Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye An Integrated English Course (Book I)


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Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye

An Integrated English Course(Book I)

Never Say Goodbye

Warm Up, Background, Word Study


Text Study, Oral Practice2

Revision & Discussion3

Allocation of Time Lesson 1:

Warm-up Global understanding

What is the implication of the author’s grandpa’s words “never say goodbye”?

Text structure Background or cultural information

Getting to know new words Reading aloud (pronunciation to be checked) Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS)

(brainstorming and sharing of strategies)

Allocation of Time Lesson 2

Detailed study of text Analysis of language style Retelling or summarizing or role-play ... (in groups, re

presentatives to report, focus on meaning) Lesson 3

Special difficulties & exercises (Q&A) Discussing or commenting on related topics (in grou

ps, rep’s to report, critical thinking ability to be trained)

Revision & Quiz

Warm-up Tell us a story in which you said

goodbye to your parents, friends, schoolmates, old house, etc. Have your family ever moved from one

place to another? If you have, how did you feel when you were going to be away from the old house (place) for good?

What does “goodbye” mean to you? ……


Family patterns in the West: nuclear vs. extended family

Text Structure


Para. 1- 4“I” found it hard to overcome the sadness as the moment of parting drew near.So “I” turned to my grandpa for help.


Para. 5-13Grandpa illustrates how one can overcome the sad feeling by narrating the sad experience of the loss of his eldest son during the war.


Para. 14-20“I” understood the true meaning of “Never say goodbye”.

Para.1-4: Main Ideas

Scan for answers: Why was the author seized with the

anguish of moving from his home? What do you know about the author's

home mentioned in the beginning? Why did the author shudder and shed

tears when the final day came? Why did his grandfather advise him not

to use the word “goodbye” to friends?

Para.1-4: Language

Words PhrasesSentence Pattern Grammar

confrontanguishgracefullyshudderwell (up)

be touched withlaughter and tearsrest onthrough one’s tearsstare off intoin common

Brief as it was, …

I looked at the flowers, not knowing …

feel a hand rest on my shoulder

watch, see, hear …

confront We are learning how to confront death. ( =face, e.g. a difficul

t situation or issue 勇敢地主动面对,应对,对付) They have confronted the problem of terrorism with great det

ermination. 他们以极大的决心对付恐怖活动问题。

She was confronted with severe money problems. ( have to deal with 被动地面临或遭遇(困难)

The explorers were confronted with gorges almost impassable. 探险者遇到了几乎是不可逾越的峡谷。

confront Troops were confronted by an angry mob. ( to face some

one in a threatening way, as though you are going to attack them )

The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door. 那个女演员在离开后台门口时被一群记者拦住了。

She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face. (stand or sit in front of them, especially when you are going to fight, argue, or compete with them)

The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate.

confront When the police confronted her with the

evidence, she confessed she was guilty. (force to deal with or accept the truth of; bring face to face with 使对质,使当面对证 )

She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt. ( 使对证 )

I could not bring myself to confront him about it.

Confrontation (n.)

The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments.

anguishanguish (n.): great mental suffering or physical pain 极度的苦

恼,痛苦 The unspeakable anguish wrung her heart. (wring, wrung,

wrung: made her extremely unhappy) 无法形容的痛苦使她心如刀割。

The news story told of the mother’s anguish at the death of her daughter. 这则新闻报道叙述了女儿去世带给那位母亲的痛苦。

She was in anguish over her missing child. 孩子失踪了,她极为痛苦。

Mark looked at him in anguish. His anguish at the outcome of the court case was very clear. In her anguish she forgot to leave a message.


anguish (vt./ vi.) Her husband’s death anguished her dee

ply. 她丈夫的去世使她悲痛万分。 His heart anguished within him when he

heard the startling news. 听到这可怕的消息,他内心非常痛苦。

anguished (a.+ n.): anguished cries She let out an anguished cry. [written]

Expansion: “ 痛苦,苦闷,苦恼,郁闷,压抑……”? sad, unhappy, low-spirited, blue, melancholy, depressed suffering, anguish, agony

Low-spirited: 沮丧的,情绪低落的 Blue: ( informal ) sad and without hope 忧郁的 Depressed: 沮丧的,抑郁的 Melancholy: n/adj ( formal ) deep sadness which lasts for some

time <A deep melancholy runs through her poetry. 她的诗中贯穿著悲伤的情调 .> <A melancholy mood>

In order of degree: ascending Suffering: serious physical or mental pain 痛苦 Anguish: severe physical or mental pain 万分痛苦,悲痛 Agony: extreme mental or physical suffering 极度的痛苦, 煎熬

