TTME September 13



TTME September 13

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A DDP PUBLICATION Pages: 16Vol. IX No. 9; September 2013





Underwater hotel idea surfaces............................................................................03Occupancy on the rise in MEA ............................................................................10Lo and Behold! A star is born... ............................................................................12

Dubai emerged as apreferred destinationfor outbound business

among 18 per cent of Asianbuyer respondents. Egyptcame in second at 16 per cent,followed closely by Abu Dhabiwith 15 per cent and 7 percent voting for Qatar.

“If we discus about thecontribution of MICE or busi-ness tourism, I can say it’smoving upward year-on-year.As it’s a very niche productand hence essential to bemarketed well, aiming at theright target. It is important tohave a right product, and forthat we team up with air-lines, hotels, restaurants,transportation, local excur-sions and attractions, culturalorganisations attractions and so on,” informed Jamal Abdulnazar, GeneralManager, Cozmo Travel.“UAE inbound MICE markethas huge potential and wehave witnessed significantgrowth in 2013, especiallyfrom the Indian subcontinentand CIS countries,” he added.

“Our partners from thetravel trade prefer to sell prod-ucts they are confident of.

Hence, we conduct regularFAM trips for our potentialmarkets. Besides, providingdetailed product knowledge tothem, we also conduct work-shops, roadshows, joint pro-motions and of course, placeadvertisements. We also workvery closely with our tourismboard and participate in mostof the popular trade fairsshowcasing our MICE product.To strengthen the product andour offerings further, we willbe injecting more investmentfocussing on increasing ourmarket share in the MICE sector,” he added.

Cozmo Travel observedpotential growth in businesstravel and of course, theinbound to UAE. Business sofar in 2013 is robust in com-parison to 2012. It hasexpanded the UAE networktotaling to 15 branches. Thelatest is Dubai - ExecutiveTowers at Business Bay,Khorfakhan and Dibba inFujairah. Cozmo focusses onexpansion in other GCCcountries like in Kuwait and Bahrain.

“Saudi Arabia is anotherkey focus where we are keento have a full visibility in all themajor cities. So we are open-

ing six outlets in Jeddah,Dammam, Medina, Yanbu,Gassim and Abha within thenext two months. A fullyrevamped Cozmotravel.comhas also been launched on July15,” Abdulnazar concluded.

Business tourism is afast growing, lucrative mar-ket segment. SATA (SharjahAirport Travel Agency) iscoming out with varied andreadily accessible optionsdesigned with their needs in

mind. The business travelmarket is slowly evolving inthe UAE, and SATA aims tofocus more on it to increaseits revenue significantly.

“We at SATA, so farhave seen substantial growth

in our overall revenue and ontrack to achieve 40 per centgrowth in 2013. Revenuefrom business travel andMICE accounts to 28 per centin 2012. In 2013, we aim toincrease the revenue fromboth these segments at leastby 50 per cent over 2012.Though MICE is growingsteadily, business travel is ona fast track growth and ouraim is to enhance this revenue by diversifying it further,” informed Arshad Munir, GeneralManager, SATA.

MICE tourism is animportant segment of today’sinternational tourism mar-kets. It’s a specific form oftourism that relates to theactivities of business travellergroups. Attending suchevents is of great importancecommercially, culturally,politically and socially. A lotof destinations now focus ondeveloping exhibition andconference facilities, hotelsand airport facilities, including human resources tomarket the destination. The various events held alsoattract investors from all overthe world.

Come September, the MICE sector will rule the travel & hospitality sector with an increasing interest from Asian buyersin parking MICE business in the Gulf region. Coupled with its rich culture and attractions, the surprising growth ofMICE infrastructure has established the region as a major hub for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions.

MICE market, huge prospectSU S M I TA GH O S H

Business grew 10 percent in the firsttwo quarters of2013 on theback of astrong Asianmarket

MICE travel is important forus and westrive to expandthis segment.So far, thebusiness looksgood

UAE inboundMICE markethas hugepotential andwe havewitnessedsignificantgrowth in 2013

Jamal AbdulnazarGeneral ManagerCozmo Travel

Conrad CaeiroOperations Manager Omeir Holidays (A member of OmeirBin Youssef Group)

Nasir Jamal KhanGeneral ManagerAl Naboodah Travel

Contd. on page 8


The enhancements in thejoint network are aimed

at providing added conven-ience and better connectionsfor travellers to and from New Zealand, according to bigwigs of thetwo Airlines.

Through the partner-ship, the Emirates networkhas now been opened up toinclude Queenstown andWellington in New Zealand,in addition to the 55 destinations in Australiaalready on offer to Emirates’ customers.

Another offshoot of theenhanced network is aimedat providing more conven-ience and better connectionsfor New Zealand travellers.Its Qantas’ launch of a newPerth-Auckland service andre-timing of its existingChristchurch-Sydney serv-ice to a morning departureenabling more internationalconnections from Sydney.

Tim Clark, President,Emirates Airline informed,“The code-sharing, alignedfares and frequent flyer ben-efits as per the enhanced net-work, would add value for thecustomers of both Emiratesand Qantas.”

Also, customers in NewZealand will now gain accessto numerous benefits, such aslounges, frequent flyer bene-fits, a new luggage allowanceof 30 kg for economy passen-gers and a vast range of inter-national destinations, the firstnotable signs of the Qantas-Emirates partnership at workacross the Tasman. This wouldensure that the tourism industry in the region gets anadded boost.

Alan Joyce, ChiefExecutive Officer, QantasGroup said, “Qantas’ newAuckland-Perth servicewould cater for demand overthe busy holiday season.Additionally, its new trans-Tasman schedule would offerbetter flight times and more

connections to flights both in Australia and around the world.”

The new Qantas andEmirates schedule offersservices from Auckland,Christchurch, Wellington andQueenstown across theTasman to a joint networkcovering destinations inAustralia, Asia, the MiddleEast, North Africa, the UKand Europe. WhereasEmirates’ trans-Tasman serv-ices are operated by AirbusA380 and Boeing 777-300ERaircraft, Qantas’ services areoperated by next generationBoeing 737-800s.

On August 14, 2013, Emirates and Qantas enhanced their joint network as bookings openedfor their new schedule between New Zealand and Australia. The new schedule offers near130 services per week to over 175 destinations across the world.

Joint network opens Down Under


Qantas’ newschedulewould offermoreconnectionsto flights inAustralia andacross theworld

Code-sharing,aligned faresand frequentflyer benefitsas per theenhancednetwork,would benefitthe customers

Tim ClarkPresidentEmirates Airline

Alan JoyceChief Executive OfficerQantas Group

Based on the first quarter2013 results, especially

for this region, the Airlinewas optimistic about the sec-ond quarter results beingboosted by summer travellerstaking off from the region onholiday to other parts of theworld. This performance wasdriven by the introduction ofdaily operations toGuangzhou via Bangkok andincreased deployment of larger B777 equipment to Mumbai.

“The recommencementof flights to Jeddah, SaudiArabia and direct flights fromDubai to Hong Kong added tothe capacity,” said AbrahamJoseph, Area Manager -South Asia, Middle East andNorth Africa, Kenya Airways.

There was no change inthe capacity the Airline putinto Europe compared to thesame quarter in 2012. Thecompany’s year-on-yeargrowth is pegged at 3 percent based on the total capac-ity of 3,464m seat km it putinto the market place.

The capacity offered inEast Africa region grew by12.9 per cent buoyed by moreearly morning departures toEntebbe and additional Dar-Es-Salaam frequencies anddaily night stops.

Similarly, capacity inSouthern Africa region grewby 10.4 per cent largelybecause of the increasednight time operations intoLusaka and Lilongwe, as wellas the introduction ofLivingstone.

“However, there was10.9 per cent decline in

capacity seen in the West andCentral African regions dueto drop in demand.

Moreover, cutbacks made to Cairo followingthe volatile politicalsituation in Egyptmeant that the totalcapacity into theNorthern Africanregion wasunchanged,”

Joseph added. Capacityon the domestic front grewby 11.6 per cent comparedto same quarter in 2012 dueto the re-launch of Eldoretin October 2012 and a further two daily flights intoKisumu including a night stop.

While passenger trafficmeasured in revenue passen-ger kilometres at 2,330mgrew by 5.8 per cent ahead ofthe same quarter 2012, cargocapacity offered measured incargo tonne km dropped by 4 per cent.

The capacity of Kenya Airways into the Middle East andFar East regions grew by 12.8 per cent, according to theAirline’s operating results for the first quarter that endedon June 30, 2013.

Kenya Airways flies high


Abraham Joseph Area Manager - South AsiaMiddle East and North AfricaKenya Airways

Airport InternationalGroup (AIG), the

Jordanian company responsi-ble for the rehabilitation,expansion and operation ofQAIA, has come out with itsyear-to-date (YTD) growthacross its passenger, aircraftand cargo traffic for June2013. Passenger traffic (PAX)in June 2013 rose marginallyto 622,629 as compared to619,615 registered duringthe corresponding month in2012, representing a 0.5 percent increase.

Commenting on QAIA'straffic performance, KjeldBinger, CEO, AIG said, “AIG’sperformance had to beviewed from the perspectiveof the region's geopoliticaldevelopments. Jordan's rep-utation as a secured havenwas responsible for AIGbucking the trend and regis-tering steady month-over-month growth despite somenoticeable fluctuation during2013 Q1.”

