Tuesday 18 Jul 2017 Today’s issue of PD CW to launch in...


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Tuesday 18 Jul 2017

Pharmacy Daily Tuesday 18th July 2017 t 1300 799 220 w www.pharmacydaily.com.au page 1


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Today’s issue of PDPharmacy Daily today has

three pages of news plus a full page from the upcoming Pharmacy Connect conference.

30,287 pharmacistsNew quarterly registration data

revealed by the Pharmacy Board of Australia has shown there were 30,287 pharmacists across the country as at 31 Mar 2017.

The majority (30.53% or 9.248) are practising in NSW, followed by Victoria with 7,581 or 25.03%.

Queensland has 19.78% of the country’s pharmacists at 5,991 followed by Western Australia with 3,217 or 10.62%.

There are 1,809 pharmacists with provisional registration, the figures reveal - while younger pharmacists also dominate the sector.

Pharmacists aged 25-29 number 6,201, just ahead of the 6,008 aged 30-34 and the numbers progressively decline as age increases, with 4,268 aged 35-39; 2,706 aged 40-44 and 2,291 in the 45-49 year old age group.

There are also 2,430 pharmacists aged under 25, of whom 1,058 have provisional registration.

The figures also break out pharmacists by gender, revealing of the total there are 61.8% female pharmacists versus 38.2% male.

DA: It’s About TimeDiabetes Australia (DA) is

launching a new campaign “It’s About Time” to encourage the community, families, schools and health professionals to recognise the early signs of type 1 diabetes and help avoid many of the hospitalisations.

Up to 640 Australians are hospitalised each year in serious life threatening situations before diagnosis with type 1 diabetes.

“Each year hundreds of Australians including many children end up in hospital emergency rooms in serious, life-threatening situations because the early signs of type 1 diabetes are not recognised,” DA ceo Professor Greg Johnson said.

“Failure to recognise the early symptoms of type 1 diabetes such as severe fatigue, thirst, increased visits to the toilet and weight loss can lead to a dangerous condition called diabetes ketoacidosis.

“This can be life threatening. But most of these hospitalisations could be avoided if the early signs were identified and the type 1 diabetes treated before progressing to ketoacidosis.”

Johnson said pharmacists should be aware of, and people should look for, the 4T’s: Thirst – are they really thirsty and unable to quench that thirst? Toilet – are they going to the toilet a lot? Tired – are they more tired than usual? Thinner – have they recently lost weight?

These signs are a red flag for a GP referral, Johnson explained.

CW to launch in New ZealandChemist Warehouse has

confirmed trans-Tasman expansion plans, with chief operating officer Mario Tascone telling Pharmacy Daily “we expect to open our first New Zealand store in the back half of this year”.

Yesterday the Dominion Post newpaper reported “rumours flying around” about a possible move, with speculation relating to a search for properties in the St Lukes region of Auckland’s south-west.

Tascone said he wasn’t able to release where the first New Zealand Chemist Warehouse would be located at this stage, as it was “yet to be finalised”.

The NZ pharmacy market is dominated by listed Green Cross

Health Limited, which operates the Life Pharmacy and Unichem groups comprising around 350 community pharmacies across the country, with a 50% market share.

However, Woolworths Supermarkets NZ offshoot Countdown also offers in-store pharmacy services (PD 05 May 17), making the landscape an intriguing challenge for new entrants.


SHPA MM recordthe Society of Hospital

Pharmacists of Australia has received a record 637 abstract submissions for its upcoming Medicines Management 2017 conference taking place 16-19 Nov at Sydney’s new International Convention Centre.

SHPA president Michael Dooley said the incredible response “illustrates how keen pharmacists, technicians, interns and students are to share their work at Australia’s leading conference for the presentation of research into pharmacy practice and the safe use of medications”.

In addition to the paper and poster presentations of the abstracts, the conference will feature over 50 key speakers contributing to an “outstanding scientific program,” Dooley said.

He said more than 1,200 delegates were expected to attend - more details at mm2017shpa.com.

Nils Vesk to ConnectFuturist and innovation expert

Nils Vesk will present at a session during the upcoming Pharmacy Connect conference, taking place at the Sydney Hilton 01-03 Sep.

Titled ‘Pharma Smart,’ Vesk will discuss “bankable business trends and business building innovation techniques” - more details on p4.

Ross River trialsParaDigm Biopharma is

currently conducting phase 2 clinical trials in Queensland, looking at a drug called Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium (PPS) as a treatment for Ross River Fever.

Currently there is no treatment for the condition, with pre-clinical research conducted in partnership with Griffith University showing promising results that PPS can halt the progression of the disease, reduce its duration and severity and significantly reduce the risk of ongoing complications caused by cartilage breakdown.

Brisbane’s Mater Research is undertaking the phase 2 trial, which has been approved after more than a year of proof of concept studies.

