Trim Your Lamps - Ernest Angley (1993)


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  • 8/8/2019 Trim Your Lamps - Ernest Angley (1993)


    July 1993

    Topics: Holy Spirit, NeedsSupplied

    Volume 8 The Miracle of Su pply

    by Ernest An gley

    The Lord made man for His honor and glory, and He wants to be

    glorified through mankind. If people will look to Him, trusting

    Him with all their hearts, God will supply. God is moving for Hisobedient Children, giving them understanding of the miracle

    supply: how He wills to supply and how He is supplying. I

    willopen you the w indows of heaven, and pou r you out

    a b lessing (Malachi 3:10). The windows of Heaven are now

    open all the time upon the obedient.

    Bu t my God shall supply all your ne ed accord ing to his

    riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Not by

    might, nor by powe r, bu t by my spirit, saith the Lord of

    hosts (Zechariah 4:6). By His Spirit it is done. Realize that the

    miracle supply comes by His Spirit. Look to Him for the miracle

    supply for soul, mind and body.

    When God made man and woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden, they were connected

    with Heaven; God's big windows were open to them all the time. But when man disobeyed God,

    the windows closed. Sin broke the connection between man and God.

    There is much to learn about God's miraculous supply, much about the windows of Heaven, how

    they opened at different times in Old Testament days. God moved and blessed, but the windowsdid not stay open. Man was at fault.

    Then the great hour of Calvary came, a new day dawned. The Lord made a great door back into

    Eden, a door in the form of a cross. No other door would be sufficient. Although Jesus gave us the

    door, Heaven's windows still had to open. It took the resurrection to open them and the coming of

    the Holy Spirit Himself. The Holy Ghost descended from Heaven to take up His abode in the

    bodies and souls of mankind, to tabernacle with mankind.

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    The prophets of old came on the scene with "Thus saith the Lord! Thus saith the Lord!" In the

    Early Church, it was "Thus saith the Lord! Thus saith the Lord!" And the Word of God poured

    forth. What a mighty flow of the Word it was!

    The windows of Heaven flew wide open for the Early Church and remained open for over thirtyyears.

    In that time the Early Church evangelized the known world of their day. Miracles and healings

    took place in great numbers as people came into the Kingdom. The obedient were on the job, doing

    business with Heaven day and night. God was moving, shaking people with His power. He would

    not let the obedient be hindered. He even killed to keep the Church clean.

    For lying to the Holy Ghost, Ananias and Sapphira paid with their lives. Peter said, Anan ias,

    why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost? And An anias hearing

    these words fell down , and gave up the ghost (Acts 5:3, 5). Not long afterward, Sapphira waskilled for telling the same lie. God wanted no sin, no ugly disobedience in the midst of His people,

    for He knew that was what had forced Him to close the windows of Heaven again and again on

    mankind in the past.

    God killed King Herod because he would not give God the glory due Him, but wanted to be a god

    himself. And the people gave a shou t, saying, It is the voice of a god, and n ot of a man.

    And imm ediately the angel of the Lord smote him, b ecause he gave n ot God the glory:

    and he w as eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost (Acts 12:22, 23).

    Oh that the windows of Heaven could have stayed open! The Lord wanted them open for the

    whole Church Age, but man's disobedience and indifference made it impossible for God to keep

    them open.

    Many, many years ago, Joel the prophet foresaw the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the latter rain

    that is falling in our day. In this final hour the windows of Heaven are open once again all the time;

    they have opened because of the Bride's contact with and obedience to God. Through obedient

    man and woman, God has been able to do it. In this miraculous hour, God will do anything and all

    things for the purification of the Church, for the Bride of Christ. No power is going to destroy the

    greatness for her; no evil will be able to defeat her, saith the Lord. She will be a Jesus overcomer in

    this the last hour. With the windows of Heaven open upon her night and day just as they were in

    the Early Church, the Bride sees signs, wonders, miracles and healings. The blind cry, "I can see!"

    Deformed bodies come to normal. The Bride of Christ is victorious because all Heaven fights for

    her the way the angels battled for the Early Church, bringing victory, victory, victory.

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    Great joy, peace and contentment, great strength and health belong to the Bride of Christ. God will

    bless her and stand by her. Robed in the righteousness of God, the Bride wears the whole armor of

    God. Whenever people have clothed themselves with the whole armor of God, the windows of

    Heaven opened upon them. In Old Testament days, just one person, one great prophet of God at a

    time, experienced the open windows of Heavenand then the windows closed. Down through the

    years, man again and again has caused God to close the windows of Heaven, and He could not

    move on man's behalf. Mankind did it with their evil ways and disobedience. In arrogance they

    turned their backs to the God who had made them. Refusing to glorify His name, they forgot

    Godand He could not remember them. How sad that thieves try to rob God and He has to close

    the windows of Heaven!

