Transport in Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications


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Transport in Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications: Simulations,Elementary Reactions, and Phenomenology

Klaus-Dieter Kreuer,*,‡ Stephen J. Paddison,§ Eckhard Spohr,# and Michael Schuster‡

Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkorperforschung, Heisenbergstr.1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany, Department of Chemistry,University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama 35899, and Forschungszentrum Julich, D-52425 Julich, Germany

Received March 4, 2004

Contents1. Introduction 46372. Theoretical Methodologies and Simulation Tools 4640

2.1. Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry 46412.2. Molecular Dynamics 4642

2.2.1. Classical Molecular Dynamics and MonteCarlo Simulations


2.2.2. Empirical Valence Bond Models 46442.2.3. Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD) 4645

2.3. Poisson−Boltzmann Theory 46452.4. Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanical Ion

Transport Modeling4646

2.5. Dielectric Saturation 46473. Transport Mechanisms 4648

3.1. Proton Conduction Mechanisms 46483.1.1. Homogeneous Media 46483.1.2. Heterogeneous Systems (Confinement


3.2. Mechanisms of Parasitic Transport 46613.2.1. Solvated Acidic Polymers 46613.2.2. Oxides 4665

4. Phenomenology of Transport inProton-Conducting Materials for Fuel-CellApplications


4.1. Hydrated Acidic Polymers 46664.2. PBI−H3PO4 Adducts 46684.3. Heterocycle-Based Systems 46694.4. Oxides 4669

5. Recent Approaches toward NewProton-Conducting Materials for Fuel-CellApplications


6. Acknowledgement 46747. References 4675

1. IntroductionThe electrolyte is the heart of any fuel cell. Ideally,

this component effectively separates the anode andcathode gases and/or liquids and mediates the elec-trochemical reaction occurring at the electrodesthrough conducting a specific ion at very high ratesduring the operation of the fuel cell. In other words,

transport through such electrolytes must be fast andhighly selective; these two properties are frequentlyat odds with each other. Proton-conducting materialsare used as the electrolyte for low- and intermediate-temperature fuel cells, which are currently attractingsignificant interest (i.e., polymer electrolyte mem-brane or proton exchange membrane fuel cells(PEMFCs)), direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs),phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFCs), and alkaline fuelcells (AFCs)). However, these are not true “single ionconductors”, in that the transport phenomena aremore complex, involving significant parasitic trans-port of other species. This review is concerned withthe transport properties of presently available andemerging materials that have the potential to be usedas the electrolyte for fuel cells soon. Strategies forthe development of novel materials with transportproperties approaching those of an “ideal separator”,especially in the intermediate temperature range, arealso discussed.

The last comprehensive review covering protonconductivity and proton conducting materials waswritten by one of the authors (dating back to 1996);1since then, there have been several other reviewarticles of similar scope (e.g., see Colomban2). Thereare also many reviews available on separator materi-als used for fuel cells (see articles in refs 3 and 4 andreferences therein, recent review-type articles,5-8 anda literature survey9), which, more or less, address allproperties that are relevant for their functioning ina fuel cell. The transport properties are usuallydescribed in these articles; however, the treatmentsare frequently restricted to macroscopic approachesand handwaving arguments about the transportmechanisms. The purpose of the present review isto combine a few recently published results in thecontext of a discussion of transport phenomena inproton-conducting separator materials, which havesome relevance in fuel cell applications (for a morecomplete list of the comprehensive literature in thefield, the interested reader is referred to the afore-mentioned references).

Hence, the two main foci of this review are (i) thecurrent understanding of the underlying elementaryprocesses and (ii) a phenomenological description ofthe resulting macroscopic transport phenomena.Because the first aspect comprises proton conductionmechanisms other than the mechanisms of “parasitictransport”, this review may also be considered an

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mailaddress:‡ Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkorperforschung.§ University of Alabama in Huntsville.# Forschungszentrum Julich.

4637Chem. Rev. 2004, 104, 4637−4678

10.1021/cr020715f CCC: $48.50 © 2004 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 08/14/2004

update on the corresponding part of ref 1 mentionedpreviously. The initial application of various simula-tion techniques to the investigation of fast elemen-tary reactions as being part of proton conductionmechanisms had already summarized in this article.The early molecular dynamics simulation work ofMunch et al.10 on the proton conduction mechanismin CsHSO4 diverse perovskite-type oxides and het-erocycles (see Section 3.1.1) provided importantinsight into the conduction mechanism of modelcompounds, and some of the recent understandingof proton dynamics in water stems from simulationwork (see Section To date, simulation tech-niques, when appropriately combined with experi-mental results, establish insight into the path for thedevelopment of improved and new proton conductors.The increased availability of computational hard-ware, along with the improvement and developmentof new codes, have led to a tremendous disseminationand increased impact of such techniques; hence, wehave included a separate section that addressescurrent “simulation techniques” (Section 2), theresults of which are included into the discussion of“transport mechanisms” (Section 3). The latter sec-

tion is truly cross-disciplinary in nature, becauseresults from outside the fuel cell community areincluded. This is particularly true for the discussionof the proton mobility in homogeneous media (i.e.,Section 3.1.1: water, aqueous solutions, phosphoricacid, imidazole, and simple cubic perovskites), which,in many cases, only constitute a single component ofthe heterogeneous fuel cell separator material. As aconsequence of confinement and interaction of the

Klaus-Dieter Kreuer completed his Diploma Thesis on the "Distribution ofF- and OH- in Hydroxofluoroapatites" in Mineralogy at the University ofCologne under the supervision of F. Freund in 1979. He received hisPh.D. from the University of Stuttgart (Department of Chemistry) in 1982.His thesis project in the department of A. Rabenau (Max-Planck-Institutefor Solid State Research) involved the investigation of inorganic proton-conducting compounds (e.g., layered minerals, zeolites), which showedthe correlation of proton mobility and molecular diffusion (vehiclemechanism) for several cases. As a fellow of the “Studienstiftung desDeutschen Volkes”, he benefited from the opportunity of a research stayat the California Institute of Technology (with the R. Vaughan group, 1978),and a Max-Planck award (Otto Hahn Medaille) allowed him to join theMassachussetts Institute of Technology (Department of Materials Science)as a visiting scientist (1983−1984). This period was part of his postdoctoralactivities at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, which weremainly concerned with research on alkaline-ion-conducting frameworkstructures (such as lithium borate glasses and NASICON). From 1986 to1992, he built up a research group for the development of chemicalsensors (pH, O2) within a Swiss-German company (Endress & Hauser).In 1992, he again joined the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research,where he assisted J. Maier in building up his new department. Since1990, he has been lecturing at the University of Stuttgart, from which hereceived his Habilitation Degree in 1999. His research interests arecentered around the investigation of the formation and mobility of hydrogen-derived defects in condensed matter. His work comprises materialspreparation (inorganic and organic synthesis) and characterization (e.g.,by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and simulation techniques). Thefocus of his research is both a better understanding of fundamental issuesand the development of novel materials for specific applications.