Tuesday 18 Jul 2017

Pharmacy Daily Tuesday 18th July 2017 t 1300 799 220 w www.pharmacydaily.com.au page 2

Each day this week, Pharmacy Daily and NS are giving away a NS pack for Sensitive Skin including NS Sensitive Skin Cleanser 500ml (RRP $16.50), NS Extra Dry Skin Moisturiser 250ml (RRP $17.50), NS Protective Hand Cream 60g (RRP $9.30) and NS Lip Balm 10g (RRP $6.70).Nutri-Synergy Extra Dry Skin Moisturiser is formulated with natural active ingredients to give your skin superior moisturisation. NS is rich in Natural Moisturising Factors like urea, glycerine and triglycerides and common irritants are avoided such as petrochemicals, parabens, soap, harsh detergents and perfumes. For more info visit www.nutrisynergy.com.au.To win, be the first from QLD to send the correct answer to the question to comp@pharmacydaily.com.au

Congratulations to yesterday’s winner, Juliana Kobryn from Blooms the Chemist.

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MedAdvisor users up 17%more than

830,000 patients nationwide are now using the MedAdvisor platform to manage their medications, an increase of 17% on the Mar 2017 quarter.

The company yesterday revealed its trading figures and activity report for the three months to 30 Jun, with significant achievements including the expansion of the MedAdvisor Pharmacy Network to more than 2,600 pharmacies, including all Discount Drug Stores across Australia.

During the quarter MedAdvisor’s total cash receipts totalled $1.4

million, and the company said it expected to be “cash flow breakeven” in the second half of the

2018 calendar year.Following the acquisitions of

Healthnotes and OzDocsOnline over the last 12 months, the company will now “focus on completing the consolidation of all its platforms to provide patients, pharmacies and GPs with one integrated platform with increased connectivity and further opportunities to drive revenue,” according to ceo Robert Read.

He noted that while the company now has a market share approaching 50% of the pharmacies in Australia, patients connected to the system represent less than 15% of customers with a chronic disease at those same pharmacies.

However the average number of patients per pharmacy using the platform increased from 285 to 315 during the three month period.

Total script value per week amounted to more than $4 million during the period, a 25% increase on the Mar 2017 quarter, including scripts ordered via MedAdvisor’s Tap to Refill patient function and scripts ordered through pharmacists, GPs and nursing homes.

Read said MedAdvisor planned to continue to grow new revenue streams, “partly by growing the revenue of the pharmacy through offering professional programs that can be delivered in store”.

CSL patent caseCsL Limited has been sued for a

breach of patent in the USA, with Bioverativ launching a case against CSL Behring on Fri.

Bioverativ is claiming CSL has “actively breached” patents relating to haemophilia therapy Idelvion, which Bioverativ says breaches a patent on its Alprolix.

CSL said it was “highly confident of its intellectual property position for Idelvion” which was one of its best performers after rapid uptake by patients and doctors.

Intern exam fillingthe Australian Pharmacy Council

has advised that seat availability for the upcoming Aug 2017 Intern Written Exam is now very limited.

Provisional pharmacists still interested in sitting the exam are urged to contact the Council as soon as possible on 02 6188 4288.

Amcal Como Donate Life launch

amCaL Community Pharmacy in the Perth suburb of Como hosted the launch of Donate Life Week last Fri, with Federal Minister for Aged Care and Indigenous Health, Ken Wyatt and local MP Steve Irons both in attendance - along with several AFLW players plus donor families and recipients.

Wyatt unveiled a new online organ donor registration process, which allows users to almost instantly register to become a donor on a PC, mobile or tablet.

There’s also a major new partnership with the AFL to help lift national organ donation rates.

New research commissioned by the Organ and Tissue Authority has found 67% of Australians are willing to become organ and tissue donors - but just half of those have actually registered.

“Joining the Australian Organ Donor Register is crucial because it leaves your family in no doubt as

to your wishes,” Wyatt said, with about 1,400 Australians currently waiting for lifesaving transplants.

In particular young adults aged 18-24 are the demographic most willing to receive a life-saving transplant if needed - but only 8% of this age group have joined the Australian Organ Donor Register.

Amcal Como posted photos from the launch on the pharmacy’s Facebook page, also highlighting a new touchscreen (pictured above) which leads to the registration portal online at donatelife.gov.au.

Tuesday 18 Jul 2017

Pharmacy Daily Tuesday 18th July 2017 t 1300 799 220 w www.pharmacydaily.com.au page 3

business events news

EDITORIALEditor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper Managing Editor – Jon Murrie Reporter – Mal Smith Contributors – Jasmine O’Donoghue, Matt Bellinfo@pharmacydaily.com.au

ADvERTIsIng AnD MARkETIngSean Harrigan and Melanie Tchakmadjianadvertising@pharmacydaily.com.au

BusInEss MAnAgERJenny Piper accounts@pharmacydaily.com.au

www.pharmacydaily.com.auPharmacy Daily is part of the Business Publishing Group family of publications.

Pharmacy Daily is Australia’s favourite pharmacy industry publication.

Pharmacy Daily is a publication of Pharmacy Daily Pty Ltd ABN 97 124 094 604. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every care has been taken in the preparation of the newsletter no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.

Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd Macquarie Park NSW 2113 AustraliaPO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 AustraliaTel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760)

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BookDoc - MIMS partnersAsiAn-bAsed healthcare

software company BookDoc has announced a partnership with healthcare publisher MIMS to launch the new “Health Info” feature which will be embedded in its “BookDoc” app.