Striking an optimisticnote, he said that AIG expect-

ed increase in additional traffic in the upcoming few months.

Cause for greater opti-mism is AIG’s YTD PAX

breaching the 3 million markthis June to reach 3,166,610as against 3,023,499 YTDPAX achieved over the corre-sponding period in 2012. Itrepresented a healthier 4.73per cent increase.

However, aircraft move-ments (ACM) during June 2013 slid by 3.5 percent, reaching 6,020 ACM as against 6,238.Notwithstanding the Juneslide, YTD ACM for 2013 hasrisen up 1.17 per cent, standing at 33,196 ACM, ascompared to 32,812 recordedduring the correspondingperiod last year. Maintainingthe upward momentum inYTD cargo traffic, AIGrecorded a 2.19 increase byJune 2013 as against 2012figures, reaching 46,475 tonsin comparison to 45,480 tonsclocked last year.

June 2013 saw a 0.5 per cent increase in passenger traffic(PAX) registered by Jordan’s Queen Alia InternationalAirport (QAIA). More notable though was the 4.73 percent increase in year-to-date passenger figures.

QAIA traffic on steady track


Kjeld Binger CEO, AIG

Jordan'sreputation as asecured havenwasresponsible forAIG buckingthe trend

Cause for greater optimismis AIG’s YTD PAX breachingthe 3 million mark this Juneto reach 3,166,610

Rise In Numbers

Air Arabia (PJSC),revealed its financialresults for the period end-ing June 30, 2013.

The company’s netprofit for the first half 2013 stood at AED 134million, an increase of 17per cent compared to AED115 million for the first sixmonths of last year.

During the first half of2013, the company regis-tered a turnover of AED 1.5 billion, up 19 per cent from AED 1.2billion for the first half of 2012.

Air Arabia’s net profitfor the second quarter ofthis year exceeded analysts’ forecast andregistered AED 76 mil-lion, an increase of 15 percent compared to AED 66million for the secondquarter of 2012.

Turnover for the second quarter of 2013rose by 17 per cent to AED797 million, compared toAED 681 million for thesecond quarter of last year.

Air Arabianet profitsoars by17% in 2013

Through the partnership,the Emirates network hasnow been opened up toinclude Queenstown andWellington in New Zealand,in addition to the 55destinations in Australiaalready on offer

New Horizon


Drydocks World, as thesole construction con-

tractor of the concept, is allset to build the first WaterDiscus Underwater Hotel inthe Middle East, before beingassociated with more suchultra-modern masterpiecesacross the world.

BIG InvestConsult is akey operator in the area ofinnovative technologiestransfer as well as invest-ment projects, brokerage andfinance, whereas Deep OceanTechnology (DOT) owns theunique technology and con-cept of Water Discus Hotel. Itenvisages an ultimate leisurefacility with a structure thatis partly above water and therest underneath.

Khamis Juma Buamim,Chairman, Drydocks World &Maritime World expressed, “Iam so contended to getinvolved in this project to

construct this very uniqueWater Discus Hotel.”

He added, “It is a mat-ter of deep pride and honourfor us that once again, we

have been recognised as afacility which is able to con-struct and fabricate a lead-ing edge design. We lookforward to the launch ofconstruction very shortlyand as always we are confi-dent of providing a highquality structure in a costeffective and timely basis.”

The Water DiscusUnderwater Hotel comprisesof a number of discs - oneunderwater, at a depth rang-ing from 10 - 30 mt, and theothers above the surface.

This revolutionarypatent-protected DOT conceptallows for each room to beintegrated with the underwa-ter world as closely as possible.

“The unique location inthe heart of a vibrant coralreef will allow guests to enjoyboth the tropical weather andcolourful underwater world

as well. Its unique construc-tion design permits expan-sion and customisation of theWater Discus to suit the sur-roundings and client require-ments,” Buamim stated.

A single discus is anindependent structure ofapproximately 1,000 sqmpart of a bigger complex, sizeof which is suitable to boththe client and location. SuchWater Discus Complexes canbe constructed anywhere inthe world, to suit local condi-tions such as shape of thecoast line and ocean deptharound the reef.

The major advantage isthat modules can be moved toa different location in theevent of changes in eitherenvironmental or economicconditions. This mobility alsoallows for easier changes inthe interior design of the hotelas any disc can be detachedand replaced at any time witha new one.

The recent round of parleys between Dubai shipbuilder Drydocks Worldand Switzerland’s BIG InvestConsult, who represents partner Poland-based Deep Ocean Technology (DOT), focussed on the futuristic conceptof Water Discus Underwater Hotels, becoming a reality in Dubai.

Underwater hotel idea surfaces


It is a matter of deep pride andhonour for us that once again, wehave been recognised as a facilitywhich is able to construct andfabricate a leading edge design

Khamis Juma BuamimChairman, Drydocks World & Maritime World

By joining an official dele-gation from the DubaiDepartment of Tourism &Commerce Marketing on a roadshow aroundScandinavia, management atthe Park Regis Kris Kin HotelDubai are optimistic ofincreased business from thenorthern countries of Europe.

According to ScottButcher, General Manager,this is the first time thehotel has specifically target-ted the business and leisuremarkets in the region, buthe expects a good response,particularly following theboost in non-stop flight con-nections with Dubai.

Running from October 7- 10, the roadshow will takeplace in Oslo, Helsinki andCopenhagen, ending up inStockholm, the latterbecoming the latest city tojoin the Emirates networkwith the launch of a dailyservice from Dubai onSeptember 4.

There were more than140,000 visitors from theNordic countries to Dubai in2011, when Emirates start-ed its direct service toDenmark, and this figure isexpected to grow substan-tially as business and leisuretravellers take advantage ofthe new routes.

Tapping newmarkets inScandinavia



Middle East set to flex its MICE muscleThis year’s edition of CIBTM is finally

upon us. Exhibitors from the MiddleEast are expected to be in full strengthto woo Asian buyers at the annual eventtaking place from September 2-4 inBeijing. It’s here that the much-toutedbusiness potential of the Middle East iswaiting to be unleashed.

Research conducted at the last editionof CIBTM clearly alluded to the increasinginterest from Asian buyers in parkingMICE business in the Gulf region. Dubaiemerged as a preferred destination foroutbound business among 18 per cent ofAsian buyer respondents. Egypt came insecond at 16 per cent, followed closely byAbu Dhabi with 15 per cent and 7 per centvoting Qatar.

These statistics come as no surpriseand are buttressed even more so by therecent impressive economic growthfigures posted by countries in the MiddleEast. Standard & Poor’s recent forecastsays GDP growth within the Gulfeconomies will reach 4.6 per cent thisyear, valuing the GCC economy atUS$1.5 trillion.

The stupendous growth of MICEinfrastructure has established the regionas a major hub for meetings.

With the strengthening of air linksbetween Asia and the Middle East, thelatter has become increasinglyaccessible to Asian buyers. Abu Dhabi’sdebut entry into the top 100International Congress and ConventionAssociation’s (ICCA) 2012 global cityrankings has also helped. Businessevents in the Emirate in 2010 have hadan economic effect to the tune of AED2.4billion and Abu Dhabi Tourism & CultureAuthority figures say it will grow by 7per cent each year until 2020.

All in all, come September, its MICEthat will rule the roost in the travel &hospitality sector.

Air India flies to 34 inter-national destinations

across the USA, Europe,Canada, Far-East and South-East Asia, Gulf and SAARCcountries. The Airline’s vastdomestic network covers 63destinations, including far-flung areas of the North East,Ladakh, Andaman andNicobar Islands.

The Airline is currentlyflying Dreamliners to London,Paris and Frankfurt, as well asto Birmingham. We will becommencing our services toSydney and Melbourne fromDelhi on August 29, 2013. Theservices to and from Australiathrough our state-of-the-artDreamliner aircraft will enablepassengers to enjoy a conven-ient flight to Sydney andMelbourne through NewDelhi. We are also offeringattractive introductory fareson this route for both direc-tions to celebrate the launchof our new connection.

With more Dreamlinersscheduled for delivery in thecoming months, plans are onto expand our internationalnetwork to new destinationssuch as Rome, Milan and Moscow.

Air India’s fleet is a mixof the wide-body BoeingB777s, B747s, AirbusA330s, the narrow bodyAirbus A321s, A320s, A319s& Boeing B737s. Its latestacquisition is the Boeing 787Dreamliner, considered thegame changer. The first nextgeneration flying machine inIndia is equipped withunique features for ultimatepassenger comfort like largedimmable windows, betterviewing, spacious seats,lesser noise, soft LED lighting, easily accessiblestorage bins, cabin pressureat lower altitude, cleaner air,environmentally responsiblefuel efficient aircraft, etc.,ensuring a dream flight forevery passenger travellingwith Air India.

To help tourists enjoy theflavours of the rain soaked destinations in India andabroad, Air India offers popu-lar packages across the coun-try and beyond on it’sunmatched network.

Air India has introduceda unique stop over packagebranded ‘Air India Stop Over

Packages’ to facilitate transferconnection at Terminal 3,Delhi Airport. Competitivelypriced and convenient to book,Stop Over Packages offer thefacility of web-based portalbooking including a hotellocated inside the T3 terminal.Hotel transfers and sightsee-ing options are also availablein and around New Delhi.Packages can be booked fromAir India website.