    The twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew holds a great lesson concerning the coming of the Lord. These

    are the words of Jesus Himself: Then shall the kingdom of heaven b e likene d un to ten

    virgins, which took their lamps, and w ent forth to meet the bridegroom. And five ofthem w ere w ise, and five were foolish. Although five were wise, five foolish, they all were

    virgins, all pure. It will take more than a pure heart to be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of

    an eye at the Rapture no matter what anyone might tell you.

    They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: Bu t the w ise took

    oil in the ir vessels with their lamp s. The ten virgins took their lamps (the human body) and

    the vessel (the soul). Notice, Jesus said the wise virgins took oil, representing the Holy Spirit, in

    their vesselstheir souls. The foolish had no oil in the soul. They were saved, the Bible says they

    were virgins pure and clean, but they omitted the oil. W hile the bridegroom tarried, they all

    slumber ed and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom

    cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed the ir

    lamps. In this last hour, you must trim your lamp.

    And the foolish said un to the wise, Give u s of your oil; for ou r lamps are gone ou t. Bu t

    the wise answ ered, saying, Not so; lest there b e not en ough for u s and you: bu t go ye

    rather to them that sell, and bu y for yourselves. And w hile they wen t to buy, the

    bridegroom cam e; and they that were re ady wen t in with him to the m arriage: and the

    door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to u s.

    Bu t he answere d and said, Verily I say un to you, I know you n ot (Matthew 25:1-12). TheBridegroom does not recognize the foolish virgins as part of the bridal company.

    Do you think the parable of the ten virgins has nothing to do with the coming of the Lord? The

    thirteenth verse plainly says,W atch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hou r

    whe rein the Son of man cometh (Matthew 25:13).

    A few weeks ago the Holy Spirit started saying to me again and again, "Trim your lamps!" It's time

    to trim your lamps, to check the oil of the Spirit in your soul.

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    Song of Solomon 1:3, Becau se of the savour of thy good ointmen ts thy name is as

    ointment pou red forth. The name of the Lord is as a fragrant ointment, or oil, poured out. The

    fullness of the Spirit is flowing; there is no scarcity of it. Now you can have all you need; but if you

    wait until Rapture time, you will not have the oil of the Spirit, and you will not be changed in a

    moment, in a twinkling of an eye. All who miss the Rapture will be left in the Tribulation Period.

    A lamp is any device for producing light. We are lamps that are to give forth the light of Jesus in

    this last hour. A lamp is also a source of knowledge or wisdom.

    The sun is God's lamp in the day, the moon in night. Added to the sun and moon are the stars. All

    are God's lamps. Think of the Children of God as being lamps for the Lord, shining like the sun,

    moon, stars through the dark night of this life. The light of Heaven is meant to shine through the

    Bride to humanity just as the sun, moon and stars shine their light to the Earth.

    There is no darker place than far out in the country on nights when no moon or stars appear at all.Some nights begin very dark, and then suddenly a full moon comes up and all the beautiful lamps

    of God, the stars, light up God's Heaven.

    The Lord is going to light the Earth with His lamps, His obedient, consecrated Children; but those

    lamps must have the wick of the human spirit trimmed.

    The wick that burns with oil to produce light or heat is often enclosed in a glass tube or chimney toprotect the flame.

    As a child, I saw the care that had to be taken with lamps and their wicks. Living on a farm with no

    electricity, we were taught to be careful with the lamps. A little boy among seven children, I always

    seemed to be mixed up in some sort of prank. The results of my actions I had to face lateroften to

    my regret. One night at our long country supper table, there just wasn't enough excitement for me.

    I was quite young, prone to act on the spur of the moment, but still old enough to know better than

    to do what I did. My parents, busy talking, were not watching me. In the center of the table, a lamp

    burned brightly. I had just taken a large mouthful of milk when a wonderful thought came into myhead. What would happen if I were to spit that mouthful of milk into the oil lamp? Giving the

    matter no serious consideration at all, I acted on impulse. Before anyone could stop me, I spit all

    that milk down the lamp's chimney. What an explosion! It scared the daylights out of all of us. But

    that was just the thunder; lightning was about to strike. You would have thought by their reaction

    that I had tried to kill my whole family, that I was a criminal. It had never occurred to my parents

    to tell me not to spit milk into the lamp; they thought warning me not to touch it was enough. I

    didn't accuse them of not telling meI knew where milk was supposed to go: down the throat.

    Needless to say, never again did I try such an experiment.

