Ultimate Sun v2




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Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Ultimate SunA conceptual design by

Reed Matheny and Jimmy Chen

Design Challenge:To create a cycle behavior of sunscreen application in at

least five people. Time limit: 4 hours

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Ultimate Sun

Persuasive Purpose To influence one of the most sun-susceptible groups, Ultimate

Frisbee players, to apply sunscreen regularly before all Frisbee events.

Industrial Design:

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

User Description

• Members of the Stanford Club Ultimate Frisbee Team who already understand the benefits of sunscreen but may forget to apply it before practice

• Male students aged 18-25

• Spend ~3 hours per practice outdoors, 2-3 times per week

• Usually receive Ultimate-related information daily through email and/or text message

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Ultimate Sun Storyboard

Ten minutes before practice, Matt receives a text: “Practice on Roble Field at 3:15pm. Don’t forget sunscreen!”

Due to the immediacy of the reminder, Matt remembers to apply sunscreen.

Matt clicks the link and is directed to a Google Form. The form describes the service, briefly outlines the benefits of sunscreen, and allows for easy signup.

Matt fills in his cell phone number and cellular provider, then clicks Submit.

Matt lives a long, healthy, melanoma-free life. Reminders are sent before each practice for the rest of the season.

Matt receives an email about tomorrow’s ultimate frisbee practice. At the bottom of the email is a link to sign up for texts reminding him to go to practice and apply sunscreen.

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Prototype of Ultimate Sunhttp://bit.ly/UltimateSunSignup

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu


• All members of the team list will see the email offering the Ultimate Sun service

• Users enter their cell phone number and carrier information just once to receive reminders for all Frisbee events that are organized via email – reminders sent

• Event reminders with sunscreen plug reach the user at the critical point – just before he is about to go outside and play (hot trigger)

• Service automatically parses event time and location from email and renders them in the SMS reminder

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Theoretical Justifications

• Ultimate Sun takes advantage of both the high level of email communication among the Frisbee team and the immediacy of a text reminder just before playing

• Frisbee events organized by email (practice, pickup, throwing) occur nearly everyday, making it the ideal technology to tap for this vulnerable group of athletes

• It provides a friendly, lightweight reminder to a group of people who are aware of the benefits of sunscreen but frequently forget to bring their own sunscreen

• This is primarily meant to be an intervention that helps users form a habit, but the service is agnostic about usage time – it can be easily extended to be an integration

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Planned User Testing

• After a trial period, text message those who signed up for the SMS reminders, asking them whether they actually applied sunscreen after the reminder – record results

• Follow up by calling several users who did not apply sunscreen and ask them why

• Send email to the entire list, asking those who did not sign up why they chose not to sign up

• Do A/B testing on different text messages formats, including those with more health-related information

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Shortcomings of Design

• Not all players will feel the need to use text reminders for team events, neglecting the health aspects of the service

• The reminder is not interactive: it’s only a short message before the event

• There is a short time window to forget the sunscreen reminder. Often there is no perfect moment when the user is both carrying a cell phone and applying sunscreen on the field

• This service is only a reminder – it assumes that the user has his own sunscreen and is willing to apply it

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Expansion - What else is possible?

• Other form factors or ID possibilitieso Apply to other sports and outdoor activities that coordinate

events via emailo Supplement SMS with emails or Tweets

• Other features and interactionso Include additional information about sunscreen as part of

the SMS reminder (verify that this is effective through user testing)

o Interactive self-report service: user submits a simple SMS reply to the reminder if he applies sunscreen and builds a reviewable data set of usage over time

o Interactive self-report service: allow teammates to compare sunscreen usage frequency

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Next Steps in Design Process

• Create automated software system that parses emails and sends reminder texts

• Conduct user testing to determine effectiveness of the service, iterating as needed

• Include more features as outlined previously• Explore phone interfaces for channels other than

SMS to distribute messages

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Evaluation of Design Project

How well does the idea reflect concepts from class?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

How well does the design match the design brief?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

How viable/convincing is the proposed solution?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Stanford University, Spring 2010CS377v - Creating Health Habitshabits.stanford.edu

Evaluation continued…

How well could this solution scale to reach many?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

How well does this document communicate?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Bonus Points

How insightful is the proposed solution?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