Stephen J. Paddison received a B.Sc.(Hon.) in Chemical Physics and aPh.D. (1996) in Physical/Theoretical Chemistry from the University ofCalgary, Canada. He was, subsequently, a postdoctoral fellow and staffmember in the Materials Science Division at Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, where he conducted both experimental and theoreticalinvestigations of sulfonic acid polymer electrolyte membranes. This workwas continued while he was part of Motorola‘s Computational MaterialsGroup in Los Alamos. He is currently an Assistant Professor in theChemistry and Materials Science Departments at the University of Alabamain Huntsville, AL. Research interests continue to be in the developmentand application of first-principles and statistical mechanical methods inunderstanding the molecular mechanisms of proton transport in fuel-cellmaterials.

Eckhard Spohr received his diploma in Chemistry from the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat in Mainz, Germany, in 1983. In 1986, he obtainedhis Ph.D. for computer simulation of water/metal interfaces at the Max-Planck-Institut for Chemistry in Mainz. He continued to work for two yearsas a research associate in the aqueous simulation group of Karl Heinzinger,followed by a two-year visit to the University of California as a FeodorLynen postdoctoral fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,where he studied gas/surface reactions. In 1991, he moved to theUniversitat Ulm, where he obtained his habilitation degree in 1995 andworked as a University docent until 2000. In 2000, he moved to theForschungszentrum Julich, where he currently heads the physical chemistrygroup in the Institute for Materials and Processes in Energy Systemsperforming research on low-temperature fuel cells. His research interestscenter around computer simulations of aqueous electrolytes in confinedenvironments. He teaches courses in theoretical chemistry at theUniversitat Ulm.

4638 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

mobile species, e.g., with the corresponding polymermatrixes, the transport properties of these hetero-geneous systems are more complex and, therefore,are discussed in the section that follows (i.e., Section3.1.2). Because most of this work has been done onprototypical materials, this discussion mainly in-volves readily available and extensively tested ma-terials. However, the property relations may be easilytransferred to the transport properties of relatedmaterials (Section 4) and may even provide a basisfor the understanding of the transport properties ofconceptually new proton-conducting separator ma-terials (Section 5).

Apart from mechanistic aspects, we have alsosummarized the macroscopic transport behavior ofsome well-studied materials in a way that maycontribute to a clearer view on the relevant transportcoefficients and driving forces that govern the be-havior of such electrolytes under fuel cell operatingconditions (Section 4). This also comprises precisedefinitions of the different transport coefficients andthe experimental techniques implemented in theirdetermination; providing a physicochemical rationalbehind vague terms such as “cross-over”, which arefrequently used by engineers in the fuel cell com-munity. Again, most of the data presented in thissection is for the prototypical materials; however,trends for other types of materials are also presented.

Thus, the aim of this review is to give the currentlybest possible generally applicable understanding ofmass and charge transport in fuel-cell-relevant pro-ton conductors, including a description of the funda-mental underlying elementary reactions for thesetransport processes and quantitative phenomenologi-cal descriptions of transport in these materials. Thefirst is important for further adaptation of availableelectrolytes to specific fuel cell conditions or, subse-quently, the development of new materials. The latterallows a better understanding of the transient and

steady-state behavior of known materials under thevarying conditions of an operating fuel cell. Accessto the numerous references providing transport dataof proton-conducting fuel cell separators may befound in the corresponding chapters of refs 3 and 4.The referencing of this review is restricted to thosepapers that are relevant for the more-general picture.Of course, this also comprises extensive cross-referencing to the non-fuel-cell literature.

Before proceeding to this, let us briefly mention afew general directions in recent fuel cell research forwhich the transport properties of the proton-conduct-ing electrolyte are essential. Much of the currentresearch is on proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuelcells where the electrolyte is DuPont’s Nafion or someother sulfonated polymer.5 Such polymers naturallycombine, in one macromolecule, the high hydropho-bicity of the backbone with the high hydrophilicityof the sulfonic acid functional group, which resultsin a constrained hydrophobic/hydrophilic nanosepa-ration. The sulfonic acid functional groups aggregateto form a hydrophilic domain that is hydrated uponabsorption of water. It is within this continuousdomain that ionic conductivity occurs: protons dis-sociate from their anionic counterion (-SO3

-) andbecome solvated and mobilized by the hydrationwater. Water typically must be supplied to theelectrolyte through humidification of the feed gasesand is also produced by the electrochemical reductionof oxygen at the cathode. This is the reason for twoserious problems relevant for the use of such mem-branes in fuel cells: (i) because high proton conduc-tivity is only obtained at high levels of hydration, themaximum operation temperature is approximatelylimited to the condensation point of water (i.e., 100°C for a water pressure of 1 atm (105 Pa)); and (ii)any protonic current also leads to transport of waterthrough the membrane (as a result of electroosmoticdrag) and, if methanol dissolves in the membrane,this is transported virtually at the same rate. Thelimited operating temperature and the acidity of theelectrolyte makes it necessary to use platinum orplatinum alloys (the most active but also the mostexpensive electrocatalyst) to promote the electro-chemical reactions in the anode and cathode struc-tures. However, even with platinum, only rather purehydrogen can be oxidized at sufficient rates. At theoperation temperature of state-of-the-art PEM fuelcells, the rate of direct oxidation of methanol (whichis frequently considered an environmentally friendlyfuel) is not sufficiently high, and, hence, even traceamounts of CO present in any hydrogen-rich refor-mate (e.g., produced by steam reforming of methanolor methane) poison platinum-based catalysts throughadsorption thus blocking the reaction sites. Thehumidification requirements, along with the highelectro-osmotic drag of water and methanol in con-ventional membranes, complicate the water and heatmanagement of the fuel cell and lead to a significantchemical short-circuiting, i.e., parasitic chemicaloxidation of methanol at the cathode.