The Airline operatesmore than 300 flights everyweek from Gulf and MiddleEast Region offering thelargest network coverage ofthe Indian sub-continentthrough our operations of AirIndia and Air India Express.Air India Express, being thelow cost subsidiary of AirIndia, has wide acceptance inexpatriates’ community inthe Gulf.

Air India offers a plethora ofbenefits for passengers flyingfrom the Gulf –

Air India offers thewidest reach for all pas-sengers travelling fromthe UAE to destinationswithin India through itsvast network.

Air India’s mix of bothfull service and low costoperations caters tolargely the entire diaspo-ra of expat Indian popu-lation in the UAE. TheAir India reservation sys-tems is accessiblethrough SITA for AirIndia and Radixx for AirIndia Express.

Business class passen-gers from UAE have achoice of attractive faresto most destinationswithin India, with a vari-ety of Indian mealsserved onboard, accom-panied with a choice ofbeverages and a verywide and comfortableseating experience.

Economy class passen-gers also have a widechoice of attractive faresto all destinations withinIndia also covering des-tinations in both northand south India. AirIndia’s Economy Classattractive fares are alsoavailable to destinationslike Kolkata, Nagpur,Srinagar, etc.

Air India has recentlyachieved the milestoneof adding the one mil-lionth member to itspopular frequent flyerprogramme, FlyingReturns. Air India offersa separate and reward-ing Gulf Program for itsFrequent Fliers.

Air India and Air IndiaExpress through their

drive and resolve havecurrently achieved betteron-time performance ofmore than 80 per centthroughout the network.

Air India offers a pletho-ra of excellent facilitiesto passengers travellingor transiting through its state-of-the-art hub at Terminal 3 NewDelhi Airport.

Air India’s reach withinthe UAE consists of morethan 500 travel partners.Passengers from the UAEcan also convenientlyavail all offers of AirIndia through its

Air India Express offersinflight announcementsin regional language(Malayalam) onboard itsflights and also servesregional meals. Theseservices have been wide-ly appreciated by theexpat communities inthe Gulf, especially from UAE.

On the whole, Air Indiastill has its own special placein the aviation sector andcontinues to hold influenceover passengers epitomisingthe symbol of safety and trustthroughout the Gulf and restof the world.

Seema Srivastava Regional Manager

Air IndiaGulf, Middle East & Africa

Founded by JRD Tata, the father of civil aviation in India, the scheduledservices of Air India began on October 15, 1932. Having come a long waysince then, the carrier launched the next generation Dreamliner to variousdestinations, ensuring a dream flight for all who travel with them.

With more Dreamliners scheduled fordelivery in the coming months, plansare on to expand our internationalnetwork to new destinations Seema Srivastava Regional Manager, Air India, Gulf, Middle East & Africa

Pioneer of Civil Aviation in India

Qatar Airways launched onAugust 21, 2013, flights to itsfifth destination in theRepublic of Iraq,

Sulaymaniyah. This increasesthe Airline’s frequency acrossIraq from 16 to 20 flights eachweek. The new services,

which will operate four-times-a-week non-stop from theAirline’s Doha hub, brings thecarrier’s global network to

129 destinations worldwide.The Doha – Sulaymaniyahroute is being operated by astate-of-the-art Airbus A320.

Qatar Airways launches flights to Iraq

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Besides unmatched luxury,Rotana’s Al Ghurair pro-

ject’s USP is its excellent con-nectivity with its hotels beingjust minutes away from DubaiAirport and one of DubaiMetro’s largest stations,Union, which offers access tothe city’s two Metro lines.

During the first 3months of 2013, Rotana’stwo new hotels, with 620rooms saw 100 per centoccupancy. “Business in thefollowing three months, fromApril to June 2013, did see adrop, with the Europeansummer drawing tourists,especially the Saudis andChinese to that part of theworld. However, 65 per centoccupancy is very much onthe cards,” informed MarkMcCarthy, General Manager,Al Ghurair Rayhaan & AlGhurair Arjaan by Rotana,who adds that 2014 would be

even more promising thanthe present year.

McCarthy reveals thatbusiness comprises 70 percent from the leisure segmentand 30 per cent from corpo-rate business. Approximately,40 to 45 per cent businesscomes from the tour opera-tors besides traditional andonline travel agents, forwhom FAM trips are organ-ised and vouchers offered to.

The two new hotels areuniquely positioned to pro-vide guests with a convenientand enhanced leisure experi-ence as they form part of theongoing expansion of theadjoining Al GhurairShopping Centre.

The hotels are highlypopular with guests from theCIS, GCC, Saudi Arabia,Kuwait, Russia and China,answer the needs of the lux-ury hospitality market inDeira with two highly sought-after product offerings.

“The popularity of theRayhaan by Rotana brandhas been confirmed by morethan 1,800 rooms already inoperation. With the openingof the Al Ghurair property,Rotana now operates fourRayhaan hotels – three inthe UAE and one in SaudiArabia in Makkah,” he fur-ther informed. “AmongRotana’s future plans, is theopening of Salalah RotanaResort in Oman and in SaudiArabia and in India at a later phase.”

Arjaan by Rotana, afirst-class residential hospi-tality product, compriseshotel apartments designed toclose the gap between hoteland home.

The Al Ghurair ArjaanHotel takes Rotana’s portfolioof Arjaan Hotel Apartmentsto 11 in total – eight in theUAE, with three more Arjaanproperties in the widerMiddle East.

Al Ghurair Rayhaan & Al Ghurair Arjaan by Rotana, opened in December2012, is in occupancy cruise control with an achievable target of 65 per centset for 2013. Located in Deira, Dubai’s bustling tourism & commercial district,the two new hotels answer the needs of the luxury hospitality market.

New luxury offerings a big draw


Mark McCarthy General Manager, Al Ghurair Rayhaan &Al Ghurair Arjaan by Rotana

The Rayhaan byRotana brand'spopularity hasbeen confirmedby more than1,800 roomsalready inoperation

SpiceJet recentlyannounced the launch ofdirect flights between Puneand Sharjah. The booking forthis sector is now open.

Commercial flights onPune-Sharjah route willstart from September 21,2013. The Airline will bedeploying its NewGeneration Boeing 737-800(189 seater aircraft) on this route.

Pune is the third Indiandestination to connect withSharjah on the SpiceJet network. The Airline alreadyoperates on the Varanasi-Sharjah and Lucknow-Sharjah routes.

The launch of the newdirect flight aims to improveconnectivity between twothriving business centres.

Sharjah is the second desti-nation for SpiceJet in UAE. SpiceJet has been rapidlyexpanding its global footprint in the recent pastwith the addition of severalforeign cities in the MiddleEastern and Asian regionson to its network.

The Airline is alsolaunching the Ahmedabad-Muscat flight from August29, 2013.

Flight SG051 withdepart Pune at 2230hrs andarrive in Sharjah at 0025hrson Mondays, Wednesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays.

On the return leg, flightSG052 will depart Sharjahat 0125hrs and arrive in Pune at 0600hrs on Tuesdays, Thursdays,Fridays and Sundays.

SpiceJet to launch directPune-Sharjah flights

NTO6 TRAVTALK S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 3

“Skiing season in India isgenerally from January

to March. In Gulmarg, the sea-son is a bit longer than otherdestinations. There are somehigher reaches near these ski

resorts where skiing starts 15-20 days earlier and goes up tothe first week of April,” men-tioned Vikas Rustagi, RegionalDirector - West Asia & Africa,India Tourism, Dubai.

Gulmarg and Pahlgamare the two skiing destina-

tions of the state of Jammuand Kashmir. Being oneamong the best ski resorts ofIndia and South Asia,Gulmarg is known for thebeaten slopes and back coun-try slopes. It has the mostdeveloped skiing infrastruc-ture in India and possessesthe highest cable car in theworld which starts at 2700mt above sea level and goesup to 4300 mt. Pahalgam alsooffers long back country skiruns where Heli-skiing isbeing conducted regularly.

Uttarakhand is the second state in Himalayaswhich has good skiing facili-ties at Auli. This resort wasdeveloped recently to con-duct South Asian Winter

Games with a 4 km longcable car, two long ski liftsand one chair car. HimachalPradesh as well also providesgood skiing destinations atManali and Narkanda. Manalihas one cable car of 1.2 kmand one chair lift.

“The best aspect isthat the Gulf & theMiddle East haveeasy access to theseresorts. Schoolchildren from thesecountries canbenefit by learningbasic ski skills.

Corporates can organ-ise team building and person-ality development activitiesin these resorts throughoutthe year,” he furtherinformed.

There are several uniquefactors regarding skiing inIndia. The country offers avariety of ski options to the skienthusiasts. The quality of

snow is very good. The cost of skiing is almost 1/10th ofwhat a skier has to pay inEurope. Heli-skiing provideschallenging unexplored longruns high above sea level. Skiequipment and world-classinstructors are also availableto learn skiing in India.

Home to the mighty Himalayas, India is not widely known as a skiing destination. Offering an immense rangeof products, the country hosts some of the best ski resorts.

