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  • 7/29/2019 UN Yo


    Forced evictionsGlobal crisis, Global solutions

  • 7/29/2019 UN Yo


    Forced evictionsGlobal crisis, Global solutions

    A Reiew O the Status o Fore Eitios Goay Through the Work o the Aisory Group o

    Fore Eitios, U-Haitat a Other Iteratioa Ators

  • 7/29/2019 UN Yo


    ii FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS


    Mai Author: leiai FarhaTeam leaer: cauio Aioy Jr.Task Maager: chae Oguzhacotriutors: cauio Aioy Jr., Jea du Pessis, bahaa Ezzeara, Matthew Freh, Maik

    Gaye, Thea Gespa, bahram Ghazi, Ameia Marti, chae Oguzha,letiia Osorio, cesare Ottoii, Waia Seaorth, Remy Siethipig, nihoasSimik-Arese, Ra Tuts, a AGFE memers.

    Egish Eitor: Roma Roikdesig: Jiita Shahlayout: catherie Kimeu

    Pritig: UnOn, Puishig Series Setio, nairoi, ISO 14001:2004-ertie

  • 7/29/2019 UN Yo




    The pratie o oriy eitig peope rom their homes asettemets is a growig goa pheomeo a represets arue ioatio o oe o the most eemetary priipes o the rightto aequate housig as ee i the Haitat Agea a otheriteratioa istrumets. Whie may ommuities, grassrootsorgaisatios a ii soiety groups sta up or their rights, somegoermets at atioa, istrit a oa ees eit peope romtheir homes eery ay. These eitios are ote arrie out i theame o the ommo pui goo i orer to make way or the

    eoomi eeopmet o oth ura a rura areas. but the puigoo aot e propery ahiee without oowig ue proess awithout proiig housig ateraties that otherwise wou miimizethe impats a osses iurre y those irety aete y eitios.

    Whie Un-HAbITAT reogizes a, iee, aoates ura eeopmet a paig, aakoweges that this may at times eessitate resettemet, it strogy emphasizes that suhresettemet must e a ast resort ater osieratio o a ateraties, a must e impemeteoth i aorae with iteratioa huma rights aw a i a sustaiae a soiay iusiemaer. The Housig Poiy Setio o Un-HAbITAT eeops toos a kowege to hepatioa authorities, partiuary at the muiipa ee to eise more sustaiae a iusie

    ura poiies that make proisio or proper resettemet proeures.

    This report reiews the status o ore eitios goay through the work o Un-HAbITAT,the Aisory Group o Fore Eitios to the Exeutie diretor o Un-HAbITAT, a otheriteratioa ators. It esries a eauates the importat suesses a sigiat haegesreate to the preetio, moitorig a assessmet o ore eitios. We ee to rieorwar the poitia, ormatie, a operatioa proesses eessary to reerse the otiuigirease i ore eitios goay. This report goes some istae towars improig ouruerstaig o the pheomeo i its outie o e o the most ommo auses o oreeitios, amey: ura eeopmet; arge sae eeopmet projets; atura isasters a

    imate hage; mega-eets; a, eitios reate to eoomi ores a the goa aiarisis.

    Apart rom proiig a suit goa oeriew a aaysis o the state o goa eitios toay,we aso eourage reaers to use the text as a pratia too to iorm pui poiy eisiosreate to ura paig a eeopmet. It is importat that we eeop a impemetsustaiae ateraties to ore eitios whih are groue i a huma rights aseramework.

    dr. Joa cos Executive Director


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    list oF acronyms

    AcHR Asia coaitio or Housig Rights

    AcR Assoiatio o cimate Reugees (bagaesh)

    AGFE Aisory Group o Fore Eitios

    bMA bagkok Metropoita Amiistratio

    cbO commuity ase orgaizatio

    cEdAW coetio o the Eimiatio o disrimiatio Agaist Wome

    cERd coetio o the Eimiatio o A Forms o Raia disrimiatio

    cEScR committee o Eoomi, Soia a cutura Rights

    clA Spae lauh cetre o Aatara (brazi)

    cOHAb Muiipa compay o Popuar Housig (brazi)

    cOHRE cetre o Housig Rights a Eitios

    cRPd coetio o the Rights o Persos with disaiities

    EcSR Europea committee o Soia Rights

    FEMA Feera Emergey Maagemet Agey (Uite States)

    HIc Haitat Iteratioa coaitio

    IAI Iteratioa Aiae o Ihaitats

    IccPR Iteratioa coeat o cii a Poitia Rights

    IcEScR Iteratioa coeat o Eoomi, Soia a cutura RightsIdP Iteray dispae Perso/Peope

    lAA la Aquisitio At (Iia)

    MdG Mieium deeopmet Goas

    MnlM natioa Moemet o the Strugge or Housig (brazi)

    nbA narmaa bahao Aoa (Iia)

    ndRF natioa disaster Reoery Framework Workig Group (Uite States)

    nGO no-goermeta orgaizatio

    nWdT narmaa Water disputes Triua (Iia)

    OG/HK Operatio Garikai/Haai Kuhe (Zimawe)

    OHcHR Oe o the High commissioer or Huma RightsOM Operatio Muramatsia (Operatio Restore Orer)

    RSG Riers State Goermet (nigeria)

    RSPPd Riers State Physia Paig a deeopmet law (nigeria)

    SAcc South Aria coui o churhes

    SdI Sum dweers Iteratioa

    SSP Sarar Saroar Projets (Iia)

    TOR Terms o Reeree

    UdHR Uiersa dearatio o Huma Rights

    UnFccc Uite natios Framework coetio o cimate chageUPR Uiersa Perioi Reiew

    WUF Wor Ura Forum

    ZlHR Zimawe lawyers or Huma Rights

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    table oF contents

    e s .................................................................................................................

    1. i ........................................................................................................................ 1

    2. mhg ....................................................................................................................... 4

    3. un-Habitat ...................................................................................... 73.1 Aout AGFE: maate ................................................................................................... 93.2 Atiities: 2004 2010 ................................................................................................ 10

    3.3 AGFE: A rie assessmet o work to ate.................................................................... 12

    4. o g ............................................................................. 16

    4.1 Sope o ore eitios ............................................................................................. 17

    4.2 Major tres ................................................................................................................ 18

    5. i h gh .................................................... 19

    5.1 lega oumets a priipes ................................................................................... 20

    5.2 The Piheiro Priipes ................................................................................................. 25

    5.3 The Mieium deeopmet Goas ............................................................................. 265.4 Iteratioa huma rights mehaisms ....................................................................... 27

    5.4.1 Uite natios treaty moitorig oies .......................................................... 27

    5.4.2 Uite natios Speia Rapporteur: Aequate Housig ..................................... 29

    5.4.3 Uiersa Perioi Reiew ................................................................................. 31

    5.5 The appiatio o iteratioa huma rights aw to omesti itigatio aaoay...................................................................................................................... 32

    6. e .......................................................................................................... 33

    6.1 Key auses ................................................................................................................... 346.1.1 Ura eeopmet .......................................................................................... 36

    6.1.2 large sae eeopmet projets ..................................................................... 46

    6.1.3 natura isasters a imate hage ................................................................ 50

    6.1.4 Mega-eets .................................................................................................... 57

    6.1.5 Eoomi eitios iuig those ause y the goa aia risis ............ 59

    7. i ................................................................. 66

    8. chgg : s g ........................ 708.1 lega atio ................................................................................................................. 71

    8.2 commuity orgaizig a moiizatio ...................................................................... 72

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    8.3 Iteratioa soiarity a support agaist a eitio: Iteratioa nGOs workigi oert with oa orgaizatios a moemets ..................................................... 73

    8.4 Iteratioa huma rights aw a mehaisms .......................................................... 75

    8.5 Meia .......................................................................................................................... 75

    8.6 deeopmet o ateratie pas ................................................................................. 76

    9. mg : Fg h g, g ............................................................................................................ 80

    9.1 Researh gaps .............................................................................................................. 81

    9.2 Eauatio o proesses a resoures or moitorig eitios goay ........................ 82

    9.3 Moig orwar ........................................................................................................... 83

    s ..................................................................................................................................... 86

    a ................................................................................................................................... 95

    Aex I: list o AGFE memers ............................................................................................ 96

    Aex II: AGFE eitio toos ............................................................................................... 98

    Aex III: Tempate or at ig missio reports ............................................................ 118

    Aex Iv: Iteratioa aw ................................................................................................ 121

    list oF tables

    Tae 1: causes o ore eitio .............................................................................................. 34

    Tae 2: case stuy o Zimawe ............................................................................................... 38

    Tae 3: case stuy o domiia Repui ................................................................................. 40

    Tae 4: case stuy o Port Harourt, nigeria .............................................................................. 41

    Tae 5: case stuy o curitia, brazi ......................................................................................... 44

    Tae 6: dams a eitios ....................................................................................................... 48

    Tae 7: case stuy o narmaa vaey, Iia .............................................................................. 49

    Tae 8: case stuy o new Oreas, Uite States ..................................................................... 52

    Tae 9: case stuy o Sri laka ................................................................................................. 53

    Tae 10: case stuy o bagaesh ........................................................................................... 56

    Tae 11: case stuy o beijig chia ......................................................................................... 60

    Tae 12: case stuy o Rome, Itay ............................................................................................ 63

    Tae 13: disrimiatio a ore eitio ............................................................................... 64

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    agaist their wi o iiiuas, amiies a/or ommuities rom the homes a/or awhih they oupy, without the proisio o,a aess to, appropriate orms o ega orother protetio. Fore eitio has eeeeme prima aie iompatie with humarights a a gross ioatio o the huma rightto aequate housig y Uite natios humarights oies.

    courrety, the report is ear that toaress a remey ore eitios requiresoaoratio, ooperatio a oteegotiatio etwee mutipe stakehoersiuig memers o the aeteommuities a their assoiatios aorgaizatios, ieret ees o goermet,regioa a iteratioa groups a humarights oies.

    Fore eitios are otrary to the priipesartiuate i the Haitat Agea as we as theUite natios Mieium deeopmet Goas,i partiuar, Goa 7, Target 11: to improe theies o 100 miio sum weers y 2020.The Uite natios has aopte a umero reeat guieies a staars toee, ariy, a eauate istaes oore eitio. These iue: the Uite

    natios committee o Eoomi, Soia acutura Rights Geera commet no 7 oore eitios; Guieies o Iteraydispae Persos, the comprehesieHuma Rights Guieies O deeopmet-base dispaemet; the basi Priipes aGuieies o deeopmet-base Eitiosa dispaemet; the Haitat Agea; athe Piheiro Priipes o Housig a PropertyRestitutio or Reugees a dispae Persos.