Therefore, tremendous engineering effort has beenexpended to at least control the fluxes of water andmethanol in such a way that the resulting transient

Michael Schuster studied chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitatin Munich, Germany. He received his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry underthe direction of A. Schmidpeter and K. Karaghiosoff for his work onphosphates PmXn

z- (X ) S, Se, Te) and their NMR spectroscopiccharacterization. To continue his research interests in NMR spectroscopy,he moved to the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgartin 2000, where he is working on the development of proton-conductingmaterials for fuel cells. His studies are focused on the synthesis ofimidazole-, sulfonic acid-, and phosphonic acid-based oligomers andpolymers and their structural and dynamical properties. Characterizationmethods particularly include pulsed-field gradient and electrophoretic NMRspectroscopy.

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4639

and steady-state concentration profiles of these spe-cies across the membrane still permit acceptablefunction of the membrane and the electrode struc-tures. The fact that measured water concentrationprofiles11 differed substantially from the results ofearly membrane modeling12,13 made it clear that thetransport behavior of such membranes were not fullyunderstood. It was the availability of better data andimproved phenomenological models concerning themacroscopic transport in such membranes14 thathelped to better describe the behavior of availablemembranes under fuel cell conditions as a functionof the boundary conditions (i.e., current, gas humidi-fication, etc.) and membrane properties (e.g., thick-ness). In addition, there have been many attemptsto modify the transport properties, especially byforming composites with highly dispersed inorganicphases. More radical approaches aim at conceptuallydifferent separator material exclusively transportingprotons and being able to operate at higher temper-atures in a low humidity environment. Such a “dreammembrane” is widely considered to be the key tofurther progress in “low”-temperature fuel cell tech-nology: higher operation temperatures would super-sede or simplify gas conditioning and purification,reduce the precious metal loading (along with theproblems of heat rejection), while reducing hydrationrequirements may avoid the need to pressurize thesystem. Because these aspects are all related to thecost of the fuel cell system, which is increasinglyattracting attention, understanding the transportproperties as a function of molecular structure andmorphology and development of new separator ma-terials are the focal points in current fuel cellresearch.

Whether future progress will be achieved “withinthe box” by modifying available materials or bydesigning conceptually different materials is not yetclear. In any case, a better understanding of themechanisms governing transport of the various spe-cies in the separator materials is useful in the effortof further materials research and development.

2. Theoretical Methodologies and SimulationTools

This section briefly describes some of the theoreti-cal methods and types of simulations that haverecently been applied to understand the structuraland dynamical features of transport in proton con-ductors. Although the transport properties and,hence, mechanisms are strongly correlated to themorphology of the material, theoretical studies of themorphology will not be discussed here.

Quantum chemistry or molecular electronic struc-ture theory is the application of the principles ofquantum mechanics to calculate the stationary statesof molecules and the transitions between these states.Today, both computational and experimental groupsroutinely use ab initio (meaning “from first prin-ciples”) molecular orbital calculations as a means ofunderstanding structure, bonding, reaction pathsbetween intermediates etc. Explicit treatment of theelectrons means that, in principle, one does not makeassumptions concerning the bonding of a system,

which allows “surprises” to be witnessed. Thus, it isa valuable adjunct to experimental work becominganother powerful tool for the chemist, molecularphysicist, and material scientist.

Fundamental information concerning local struc-ture, molecular hydrophilicity, aggregation of ionicgroups through the formation of hydrogen bonds, andproton dissociation of acidic groups in the fragmentsof PEMs has been obtained through the determina-tion of global minimum (i.e., equilibrium) energystructures.15-25 Because these techniques explicitlytreat all the electrons of the system to obtain theelectronic structure, only fragments of polymer havebeen studied, where the system size has typicallybeen limited to <100 atoms.

The dynamics of particles (i.e., atoms, molecules,ions, etc.) may be investigated through the continu-ous (i.e., time-evolving) solution of Newton’s equa-tions (i.e., classical molecular dynamics (MD)) or withstochastic methods including Monte Carlo (MC)theory. Classical MD simulations with empiricalpotentials can handle systems consisting of thou-sands of particles over time periods of nanosecondsand have been used to study proton transport inmaterials as a function of parameters such as tem-perature, water content, and, in polymers, equivalentweight and chemical and physical characteristics ofmain and side chains.26-29 To address continuouschanges in valence bond networks during the trans-port of protons, empirical valence bond (EVB) inter-action potentials have been devised.30-32 Ab initiomolecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations have suc-cessfully been used to study the proton dynamics inhomogeneous systems (e.g., water33-36 and imida-zole37), and recently even more complex and, there-fore, extended “model” systems have been examined(e.g., trifluoromethanesulfonic acid monohydrate38,39).They are computationally very demanding if “mean-ingful” trajectories of only tens of picoseconds are tobe sampled. The payoff in such calculations is thedetermination of completely new and potentiallysignificant insight into molecular mechanisms. Therecent AIMD study of trifluoromethanesulfonic acidmonohydrate solid38,39 revealed the very first evidenceof the possible role of the sulfonate anions and Zundelion in proton transfer in minimally hydrated PEMs.

Microscopic electrolyte theory (Section 2.4) basedon a statistical mechanical framework has recentlybeen applied to study the diffusion of protons in asingle hydrated channel or pore in several PEMs.40-46

This approach makes several assumptions concerningthe pore geometry, distribution of fixed anionicgroups, and, primarily, the vehicular mechanism ofproton transport through the center of the pore.However, this model has been able to compute theproton self-diffusion coefficient in both Nafion andS-PEEK (sulfonated poly(arylene ether ether ketone))membranes correctly over a significant range ofhydration without resorting to any fitting param-eters, requiring only membrane-specific morphologyinformation from small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)experiments and structural information from elec-tronic structure calculations.

4640 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

Confinement of water into regions with dimensionsof only a few nanometers, such as typically thosefound in PEMs, accompanied by a strong electrostaticfield due to the anions, will result in a significantlylower dielectric constant for the water than thatobserved in bulk water. Measurement of this struc-tural ordering of the water has not been accomplishedexperimentally to date, and this was the motivationto the recent calculation of the dielectric saturationof the water in PEMs with an equilibrium thermo-dynamical formulation.47-51 In addition to informa-tion concerning the state of the water this modelinghas provided information concerning the distributionof the dissociation protons in sulfonic acid-basedPEMs.

The various methodologies are discussed in some-what more detail in the following sections.

