Truth Alive: January 2015




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Volume 6 Issue 1 January 2016 40

Your choice: new paint job... or, brand new? - Bob Shank

Remaining Virtuous - Vannessa Grossett

Dear Readers,

At a time, when we have made a fresh starting on the advent of a new year 2016, it is an occasion to thank God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for leading us through the journey of life in the past one year.

We shall submit ourselves as families committed to the will of God, so that our Lord helps us in everything we aspire to do in this new year. The cover story is about family, as the element that describes mutual relationship among mankind, is a declaration of God.

News in this season accounted many heart breaking natural calamities, particularly the unexpected flood that drowned city of Chennai in India. It is horrendous to see the face of terrorism turning uglier, as ISIS issue fatwa against innocent children with disabilities, particularly with down syndrome. Interventions that enabled the court of law to deliver men of God, who were in judicial captivity across globe, kindled joy and hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us praise Lord for His un-surmounting ways that is sure to encourage us in strengthening our faith.

Need to position ourselves for God's blessings is elaborated in the light of scriptures as a sermon by Pastor Bertin Kenfack. A great expression of God's love is exposed in a touching narrative of a mother that explains valuable bondage between a father and their little daughter with Down Syndrome in the article 'Beauty Redefined'. Sis. Vanessa Grossett, in her article urging women to remain virtuous. An experience sharing included will educated youth to get disciplined by understanding what God expects from us.

With hopes, aspirations and renewed efforts let us know more from Word of God, this year.

'With Best New Year Wishes and Prayers'

Dr. C.V. VadavanaFounder & Chairman, Sathyam Service Trust

“but, as for me

and my house,

we will serve

the Lord.”

(Joshua 24:15)

The Association For Theological Education by


MTh Programme


Pastoral Theology

MissiologyStarting January 2016

Through Distance Learning

Do you have:?A desire to acquire further skills in the area of Pastoral Theology or Missiology

while continuing in your ministry??an ability for independent theological thinking??A determination to pursue a disciplined programme of study at an advanced level??At least three years of experience in some form of Christian ministry??Plus a BD/M.Div) with at least a second class

You can apply for an ATA (Asia Theological Association) accredited MThOR a BTS/BTh/BMin or equivalent and three years ministry experienceOR a Bachelors' Degree with at least five years of ministry experienceyou can apply for a TAFTEE awarded MTh in Applied Theology

lDistance learning by specific course books, reading, personal research and a

structured workbook related to your ministry.

lMonthly area tutorial/seminar work in a local group under the guidance of a

suitably qualified tutor

lresidential schools – twice a year. (These schools normally take place in


The first residential school will be held from January 12-21, 2016The following faculty will teach at this residential school:

Dr. David Ball PhD (Sheffield University) Dr. Ajithkumar PhD (Annamalai University)

Dr. Muthurajswamy PhD (Edinburgh University) Dr. David Samuel PhD (London University)

For a prospectus and application form visit the website

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Ever since the first issue in 2009, Truth Alive has been a leading monthly magazine for Christian families around the globe.

It is published by Truth Ministries, a humanitarian charity into social ministry, education and evangelization.

Volume 6 Issue 1 January 2016 40


Beauty Redefined........................................17

Joni and Friends

God Proclaims Family as Basic Unit of

Human Relationship..................................18

Vinod Vedamani Vadakkot

Teens 103

Do We Really Have to be Diciplined?......25

Ammishaddai Ofori

Article for Women- Remaining


Vanessa Grossett

Check up - Book Review..............................26


January 2016


January 2016

Each one of us enters the New Year with great expectations. We are full of hope and that is not baseless for God Himself said in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Considering these beautiful words of God I can confidently proclaim that God will prosper you this year than last year. God has no plan to harm you but instead, He intends to give you a hope and a future. I want to provide you with the wisdom to position yourself to receive all that He has in store for you this year 2016. First of all I want to justify the importance of positioning yourself to receive the blessings of the Lord.

The critical matter of positioning

Though God is Omnipresent and omnipotent, it is striking to realise as we read the scriptures that His mighty power was not displayed everywhere the same way. We read “He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their lack of faith.” (Mark 6:5-6) This is an observation of the impact of the ministry of Jesus in His hometown Nazareth. He did not perform as much blessings there as He wanted. His mighty power was hindered. The familiarity of the people of Nazareth made the place not conducive for His miracle. Beware of any familiarity with God this year. Return to your reverent attitude in your transaction with Him.

This other incident that happened in the city of Bethsaida will further reveal the necessity of right positioning. “They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man's eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" He looked up and said, "I see people; they look like trees walking around." Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were

opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, "Don't go into the village"(Mark 8:22-26). Jesus the Almighty God had to take the blind man out of Bethsaida to process his healing.

Why could He not heal him right there in Bethsaida? This city was full of unbelief and consequently cursed by the Lord. We read “Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. "Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes” (Matthew 11:20-21).

We read this time in chapter 6 still in the book of Mark “Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis. There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man. After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears. Then he spit and touched the man's tongue. He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, "Ephphatha!" (which means, "Be opened!"). At this, the man's ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly” (Mark 7:31-35). This is a find a similar procedure as in the first case just that here the Lord does not take the patient out of the city but out of the crowd. The atmosphere provided by the crowd was surely not conducive to the manifestation of the power of God and Jesus separated him from such an environment to be alone with him and bless him with healing.