    Whie ore eitio most oiousy ioatesthe right to aequate housig, it aso ioatesa host o other huma rights suh as the rightto oo, water, saitatio, heath, euatio,

    The pratie o oriy eitig peope romtheir homes is a egregious huma rightsause that i most ases ou e preete.Fore eitio targets the most margiaizea uerae popuatios, most ote withar-reahig impiatios with respet to theirhousig, empoymet, euatio, physia ameta heath, amiy ie, uture, a oerawe-eig. Moreoer, ore eitio eepespoerty, estroys ommuities, a irreoayaersey impats the uture o miios opeope.

    despite the persistee o this goapheomeo a its grae ramiatios, itis too ote oerooke y the iteratioaommuity. Fore eitios take paeeery ay arou the wor. There are ewhuma rights ioatios with suh ar reahig

    impiatios that otiue to e perpetratewith reatie impuity. Fore eitio is agoa risis, requirig goa soutios throughheightee attetio a atio, partiuary ythe iteratioa ommuity.

    This report ritiay aayzes the goapheomeo o ore eitio a presetsthis aaysis with a iew to iormig puipoiy eisios reate to ura paig,

    iuig how est to eeop a impemetsustaiae ateraties to ore eitios. Itspeiay examies how Un-HAbITAT athe Aisory Group o Fore Eitios (AGFE)a otriute to preetig, moitorig aassessig the impat o this pheomeo.

    The report arms that to uersta aaequatey aress the pratie o oreeitios, aaysis must rst a oremoste rmy oate withi a huma rights

    ramework. Uer iteratioa humarights aw, partiuary the right to aequatehousig, ore eitio is uerstoo asthe permaet or temporary remoa

    executive summary

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    iii FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    without seure teure are oious targetpopuatios or goermet authorities apriate ators ookig to ear ura sumsto aess a or, e.g. mega-eets, priateeeopmet or ity eautiatio.

    Urban development

    The popuatio o ities is rapiy ireasigaross the wor. Whie this has spurreeoomi growth, it has aso resute i

    rapi ura eeopmet that is upae,umaage a isuiet i terms othe proisio o a, housig, series aasi irastruture or resiets. I at,uraizatio (whih iues rura-uramigratio a the egug o rura areas yities a tows) has e to a massie ireasei the umer o sum weers with earyoe iio peope ow iig i sums goay,most without seure teure.

    I orer to aress suh rapi, upaegrowth a its osequet pressure oura irastruture, muiipa goermetsare istitutig ity master pas a uraregeeratio or eautiatio strategies.These pas a strategies ote iorporateore eitios as a meas o earig ato make it aaiae to priate iestors oror protae eeopmet. Four ase stuiesiustrate this promiet a requet ause

    o ore eitio: Zimawe; domiiaRepui; nigeria; a brazi.

    Large scale development projects

    large sae eeopmet projets haeause some o the most egregious oreeitios eause their size, sae a sopeaet etire ommuities. It has eeauate that urig the 1980s a 1990sarge sae eeopmet was resutig i the

    ispaemet o 10 miio peope eah year.durig the oowig eae this umerreahe a estimate 15 miio peope peryear. large sae eeopmet projets that

    priay a ie, as we as the right to eree rom ispaemet, the right ot to eeprie o oes property a the right torestitutio.

    O the asis o extesie esk researh,thorough reiews o existig iterature aegagemet with experts i the e ohousig rights a ore eitios, this reportiustrates its mai argumets through theartiuatio o 10 ase stuies that refet e

    o the etra auses o ore eitio. Thease stuies were seete to emostrate thegoa ature o the pratie o ore eitio(north a South) a to expose the iersityo auses a osequees o ore eitio.

    It shou e ote that this report is eithergeographiay or thematiay exhaustie. It isa preimiary aaysis, whih wi ieay osteroow-up stuies, the oetio o upate

    empiria eiee a urther refetio areatie thought o ways orwar.

    causes oF Forced eviction

    Fie o the most preaet auses o oreeitio are highighte i etai i the report:ura eeopmet; arge sae eeopmetprojets; atura isasters a imate hage;mega-eets; a, eitios that are eoomireate, iuig eause o the goa

    aia risis.

    The report otes that regaress o the statereaso or the ore eitio, there is amostaways a ueryig eemet o isrimiatio.Mioo Kothari, the Uite natios ormerSpeia Rapporteur o aequate housig asa ompoet o the right to a aequatestaar o iig, a o the right to o-isrimiatio i this otext, ietie aumer o groups that are isproportioateyaete y ore eitio: miority groups,wome a iigeous peope. These groups who are more ikey to e iig with owiomes, i poor housig oitios a

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    i Sri laka are use to show the amagigimpat o atura isasters.


    Paig or mega-eets ike the OympiGames or Wor cup soer has ee asigiat ause o ore eitios i itiesthroughout the wor. I preparatio or eighighighte o the wor stage, goermetsuse mega-eets as exuses to push through

    massie irastruture upgraig or ityeautiatio pas that resut i eitiosa ispaemet. The ase stuy o beijig,chia iustrates the estrutie atios oauthorities urig preparatios or the 2008Summer Oympi Games.

    Economic evictions including those caused bythe global fnancial crisis

    This uerexpore ause o ore eitio

    has ha a iret a seere impat o housigor may ow-iome househos. Eoomieitios our as a resut o a umer oators whih a e iterepeet. Forexampe, esaatig reta housig osts i thepriate market, i ojutio with ireasigees o poerty triggere or exaeratey the reet goa aia risis has eto a upreeete growth i ases oore eitio. Whie may eitios hae

    egay ourre ue to o-paymet oret or mortgage eaut, States sti hae aoigatio uer iteratioa huma rightsaw to esure that eitios o ot resut iiiiuas eig reere homeessess.Rome, Itay is use as the ase stuy toiustrate the ire impat o eoomi eitiosa the goa aia risis.

    impact and consequences oF Forcedevictions

    This report expores the impat aosequees o ore eitios throughthe ieret phases o the eitio proess.Some o the most ommo impats a

    resut i eitios are ote oute uerthe pretext o serig the pui goo.They may aso iue sigiat apitaiestmet rom orporatios a otherpriate setor ators. Suh projets iue,ut are ot imite to, the ostrutio oams, atura resoure expoitatio a theeeopmet o expressways. Iigeouspeopes are partiuary aete y arge saeeeopmet projets, as their resoure rihas, upo whih they hae surie or

    geeratios, are ote sought ater or theseprojets. large sae eeopmet aso easto eirometa egraatio a the oss oieihoos, ireasig the umer o peopeoriy eite as a resut. Ieitay, theseeitees hae o hoie ut to migrate to itiesto surie, otriutig to the rapi ireasei uraizatio. The ase stuy o Iiasnarmaa vaey a themati aaysis o amsa ore eitios iustrate the eastatig

    osequees o arge sae eeopmetprojets.

    Natural disasters and climate change

    natura isasters a imate hage te toeastate the owest iome ommuities.Whie ot irety perpetrate y State Partiesper se, States o hae oigatios i aae oa oowig atura isasters a the eetso imate hage. For exampe, i ases

    where imate hage or atura isasters resuti ispaemet, States hae a resposiiityto esure that ayoe who oses their homeis resette i aorae with iteratioahuma rights aw. With respet to aturaisasters, the State is aso resposie oresurig that aequate pas are i pae tosaeguar a resiets eore, urig a atera isaster. Iaequate goermet paiga poiies hae e to a ariety o housig

    a a rights ioatios. The raagig eetso imate hage are showase y the asestuy o the Khua distrit o bagaeshwhie ase stuies o Hurriae Katria i newOreas, Uite States a the 2004 Tsuami

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    aw; meia work; a the eeopmet aimpemetatio o ateratie pas to preetor hat ore eitios. Regaress o thestrategies empoye, the report highights thatmoiizatio y aete ommuities is theihpi to ay eetie strategy to preet orremey ore eitio.

    international responses to Forcedevictions: movinG Forward

    This report oues y ookig at the utureroe o Un-HAbITAT i aressig oreeitios. Spei reommeatios are maewith the goa o esurig that Un-HAbITATpays a sigiat roe i the preetio,moitorig a assessmet o the impats oore eitios, iuig:

    a istitutioa ommitmet to eeopig,aoptig a promotig a huma rights-ase approah to ore eitios;

    eeopmet o ear a osistetmessages aout ore eitios;

    stregthee irastruture aistitutioa support;

    eaership i the eeopmet o oreeitio moitorig toos a researh;

    irease support or its Aisory Groupo Fore Eitios; a

    stregthee oaoratio with Uitenatios parters.

    osequees are highighte i this report,iuig:

    oss o home, iestmets a persoapossessios;

    ioee, physia ause, threats,harassmet a uawu etetio;

    oss o soia ties, uture a amiiaietity;

    psyhoogia isorers iuigepressio a axiety;

    eoomi harship, oss o empoymeta eoomi ieihoo;

    heightee oo iseurity; iterruptio o euatio; reoatio to ommuities without

    aequate resoures ike ea rikigwater a asi heath are; a

    isrimiatio, partiuary whe tryig toresette i a ew ommuity.

    strateGies For resistinG Forced evictionAete ommuities, their represetatieorgaizatios a o-goermetaorgaizatios (nGOs) aike use a arietyo strategies i ompemetary ways totry to preet or hat ore eitios. Thereport etais a umer o these strategies,iuig ega atio; ommuity orgaiziga moiizatio; iteratioa soiaritya support a the use o iteratioa

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    1. introduction

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    The pratie o ore eitio, wheuertake uawuy, is oe o the mostegregious huma rights auses. not oy oesit partiuary target the most margiaizea uerae popuatios, it is a pratie thati most ases a e preete. This reportritiay aayzes the goa pheomeo oore eitio or poiy makers at a eeso goermet as we as other stakehoers,1a presets this aaysis as a pratia tooto iorm pui poiy eisios reate to

    ura paig, iuig how est to eeopa impemet sustaiae ateraties toore eitios or aete popuatios. Thereport emostrates that ore eitio is apersistet pheomeo that eas to serioushuma rights ioatios, has grae ramiatiosor iiiuas, amiies a ommuities arequires heightee attetio a atio,partiuary y the iteratioa ommuity.

