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House Of Hope Grand Opening!

Transportation: a mental health issue!

We all need Access to groceries




ButHow do we get there?

Necessities based on family of 4Average income for families of 4 on social assistance $21,622 yearly or $1802 per month Average cost of monthly rent in Portage la Prairie $722 for one bedroom 27% of this income is approximately $583 per month to be affordableAverage cost to feed this family monthly $604 Average cost of basic needs for family $259Average cost of transportation $973 per month (this would include a car payment) Health care $168 per monthAverage cost of household expenses utilities etc. $505

Cost..Did you keep track? We went over budget..$3092 per monthIn this $3092 we have left out what? .?????????

Groceries, recreation, services and employmentThe cheapest places to shop? Where is our recreation centers? What is there to do here in our city?Where are most of the services located? Where are the higher paying jobs? We all need a sense of belongingWithout transportation, kids are walking to and from school.

Excessive traffic reduces neighbor interaction which lowers the opportunity for social support.

Where in our city is housing more affordable?

traffic noise can cause sleep disturbance, irritability, depression.

No transportation, what are the effects?Fact - health outcomes on average are poorer for those who have limited or no access to services

Increased social isolation

Reduced use of non acute health careWorld health organization1986 the W.H.O met in Ottawa and declared supportive environments to be one of five key strategies to promote mental health. Transportation planning is starting to focus on accessibility planning rather than just keeping it narrowly focused on mobilityFocusing on walking, cycling, telecommunication and land use planning.

Physical activity Accessibility planning recognizes 3 aspects of land use design that influence transportation and have implications for mental and physical health: density, land use mix and connectivity.Density is the concentration of structures and activities within an area, which determines the distance to ones destinationWalking and cycling creates a more active mode of transportation in high density areas which enhances mental health. Affordability

Transportation directly affects peoples access to goods, services and activities, such as health care, work, education and recreation.If we improve affordability or provide public transportation we can generate significant social and health benefits for people with low and limited income. It is equivalent to an increase in income. We need to maximize the availability and affordability of transportation options to support access, taking into account needs and abilities. Affordable and accessible Transportation benefitsDecreased financials pressuresSignificant increase in mobilitySense of well beingIncreased activitiesVisiting family and friends. Medical and dental appointments Attending cultural events, clubs or groupsIncrease in independence Improved self worthImprovement in overall mental health Human rightWe all need to be able to get to the places, goods, services and people that sustain our physical and mental well-being. Our physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health depend on it.

CMHAWhere are we? Where is our housing located and why? Who do we provide services too?

House of hope

Fisher apartments

Grand opening pictures in club

Grand opening

Ribbon cutting


Claras blue bike


Our donor plaque

The crowd

Hi dawn!! Oh look, hi Don!!



Ian Wishart mla

Mayor irving ferris

Meet Our Staff!-Larry-Mitch-Dean-Angie-Delores-Ebenezer-Derek-Andria-Leisa-Jim!-BradLarry- Senior Support Worker

Dean- Supportive Housing & Portable Housing Program

Angie- Senior Support Worker

Andria- Administrative Assistant & Special Events Planner

Derek- Housing & Senior support Worker

Dolores- Senior Support Worker

Mitch- Community Wellness

Ebenezer Support Worker- FisherHe is from England!!! And just started, so we dont have a picture yet

Brad Burnell- Activity worker

Jim- Support Worker- Making Everyone Smile!

Leisa- Executive Director

Contact information Call us 204-239-6590 main line204-692-0080 drop in centerEmail us at Add us as a friend on facebook Our website is www.cmhacentral.caOr drop in and have a visit at 236-Saskatchewan Avenue East Drop in center is 234 Saskatchewan Avenue EastWe have a twitter account.