You now understand that God will not just bless you anywhere you are. There is a need for you to be at the right place with right people around you. Most people ignore this principle and just mingle with everyone at random.


By Pastor Bertin Kenfack


January 2016

Consider the action of Jesus in the house of Jairus (Matthew9:23-25); When He said that the girl was asleep the flute players ridiculed Him. He sent them out. Notice that it is written: “After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up”. The blessing of resurrection came upon the girl after the crowd of unbelieving people were put out of the room. Their presence would have been a hindrance. Notice that there may be some specific relationship you may need to expel out of your life. There is a blessing in store for you. God is just waiting for you clear up your environment and He will shower you with amazing blessings this year.

The promise land.

The issue of positioning occupies a central place in the Old Testament. When God delivered the people of Israel from Egypt, He was bringing them to a particular place where he could lavish them with good thing. The Almighty God dragged them for 40 years through the desert to bring them to that specific place called the Promise Land. (Exodus: 3:17) Do not foolishly say the Almighty God will bless you where ever you are. There is a need for you to ensure that you are at the right place.

The blessed land of Galilee.

Now let me draw your attention about the city of Galilee where the first miracle of Jesus was performed (John 2:1-11) the Bible tells us after Jesus performed that miracle of transforming water into wine that his disciples put their faith in Him. But soon the entire city was giving to Jesus such that when Peter kept denying being part of Jesus' team, the point of conviction was that he was a Galilean. “A little later someone else saw him and said, "You also are one of them." "Man, I am not!" Peter replied. About an hour later another asserted, "Certainly this fellow was with him, for he is a Galilean." It appears clearly here that to be a Galilean meant to be with Jesus. The faith of the Galilean for Jesus qualified them to provide the best meeting point for Jesus to meet His disciples after His resurrection. “Don't be alarmed," he said.

"You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you” (Mark 16:6-7). Galilee was not chosen at random. It was a place of faith. It was a place the resurrected Lord could appear to His disciples and rekindle their lost faith. There is a right place for you. I believe that place is the fellowship of true disciples of Jesus, the Church full of faith where Jesus is exalted as per His Word. As you expect God’s abundant blessings in 2015, I urge you to find a faith full Church and wholeheartedly commit yourself there and build a strong relationship with mature disciples there. That will surely be a strategic positioning as you expect God's revolutionary visitation in your life.

Spiritual positioning.

I have explained to you the necessity of positioning from a geographical perspective to make you understand its criticality; but spiritual positioning is way beyond just a geographical location; it is first and foremost an attitude of heart. The Bible reads concerning Daniel “Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them”(Daniel 10:12). You see from the moment Daniel set his heart to gain understanding and humble himself before God, he actually positioned himself to receive spiritual visitation. This was an attitude of heart. Set your heart on God this year more than last year. If you expect more blessings this year than last year, your positioning must be better this year than last year. Let God take His rightful place in your life. Let Him build a beautiful and spacious throne in your heart. Spend more time with Him in reading His word. It is so shocking how many believers go through years together without ever having read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Put an end to such self deception this year. Spend time in His Word: read it, study it and meditate it.


January 2016

Bangalore News

For the Relief of Chennai Flood VictimsAn NGO in Bangalore Kindled the Wave of Compassion

BANGALORE: When the report of flood reached Bangalore, HOPE leadership decided to allocate Rs.5,00,000/- for the relief. That was when Prabhu from HOPE in Mumbai called up and said that an organisation from Mumbai called 'Stop Hunger' wanted to donate 30,000 packets of food, each packet containing enough food for 2 people. Soon every region under HOPE agreed to provide some funds for relief, as well as some corporates, food and medicines. The Bangalore church also collected money on Sunday for relief work. Soon it was becoming more and more evident how God was moving the hearts of people to provide help for the suffering victims of Chennai! Times foundation (Times of India) wanted to partner with HOPE to provide relief. Corporate entity Juniper, offered 1,00,000 packets of food, and Tupperware - company offered to send 20,000 vessels for the victims. By 7th of Dec, 14 tonnes of relief materials were on the way to Chennai. The Chennai HOPE and church staffs, as well as other disciples were ready to distribute and help.

Eight Christians Accused of Forced Conversions Acquitted by Court in Karnataka

BANGALORE: A court in Puttur in Karnataka acquitted eight Christians accused

of forced conversion, ruling that the defendants were innocent of the charges of forcing a Hindu to convert to Christianity. "This is a victory not only for the eight innocent Christians, but for the entire Christian community,” The eight men were arrested in September 2007 after someone in the village of Balya accused them of going door to door to proselytize. After hearing the complaint, police in Kadaba registered the case against T Sebastian, K Varghese, M Thomas, S Babu, V Baby, T Joseph, T James and T Alexander. The judges of the Fifth Additional District and Sessions Court in Puttur acquitted the Christians and ordered their release.

"Second Class Citizens": 15 Christians arrested for alleged forced conversionsPuttur, Karnataka: Police in Puttur in Karnataka stop celebrations to "protect" the Church, surrounded by Hindu radicals. The religious authorities called to testify and handed rules for future prayer services. These included the obligation to notify the police. Catholic leader: "In secular India, Christians are persecuted and vulnerable.”

Bangalore (Asia News) - The Christian minority "is vulnerable and subjected to harassment and persecution by both extremist as well as authorities, who are responsible for protecting citizens. Clearly, Christians are considered second-class citizens in secular India”, says Sajan K George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC).