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    Just as I destroyed all the light that night, many people are destroying the light of God in the lives

    of others by their words and actions. As I was destructive to the lamp, they are destructive to

    people. I spit out something I wasn't supposed to; it came right out of my mouth. Much

    destruction is coming out of the mouths of people. Of course I should have known better than to

    spit a mouthful of milk into a lighted lamp, and many today should know better than to spit out

    harmful words.

    In James 1:26 we are taught to bridle our tongues: If any man amo ng you seem to be

    religious, and b ridleth n ot his tongue, b ut d eceiveth his own heart, this man's religion

    is vain.

    I've heard people today use words that were so destructive they caused explosions, ruined lives and

    hindered the work of God. But the Bride, living in the wisdom and knowledge of God, won't have

    any part in that. Her tongue will be restrained by the bridle of love. She will not destroy people

    with words; her words will be seasoned with the perfumes of Jesus, the love, grace and knowledge

    of Him. Giving the gentle touch of Jesus to others, serving Jesus, the Bride will never gossip.

    Destructive, hurtful words do not come from her lips. To hurt people with words is cruel, cruel, adevilish thing. Inspiration for hurt is from the devil, not the Holy Spirit. Cruelty grieves the Holy

    Spirit, and He backs away from the cruel one.

    Don't be afraid to let your light burn all the time; don't extinguish it like that Angley boy

    extinguished the table lamp. I was guilty, thoroughly scaredeven stunnedbut fear and regret

    didn't take away the explosion. Fear is a terrible thing. It took just one experiment, and I learned

    my lesson.

    Some people cause explosions again and againruin, hurtand still never learn their lesson. They

    become frightened, run off a little, pray, find they are still aliveand then take the same disastrous

    path all over again.

    The human spirit, represented by the lamp wick, is very important. Like the lamp wicks of old, it

    must be given great care. My mother carefully tended the wicks. She knew when it was time to

    trim them. The supper table would be aglow with light when the wicks were newly trimmed and

    the chimney cleaned, much brighter than the night before. On seeing the renewed brightness we

    knew what had happened. Mom had trimmed the wick, cleaned the chimney. That lamp had

    received attention. The human spirit, too, must be given attention, trimmed.

    Trim your wick, the spirit in your life. There are things we can do, saith the Lord. We can do a lot

    of trimming. The Lord gives us His wisdom, knowledge, strength and power to trim the human


    Trim means to set in order, to prepare, to clip or cut off the unnecessary, the hindrance. Cut off

    any block to the flow of oil in order to have all the benefits of bright light.

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    A person might trim dead branches off a tree. That which isn't alive should be trimmed off. All

    deadness of spirit must go if the light is to shine forth from your vessel the way God intends it to


    Trim also means to balance a ship by shifting its cargo or contents. Our lives many times are out of

    balance because our perspective of God is off, and we have to do some shifting. No need for us to

    sit around waiting on God to rearrange our "cargo" for us; He expects us to do it. We can make

    adjustments to bring our lives into balance with the Word of God: Trim out the things we know we

    shouldn't do; take hold of the things we should do. Arrange for prayer time each day, for fasting

    time, for studying the Bible, for many things the Lord has called for through His Holy Word. The

    Bible is a direction Book, telling you how to put your life into perspective with God's will.

    When a ship's cargo is shifted for balance, it isn't thrown overboard. You may not have to throw

    something in your life overboard; just shift it into perspective. Make sure the most important

    things aren't shoved into second or third place. Many put God lastor close to iton their list of

    priorities. They get around to God eventually; but they don't treat Him the way they should, and it

    hinders them. Like a ship out of trim, they lose headway. If they would just stop, shut themselvesdown for a little and reason with the Lord, He would help them know what needs to be done.

    When God made the first man, He put everything into proper order. Adam in the beginning was

    well balanced; his mind worked with God's mind; his thoughts were on the things of God. Before

    sin entered, there was no problem with the spirit of man. The wick was trimmed just right.

    Nothing in the spirit of Adam clogged the wick because he didn't participate in anything unlike

    Goduntil he disobeyed God. Before that he didn't even have knowledge of anything that would

    contaminate. Contamination entered the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve reached out for the

    forbidden fruit. Come no w, and let us reason together, saith the Lord (Isaiah 1:18). When

    your thinking is off balance, your life is out of kilter.

    Growing up on a farm, I was accustomed to the many ways the farm supplied our food. When it

    was time for a chicken dinner, Mom would select a chicken, wring off its neck and prepare it for the

    table. One time my sister thought she would be the one to fix the chicken, but she hadn't mastered

    the knack of neck-wringing. She caught a chicken, wrung its neck around and around, then got

    frightened and threw the chicken down, head still attached to the body. Now a partially strangledchicken lay on the ground, kicking. When it finally got up, it discovered its balance missing. That

    chicken looked like a drunkard as it staggered away from my sisterwho was too upset to deal with

    it again. Before the ordeal, that chicken had no problem with its sense of balance; but after being

    choked, it couldn't move the way it did before. Gradually, the chicken began to take in more and

    more air until the next day it acted normal. I never knew of my sister trying to kill another

    chicken. She had thought it would be easy, but it wasn't.

