Twin Flame Secret Guide - · PDF fileDiscover the 1 twin flame secret to attract...


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Twin Flame Secret: Discover the 1 twin flame secret to attract your dream lover

People dream of love to rescue them from a mundane life because the blissful and magical feeling of it.

You grow up hearing love songs, the fairy-tales, and the “happily ever afters” and wish for that to be you one day. This is the power of Love. It heals the desperate, the lonely, the betrayed, and the hurting.

It heals and breaks open even the hardest of hearts because it's purity, is so immense.

What is the reason people say “love hurts” when you can visibly see such glory in love?

Why does a bad and bitter breakup cause people to close off their hearts to anyone who may be willing to heal it?

And… do you relate to this yourself?

There is Love and then there is divine, pure—true Love.

That is the paradigm of the 5D consciousness, the last of the Age of Aquarius where you transcend from a purely egotistical 3D living to a mental upgrade in 4D.

5D refers to fifth dimension living that often comes in when you choose to upgrade your soul by your own thoughts.

The reason that so many people feel stuck in their love life is often because they haven't had or have been given the chance to clean their spiritual body out, as well as disengage and disconnect from those who are holding on to them.

What is meant by this?

Essentially, when you begin a relationship with someone, your energy becomes entwined with them. When you sleep with them, you start to take on their energy in a literal form and become them. The more people you sleep with, the harder it is to have control over your own feelings, thoughts and energy.

We are increasingly living in a conscious age where more and more people are choosing a spiritual path in life. It exceedingly becomes evident to a lot of people that they could have met the one person, fallen head over heels in love with them, and then panicked because it doesn't fit the paradigm of their own ideal relationships.

Welcome to the Twin Flame 5D Paradigm of Living.

After a long struggle of battling such intense and insane feelings, the more awakened twin comes to realize that indeed this has come to be a spiritual union. All that your soul really wants to do is just go back home to your twin, the other part of your soul and be with them.

The only issue is that the matrix twin is TERRIFIED to let you in.

Often times when something doesn’t feel natural to us — we mistakenly push even further to try to fix the problem.

The feelings inside you don't let you rest until you're close to them.

You may be thinking that you're the only person who feels these feelings, however rest assured that your twin flame who is running so far away from you is feeling them even more than you are. Take a moment to imagine how painful it must be to squash down your most pure and true love feelings, out of sheer fear and confusion. When you begin to understand that, you will then start to understand what your runner twin encounters on a daily basis. In their eyes, they would rather jump out of a plane, than take a leap of faith with their true love.

They have convinced themselves that the truth is a lie.

Many enlightened twins reading this, will have some sort of relief understanding that they are definitely not going insane thinking that their matrix twin doesn't feel anything.

A lot of people wonder how they are able to connect to their twin flame, even when their twin is doing the whole “come here, go away” game with them.

The first key that every twin flame who is looking to unite with their twin (or even has taken the decision, not to) is to surrender.

Surrendering in a nutshell, essentially means that you do not try and push, bend or break your twin's will to stay away from you.

If your twin is choosing to keep distance, the most challenging part is going to be you allowing them to keep their distance on a daily basis. Especially, when all you want to do is just be with them all the time.

A lot of people can mistake twin flame love with obsession, because it feels so intense, deep and transformational. To feel that deeply about anything, can be rather scary.

How does surrender come to pass and how do you invite it into your life?

Firstly, you must have the knowledge and understanding that your twin flame is, and has always been a part of your soul.

Your twin is with you all the time because you both share a soul. It's not a compliment to your soul, it IS your soul.

When you realize that you can never lose your soul because it is yours, you start to operate from a place of love and not fear.

Surrendering means that when your twin flame is busying themselves by running away from you, your primary focus should be on bettering your own life by making it stronger in all areas. The key to understanding a twin in your life is that they have basically entered it, to enable you to feel unconditional love on a daily basis.