January 2016

India News

Christianity growing in northern India despite Fanatic hostilityPunjab, INDIA: Missionaries in northern India say extremists are increasingly trying to entrap them with trumped-up accusations of forced conversions. But the rise in persecution isn't dissuading true converts, who are turning to Christ in larger numbers, according to new census data. “I received a call from this lady who said, 'I have read about Christ, and I want to change my religion,'” said missionary Kanak Chauhan (not his real name). “She was pushing me to say something like, 'I will help you to change your religion,' and once I say that, it can become a problem in India.” In spite of persecution, a recent census showed the very small Christian minority is growing in several north-eastern states, is a fact.

Pentecostal pastor shot dead in eastern IndiaJharkhand, INDIA: Chamu Hasda Purty, 54, of the Independent Pentecostal Church, was shot dead in Sandhi village of the state's Khunti district. Police officials said they are unsure of the motives for the murder and that the attackers are on the run. Nuas Mundu, a close family friend, told that a group of armed men barged into the minister's house and one of them shot him. Christian leaders have reported several cases of attacks against Christians during recent times in the country. The motive “is to terrorize Christians” said Subhash Kongari, a lawyer and district president of Rashtriya Isai Mahasangh, the national Christian forum.

GSCC Pastor Attacked in Tamil NaduTamilnadu, INDIA: Pastor Lenin, working with Good Shepherd Church of India in Tamil Nadu was attacked by a group of religious fanatics on September 7, 2015 at around 12 noon. While he was speaking with someone at Chinnamunur village of Theni District in Tamil Nadu. Three people believed to be members of a fanatical group came on a motor cycle and slapped the pastor on the face without first asking or saying anything. They punched him repeatedly and he fell to the ground, lying unconscious for about 20 minutes. By the time he came to his senses, a larger group of about 20 people who belong to the same group had gathered. Pastor Lenin was bleeding from his mouth and nose and later they tore his shirt and removed his belt and tied both of his hands and dragged him to the local

police station. He was detained at the police station from 12:30 PM till 5:30 PM without any first aid or medical attention given to the pastor.

Christians Assault by Fanatic Elements in TelanganaTelangana, INDIA: Forty Christians were severely beaten by fanatic elements in India's Telangana state last month after holding a prayer meeting in a private home. According to International Christian Concern, several Christians were injured in the attack, including a pregnant woman who later lost her unborn child. The Christians had peacefully met in a house in the village of Balanagar, but later that evening a mob of 60 traditional extremists arrived shouting anti-Christian slogans; they soon began beating those inside the house, not sparing any of the women and children. "This is a cruel act carried out in the name of Hindu nationalism," Pastor David, leader of the Independent Church in Balanagar, told ICC. "Fringe religious radicals portray Christians as anti-nationals, so innocent Christians are punished for no wrong doing."

Grand Christmas Celebration by Differently-Abled in Justin's HomeKerala, INDIA: Justin's Home celebrated this Christmas by cutting a giant Christmas Cake weighed 500 kg. The cake was cut by the differentially talented among the differently-abled namely, Ms. Kanmani Sasi, National award winners Maneesha Susan Philip and Anjan Satheesh, Special Olympics participants P R Suresh and Yohannan Chandy and Justin Vadavana. Meliora progressive Band entertained the audience with a Christmas musical Band performance. An art exhibition of the pictures drawn by Ms. Kanmani and Sunny Punaloor was held from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm at Sathyam Trust hall on the same day

Christmas Gathering at Sathyam Mission School Gujarat, INDIA: Teachers, Caretakers, Students

ndand their Parents assembled at 10 am on 22 December 2015 in the school, to celebrate Christmas and to commemorate and thank Lord Jesus Christ for enabling them in achieving greater success and for having initiated new programs like tree planting and other welfare projects.


January 2016

World News

The Islamic State has reportedly issued a fatwa ordering the elimination of children with Down syndrome and other congenital disabilitiesMosul, IRAQ: According to the Iraqi activist blog Mosul Eye, sharia judges have ruled that ISIS followers are authorized to kill infants with Down Syndrome or congenital deformities. Already since the religious decree (fatwa) was issued, militants have killed at least 38 children between one week and three months old by lethal injection or suffocation. It has taken the peace from earth as Bible exposes in Revelation 6:3-4 — The 2nd Seal – Red Horse rider given a great sword, takes peace from the earth. In a post on the Mosul Eye Facebook page, the group claims that any child with a disability is now at risk of being killed, and released a brief video showing disabled children. The killings reportedly took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, the northern Iraqi city seized by ISIS in June 2014. “As if it is not enough for ISIL to kill men, women and the elderly, and now, they kill children,” they said.

Jesus is Making Front-Page Headlines in IsraelISRAEL: Already on the first day of exposure, the numbers of visitors and comments are enormous. The second largest internet portal ( in Israel is putting Hebrew-language testimonies about Jesus on their front page, and 95% of Israelis are hooked into the internet every day, all day. Walla!, the mainstream Israeli media giant, is producing, at their own expense, a series of up to 24 live interviews with Messianic Jews about Jesus. In the interviews, a well-known Israeli actress asks Israeli Believers questions about faith in Jesus. Management at Walla! had noticed popular video clips about Jesus produced by the Israel College of the Bible (ICB) on social media. In an unprecedented and exceptional move for a mainstream Israeli media company, Walla! ask-ed the team at ICB if they could produce their own series about Jesus for the Israeli public.