    The report eparts rom a uerstaig othe importae o seurity o teure a theright to aequate housig as asi humarights or a, a i partiuary or thosewho are poor a margiaize, iuigiigeous peopes, sum weers, womea partiuary emae heae househos,isae peope a the eery. As aosequee o their soieta margiaizatio,it is these groups who are typiay mostaete y ore eitio, thus perpetuatig

    their areay prearious situatio. despitetheir ak o meas a resoures, it is mostote these same groups who are o therot ies haegig this pratie. It is thisspirit o resistae a justie that, i properyharesse a haee, a ea to reahage.

    drawig o missios arrie out y the Uitenatios Aisory Group o Fore Eitios

    to the Exeutie diretor o Un-HAbITAT

    (AGFE) a iormatio gathere y otheriteratioa groups, the report expores theauses o ore eitio as experiee iieret regios o the wor. The ase stuiesous o the most ommo, as we as ewa emergig auses o ore eitio: uraeeopmet (Zimawe, domiia Repui,nigeria, brazi), arge-sae eeopmetprojets (Iia), atura isasters (Sri laka)a imate hage (bagaesh), the hostigo mega-eets (chia), a the goa

    eoomi risis (Itay). A themati ase stuyo the reatioship etwee isrimiatioa ore eitio with a ous o theexperiees o wome a the Roma is asoiue. The report aso assesses the impato ore eitios o iiiuas, amiies aommuities.

    Through the ase stuies a other exampes,the report exposes the ways i whih omesti

    aw has ee use to ee the pratie oore eitio a yet at the same time, howomesti a iteratioa aw has ee useto hat a preet ore eitios. Withrespet to the atter, the report wi examiethe ieret ways i whih iteratioahuma rights aw a reate mehaisms,suh as Uite natios treaty moitorigoies a Speia Rapporteurs, hae eeuse to eetiey egage the State (aState ators at a ees) i aressig ore

    eitios as a meas o ifueig poiyeisios, aw reorm a poitia positiosa outomes. The report iues aassessmet o the reeae o iteratioahuma rights aw a goa mehaismsurrety i pae to moitor a aressore eitios. The report wi aso suggesthow o-ega strategies a mehaismshae ee use to haege ore eitios.Exampes o suessu strategies that hae

    ee use to haege ore eitios wi ehighighte.

    1 Stakeholders include: Other UN bodies, special procedures such as Special Rapporteurs and Special Representatives, and agencies and non-governmental, community based and grassroots organizations concerned with and working on orced evictions or related issues.

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    drawig o ase stuies, researh aommuiatios with a umer o iiiuasa orgaizatios, the report ouesthat i Un-HAbITAT makes a istitutioaommitmet to payig a roe i goa eortsto preet a propose ateraties to oreeitios, its otriutios ou e sigiat.As a startig poit, Un-HAbITAT ou paya etra roe i the preetio o oreeitios through ormatie researh a theissemiatio o toos a guieies to ura

    paers a poiy makers, irease syergieswith a tehia aie to muiipa urapaig, the eeopmet o ateraties topae eitios a egagig i high eeiatera isussios with State represetaties.Un-HAbITAT may possiy pay a aiitatigroe i the moitorig o ore eitiosgoay a it ou otriute sigiatyto a uerstaig a assessmet o theimpat o ore eitios rawig o the

    iormatio it retriees through its preetioa moitorig roes. There is itte outthat Un-HAbITAT is we-situate withi theUite natios a uto itse to perorm theseutios it has the eessary apaity aaess to the expertise, otats, a etworksto suessuy u these utios. I essee,with strog oaoratie support rom otheriteratioa groups a oies withi the Un,Un-HAbITAT ou eome a authoritatieexpert agey o the issue o ore eitios,

    partiuary i the ura otext.

    To ate, howeer, Un-HAbITATs istitutioarespose to the pratie o ore eitiosmay e haraterize as mute aiaequatey resoure. Iteratioa groupsworkig to preet a aress oreeitios, hae ee isappoite thatUn-HAbITAT has ot ee a more oa ay

    oth withi the Un system as we as wheegagig with States o issues reate to thepratie o ore eitios. For exampe, theAGFE missio to new Oreas i Juy 2009oumete atat housig rights ioatios,reere a the more grae y the resouresaaiae i the US. A yet, the resuts o themissio whih were oeye to the Exeutiediretor o Un-HAbITAT, a whih reeiemuh meia oerage,2 apparety prookeitte istitutioa respose or support rom Un-


    Whie Un-HAbITATs quiet ipomay mayhae may eets, i Un-HAbITAT were toemrae the right to aequate housig as aoerarhig ramework a methooogy orits work, it ou pay a more eetie roei the preetio a moitorig a i theassessmet o the impat o ore eitio. Areet reiew o huma rights maistreamig

    i Uite natios Ageies reeae that Un-HAbITAT has o orma huma rights poiya o oeptua ramework o huma rightsase aaysis is emee i programmig.Withi Un-HAbITATs maate, howeer, is aexpiit ommitmet to promote the u aprogressie reaizatio o the right to aequatehousig as ee i the Haitat Agea aiteratioa huma rights istrumets.4 Ahuma rights ramework wou proie Un-HAbITAT with a set o guieies, iuig

    egay eoreae staars whih ou euse to measure State atios a ho themaoutae with respet to ore eitios.5Areay, Un-HAbITAT has ha some suessesusig a huma rights approah, or exampeegagig goermets o poiy optios othertha ore eitios, a, o a piot-asisassistig oa orgaizatios i brazi to seurea a housig rights or 5,000 wome.6

    2 UN-HABITAT, Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, New Orleans, 2009.3 Discussions with AGFE mission members, October 2010 and July 2011.4 Mapping o United Nations Agency Human Rights Mainstreaming Policies and Tools, 2011: 38-39.5 These standards are outlined in Section 5 o this report, International Human Rights Law and Forced Eviction.6 Mapping o United Nations Agency Human Rights Mainstreaming Policies and Tools, 2011: 38-39.

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    2. metHodoloGy

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    This report situates the pratie o oreeitio withi a huma rights ramework,usig as its startig poit the uerstaigthat the pratie o ore eitios is aioatio o iteratioa huma rights aw.

    This report was oute primariy asesk researh, reyig o seoary souresproue y experts i the e o housigrights a ore eitios. These souresiue reports o at ig missios

    oute y AGFE memers, goa sureyso ore eitios, a reports etaiigsuessu resposes a ateraties to oreeitios. The report aso iues the resutso orrespoee with experts o oreeitios, regarig the eetieess ourret ore eitio moitorig mehaismsa how ore eitios ou e etterpreete, moitore a assesse at theiteratioa ee.

    I orer to otextuaize the auses,osequees a strategies to preet, hator aress ore eitios, the report eatures10 ase stuies a reerees reeat aseso ore eitio throughout. The ase stuieswere seete aorig to how we theyemostrate the iersity o issues a atorsioe i ore eitios, with the aim oahieig a roa represetatio o types oore eitios aross regios. cases roma regios o the wor were seete north,

    South, East a West to highight that oreeitio is a truy goa pheomeo. caseswere aso seete i they oere suessustrategies or resistig ore eitio thatou e repiate i aother jurisitio.

    The 10 ase stuies refet the oowig etraauses o ore eitio: ura eeopmet(Zimawe, domiia Repui, Port Harourt,curitia), arge-sae eeopmet projets

    Residents plead with ofcials on the Ogu waterront, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, June 30, 2009.Photo: UN-HABITAT.

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    (narmaa vaey, Iia), atura isasters (Srilaka) a imate hage (bagaesh),the hostig o mega-eets (beijig, chia),a the goa eoomi risis (Rome, Itay).A themati ase stuy o the reatioshipetwee isrimiatio a ore eitiowith a ous o the experiees o womea the Roma is aso iue. The report

    aso assesses the impat o ore eitios oiiiuas, amiies a ommuities.It shou e ote that this report is eithergeographiay or thematiay exhaustie. It isa preimiary aaysis, whih wi ieay osteroow-up stuies, the oetio o upateempiria eiee a urther refetio areatie thought o ways orwar.

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    3. un-Habitat and Forcedevictions

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    Historiay, Un-HAbITAT has ot eepereie as payig a etermiig roe iaaig the housig rights o the poorestpeope iig i the most prearious housigsituatios, i part ue to its ow iteraweakesses whih hae imite its proatieegagemet.7 Oe Un-HAbITAT wetthrough its reitaizatio proess (1998-2001),a was trasorme rom a Uite natioscetre to a Uite natios Programme, itwas ae to take more seriousy the haege

    o impemetig the Haitat Agea aeetuay the Mieium deeopmetGoas, partiuary with respet to the urapoor. To this e, at the egiig o thiseae, Un-HAbITAT auhe a Goacampaig or Seure Teure. The Goacampaig is a aoay istrumet esigeto promote seurity o teure or the poorestpopuatios, espeiay those iig i iormasettemets a sums, with the goa o

    makig a sigiat impat o the iiga workig oitios o the wors urapoor. The Goa campaig eouragesegotiatio as a ateratie to ore eitioa the estaishmet o systems o teurethat miimise ureaurati ags a theispaemet o ura poor y goermeteisios a atios a market ores.Through a series o preparatory atiities,osesus uiig, high-isiiity auhes,atio pas a operatioa atiities, the

    Goa campaig eourages iaogueetwee orgaizatios o sum weers asupport or o-goermeta orgaizatios(nGOs) a goermets at a ees.

    Un-HAbITATs eorts, through the campaig,to egage a ifuee ore eitiosgoay hae resute i some suesses. TheGoerig coui o the Uite natioscetre or Huma Settemets sai the

    oowig o the Seure Teure campaig, 5years ater its ieptio:

    Istitutioay, howeer, the campaig hasee somewhat imite primariy ue to aak o suiet resoures9 a resistae y

    7 See: Governing Council o the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2005: paras 24-35.8 Governing Council o the United Nations Human Settlements Program, 2005: para.13.9 Governing Council o the United Nations Human Settlements Program, 2005: paras 20, 100-102.

    61. Generally speaking, it seemsthat the preparation and launch othe Campaigns has had a signicant

    political value in raising and giving ahigher prole to the chosen issues, bringing

    together dierent stakeholders and encouragingsocio-political mobilization, as has happened in

    Brazil and the Philippines. In the Philippines,the Secure enure Campaign is credited

    with successully involving the urban pooras partners in undertaking tenure and shelterimprovements.

    62. Te need or the Campaigns has beenully acknowledged by governmental andnongovernmental organizations alike. It isinteresting to note that, even in a country

    such as Brazil in which a relatively strongsocio-political mobilization around theissues o the Campaigns has long existed, thepromotion o the Campaigns was deemed tobe o undamental importance. Te Campaignssupported the national socio-political processesthere and helped them take a qualitativeleap orward. Tis was also the case in thePhilippines. In West Arica, the Campaignsare seen as an excellent way to harness politicalenergy.