The moment you start to feel that level of peace in your heart, your twin flame has done their job correctly.

As an enlightened twin reading this, the sooner you can let go of a lot of your ego that is stubborn and gets in the way, the sooner you are able to live the life you were meant to live.

Surrendering is often the most challenging thing to do, because we keep believing that the notion and paradigm of “they will leave us and run away if we don't make our presence felt.” The trouble with that, as the old adage goes, “what you chase, runs away” is absolutely accurate.

Surrendering means that you get to be okay with not hearing from your twin until they may contact you and just getting on with your life. It is one of the most challenging things to do because it takes the focus off someone you love and right back onto yourself.

The above pretty much draws out a good healthy out view to take on your journey. And as I mentioned that I would share with you the number one secret that allows you to connect with your twin flame, if you so wish to truly connect with them now,

Here is the secret…

Our dreams are within place where we are not distracted by the everyday-ordinary-life.

This gives you the perfect chance to open a channel unto which you can connect with your twin on a spiritual energy level.

A lot of people just believe that dreams don't get them anywhere, or they are “only dreams in their heads.”

Before we fully immerse into the process of connecting with our twin flame via dreams, first let’s get an overall picture of where you might find yourself at the current moment with your twin flame, that is, if you do so wish to connect with them via a dream.

If you wish to connect with them through a dream it is perhaps because you are not able to connect with your twin through your daily life. Perhaps communication has broken down, or perhaps there has never been any true and open communication at all.

One of the most common situations is that your twin is becoming, or has become, the twin flame runner.

The runner is running because staying and giving into the feelings of love, scares the daylights out of them.

Most “chaser” twins will understand the dynamics of feeling immense loss and confusion and desperately trying to chase after the runner.

The beauty of attracting your dream lover, often means that you will have to look into your deepest, darkest subconscious and connect with your spirit.

Remember that you and your twin are both part of one spirit.

A way to make this connection possible, in which both twins, two parts of the same spirit, becomes connected, is to do so via the power of nightly dreams. As mentioned previously, your twin comes into your life for you to embody unconditional love through working on your issues. You will often experience a lot of resistance and confusion when your twin is busy doing their running (away from you!). Understand that you have a choice of IF you want to be with them in this life or not, this will save you a lot of late night tears and a broken heart.

After you have processed soul shock (and it does calm down), you will start to see that your twin and only they—can inspire such immense things out of you.

At times, even when we seek to forget our twin because of the hurt or pain that their memory brings, we might unwillingly connect with them via a dream. We might dream of them unwillingly and this will open up more deep feelings that we have within ourselves.

For every dark energy that you might feel, there is always light and the end of the tunnel…

Out of the pain of them departing with a part of your soul, you will be inspired and compelled to create visions, and service to the world at large.

You may be thinking how this factors in to attracting your true love, your twin flame back to you.

Here is an important point: when your twin sees you enjoying your life WITHOUT them, they DO become very jealous that they aren't getting to bask in the light you're generously and gleefully sharing with others. Although they may seem cold and uncaring on the outside, rest assured they feel exactly the same as you do.

As you transcend past 3D and into 5D, the capacity to love humankind with a ferocious power, gives you access to send healing and loving energy to your twin irrespective of wherever you are.

Allow this energy to flow in your daily life… and via your dreams. Again, it might have to be you who ignites a healing stream amongst the two of you, but like stated above, if you are inspired to create change… this stream of good change will begin to manifest within you, and your twin will feel those vibrations.

It might take conscious daily effort to get there at first, through your daily life, but this can also be worked on through nightly dreams.

As you continue the work on yourself, you will find that the faster you get to heal yourself, on an energetic plane, you are healing your twin too. You may be wondering how this works and the answer is remarkably simple:

As you both share a soul, the energetic scars on your emotional pain body start to heal up and fill in— this is when your twin's connection becomes easier with you.