Fifty Fierce Female Christian Warriors from Syria to Fight Islamic State Militant SYRIA: The militant Islamic state has systematically driven thousands of Syrian Christians from their homeland and killed and enslaved thousands more. The battalion, known as the “Female Protection Forces of the Land Between the Two Rivers” – those two rivers being the Tigris and Euphrates – graduated its first recruits in August. So far, about fifty women have graduated from its training camp in the town of Al-Qahtaniyeh. NASA studies indicate that the Fertile Crescent region in the Middle East is losing fresh water at a rapid rate. It is a prophesy coming true from the Bible in Revelation 16:12 – 'And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. According to the Times of Israel, one fighter, Babylonia, 36, told AFP, “I'm a practicing Christian and thinking about my children makes me stronger and more determined in my fight against Daesh (ISIS).”

'It's truly a miracle' – kidnapped Syrian priest escapes from Islamic StateSYRIA: A Syrian priest who was captured by Islamic State militants in May thought he would die for his faith. “This is the miracle the Good Lord gave me: while I was a prisoner I was waiting for the day I would die, but with a great inner peace. I had no problem dying for the name of Our Lord; I wouldn't be the first or the last, just one of the thousands of the martyrs for Christ,” the Syriac Catholic priest, Father Jacques Mourad, told Italian TV 2000. “The first four days we were in the mountains, locked up in the monastery's car we were captured in,” he said. “On Aug. 11 we were taken to near Palmyra, where there are 250 other Christian prisoners from the city of Al Qaryatayn.” Father Mourad was prior of the Monastery of Mar Elian in the Syrian town of Al Qaryatayn, about 60 miles southeast of Homs. According to the priest, 40 other Christians were able to


World News

escape the same day as his interview with Italian television.

Despite Persecution Wycliffe Bible Translators "Speechless" at Dramatic Breakthroughs Around the WorldOrlando, UNITED STATES: Wycliffe Associates, a global organization that involves people in the acceleration of Bible translation around the world, announced that it has launched or re-launched 203 translation projects worldwide in 2015. The organization is currently engaged in a large effort called Vision 2025, a plan to have a Bible translation started for every language that needs it by 2025. According to the news release, Vision 2025 is a worldwide endeavor that involves national Bible translators, translation consultants, volunteers, and financial donors. Currently there are 3,377 languages that need a Bible translation project started. Of the 2,883 languages in the world that have the Scriptures, 531 have an adequate Bible, 1,329 have an adequate New Testament and 1,023 have at least one book of the Bible. A Bible translation is now in progress for 2,195 languages worldwide.

The Stunning, Incredible Way God's Word has Caught Fire, Especially in Places like Iran, because of This...IRAN: "As we see the magnitude of 200 million installs, what we're really celebrating is what that number represents: countless moments of individuals transformed by their time in the Bible." Something incredibly powerful is happening with the Bible all over the world—the Bible app that is. The You Version Bible app has now reached a whopping 200 million+ installs globally. When the app was launched back in 2008, there were 12 versions of God's Word offered, in 2 languages. Today, there are 1,200+ Bible versions in about 900 languages and counting, with Persian being one of the most recent language additions. And that latest addition has caused the installation of

You Version to skyrocket in Iran especially, where installs of the app are up a spectacular 1886%!

In “Highly Provocative” Act, Iran Fires Rockets Near US Navy WarshipsIRAN: In what a US military spokesperson called a “highly provocative” act, the Iranian navy test-fired rockets in close proximity to a number of US navy warships, including the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier, in the Gulf last week. The USS Harry S. Truman was escorted by two other warships, and a French frigate and US destroyer were also in the area where Iran fired the rockets. According to a US military spokesman, one rocket was fired from within about 1,500 yards of the USS Truman after the Iranian navy gave very short notice via radio – 23 minutes – that it was about to conduct a live-fire exercise. Though the rockets were not aimed or fired towards any ship, the incident raised grave concerns over the threatening nature of the act, which took place in one of the world's most important shipping lanes.

The First Catholic University Opens In Iraq IRAQ: Despite the ongoing persecution of Christians in the Middle East at the hands of Islamic extremists, the Gospel continues to move, as the first Catholic University recently opened in Ankawa, a Christian town north of Erbil, Iraq, on land provided by the Chaldean Church. The University is open to anyone who wants to pursue higher education and training, including young refugees, and will provide of programs, including oriental studies, information technology, languages and economics. In addition, 96 courses will be available in Biblical and theological studies. Since the Islamic State terrorist group seized Mosul and the Nineveh Plain in 2014, over 100,000 people sought refuge in Erbil. At present, there are only around 300,000 Christians left in Iraq from over a million in 2002.

January 2016


January 2016

For the next few weeks, we’ll all be shaking

the holiday dust off our tongues. Standard

greeting, at least until the Pro Bowl: ”Happy New


Everybody wants new; it’s top of the list,

always. We reach to the back of the milk case at

the grocery store to get the container with the

latest expiration. We want a new car - instead of

a lease-return that lost its drive-off depreciation

with the first oil change - so we’re not “buying

someone else’s problems.” We don’t want the

prototype iPhone 7... but we’d love to be the first among

our friend pool to have the latest-and-greatest tech toy

from Cupertino.

Funny, isn’t it? That’s our mindset regarding

products and consumables... but we tolerate

much less than that when it comes to our own


Lots of people are feeling some tension

right now: they’ve been in their New Year for

almost a week, and they’re “late” with their

homework. Our culture assigns the task, every

January: come up with your New Year’s

Resolutions. Most default to a variety of less-

than-best options; it becomes a personal wish-

list of slight improvements on an old version of

their current life that wasn’t ever best-in-class.