India focusses on winter sportsTT BU R E AU

Vikas Rustagi Regional Director - West Asia & AfricaIndia Tourism, Dubai

Sharjah’s 103 hotel estab-lishments (48 hotels and

55 hotel apartments) haveseen guest arrivals shoot upby 9 per cent, from 874,977(511,620 in hotels and363,357 in hotel apartments)

to 951,592 (536,047 in hotels and 415,545 in hotel apartments).

Similarly, a major mile-stone was breached in roomnights. Sharjah Commerce &Tourism DevelopmentAuthority’s (SCTDA) figuresshow a 7 per cent jump in thenumber of room nights from999,599 last 2012 H1(621,359 hotel room nightsand 378,249 hotel apartmentroom nights) to 1,071,829(611,445 hotel room nightsand 460,387 hotel apartmentroom nights) during 2013 H1.

With the Emirate’s hos-pitality industry being able toattract healthy investmentsin recent years, its capacity isall set to soar to 12,000

rooms over the next twoyears, according to theSCTDA report.

Commenting on thehalf-yearly statistics,Mohamed Ali Al Noman,Chairman, SCTDA said theywere a testament to the

growth and resilience ofSharjah’s tourism sector.

As was the Emirate’svisitor pattern in recentyears, Europeans at 37 percent have led the touristcharge, with 347,480 arrivalsfrom the continent. Russiantourists figure prominentlyamong Sharjah’s Europeanguests with 23 per cent.Closely following theEuropeans were tourists fromthe GCC at 34 per cent, with324,239 from the region vis-iting the Emirate.

Asian visitors formed 14per cent, followed by Arab vis-itors from other countriesacross the Middle East, consti-tuting 10 per cent of guestarrivals. The Americans, the

Africans and Scandinaviansformed 5 per cent of the rearas regards the Emirate’s touristpopulation in the 2013 H1.

Al Noman referred toefforts being stepped up bySTDCA in 2013 to target local, regional andinternational tourism mar-kets. Prominent among themwere The Sharjah LightFestival, held in February2013, which celebrated theEmirate's magnificent monu-ments and landmarks. Alsoother flagship tourism eventslike the 'Sharjah Biennial' fortwo months alongside the'Sharjah Heritage Days','Sharjah Festival Days' and'Sharjah Spring Promotions',attracted tourists in great numbers.

Al Noman further informed,“Now was the time to consolidateon these gains. The half-yearlystatistics put agreaterresponsibility on the SCTDA to work both public and privatesectors.

It is to expand tourismactivities and boost Sharjah’seconomy through enhancedcoordination between theEmirate’s various tourismsector players.”

The first half of 2013 has seen an increase in worldwide tourist arrivals to Sharjah, and visitors from Europelead the charge. The statistics for the period puts the hotel occupancy at over 71 per cent, as compared to 66per cent during the corresponding period in 2012.

Sharjah tourism on upward trajectory


Mohamed Ali Al Noman ChairmanSCTDA

There are several uniquenesson skiing in India:

The country offers avariety of ski options to theski enthusiasts

The cost of skiing isalmost 1/10th of what askier has to pay in Europe


Europeans at 37 per centhave led with 347,480arrivals from the continent

Russian tourists figureprominently amongSharjah’s European guestswith 23 per cent

GCC tourists follow closelyat 34 per cent

Visitor Patterns

NTO S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 3 TRAVTALK 7

According to the datareleased in QTA's second

quarter (April-June) 2013, allthe key indicators of Qatar’s tourism sector haveshown improvement andgrowth as compared to the corresponding period in 2012.

Despite a 4.5 per centincrease in the number ofavailable rooms, the averagehotel occupancy rate during2013 Q2 is at a higher 67 percent, up from 58 per centduring the same period in 2012.

Similarly, a stupendous20 per cent increase inrevenue from five-star hotelsalone, has propelled the totalrevenue from four and five-star hotels to grow byQAR 155.9 million.

Also, the total numberof hotels under constructionhas gone up to 121 propertiesin 2013 Q2, with 20,955

rooms ready for delivery, upfrom 110 at the end of 2012.

Commenting on theresults, Issa Mohammed Al-Mohannadi, Chairman, QatarTourism Authority, asserted,

“The significantresults showedQatar tourism wason track for a recordshowing this year.The results werebeing viewed as apositivedevelopment andthat the sector wasincreasinglyimportant todiversifying Qatar’seconomy.”

He further added,“Among reasons for theoptimistic outlook is QTA’sJune launch of its upgradedwebsite, providing visitorseasy access to information.Also, recently, QTA inked an

agreement with the UN WorldTourism Organisation(UNWTO) to co-operate on thedevelopment of a consistentand locally relevantmonitoring and quality controlsystem across a wide range oftourism activities.”

In addition, by way ofimproving the quality ofservices in the hospitality &tourism industry and creatinga national benchmark of highstandards, QTA recentlyrecognised six hotels with thefirst-ever awards as part of

the ‘Hotels Quality RatingProgram.’

Improved visitor figureswere driven by an impressive15 per cent increase inarrivals from within the GCCcountries, with 144,491travellers from Saudi Arabiarepresenting the largestsingle source of visitors.Overall, visitors from othercontinents rose by 6.6 percent, with a surge of 12 percent growth in arrivals fromAsia.

A whole host of eventsand activities in Qatar during2013 Q2 saw the State’sleisure tourism sector buoyedby a 10 per cent increasefrom international markets.

The tourism industry in Qatar is on an upward surge, as Qatar TourismAuthority’s (QTA’s) recently announced 2013 second quarter results show.The revenue from 5-star hotels alone has seen a 20 per cent rise.

Qatar tourism in pink of health


Issa Mohammed Al-MohannadiChairmanQatar Tourism Authority

Minor Hotel Group(MHG), a hotel owner, oper-ator and investor, hasannounced the formation ofa long term strategic partnership agreement withRani Investment LLC, theowner of high end resortsacross Africa.

The two organisationshave formed a joint venturecompany for ownership ofIndigo Bay Resort & Spa inMozambique, with plans forfurther expansion in Africa.

Located on BazarutoIsland, 30km off the eastcoast of the country, IndigoBay is a five star 44-villaresort, and will be re-brand-ed to Anantara BazarutoIsland Resort & Spa laterthis year and managed byMinor Hotel Group.

The new strategic partnership will exploremore opportunities inMozambique, including inthe capital Maputo, and inthe vibrant East Africa market to further strength-en MHG’s presence in the continent.

These properties will bea mix of new-build and

re-brand and will be flaggedwith MHG’s internationalhotel brands, includingAnantara, the recentlylaunched contemporaryupscale brand AVANI andthe serviced apartmentOaks brand which is cur-rently expanding into Asiaand the Middle East.

Dubai-based RaniInvestment is the invest-ment arm of Aujan GroupHolding with more thanUS$300 million of dedicatedinvestments in the MiddleEast and Africa.

Dillip Rajakarier, CEO,Minor Hotel Group, said,"We are excited to be partnering with RaniInvestment and are lookingforward to working closelywith them to grow our port-folio in Africa, specifically inMozambique to begin with.We are already present inTanzania and Kenya throughour partnership withElewana Collection, and we are keen to expand further into other parts ofthis vast continent wherethere is so much untapped opportunity."

Minor Hotel Group expands presence in Africa

The total number of hotelsunder construction hasgone up to 121 in 2013 Q2,with 20,955 rooms readyfor delivery, up from 110 atthe end of 2012

Growing Numbers


The momentous occasionkicks off a year-long cel-

ebration honouring the cruiseline’s guests, business part-ners, employees and crew.

Royal Caribbean’s guid-ing principle, ever since thefirst cruise was launched, hasbeen to deliver the ‘WOW’factor to its guests and pro-vide them with experiences,services and amenities thatcan only be found on RoyalCaribbean.

Spreading across theglobe like a New Year’s Eve-style party, the milestone will

be celebrated with shipboardfestivities on each of RoyalCaribbean’s ships.

Commenting on RoyalCaribbean International’sinnumerable WOW-inspiringmoments, Lakshmi Durai,Executive Director, RoyalCaribbean Cruises - MiddleEast, paid tribute to their effi-cient and talented trade part-ners across the Middle East.

“Each one of themhad played animportant role inRoyal Caribbean’ssuccess, whichcouldn’t have beenachieved withouttheir support,”

she asserted. Accordingto Durai, the cruise holidayconcept is getting more andmore popular amongst guestsfrom the Middle East, withconsistent double digitgrowth year-on-year reflect-ing the trend.

Royal CaribbeanInternational’s plans for 2014include vacations geared to

families on three to 14 night itineraries to Alaska, Australia, Bermuda,Bahamas, Canada, Caribbean,Far East, Mediterranean,Northern Europe and more.

Royal CaribbeanInternational recently cele-brated the keel laying andsteel cutting ceremonies forits new Quantum class ofships, the ‘Quantum of the Seas’ and ‘Anthem of the Seas’.

Quantum of the Seas,scheduled to be delivered inthe autumn of 2014, receivedits first block as the keel wasofficially lowered and put intoplace. Likewise, Quantum’ssister-ship, Anthem of theSeas, had its first piece of steel cut, signaling the first step in the ship’s construction.

Royal Caribbean International marked a majormilestone in its 45-year history on August 12, 2013,when it welcomed its 50 millionth guest onboard oneof its fleet of 21 ships.