    63. Te wide range o important documentsand materials which have been prepared in thecontext o the Campaigns seem to have beenuseul and much appreciated.8

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    Un-HAbITAT to emrae a itegrate theissues raise y the campaig ito its roaerprogrammig.10 These imitatios, omiewith the urgey o haig ore eitiosaresse a the iteratioa moemetto hae a more ooriate, systemati asustaie moitorig o ore eitiosgoay, resute i the ormatio o the AGFE,or whih Un-HAbITATs Housig Poiy Setioeame the Seretariat.

    3.1 about aGFe: mandate

    At the rst Wor Ura Forum (WUF), aiaogue isussio was orgaize to aressthe issue o uawu eitios a to proposemeas or oa a iteratioa ators to stopeitios, a promote egotiate resettemetateraties. The topi was seete y theSeretariat ase o a assessmet o theGoa campaig or Seure Teure thatietie the issue as ruia or the urtheraaemet o the Goa campaig.11 TheWUF iaogue reommee that a group eorme to promote mehaisms or ikigsystems o eitio moitorig to etworkso Istitutios/ iiiuas with experieei promotig egotiate ateraties. Theompositio o the group shou iuesum weer assoiatios, goermet, oaauthorities, nGOs, priate setor proessioaorgaizatios.12 The Uite natios was the

    eourage to utiize this group a/or othermehaisms to take a positio o how it wimoitor a respo to uawu eitios.13

    AGFE was estaishe as a resut o a resoutioaopte y the Un-HAbITAT Goerigcoui urig its 19th sessio i 2004, i

    respose to the reommeatios o therst WUF. Aorig to the resoutio,the Exeutie diretor o Un-HAbITAT wasrequeste to estaish a aisory group tomoitor a ietiy, a i so requeste, topromote ateraties to uawu eitios.14The primary ojetie o AGFE is to aise theExeutie diretor o Un-HAbITAT i aressiguawu ore eitios a to promotepoiy ateraties. Aorig to its Terms oReeree, AGFE is resposie or uertakig

    a ariety o atiities iuig to:

    moitor, ietiy a, i so requeste,promote ateraties to uawu eitio;

    aiitate earig through exhage aiaogue etwee stakehoers ioei ore eitios (e.g. goermets,ommuities, nGOs, ommuity aseorgaizatios (cbO), priate setor, aproessioa assoiatios iuig the

    meia); a aoate a support researh, traiig

    a apaity uiig, iuig workigwith the iteratioa ommuity aother stakehoers to omat oreeitios a eeop ateraties.15

    AGFE memers are appoite y theExeutie diretor o Un-HAbITAT a serei their iiiua apaity or a two-yearperio. The seetio o memers refets, as

    muh as possie, regioa, istitutioa ageer aae. The group is ompose oexperts i the es o ura eeopmet,ommuity partiipatio, huma rights aore eitios, a hae ee raw romsum weer orgaizatios, goermets,oa authorities, nGOs a priate setor

    10 Governing Council o the United Nations Human Settlements Program, 2005: para. 19.11 UN-HABITAT, Report o the First Session o the World Urban Forum, 2002: 21-22.12 UN-HABITAT, Report o the First Session o the World Urban Forum, 2002: 22. Moreover, Resolution 19/5 adopted at the 58th session o the

    General Assembly requests the Executive Director [o UN-HABITAT], in line with the recommendations o the World Urban Forum at its frstsession, to establish an advisory group to monitor and identiy, and, i so requested, to promote alternatives to unlawul evictions (pt. 7, 9 May2003)

    13 UN-HABITAT, Report o the First Session o the World Urban Forum, 2002: 22.14 UN-HABITAT, Governing Council Resolution 19/5, 2003: Article 7.15 Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, Terms o Reerence. On fle with author.

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    10 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    proessioa orgaizatios (a ist o memersis attahe as Aex I). The ast coeoro AGFE was Yes caaes, chair o thedeeopmet Paig Uit at Uiersitycoege loo. AGFE is supporte y aSeretariat i the Housig Poiy Setio o Un-HAbITAT.

    The otiuatio o AGFEs atiities i itsurret struture a terms o reereeremais uear. AGFE otiues to exist o

    paper, ut its uture wi e etermie ikeepig with orgaizatioa hages at Un-HAbITAT. A Expert Group Meetig ouseo Un-HAbITATs potetia roe i preetig,moitorig a assessig the impat o oreeitios worwie wi e hoste y Un-HAbITAT i Septemer 2011. The outomes othis meetig may pay a persuasie roe i theiretio Un-HAbITAT takes with respet toAGFE a ore eitios more geeray.

    3.2 activities: 2004 201016

    reportinG to tHe executive director andtHe GoverninG council oF un-Habitat

    A oetie eort geerate two goa reportsetite Fore Eitios: Towars Soutios?The rst oe, puishe i 2005, presete:(a) the atiities o the group, () ases oeitio threats a ioatie ases whereoa soutios were ou, () AGFE missioreports, a () refetios o ioatiesoutios a the way orwar. The rstreport was auhe urig the Un-HAbITATGoerig coui i 2005. The seo report,otaiig up-to-ate iormatio o the aseso eitios eat with y AGFE, was preseteto the Un-HAbITAT Goerig coui i Apri2007. Sie that time, AGFE has otiueto ormay ommuiate with the Exeutie

    diretor o Un-HAbITAT through oasioa

    meetigs a y makig aaiae the mostpertiet igs rom its missios.

    dialoGue, lobbyinG and advocacy at tHeworld urban Forums

    A sessio o Fightig Fore Eitiosa a etworkig eet o Fightig ForeEitios: Two years o eorts o the Uitenatios Aisory Group a its parters wereorgaize at the seo a thir WUF ibareoa (Septemer 2004) a vaouer(Jue 2006), respetiey. They geerate apatorm or a rih iaogue etwee paeistsrom oa a atioa goermets, grassrootsa threatee ommuities, a aisorygroups. Oer oe hure partiipats atteeeah eet. These we attee sessios athe iaogue geerate i eah iiate thatore eitios ha eome a sigiat goaissue. AGFE memers aso partiipate i theourth WUF i najig chia i 2008 a the

    th WUF i Rio e Jaeiro i 2009, where theypartiipate i sie eets o ateraties toore eitios with other iteratioa groupsthat moitor ore eitios.

    documentation, monitorinG andFollow-up

    Through its memers a its arge etworko ieret ators, AGFE has moitore aoowe up o pae a atua eitios

    i may outries, iuig: Argetia,botswaa, brazi, chia, coomia, domiiaRepui, Egypt, Frae, Ghaa, Guatemaa,Houras, Iia, Ioesia, Israe, Itay, Keya,Mexio, nigeria, Pakista, Peru, Phiippies,Seega, South Aria, Sri laka, Ugaa,Uite Kigom, Uite States o Ameria aZimawe. Memers hae proie aisoryseries to goermeta oies a aiitatethe proisio o ega assistae to itims. A

    arge umer o ases hae ee oumete.The ases oumete so ar ostitute a

    16 Much o the ollowing summary is excerpted rom: UN-HABITAT, Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, 2007.

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    importat a uique ataase o oth thegoa situatio a measures o how toaress eitios.

    development oF tools to monitor andassess evictions

    Moitorig ats o ore eitios is akey atiity withi AGFEs maate. Tothis e, i 2009, the AGFE Seretariateeope a tehia proposa or a GoaEitio dataase. The propose ataasewou e the rst to eae iteratioagroups moitorig ore eitios to workoaoratiey. The potetia impat o agoa ataase is threeo:

    to proie a oe-stop shop or iewers touersta the status o ieret goaore eitios;

    to aow stakehoers, partiuarypoiymakers, to gai easy aess

    to aggregate ata (e.g. ase oregios, ompesatio pai, moitorigorgaizatios, et.) ase o the reatioo ieret iews rom the ataase; a

    to irease geera awareess o oreeitios arou the wor.

    AGFE i ojutio with the Seretariateeope seera ormatie toos to assist ithe moitorig a oumetatio o ore

    eitios: the due Proess Quatitatiediagosti Too, the Eitio a Reoatiodue Proess Assessmet Matrix a thedue Proess Assessmet chekist.17 Thesetoos are a importat rst step to assist i thesystemati oumetatio o the pratie oore eitios.

    Un-HAbITAT shou osier whether ueproess is the most eetie a appropriateterm or these toos. O the oe ha, itmight e useu or States to uerstaore eitios i ight o proeura huma

    rights, gie that ue proess is a amiiareough ega term i ieret otexts. O theother ha, there is somethig i-ttig atehia aout the term. It reates istaeetwee those aete y ore eitioa the at itse. I orer to e eetieyaresse, ore eitio must e uerstooas more tha just a proess that must meetpartiuar huma rights staars. It must euerstoo as a uametay ie-aterig,traumati risis that aets eery memer o

    the househo a ote etire ommuities.It may e the sige most eig eet ia persos ie. A huma rights approah toaressig ay soia pheomeo requiresthat the impat o the iiiua e paramouta etre. The toos themsees are ery gooat esurig this emphasis a ous, so thetoos ou simpy e reame: Eitio aResettemet Huma Rights chekist.

    With respet to the Quatitatie diagostiToo a the Matrix, a aaysis o theesiraiity a utiity o asriig umeriaaues to a assessmet o whether humarights riteria were met is sti require. TheMatrix suggests that a maximum o aaiaeresoures staar e appie, withoutay iiatio as to how that staar aest e uerstoo. This staar oes otappear i the chekist. The Matrix asoees to e reiewe to esure that it is ot

    too presriptie or restritie, reogizig orexampe that what ostitutes aequay,seurity or reasoaeess may ierepeig o the otext i whih the oreeitio takes pae.

    The eitio ue proess toos are iteeto assist Un-HAbITAT sta to out aquik impat assessmet o eitio areoatio proesses rie y etra

    a oa goermet authorities i ietoutries.18 The due Proess Assessmet

    17 These tools were developed in 2009 and 2010 in drat orm. See Annex II.18 See: UN-HABITAT, Due Process Assessment Checklist or Development-Based Eviction and Relocation, Drat 4 August 2010. Annex II.

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    12 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    chekist is, i at, a ery etaie a airythorough too aime at assistig sta toetermie whether iteratioa huma rightsstaars hae ee oowe throughoutthe ieret stages o eitio proesses,examiig the ega otext o the outry;pre- a mi-eitio iormatio; aess toremeies a ross-uttig issues. Together,the chekist represets ose to 70 questios,some ery etaie a others more roaa oerarhig. There is itte out that i

    iormatio o eah o these questios oue otaie, sta wou e we pae toassess the situatio o the grou a egagei iaogue with Uite natios oias. Iat, the iormatio sought may e ar moreextesie tha require to iitiate a proess oiaogue with a goermet egage i thepratie o ore eitio.