2.1. Ab Initio Quantum ChemistryOnly a very concise description of quantum chem-

istry is presented in this section; the reader isreferred to standard texts for a more completetreatment.52-54 The aim of quantum chemistry or abinitio electronic structure theory is the solution of thetime-independent Schrodinger equation:

This yields the molecular wave function, Ψ(r;R),which is dependent explicitly on the 3n coordinatesof all n electrons (denoted collectively as r) andimplicitly on the coordinates of all A nuclei (denotedcollectively as R); and the (total) molecular energy,E(R), which parametrically is dependent only on thenuclear positions. The distinction in functional de-pendence of these quantities is due to the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation,55 which separates(slow) nuclear motion from (fast) electronic motion.It is through determination of E(R) that the potentialenergy surface is defined. The total energy or molec-ular electronic Hamiltonian, H(r;R), is an operatorconsisting of the kinetic energy of all the electronsand the potential energy due to the following forces:electron-nuclear attraction, electron-electron repul-sion, and nuclear-nuclear repulsion. Its explicit formin atomic units is

This partial differential equation with 3n unknownsis impossible to solve exactly (beyond the hydrogenmolecule) and, thus, various approximations aregenerally made.

In a first class of approximations, the solution issought of a simpler set of equations rather than theexact equations. Under the Hartree-Fock (i.e., HF)approximation,56,57 the function of 3n variables isreduced to n functions, which are referenced as

molecular orbitals (MOs), each dependent on onlythree variables. Each MO describes the probabilitydistribution of a single electron moving in the averagefield of all other electrons. Because of the require-ments of antisymmetry, with respect to the inter-change of any two electrons, and indistinguishabilityof electrons, the trial wave function is a singledeterminantal wave function of the MOs. The opti-mum MOs are determined through variationallyminimizing E(R). Thus, the HF method is a mean-field method applied to the many-electron problem,the solution of which is commonly referred to as theself-consistent field (SCF). Because HF theory doesnot include details of the instantaneous electron-electron correlations, several post-HF techniqueshave been developed, including many-body (or Møller-Plesset) perturbation theory,58 and configurationinteraction (CISD).59 In the former method, a “zero-order” description of the ground-state wave functionis assumed to be a determinantal wave functionconstructed from the HF MOs upon which a pertur-bation acts that the difference between the sum ofFock operators and the exact Hamiltonian. In CISD,electron-pair correlations are treated self-consistentlythrough the assumption that the wave function is alinear combination of the HF determinant with alldeterminants formed by single and double orbitalsubstitutions of coefficients determined variationally.

A second approximation that is commonly invokedin all these methods is the expansion of the unknownMOs in terms of a given, fixed, and finite set offunctions. These functions are usually referenced asthe atomic orbital (AO) basis set, where the atomicorbitals are usually expanded through linear combi-nations of Gaussians, because of the fact that allrequired matrix elements may be evaluated analyti-cally.60 The basis sets may be “minimal” (i.e., onebasis function per atomic orbital), “split valence” (twobasis functions per valence atomic orbital, one percore orbital), or higher zeta (where n-zeta means nbasis functions per orbital). Multiple basis functionsper atomic orbital allow the size of the orbitals toincrease (i.e., along a bond axis) or decrease (i.e.,perpendicular to a bond axis). The higher-order basissets may also be augmented with polarization func-tions (e.g., one or more sets of d functions on first-row atoms) that describe small displacements of theorbitals from atomic centers in the molecular envi-ronment, and diffuse functions for anions and Ryd-berg excited states. The size of the Hamiltonian tobe diagonalized is proportional to N4 (where N is thenumber of AOs); therefore, the use of large basis setsis very time-consuming.

The majority of the molecular-scale informationconcerning the effects of structure and local chemis-try on proton dissociation and separation in PEMfragments alluded to previously15-23 were initiallydetermined using HF theory and split valence localbasis sets. Refinements to the equilibrium configura-tions were made using both Møller-Plesset (MP)perturbation schemes and hybrid density functionaltheory (described below).

A widely used alternative to the electron correla-tion treatments mentioned previously is the density

H(r;R)Ψ(r;R) ) E(R)Ψ(r;R) (1)

H(r;R) ) -1



n ( ∂2







∂zi2) -





|ri - RR|+






n 1

|ri - rj|+






|RR - Râ|(2)

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4641

functional theory (DFT),61 which seeks to determinethe exact ground state energy and electron densitydirectly, without computing a many-electron wavefunction. The electron density is only a function ofthree variables (unlike the wave function, which isdependent on 3n variables); thus, DFT dramaticallysimplifies the calculations and, therefore, has becomethe preferred method for treating large molecules.DFT relies on two fundamental theorems.62 The firststates that the ground-state electron density, n(r),uniquely determines the external potential v(r) and,thus, given the nuclear coordinates, determines theground-state energy, Ev(r)[n(r)], and all properties ofthe ground state, i.e.,

where F[n(r)] is the desired (unknown) functional,and T and U are the kinetic and potential energies,respectively. The second states that, given the func-tional, it is the one that minimizes the energy,thereby providing a variational principle to determinethe density, i.e.,

where the first term (Ts[n(r)]) is the kinetic energy,the second term the classical Coulombic repulsionenergy, and the last term (Exc[n(r)]) the exchangecorrelation energy. The challenge in DFT is thedesign of accurate functionals, and, specifically, thedifficulties lie in determining Ts[n(r)] and Exc[n(r)].Considerable progress in constructing a kinetic en-ergy density functional came through the reformula-tion of DFT by Kohn and Sham, termed Kohn-Sham(KS) density functional theory.63 In KS-DFT, anartificial reference system is constructed that consistsof noninteracting electrons, which has exactly thesame electron density as the real molecular systemof interacting electrons. The kinetic energy is ap-proximated as that of the noninteracting referencesystem, which can be exactly evaluated in terms ofthe Kohn-Sham orbitals æj. The self-consistent setof KS equations is

where the final equation is the expression for the

ground-state energy of the molecular system. Theseequations differ from the Hartree equations only bythe inclusion of the exchange-correlation potentialvxc(r). Furthermore, if the exchange correlation en-ergy is partitioned into separate contributions dueto correlation and exchange, i.e., Exc[n(r)] ) Ex + Ec,and only the correlation energy neglected, then thetreatment becomes a variant of HF theory. Thesimplest approximation for Exc[n(r)] is the generallyaccepted local density approximation (LDA):63

where εxc(n) is the exchange-correlation energy perparticle of a uniform interacting electron gas ofdensity n. The KS orbitals in the LDA are surpris-ingly close to HF orbitals, although DFT-LDAcalculations neglect the nonlocal nature of exchangeterms that are typical for the HF method. The nextlevel of approximations is the generalized gradientapproximation (i.e., GGA):

in which f(n,|∇n|) is a suitably chosen function of itstwo variables. Popular correlation GGAs includethose of Lee, Yang, and Parr,64 Perdew (1986),65 andPerdew and Wang (1991).66 These gradient-correctedcorrelation functionals in combination with the Beckeexchange functional67 (based on considering theexchange energies for rare gases, in addition to theknown behavior for the uniform electron gas), typi-cally yield accurate relative energies and good ther-mochemistry.68