BookDoc, which offers the ability to make appointments with a range of health providers, said users would now be kept up-to-date on health tips and news, provided by MIMS, which were timely, reliable, and country-specific wherever they were.

“Health Info” marks BookDoc’s enhancement to its mobile and web online healthcare ecosystem with timely health tips and news of various countries, the company said.

This feature will allow users to obtain customised country-specific

health alerts, health tips and development from reliable and authoritative sources, compiled and organised by MIMS.

Users could benefit from immediate alerts on health emergencies like dengue fever, Zika virus or avian flu unique to certain countries or outbreak areas; and at the same time, be advised on longer-term lifestyle

changes that are necessary in view of latest developments in relation to non-communicable diseases like cancer, obesity, and others.

BookDoc founder and ceo Dato’ Chevy Beh said, “Prevention is better than cure.

“There is no shortage of information out there but to navigate through the information jungle and get to reliable sources for the latest update could be a challenge.”

Beh added that this could be further complicated by language differences across border.

“Health Info is not a medical dictionary for diseases,” he said.

“It is a pro-active feature by BookDoc to increase public awareness on latest health alerts and developments that warrant our due attention.

“For example, facial creams that are banned in Malaysia or Zika virus updates in Singapore.

“Timely action and prevention will save a lot of trouble when you are at home or abroad,” he explained.

BookDoc also has a partnership with TripAdvisor enabling users to access top 10 recommended restaurants and attractions around their health appointment locations.

The BookDoc app is available for both iOS and android devices.

THE Pharmacy Guild of Australia has announced the recipients of the Rural Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme 2017.

A total of 39 students from across the country have been awarded the prestigious scholarship.

The Rural Pharmacy Scholarships provide financial support to students from rural and remote communities to encourage them to undertake undergraduate or graduate studies in pharmacy at university.

Scholarship holders receive $10,000 each year, for up to four years of study, to help cover the costs associated with study away from home.

They also participate in a mentor program aimed at reinforcing the students’ ties to rural and regional Australia.

Scholarship holders are encouraged to pursue a career in pharmacy in a rural or remote area of Australia after graduation. During their studies they also have a role in promoting rural pharmacy as a career choice to secondary school students.

The Rural Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme is an initiative of the Rural Pharmacy Workforce Program, established in recognition of the key role pharmacists play in maintaining the health of all Australians, particularly those in rural and remote areas.

This project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health as part of the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement.

Guild Update

how about this for a retailing brainwave?

A shopping mall in China has opened a series of ‘husband pods’ for ladies to leave their men inside while they shop.

The glass pods at Shanghai’s Global Harbour mall offer a chair, computer, gamepad and monitor, allowing the inhabitants to play “retro 1990s video games”.

Currently the service is free, but future plans will see a small charge applied, the mall said.

One early adopter said he enjoyed using the pods.

“I’ve just played Tekken 3 and felt like I was back at school,” he said - while his wife made the most of the opportunity to run up an expensive credit card bill.

surgeoNs in the UK have found a whopping 27 contact lenses stuck in a woman’s eye.

The 67-year-old was being prepared for an operation to remove a “blueish mass” which the doctors initially attributed to dry eye and old age.

The British Medical Journal reported on the case, with one of the ophthalmologists saying initially 17 lenses were found clumped together, but on further examination there were another 10 also lodged in the eye.

The patient said she had been wearing disposable contacts for about 35 years, but did not regularly see the eye doctor.

She also said she wasn’t aware of losing any lenses during that time, but the doctor added: “when she was seen two weeks after I removed the lenses she said her eyes felt a lot more comfortable”.

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Sanofi buys quad vaxFreNCh vaccine specialist

company Sanofi Pasteur announced last week that it reached a deal to buy Protein Sciences, thereby accessing it’s quadrivalent influenza vaccine Flublok, according to Nasdaq GlobeNewswire.

A Sanofi spokesperson highlighted Flublok is the only FDA approved recombinant protein-based influenza vaccine.

Sanofi Pasteur executive vp David Loew said the acquisition “will allow us to broaden our [influenza] portfolio with the addition of a non-egg based vaccine.”

The agreement sees Sanofi pay $650m upfront to Protein Sciences and up to $100m upon the achievement of certain milestones.

The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter.



/PharmacyConnectConference /PharmConnectAus

REGISTER NOW: www.pharmacyconnect.com.au

KING REVIEW @ PHARMACY CONNECT Don’t miss these two sessions on the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration & Regulation

KING REVIEW INTERIM REPORT - THE WHOLESALERS RESPONDPANELLISTS: Mark Hooper, Chair, National Pharmaceuticals Services Association (NPSA) & CEO, Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Richard Vincent, CEO & Managing Director, APISATURDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 11.15am - 12.00pm

THE KING REVIEW INTERIM REPORT- THE GUILD RESPONDS (Q&A SESSION)PRESENTERS: George Tambassis, National President, The Pharmacy Guild of Australia; David Quilty, Executive Director, The Pharmacy Guild of AustraliaSUNDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 8.30am - 9.15am







