TUU SRC South Minutes 14th/01 · - Template – to be discussed next meeting - Meetings – weekly,...


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Tasmania University Union SRC South Minutes 1 | 6

TUU SRC South Minutes - 14th/01

Note: The format of these minutes are under review and may be subject to change.

Tasmania University Union SRC South Minutes 2 | 6


1. Section 1 Introductory Items:

1.1. Acknowledgment of Country 1.2. Welcome 1.3. Attendance & Apologies 1.4. Absent 1.5. Observers 1.6. Declaration of Interest 1.7. Items to be starred 1.8. Motions on unstirred Items

2. Section 2 Minutes and Matters Arising

2.1 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 2.2 Matters Arising 2.3 Work Health & Safety

3. Correspondence

3.1 Inward Correspondence

3.2 Outward Correspondence

4. Section 4 Reports

4.1. Activities Officer

4.2. Welfare Officer

4.3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer

4.4. International Officer

4.5. Conservatorium Rep

4.6. Woman’s Officer

4.7. Education Officer

4.8. Art Rep – Resigned

Tasmania University Union SRC South Minutes 3 | 6

Minutes SRC (South) 14/1/2015

Present: Topher Webster, John Tanner, On Ee Chin, Hamish Giec-Yorston, Sophia Mallick,

Anna Young, Katherine Elliston, Mik Chin, Molly Hanson, Eibhlinn Cassidy, Ariel Wells, Liam


Apologies: Marissa Mahmoud

Observers: Heidi La Pagila, Tomas Rolf, Dispesh Raj Gautam.

Introductory Items

Acknowledgement of Country Performed By Ariel Wells


- Template – to be discussed next meeting

- Meetings – weekly, 1 in 4 will be formal, 1 set time?

- Next meeting – Monday 19th 4pm

Meeting Business

1. Counter Course Guide

- Marauders Map Theme

- All SRC members to write at least 1 paragraph on position description (250 words approx.)

- Places write ups

o Anna – the hardcore bars

o On Ee and Mik – International

- Topher will set up Google docs for it all

- Deadline – 1st Feb

2. Food Trailer

- No more street food society, they are going independent and there are questions about their


- Buy our own food trailer? Discussions about whether to buy one or to make one. Topher,

Hamish and John to look into

- Advertising?

- Alternative?

Tasmania University Union SRC South Minutes 4 | 6

3. Comment to Individual reports

- Anna – Queer Officer

o Apologies for report

o Glow sticks and sparkly hats are in the queer space

- Mik – International Officer

o International student committee – take these societies out of societies council?

o Welcome bags

- Hamish – Publications and Communications Officer

o Advertising! Getting that sorted, all methods

- Kat – Welfare Officer

o Adverting welfare services in welcome bags

- Sophia – Environment Officer

o State council will be discussing divestment soon!

- John – Activities Officer

o Oweek, toga party and centurion themed societies’ day.

o Voted too male and Anglo centric, so theme is parked until further discussion of a

more inclusive theme

- On ne – Womens Officer

o Women of Colour collective

o Business Cards

o Issues/questions around money

- Liam – Education Officer

Tasmania University Union SRC South Minutes 5 | 6

o Changes to students and education

o Forum on this issue?

o Breadth Units – Facts – Counter Course Guide

o Send this Info to us but also to students to keep them updated

- Ariel – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Officer o Position Title Change and Endorsement – see report and motions

o Discussion around a more activate department and plans for 2015

- Arts Rep – Esther Stride Resigned January 8th

Tasmania University Union SRC South Minutes 6 | 6

Carried Motions Motion 1a: That the SRC South will change the terminology of ATSI to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in all references and documentation within the SRC South. Motion 1b: That the SRC South will endorse the change of the ATSI acronym to its full name and title of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander within the TUU. Note: This motion was originally proposed as two separate motions however they were passed on block. Motion(s) moved by Ariel; seconded by Anna. Carried 12-0. Motion 2: The SRC South will authorise the purchase of an Aboriginal flag. Motion moved by Ariel; seconded by Anna. Carried 12-0 Motion 3: That the SRC South authorise the purchase of an Australian Aboriginal map. Motion moved by Ariel; seconded by Anna Carried - 12-0 Motion 4: That the SRC South authorise and endorse the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer South to fly the Aboriginal flag on the bridge area outside the TUU Office. Motion moved by Ariel; seconded by Sophia. Carried - 12-0