    Some people are like that chicken; the life of God becomes partially choked out of them by some

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    upsetting experience. Not breathing freely, not taking in the proper amount of heavenly air, they're

    off balance and they can't function the way God wants them to. Heaven has the air of God we

    need. The strength and the breath of God must be ours, spiritually speaking. If we don't have the

    strength of God operating in our lives, we're in trouble.

    Just as something happened to put that chicken off balance, something has happened to certain

    Children of God, and they're off balance with the Word of God. It's the Word that sets your life in

    order so you can walk with, think about, talk to God in the same love and honor toward Him from

    your heart that the first Adam had before sin entered. In return you can be honored by God just

    like Adam was.

    The second Adam, Jesus, came and made it possible for you to become a son or daughter of God

    through the Spirit of the living God, through Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary. Wherefore come out

    from among them, and b e ye separate, saith the Lord, and tou ch not the un clean

    thing; and I will receive you , And w ill be a Father u nto you, an d ye shall be m y sons

    and d aughters, saith the Lord Almighty(II Corinthians 6:17, 18).

    God's supply is divine, of course, from Heaven. Trim your lamp and be rid of anything that dims

    His light. Be well balanced in the Lord, a healthy Child of God in this final hour.

    No matter how much of God you have in your soul, if you don't have your priorities straight, you

    are off balance. Like the ship, your mind must be loaded right if you expect smooth sailing. Some

    of you are off balance in your mind, and the Lord wants the correction made. You can say you

    don't understand, you can't help yourself, but God can help you. The Holy Spirit will direct youhow to put everything into place so that your mind will be well-balanced in the Scripture, and will

    function through God's love. The human mind was made to perform through the love and

    presence of God only, not by itself without the help of God. We must be connected to God, working

    hand in hand with Him like the first Adam.

    The Lord looks upon us, tells us what our trouble is; but if we refuse to do anything about it, what

    more can He do? God deals with people, letting them know what needs to be put into place.

    Although His plan is laid out in His Word, many will not yield to God's plan. They don't feel the

    necessity of it, nor do they realize their performance is lacking; yet the Lord seeks to help them.

    The improperly balanced load of an airplane means trouble. I have been on planes that flew

    partially empty. Passengers were asked to sit in certain places to balance the weight. You will fly

    better with the Lord when you balance your life in the Word. Are you going to leave your car

    lopsided, or will you do some shifting?

    Of course it's bothersome to shift things around; of course you need to make extra effort, but in this

    life you will have to exert yourself many times when you may not want to. Shifting can cause

    trouble, but God is our r efuge an d strength, a very present help in troub le (Psalm 46:1).

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    Heaven is the place where there will be no trouble; but on Earth, we have God to be our help.

    Being balanced right involves change. To trim means to change one's opinions. Changing opinions

    is hard for bullheaded people. Are you bullheaded? To satisfy God, be willing to change your


    Trim means to keep a middle-of-the-road policy, to compromise. Some of you won't compromise;

    in fact, you take pride in not compromising. The Lord says you must change, come His way, give

    up self. But you refuse. You are set in your ways; you were born like that and you are determined

    to die that way. God can't work with such an attitude. Jesus said, I am the way(John 14:6).

    Trimming will dispel wrong opinions of self. You must compromise self into the greatness of God;

    decide to cast aside your opinions and beliefs as you take Thus saith the Lord and believe what He

    tells you in His Word. Isn't that a compromise with self? A just compromise. Trim means


    Trim also means to arrange, to order, to condition. A person can arrange a condition of spiritual

    order in his or her life.

    A wick that isn't properly trimmed loses its power, its value, doesn't function effectively. Some

    people don't keep their spirit of self trimmed, don't feel the necessity of it. They become satisfied

    with the dim light they carry. Jesus said,Ye are the light of the w orldLet you r light so

    shine before m en, that they may see your good w orks, and glorify your Father which is

    in heaven (Matthew 5:14, 16). We are to be the light of the world; not careless, indifferent,

    thoughtless about being the light God wants us to be, thinking we shine brightly enough.

    Many times we throw out our opinions, say whatever we want to say and justify hurtful words by

    insisting we only told the truth. It wasn't the time to open the mouth; it was a time to pray. By not

    listening to God's direction, we didn't let our light shine.