The total an absolute proof is the fact that their 5D self (higher self—soul), will start to come and visit you more and more in your dreams. They will start to express how they feel about you, regardless of what they tell you in your waking life. The waking life is often marred by ego and isn't at all representative of the truth.

Your twin gives you the beautiful gift of crashing your life into the ground and allowing you, with all your might to rebuild it!

When you begin to rebuild your life, you will find that attracting your twin becomes all that much simpler.

That alone and in itself, is an arduous task. It all depends on your soul journey at the time. You may, or may not reunite with them, depending what your plans are for this life. When you can bear this in mind, your reunion on the higher plane is a sure-fire guarantee.

Again, I would like to point out that this process is one that you can ignite willingly through your daily actions, and once it gets started (the toughest part is getting started) then you can transmute this energy into your nightly dreams. It’s a process that flows from your conscious effort into your subconscious realm. A connection via dreams with your whole soul – your twin flame.

To recap the simple breakdown on the Twin Flame Dream Energy process:

* You have gained awareness of your twin flame who has more likely than not taken the step to become the twin flame runner.

* You consciously tough it out and break away from any negative energies that might pull you in the wrong direction.

* You embark on a blissful and productive road to better yourself and enjoy life with people that matter.

*Develop the ability to meditate and transmute your inner energy into dreams to expand upon the connection you have with the universe and your twin flame.

*With any unresolved issues regarding your twin flame you can reach out to them via a dream, and allow your true self to be able to see within yourself (as twin flames are two halves of the same soul), in order to bring more light into you. This is were issues can be worked out without having to further “chase” your twin.

And now to further expand what we talked about…

It is known that one of the twins (most likely the Matrix twin) is always running away from the soul truth.

Often what turns them around is a huge catastrophe in their life, like something massive failing or someone dying to make them wake up and realize what they have been missing out on. The journey without your twin by your side is always going to be a challenging one, because they ultimately bring you the most comfort.

In wanting to attract your dream lover, you have to be prepared to do all the un-sexy work to not only attract, but keep them! Cleaning out the spiritual closet attracts them closer and closer to you, because it enables the energetic channel to be clear in order for them to reach you.

How do you get to the point where your twin can start to feel more at ease being around you?

It's a fantastic way of thinking, because it means that your soul wishes to be kinder to them as well. As you start to work through your issues, 5D starts to become your “normal” way of life. A lot of people base themselves on their ego and become mad when their twin starts to say that they don't wish to be with them.

When you approach life from a 5D angle, anything your Matrix twin is saying is predominantly out of fear and terror of you seeing them for EXACTLY who they are. When you stop resisting and start agreeing with your twin, it reassures and confuses them.

They are reassured that it is nice you aren't arguing or disagreeing with them, and then they are confused simultaneously. They expected you to argue with them and now they are confused, and begin to wonder IF you still like them. Although it's not advisable to play games with your twin, if you want to see where their mind is at and how much they can panic, pull this move. Sometimes, you need certainty to think that you're not going insane with the feelings you have for them.

As you start transcending into 5D: Your own personal life minus your twin being physically in the picture will take tremendously

massive shifts.

You will start to serve humanity at large and feel that you are able to inspire and encourage others through to achieve goals within their own lives.

You become a light beacon of positive energy to all those around you, your surroundings, and your universe.

The fact that you aren't physically with your twin, won't really bother you any more. The reason for this is that your 3D way of life that is steeped in confusion, fear and turmoil has been burned to the ground. 5D feels very distinctively different, something you have never felt. You begin to feel peace within your heart and your soul, something a few people can ever attest to. When you reach this level, transmuting your unconditional love to your twin becomes simpler — in a vibrational level that flows good energies out of you, instead of allowing all sorts of negative energies and feeling to come to you.

One of the most profound laws of attraction and transmutation that most people seem to miss out on, is letting go of the thing you want the most.