Section 1 Introductory Items: 1.1 Acknowledgement of Country

1.2 Welcome

1.3 Attendance & Apologies

1.4 Absent

1.5 Observers

1.6 Declaration of Interest

1.7 Items to be starred

1.8 Motions on unstirred Items

Section 2 Minutes and Matters Arising

2.1 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

2.2 Matters Arising

2.3 Work Health & Safety

Section 3 Correspondence

3.1 Inward Correspondence

3.2 Outward Correspondence

Section 4 Reports

4.1 Report from Activities Officer

4.2 Report from welfare Officer

4.3 Report from ATSI Officer

4.4 Report from Conservatorium Rep

4.5 Report from Education Officer

Activities Officer report 1.1

Up until this point my time within the SRC has mostly been spent learning the ropes and looking

towards O-week Activities.

So far my plan is looking something like this.

MON - Barrel at Hunter St campus

Tues - Night market at the nursing campus

Wed - Societies day at the main campus

Thurs - TBA at either Med school or Main campus again.

Fri - Bands at the con.

The reasoning behind setting up the structure like this is that it creates more inclusiveness

throughout all the campuses. It also give the first years a chance to see campuses they otherwise

may not have a chance to see.

I thought Hunter St has always been a great place to throw barrels and could be a chance to have

one of the legendary arts barrels of old.

Nursing campus is quite small and thus I’m not sure would have the capacity to hold a larger advent,

that being said it may be the perfect place to throw a night market. It also would help the

inclusiveness of nurses as in the past they have been left out of alot of the TUU activities.

Societys day cannot be held anywhere other than the ref steps. lets face it!

Thursday at the med school would be amazing. I feel it would have to be quite a tame evening as I’m

not sure the Med higher ups would ok anything more. But not being familiar with the campus myself

I'm looking for input into the sort of activities that could be held here.

The con does music, in fact the con is music. So lets have a gig there. I’m thinking three local bands

and a larger interstate band. The line up I’d love to see would look like this

1. Lincoln le fevre

2. The white rose project

3. The Lawless quartet

4. The smith st band

5. D.Js

This is of course all open to debate. Another good idea is to fill the first three spots on the bill with

bands from the con. This would help to give local uni bands exposure.

Katherine Elliston

TUU Welfare Officer 2015

Joined the Safety Net Grant Scheme committee. Will present a verbal report from the

first meeting

2). Joined the Health and Wellness Working Group

3). Joined the University Smoke-Free Working Group. Will begin communication with

smokers on their thoughts on the university becoming a smoke-free environment

4). Will start to collect/ organise Welfare bags for O'Week.

SRC South Report

14 January 2015

Ariel John Wells

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer

Thoughts on Position

The position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer is quite new to the TUU with

2014 being the first year it has existed, it is for this reason that increasing awareness and

enhancing exposure will be incredibly important over the next year. This exposure and

awareness should focus on both national and regional issues as many of the issues occurring

nationally have regional significance on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

students at the University of Tasmania. Focus should also be placed on the profile of the

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer position and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander Collective that inform their decisions.

Events and Campaigns Planned

Below is a list of the events and campaigns that are planned for the year. The exact form they

are to take is still under developed.