    The chekist stas as a ery pratia too

    to iestigate ore eitios i a i-epthmaer. The oy oiousy missig eemetrom the hekist is a assessmet o the esstagie eets o ore eitio, i partiuar,the psyhoogia impiatios o threateeor atua eitio, a i the atermath oeitio whe eitees hae ee reoate orare homeess. The psyhoogia imesioso ore eitio hae sigiat poiyramiatios a shou e osiere iay isussio o ompesatio or eitio.

    O the issue o ompesatio, the chekistshou aso iue ompesatio or theijury to igity ause y a huma rightsioatio as egregious as ore eitio. Thisis the equiaet to geera amages i aegigee ase.

    AGFE aso eeope other useu toos toassist i the oumetatio a assessmeto ioatios o huma rights orms i the

    otext o ore eitios: methooogies oreitio impat assessmet a the ostig

    o eitios; staarize orms regarigiormatio o threatee eitios, aerte orremeie eitios, impemete eitios, amoitore eitios; the AGFE eitios ataoetio ormat; a a staarize tempateor at ig missio reports.19 These tooshae ee eeope suh that they are ikeepig with a huma rights-ase approahto assessig a aressig the pratie oore eitio.


    Sie its reatio, AGFE has arrie outmeiatig a oiiatory missios toaiitate iaogue etwee oa a atioagoermets a orgaisatios o ii soietyto ahiee egotiate ateraties i situatioswhere ore eitios were emiet orhappeig. Missios were oute i:curitia (brazi), Rome (Itay), Sato domigo(the domiia Repui), Ara (Ghaa),

    Harare,(Zimawe), Port Harourt (nigeria),new Oreas (USA), South East Ega(UK), Istau (Turkey) a Argetia. Eaho these missios was omprise o AGFEMemers aog with iteratioay a oayreogize speiaists a eaers.

    3.3 aGFe: a brieF assessment oFwork to date

    durig its six years, AGFE emerge as aimportat oie or a wie rage o istitutiosa or threatee a eite ommuities. Itreeie iormatio aout ew a ogoigore eitios a ommuiate withUn-HAbITAT aout these eitios, assistigit to remai osey oete to eets othe grou. AGFE assiste oa groups tohaege ore eitios a opee uppoitia haes to o so. For exampe,

    urig the missio to curitia, AGFE orgaisea pui hearig whih rought together

    19 See Annex IV.

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    Muiipa, State a Feera Goermetrepresetaties, represetaties rom theaete ommuities, popuar moemets ithe strugge or housig, o-goermetaorgaisatios, uiersities, proessioas,a stuets. Those who attee thepui hearig agree to estaish a WorkigGroup (equay represete y ii soiety

    a goermet), with the ojetie oproposig measures to preet oreeitios a to promotig soutios to theases presete at the pui hearig y theaete ommuities. due to soia pressurewhih resute rom the pui hearig hey AGFE, the pui a eogig to thecompay o Popuar Haitatio o curitia wastraserre to the Muiipaity o cotea(the metropoita area o curitia) i paymeto a taxes eits. The a is to e use or

    the ostrutio o soia housig. Aso, the290 ihaitats o the viage Aui, situate i

    oe o the poorest areas o the ity o curitia,were resette i the regio o Samaqui, aase that was highighte urig the puihearig arrie out y the AGFE.20

    As a resut o the ooriate isits o AGFEa the Uite natios Speia Rapporteuro Aequate Housig to new Oreas,

    represetaties rom the US State departmetuertook a iestigatie trip to new Oreasto ear more aout the post-Katria housigoitios.21

    The AGFE missio to Rome resute i:

    A uoia ut ear ommitmet ythe Preeture to osere a 12 mothmoratorium o eitios a eauatios;

    commitmet o Preeture to orgaize a

    traiig ourse urig 2005 o Artie 11o the IcEScR or magistrates, workers

    20 UN-HABITAT, Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, 2007: 49.21 Email correspondence with AGFE mission member, January 28, 2010, on fle with author.

    AGFE mission to Ushuaia, Argentina, August 8, 2009. Photo: UN-HABITAT.

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    14 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    i the setor a assoiatios with thepossie hep o the Un-HAbITAT experts;

    Sigig o a joit earatio etweeAGFE a the muiipaity o Rome toahiee a zero eitio pa at a oa ee,as ooriate at atioa a Europeaees;

    Motio o support y poitia parties waspresete to the Itaia Pariamet.22

    I this way, AGFE has worke har to esure

    that the perpetrators o ore eitios are ooger ae to otiue with impuity, y:

    egagig a roa rage o stakehoers; aiitatig ew workig reatioships

    etwee stakehoers; eeopig aiaes with eisio makers;

    a egagig i oaoratie o-the-grou

    atiities a atios aime at eetig


    AGFE aso hepe to iitiate iteratioaoaoratio o the eeopmet o aormatie ramework a ata oetiomethooogy o ore eitios whih areaayze i some etai i. These toos areesrie a aayze i some etai isetio 3.2 o the report a the oumetsare aaiae i Aex II o this report.

    despite these suesses, AGFEs work has eesomewhat ostraie y a umer o atorsiuig:

    l g .Sie its ieptio, AGFE has reeie imiteus or its work. This has meat the groupas a whoe has ee uae to meet i-perso o a reguar asis, a i some yearsery ew missios were arrie out. beyo

    the Seretariat, AGFE has ha o pai sta

    a was reiat o the outeer time o itsmemers.

    l h aGFe.The extet a impat o AGFEs work i otreeie aequate attetio y the Goerigcoui o Un-HAbITAT, a exept or themissios arrie out y AGFE, AGFE itsereeie ery itte meia attetio, perhapsue to its ak o a meia or ommuiatiosstrategy or its work a outputs. A oser

    workig reatioship with the Ed o Un-HAbITAT might hae irease AGFEs proe.As a resut, AGFEs work ha ery itte impator ifuee withi Un-HAbITAT as a whoe,a i oy a ew istaes i it hae aimpat o the authorities resposie orimpemetig a hatig eitios.

    l hh aGFe h h h

    gh .Though the Terms o Reeree (TORs) orAGFE iue a emphasis o ore eitioas a ioatio o huma rights, a espitethe at that the toos eeope y AGFE arerights ase, AGFE memers hae ieretuerstaigs o a ees o omort withthis approah. This is the refete i themissio reports i terms o their aaysesregarig rights ioatios.

    if aGFe h s.due to a ak o resoures, a theiteratioa ature o AGFE, ommuiatioetwee the Seretariat a AGFE memerswas preomiaty through emai, rathertha ae-to-ae meetigs. costrutieemai isussios are iut to geerate,espeiay o otroersia or sesitie topis.beause it is iut to ariy meaig i

    emai ommuiatio, it a easiy eome

    22 Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, 2005: 119, 123.

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    aersaria i a way that is more ote aoiewhe meetig i perso.

    if aGFe un-Habitat e d.There was ery itte meaigu iteratioetwee AGFE a the Exeutie diretoro Un-HAbITAT as AGFE oy met with theExeutie diretor o a oupe o oasios. Asa resut, it is questioae as to whether AGFEwas, i at, aisig the Exeutie diretor.

    c gg aGFe h .The AGFE TORs state that the primary ojetieo the Aisory Group is to preet oreeitios. AGFE is to o this y aisig aassistig Un-HAbITAT to uertake atiitiessuh as, iter aia: []aiitatig iaogueetwee stakehoers o urret or pae

    eitios, with a iew o searhig egotiateateraties [si]; [e]ouragig goermets

    23 Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, Terms o Reerence: para 9. On fle with author.

    a istitutios to eeop proatieprogrammes . a [p]romotig aoayatiities a other iitiaties omatig oreeitios.23 These utios eae amiguousthe extet to whih AGFE a aoate oits ow aor a the extet to whih it isrestrite to perormig a aisory utio toUn-HAbITAT.

    i aGFe.

    The quaity o the at-ig missio reportsis arie. These ariatios are reate to aumer o ators, iuig: the amout otime aaiae to missio memers to ratthe report, the ature o the missio, athe aaiaiity o oumetatio to supportmissio igs. Aso, us were otaaiae to trasate reports ito Egishwhe origiay writte i aother aguage,ereasig their aessiiity a the ikeihoo

    o roa issemiatio.

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    16 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    4. overview oF Forced evictionsGlobally

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    4.1 scope oF Forced evictions

    There are o omprehesie goaore eitio statistis aaiae, thoughorgaizatios suh as the cetre o HousigRights a Eitios (cOHRE) hae proueestimates ase o reporte ases. betwee1998 a 2008, cOHRE estimate thatore eitios aete 18.59 miiopeope.24 betwee 2007 a 2008, cOHREauate that ose to 4.5 miio peope

    were aete y eitios, either threateeor impemete.25 O the approximatey 1.5miio peope aete y ore eitiosthat were atuay impemete i 2007 a2008, the reakow y geographi regio,aorig to cOHRE statistis, is as oows:

    Asia: 872,926 or 55%; lati Ameria: 433,296 or 27%; Aria: 270,660 or 17%; a Europe: 13,286 or .85%26

    Goay, the Wor bak estimate i 1994that, oer a twety-year perio a outigoy three eoomi setors, up to 190-200miio peope were ispae y pui setorprojets aoe, at a aerage o 10 miiopeope auay. by ow, this estimate is out-ate. cosierig the pae o ispaemetsot oy i three setors, ut i a eoomisetors, a ot oy i pui ut aso i

    priate setor projets, the oseratieestimate o eeopmet ispaemets risesto aout 280-300 miio oer 20 years or 15miio peope auay.27

    Fore eitios our i oth ura arura otexts. Rura eitios our argey asa resut o arge-sae eeopmet projetssuh as the ostrutio o reseroirs a

    uiig projets assoiate with ams or otherirastruture work. It is ot uommo orarmers or iigeous peopes to e eiterom the as they hae traitioay owea maage to make way or suh projets.I ura areas, ireasigy arge-sae oreeitios are ow eig reporte eitiosto aow or ity eautiatio, eeopmet,a/or the hostig o major eets ike theOympis or Wor cup soer. I some ities,eitios o hures o thousas o peope

    i a sige ay hae ee reporte.28

    Fore eitios iariay aet the mostmargiaize a isaatage groups,those with the most iseure teure, thosewho are the poorest: sum weers asquatters, emae-e househos, persos withisaiities, iigeous peopes, the eery aethi a raia miorities.

    vioee is ommo urig ore eitios. Ita iue the use o atos, water aos,tear gas a sometimes ee ruer uetsagaist those who resist the eitio. This kio ioee has resute i oiy harm aee eath. Those who resist eitios asoommoy ae arrest a rimia harges oisturig the pui peae a orer.29

    The eet o ore eitios aispaemet o the ies o iiiuas,

    amiies a ommuities is othig esstha eastatig. Fore eitio ommoyresuts i oerrowig o househos, osso ieihoo, uempoymet, amiy reakup,irease osumptio o aoho a rugs,oss o euatioa opportuities, sarity ooo a potae water, a a oss o uturea ommuity. It is ow we oumete

    24 Cited in United Nations Housing Rights Programme, 2011:9.25 These fgures are, o course, estimates, based on inormation received by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions. Figures were not available or

    the numbers o evictions in North America during this time period.26 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 2009:8.27 Cernea and Mathur, as cited in United Nations Housing Rights Programme, Jean Duplessis, 2011: 9.28 Ofce o the United Nations High Commissioner or Human Rights, no date.29 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 2009: 8.