Not letting go of the thought of it, but the obsession of NOT having it. The simplest way to explain this, is the sheer craving and attachment people have to money. As you start to make more and more of it, the emotional charge or “zing” towards it goes away. This same thing is what you will feel towards your twin in your waking life when you start to do the work on yourself, yet don’t forget that through your nightly dreams there can be immense connections, insights via lucid dreams, and even premonitions of things to come. This now becomes a circle of good energy that you have developed.

Now that we shed light on the process to take from being productive, creative, and beaming light out — let’s further expand on dream energy for a way to connect with your twin flame.

Again, this is useful if you feel that there are still certain issues that you will like to work out yet feel that approaching your twin flame in real life might not be ideal. Or perhaps you want to get further insights into the current situation that you are in with your twin flame.

In your nightly dreams your energy can become a literal manifestation of your reality, when your intention is to connect with your twin, you will do just that. You will find yourself seeing past lives which will enable you to “go back in time” (so to speak) and heal up shards of energetic holes your joint soul carries.

Perhaps this will come upon your nightly drams in the form of a lucid dream, or perhaps in a manner that will make you feel as if you are watching the movie of your life.

You will also be able to ask your twin questions in your sleep that they would never be able to answer in their waking life.

As mentioned previously, your twin flame by default feels the same way about you, as you do about them—regardless of whether they tell you or not.

Implement a daily short procedure where you meditate and send happy and positive vibes to them via dreams.

They will feel it in their energy, and you will see a physical manifestation of it, as they start to become more receptive towards you. Receptive means that over time and in pockets, they will show you their TRUE feelings in passing. It can be a statement, a well-timed comment, or a physical gesture, but you will see it. All you need to do, is keep your eyes peeled for it. It often comes naturally!

It's very easy to be angry at your twin for how you feel they have treated you (or may not) however remember that being angry with your twin, is like being angry at yourself. In order to reconcile and achieve higher peace, the first thing you learn to do is forgive yourself. Self-forgiveness is imperative especially in making your twin come around a lot quicker.

Simply allow time in your day to meditate, or simply daydream about letting go of bad energies and surrounding yourself with an orb of healing light. Picture this light surrounding you warmly in an open space. As you breathe in the light glows stronger, and as you breather out it moves away, yet you still have a connection with that light. That outside light that you see in your minds eye is around you… and it’s also within you.

Allow these thoughts to immerse in your daily life, and to continue as you lay down to sleep and dream away.

I do suggest this light as a good starting point. As you take the first steps you will discover just what you have to dream about in order to heal, and in order for growth to happen between you and your twin… both being part of the same wave length of energy.

That vibrant energy can now be vibrant through your dreams.

If you are destined to reunite with your twin, you will find that you will. However, this is often years down the line, as you both have a lot of interpersonal soul work and growing up to do.

I know I keep going in a round about way on certain ideas but this is done purposefully, knowing that certain connections need to be made with certain energies.

Here below I will continue on some areas that can be quite useful for that connection through meditation; surrounding yourself in a bask of light, and nightly dreams…

Twin flames often meet, fall instantly into perfect “bubble love” where both parties are instantly in their 5D and it feels MAGICAL.

This other person feels perfect to you, a feeling you have never experienced with any other person on the planet. It is because you got to meet your soul but in another body. Soon, life starts to creep in and the Matrix twin panics, reverting back into their 3D self. The journey to attract your dream lover feels incredible to speak about, however to actually live the manifestation is a whole other ballgame.

Vibrational alignment is incredibly important in manifesting your dream union with your twin.

The more you become at one with yourself and feel peace in your heart, the faster you will be to achieving your goal.

When you have negative thoughts, and when you begin having negative dreams, please remember that…

Generally, through a 3D blueprint you will find that you have a subconscious sabotage to get to your union, because it typically involves a lot of effort and resistance.

It is like your ego is shouting “MORE effort is needed? You don't need more effort!”