Title: National Close The Gap Day

Date: 19 March

Title: National Sorry Day

Date: 26 March

Title: National Reconciliation Week

Date: 27 May – 3 June

Title: National NAIDOC Week

Date: 6 July – 13 July

Title: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

Date: 9 August

Title: Recognise Campaign

Date: Ongoing

Title: Aboriginal Post Graduate Event in collaboration with the National Indigenous Post

Graduate Association Aboriginal Council (http://nipaac.edu.au/) and the Tasmanian

University Union Postgraduate Council (http://www.taspostgrads.org/).

Date: Unknown


Title: Change ATSI to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander within the SRC South.

Description: Change the terminology of ATSI to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in all

references and documentation for the TUU SRC South.

Justification: The usage of the ATSI acronym demeans the importance of Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander people. ATSI is considered to be an offensive and derogatory term due

to the fact that it reduces the full respect that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

should be entitled to by reducing the full name and title used for positions and departments to

an acronym. It should be noted that this is something that doesn’t occur to any other position

within the TUU, and is also something that the Elders and staff from the Riawunna Centre’s

different regions that I have personally spoken to feel passionate about and would like


Cost: None

Title: Endorse the change of ATSI to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander within the TUU.

Description: Endorse the change of the ATSI acronym to its full name and title of Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander within the TUU.

Justification: Same As Previous Motion The usage of the ATSI acronym demeans the

importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. ATSI is considered to be an

offensive and derogatory term due to the fact that it reduces the full respect that Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander people should be entitled to by reducing the full name and title used

for positions and departments to an acronym. It should be noted that this is something that

doesn’t occur to any other position within the TUU, and is also something that the Elders and

staff from the Riawunna Centre’s different regions that I have personally spoken to feel

passionate about and would like changed.

Cost: None

Title: The purchase of a large Aboriginal Flag

Description: The purchase of a large Aboriginal flag to be used for events run by the TUU

SRC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer and the Hobart Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander Collective. I have gotten a great deal by purchasing the flag second hand from Aunty

Brenda Hodge the Elder in residence at the Hobart Riawunna Centre. The flag retails for

$750 plus delivery but I have negotiated to buy her secondhand flag for only $300.

Justification: The purchase of a large Aboriginal flag will enable increased awareness to

many issues and dates relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. It will also

give greater exposure to the TUU SRC South Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer

and the Hobart Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collective.

Cost: up to $300.00

Title: The purchase of a large Australian or Tasmanian Aboriginal Map.

Description: The purchase of a large Australian or Tasmanian Aboriginal Map.

Justification: The purchase of a Australian or Tasmanian Aboriginal map would be used by

the TUU SRC South Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer and the Hobart Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander Collective to illustrate and educate people about the culture and

history that existed in Australia before European settlement / invasion.

Cost: up to $40.00

Title: Authorisation to fly the Aboriginal flag on the “bridge” area outside the TUU building.

Description: Authorisation and endorsement by the TUU SRC South for the TUU SRC

South Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer to fly the flag on the “bridge” area outside

the Hobart TUU building for reasons of importance or exposure as decided by the TUU SRC

South Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer and the Hobart Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander Collective.

Justification: The ability to fly the Aboriginal flag on the Hobart TUU building will be

incredibly beneficial for increasing awareness and exposure surrounding the events and

campaigns run by the TUU SRC South Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer.

Cost: None

Title: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collective Set Up Costs

Description: Cost associated with setting up the Hobart Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


Justification: The Hobart Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collective is intended to be a

way for the TUU SRC South Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer to gain insight into

the opinions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at the University of Tasmania

and gain additional support for the events that are organised.

Items: Table, Table Cloth, Member Merchandise (Wrist Bands, Drink Bottles, Key Holders

etc), Clothing for Executive and Volunteers Members to be worn at events, Membership

Cards, advertising / promotional and stall sign up incentives (food and drink).

Cost: up to $600.00

Title: Meeting costs for the first Hobart Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collective

Description: Food and Drink given to attendees of the first Hobart Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander Collective meeting.