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    18 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    that wome suer isproportioatey romthe pratie o ore eitio. They suerpartiuar harms iuig geer-aseioee a ote ear the emotioa orpsyhoogia eets experiee y theiramiies.30

    4.2 major trends

    Ura eeopmet is haig a sigiatimpat o the requey a sae o ore

    eitios goay. I 2007, the umer osum weers arou the wor reahe theoe iio mark a y 2008, ha o thewors popuatio was reore as iig iura areas.31 Aorig to Un-HAbITATs2008-2009 State o the Wors cities report,the ura popuatio i eeopig outrieshas grow, o aerage, at a rate o 3 miiopeope per week i the ast two eaes.32Approximatey ha o a migrats to itiesare wome a there is a emergig tre owome migratig o their ow.33 This measwome may e more suseptie to oreeitios.

    I a attempt to otai this rapi aupae ura growth a ireasepressure o ura irastruture, ities arerespoig with ura regeeratio orreewa strategies. These strategies, whihare ote osmeti i ature, ommoy

    ioe the razig o sums a squattersettemets a the eitio o those whoresie there. Resiets are rarey osuteeore the eitio or aequatey ompesateaterwars.

    cimate hage is emergig as a sigiatause o ispaemet o ommuities i the

    Pai, i Aria a i north Ameria (Aaska).As greehouse gases a aro ioxieemissios irease, water expas, tiesirease, a waes grow stroger, threateigetire ommuities. For exampe, the risigPai a Iia Oeas is resutig i theispaemet o amiies a ommuities iisas suh as Papua new Guiea, Kiriati,the Maies a the Soomo Isas.34Thousas o househos i bagaesh haeee ispae as a resut o risig waters

    a fooig.35 This type o ispaemet isote regare as eig ause y aturarather tha State impose oitios. States,howeer, are eig ae upo to o moreto ur their ow otriutios to imatehage.

    Thousas o peope are aso eig ispaerom their homes eause o atura isasters,some o whih are reate to imate hage.

    Hurriaes, tsuamis a earthquakes a resuti the ispaemet o peopes rom theirhomes a as. Though these ispaemeto ot arise as a iret resut o State outor iatio, the ways i whih States respoor ai to respo to these atura isastersis goere y iteratioa aw a humarights priipes.

    despite the sope a sae o ore eitiosa the eastatig eets o the ieihoos

    a we-eig o iiiuas, amiies aommuities, there remais a oerigak o reiae, oia ata or iormatioaout ore eitios. The asee o thisiormatio aows the pratie o oreeitio to otiue with impuity, regareas simpy the ost o eeopmet or uraexpasio a reewa.36

    30 See or example: Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Impact, 2010.31 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 2009:9.32 UN-HABITAT, 2008:15.33 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 2009:9.34 See: Displacement Solutions, 2011: http://displacementsolutions.org.35 See: Displacement Solutions, 2011: http://displacementsolutions.org.36 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 2009:7; See also: Ofce o the United Nations High Commissioner or Human Rights, no date.

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    5. international Human riGHtslaw and Forced evictions

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    20 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    5.1 leGal documents andprinciples

    The huma right ot to e oriy eite iserie rom the right to aequate housig,whih was eshrie i Art.25 (1) o the1948 Uiersa dearatio o Huma Rights(UdHR) a has ou its earest expressioas a ompoet o the right to a aequatestaar o iig, iuig aequate housiguer Art. 11.1 o the Iteratioa coeat

    o Eoomi, Soia a cutura Rights(IcEScR). 160 States are ow party to theIcEScR.

    The right to aequate housig has eeiterprete y the Uite natios committeeo Eoomi, Soia a cutura Rights(cEScR) maate with moitorig Stateompiae with the IcEScR to iueprotetio agaist ore eitio. Thecommittee ee ore eitio as the

    The cEScR has eeme ore eitio toe a prima aie ioatio o the right toaequate housig,38 a justiae oy ithe most exeptioa irumstaes, aoy whe i aorae with the reeatpriipes o iteratioa aw. The Uitenatios commissio o Huma Rights (ow

    the Huma Rights coui) reerre to oreeitio as a gross ioatio o [a roarage o] huma rights, i partiuar theright to aequate housig.39 It is geerayuerstoo that ore eitios ioate a hosto other rights, iuig ii a poitiarights, suh as: the right to heath, euatio,oo, empoymet, rights to o-isrimiatioa equaity, the right to priay, utura rights,se-etermiatio, the right to ie, to reeomo expressio a assemy, ue proess a

    aess to justie, a to aritrary etetio.Some aso argue that ore eitios ioatethe right to eeopmet.

    The Uite natios has aopte a umer oreeat guieies a staars y whih toeauate istaes o ore eitio. Theseiue: the cEScRs Geera commet no7 o ore eitios whih proies a egaiterpretatio o what is require uer the

    IcEScR i orer to ompy with the prohiitioo ore eitios; the Comprehensive HumanRights Guidelines on Development-BasedDisplacement;40 a the Basic Principles andGuidelines on Development-Based Evictionsand Displacement.41 These Guieiesa Priipes are ery muh i keepigwith the Guiig Priipes o Iteradispaemet eeope y the Uite natiosRepresetatie o the Seretary Geera oIteray dispae Persos, Frais deg i


    Though i may istaes iteratioahuma rights aw a priipes are otirety eoreae i omesti or atioaee ourts, iteratioa aw has ee usesuessuy to support omesti itigatio

    permanent or temporary removal againsttheir will o individuals, amilies and/or communities rom the homes and/

    or land which they occupy, without theprovision o, and access to, appropriate orms

    o legal or other protection.37

    37 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1997: para 3.38 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1991: para 18.39 United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1993; United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 2004.40 Adopted by the Expert Seminar on the Practice o Forced Evictions, 11-13 June 1997, Geneva.41 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007.42 United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1998. The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement have provided practical guidance to

    governments, inter-governmental organizations, NGOs, CBOs, and others in addressing the needs and rights o internally displaced persons.These Principles are very relevant in the context o orced evictions and have inormed the development o orced eviction specifc guidelines and

    principles, as they include provisions on: protection rom displacement; protection during displacement including rights to an adequate standard oliving (eg: access to ood, water and basic shelter/housing); and principles regarding rights o return.

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    agaist ore eitio. It is aso use outsiethe otext o itigatio as a essetia tooor aete ommuities to use i aoaya ampaigs agaist ore eitio.Iteratioa huma rights aw is sometimesreerre to as sot aw, partiuary withrespet to eoomi a soia rights ike theright to aequate housig, o the asis that

    it is iut to eore a ats more as ashamig mehaism tha ak etter aw.This pereptio is, howeer, out-ate aiorret. As this report reeas, eoomia soia rights are eig itigate i ieretjurisitios arou the wor a thisitigatio is ase o iteratioa humarights priipes. For exampe, a reet aseo ore eitio was rought to the KeyaHigh court, Susan Waithera Kariuki & 4 others Town Clerk, Nairobi City Council & 2 others.

    I that ase, the presiig juge iterpretethe right to aequate housig eshriei the Keya costitutio a what thatright requires i the ae o ore eitio,

    usig jurispruee rom South Aria aswe as iteratioa huma rights aw. Iaitio, aother moe aime to stregthethe impat a aoutaiity to the ormso iteratioa huma rights aw, the Uitenatios reety aopte a iiiuaompaits mehaism the Optioa Protoo to the IcEScR whih, oe i ore, wi

    eae iiiuas to e ompaits iretywith the cEScR or ajuiatio, oe theyhae exhauste a omesti remeies.

    drawig o the Uite natios guieiesa staars y whih to eauate istaeso ore eitio, a ispaemet whatoows are some key priipes whih must eimpemete i orer or States to ompy withiteratioa huma rights aw a oigatioswith respet to ore eitios.

    duty bearers

    Whie a persos hae a right ot to e oriya/or uawuy eite, the etra questio

    Housing rights poster in Agyemankata, Ghana. Photo: COHRE.

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    22 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    is: who has a uty to u this right? Seeraators hae reeat resposiiities, suhas orporatios a iteratioa aiaistitutios.43 The priipa oigatio,howeer, remais with the State, whihhas the uty to respet, protet a ureeat huma rights. A report y the SpeiaRapporteur o Aequate Housig, otes thatStates must rerai rom ioatig humarights omestiay a extraterritoriay; esurethat other parties, iuig orporatios or

    iteratioa aia istitutios operatigwithi the States jurisitio o ot ioatethe right to housig; a take preetie aremeia steps to upho huma rights aproie assistae to those whose rights haeee ioate.44 IAkdivar and Others v.Turkey, the Europea court, reerrig to simiaroigatios uer Artie 1 o Protoo to theEuropea coetio, he that the State hasa uty to both respect and protectitizes

    agaist orie eitio y State agets orother priate itizes.

    Whie the rights uer the IcEScR are usuayesrie as progressie i ature, someoigatios o the State are immeiate. Foristae, the IcEScR paes a immeiateoigatio o States ot to isrimiate i theaoatio o aaiae resoures o groussuh as rae, sex, or poitia opiio.45 Theprohiitios o ore eitios otaie

    withi the preaiig iterpretatio o the rightto housig poses a aitioa immeiateoigatio. As ote i Geera commet4 o aequate housig, may o the

    measures require to promote the right tohousig wou oy require the astetioy the Goermet rom ertai praties.46This haeges the assia ritique auerstaig o eoomi a soia rightsas aways requirig positie oigatios othe part o the State. Whie it is true that thereaizatio o the right to aequate housigwi require positie oigatios o the part othe State, it iues a egatie oigatioo the State to rerai rom ore eitios

    that a short o iteratioa staars.47

    It is usatisatory or a State to justiy itsisregar o housig rights y reerrig toother series it proies, or the at thatertai groups are ejoyig the u reaizatioo their rights. I Grootoom, a semiahousig rights ase, the South Ariacostitutioa court arie that housigpoiies whih ioate the rights o some groups

    ee i the otext o uig the same orother rights to other itizes, sti e short orequire iteratioa staars.