Synonyms: sorrow, grief, anguish, woe, regret Sorrow implies a sense of loss or a sense of guilt and

remorse ant joy <A nation united in sorrow upon the death of the President>. ant joy

Grief implies a poignant sorrow for an immediate cause ant joy <Gave his father much grief>. ant joy

Anguish suggests a torturing often persistent grief or dread <the anguish felt by the hostages>. ant relief

Woe implies a deep or inconsolable distress or misery <cries of woe echoed throughout the bombed city>

Regret implies a pain caused by deep disappointment, fruitless longing, or unavailing remorse <never felt a moment of regret following the divorce>

Brief as it was, …

Cold as it was, they went out. Bravely as they fought, they had no chance of winning. Although I would like to help you, I’m afraid I’m simply

too busy at the moment. (Much) as I would like to help you, …

<formal> suggests emphatic contrast (=“although”)

gracefullygrace: She danced with marvelous natural grace. 她舞姿极其自然优美。

graceful: 1. (a person’s movements) 优美的,文雅的 Already in her fifties, she danced gracefully on the stage last night, attrac

ting a large audience, who clapped their hands several times. His handwriting, from earliest young manhood, was flowing and graceful.

2. (A person’s behavior) 得体的 He was charming, cheerful, and graceful under pressure. He stepped on my left foot when we hurried into the elevator shaft ( 电梯

井 ), and immediately he apologized to me gracefully.

Graceless (ant): It was a massive, graceless house.

touched withIf something is touched with a particular quality, it has a certain a

mount of that quality. [written] 使带上特定色彩(或意味,情调)

Her hair is touched with grey. 他的头发有点花白。 His lips were touched with a smile. 他的唇边露出一丝笑意。 The boy was touched with genius. The flowers on the dining table touched the place with spring

and youth. 桌上的花给饭厅增添了一点春色和青春的气息。( a touch of spring 一丝春意 )

In the sentence “… touch with the laughter and tears …”, the phrase implies that “... the house which had seen/witnessed the joys and sorrows of the four generations of my family.”

a touch of

a touch of something is a very small amount of it

She was off work with a touch of flu. 她因为有点感冒而没有上班。( a slight attack of an illness )

There was a touch of frost in the night. 夜里有点霜冻。

That seemed a touch (=slightly) unfair to me. 那对我似乎有点不公平。


get in touch with: contact them by writing to them or telephoning them

be/ keep/ stay in touch with: write, phone, or visit each other regularly

be out of touch with it, you do not know the latest news or information about it.

lose touch with someone, you gradually stop writing, telephoning, or visiting them.

lose touch with something, you no longer have the latest news or information about it.

touch wood

touch wood: [UK] said in order to avoid bad luck, either when you mention good luck that you have had in the past or when you mention hopes you have for the future; used as if to keep away bad luck, so that something good may continue 用手摸木头以消灾求福 ; [US] knock on wood

I’ve never been without a job, touch wood! 我从来没有失业过,摸摸木头,但愿保持此福分吧!

The deal will be agreed on Wednesday, touch wood.

laughter and tears

joys and sorrows 苦乐悲喜,喜怒哀乐 happiness and sorrow partings and reunions 悲欢离合 weal and woe 祸福甘苦 flesh and blood 血肉之躯,亲骨肉

shudder She shuddered (with horror) at the sight of the dead body. I shudder to think how big the bill will be. A shudder of fear ran through her. 她吓得浑身哆嗦。

c.f. shake: The house shook when the earthquake started. Two men shake hands with (each other)/ shake each other’s h

ands / shake each other by the hand Shake like a jelly/a leaf, shake in one’s shoes She must have had a very bad fright; she was shaking like a jelly/

a leaf. 她一定吓得不得了,她在全身发抖。 I was shaking in my shoes about having to tell Dad what I’d do

ne. He was shaking in his shoes at the thought of making a speech in

public. 一想到要在公共场合演讲他就紧张得要命。

well (up)

Blood welled (up) from the cut. She was so angry / moved that tears well

ed (up) in her eyes. 她气得眼泪夺眶而出 / 感动得热泪盈眶。

rest on/upon The bridge rests on stone arches. ( lean on; to be supported

by搁在…上,靠在…上) The girl's head rested on her hands.