Justification: Food and drink is to be used as an incentive to get people to attend the first

Hobart Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collective meeting. The first meeting is

incredibly important because if the collective doesn’t attract enough people it will be unable

to elect an executive which will ensure its failure and increase the difficulty to organise and

run events.

Costs: up to $40

For O-Week and in preparation for it, I plan to:

1. Get in contact with the International Student Advisor to see if it's possible for me to

include my details(services as ISO) to link international students to me.

Thought: Alternatively/additionally, is the TUU/SRC putting together a welcome kit for all


2. Give a welcome speech at the orientation for international students to introduce

myself and potentially at:

Faculty orientations - I will have to get in contact with the respective Faculty

Advisors and/or International Committees(?) such as at the Law school to see how this

can work.

Accommodation Services

3. Set up a sign up stall at Clubs and Societies day to reach out to International

Students' Committee members though I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this.

Question/Suggestion: Does the TUU/SRC think that a "Buddy Mentoring Program" is a

good idea?

And for the rest of the year, my plans are as follows:

Semester 1:

· International Week (Week 4, Mar 16-20)

· International Clubbing (April or May)

Semester 2:

· CISA conference (July)

- Potential event thereafter:

CISA conference report back/presentation to the wider student body


CISATalk by CISA State Working Group representative

· Welcome, Welcome Back (July or Aug)

- dinner gathering for FOUNDATION, Undergrad and Postgrad

international students – old and new)

· Fiesta International (September)

Where appropiate:

· Collaborative cultural festival celebrations with societies and associations

· International Students’ Committee meetings


· CISA membership re-affiliation

· CISA conference subsidy for 5-10 UTas international students

Thank you.

I apologise for going past the deadline.

Best regards,

Mikki (Wey Ee Chin)

TUU SRC International Students' Officer

Eb Cassidy- conservatorium rep.

I'm Eb Cassidy, Conservatorium Representative - third year BMus voice student, first-time

union rep. My current plans for this year include upgrading the facilities in the student

common room, and encouraging more inter-campus activities so that Conservatorium

students are less isolated from their fellows on other campuses. I'm in touch with vending

machine contractors to upgrade our snack machines, and once the SSAF funding approval

comes through I'll be getting quotes to replace the common room furniture and buy more

kitchen equipment. I'm also happy to contact Con-affiliated bands to play at TUU events, and

to promote main-campus events to Conservatorium students. Topher requested that I write

a short piece for music students to be published in the Counter Course Guide, which I've

done - let me know when you need me to send that through.


- Eb


Women's Officer, SRC (South).

For the upcoming O-Week, UTas Women's Collective President, Ruby Grant and I will be having

stalls for the UTas Women's Collective and UTas Women of Colour Collectives respectively. We

will also be having our Annual General Meetings soon to determine our executive committee for

the semester/year. I plan to get to know the rest of the TUU better and to be in more contact

with them. The NOWSA (The Network of Women Students Australia) Conference will also be

held here in Tasmania for the first time! Will this be the year of progressive change for UTas??

Education Officer Report – Liam Salter January, 11 2015

As you already know I am the Ed Officer, and would be looking at advocacy as my priority over

the year. Most of my SAAF motions supported advocacy initiatives.

One of these, included greater University/TUU consultation - including running Education

Forums more frequently throughout the year.

I’ll write a list of thing that we could do throughout the year.

Get the committee/autonomous collective system running as soon as possible – they

would be good support when running TUU events.

o Would also be another way to get more people involvement into the TUU – future reps?

More joint events/projects i.e. Education/Welfare initiatives or International/Medical

School rep. projects

o potentially with societies, where relevant;

Anything to make the SRC more visible – maybe having meetings at the satellite

campuses ?

Work with the Careers Department – Saras did want to so some with them last year.



Hi everyone. I hope everyone has had a good and well rested break.

