Tutorial to Install Joomla in CPanel - WordPress.com · Tutorial to Install Joomla in CPanel 1. we...


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Tutorial to Install Joomla in CPanel

1. we will be installing Joomla using cPanel and the cPanel file

2. Begin by uploading the Joomla tar.gz file to your website

3. Browse to the file on your harddrive

4. Double click the file to upload

5. Click Upload to upload the file

6. A new window will open verifying the extracted files

7. Check the settings for your files on this page. The most important is to make

sure all of the appropriate files/folders are writable

8. If you make changes to your settings click Check Again to refresh the page.

When you are ready to install click Next

9. Pre-Installation Check

10. If your make changes to yours setting click Check Again to refresh the page.

When your are ready to install click Next

11. This page has a copy pf the GPL license. Click Next to continue

12. On this page we will input the database setting. We need to go back to

CPanel to create the database

13. Click Manage MySQL to crate the database

14. Type the database name and click Add Db

15. Your database has been created. Click Go back to create database user

16. Type the database Username and Password then click Add user

17. Type the database Username and Password then click Add user

18. Your database user has been created. Click Go back to associate the user

with the database

19. Select the appropriate user and database and click Add user to Dbase

20. The use now can access the database. We can now switch back to the

Joomla installer

21. Enter the database info you just created

22. MySQL database configuration

23. Type the MySQL database configuration

24. Enter a name for your website

25. Click Next to continue the installation

26. Enter your email address and the password. Joomla create a default password


27. Confirm the website URL, Admin e-mail and file/directory chmods

28. If you want to change the permission setting you can do that here

29. Congratulation. Joomla is Installed

30. Click the Installation folder

31. Delete the folder

32. Please remember to completely remove the installation directory

33. Here is your newly installaed Joomla site