RCI gets 50mn guests


Lakshmi DuraiExecutive DirectorRoyal Caribbean Cruises - Middle East

The plans include vacationsgeared to families on 3 - 14night itineraries to Alaska,Australia, Bermuda,Bahamas, Caribbean, FarEast, and more.

Plans For 2014

In today’s corporateworld, companies do realisethe benefit of their businessif they organise regional con-ferences, incentive trips andmeetings in good exotic loca-tions which provide an oppor-tunity to include sightseeing, shopping, teambuilding and recreationalactivities. As such, mostMICE travellers can be worthleisure travellers as well whospend money on shoppingand other activities.

“Hence, MICE travel isvery important for us and wealways strive to expand thissegment. At Omeir Holidays,we pride ourselves sellingMICE packages to our valuedcorporate clients. We are agroup of professionals capa-ble of handling all aspects ofMICE travel assuring clientsour high level of services. Wecreate, prepare and executeall sorts of events for bothsmall and large groups, andalso contain the resources toorganise any sort of MICEevent worldwide,” expressedConrad Caeiro, OperationsManager, Omeir Holidays (A

member of Omeir Bin Youssef Group).

“While 2012 has been agood year, based on our aimto increase the MICE busi-ness in 2013, so far it looksvery promising. We havebeen handling many groupsinbound and outbound witha recent incentive group of140 passengers to France inthe second week of August2013, besides a meetinggroup in May and March2013 to Malaysia and Indiarespectively,” he added.

MICE is an advancedbranch of tourism involvingvigorous economic activitiesand hence, play a significantrole in the tourism economyof a destination. The globaltourism industry can bedivided into leisure and busi-ness tourism. However, theyrequire the same infrastruc-ture in terms of accommoda-tion, transport and commu-nication, entertainment,information services and soon. MICE tourism usuallyincludes a well-plannedagenda centered on a themeor topic, like professionaltrade organisation, a special

interest group or on educa-tion. Such tourism often hasa specialised area with itsown exhibition like EIBTM,ATM, IMEX and practices.

“We are also realisingthe benefits of the businessand conferences, incentivestrips and focussed businessmeetings in exotic locations,

which include team buildingactivities, theme dinners,sightseeing and recreation,”asserted Nasir Jamal Khan,General Manager, AlNaboodah Travel.

“We have managed todo well. The business grew10 per cent in the first twoquarters of 2013 on the backof a strong Asian market andthe return of business toEuropean destinations,” hefurther stated.

Hossam Andraous,Chairman, Total Holidaysexpounded, “We have addeda number of great hotels toour portfolio to meet theMICE requirements in theMiddle East and in the Gulfoverall. We continue to playa key role, the growth comingfrom the domestic market as70 per cent of our agentscome from within the region.The biggest percentage ofinternational guests comesfrom the GCC and MiddleEast and a satisfactory num-ber from China as well.”

Over the next decade,Total Holidays will continueto see tremendous growth in

MICE business from Egypt,Saudi Arabia and Lebanondue to the presence of theirregional offices to promoteinbound and outbound MICEbusiness. “In 2012, we sawthe number of Chinese guestsacross the Middle East andAfrica region grow by morethan 15 per cent. We haveexhibited in most of theimportant MICE exhibitionsin Europe and the MiddleEast, and are looking aheadto increase our market sharein MICE, reaching 30 per centgrowth over 2012,”Andraous concluded.

Contd. from page 1

We aim toincrease therevenue from luxury &businesssegments atleast by 50 percent over 2012

The growthcomes fromthe domesticmarket as 70per cent of ouragents comefrom withinthe region

Hossam AndraousChairmanTotal Holidays

MICE: A key segment in global market

The business travel marketis slowly evolving in theUAE, and SATA aims tofocus more on it toincrease its revenuesignificantly

MICE tourism usuallyincludes a well-plannedagenda centered on atheme or topic, likeprofessional tradeorganisation, a specialinterest group, etc.

A Key Segment

Ramada Downtown Dubairecorded an increase in hoteloccupancy during the holymonth of Ramadan com-pared to last year, achievingan average rate of 71 percent, one of the highest ratesin the Emirate.

With Ramadan this yearfalling during the summerperiod which is considered aslow season in the UAE and with additional room

inventory in the Downtownarea, the property hasrecorded up to 96 per centoccupancy during the thirdand last weeks of Ramadancompared to the same periodin year 2011 and 2012.

During the period, theproperty sold 3,744 roomnights, surpassing the 2012figure by 9 per cent. Majorityof the hotel guests are fromthe GCC region, with KSA

topping the list with 1,722room nights, followed byUAE and Kuwait.

The hotel also launched its new andimproved website atwww.ramadadowntowndubai.comin August. The new websiteis neat and stylish with newfeatures, stunning imageryand improved information,making the site user-friendly.

Hotel occupancy soars during Ramadan

An iPhone app has been developed by a Singapore-based company that alertsits Muslim users when to pray and in which direction they should face, evenif they are 35,000 feet in the air. Users need to key in their flight details andaccordingly they will be provided with the prayer times during their journey.

In-flight app for prayer at 35,000 ft above sea level


Arshad MunirGeneral ManagerSATA

NEWS S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 3 TRAVTALK 9

This new VIP terminal,part of ADAC’s Capacity

Enhancement Program (CEP),will be operated by NationalAviation Services (NAS), aninternationally recognisedaviation services provider,which also provides GoldenClass services in Terminals 1and 3. It is scheduled to openits doors in the 4th quarter of 2013.

Mohammed Al Bulooki,Chief Commercial Officer, AbuDhabi International Airportinformed, “Passengers willexperience a unique personalised service throughthe proposed VIP terminal,which includes an assuranceof all travel procedures beingcompleted in the fastest manner possible.”

The VIP Terminal willbe available to all passengersflying to and from Abu DhabiInternational Airport at a pre-set fee and will offer passengers added privacy,

convenience and luxury. Theterminal will have its ownfacilities, separate from those

of Terminals 1 and 3, whichinclude a dedicated drop offarea, with a new road beingbuilt specially to accommo-date it and will also provideseparate immigration, policeand baggage handling serv-ices to its passengers.

“Besides the new 924sqm facility all set to providepassengers with unique per-sonalised services, it will addto the handling capacity ofAbu Dhabi InternationalAirport,” added Al Bulooki.

The guests using thenew terminal will be wel-comed and escorted by a spe-cial services NAS agent tofacilitate check-in, baggageand immigration procedures,more so accompany guests toand from the aircraft directlyutilising a limousine service.According to NAS, the VIPTerminal would enhance thelevel of service at the existingAbu Dhabi InternationalAirport, making it at par with the best airports in the world.

Abu Dhabi Airports Company is all set to open Abu DhabiInternational Airport’s VIP terminal which will providea world-class travel experience to those interested.

Now travel in style


Besides the new924 sqm facility, it will add to thehandling capacityof Abu DhabiInternationalAirport

Mohammed Al Bulooki Chief Commercial Officer Abu Dhabi International Airport

As part of the agreement,Arabian Adventures, (part

of the Emirates Group) asTPG’s partner in the UAE, willprovide DMC services to TPG’sclients, including hotel reser-vations, transfers, in-resortassistance as well as tours andexcursions in Russian.

Peter Payet, Senior Vice-President, ArabianAdventures mentioned, “Wehave observed much promisein Ukraine’s leisure travel mar-ket. Working closely with TPGtherefore, to promote Dubaiand the UAE, as a destinationof choice among Ukrainian

travellers, is the overridingobjective of the newly-inkedagreement.”

He added, “It is with aview to meet the increaseddemand and requirementsfrom the Ukrainian leisuretravel market, that ArabianAdventures are enhancing

their offerings in Russian. It will accomplish by adding tours and increasingfrequencies.”

TPG looked forward towork with ArabianAdventures. The team wasecstatic in learning Emirates’

daily flights to Kiev and wasoptimistic about the tremendous benefit thisdevelopment would be toboth the countries. TheTravel Professional Groupassured full support to makethe Kiev-Dubai route a greatsuccess by promoting travelbetween the two cities.

Emirates had recentlyannounced its services toKiev which will commence onJanuary 16, 2014. This airservice will provide conven-ient global connections viaDubai to Ukraine’s populationof 45 million and support thecountry’s key exports as well.

Statistics from Dubai’sDepartment of Tourism &Commerce Marketing showthat in 2012, 70,471 visitorsfrom Ukraine were welcomedin Dubai. There has been a24.6 per cent increase in vis-itor numbers from Ukraine toDubai during the first quarterof 2013 as compared to thefigures posted during the cor-responding period in 2012.

Arabian Adventures, a Destination ManagementCompany, has signed an agreement with a Ukrainian touroperator, Kiev-based Travel Professional Group (TPG).

UAE eyes Ukrainian visitors


It is with a view to meet the increaseddemand from the Ukrainian market,that Arabian Adventures areenhancing their offerings in RussianPeter Payet Senior Vice-President, Arabian Adventures


With the region reportingan increase in occupan-

cy to 61.8 per cent, there was

a 4 per cent increase in aver-age daily rate to US$141.21and a 10.1 per cent increasein revenue per available roomto US$87.21.