Your argument rests on a statement that can’t be proved. ( be based on; be grounded on 基于,建立在…上;依据,依赖)

We have tried everything; now it all rests on him. ( depend on 现在全指望他了)

The decision rests with you. (you’re the one to make the decision) 。

The fate of these prisoners rests with the judge. (由…负责 /决定)

through one’s tears

with tears in my eyes; while shedding tears 含着泪……

smile/reply through one’s tears 含泪微笑 /回答

stare off into

She stared at the letter in disbelief. He sat staring into space/the distance, thinking deeply. 他坐在那

儿凝视天空,陷入了沉思。 stare off into: to move one's eyes from a point nearby to a farther

place and fix them on it or look at it steadily She stared him into silence. 她把他盯得不吭声了 . The two children were having a competition to see who could sta

re the other out. 两个孩子在较量 , 看谁能把对方瞪得受不了 . I’d spent ages looking for the key, and there it was staring us in t

he face all the time. 我花了老半天找钥匙,其实它就在我面前。 (to be very easily seen 清清楚楚地摆在面前 )

The solution is staring us in the face; we must borrow from the bank. 解决办法非常明显,我们必须从银行借钱。 (is very obvious)

have … in common

have (much/a lot) in common: having the same interests, attitudes, etc.

The boy and the girl have much in common in personality.

have nothing/little in common

Para.5-13: Main IdeasScan for answers (para. 5-10): Why did the author's grandfather take him to see the roseb

ush in the front yard? What did the author’s grandfather mean by saying “It is

n’t just the roses that are beautiful, Billy. It’s that special place in your heart that makes them so.”?

Why did the author's grandfather plant those roses?

Listen and retell (para. 12 & 13):(Ss are encouraged to repeat the exact sentences.)

Para.5-13: Language

Words PhrasesSentence Pattern Grammar


look intohand in hand It is … that …

It isn’t …It is …

… in that place … where summer is …

Kneeling, he pulled me close.

look into

look into: investigate; examine the meaning or cause of

The police have received some complaints; now they are looking into them.

This is a report that looks into the causes of unemployment.


gently: in a manner or way that is not rough, violent, or severe

She gently brushed the baby’s hair. 温和地,轻轻地

“Don't cry,” he said gently. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves.微风吹动树叶。

gentleman, gentlemanly, gentlemanlike (fair, kind and honorable in behavior)


conspicuously: in a way that is noticeable or easily seen; in an attractive manner显眼,惹人注意的

The magazine contains conspicuously attractive advertisements.

The posters on the walls around are conspicuously eye-catching.

Her red hat was very conspicuous in the crowd.

Sentence Pattern

It isn’t just the roses that are beautiful, Billy. It’s that special place in your heart that makes them so.

More: It was Beijing who hosted the 29th

Olympiad. …

His eyes met mine again. two trains/rivers/hands meet 相遇(错车) /会合 /相触。

our/their eyes meet (look at each other目光相遇 ) Our eyes met momentarily, then he looked away. His eyes met Nina's and she smiled.

(sb.) meets sb’s eye(s)/gaze/glance etc (to look directly at someone who is looking at you) She turned to meet his eye (gaze).

(sth.) meets your eye(s)/ear(s) (you see/hear it) An extraordinary scene met our eyes as we entered the ro

om. All sorts of strange sound met the ear. 听到了各种奇怪的声音。

give in to

give in to: give way; surrender; allow oneself to be beaten 投降,屈服,让步

The two boys fought until one gave in to the other.

The authorities showed no signs of giving in to the kidnapper’s demands. 当局对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象。

lock away lock it away within you: fasten it firmly in your mind; bear it in your m

ind and never forget it

She locked her jewels in a safe.The pieces of the puzzle lock into each other/lock together. 拼图各块拼合时都卡在一起 .

two nations locked in mortal combat (fig.)处於殊死战斗中的两国two lovers locked in each other‘s arms (ie embracing) (fig.)拥抱着的

一对情侣lock away one‘s jewellery 把珠宝锁好Don't forget to lock up before leaving home. 离家之前别忘上锁 I've lost my key and I'm locked out! 我丢了钥匙 , 进不去了 !

pack away (把…收起来 ), put away, tuck away (把…藏起来 )


(prep.+pron. / adv.) in the inner part (of); inside 在里面,在内心里 lock it away within you / reach deep within you for … resentment seething within him 他 ( 内心 ) 气得火冒三丈

He‘s coping much better within himself... 他内心好受多了 (If you experience a particular feeling, you can say that it is within you. )

She is pure within. 她内心纯洁。

part(to cause to) separate or be no longer together [fml o

r lit] I hope that we part as friends ( = remain friends as

we part). 我希望我们分手了还是朋友。 The war parted many men from their families.战争使许多人离开了家庭。

I parted from him on the bridge. He hates to part with his money. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to part w

ith some of her most treasured possessions. (放弃,舍弃 )

“when, where, why” as relative adverbs

… lock it away within you -- in that place in your heart where summer is an always time.