    States are oige to rerai rom egagig ithe pratie o ore eitio, espeiay asa puitie measure or meas o war.48 Theyare aso oige to protet peope agaist theioatio o their huma rights y otroig

    a maagig the ueryig auses oeitios iuig those origiatig rom thirparties, suh as a speuatio a othermarket ores.49 Where these ores may resut

    43 See: United Nations Special Representative o the Secretary-General, Report o the Special Representative o the Secretary-General on the issueo human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, John Ruggie, 2011, which provides an analysis o the guiding

    principles on business and human rights with a ocus on three undamental pillars: First, the State duty to protect against human rights abusesby third parties, including business enterprises, through appropriate policies, regulation, and adjudication. Second, the corporate responsibilityto respect human rights, which means that business enterprises should act with due diligence to avoid inringing on the rights o others and toaddress adverse impacts with which they are involved. And, third, the need or greater access by victims to eective remedy, both judicial andnon-judicial.

    44 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007: paras 11-12.45 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966: art 2.246 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1991: para 10; see similarly General Comment 7, United Nations Committee on

    Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1997: para 8: the States obligation to ensure respect or that right [against orced evictions] is not qualifedby considerations relating to its available resources.

    47 Government o the Republic o South Arica v Grootboom, 2000.48 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1997: para 8; Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Pinheiro, 2005: Principle

    5.3.49 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007: para 30.

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    i the ioatio o huma rights, the State isuer a oigatio to iteree to esure thatthis oes ot happe.

    Akowegig that ore eitios mayoetheess our, the cEScR a other Uitenatios oies speiy ertai requiremetsthat must e met eore a State ommeeswith a eitio. I partiuar, a easieateraties to eitio must e expore iosutatio with the aete ommuity.50

    The purpose o suh osutatio is ot oyto otiy the ommuity, ut aso to exporea assess ateraties to eitio proposey these ommuities, usig a ottom-upapproah. Thus, a optios assessmet aeauatio o atiipate impats shouproee i parae with osutatios, takigito aout ieretia osequees oaete groups, with a iew to seurigtheir huma rights. Speia attetio must e

    gie to impat o uerae groups, suhas wome, Iigeous peopes, a persoswith isaiities. The Aria commissiostresse the importae o suh osutatio iEorois . Keya, otig that the thresho orequire osutatio iers aorig to theirumstaes a the ature o the eitegroup a their reatioship to their homesor as.51 I the Saramaka ase, the Iter-Ameria court stresse that suh osutatiorequires eetie partiipatio o aete

    groups i the eisio-makig.52

    I aitio to osutatio, those aetey the ore eitio hae a right to ueproess. The State must proie reasoaeotie o the eitio a a justiatio or theeitio.53 Those who wi e aete y the

    ore eitio aso hae a right to a hearig ortria to haege the eitio eore it ours.


    States are geeray oy permitteto uertake eitios i exeptioairumstaes. Ee urig suh irumstaes,eitios must e: (a) authorize y aw; ()arrie out i aorae with iteratioahuma rights aw; () uertake soey or the

    purpose o promotig the geera weare; ()reasoae a proportioa; a (e) reguateso as to esure u a air ompesatio arehaiitatio.54 The use o ore, or geereioee, is strity prohiite.

    Where eitio is eeme eessary, persoseite hae the right to e resette y theproisio o ateratie as or housig oequa or etter quaity.55 I aorae with thepriipes expoue i Geera commet no.

    4 o the cEScR, ateratie housig or housigat reoatio sites must satisy the oowigriteria: aessiiity, aoraiity, haitaiity,seurity o teure, utura aequay, suitaiityo oatio, a aess to essetia seriessuh as heath a euatio.56


    Oe o the asi priipes o the rightagaist ore eitios is the uty o theState to proie aequate ompesatio.The aequay o ompesatio epes othe irumstaes o eah ase. I geera,howeer, there is a strog ias to rea propertyompesatio, a reogitio that []ashompesatio shou uer o irumstaesrepae rea ompesatio i the orm o

    50 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1997: para 13.51 Centre or Minority Rights Development (Kenya) and Minority Rights Group International on behal o Endorois Welare Council v. Kenya, 2009:

    para 200.52 Saramaka People v. Suriname, 200753 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007: paras 37 & 41.54 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007: para 21.55 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007: para 16.56 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1991: para 8; See also: United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate

    Housing, 2007: para 16.

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    24 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    a a ommo property resoures.57The aequay o ateratie as wi eetermie o the asis o how muh theyu the riteria o the right to housig, iterms o proiig seurity o teure, aess toasi series, aoraiity a haitaiity.58It is aso importat to reogize that ertaigroups, partiuary iigeous ommuities,

    hae a strog a eurig o to their aa wi ote the oer o ateratie aor moetary ompesatio to e uaeptae.

    cosey ike to aequate ompesatio isthe oept o restitutio, whih is itee topae a uty o States to esure a aggrieeperso is reture to his or her pre-osspositio.59 As a ega oept, restitutio hasee treate as a etra (a ote preerre)

    remey or ioatios o ega oigatios withimay jurisitios or more tha a etury.60It is ireasigy eorse y the iteratioaommuity as eig reeat to istaes oispaemet arou the wor.61 Restitutiois osiere to e a huma right o thepremise that huma rights ioatiosmuste remeie y a proess o restoratio to re-

    estaish as ar as pratiay possie the pre-oss positio o those aete.62 Restitutiorights hae ee reogize a eore ia umer o rea wor situatios i reeteaes iuig post-ofit bosia-Herzegoia, post-authoritaria South Ariaa post-ommuist East Germay.63 ThePiherio Priipes, aopte i 2005, proiepratia guiae to States, Un ageies athe roaer iteratioa ommuity o how

    Njemanze demolition, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, March 2009. Photo: UN-HABITAT

    57 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007: para 60.58 United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, 2007: para 55.59 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Sri Lanka, 2009.60 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Pinheiro, 2005: 4.61 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Sri Lanka, 2009: 362 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Sri Lanka, 2009: 363 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Pinheiro, 2005: 4.

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    to est aress the ompex ega a tehiaissues surrouig housig, a a propertyrestitutio.64 They are isusse i urtheretai eow.

    States aso hae oigatio to esure eitioso ot reer persos homeess or ueraeto other huma rights ioatios. Where thoseaete are uae to proie or themsees,the State party must take a appropriatemeasures, to the maximum o its aaiae

    resoures, to esure that aequate ateratiehousig, resettemet or aess to proutiea, as the ase may e, is aaiae.65

    It is akowege that uawu eitiosmay take pae espite State eorts, thereore,iteratioa huma rights istrumets ariythat the State must proie aequate egaremeies or persos aimig ioatio o theirright to housig.66

    5.2 tHe pinHeiro principles

    The Piheiro Priipes o Property Restitutioor Reugees a dispae Persos wereeeope y a eaig housig rightsaoate, Sott lekie, i ojutio withPauo Srgio Piheiro, Uite natios SpeiaRapporteur o housig a property restitutioor reugees a iteray ispae persos.They were ormay eorse o August 11,

    2005. Uer the Priipes, ore eitios areexpiity prohiite a States are expete totake steps to esure that o oe is sujeteto ispaemet y either State or o-Stateators.67 The Priipes reogize the rightto housig a property restitutio as a oreremey to ispaemet: Priipe 2 states:

    The Priipes aso reogize the right toaequate housig a posit that States shou

    aow ay ispae persos who wish to returto their home to o so without aritrary oruawu time imitatios.69

    Whie the Priipes are ot egay iig,they hae ee reogize as haigpersuasie aue y some jurisitiosi ases ioig the ioatio o propertyrights.70 In Centre on Housing Rights andEvictions . Sudan, the Arican Commission on

    Human and Peoples Rights use the Priipesto aayze remeies to the ioatio o the rightto property i the otext o ore eitio.71The commissio reerre to the Priipesas emergig priipes i huma rightsjurispruee a that whe rea with otherjurisitioa eisios, they ou proie

    64 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Pinheiro, 2005: 4.65 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1997: paras 13 & 16.66 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1997: para 15.68 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Pinheiro, 2005: Principle 2.1, 2.2.69 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Pinheiro, 2005: Principle 8, 10.2.70 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) v. Sudan cited in Thiele, 2010: 5.71 Thiele, 2010: 4.

    2.1 All reugees and displaced personshave the right to have restored to themany housing, land and/or

    property o which they were arbitrarily orunlawully deprived, or to be compensated

    or any housing, land and/or property that isactually impossible to restore as determined byan independent, impartial tribunal.

    2.2 States shall demonstrably prioritize the

    right to restitution as the preerred remedy ordisplacement and as a key element o restorative

    justice. Te right to restitution exists as adistinct right, and is prejudiced neither by theactual return nor non-return o reugees anddisplaced persons entitled to housing, land andproperty restitution.68

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    26 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    great persuasie aue to iterpretig Ariaproperty rights.72 Whie ot expiity eaigwith ore eitio, the Europea court oHuma Rights ite e o the Priipes i itseisio i Dokic v Bosnia and Herzegovina.73The court aso ae o memer states toresoe post-ofit housig, a a propertyrights issues o reugees a IdPs [iterayispae persos], [y] takig ito aout thePiheiro Priipes.74 I regioa a atioaourts otiue to akowege the Priipes

    i their eisios, they wi start to homore weight oth egay a poitiay apotetiay ea to more sustatia remeiesor those who hae experiee ispaemeta ore eitio.

    5.3 tHe millennium developmentGoals

    The Mieium deeopmet Goas (MdGs),erie rom the Mieium dearatio,ommit States to a ew goa partership toaress extreme poerty. Though the MdGsare ot egay iig, they hae sigiatpoitia weight a are reeat i the otexto ore eitios i eeopig outries.The MdGs were sige y 189 outries,

    iuig 147 heas o State a Goermet,i Septemer 200075 a reeie urthereorsemet y Uite natios memerstates at the 2005 Wor Summit (Resoutioaopte y the Geera Assemy).76 Fore

    The impact o orced evictions in South Arica. Photo COHRE.

    72 Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) v. Sudan cited in Thiele, 2010: 5.73 Dokic v Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010: para 44.74 Dokic v Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010: para 45.75 United Nations General Assembly, 2000: online.76 United Nations General Assembly, 2005: online.