God didn’t create the New Covenant relationship for us to have with Him - through Jesus Christ - to simply make us better: ”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has

come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

His plans were not for a remodel of what we built before we partnered with Him: ”You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful

desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds;

and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true

righteousness and holiness,” (Ephesians 4:22-24).

Before you get too far in that “lose the 10 pounds I picked up between Thanksgiving and the Bowl Games” swirl, take another look at what’s possible: are you satisfied with just an improved version of yesterday... or, would you like to become the new person - completely different than what you have been settling-for - that God made you to be?

At the risk of sounding philosophical, allow

me to pose a question: are you waiting to

become a new person to do new things... or, do

you become a new person through doing new things?

Walter Mitty is Hollywood’s fantasy answer of the different-by-doing approach; you are supposed to be the living-and-breathing example of the way God wants it to really work!

Forget resolutions. Shred the “be a better

listener” list you’ve been working on since you

put away the Christmas tree. Start a new roster

for a new year, to introduce the New You. No more resolutions: instead, create initiatives.

Bob Shank

Your choice: new paint job... or, brand new?

( )continued on page 20...


January 2016

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January 2016

Christmas Programme

We Care for Our Children

Justin’s Home


January 2016

Dear friend,

The conference in Kerala is only 20 days away! With time running out, this may be your last opportunity to register for the 2016 on-site training conference, happening right in your own state.

Participants in the Managing the Magazine course will learn valuable lessons on strategy and financial management from an international team of publishing professionals, including David Renard, Rick Edwards, and Marcos Simas.

In the Editing the Magazine course, respected editors Courtney Camerin, Marshall Shelley, and Shibu Matthew will share vital editing principles and the secrets editors use to produce a great magazine on time and on budget.

Take advantage of this rare opportunity to attend both courses in order to strengthen and build a more appealing magazine on a solid foundation for a more secure future.

Please note that the courses are now shorter than originally planned, since we will not offer consecutive translation. However, simulaneous translation will be available on request.

Here are the new dates:

Managing the Magazine 24-28 January beginning Sunday after supper and ending at 3 pm on Thursday

Editing the Magazine 31 January-4 February beginning Sundayafter supper and ending at 3 pm on Thursday

We hope you will join us at what will be the last conference in India for the foreseeable future.

See you in Kochi,



Pope Francis invited Christians to open the doors of their hearts to Jesus

preferred the darkness; the Word came unto His own, but they did not receive Him; they closed the door in the face of the Son of God.”

So he asked Christians to be alert to the mystery of evil that threatens them daily.

Before saying goodbye to the thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, he returned to make one of his most popular remarks.

“Keeping a little Gospel in your pocket or purse will do you good. Never forget: Let’s read a passage from the Gospel each day.”

He also called on Christians not to forget to build and achieve peace, as the motto of the World Day of Peace this year, “Overcome Indifference and Win Peace”.

Christ. He later explained how to achieve it.

“Drawing near to the Gospel, meditating on it and incarnating it in daily life is the best way to understand Jesus and bring Him to others”.

The Pope recalled the passage from the Gospel of John that explains that “the Word became flesh and he is not welcomed .” He said that mankind closes the door to God and choose to live in the darkness.

“The Word is the light, and yet men have

Magazine Training in Kerala


Seeing Yourself and Others as God Sees You By Shauna Amick, M.Ed.

We had just checked into the hotel after a fourteen-hour drive, and all five of us wore the badge of weary traveler.

It was then that it happened. Sarah dropped her suitcase with a thud and gasped so loud that the rest of us turned to see what the matter was. Whatever Sarah saw didn't just grab her attention, it took her breath away.

She took off down the hall and the rest of us ran to catch up. What we found waiting for us was an elegant sunken dance floor, designed for wedding reception father-daughter dances. Sarah was instantly transported into the ballroom scene of her favorite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast. Sarah had no doubt seen that movie a hundred times. She had reenacted it over and over again in our living room at home, but now-standing in front of this grand ballroom-Sarah became Belle. Her daddy put down his bags, reached out his hand, and invited Sarah onto the sparkling marble tiles. “Can I have this dance, my love?” Sarah took her father's strong hand. Alone on the dance floor, they began a magnificent waltz.

Before long a crowd gathered. Hotel guests on the way to their rooms stopped to watch and whisper. Cleaning ladies put their rags down, tears welling in their eyes. Witnessing this love between a father and his child—knowing that in that moment my daughter believed herself to be the exquisite apple of her daddy's eye—it all brought special joy to my heart, too. What mother wouldn't melt at that sight? I soaked up the significance of the dance, and then I wondered… Would this scene be quite so poignant if Sarah didn't have Down syndrome?

I've been captivated by the pure radiance of my friends with physical and cognitive disabilities. Sarah has given me this gift. Through Sarah, God has shown me the absolute brilliance of Himself placed within humanity, His image bearers, for in the image of God has God made man (Gen. 1:27).

It's not in how anyone looks at all that determines if we are beautiful. It's the deep simplicity of grasping that we are God's workmanship-His masterpiece!-that assigns value and shouts from the rooftops, “You are beautiful!”

