Two men walked into the rainforest. The animals were very quiet as they watched the men. One of the...


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Two men walked into the rainforest. The animals were very quiet as they watched the men. One of the men pointed to a big Kapok tree and left.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

The other man picked up his ax. He hit the Kapok tree. Whack! Whack! Whack! It was very loud. The wood was hard. Soon, the man got tired of cutting. He sat down and fell asleep.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

A boa constrictor lived in the Kapok tree. He looked at the hole in the tree from the ax. The boa constrictor told the man to not cut down the tree. His family had lived in the tree for a long time.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

A bee buzzed by the mans ear. The bee told the man that his hive was in the tree. The bee helped all the trees and flowers in the rainforest grow. If the tree was cut down, the bee would lose his hive. He wouldnt be able to help the trees and flowers grow.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

A family of monkeys came down from the canopy of the Kapok tree. They were afraid the man would cut down all of trees in the rainforest. Without the trees, the soil would wash away in the rain.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

A toucan flew down from the canopy of the Kapok tree. It told the man not to cut down the tree. If the trees are cut down, people will take the land from the animals. The land will be ruined. The toucan wanted the rainforest to stay beautiful.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

A small tree frog crawled next to the man. He told the man that cutting down the tree would ruin the rainforest. Many of the animals would lose their home.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

A jaguar jumped down from the understory. He walked quietly over to the man. The jaguar ate animals that lived in the tree. If the tree was cut down, the jaguar would not have any food to eat.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.


Four porcupines came down from the branches. They told the man that the tree made oxygen. If the rainforest was cut down, there would be less oxygen in the air. Animals and humans can not live without oxygen.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.


Anteaters climbed down the tree to talk to the man. They told him that if he cut down the trees in the rainforest, his children would live in a world without trees.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

A sloth slowly climbed down from the canopy. She didnt want the man to cut down the tree because it was so beautiful.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

The man woke up and saw a boy who lived in the rainforest. The boy and all of the animals were looking at him. They all needed the Kapok tree.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

The man looked up. He saw the sun shining on the leaves. He saw beautiful plants and smelled their flowers. The animals were quiet.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

The man stood up and he picked up his ax. He started to hit the Kapok tree, but he stopped. He looked at the animals and the boy. The man dropped his ax and he walked out of the rainforest. The man saw the beauty of the rainforest. He did not cut down the Kapok tree.

The animals did not want the tree cut down.

The End