As a consequence of the size limitations of the abinitio schemes, a large number of more-approximatemethods can be found in the literature. Here, wemention only the density functional-based tight bind-ing (DFTB) method,69-72 which is a two-center ap-proach to DFT. The method has been successfullyapplied to the study of proton transport in perov-skites73 and imidazole37 (see Section Thefundamental constraints of DFT are (i) treatment ofexcited states and (ii) the ambiguous choice of theexchange correlation function. In many cases, thelatter contains several parameters fitted to observ-able properties, which makes such calculations, infact, semiempirical.

2.2. Molecular DynamicsClassical molecular dynamics (MD) implementing

predetermined potentials, either empirical or derivedfrom independent electronic structure calculations,has been used extensively to investigate condensed-matter systems.74 An important aspect in any MDsimulation is how to describe or approximate theinteratomic interactions. Usually, the potentials thatdescribe these interactions are determined a prioriand the full interaction is partitioned into two-,three-, and many-body contributions, long- and short-range terms, etc., for which suitable analytical func-tional forms are devised.75 Despite the many suc-cesses with classical MD, the requirement to devisefixed potentials results in several serious problems

Ev(r)[n(r)] ≡ ∫ v(r)n(r) dr + F[n(r)]; F[n(r)] ≡(Ψ[n(r)],(T + U)Ψ[n(r)]) (3)

Ev(r)[n(r)] g Ev(r)[n0(r)] ≡ E (4)

F[n(r)] )

Ts[n(r)] + 12∫

n(r)n(r′)|r - r′| dr dr′ + Exc[n(r)] (5)

(- 12∇2 + v(r) + ∫ n(r′)

|r - r′| dr′ + vxc(r) - εj)æj(r) ) 0

n(r) ) ∑j)1



vxc(r) ) δExc[n(r)]δn(r)

E ) ∑1


εj - ∫n(r)n(r′)

|r - r′|dr dr′ - ∫vxc(r)n(r) dr +

Exc[n(r)] (6)

ExcLDA[n(r)] ≡ ∫εxc(n(r))n(r) dr (7)

ExcGGA ≡ ∫f(n(r),|∇n(r)|) dr (8)

4642 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

in systems where distinct atoms or molecules causea myriad of different interatomic interactions thatshould be parametrized or where the electronicstructure or bonding pattern changes qualitativelyin the course of the simulation.76,77 These drawbackshave been overcome by the various techniques of abinitio molecular dynamics (AIMD). An overview of afew of the various MD schemes implemented in thestudy of proton conduction is presented in the fol-lowing sections.

2.2.1. Classical Molecular Dynamics and Monte CarloSimulations

Atomistic computer simulations are a statisticalmechanical tool to sample configurations from thephase space of the physical system of interest. Thesystem is uniquely treated by specifying the inter-actions between the particles (which are usuallydescribed as being pointlike), the masses of all theparticles, and the boundary conditions. The inter-actions are calculated either on-the-fly by an elec-tronic structure calculation (see Section 2.2.3) or frompotential functions, which have been parametrizedbefore the simulation by fitting to the results ofelectronic structure calculations or a set of experi-mental data. In the first case, one frequently speaksof AIMD (see Section 2.2.3), although the motion ofthe nuclei is still treated classically.

Having specified the interactions (i.e., the modelof the system), the actual simulation then constructsa sequence of states (or the system trajectory) in somestatistical mechanical ensemble. Simulations can bestochastic (Monte Carlo (MC)) or deterministic (MD),or they can combine elements of both, such as force-biased MC, Brownian dynamics, or generalized Lan-gevin dynamics. It is usually assumed that the lawsof classical mechanics (i.e., Newton’s second law) mayadequately describe the atoms and molecules in thephysical system.

The MC scheme was first published by Metropoliset al.78 in 1953 and applied to the calculation of theequation of state of a simple hard-sphere liquid. Eachconfiguration in an MC simulation is generatedstochastically in such a way that the molecularconfiguration is dependent only on the previousconfiguration. The MC method is often performed inthe canonical ensemble, i.e., for a fixed number ofmolecules N placed in a fixed volume V and main-tained at a constant temperature T. However, manyvariants of the method exist (see, e.g., ref 74). Duringthe MC simulation, configurations are generated insuch a way that, after many configurations have beenobtained, each configuration occurs approximatelywith the appropriate probability of the canonicalensemble, given by the Boltzmann factor exp[-E(R)/(kT)], where E(R) is now the interaction potential,and k the Boltzmann constant.

The MD method was first used by Alder andWainwright.79 In the standard MD scheme for equi-librium systems, the positions ri of atom i areobtained by solving Newton’s equations of motion:

where mi is its mass and the force Fi is the negativegradient of the potential energy E(R), with respectto i. The MD scheme leads (contrary to the MCscheme) to a time-correlated sequence of configura-tions (trajectory), which can be analyzed to calculatedynamic properties of the system.