Joni Eareckson Tada explains: “It is the same God, who made beautiful sunsets and gorgeous mountain meadows has made you. He made you just the way you are. You are exceptional because God is the Artist.”

“Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me” (Song of Songs 2:10). Can you hear Him calling you, too? You might only see yourself as worn out and weary from the road, but the Lord your God is enthralled by your beauty. He longs to trade a crown of beauty for your ashes; a joyous dance of blessings for your mourning, and a garment of festive praise for your despair (Is. 61:3).

Beauty redefined allows us to see purpose in even the most painful parts of our past. It moves us to be more forgiving, more accepting of ourselves and others.

Stop for a moment, fix your gaze upon the beautiful image of Christ within, and let Him take your breath away

Shauna Amick, M.Ed., serves as the director of Joni and Friends New England, upholding the vision of accelerating Christian ministry in the disability community. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and three children.

Beauty Redefined

January 2016


As God has gifted the New Year 2016, it is imperative to ponder through the Word of God, with the light of knowledge and word of wisdom to understand God's will about families. The period we are living by, is amidst explosion of worldly knowledge that promotes self centered thoughts in every man, which blindfolds him or her to be selfish in all respect, resulting in the breaking up of family relationships.

Marriage is a sacred covenant of relationship between a man and a woman that is enduringly endorsed by God's will, as mentioned in Matthew 5:32, which clarifies that if a man separates himself from his wife, except on grounds of sexual immorality, he is allowing her to commit adultery and if another man marries a woman who has been separated, also commits adultery. Marriage is a relationship that requires God's will for the spiritual union of a man and a woman.

In 1 Corinthians 6:15-18 Paul says, a believer of Lord Jesus Christ is an integral part of the Body of Christ, whom God expects to remain holy, so he urge every member in the church to keep away from sexual immorality.

God reveals His great love and compassion towards man in Genesis 2:18-24, whom He made in His own image with a desire to have fellowship with mankind. To keep man happy and lively, God created everything on this earth. Furthermore it is disclosed that God named every creature and things, as per what man called each of them. After all things and living beings were created for man, God realized that no living being among them could be a companion or helper for man, so he created women from man, as his own kind with characteristics and abilities that compliment

man's needs so that they can live together as one flesh. Hence marriage between a man and a woman is according to God's plan. It is imperative that God wanted to have fellowship with families.

In Old Testament book of Deuteronomy 6:6, 7 states that God wants man and woman who are made one flesh through marriage to have children and He instructs man and woman to minister to their children, on behalf of God. He orders man and women to educate their children as they grow, about God's instructions to mankind, thoroughly. So the ministry begins in a family, which is the basic unit of human relationship. In the New Testament Apostle Paul writes in1 Timothy 3:3,4; that indicates Gods will for man is that he disciple his family in the manner God likes that is to be gentle, follow financial ethics and must manage his family soundly by keeping his children under his power to be polite and obedient. Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-3 and Colossians 3:20 discloses that God's will for the children is to honor their father and mother, so that Lord God prolong their life and enable them to live in the land He gives them.

Seeds of Ministry must expand and spread as detailed in the Gospel according to Mark 10:7, which answers, why should a man leave his mother and father when he is married! It is to establish a home with his wife that specifies the reason to observe 1Timothy 3:3, 4, which prepares each child to be a man or woman who understands God's will.

Family must maintain a happy, harmonious and holy life observing our Lord Jesus Christ and His unselfish love for the Church, of which each family is a part. Word of God prescribes


By Vinod Vedamani Vadakkot

January 2016


the nature of relationship between husband and wife in Ephesians 5:22-31 and Colossians 3:18. Husband must love his wife and wife must respect her husband, thus both must be accountable for God's love for them. It is insisted that the head of the family must be husband and wife should be submissive to her husband. Responsibility of the family is on husband.

To maintain the purity of families, Word of God explains in 1 Corinthians 7:2 that each man should have his own wife and each wife should have her own husband. In 1 Corinthians 7:10 Word of God forbids wife from getting separated from her husband. Husband should not leave his wife is a decree of God as per 1 Corinthians 7:11.

John 10:10 cautions about an intruder who intends to break up families. The satan is waiting for a chance to enter the mind of each member of every family, like a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. When a member is disappointed or angry, satan robs the God's words that shields our mind, then kills faith in God and by shutting door of our mind for our Lord Jesus Christ to enter, destroys the peace of mind, which tempt every person to sin.

Whereas, Lord Jesus Christ says, 'I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].

It is important that the family share the love of God that our heavenly father has given us, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Every member of Family has to assemble together in the name of Jesus Christ, as when possible, to praise and worship our Heavenly Father, God Almighty and let the powerful anointing of Holy Spirit to help everyone in the family to enjoy the fellowship and pray for all our needs. Word of God is also the greatest promise that can be claimed by the believers through faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To those who are called by God to entirely devote to the Lord Jesus Christ like Paul himself, he urge them to remain single throughout life as stated in 1 Corinthians 7:8.In this New Year, it is an opportunity for each family in Christ, to begin afresh and observe the will of God, as revealed by the Word of God, so that Love of our Lord Jesus Christ is displayed to the whole world, as the ultimate message of salvation.

continued from page 18

January 2016


January 2016

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Short, brief, Lasting Effect

You’re assigned to create and live a life active on four fronts: your Personal core (body/mind/ soul/spirit), your Family relationships (marriage/parenting), your Professional realm(career/resources), and the Kingdom (impact on other believers/impact on the world). The 2016 game-changing question: as the leader assigned to live your life for maximum eternal impact, what new initiative in each category would demonstrate the incredible potential of the New You?