This can be said when we try to connect with our twin via daily life, and also through nightly dreams.

Ego is champion at lying to us and telling us that everything is ideal as it is, and you do not need to be working on yourself. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

As you go along your journey with your twin, you will find that they pop up at inopportune moments to “annoy” (trigger) you. Many twins report of feeling extremely irritated and angry after seeing their twin. That isn't because your twin has any bad intentions towards you or vice versa. It is because in the presence that you have been together, something has been triggered internally and it's forcing you to face what is going on.

Please keep in mind that a lot of these hidden emotions that we often suppress can flow over into our nightly dreams and appear in abstract ways. Our intention should now become to heal and clear these emotions, and get the right answers through dreams.

How to make a connection with your twin flame via a dream:

Before you go to sleep, ensure that you focus on both a Heart and Root Chakra meditation.

This is because you are connected to your twin through pure Divine love which will strongly sexually manifest itself also.

As the portal begins to open and you start to feel expansion, your twin’s energy will be magnetized to visit you when you're asleep.

The more you put the manifestation of energy out there, the more you will be able to bring it to fruition.

Meeting your twin means that your 12 System Chakra activation takes place and any issues start to spin to the surface.

Just the sound of your twin's voice can heal you and seem very familiar. That is because it is and it is you.

A lot of people, until they end up finally surrendering and letting go of an ego based attachment, will find their twin-ship giving them a lot of pain. This is when negative energy within the ego is reduced and you are able to start loving someone on an unconditional basis.

Twins often think of nothing but just giving to their twin, without any regard of ever getting it back. In fact, an enlightened twin won't even care IF they receive the sentiment back. Their true pleasure lies in making the other twin happy, for their twin's happiness—is theirs.

Motivate your inner energy to heal and be productive through out the day, and encourage this energy to transfer over into your nightly dreams.

Sometimes by simply talking to your energy and encouraging to stay and grow can do wonders. Also encourage it to bring light into your dreams.

An example of this: “I can sense my energy within me as it changes colors. I am asking you to remain and shine bright colors of calm and joy. I can see those colors like a stream of water that flows in a river. So vibrant and with ease. I am asking for this energy to stay and continue to flow, not only in my daily life but also flow into my nightly dreams. In those dreams I want to feel my energy, within myself, and within my twin. Allow healing, and answers to questions I might have to come forward. There is a place within me for this good energy to remain, and wash out any negative energies. Again, connect to me through my daily life… and through my nightly dreams. “

The above is just loosely similar to what I may say in a prayer to myself. It doesn’t have to be word for word, what matters is that you ask and speak to those energies. The same can be say for negative energies, or even if you are having nightmares. Simply ask those negative energies to leave, and tell them the reason why you want them to leave. Keep doing this night after night before you go to sleep, or as you meditate through the day to these thoughts, and soon enough you will see change and manifestation take place.

Perhaps you will meditate and plan for that connection with your twin via a dream, at other times those dreams will come to you without you asking. Either way, realize that dreams are made of energy – yours and other exterior energies. When you begin allowing these energies to become vibrant, that is when they will have a deeper connection with you.

What are dream energies?

There are certain energies in the universe that allow us to have meaningful dreams in which we might be able to see premonitions, have a lucid dream ( a dream when you are aware you are dreaming and seek answers or simply express yourself).

The dream world is like a door… behind that door you might find something deeply meaningful, or it can also just be a dream that is about your subconscious thoughts and all of it’s abstractions.

Dreams can mean many things, but the dreams that we seek are those that connect us with energies, the universe in a timeless space, and connect us with the other part of our soul – our twin flame.

Can a dream about our twin have hidden meanings?

When we dream about someone, whether we know that person or not - we often attach certain feelings to those dreams. Sometimes we might remember those dreams, but more often than not we might just recall that we had a dream by a certain feeling, or a tinge we might have through out the next day when we are awake.