During the first half of2013, the region's occupancyrose 4.9 per cent to 63.7 percent; its ADR was up 2.9 percent to $166.64; and its

RevPAR increased 8 per centto $106.19. During the firsthalf of 2013, the regionreported increases in all threekey performance metrics. Its

occupancy rose 4.9 per centto 63.7 per cent, its ADR wasup 2.9 per cent to US$166.64and its RevPAR increased 8.0per cent to US$106.19.

Hotels in the regionachieved an 8 per centRevPAR increase in the firstpart of 2013, growing both inoccupancy and ADR terms.

The Middle East and Africa region reported positive performance results during June 2013, according to the data compiledby STR Global. With a 5.9 per cent increase in occupancy, there was a 10.1 per cent rise in RevPAR.

Occupancy on the rise in MEATT BU R E AU

Source: 2013 STR Global Limited (Data in US Dollars)

Middle East/Africa Market Performance GraphsFor the Month of: June 2013

Top 5 Markets: Occupancy Per cent ChangeYTD June 2013 vs YTD June 2012



12.5Abu Dhabi




Top 5 Markets: RevPAR Per cent ChangeYTD June 2013 vs YTD June 2012





11.2Abu Dhabi


Global PerformanceFor the Month of: June 2013

Country and Market PerformanceFor the Month of: June 2013

Year to Date - June 2013 vs June 2012 Participation

Occ % ADR RevPAR Per cent Change from YTD2012 Properties Rooms

2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 Occ. ADR RevPAR Census Sample Census Sample

Middle East/Africa 63.7 60.7 166.64 161.90 106.19 98.34 4.9 2.9 8.0 5,186 1,093 707,458 235,396COUNTRIESBahrain 49.6 43.8 215.24 216.03 106.83 94.66 13.3 -0.4 12.9 59 16 7,758 3,228Egypt 52.9 47.6 66.90 67.11 35.42 31.92 11.3 -0.3 10.9 608 102 157,280 37,860Jordan 55.4 65.5 149.46 138.44 82.81 90.72 -15.4 8.0 -8.7 205 27 17,684 7,026Kuwait 57.8 55.8 239.36 225.76 138.24 126.08 3.4 6.0 9.6 47 20 6,587 4,348Oman 63.7 56.6 219.55 211.93 139.84 119.94 12.5 3.6 16.6 61 22 7,551 4,147Qatar 65.8 58.7 210.18 224.01 138.23 131.55 12.0 -6.2 5.1 69 34 15,762 8,903Saudi Arabia 67.2 67.3 189.49 174.57 127.30 117.47 -0.2 8.5 8.4 242 94 55,464 28,996United Arab Emirates 79.0 75.0 220.00 209.07 173.90 156.88 5.3 5.2 10.8 505 227 97,069 61,710MARKETSAbu Dhabi 67.6 60.2 154.09 156.93 104.18 94.51 12.3 -1.8 10.2 90 59 20,274 16,012Amman 62.6 72.9 162.24 151.30 101.54 110.28 -14.1 7.2 -7.9 140 12 10,783 3,426Beirut 53.0 59.1 155.85 197.44 82.58 116.78 -10.4 -21.1 -29.3 68 24 7,441 3,913Cairo 45.2 44.9 103.24 101.00 46.65 45.30 0.7 2.2 3.0 97 33 23,726 13,167Doha 65.9 58.7 208.17 222.32 137.21 130.58 12.2 -6.4 5.1 67 33 15,469 8,826Dubai 84.4 80.9 252.73 237.04 213.20 191.70 4.3 6.6 11.2 331 141 63,730 39,681Jeddah 80.1 80.9 241.34 213.48 193.35 172.67 -0.9 13.1 12.0 39 18 6,050 3,613Muscat 72.3 62.7 226.53 222.38 163.80 139.44 15.3 1.9 17.5 34 14 4,820 2,765Riyadh 61.3 62.2 266.03 262.61 163.06 163.37 -1.5 1.3 -0.2 49 20 8,403 4,971

Year to Date - June 2013 vs June 2012 Participation

Occ % ADR RevPAR Per cent Change from YTD2012 Properties Rooms

2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 Occ. ADR RevPAR Census Sample Census Sample

Middle East/Africa 63.7 60.7 166.64 161.90 106.19 98.34 4.9 2.9 8.0 5,186 1,093 707,458 235,396 Middle East 70.4 67.7 207.69 197.74 146.28 133.84 4.1 5.0 9.3 1,363 472 230,386 123,985Northern Africa 52.3 48.0 84.04 85.42 43.97 41.00 9.0 -1.6 7.2 1,445 137 299,163 46,497Southern Africa 59.7 58.0 130.01 135.86 77.56 78.82 2.8 -4.3 -1.6 2,378 484 177,909 64,914

HOTELS S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 3 TRAVTALK 1 1

The launch of the RoyalSuite completes The St.

Regis Saadiyat Island Resort,an address that has fastevolved to become one of thecity's popular leisure destina-tions. Saadiyat positions itselfas a unique landmark, and thissuite cements that promise.

St. Regis is committed todeliver exceptional experi-ences at 30 luxury hotels andresorts in the best addressesacross the world. Plans for thebrand to expand include themuch-anticipated St. RegisHotels & Resorts in the RivieraMaya and in Asia, where St.Regis has announced to openhotels in Changsha, Chengdu,Kuala Lumpur, Lijiang,Nanjing, New Delhi andZhuhai. In addition, in Europe,Africa and the Middle East, St.Regis will continue to expandin Abu Dhabi, Amman, Cairoand Dubai.

"The Royal Suite is amasterpiece thatperfectly suits avisionarydestination likeSaadiyat,"

expressed Max Wiegerinck,Hotel Manager, St RegisSaadiyat Island Resort. "Thisis a luxurious home awayfrom home with personalbutler service and private spa

treatment, adding to its cus-tom-made nature."

There is a 12-seaterdining room, a private study,mini-cinema and a gamesroom on the upper floor. Onthe lower floor, the entirespace is taken up by the mas-ter bedroom which has a pri-vate balcony, double shower,walk-in closet, spa and sauna.

Designed by UAE-based, Enigma Design, theinterior features shades of seamist, teal and blue. The spiralstaircase with a reflectivewater feature at its base,together with the customdesign lighting artwork, addsto the splendour.

Upon arrival, the guestsenter a palatial living roomwith a Steinway grand pianobefore stepping into the 12-seater dining room. They mayenjoy uninterrupted oceanviews while lounging in thespacious terrace.

The UAE's largest hotel suite, St Regis Saadiyat IslandResort’s flagship Royal Suite in Saadiyat Island, AbuDhabi, has been unveiled. Spanning 2,100 sq mt, thesuite is across two floors, priced at AED130,000 a night.

Mega suite enthrals all


Max Wiegerinck Hotel ManagerSt Regis Saadiyat Island Resort

Depending on more than60 per cent of their

annual GDP, the UAE is thefifth-largest provider oftourists to the islands. Over12,800 visitors travelled tothe Seychelles in 2012 fromthe UAE according to theSeychelles National StatisticsBureau, validating the Gulf asa gateway to the island forlocals and for visitors fromacross Europe.

Anticipating the clienteleof the UAE likes privacy andgreenery, Fregate IslandPrivate lives up to the rightexpectations. The entire islandis capable of being privatised,making it the ultimate desti-nation for a luxury getawaythat succeeds to combine lim-ited ecological footprint aswell. In addition to the brilliantcoastline, its lush forest andwild protected fauna, theresort is a true masterpiece.

Frank Marrenbach, CEO,Oetker Collection, stated,“Fregate Island Private is in

perfect harmony with therequirements of OetkerCollection - exceptional envi-ronmental settings, overallwellbeing, exquisite décor andincomparable service. It is cer-tainly one of the most inspiringprivate islands worldwide.”

Each property of OetkerCollection is one-of-a-kind,reflecting the unique Europeanheritage with exceptional andhistoric architecture and inte-riors with great attention todetail. Moreover, it enhancesthe portfolio of resorts recentlyjoining the Collection: HotelSaint-Barth Isle de France inthe French West Indies andPalais Namaskar, Marrakech.

The Middle East, a source of vacationers for SeychellesIslands, has another reason to celebrate the destinationwith the announcement of the Fregate Island Privatehotel, a new addition to the Oetker Collection.

New getaway for ME tourists


The Island is capable ofbeing privatised, making itthe ultimate luxurydestination that succeedsto combine limitedecological footprint as well

Ultimate Luxury

The Hotel was bestowedwith the Trip Advisor

Certificate of Excellence2013. To qualify for the same,businesses must maintain anoverall rating of 4 or higher,out of 5, as reviewed by trav-ellers on Trip Advisor's web-site. Additional criteria

included the volume ofreviews received within theprevious 12 months.

"It's a very specialaward because it is based onguests' experiences and weare very contended to havesuch an excellent rating

from our visitors," said FreddyFarid, Area General Manager,Gloria Hotel and Yassat GloriaHotel Apartments.

He further expressed,“We are especially proud withour staff that has taken hugeresponsibility in their work,and always tried to go anextra mile to please a guest.

With social media asa fundamental toolof communicationfor guests and thetravel industry,people listen moreto other people.

Hence, it's great pleasure to receive theCertificate of Excellence fromTrip Advisor."

