UIW - Investor Reference Manual February 2007 · UIW - Investor Reference Manual • Portfolio...


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UIW - Investor Reference Manual

Table of Contents

February 2007

Welcome to Univeris Investor Web .......................................................................... 3 https://acadie.credential.com/uiw ............................................................................ 3

Univeris Investor Web Minimum Requirements ....................................................... 4

Internet Connection .................................................................................................4 Browser Requirements .............................................................................................4 Screen Resolution ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Univeris Investor Web – Getting Started …………………………………………………………..5

Univeris Investor Web Login .……………………………………………………………………………..…….……………5 Initial Password Change …………………………………………………………………………………..…………….………5 Incorrect Password ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………6 Session Timeout ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6 Password Reset ........………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7

Investor Web Functionality ..................................................................................... 8

Registration ............................................................................................................8 Communications......................................................................................................8 Bank Accounts ........................................................................................................9 Portfolio .................................................................................................................9 • Plan KYC....................................................................................................... 10 • Transactions ................................................................................................. 10 • Investment Links............................................................................................ 11 • Portfolio Report ............................................................................................. 12

Automatic Transactions ......................................................................................... 13 Related Parties...................................................................................................... 13

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UIW - Investor Reference Manual

Welcome to Univeris Investor Web

Welcome to Univeris Investor Web…24 hours a day; 7 days a week.

February 2007

Univeris Investor Web (UIW) is your gateway to your investments on-line, providing not only the values of your investments, but also providing other services such as non-financial information, monthly instructions (PAC/AWD), Know-Your-Client (KYC) information and links to other sites such as Globe Advisor and fund company sites. https://acadie.credential.com/uiw Page 3 of 13

UIW - Investor Reference Manual

Univeris Investor Web Minimum Requirements

February 2007

There is some basic workstation settings required in order to operate Univeris Investor Web.

Internet Connection Typically, one can use any internet service provider (ISP) to gain access to Univeris Investor Web; however, the type of connection you use will have a direct bearing on your experience. For instance, a dial-up internet connection may be sufficient to view your account; however a high-speed connection, like cable or DSL, will significantly enhance your experience and the overall performance of the system.

Browser Requirements Univeris Investor Web can be viewed using the following browsers and versions:

• Internet Explorer minimum Version 6.0 or greater • Mozilla Firefox Version 1.5 or greater • Netscape Internet Browser Version 8.1 or greater

Screen Resolution Univeris Investor Web must be viewed with a screen area at a minimum of 800 x 600 pixels. The recommended setting is 1024 x 768 pixels, which allows for the display of more information on the screen. These setting can be changed using the Display feature under Control Panel. Go to the Settings tab, select the desired screen area and select Apply.

Select Desired Settings

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UIW - Investor Reference Manual

Univeris Investor Web – Getting Started

Univeris Investor Web Login

February 2007

When directing your internet browser to the Univeris Investor Web site, you will first see the following login screen.

Initial Password Change The first time you log into Univeris Investor Web you will be prompted to change your password.

If you do not remember your User ID and/or Password, please contact your Acadia Financial Services Mutual Fund representative located at the credit union near you. They can provide you with your User ID and issue you a new Password. (Note: When you log into Univeris Investor Web with this new password, the system will immediately prompt you to change your password to ensure password confidentiality.) NOTE: Univeris Investor Web will not grant you access until your password has been changed.

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Incorrect Password

February 2007

If you incorrectly type your User ID and/or Password, Univeris Investor Web will display the following message:

Session Timeout When Univeris Investor Web is left idle for 20 minutes you will receive the following message when attempting to navigate within the system:

In addition, you may also be logged out and receive the following message: This security safeguard has been implemented to protect your client data. To access the application, please return to the login page. Page 6 of 13

UIW - Investor Reference Manual

Password Reset

February 2007

Upon 3 consecutive unsuccessful login attempts, your access to Univeris Investor Web will be “suspended”. Suspension of your login is a protective measure to ensure that the intended person is accessing the information. The following error message will appear.

If your user ID is suspended, and you eventually input the correctly login ID and password, the following message will appear: Once your account has been suspended please contact your Acadie Financial Services Mutual Fund representative located at the credit union near you to re-set your password.

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Investor Web Functionality

February 2007

Once you have successfully logged into Univeris Investor Web, you will be presented with a number of menu options which will be displayed on the left hand side of the screen. They are as follows:

Registration Under the Registration menu, there are 2 tabs: Details and KYC. The Details tab will allow you to view your personal contact information, representative contact information as well as details regarding the ownership of the account. The KYC tab displays ownership level Know-Your-Client information.

You can left click on the KYC record to view the details.

Communications The Communications menu provides you with a snapshot of the communication information that your advisor has on record for you. (i.e. addresses, email, phone numbers, etc.)

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The default tab is Address; however you can also navigate to the Phone / Fax and Email Address tabs by left clicking on the appropriate tab.

Bank Accounts The Bank Accounts menu provides you with any banking information that the dealer has on record for you.

Portfolio The Portfolio menu provides you with a detailed listing of your assets. All Plans are initially displayed at a summary level so to view transactions associated with a plan or investment, left click on the TXN icon just to the left of the record. The information is also displayed in graph form in the lower portion of the screen…

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**Adobe SVG software must be installed on your computer to view the graphs, this free software can be downloaded by clicking on this link and following the instructions provided.


Plan KYC To view the KYC details associated with each plan, left click on the plan Description.

• Transactions You can view transaction details in one of two ways:

• Plan level – select the appropriate plan and the transaction summary will display all

transactions associated with that plan. The transaction summary is grouped by “pending” transactions (i.e. Unsettled) and then “completed” transactions. Within each grouping the transaction details are sorted by processed date – for pending transactions this is the date the transaction was entered on the system, for completed transactions this is the date the manufacturer processed the transaction.

• Investment level - select the appropriate investment and the transaction summary

will display all transactions associated with that investment. The transactions are grouped and sorted in the same manner as the plan level (above).

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• Investment Links

February 2007

When viewing your investments, there are three links to the right of each investment name. The links are found under the Links column. The links are as follows:

Price History: left click on this link to view the price history associated with the investment.

Globefund: left click on this link to be redirected to Globefund’s web page where you can find

specific information related to the investment.

Investment Company: left click on this link to be redirected to the website of the supplier of the

investment. Page 11 of 13

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• Portfolio Report

February 2007

To generate a portfolio report of account activity since inception with CAM, left click on the Generate button found in the lower right corner of the portfolio summary screen.

Here’s an example:

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Automatic Transactions

February 2007

The Automatic Transactions menu allows you to view any Auto Instruction Details (i.e. PAC and/or AWD) existing on your account. Right clicking on the “Type” column to bring up the details regarding how the auto instruction is allocated and at what frequency.

Related Parties The Related Parties menu provides you with information pertaining to people who may be “linked” to you. Some common types of related parties include: power of attorney, trading authorization, Financial Interest, or Joint Owner. Page 13 of 13