Initiatives are out-of-the-box endeavors. Goals advance the ball down the field of life; initiatives are game-changing pursuits that become strategic inflection points in life. What single thing could you do in 2016 in your Personal, Family, Professional and Kingdom arenas that would make 2016 the most amazing year you’ve ever had?

continued from page 13

Your choice: new paint job... or, brand new?


Yes this can apply to all Christians, but this has been specifically written for women, as us ladies hold a special place in the church. We are relied upon quite a bit, and make up most of the congregation. Recently I have witnessed women becoming worldlier in terms of attitudes and attributes. There can be so much pressure for us to be everything for everyone that sometimes we don't know whether we're coming or going. God understands our emotions, which is why He taught us in His Word how we should behave. There are many scriptures that will teach us virtue or being a virtuous woman, such as proverbs thirty-one. Since I cannot write everything in this article, these are the three main tools to remaining virtuous.

1. Submission to Christ: - Recently I met with a Pastor friend of mine from Yorkshire, and his wife. He mentioned during a conversation, that he was sadden by the amount of women who 'throw,' themselves at him, even in front of his wife. Unfortunately this is not unheard of and it is sad. We are not supposed to be like the proverbs chapter seven woman, this is not who God has created us to be. Remember leaders are human beings; they are a vessel chosen by God to do His work, just like you and I are but in a different calling. Scripture 'Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.' 1 Peter 5:6.

2. Let go of vanity and be modest: - I was in

complete shock when I saw online videos of

women given exaltations, wearing tops so low that you saw their bosoms. I have also seen videos of ladies in ministry competing with each other, i.e. who looks the best.

Lets read, 'Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewellery, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful.’

3. Being a helper, supporter: - 'The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18. Nowadays it is very rare that we associate ourselves with the word 'helper,' however when you read virtuous women in the Bible such as Sarah, Ruth, and even Queen Esther these women were helpers, especially to their husbands, Eve was created to be Adam's helper. Being a helper I believe is a special role, there is nothing like serving others, this is what God has called us to do, 'Galatians 5:13 "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serves one another.”

Sisters let's get back into check. I believe many of us have been living by standards of how society expects us to be, for far too long. Whether you're single, married, separated, divorced or a single parent this still applies to you. Let's go back to God way, remain virtuous.

Article for Women


January 2016

Vanessa Grossett is a Literary Agent and represents fiction and nonfiction authors. In her spare time she is active in her local church, and loves spending time with family.


January 2016

I was reading a list of suggested New Year Resolutions for the Pope, last week. It had some great suggestions, which made me think about what David would list as his resolutions. The first five may not be very surprising, but after that, some are unexpected.

The cross references to the resolutions is separate, so the resolutions are in David's own voice. The Resolutions:

1. Praise the Lord at all times.2. Boast only in the Lord, and glorify His Name, not my own.3. Pray in the morning and the evening,

The New Year Resolutions of a King

By Cate Russell-Cole

especially when things get rough. 4. Meditate on the Word of God, and His goodness.5. Wait patiently for God's help and hope only in Him.6. Be strong and courageous.7. Work to make what I say and what I think, pleasing to the Lord.8. Fulfill my promises to God.9. Spend my time around Godly people.10. Manage my anger.11. Tell people about God.12. Act in a godly way within my own home, so I have no guilt in my heart.

Immanuel, "God with us" ...We say it every year.It is my prayer, that from these wordsyou'll learn to hold them dear.

You see, my friends, God is notdisconnected, far off or uncaring.He is the One who holds us close.His love is bold and daring.

Intimacy with us is His great desire,our hearts what He longs for most,but our sin demands a heavy price:one must give us the ghost.

But if, because of sin,we are all doomed to diewith whom then could He relate,this God up in the sky?

So Christ came to us as a carpenter's childinstead of as a king.He was despised. He was rejected,and acquainted with suffering.He bore our sickness and diseases,endured the naked shame

of hanging falsely accused upon a crossto die and take our blame.

Because "God so loved", He sent His Sonto die, to pay the price,we are now free from sin and shame.We have gained true paradise.

Our God is not capricious,acts not from anger or on a whim.He brings light into our darkened lives.All glory is due Him

He sides with us, and walks with us,the price in blood applied.Through all life's trials and tests He goes.With us he has identified

So please dear ones, this Christmasas we sing of God on highallow him in to soften up your heartand thank God who came to die.

His death was not enough aloneto make our hearts revivefor from the grave He then arose Praise God, He is alive!

by Gardiner Jones



Tiny SoulsJanuary 2016


January 2016

I found these anonymous quotes on integrity helpful when I was trying to write on this topic.

1. “Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain.”

2. “Be more concerned with your integrity than your reputation, because your integrity is what you really are, while reputation is merely what others think you are.”

3. “There is no higher value in our society than integrity.”

4. “Integrity is doing right thing when no one is watching.”

King David sings in his confessional psalm that God desires integrity in the inner man (Look, you desire integrity in the inner man – Ps. 51:6). He writes this psalm after his adulterous episode with Bathsheba. The reason, I think, for God calling David a man after his own heart was his openness to acknowledge his sin before God. Scripture often reveals that “People look on outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (I Sam. 16:7).” Psalmist was ready to confess his sin and repent because he has realized that he cannot flee from the presence of God (Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? Ps. 139:7). Integrity is a matter of heart and for God it matters more than our external pretence. Often we do not show our true colours, instead, we put on masks and lead people into illusion. This is called hypocrisy. This may work with people but not with God. He knows inside out of us and sooner we confess the better it is for us.