More …

relative adverb, introducing a relative clause

bring back/about/forth/down/in When you go to the post office, will you bring back some stamps for me? If the plate tarnishes (失去光泽) , you can rub it up a little and bring back its shin

e. Hearing the song brings back some happy memories. (make sb. remember 使想起,

使忆起 ) I know it happened, but now I cannot bring it back to my mind. A week by the sea brought her back to health. 在海滨呆一周后她恢复了健康。

How can we bring about a change in attitudes? ( 带来 ) These efforts will surely bring forth good fruit. (产生 ) The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation. (to reduc

e to a lower level) a crisis that could bring down the government (推翻) bring down the house 喧闹得房子都象要塌下来 (博得全场喝彩 ) I‘d like to bring in Doctor Hall here and ask him his views. ( to ask someone to b

ecome involved in a discussion or situation 引进,介绍)

Para.14-20: Main Ideas

Scan for answers: Why did the author's grandfather

want his bed to be next to the window?

Why was the family summoned to the old house?

How did the author respond to his grandfather's death?

Para.14-20: Language

Words PhrasesSentence Pattern Grammar


move on

reach … for

make up (friendship)

When it came to my turn, …

Truly, I knew …

Remembering Grandpa’s words, I reached …

When it comes to …when it came to my turn: when it was my turn (to say goodbye)

When it comes to politics, I know nothing. (concerning) When it comes to mathematics, I'm completely at sea. (… 我完全是门外汉 )

Taller people have the edge (have the slight advantage) when it comes to happiness.

Don't pull the handle; give it a turn. Young people at the turn of the century must draw up a might

y blueprint.宏伟的蓝图

Verb usage: the domain of perceptions and senses I feel a hand rest on my shoulder.

feel, hear, listen to, look at, notice, observe, perceive, see, smell, watch + object + infivitive (without to) indicates the whole o

f an action + object + v-ing indicates part of an action

Find more examples in the text. Give your own examples.

feel + object + infinitive (without to)

Grammar: v-ing as adverbial He said softly, sitting down on the

steps beside me. I looked at the flower, not knowing

what to say. Kneeling, he pulled me close. Remembering Grandpa’s words, I

reached deep with me for …

Language Style

Repetition of “rosebush” to produce an imagery of love “hand”

“He gently took my hand in his.” “We walked, hand in hand, …” “I took his hand as gently as he had once taken

mine.”to show the love between the two and a shift of

mental support from Grandpa to “I”.

Group discussion (in groups of 4/5)

Pick out sentences in the text that impress you most and share them with your group-mates.

What do you think of the parting between the author and his grandfather?

Agree or not?: Friendship encourages people while

sorrow doesn’t.

Role-play (optional)

(2 pairs) Play the roles of Grandpa and the author

with your partner to act some episodes of the story

Word formation (p.8) -ible, -able, -(i)al

noticeable, suitable, … industrial, continental, …

-tion, -cion description, contribution, … suspicion, …

-ant assistant, …

un- unemployed, uninvolved, …

prove proof …

Word order in noun clusters (p.11)

限定词—数词—描绘词— (大小、长短、形状、新旧、颜色)—出处—材料性质—类别 + 中心词


Recitation (Para. 1-4, 10-13, 20,memorable quotes)

Paraphrasing and sentence translation (E-C, C-E)

E-C Translation1. When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguis

h of moving from the only home I had ever known. (Para. 1, L1-2)

2. My whole life, brief as it was, had been spent in that big old house, gracefully touched with the laughter and tears of four generations. (Para. 1, L2)

3. When the final day came, I ran to the haven of the small back porch and sat alone, shuddering, as tears welled up from my heart. (Para. 2, L1-2)

4. It isn’t just the roses that are beautiful, Billy. It’s that special place in your heart that makes them so.

E-C Translation5. I want you to remember instead the joy and the happiness

of those times when you first said hello to a friend. (Para. 13, L2-3)

6. Take that special hello and lock it away within you – in that place in your heart where summer is an always time (Para. 13, L3-4)

7. When you and your friends must part, I want you to reach deep within you and bring back that first hello. (Para. 13, L5-6)

8. Remembering Grandpa’s words, I reached deep within me for those special feelings that had made up our friendship.

C-E Translation

See P. 9

Quiz Word spelling (18 items) haven, gravely, rosebush, confront,

anguish, gracefully, shudder, gently, whisper, conspicuously, hoarse, evil, gravely, beloved, summon, breathing, laughter and tears, loneliness

Dictation C-E translation (see “Reading Worksheet”)

Dictation Throughout history / the basic unit of almost every human

society / has been the family. / The members of the family live together / under the same roof. / They share the economic burdens of life / as well as its affectional joys. / The family head usually has considerable influence / in arranging marriages, / selecting careers / and determining all important moves and purchases / by any member of the family. / Particularly in conditions / where society or the state / does not give aid / and where consequently / the responsibilities of the family are greater, / this large group / provides better protection / in times of economic or other emergency. /