    If you are having difficulty with the mouth, you need to trim your lamp. The wick, your human

    spirit, must be trimmed. It's the human spirit that causes you to stop drawing on the oil and to rely

    on self. Why blame the devil for mistakes of the human spirit? The human spirit can be a terror all

    by itself. If the human spirit isn't right, isn't well balanced, it causes chaos and trouble. Somepeople say the devil made them get into trouble when they got there with no help at all from him.

    The human spirit in them did it. The human spirit can rebel without any demon causing it.

    Some Christians carry a dim, dim light because the wick, the human spirit, doesn't have the care it

    needs; it is not trimmed. The wick, I say again, should be taken care of often.

    You can become accustomed to a dim light. Perhaps your light once was bright and you loved it;

    but you were negligent in caring for the wick, the human spirit, and God's light grew dimmer and

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    dimmer. Now the wick is clogged and fails to draw on the oil in the right way. Do you have the oil

    of the Holy Spirit? If so, let it flow freely.

    Trimming is done also by clipping or cutting. Sometimes a lot of things need to be cut out of your

    life. You can't sit around waiting for the Lord to do all the trimming, for there are things you must

    do for yourself before He can work. Arguing with Him about what to cut out of your life certainly is

    not helpful. The Lord is telling you that He gives the wisdom, the knowledge and the things you

    are to do.

    Film editors cut out of the picture all that would distract or slow down the action. You can, if you

    are willing, cut out things in your life that hinder your actions in working for God. You can edit

    your own life. It's in your hands to edit your own life, saith the Lord. You're to do that. Many of

    you have depended on God to edit you, but He gives you the wisdom, the knowledge from His

    Word, the directions, the know-how to cut out of your life that which is dimming your light. God

    will not take away your disobedience and bad habits; He lets you cut them out. You are an

    intelligent being, and God wants to work with you, wants you to take instructions.

    Good parents teach children to do things for themselves. At first the children need total assistance,

    but as they grow, they learn to solve more and more problems. For instance, when their socks work

    down in their shoes, the parents say, "Honey, now you fix it like this"; and before long, they adjust

    their own socks. Then it's "Honey, this is the way to tie your shoes." The Lord has "honeyed" you a

    lot, letting you know how to walk His path. Now it's time to "tie your own shoes"; there are things

    for you to do. He's teaching you how to live: take instruction. Come, reason with the Lord.

    The human spirit, like the wick, needs much attention, care. It's potentially dangerous, yet a

    workable, essential part of the lamp. You will not have lasting light from a lantern without a

    well-tended wick. The well-tended human spirit draws the oil of the Holy Spirit, and the wick

    draws oil from a lamp. The more the wick draws on the oil, the brighter the light. It's the same

    with the human spirit: the more the human spirit allows the Holy Spirit to flow, the more the light

    of the Spirit shines.

    The Holy Spirit gives a supply of oil that never runs out. When you are filled with and yielded to

    the Spirit, you have no scarcity of the oil of the Spirit. It gushes forth like a mighty oil well. Never

    will you be able to use it all.

    This is the pouring out time, the shining time for God's people, the time to let their light shine on

    planet Earth in a great way. But the human spirit must be given over to the Holy Spirit, given the

    care it needs or the light won't shine.

    Keep the human spirit trimmed right and you will have a bright shining light. The foolish virgins

    did not feel the need of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but when the human spirit is trimmed right,

    that need is felt.

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    The Rapture will be miraculous. You need the baptism in the Holy Spirit to make the Rapture.

    You need the bright, bright shining light of the oil of the Spirit to meet Jesus in the air, that power.

    Jesus is coming in midair, not all the way to the Earth; and you who are ready will be changedin a

    mome nt, in the twinkling of an eye (I Corinthians 15:52).

    If your body, the lamp, is to be changed at the Rapture, the wick, the human spirit, will have to be

    trimmed just right, yielded completely to the Holy Spirit. The vessel, your soul, is the reservoir for

    the oil. The wise virgins, remember, took oil in their vessels, in their souls. The foolish virgins did

    not have oil in their vessels; the reservoir was not filled with oil.

    What? know ye not that your body is the temp le of the Holy Ghost which is in you,

    which ye have of God, and ye are not your ow n? (I Corinthians 6:19). If you are baptized in

    the Holy Spirit, He dwells on the inside, and your body becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit. Many

    claim to have the baptism in the Holy Ghost, but they really don't have Him because they have not

    given themselves one hundred percent to the Lord.

    To have the real baptism and keep it, you must give yourself wholly to the Lord so He can dwell in

    your tabernacle of clay. For ye are bou ght with a price: therefore glorify God in your

    body, and in your spirit, which are God's (I Corinthians 6:20). Glorify God in your body and

    with the human spirit; all of you belongs to Him. You are not your own because Jesus paid the

    price for you.

