ They might

incorrectly tell you to go three       signals, but it is actually five

signals. ⑥Getting good directions with       times and distances is not

very likely. ⑦Not many people       directions with all the facts right.

⑧Some people think of distances. ⑨Others think of the time which is needed.

⑩     , most cities have straight streets. ⑪ Also, most people are very

good with compass directions. ⑫ These two things mean that even wrong

      are not much of a problem.

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Unit 9【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Various Ways of Saying Good-bye

① At the end of a social event, hugging, kissing and/or       hands are

expected. ②This may       when the guests leave a party. ③Some women

hug their friends when they say good-bye. ④Hugging is also       within

families. ⑤Shaking hands is the       way for businesspeople to say good-

bye. ⑥      commonly wave their hands on the street. ⑦ Still, there are

some rules. ⑧When saying good-bye, friends say, “Bye” never “Bye-bye.” ⑨The

latter one sounds childish. ⑩ It is the way a parent would       an infant to

speak. ⑪ In other cases, travelers       with a simple “See you later.” or

“Call me.” ⑫They say this even if it is       to happen.

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Unit 10【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Special University Lectures by Famous Speakers

①Universities often       guests to speak to large audiences on campus.

② These       can include famous professors and celebrities. ③ The

audience may be more       in seeing the speakers than in hearing

their lectures. ④Such speakers would tell the students interesting      

of their professional or personal lives. ⑤The       may report on very

famous guest lecturers. ⑥ The news of a famous speaker’s lecture will be

widely       in the local community. ⑦ The       of the lecture

may be the biggest topic for some days. ⑧ This is one way a university can

      students and become famous in society.

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Unit 11【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Student Internships

① It has always been common for college students to work during their

     . ② This is       true during the three-month summer

vacation. ③ In recent years, a new trend has      . ④ Students work as

      at major companies during the summer between the third

and fourth years. ⑤ Universities can       some students at the best

companies. ⑥ Other students may find jobs at       firms. ⑦ Students

who hope to get very good jobs after graduation should have done a summer

     . ⑧ It gives them a vital       over students with ordinary

work experience or no work experience at all.

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Unit 12【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Weddings Take Many Forms

① America has a       population, so weddings take many forms.

② Of course, economics are a major       for most couples. ③ First,

news of a wedding is announced in the local paper or online. ④ Then, the

couple may get advice from their       leader. ⑤ Most couples rent

halls or use church basements for receptions because those places have all the

      for serving large meals. ⑥ However, those places have no

professional wedding planners, so the couple and their families plan the party

themselves. ⑦ Information is gathered from many      . ⑧ There are

few common       concerning refreshments, entertainment, or even the

nature of the reception. ⑨Weddings and receptions really show the      

of each couple.

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Unit 13【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

People Eat More Because of the       All Around Them

① Pricing food cheaply has always been a common trend in American life.

② Supermarkets even       items sold below their cost. ③ This is a

sales       which is not common in Japan. ④ Restaurants      

this trend by offering so much food that no one can eat it all. ⑤This helps in

getting more      . ⑥ Everyone likes a bargain. ⑦ In       and

rural areas, where people enjoy gardening, giving vegetables to neighbors for

free also keeps costs low. ⑧Using government discount coupons at stores is

one way Americans with low       can get food cheaply, too. ⑨ They

buy the coupons at a lower cost and then use them to buy food of a higher

values. ⑩A natural       of this trend is for Americans to eat a lot.

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Unit 14【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Various Kinds of Kisses

① In early      , American boys and girls give their mothers and fathers

good-night kisses. ② To kiss one’s parents is normal during the      

school years. ③ As adults, many couples not       kiss each other

good-night, but they may also kiss each other good-bye in the morning.

④Some train systems call the areas in       of stations “Kiss ’N Ride.”

⑤ Traditionally,       took their husbands to stations by car, because

they wanted to use the family car later in the day. ⑥ Also, it is      

common to see women kiss their friends when they say hello or good-bye.

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Unit 15【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

How to Use College Cafeterias

①Cafeterias in American universities are       in student dormitories or

in the Student Union for students who come from their homes. ②     

have students do most of the work as part-time workers. ③ In the dormitories,

you will see students show college ID cards without      . ④They paid

for the whole year in      . ⑤You can understand American college life

by looking at the students in the cafeteria. ⑥Most students       their

friends to sit with them. ⑦Those groups may be club members or classmates.

⑧ Many clubs make their members eat together so that they feel that they

      to the club.

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Unit 16【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Life in an American Apartment

① About one-third of all Americans live in apartments. ② Most American

apartments are often provided to the renters without      . ③However,

they will have      , stoves and light fixtures. ④ Most apartments are

rented directly from the landlord through       in daily newspapers.