The potential energy is often written as a sum ofpairwise additive interactions. Frequently, Coulombicinteractions between partially charged atoms andadditional interaction functions that describe short-range repulsion due to exchange-correlation effectsand long-range disperse attraction are used as in-gredients in the interatomic potentials. In most cases,the latter interaction function is of the Lennard-Jonestype. Molecular geometry and connectivity is main-tained by specifying harmonic or Morse-type stretch-ing interactions along a chemical bond, and angle-bend interactions for valence angles and torsioninteractions to maintain molecular conformations.Thus, a typical simple force field is the sum over allpairs of Coulombic and short-range interactions, allbonds, all valence angles, and all dihedral angles ina molecule. More complex force fields can containmore elaborate terms and couplings between them.Many-body induction interactions are often includedin the interaction energy E(R) by introducing fluc-tuating point dipoles or fluctuating point charges,whose value is self-consistently determined throughthe instantaneous electric field and the atomic ormolecular polarizabilities. An alternative is the in-troduction of extra charged particles in a shell model(SM).80

Typical numbers of atoms range over the order ofseveral hundred to several tens of thousands, whichare located in a regular cell of volume V. The cell andthe particles are replicated infinitely in one, two, orthree directions of space, depending on whether acylindrical or other one-dimensional system, a slabsystem with two external interfaces, or a bulk systemis to be simulated. These periodic boundary condi-tions avoid undesired surface effects beyond thosethat one explicitly wishes to study. The cells are openand particles can move freely from one cell to thenext. For each particle leaving the cell, one of itsreplicas enters the cell; therefore, the overall particlenumber in the cell, and thus the density, remainsconstant. Because the number of interactions to becalculated in such a system is infinitely large, short-range interactions (such as the Lennard-Jones term)need to be smoothly truncated, and lattice summa-tion methods (such as the Ewald method) are imple-mented for the treatment of long-range forces.

The theory of statistical mechanics provides theformalism to obtain observables as ensemble aver-ages from the microscopic configurations generatedby such a simulation. From both the MC and MDtrajectories, ensemble averages can be formed assimple averages of the properties over the set ofconfigurations. From the time-ordered properties ofthe MD trajectory, additional dynamic informationcan be calculated via the time correlation functionformalism. An autocorrelation function caa(t) ) ⟨a(τ)‚ a(t + τ)⟩ is the ensemble average of the product ofsome function a at time τ and at a later time t + τ.miri ) Fi ) - ∇iE(R) (9)

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4643

In an equilibrium system, all times t are equivalentand can thus be averaged over. Transport coefficientscan be calculated as integrals over these functions,e.g.,

The diffusion coefficient D is one-third of the timeintegral over the velocity autocorrelation functioncvv(t). The second identity is the so-called Einsteinrelation, which relates the self-diffusion coefficientto the particle mean square displacement (i.e., theensemble-averaged square of the distance betweenthe particle position at time τ and at time τ + t).Similar relationships exist between conductivity andthe current autocorrelation function, and betweenviscosity and the autocorrelation function of elementsof the pressure tensor.

2.2.2. Empirical Valence Bond ModelsA standard classical force field is able to describe

conformational changes of molecules. However, it isgenerally unable to describe the formation andbreaking of chemical bonds. The reason is that theatoms participating in the stretch, bend, and torsionterms of the force field need to be specified initially.Changing this specification during the simulationleads to non-Hamiltonian behavior, which makes thesimulation data unusable for analysis. Elegant solu-tions to this problem are ab initio simulation schemes(see Section 2.2.3), which naturally describe thechange of chemical bonding via the instantaneouscalculation of the electronic structure. In manysituations, this scheme is computationally too expen-sive to be used. Thus, the need arises to developempirical potential functions that (i) allow the changeof the valence bond network over time and (ii) aresimple enough to be used efficiently in an otherwiseclassical simulation code. For dissociation reactions,one possibility is the use of interaction potentialfunctions with the proper asymptotic behavior. As anexample, consider the water molecule. In practicallyall-empirical water models, O and H atoms carry(fixed) partial charges. Thus, these models are inca-pable of describing the autodissociation of water. Fora model that describes the dissociation into protonsand hydroxyl ions, full ionic charges need to be placedon the atoms (i.e., +e for the proton, -2e for oxygen).Such Coulombic interactions are too strong at shortand intermediate range; thus, an additional potentialfunction must be constructed.81,82 An alternative isthe valence bond (VB) method, where the chemicalbond in a dissociating molecule is described as thesuperposition of two states: a less-polar bonded stateand an ionic dissociated state. Unlike VB theory inquantum mechanics, the matrix elements of theHamiltonian are not calculated on an electronic basis(see Section 2.1) but by empirical force fields.

As an example, proton transfer in an H5O2+ com-

plex may be described as a superposition of twostates, namely H2O-H‚‚‚OH2 and H2O‚‚‚H-OH2(where the solid line (-) describes a chemical bondand the dotted line (‚‚‚) is a hydrogen bond). The

energy of each state is calculated from empirical forcefield terms for intramolecular hydronium interac-tions, intramolecular water interactions, and theintermolecular water-hydronium interactions, yield-ing the energies in state 1 and 2: H11(R) and H22-(R), which are generally nonidentical. By furtherspecifying empirical coupling functions H12(R) ) H21-(R) as functions of the set of particle coordinates R,the compound states can be calculated via diagonal-ization of the 2 × 2 Hamiltonian matrix. This methodis called the empirical valence bond (EVB) methodand was first introduced by Warshel and Weiss.30-32

H2(R) can be adjusted to reproduce experimentaldata or ab initio potential energy surfaces. Ap-proximating the motion of protons as classical on the(time-dependent) ground-state potential energy sur-face, a viable MD scheme can be developed. Theprocedure is analogous for larger clusters with morebasis states, where a larger matrix must be diago-nalized. The ground state of the system is specifiedby the eigenvector of the lowest-energy eigenvalue.

Simultaneously, Borgis and Vuilleuimier83-87 andVoth and co-workers88-93 developed multistate EVBmodels for proton transport in aqueous solution. Intheir models, a protonated cluster involving n watermolecules, H2n+1On

+, is described by n zeroth-orderVB states. In each of these states, the proton defectis formally located on one of the n O atoms (i.e., oneof the n O atoms forms three bonds). At any time t,the ground state is calculated via matrix diagonal-ization; partial charges (and possibly other param-eters of the force field) are reassigned to the complexaccording to the eigenvector. When the proton defectdiffuses structurally through this cluster, the contri-bution of some states can become negligibly small(because the O atom is too far from the proton defect).It is then possible to remove these water moleculesfrom the cluster and replace them by others, whichare closer to the proton defect but do not yet interactwith the cluster. Thus, over time, the composition ofthe proton cluster can change and proton transportis possible. The multistate EVB models were used toinvestigate the structure of protonated complexes inaqueous solutions, proton transport dynamics, therelaxation of the hydrogen-bonded environment, andthe role of the quantum nature of proton motion forstructure and dynamics.86,89

Based on these experiences, Walbran and Korny-shev94 developed a much simpler two-state EVBmodel. Their model is designed in such a way that itcan be used (i) when treating protons classically and(ii) for systems with high proton concentrations. Therationale behind its development was to eventuallyinvestigate proton transport in polymer electrolytemembranes. However, in this initial work, theystudied only proton mobility in pure water. Theground-state energy is calculated, as for the otherEVB models, from the lowest eigenvalue, in thissimple case, according to