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    eitios are otrary to may o the Uitenatios MdGs.77 The pratie o oreeitio eaes the poorest, most iseurehousehos, partiuary sum weers, eemore estitute,78 a otriutes to extremepoerty a huger,79 reues aess toempoymet80 a primary euatio,81 oteireases or exaerates geer iequaity,82a otriutes to poor heath.83 Perhaps it isot surprisig thereore, that the soe iiatoror target 7.d. (improig the ies o 100

    miio sum weers y 2020) is the umero househos worwie with seure teure.84The importae o seurity o teure to thereaizatio o the MdGs was aso ote y theUite natios Seretary Geeras MdG TaskFore: Meetig this haege [o the MdG]requires a pa or seure teure, aoraeaess to a, asi series, a housigae.85

    The ee to more osey aig the MdGsa huma rights is uersore y the wayi whih some States hae misiterpretetarget 7.d, ikig the MdG agea with sumearae poiies that ofit irety withtheir ow huma rights treaty oigatios. Forexampe, it has ee argue that a proiiasum earae aw i South Aria, amoes to repiate it, were ase o a faweiterpretatio o target 7.d. Simiary, i its2005 MdG report, viet nam metios ura

    sum earae as oe o the measures it hastake to reah target 7.d., istea o retiyigthe asee o reerees to seure teure apartiipatory upgraig i target 7.d.86

    The umet o the MdGs with respetto improig the ies o sum weers is ikeepig with the ommitmets mae yStates i the Haitat Agea, aopte atthe seo Uite natios coeree oHuma Settemets (Haitat II) i Istau,Turkey i 1996. The Haitat Agea ommitsStates to protetig a peope rom, aproiig ega protetio a reress or,ore eitios that are otrary to the aw,takig huma rights ito osieratio, [a]

    whe eitios are uaoiae, esurig, asappropriate, that ateratie suitae soutiosare proie.87

    5.4 international Human riGHtsmecHanisms

    There are a umer o iteratioa humarights mehaisms that nGOs a cbOs ause i their aoay to preet, mitigateagaist ore eitios. What oows eowis ot a exhaustie ist o a huma rightsmehaisms, ut a seet ew importatmehaisms.

    5.4.1 united nations treaty monitorinGbodies

    States that hae ratie treaties suh as, theIcEScR, the coetio o the Eimiatioo disrimiatio Agaist Wome (cEdAW),

    the coetio o the Eimiatio o AForms o Raia disrimiatio (cERd), theIteratioa coeat o cii a PoitiaRights (IccPR) a the coetio o theRights o Persos with disaiities (cRPd), are

    77 United Nations General Assembly, 2000: online.78 Millennium Development Goal 7d is to Achieve signifcant improvement in lives o at least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020.79 Millennium Development Goal 1 is to broadly Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and Reduce by hal the proportion o people living on less

    than a dollar a day.80 Millennium Development Goal 1b is to Achieve ull and productive employment and decent work or all, including women and young people.81 Millennium Development Goal 2 is to Achieve universal primary education.82 Millennium Development Goal 3 is to Promote gender equality and empower women.83 Millennium Development Goal 5 and 6 are respectively to: Improve maternal health and Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.84 United Nations Millennium Project, 2006: online.85 United Nations Millennium Project, 2005:3.86 Ofce o the High Commissioner or Human Rights, 2010.87 UN-HABITAT, 1996: para 40(n).

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    28 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    require to report eery e years i writiga at a ora hearig to the reeat treatymoitorig oy (Uite natios committee),to proie iormatio o the measures theState is takig to meet its oigatios uereah treaty to whih it is a party. nGOs/cbOsare aso iite to sumit reports with theirassessmet o State party ompiae priorto the reiew o the State a to atte theora hearig. Ater the reiew, the committeeissues couig Oseratios whih proie

    a suit assessmet o the States ompiaewith the treaty. These couig Oseratiosare ote ery ritia o State parties,takig tough huma rights issues hea-o.couig Oseratios aways iue a seto reommeatios that the State is expeteto at o eore the ext reiew.

    May nGOs hae rought the issue o oreeitio to the attetio o committees,

    partiuary the cEScR. The cEScR takes eryseriousy the issue o ore eitios a hasommete ritiay o ore eitios i aumer o outry otexts.

    For exampe, i its most reet reiew othe domiia Repui i 2010, the cEScRexpresse oer regarig ogoig oreeitios i the outry a mae oretereommeatios i this regar:

    nGOs a cbOs i the domiia Repui aow use this muti-proge reommeatioi their aoay to ema that the

    goermet rerai rom the pratie o oreeitios, a that it aopt a ega rameworkto e appie with respet to ore eitioa proie itims o ore eitio withaequate ompesatio.

    It shou e emphasise that couigOseratios o this ature are oy useui oere orgaizatios rig them akhome a esure their reeae o thegrou, omestiay. States ote o otpay hee to the reommeatios o treaty

    88 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 2010: para 27.

    27. Te Committee reiterates its concernabout the continuing housing decit inthe State party, both in terms o quantity

    and quality, and about housing conditionsin the bateyes, including limited access to

    sanitation inrastructure, water supply andhealth and educational services. Te Committeealso reiterates its concern over orced evictionstaking place in contravention o the State

    partys obligations under the Covenant and

    notes the absence o a law or decree prohibitingthe practice o evictions (art. 11).

    In light o the Committees general commentsNos. 4 (1991) on the right to adequatehousing and 7 (1997) on orced evictions,the Committee recommends that the Stateparty carry out measures to provide access toadequate and aordable housing with legalsecurity o tenure or everyone, irrespective

    o income or access to economic resourcesand particularly to the most disadvantagedand marginalized individuals and groups.Te Committee also urges the State party totake specic measures to ensure that personsorcibly evicted are provided with alternativeaccommodation or compensation enablingthem to acquire adequate accommodation,including by adopting an adequate legalramework. It urther requests that the State

    party provide additional updated inormationin one years time on the implementation o therecommendations made in the report on thetechnical assistance mission to the State partyo the Committee on 1926 September 1997(E/C.12/1997/9). [Emphasis added]88

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    moitorig oies, thereore, it ote rests onGOs/cbOs to utiize these reommeatiosto ema atio a hage. nGOs/cbOsa use couig Oseratios i a arietyo ways - to ui meia attetio o theirissues, to puiay shame their goermet,or to support itigatio. Most orgaizatiosthat partiipate i the treaty moitorig oyproess aso it a exeet mehaismthrough whih to ui etworks a soiarityoth omestiay a with iteratioa

    huma rights nGOs.

    O partiuar use to those workig to preetor aress ore eitios may e the earywarig a urget proeures mehaisms aswe as the iiiua ompaits mehaismsa iterim measures aaiae through someo the treaty moitorig oies. For exampe,uer cERd, nGOs a other oerestakehoers a request eary warig

    measures to preet existig proemsrom esaatig ito ofits a urgetproeures to respo to proems requirigimmeiate attetio to preet or imit thesae or umer o serious ioatios o thecoetio. For exampe, the Huma Rightscii o the Uiersity o Essex a thedae Farm Housig Assoiatio e seeracommuiatios (2010 a 2011) with thecERd Workig Group o Eary Warig aUrget Atio regarig the immiet ore

    eitio o the dae Farm Gypsy a Traeercommuity y basio borough coui.89I respose, the cERd committee expresseoer aout the eitio a urge theUK goermet to osier suspeig aypae eitio uti a aequate soutiois ahiee a to esigate ateratie sitesthat are aequate, suitae or reoatio aompatie with the uture a traitios othe peope aete.90

    89 University o Essex and Dale Farm Housing Association, Communication, 2011: online.90 Committee on the Elimination o All Forms o Racial Discrimination, 2010: online.91 United Nations Human Rights Treaty Division, 2011: on fle with author.

    Seera treaties aso hae iiiua ompaitsmehaisms or optioa protoos thata e use to aress potetia rightsioatios oe a omesti remeies haeee exhauste a i the protoo has eeratie y the State Party. Geeray, uerthis proeure, the treaty moitorig oyhas the maate to orer iterim measuresat ay time. For exampe, i 2011 theGoa Iitiatie or Eoomi, Soia acutura Rights i partership with the Equa

    Opportuities Assoiatio (bugaria), e aompait with the Uite natios HumaRights committee o eha o memers o thedori Jeiazko Romai ommuity i Soa,bugaria who are aig immiet eitio.Iue i their ommuiatio was a requestor iterim measures o protetio, whihthe committee grate requestig the StateParty to rerai rom eitig the ompaiatsa/or emoishig their weigs uti the

    ommuiatio has ee propery osierey the committee.91

    5.4.2 united nations special rapporteur:adequate HousinG

    Speia Rapporteurs are iepeet expertsappoite y the Uite natios HumaRights coui. They are ot part o theUite natios ii serie (this positio ishoorary a o remueratio is reeie

    or their work), though they reeie supporta assistae rom the High commissioeror Huma Rights i Geea. SpeiaRapporteurs o ot represet the outrieso their atioaity a their iepeee isuameta to esure their impartiaity. Thereare Rapporteurs o a umer o themati areasiuig aequate housig, oo, a watera saitatio.

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    30 FORcEd EvIcTIOnS: GlObAl cRISIS, GlObAl SOlUTIOnS

    The mai atiities o the Speia Rapporteuro Aequate Housig are:

    to reeie iormatio o iiiua aseso ioatios agaist the right to aequatehousig;

    to request expaatios rom goermetsy meas o urget appeas a aegatioetters;

    to perorm oia missios to speioutries to iestigate the status o the

    right to housig a preset the respetiereport to the Uite natios Huma Rightscoui; a

    to sumit a aua report to the Uitenatios Huma Rights coui, i Geea,a oe to the Uite natios GeeraAssemy, i new York, whih aressesspei themes reate to the right tohousig or spei reports o outrymissios perorme y the Rapporteur.92

    A o the utios o the Speia Rapporteura e o pratia aue a sigiae iaoay eorts omestiay to preet orstop ore eitios. The oia outrymissios te to hae the argest o-the-grou impat. They proie a opportuityor ostrutie iaogue etwee theRapporteur a goermet oias i ao-aersaria eiromet. Oia missiosa assist i opeig iaogue etwee

    goermet oias a ii soiety, espeiaywhere that reatioship was preiousyaersaria or o-existet. Missios a asoproie a opportuity or nGOs/cbOs aother stakehoers to hae their oies heary a iepeet oia who is workig itheir iret iterest a whom wi report akto the roaer iteratioa ommuity.

    For exampe, the Speia Rapporteur o

    Aequate Housig wet o missio to Keyai Feruary 2004. He isite a umer o

    iorma settemets threatee with eitiosa those who ha ee eite. He maeseera strog reommeatios:

    Foowig his isit, the Speia Rapporteurmaitaie pressure o the goermetthrough oow-up orrespoee. A ewmoths ater the Speia Rapporteurs isit,the Goermet aoue a temporar