Dreams are mysterious, and not all dreams are the same. Some dreams can have a deep significant meaning, while other dreams can just be random ones. We might have a lucid dream from time to time, and at other times we might have dreams that are just a reflection of our own daily thoughts, or perhaps we can have a dream premonition that a later date we acknowledge to be true.

The wide dynamics of our dreams means that it is up to us to interpret our own dreams to find their true meaning. Yet, there is a part of us that we know of when we are dreaming of someone that we feel a deep bond and connection with. Perhaps we see this person in a dream and we instantly recognize them, at other times we might see a stranger, yet we feel that we know them intimately, as if there was something that united our spirit to their spirit. This can be our twin flame coming across in a dream.

One of the key elements to pay attention to (if you are having a lucid dream), or even if you are just recalling a dream you had before, is to pay attention to the vibrations in that dream. Feel those vibrations, the way you felt them from your surroundings and from the other people in your dream. And also feel the vibrations you were emitting towards that person.

Where those vibrations filled with love, hope, joy?

Sometimes we just know that we are dreaming about our twin flame, even though their face and appearance might morph through out the dream. Other times it takes more recalling and looking for clues, mainly vibrations you might have felt, to realize that it was your twin flame indeed.

Discovering your twin flame flame via a dream can have various meanings, yet if you take a step back and see the bigger picture - you will see the dynamics of the twin being there - almost as if being one. Such a dream can give you that vision of what it is to be in oneness with your twin flame. Such a dream can take you to explore what the final union with your twin flame will feel like, and for that fragment of the moment your energy is actually experiencing it.

Dreaming about your twin flame can be a powerful and unforgettable dream. Yes, you can dream of your twin flame running away, or arguing with them, but if that is truly your twin flame… sooner or later you will have a dream of being in communion with them.

The beauty of twin flames is that even though you might face drama and arguments, and the concept of the runner twin, there is also that energy of love between two people. Perhaps is true love that is yet to be explored, yet that love is so strong and magnetic that you will have such a dream about that person sooner or later.

Dreams can create a deeper illusion that often times we cannot see in our daily life, and just the reflections of those illusions, whether it is a visual one, or one that we feel with our emotions… that is something that can deeply inspired us to move deeper into our deserved light that we want to share with our twin flame.

If nothing else, allow those energetic, immersive dreams to inspire you, to give you a bit of light in your journey.

And remember… sometimes all you have to do is ask, even in dreams.

Dreams have profoundly change my life in many ways. I often have dreams that have no significance, but every once in a while I will have a dream that is so deep, and it’s almost like a whisper warning me about something in life, or simply giving me a greater insight on something I deeply care about.

Whether we want it or not, we will dream about those people that most affect our lives. Those dreams

might be pleasant, or not, but it is up to us to decipher their true meaning… if indeed it has a true deep meaning at all.

These are the reasons why I have found that dreams can be a powerful secret by which we can connect to our twin flames. It’s almost like a door that if you ask to be open - it will open for you and give you answers.

In a lucid dream, or in a dream of non lucidity, I have been able to ask questions and get amazing answers. At times when I needed answers, I was able to get clarity with those certain critical issues. That is the power and beauty that dreams have. They are not bounded by time, they can be simply their own energy that connects with us and shed light on certain things that we seek answers for.

There are many ways to find answers to dreams but above all I would say to simply follow your inner voice and your heart, and don’t be afraid to kindly ask for what you need.

Keep a dream journal and jot down your dreams, and the meaning you believe those dreams might have.

Reference past dreams with new dreams to discover meanings, similarities, and point of views.

Meditate each day and open yourself to welcome nightly dreams in which your questions are answered.

Above all, allow this dream process to take place, and open your heart up to live and dream with a sense of wonderment in which new discoveries are meant to shed light into your own world, and into the world of your twin flame.

For more information on Twin Flames and Dream Energy, Please visit us at