NUS National Conference

Last month from the 7-12 of December, I attended the NUS National Conference as a TUU

delegate. As anticipated, the Governments Higher Reforms was a hot topic and one which

was passionately debated for. It was unanimous that we did need to continue campaigning

against deregulation. I have spoken to Heidi and Ariel about writing an article to Togtaus for

the need to continue the campaign (the government release of the Mid-Year financial report

does mean that government may use the budget situation as an added justification for


I did get the opportunity to speak to the incoming President Rose Steel and Education Officer

Hannah Smith, and several other office bearers. I hope these contacts will be to the benefit of

the TUU and NUS in Tasmania.

I will let Ariel continue with a more detailed introduction to the SRC – Although Gen Sec, I

feel it is more appropriate for Ariel to be discussing NUS issues.

UTAS Developments

Education Forum: Last Friday, (Jan 2nd

) Myself, Heidi and Ariel had a meeting

(predominantly NUS), though we did need to agree on organising an Education Forum.

Before Christmas, we were informed of Major structural changes and cuts to the division of

Students and Education (David Sadler’s Department) - the full details haven’t been released

yet – ask Heidi for more information. However this is significant, and we are still working

out how it could affect students, and have suggested that we organise an Education Forum in

May, and are planning early.

I do not know if these changes will affect the launch of the Breadth Units yet.

Breadth Units: The Breadth unit programme is on its way to be launched. Three units were

approved last year, and 8 are on track this year (up to 50 breath units by 2016/2017). As new

and particularly returning reps will know there has been controversy about this, including the

rushed curriculum, dominance of UTAS management in units and general pace in which the

program was implemented (less than 18 months).

There was a feature article in Togatus written by Joey Crawford, and forum last year which

aimed at giving the university, a chance at explaining the purpose of the units.

Though, the main issue at the moment seems to be the lack of communication about the

programme, given to the student population. This is particularly significant, given the

animosity in some elements of the student population, towards the units.

We were asked to help launch the Breadth Units, and this was discussed at the State Council

Meeting (where this was discussed). The main point is that we might face criticism in

explaining the units, as it could give the impression that we support it –

The SRC will be kept updated on this in the coming weeks.

For more information: http://www.utas.edu.au/students/breadth-units, and



SRC Work

NDA 25th

March: A date has been set for March 25th

for the first NUS National Day of

Action for the year, by the incoming Education Officer Hannah Smith. We should start work

on this soon, given that March with O-Week events is going to be a packed month i.e.

including the NDA in the counter course guide, the first issue of Togatus, at O-Week.

Ariel would take leadership of this and we should get a working group/committee to get onto

this early.

I have also placed a financial motion for the NDA:


That the SRC approve up to $500 for the first NUS National Day of Action for 2015 –

March 25th

The money would go towards promotional material - including advertising, communication,

and bus transport (for satellite campuses) - $160, and possible food i.e. soup.

Education Committee

Hoping to set this up before the Semester starts. I spoke to George Holgate (last year), in

regards to Society’s membership, and I will try to promote this at society’s council when it

meets, and am optimistic. Though, the structure and membership of the group may change

depending on who is interested.

More about this will be coming soon.

TUU Education Network

Last year, I started a Facebook Group with the aim of including broader debate about campus

education issues. I would like to change it to post more content about Higher Education

issues generally, and change the name to TUU – Education Forum.


Grievance/Complaint to be discussed in meeting

University Committees

I have spoken to Heidi about this and depending on my timetable (I don’t know if I get

accepted into Law yet) and would be interested in sitting on 3-6 university committees.

I would strongly encourage Student Reps, to sit on UTAS committees. They are a good

experience, and will set you up around the university, including gaining contacts and


Course Guide and O-Week

Will look at this soon – Helping with writing the Education Sections.

Running the Second Hand Book Sale – taking over Dan (Regional Sec.) from last year.

Should consult with other societies and who are running similar book sales?

Concluding Comments

In general looking forward to a good and productive year – I’m sure I’ll be kept busy.