The Hotel has just pre-sented the largest supportingpanel for Dubai’s initiative inhosting Expo 2020. Theheight of the panel is approx-imately 17 mt and it’s fixedall over the six floors of thehotel situated on SheikhZayed Road. This is one of thelargest panels made in UAE

for the needs of Expo 2020that can be seen from a verylong distance. Another panelinstallation is being made onthe facade of Yassat GloriaHotel Apartments’ buildingtowards Abu Dhabi.

Gloria Hotel is known tobe one of the largest all-suitehotels in the Middle East. Itoffers comfortable luxury inan atmosphere to suit every-day life style with exceptionalservices and amenities. Thehotel is a perfect combinationof style and taste with con-temporary, elegant and warmambiance - the perfect loca-tion for families, executivesand holidaymakers.

Gloria Hotel recently received the EmiratesEnvironmental Group (EEG) award for ‘Your Can for aTree’ initiative. It also presented the largest supportingpanel for Dubai’s initiative in hosting Expo 2020.

Awards galore for Gloria


Freddy FaridArea General ManagerGloria Hotel and Yassat Gloria HotelApartments

The height of thesupporting panel isapproximately 17 mt andit’s fixed all over the sixfloors of the hotel situatedon Sheikh Zayed Road

Another panel installationis being made on thefacade of Yassat GloriaHotel Apartments’ buildingtowards Abu Dhabi

Expo 2020

Frank Marrenbach CEOOetker Collection

Fregate IslandPrivate is inperfect harmonywith therequirements ofOetker Collection


Lo and Behold! A star is born•••With the guest count spiralling upwards of 450, the launch of TRAVTALK TV was most definitely a first in the history of travel trade journalism. Alongwith travel agents, there were dignitaries, path-breakers, chairmen and CEOs from travel, aviation, hospitality, tour operators, and governmentheavyweights to share the excitement of an event of this magnitude. A veritable list of who’s who, everybody who was anybody in the traveltrade industry was seen at the launch of TRAVTALK TV.


Creating a new horizon for the industry


Uniglobe Let’s Go Travelwill as a result of the

new deal continue to benefitfrom Travelport’s leading-edge products, includingSmartpoint search and booking tool.

Besides, the Kenyanfirm would have access toTravelport’s latest technologysolutions. These includeAgentivity – Travelport’sbusiness intelligence suite fortravel agents – andTravelport Mobile Agent.

“The new three-yearcontract was a measure of theconfidence that the localindustry continues to reposein Travelport’s innovativeproduct offering and unrivalled customer service,”informed Mark Meehan,Managing Director,Travelport Africa.

The last-named solutionis a unique mobile GlobalDistribution Systems (GDS)application that enables agentscomplete access to Travelportcontent from an iPad or iPhonedevice while on the go.

As a result of the long-term working ties of UniglobeLet’s Go Travel withTravelport, the latter under-stood their business needs.Moreover, Travelport had the

right technology and supportto meet all their require-ments, and help reach thenext level in their journey.

Meehan asserted,“Travelport Africa is fullycommitted to meet the current and future traveltechnology needs of UniglobeLet’s Go Travel even asTravelport continued to growits presence across the EastAfrica region.”

Meehan added thatKenya and the wider EastAfrica region remained an important focus forTravelport.

The new agreementwith Uniglobe Let’s Go Travelwas the latest milestone inTravelport’s continuedgrowth in East Africa, follow-ing the recent launch of adirect Travelport operationfor travel agents in Nairobi.Notably, customer signings,is a renewed deal withUniglobe Skylink Travel &Tours in Tanzania. Travelportwas currently operating in 47countries across Africa withmore in the pipeline.

Travelport, a distribution services and e-commerceprovider for the travel industry, has renewed itspartnership with Uniglobe - Let’s Go Travel, one of EastAfrica's longest established tour operators.

Cementing ties across MEA


Salalah is considered as one of the most

attractive tourist attractions,particularly, in autumn.Travellers from across theGCC and beyond will begiven an opportunity toexperience the Khareef. It’sthe only area in the GCCwhere people can escape thedesert heat and enjoy rain.

Oman Air hasannounced its participationas the official carrier andmajor sponsor in promotingDhofar governorate ingeneral, and Salalah TourismFestival in particular. TheAirline has sponsored thisevent since inception,boosting domestic tourism

through various forums andevents held in Oman.

To meet the demanddue to the increasingvolume of passengers flyingto Salalah, Oman Air hasadded extra flights betweenSalalah-Muscat-Salalah. TheAirline operated up to 9 to11 daily flights in this sector,since June 1 till August 19and up to 11 to 13 daily

flights from August 20 tillSeptember 15.

Increased flightsbetween the two cities werefrom 210 to 291 in June,217 to 274 in July, 216 to328 flights in August and105 to 161 flights inSeptember, resulting in atotal of 88, 536 additionalseats being offered duringthese months.

Salalah Tourism Festival, which started on August10, will continue till September 6, 2013 this year,celebrating the unique history, culture and climateof Oman’s southern Governorate of Dhofar.

Domestic tourism in focus


Mark Meehan Managing DirectorTravelport Africa

Travelport Africais fullycommitted tomeet the currentand future traveltechnologyneeds

The new partnershipentails Amadeus commit-

ting to continue providingsolutions to Regency Travel& Tours. The adoption of

these solutions, clubbed withdecades of travel domainexpertise, will ensureRegency Travel & Tours continue on their impressivegrowth trajectory. It will keep strengthening theirclient base.

A special memento waspresented on the occasion byWafiq Al-Wahidi, GeneralManager, Amadeus Qatar toTareq Abdullatif Taha, CEO,Regency Travel & Tours tocommemorate the long-standing partnership and onbeing the leading and exclu-sive producer of segments forAmadeus in Qatar. He added,

“We are now in fullengagement toimplement thelatest tools,technologies andprocesses toenhance and powerRegency Travel &Tours into the nextgeneration ofinnovation andoutstandingcustomer service.”

Among Regency Travel& Tours’ prestigious list of

clientele are prominent localand regional corporations like government and semi-government agencies,universities, banks, multina-tional companies and a multitude of SME’s.

This position of beingthe leading TravelManagement Company in thecountry brings with it theresponsibility of cultivating aculture of innovation.

Regency Travel & Tours’partnership with Amadeusnot only introduces the latesttools and solutions but alsoincludes Consulting andCustom IT solutions.

It will boost the travelmanagement company’s pro-ductivity and offer unrivalledcustomer service, efficientlycatering to the complex travelmanagement requirements oflarge governmental, multina-tional and SME organisationsin Qatar and the region.

Amadeus, a transaction processor and technology partnerto the travel & tourism industry, has bagged a renewalof its long-term contract with Regency Travel & Tours,a prominent Travel Management Company in Qatar.

Amadeus bets high in Qatar


Wafiq Al-WahidiGeneral ManagerAmadeus Qatar

The renewal of their pactwill enable Mosaid to

continue using the traveltechnology company’s wideranging Sabre Red portfolio,which provides agents with the latest technicalcapabilities to shop, book andmanage travel.

While the signing of theaccord signals strengtheningof Sabre’s relationship withMosaid, it also marks a con-solidation of its presence inthe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Commenting on theagreement, Ramzi Al-Qassab,Regional CommercialDirector, Sabre TravelNetwork Middle East said,“Mosaid Travel and Tourism’sgrowth has been on a strongtrajectory. The current part-nership with Sabre wouldequip Mosaid with the verylatest technology productsand services, which would

help the latter rapidly scaleand expand their business.”

He noted, “In a dynamicmarketplace, Sabre strives to provide technological advantage to their customersto accelerate their businessgrowth.”

According to MosaidTravel and Tourism, Sabre isa trusted partner capable ofcontinuously developinginnovative products & services across corporate andleisure segments.

Sabre’s consistent com-mitment to Mosaid’s businessand customers and theirhands-on support and coun-sel has helped shape thecompany’s success.

The Kingdom of SaudiArabia is a key market forSabre and the company hasmade significant investmentsto enhance its presence inthis region.

Bahrain-headquartered travel technology company, SabreTravel Network Middle East (Sabre or STNME) hasrenewed its mutual agreement with Mosaid Travel andTourism, a travel agency in Saudi Arabia and the region.

Strengthening Saudi base


Ramzi Al-Qassab Regional Commercial DirectorSabre Travel Network Middle East

The currentpartnership withSabre wouldequip Mosaidwith the verylatest technologyproducts &services

Destinations around theworld welcomed an estimat-ed 494 million overnight vis-itors in the first six monthsof 2013, according to theAdvance Edition of the

UNWTO World TourismBarometer released on theoccasion of the UNWTO 20th

General Assembly. This rep-resents an increase of 5 percent or an additional 25 mil-

lion international touristscompared to the same periodof 2012. Growth wasstronger in emerging econo-my destinations than inadvanced economies.

Arrivals to ME up by 13%

MOVEMENTS S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 3 TRAVTALK 1 5Etihad Airways Yemen Yahya Ahmed Hussein Al-Robaydi is the new GeneralManager of Etihad Airways in Yemen. He will be based inSana’a. He will be responsible fordriving commercial results anddeveloping strong relationships withthe travel trade and the corporatecustomer segment in the country. Al-Robaydi’s experience and expertise,coupled with his proven track recordwithin the industry will enablehim to develop and managethe Airline’s commercialactivities in the market.