    Two forces bid for the soul of man: God and the devil. Souls are on the auction block. People who

    were sold in the slave markets had no choice of owners, but the soul of man has a choice. It can

    choose to serve the Lord or the devil.

    The devil bids a false peace. Jesus bids Heaven's peace, everlasting peace. The devil bids a good

    time on Earth, happiness in sin. The world's lights will shine for you, he promises; and you can do

    anything you want, satisfy every lust of the flesh.

    Jesus steps up, saying,W hosoever w ill come after me, let him de ny himself, and take u p

    his cross, and follow me (Mark 8:34). He lets you know you will have to bring self under

    subjection to His will, His Word; and if you do, one day Heaven will be yours with its eternal

    happiness. As you are en route, the Lord will give you His peace, His joy.

    The devil bids the material things of life no matter how they are obtainedby lies, theft, murder or

    whatever. But Jesus bids a heavenly mansion:In m y Father's house are m any man sions: if it

    we re not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2). And so

    the bids go. The devil can't cross over into the Lord's realm to make a legitimate promise of

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    well-being for eternity, and the Lord let us know why. Eternity the devil offers is hell, everlasting

    torment. You may enjoy sin for a season on Earth, but enjoyment is suddenly cut off when you

    enter the devil's eternity.

    Listening to the bids of Lucifer is dangerous. He displays much confidence in his bids, but his

    promises are false. He knows his destiny, his doom; and he tries to cover up eternity in his bids, to

    blot out death and God's judgment. It is appointed u nto men once to die, bu t after this the

    judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Only by way of the Rapture can death be escaped. Live it up here on

    Earth, the devil says, but he remains silent on the sinners' true fate after the grave. Drink, be happy

    today and act as though you will live on Earth forever. Many are deceived.

    The bid of Jesus ensures eternal life, eternal glory, eternal peace, eternal everything wonderful. In

    Heaven you will never be sick, hungry, in need. Those who have taken Jesus' bid have accepted

    Him as their Master. No servant can serve tw o masters: for either he w ill hate the one,

    and love the other; or else he w ill hold to the one , and despise the other (Luke 16:13).

    You serve either the devil or God; take your choice.

    With honesty and straightforwardness, Jesus draws back the curtain separating life and death when

    He bids a Heaven to go to and warns of a hell to shun. The righteous will live in eternal bliss; the

    ungodly will be turned into hell along with all who forget God.

    How many have accepted Jesus' bid? How many are willing to deny self? All too few. Those in

    eternity who accepted the devil's bid would be very persuasive missionaries if they could return.

    Jesus tells of the rich man who died and in he ll he lift up his eyes, being in torme nts (Luke

    16:23). He had enjoyed much wealth in this life, but was a penniless, tormented soul in the next.

    He wanted Lazarus, the poor beggar, to go to his brothers and bring them into the arms of the

    Lord. While he was yet alive he probably never mentioned God to them. Now he was concerned

    enough to try to warn them not to join him in hell.

    If those in hell today could send out messages, warnings without number would fly out: Don't come

    here whatever you do! But there is no message coming out of hell; God's message is not to be

    preached by the damned: it isn't His will. God has raised up His servants, vessels of clay whom He

    fills with His Word to share Thus saith the Lord with others. Those who won't accept His Word

    have no Heaven awaiting them, only hell.

    Trim your lamp, trim your lamp! Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed the ir lamps.

    And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for ou r lamps are gone out.

    Remember, their lamps were trimmedthey were purebut they didn't have the oil. What is the

    oil? It's the oil of the Holy Spirit. Why, why did they miss it? Why didn't they have the supply?

    Because they didn't believe God, didn't accept the Word of God.

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    If you don't have a supply of the oil of the Spirit in your soul, it's because you haven't accepted what

    thus saith the Lord, the Word of the living God, but have taken instead man's opinions. You have

    separated from God's Word that which you want, and pushed aside what God wants. Even though

    the Lord commanded the disciples to receive the Holy Ghost, you don't feel you need Him. Maybe

    one dayThe baptism in the Holy Ghost is not an option, but a command of Jesus:And b eing

    assembled together with them, comman ded them that they should not depart from

    Jerusalem, bu t wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have he ard of

    me. For John truly baptized w ith water; bu t ye shall be baptized w ith the Holy Ghost

    not man y days hence (Acts 1:4, 5).

    The disciples were not to go forth thinking they could do the work of Jesus without the baptism in

    the Holy Ghost. Yet many today dare go forth without the baptism in the Holy Spirit, trying to

    carry on the work of Jesus; and it can't be done. They didn't receive the oil of the Holy Spirit and

    are unable to light the way for people into the righteousness and holiness of God. They've failed

    God. The human spirit cannot light the way; it takes the Spirit of God working through the human

    spirit to light the way.