What distinguishes it from the multistate models isthe fact that the partial charges on the atoms are

D ) 13∫0

∞cvv dt ) lim


⟨[r(t + τ) - r(τ)]2⟩6t


E ) - 12

(H11 + H22 + xH112 + H22

2 + 4H122 ) (11)

4644 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

not determined from the eigenvectors of the groundstate but through a charge-switching function, which,in turn, is dependent only on the coordinates of theZundel complex. Thus, Coulombic interaction (andother time-consuming interactions) can be calculatedusing the adiabatic (effective) charges. In this way,the calculation of Coulombic interactions is substan-tially simplified; furthermore, the diagonalization ofthe individual protonated complexes decouples andcan be easily performed, even at water-to-protonratios on the order of 5-10, for which the use of themultistate EVB models with 10 or more basis stateswould be impossible when more than one proton ispresent. The model parameters were fit to reproducethe structure and formation energies of small proto-nated clusters. Because of the limitation of treatingonly two VB states and limitations in the parameterchoice mandated by the requirement that the modelneeds to remain Hamiltonian in nature and simul-taneously allow proton transport, the model usuallyunderestimates the mobility of excess protonic defectsand overestimates the self-diffusion coefficient ofwater, whereas the temperature dependence is usu-ally close to the experimental values. This two-stateEVB model was recently applied to simulations of“model” polymer electrolyte membranes (see Section3.1.2.).26-29

2.2.3. Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD)The basic underlying methodology in AIMD is the

computation of the forces acting on the nuclei fromelectronic structure calculations (see previous discus-sion) that are performed “on the fly” as the trajectoryof the molecules is generated. Thus, the electronicvariables are not integrated out beforehand but areactive degrees of freedom. This implies that, given asuitable approximate solution of the many-electronproblem, “chemically complex” systems may be treatedwith AIMD. Furthermore, the approximation is shiftedfrom the level of selecting the appropriate potentialsto the level of choosing a particular approximationfor solution of the Schrodinger equation. Despitethese advantages, however, there is a price to be paidin AIMD: the correlation lengths and relaxationtimes that are accessible are much smaller than whatis typically accessible via classical MD. Of the variousAIMD techniques, we will restrict our discussion inthis review to only two methods: (a) Born-Oppen-heimer (BO) molecular dynamics and (2) Car-Par-rinello molecular dynamics (CPMD).

In BO AIMD, the static electronic structure issolved at each MD time step, given the set of fixednuclear positions at that instance in time. Thus, theproblem is reduced to solving a time-independentquantum problem concurrently to propagating thenuclei via Newton’s second law. Therefore, the BOmethod is defined by

for the electronic ground state. It is important torealize that the minimum of ⟨He⟩ must be reached at

each BO MD step, which may be solved (for example)under either the HF approximation or with KS-DFT(see previously given brief method descriptions). Acommonly used technique implementing the latterelectronic structure approach is the VASP total-energy code.95-97

The Car-Parrinello approach98 to AIMD exploitsthe quantum mechanical adiabatic time-scale sepa-ration of fast electronic and slow nuclear motion bytransforming that into adiabatic energy scale separa-tion in the framework of dynamical systems theory.This is achieved through mapping the two-componentquantum/classical problem onto a two-componentpurely classical problem with two separate energyscales at the expense of loosing the explicit timedependence of the quantum subsystem dynamics.The CPMD method makes use of the followingclassical Lagrangian:

to generate trajectories for the ionic and electronicdegrees of freedom via the coupled set of equationsof motion:

where Mi and Ri are the mass and position, respec-tively, of atom i; |ψi⟩ are the KS orbitals, which areallowed to evolve as classical degrees of freedom withinertial parameters µi; and ∂E[{ψi},{Ri}] is the KSenergy functional evaluated for the set of ionicpositions {Ri} and the set of orbitals {ψi}. Thefunctional derivative of the KS energy is implicitlyrestricted to variations of {ψi} that preserve or-thonormality. Thus, the electrons are put into theirground state at a fixed set of ionic positions and withthe ions moving according to the previously givenequation, the electronic orbitals should adiabaticallyfollow the motion of the ions, performing only smalloscillations about the electronic ground state. Theelectronic orbitals will possess a “fictitious” kineticenergy, according to their motion, and, thus, afictitious mass parameter µi. If µi is small, then themotion of the orbitals should be fast, relative to themotion of the ions.

2.3. Poisson-Boltzmann TheoryThe Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory has been used

to calculate the influence of the charged groups inPEM pores on the energy barriers for proton jumpsand in combination with phenomenological conceptsof charge-transfer theory and the temperature de-pendence of the reaction rate.99,100 In the mean-fieldPB theory, the distribution of mobile charges (here,protons) in a pore is calculated from the boundaryconditions and the arrangement of external staticcharges (here, sulfonate groups), neglecting both

MiR2 i(t) ) - ∇iminΨ0

{⟨Ψ0|He|Ψ0⟩} (12)

E0Ψ0 ) HeΨ0 (13)

LCP ) ∑i


2µi⟨ψi|ψi⟩ +



iMiR2 i

2 - E[{ψi},{Ri}] (14)

MiR2 iR ) -


∂RiR ) FCPi

R (15)

µi|ψi⟩ ) -∂E[{ψi},{Ri}]


Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4645

correlations between the mobile charges and a spa-tially dependent dielectric constant of the waterwithin the pore. Because of such drastic assumptions,the density of the protons near the sulfonate groupsis far too high (similar to that predicted by a simpleGouy-Chapman model; see Section Specify-ing a geometric model and an arrangement of sul-fonate groups (slab pores of varying width with aregular lattice of negative point charges on the poresurface99), proton distributions and electrostatic po-tential barriers for proton motion along the pore werecalculated. Although the model did not directly yieldan absolute value for proton mobility, activationenergies of proton transport were estimated, as afunction of water content, pore shape, and sulfonatedensity. A modified PB ansatz, taking into accounta more realistic charge distribution for the sulfonategroups, was shown to be qualitatively consistent withMD simulations.27

2.4. Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanical IonTransport Modeling