⑤ Few people rent apartments through real       agents. ⑥ Larger

apartment       have resident managers to make minor repairs or plan

repairs by professionals. ⑦      such as gas and electricity might or

might not be included in the rent. ⑧Renters must also pay security      

to cover any damages they may cause.

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Unit 17【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

The Fast Life Leads to “Nuking” Quick Dinners

①Many Americans feel that food is fuel to       quickly. ②Fast food is

      for working people. ③Slow, relaxing meals may be the      .

④ However, something faster but not necessarily tasty is often a      .

⑤Rushed breakfasts and short lunch       are common. ⑥ In evenings,

people       dinner with other activities to save time. ⑦ This makes

people feel the meal itself should be fairly simple. ⑧This idea long ago led to

canned foods, fast foods and frozen foods. ⑨ In the last 30 years, recipes using

      have been quite standard. ⑩Microwave ovens use       to

heat food. ⑪Therefore, people say that the food is “nuked.” ⑫This gives the

      that nuked food is not really healthy.

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Unit 18【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Enjoying World-class Entertainment

①The United States has the world’s largest entertainment      . ② It is

easy to find movies and concerts which       far less than in Japan.

③Major universities have large halls and      . ④ Some singers whose

names are well-known       here. ⑤ Others want to attract students

with university concert tours. ⑥Starting times are often later at night. ⑦Also

churches and community centers       provide space which people can

use for free concerts. ⑧ If you have a      , visit Las Vegas. ⑨ It has not

only       but also family entertainment. ⑩ Tickets, whose prices are

not too      , are easily available.

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Unit 19【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

The Last Class, a Test Day but Sometimes a Party Day

① Universities everywhere give their students grades. ② Of course, students

often finish with a test, but the grading       in America is a little

different from the Japanese system. ③ The last class is often the day when

students have a test or give a presentation. ④ However, all      

throughout the semester are graded, and these are       up for the

final grade. ⑤ The final       is only one part of the student’s grade.

⑥This is the       why the atmosphere in the last class is not especially

serious. ⑦      with some presentations, some classes where students

eat or enjoy themselves are quite normal.

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Unit 20【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Restaurants Change to Attract More Customers

①Until the 1970s, fast-food       were minor places that people visited

to grab a quick snack. ② The       shops did not even have tables or

chairs! ③All orders were       to go. ④At that time, ordinary restaurant

dining required a waiter or waitresses. ⑤      more options were added

to attract customers. ⑥Drinks became self-serve to cut costs. ⑦Buffet tables

were added to       choices. ⑧ Both fast-food and other restaurants

      this. ⑨Now, the line between the two is not as clear as it was in

the      .

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Unit 21【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Gift Giving for Weddings and Other      

① Americans give gifts for various occasions, but       to Japan

there are few rules concerning gift-giving. ②Americans give larger gifts for

Christmas and weddings. ③ There are small gifts for birthdays,      

and retirements. ④Wedding gifts do follow some      . ⑤Couples often

      a list of gift ideas at a major local store. ⑥ Guests then choose

a gift from the list       to their budget. ⑦ Wedding gifts should be

     , not personal. ⑧ Also, the two families give special gifts. ⑨ The

      parents usually give a far more expensive gift. ⑩ Because the

      family traditionally pays for the wedding, that bride’s parents give

a cheaper gift. ⑪ This tradition may seem      , but it is still strong.

⑫The couple usually pays for the      .

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Unit 22【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

Making       for Vacations in America

① American vacations are not       into one short period as Japanese

vacations are. ②The summer vacation, the longest of the year,       be

taken any time during June, July or August. ③ The second longest vacation

      is in the winter. ④ The period around Thanksgiving and from

Christmas to New Year’s Day is called “the Holidays.” ⑤The time for family

to       together is not so much Christmas as Thanksgiving. ⑥ New

Year’s Day is the least important of the three. ⑦New Year’s Eve is a day for

couples, not families. ⑧Married couples may       their vacations 50-

50 between the wife’s family and the husband’s family. ⑨ If       is

spent with the wife’s family, they might       spend Christmas with the

husband’s family. ⑩The following year, it’s the other       around.

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Unit 23【TASK2:英文スクリプト】

      Two or More Colleges

①It is very lively for American college students to attend two or more colleges

before they finish a four-year      . ②There are a few reasons for this.

③ If a family needs to save money, a student may       at home and

study at a two-year community college near the family home. ④ After their

second years, the student will enter a university as a       student.

⑤ Other students decide they do not like their first university. ⑥ They find

another university that more       suits their tastes or needs. ⑦ They

      after a semester, a year or a couple of years. ⑧ If they took

standard classes, they can get       at the new college for classes they

took at the old college. ⑨By doing this, they can still graduate on      .

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