    Now in this last hour, the call of the Holy Spirit is: Trim your lamps! Be sure you have plenty of oil

    in this pouring out time. Why should anyone come up lacking? The lack comes when the human

    spirit is not yielding to the Lord, not yielding to the Word or doing what God said to do. The

    human spirit is the only thing that can keep you from the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit is for everyone: For the promise is un to you, and to your children, and to

    all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord ou r God shall call (Acts 2:39). The Lordyour God calls you to salvation; then He calls you to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The promise of

    the Spirit is for you. Rejecting the promise of the Holy Ghost means you reject the nine gifts of the

    Holy Spirit as well as the fruits of the Spirit. To reject so much of what the Bride has in this final

    hour means you will never be a member of the bridal company unless you change and accept the

    Word of the living God. You will never have the Biblical miracle supply, saith the Lord, without the

    Holy Ghost baptism.

    The Holy Spirit is the miracle worker, the one who flows the miracle supply to each Child of God.

    If you want the miracle supply, you must yield to the miraculous one, the Holy Spirit Himself. No tby might, nor by po we r, bu t by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6). By the

    Lord's Holy Spirit, the miraculous supply comes. His Spirit should electrify every Child of God who

    is filled with Him, give each one courage, vision, vivid sight and the heart to accept the Holy Spirit

    in every way.

    I'm sensitive to the touch of the Holy Spirit, of the angel that reaches out to touch me. His touch is

    like a human touch at times and at other times such a divine touch that I don't really know how to

    explain italmost like a feather touching the skin, or the presence of a touch. Be sensitive to the

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    touch of the Holy Spirit. Become knowledgeable, concerned about the ways God works.

    Trim your lamp daily. Don't let the wick go unattended; don't let concern for other things crowd

    out your care for the wick. In this hour we must trim our lamps daily; we must, saith the Lord. We

    must shine brightly for Him. If the wick is not kept trimmed, the Lord loses much through your

    life. Keep it trimmed so God's glow can go forth.

    It would be a sad, cold world without the moon, the stars, the sun, with great darkness everywhere.

    But one of these days, the light of God will be taken out, and this world will be thrown into chaos.

    When the Bride is raptured, her light will go with her, and there won't be much light left, not

    enough light to keep people out of the pits of the enemy. Such awful darkness is coming!

    John the Revelator wrote down his vision concerning events in the Tribulation Period: Lucifer's

    kingdom w as full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain (Revelation

    16:10). The sun b ecame b lack as sackcloth of hair, and the moo n be came as blood: Andthe stars of heaven fell unto the e arth, even as a fig tree casteth her u ntimely figs

    (Revelation 6:12, 13). What a terrible time it will be! No wonder John the Revelator said that

    people ran, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mou ntains; And said to

    the mou ntains and rocks, Fall on u s, and hide u s from the face of him that sitteth on

    the throne, and from the w rath of the Lamb (Revelation 6:15, 16).

    The world doesn't know how to appreciate the Children of God, how to love and respect them as

    the light of the world. They little realize the fearsome darkness that will overwhelm them when the

    true Children of God are taken out. Those who are not true Children of God display the dim, dimlight of self: Me, me, what I'm doing, what I've accomplished in life. That doesn't make God's

    light. What makes His light is denying self and taking up the glorious cross of Jesus in all its power,

    all its suffering thatyou may know him, and the pow er of his resurrection, and the

    fellowship of his sufferings, being m ade con formable u nto his death (Philippians 3:10).

    By suffering, the Lord isn't referring to sicknessHe doesn't need us to suffer sickness for His

    name's sakebut He is saying we will suffer persecutions like He did. Go back to the Bible and see

    what He suffered at the hands of audacious men; then see the light of greatness, the light that was

    shining through Him. Jesus lit our paths, showing us a highway to Heaven.

    When the light is shining brightly through you, the wick trimmed and kept trimmed, you will know

    the sufferings of Jesus. You suffer for His name's sake knowing you will reign with Him.

    We needn't fear the darkest night even though the worst kinds of sins are coming upon the Earth,

    sins like those of Noah's day, the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus is our light. With that light of

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    Him going out through us, we become His lights to shine the Gospel on the paths of those who are

    in the night. Shining brightly for Him will be paramount in our spirits. His light will bring many,

    many heathen into the Kingdom in this final hour. Glory be to God, we're going to shine for Jesus!

    As we take His light to the world, crying "The King is coming!" our message will become believable

    to multitudes of people. They'll be swept into the Kingdom, filled with the Spirit in moments of

    time. Thank God for the light of the Gospel!

    The Gospel was shining through Jesus when He was here, and when He left, it became a shining

    light in the Early Church. Many saw the way of the Lord after He ascended into Heaven. The

    Word, the Wordwhat a lamp, what a power, what a light!