In this article, I would like to focus on integrity in matters of relationships. Any relationship that drives us away from relationship with God is questionable. David realized this fact as he

chants before the Lord for forgiveness in Psalm 51. Solomon realizes this fact much later in his life when he says in the book of Ecclesiastes, Meaningless! Meaningless! Everything is meaningless! Before it is too late for us, it is good for us to confess before the Lord our sinful attitude and seek for Christ's righteousness.

Integrity, in my opinion, is not just doing right things all the time. As fallen human beings we fail many times. But integrity is that ability which makes a person, accept that he/she is on the wrong side. David goes on to say in the following verse: You teach me wisdom in the inmost place (Ps. 51:6b). Through this process of acknowledging our sin before God, we learn lessons for life from God. He initiates a process of catharsis/cleansing in our hearts. Today, what the world needs is, a few people with integrity than a bunch of talented/fabricated people.

Integrity not only pleases God (I know, my God, that you examine thoughts and are pleased with integrity – 1Chron. 29:17) but is also rewarded by God (The Lord rewards each man for his integrity and loyalty – 1 Sam. 26:23). Often times, we spend most of our lives impressing/pleasing people and tend to neglect to live a transparent life before God who searches hearts. I encourage you to examine your heart if it is right before God this moment. If you have any unconfessed/secret sin in your life, this is the time to get right with God and seek His righteousness. As the song writer says, only Jesus is our hope (Jesus, Only Jesus)Who has the power to raise the dead? Who can save us from our sin?He is our hope, our righteousness! Jesus, only Jesus. Amen.


Look, you desire integrity in the inner man – Ps. 51:6

by Isaac Neelam


When my siblings and I were kids, we nicknamed our dad Okuntay (pronounced oh-coon-tay). That's because dear daddy was so strict we gave him the same name as our headmaster who was definitely the strictest man we knew at that time. (Don't try to debate, my headmaster is stricter than yours: P). So yeah, Okuntay used to give us all these many rules we thought at that time were unfair punishment.

"Be home by 5 pm if you go out" "Be showered and in your PJs by 6 pm" "Don't play with the neighborhood kids who wander far away from their homes" "You can do better in your exams even if you got 90%" You feel me?

The rules got more relaxed as we grew up. We could come back home at 6 pm! And then 7 pm, then on and on, was Okuntay really being unfair? Was he punishing us for stuff we didn't do? 25 year old I say no. I have come to appreciate the benefit of daddy's discipline, thank you dad. Today I want to share what God has given me from Hebrews 12:4-11. It is captioned, God Disciplines His Children.

"In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens ev-eryone he accepts as his son." Hebrews 12:4-6

God's discipline is not only repercussions for our sins but also discipline in the form of training. Like how Okuntay made us return home early to keep us safe. Or learn harder for exams to be first in class (here's where I brag a bit). God's discipline is for our own personal gain. Discipline in fasting makes as more aware of our spirit beings. We are disciplined to become better versions of ourselves till we

come to the full realization of all we can do and become on earth. "Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." - Ephesians 4:13 NIV

Does that mean God's discipline will relax with time like Okuntay's? Well I know God doesn't change. He will discipline us still but it gets relatively easier because we learn to obey him more absolutely, with every progress we make in our disciplined life. Just like the more we go to the gym, the easier it seems to get. We are able to lift heavier weights than the first weights we ever lifted. But the weights don't get lighter do they? In contrary, they actually get heavier but we just have more muscle strength to lift them. And when we do lift the heavier weights, we get buffer.

Again scripture is always on point. "They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness." Hebrews 12:10 NIV "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV

So next time you hear the word 'discipline', you know you don't have to trip or fret or fear or whatever emotion it is you display. Be excited! Like an overweight man going to the gym to shed off some pounds. "because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 2:3

Let us continue to "be #AWESOME Christians with a Hash Tag", as always.


Teens 103


January 2016


The Long-Awaited Book From Duck Dynasty's oungest Couple

A Boy Who Journeyed Far To Become A Man.

A Girl Who Found Her Way Back To Become A Strong Woman.

The Love Story That Made Them Whole.

Jep Robertson and his wife, Jessica, write about their personal trials, their early years together, and the challenges that could have destroyed them both had the grace of God not intervened. Jep opens up about a traumatizing experience he had as a child, and his reluctance to tell anyone about it until only a few years ago; and his downward spiral into drug and alcohol abuse as a young man and the eventual intervention of his family that brought him out. Jessica reveals the shame of her first marriage, while still a teenager, that ended in divorce and all the hurt that came along with it, much of which was from the church. Her insecurities

spun out of control as she wondered whether she would ever be good enough or pretty enough.

This book is their love story, but more importantly, it's their love story for God.

"We are desperate to let people know that no matter what you've done, no matter what you've lived through, you can come out of it. You can be washed clean. You are redeemed."

The Good, the Bad, and the Grace of God

Check Up (Book Review)

(Book by Jep Robertson and Jessica Robertson with Susy Flory)

January 2016


January 2016

Reg. No - KERENG/2009/30950Postal Reg. No - KL/TLA/228/2016-18WPP Reg. No.- KL/TLA/WPP/161/2016-18Published on 08/01/2016

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