Ugr Infotype Menu 07.02.2014




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Company: Birla Soft

For this company

We have created 3 users under different UGR to perform the different role for exp. User Tes t_1 has been assigned to perform hiring sales department,so in this regard he can see the only below menu

The above menu have been set under PFCG (Menu)

And UGR we set in Su01 under Parameters

Now In SPRO>PM>PA>Customizing Procedure we need to create action menu for user test_1 (Ugr 41) so that we need to configure on the below option:


In action first we will define info groups

Under Group Dependency on menu and info group we will create a menu

Under action menu B1(which is for user Test_1) we will add info types like 0000,0001,0002,0006,00007

Now will set up personal action

Now we will create a reason for personal action

After this we will move on to the change action menu to create action menu

Under Group Dependency on menu and info group we will create a menu

Now in Action Menu under Menu 01

Under user group 41 > in new entry

Now in PA40 menu user test_1 under ugr 41 can see the below menu

User id Test_1 can see the above menu because that user is under UGR 41

Now for hiring User ID Test_1 under UGR 41 in PA40 Menu he can only see the option hiring for Birla Soft as he has been assigned for only hiring in sales department positions like:

1. Director of sales (S 500131116) (info type to be maintain 0000,0001,0002,0006,0007)

2. Secretary for sales officer (50013117) (info type to be maintain 0000,0001,0002,0008,0009)

3. Manager sales east team (50013133) (info type to be maintain 0000,0001,0002,0008,0009)

Hiring for Director sales

1. Director of sales (S 500131116) (info type to be maintain 0000,0001,0002,0006,0007)


1. Director of sales (S 500131116) (info type to be maintain 0000,0001,0002,0006,0007)

Info type 0000

Infotype 0001




Now we can see the hired person in sales dept. Director of sales in PPOM_old

Personal no. 30000023 is hired by user Test_1