Jumeirah Group Singapore James Mabbey is the new Senior Vice PresidentDevelopment for the Asia Pacific region for the Jumeirah

Group. A US national, Mabbey has 15years’ experience in the Asia PacificRegion. For the past two and a half

years he has been working for MarcoPolo Hotels. In his new role, Mabeyshall be responsible for securing new

management contracts for hotels andserviced apar tments that meet

Jumeirah’s luxury standardsthroughout Asia Pacific.

Royal Tulip Luxury hotels,Alexandria Egypt Khader Qasem has been appointed by Golden Tulip MENA

as the General Manager for the newRoyal Tulip Luxury hotels,Alexandria. With experience of over12 years in hospitality, he has beenworking for Golden Tulip for the last

nine years. He was previouslyworking as the GM in Golden Tulip

Airpor t Amman and Director ofFinance in Golden Tulip KhasabDibba in Oman.

Kempinski Hotel Mall of theEmirates Dubai Nasser Fawzi has been appointed as the Area Director ofSales for the Arabian Gulf (UAE, Qatarand Bahrain) in 2013. A long-standingmember of the Kempinski family, hejoined Kempinski Hotel Mall of theEmirates in 2009 as Director of Salesand Marketing. Originally from Syria,Fawzi spent most of his working lifeabroad. He star ted his career in thehospitality industry in his homecountry Syria, and moved tothe UAE in the mid 1990’s.

British Airways UK Mike Rock has been appointed as the new Sales Manager forCentral Asia and the Levant. In his new role, Rock will beresponsible for managing the BritishAirways sales teams across Lebanon,Jordan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.As the sales manager for the region,he will develop tailored solutions forcorporate travellers, special salesoffers for the region, along with buildinga relationship of the Airline with the localtravel agents.

Royal Rose Hotel UAE Nickolas Chatzipetros is the new Deputy General Managerof Royal Rose Hotel, the first 5-star property owned by the Bin

Ham Group and managed by the City SeasonsGroup of Hotels. In his new role, Chatzipetroswill assist and deputise the hotel’s GM andwill ensure that the brand standards areefficiently implemented. An all roundedhotelier with vast experience in Hotel Pre-

Openings and high class Food & Beverageoperations, Chatzipetros has worked

in various proper ties in theMiddle East, Europe, andAsia.

Royal Tulip Alexandria Egypt Ahmed Hisham is the new Director of Sales & Marketingfor Royal Tulip Alexandria. Hisham was formerly DOS formany hotels like IntercontinentalHotels Group, Conrad, and Directorof Sales & Marketing for Grand NileTower, Dusit&Ibrotel. He has a vastexperience in the hospitality sectorfor both the international and localtourism market.

Monte-Carlo Beach Club, Saadiyat Abu Dhabi Bill Loveday has been appointed as the new GeneralManager of Monte-Carlo Beach Club, Saadiyat. With morethan 25 years of experience in premiumhospitality management, Loveday mostrecently worked at The Capital Clubs inDubai and Bahrain. He has alsomanaged a number of other clubsacross the US, including the prestigiousHouston Club. He is passionate aboutfine dining & drinks andhas even trained as asommelier.

Mövenpick Hotel & ResidencesHajar Tower Makkah Saudi Arabia Adel Erfan is the new General Manager ofMövenpick Hotel and Residences HajarTower Makkah. In his new role, Erfan hasbeen tasked with managing all hoteldepar tmental operations as well asenhancing the presence and profile of oneof Makkah's landmark hotels. An Egyptiannational, he has over 32 yearsof experience in the GCCregion.

Emirates to launch services to TaipeiEmirates announced the

launch of non-stop passengerservices to Taipei, its 16th

destination in the Far East. The service will com-

mence from February 10,2014, initially with six flightsper week to Taipei’s TaoyuanInternational Airport.

The route will be operat-ed by a three class Boeing777-300ER equipped witheight luxurious private suitesin First Class, 42 lie-flat seatsin Business Class, and gener-ous space for 304 passengersin Economy Class, along withgourmet cuisine in all classes- served by Emirates’ multi-national cabin crew. Taipei,home to nearly seven millionpeople, is an economic andcultural centre withrenowned sights, attractions

and a myriad of shoppingoptions.

“Emirates SkyCargo hasoperated a dedicatedfreighter service to Taipeisince 2003. Given its statusas a global trading hub andthe demand, it is a naturalprogression for Emirates tolaunch passenger services toTaipei,” said Barry Brown,

Divisional Senior VicePresident CommercialOperations East, Emirates.

Emirates’ home, Dubai isanother world-class tradingcentre and this launch is astrong example of not onlylinking two great commercialdestinations, but also pro-moting international traveland trade. Through Dubai,

Emirates offers its interna-tional passengers a one-stopconnection from Taipei to 70countries in the Middle East,Africa and Europe.

“We are confident that thisnew route will open up newtrade opportunities across theEmirates network as well assupport business and tourismtravel to Taipei,” concludedBrown. Emirates now operatesservices to 134 destinations in76 countries from Dubai.Earlier this year Emirateslaunched services to Warsawand Algiers, followed byHaneda, Japan in June.

Emirates has announcedplans to launch services toStockholm starting 4th

September, to ClarkInternational Airport in thePhilippines among others.

World’s highest suspended hotel suiteSt. Regis Hotels & Resorts, part of Starwood Hotels & Resorts,Inc., announced the debut of The St. Regis Abu Dhabi. Theproperty features 283 sumptuously-appointed guest rooms,including 55 elegant suites, all offering panoramic waterfrontviews of the Arabian Gulf. It also features one of the world'shighest suspended hotel suite - loftily positioned 200 mt aboveground between the two towers.


According to the latest fig-ures of UAE National

Bureau of Statistics, touristsand investors are increasinglytaking in UAE-bound flights,estimated 361,000 visitorsfrom China to UAE during Q1 2012.

As there is a hugepotential in the UAE-Chinaair move, the new agreementwas signed by the Head ofthe UAE delegation SaifMohammad Al Suwaidi,Director General, GCAA andthe Head of the Chinese

Delegation Han Jun, DirectorGeneral of the InternationalAffairs Department of theCivil Aviation Administrationof China.

Representatives fromAbu Dhabi Department ofTransport, Dubai CivilAviation Authority, Sharjah

Department of Civil Aviation,Etihad Airways, EmiratesAirlines, Air Arabia and fly-dubai attended the signingceremony.

Saif Mohammad AlSuwaidi stressed, “With thisnew agreement, the desig-

nated carriers will haveaccess to and from new mar-kets in China. Not only will itimprove the cultural ties, butwill contribute in furtherboosting the trade, invest-ment and tourism betweenUAE and China.”

Adding that UAE andChina enjoy prospering tradeand investment ties, UAEexports to China exceedAED1 billion and importshave reached AED54 billionin 2012.

The two delegationsagreed to increase passengerand combination service frequencies for operations toUrumqi, Xining, Kashgar,Yinchuan and Zhengzhou.The Chinese agreed unlimit-ed frequencies with third,fourth and fifth freedom traffic rights at Haikou, Sanyaand Yinchuan for passengerand combination and all-cargo services for the designated airlines.

An agreement was signed on August 15,2013, betweenthe UAE represented by the General Civil AviationAuthority (GCAA) and the Government of the People’sRepublic of China in Yinchuan, Ningxia.

UAE carriers look East


With this new agreement, thedesignated carriers will have an access to and from new markets in ChinaSaif Mohammad Al SuwaidiDirector General, GCAA

The highly anticipated346-room Waldorf

Astoria Ras Al Khaimah isexpected to delight experts ofluxury with many distinctive

features. The property isdesigned to bring true luxuryand sophistication to RAK forthe first time. The hotelbrand has attracted some ofthe most well-known figuresfrom history to its doors since

its first hotel opened over 80years ago.

"Waldorf Astoria Hotels& Resorts are known for ele-gance and amazing experi-ences across the world pro-vided to their guests," saidJohn T.A. Vanderslice, GlobalHead of Luxury and LifestyleBrands, Hilton Worldwide.

"Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah willportray these valuesto become adestination of choicefor travellersseeking style,service andcomfort."

Including beautifullydesigned over-sized roomsand suites, Waldorf AstoriaRas Al Khaimah will boast offirst-class 18-hole champi-onship golf course, a 350-metre private beach and

two temperatures controlled outdoor pools.

It will also offer one ofthe Emirate's largest spa'sfeaturing 1650 sq mt of surroundings with 12 luxuri-ous bespoke treatmentrooms. An array of treat-ments incorporating indige-nous herbs and rituals willalso be offered.

Waldorf Astoria Ras AlKhaimah will also offer facil-ities for meetings, businessand social gatherings.

There has never been alaunch of such world classluxury brand in the UAE. Nowthe same quality of serviceand amenities in the MiddleEast reminiscent of thosesuperior brand values of lux-ury experience is offered.Seeking an authentic Emiratiexperience, Ras Al Khaimahis rapidly becoming a popularchoice among the travellers,be it leisure, adventure or cultural.

Hilton Worldwide's luxury brand of landmark hotels,Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts announced on August1, 2013, the opening of Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah.It is the brand's first hotel in the UAE.

Waldorf Astoria enters UAE


John T.A. VandersliceGlobal Head of Luxury and LifestyleBrands, Hilton Worldwide