    The Scripture will take its place in this final hour as the great light of God. Through the true

    believers the Word will pour forth with signs, wonders, miracles, healings, love, strength, power in

    all the greatness of Heaven. The miraculous supply, all things supplied to evangelize the world will

    light up one last time for everyone to see. For those who refuse the light, it will grow dimmer and


    When the Rapture takes place, the light will go out, leaving people behind to grope in the darkness.

    Where will you be? The lukewarm Christian will be spewed out of the mouth of God into the great

    Tribulation, into the same darkness of the five foolish virgins. The lukewarm will not be part of the

    bridal company. The five foolish virgins, remember, were not cast into hell, but into the Tribulation


    Many Christians will be spewed into the Tribulation Period. Jesus said, I know thy works, that

    thou art neither cold nor hot: I wou ld thou we rt cold or hot. So then becau se thou art

    lukew arm, and ne ither cold nor hot, I will spue thee ou t of my mou th (Revelation 3:15,16).

    If you are hot in the Spirit of God today, you are saved and have the baptism in the Holy Spirit

    bubbling in your soul. If you are on fire for God, the Holy Spirit, the fire of the Holy Ghost is

    burning brightly upon the altar of your life.

    The human spirit is so valuable to God that Jesus went to Calvary to provide the means for it to betrimmed, used the way it was in the beginning in the first man and woman. Sinner, Backslider,

    lukewarm Christian, let's get your life made right. Pray this prayer with me:Oh God, I'm lost. I'm

    so sorry that I've sinned aga inst you, but I have come home. I'm going to serve you God, the rest

    of my life. I will do it, Lord! I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins, all of my

    sins. Come on in, Jesus! Come into my heart.

    If you meant it He has come; He is yours. Live for the Lord. Let your bodyyour lampbe holy in

    His presence. Keep the wickyour spirittrimmed so that the Holy Spirit can flow through it.

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    You who are sick and afflicted, I am a believer, not a healer. The Healer is there where you are;

    His name is Jesus. Lord, I bring to you to be set free those who are dying w ith cancer. I bring

    those who are bound with all manner of sicknesses and diseases. I bring the deformed children:

    straighten their little twisted limbs. Put in eyes where there were no eyes. Give hearing w here

    there were no ears. Re-create all that needs re-creation, every part. Re-create all. From yoursupernatura l gift of miracles and your supernatural gifts of healing it comes in the name of your

    Son Jesus: Heal! in the holy name of the Lord. Heal! in the all-powerful name of Jesus. Heal! in

    the holy, holy name of Jesus!

    The healing power is flowing. Take this power; let it work for you. It will work if your human

    spirit will allow it. Your human spirit is the only thing that can keep it from working. Ask God to

    help you yield to His anointing, to help you keep up with Him as He moves for you. The cloud is

    moving, saith the Lord; move with the cloud and receive from the hand of God. Receive from the

    hand of God for the whole person: soul, mind and body. The Lord wants you to have good health,

    He wants to bless you, to give you a sound mind, strength, strong hands, arms, legs and feet. The

    Lord wills it so.

    Yea, saith the Spirit of the Lord: I am here to teach you. I am carefully teaching you what you

    must have for the rest of the journey. Let your heart rejoice day and night as I feed you with the

    manna from above. I am giving you strength because you must have it. I am giving you my

    poweryou must have it. I am giving you my compassion and love and faith in abundance, andyou must have it; you must never let go of it. Keep it in your soul.

    I will visit with you night and day. I will reveal myself in great and wonderful manifestations in

    this your last hour. My power will be the bombs that you will use to drop on the kingdom of

    Satan. My power is yours for you to use, and I will pour myself through you in all of my


    I will reveal to the inhabitants of the Earth my love in every way that I can because my judgment

    will soon come. I am listening to the faintest cry because soon I will turn a deaf ear to all cries,

    saith the Lord.

    I give you vision. My call is upon you. You do not need fear that you will fail; you cannot fail as

    long as you yield to my Spirit. You will be obedient as long as you yield to my Spirit. Do not live

    in fear of failing me. Know through my faith that you will not fail. Know through my love that

    you will carry out my plans for you. I will breathe upon you aga in and aga in with my greatness,

    and you w ill do my w ork in this your last hour. You will do my work in such perfection that you

    will be amazed the way that I work through you, saith the Lord.

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    Trim your lamp and let the Holy Spirit flow for you today.

    Trim your lamp and receive the miracle of supply dailyis the great cry from Heaven today.

    TRIM YOUR LAMPS, All rights reserved. Copyright 1993 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed inits entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Your Lamps - Ernest Angley Ministries