Historically, one of the central research areas inphysical chemistry has been the study of transportphenomena in electrolyte solutions. A triumph ofnonequilibrium statistical mechanics has been theDebye-Huckel-Onsager-Falkenhagen theory, whereions are treated as Brownian particles in a con-tinuum dielectric solvent interacting through Cou-lombic forces. Because the ions are under continuousmotion, the frictional force on a given ion is propor-tional to its velocity. The proportionality constant isthe friction coefficient and has been intensely studied,both experimentally and theoretically, for almost 100years.101,102 The simple Stokes law, derived fromhydrodynamic theory where friction increases withincreasing ionic radii, is known to fail for small alkaliand halide ions, and, of course, protons.103

In an effort to explain the peculiar behavior ofsmall ions in polar solvents, two models have beenproposed that attribute different phenomena to sol-vent response and solute or ion displacement. Thefirst model, which is often called the solventbergmodel, maintains the classical view of Stokes law butwith an “effective” ionic radius originating fromsolvation.104 Thus, with solvent molecules regardedas being bound to the ion, the radius of the solvatedcomplex is equivalent to a Stokes radius. The othermodel is a dielectric friction model, which has beenformulated over several decades by Born,105 Fuoss,106

Boyd,107 and Zwanzig,108 with a complete theoreticalframework due to Hubbard and Onsager.109,110 Thismodel attempts to describe the dielectric response ofthe solvent due to perturbation by the motion of anion. As the ion is displaced from an initial positionwhere the solvent is polarized according to theelectrostatic field due to the ion, the solvent polariza-tion is not at equilibrium with the new position ofthe ion, resulting in a relaxation and consequentenergy dissipation of the polarization identified asdielectric (or extra) friction. The dielectric friction isinversely related to the ionic radius. Hence, the ion-size dependence of the friction coefficient has aminimum with increasing ionic radius in both mod-els.

The first microscopic theory for ionic friction inpolar solvents was proposed by Wolynes,111 in whichthe ion-solvent interactions were partitioned intoshort-range repulsive and long-range attractive com-ponents. The friction coefficient in the Wolynes modelis simplified into the following two terms:

where ú0 is calculated from Stokes law, ⟨FS2⟩ is the

static mean-square fluctuation in the soft force, andτF is its characteristic decay time. Hence, in the caseof strong, short-ranged attractive interaction, thedrag on an ion reduces to that on a solvated solvent-berg ion, whereas in the limit of the weak long-ranged attractive ion-solvent interaction case, thedielectric friction picture persists. Subsequent workof Wolynes and co-workers112 attempted to implementthis model for monovalent cations (i.e., Li+, Na+, K+,Cs+) in the model solvents of water, methanol,acetonitrile, and formamide. However, their resultswere only marginally successful for the case of water;poor agreement with experimental results beingobtained for the other solvents. Chen and Adelman113

generalized the Hubbard-Onsager theory, treatingthe interplay between the Stokes and dielectricfriction contributions within a continuum model, butprovided no insight into molecular solvent relaxationdue to solute perturbations. Chong and Hirata114

used an interaction-site model and the mode couplingtheory to show that the friction coefficient decom-poses into hydrodynamic friction, dielectric friction,and a coupling term, according to

where úNN and úZZ denote the friction from a collectivedensity and dielectric response of the solvent to ionicdisplacement respectively, and úNZ the friction dueto their coupling. Their work shows that both thesolventberg and dielectric friction mechanisms con-tribute to the net friction (and thereby diffusion) ofsmall ions and thus there is really no contradictionin the coexistence of these two models. Finally,Bagchi and co-workers115-117 have shown that thecalculation of the total friction on a moving ion shouldinvolve formulation with a mode-coupling-type theory(i.e., used to compute a bare friction) and a calcula-tion of the correlation functions. Their derivationgave the following relation for the friction coefficient:

where úbin and úFF are the binary and the collectivesolvent number density (F) fluctuation contributions,respectively; úmic,DF is the friction contribution orig-inating from the coupling of the ionic field with theorientational solvent polarization mode; and úhyd,DFand úhyd are the hydrodynamic friction contributionswith and without polar contribution, respectively.

The first attempt to apply microscopic electrolytetheory to study the mobility of protons in PEMs isdue to Paddison and co-workers.40-46 Because the

ú ) ú0 + 13kBT

⟨FS2⟩τF (17)

ú ) úNN + úZZ + 2úNZ (18)

) 1úbin + úFF + úmic,DF

+ 1úhyd + úhyd,DF


4646 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

foregoing discussion concerns the mobility of smallions in polar solvents, it would seem that applicationof this methodology to proton transport is somewhatquestionable. However, because their model focuseson the coupled transport of a proton with a watermolecule (i.e., an hydronium ion), there is perhaps amore substantial underpinning to the calculation of“a proton friction coefficient” in these membranes.The purpose of their nonequilibrium statistical me-chanical transport model is to calculate proton self-diffusion coefficients for hydrated PEMs from molec-ular and morphological information without resortingto any fitting or adjustable parameters throughcomputation of velocity-independent friction coef-ficients. Because pulsed-field gradient (PFG) NMRmeasurements allow for the determination of mem-brane- and hydration-specific proton self-diffusioncoefficients, this kinetic model permits the identifica-tion of how molecular chemistry and membranemorphology is connected to a macroscopic quantitythat ultimately determines performance of a fuel cell.Their model is based on the methodology of Resiboisand others,118 and, because of its surprising successin the calculation of proton self-diffusion coefficientsin various PEMs, over a range of hydration levels, abrief description of the model is given here.

Similar to the work described previously,111-117 thestarting point of the kinetic model is the assumptionthat, under linear response theory, the ensembleaverage force is proportional to the velocity of ahydronium ion through the friction coefficient (i.e.,⟨FR⟩ ) - ú‚vR). Computation of this average forceexperienced by a hydronium ion as it transverses thechannel, when combined with the Einstein relation,allows for the calculation of the proton self-diffusioncoefficient. This pore within a PEM is assumed topossess a cylindrical geometry filled with watermolecules, according to the degree of hydration of themembrane. The dissociated acidic functional groupsin the pore are modeled as radially symmetric axiallyperiodic arrays of fixed ions (i.e., point charges) and,thus, the average force experienced by the hydroniumion is calculated using the standard methods ofstatistical mechanics, albeit with a suitably con-structed nonequilibrium distribution function. Thisdistribution function is obtained from a formal solu-tion of the time evolution or Liouville equation. TheLiouville operator is constructed from a Hamiltonianof the system with an inertial reference frame movingat the velocity of the hydronium ion and consists ofthe kinetic energy of all the water molecules and thenet potential energy, because of two-body interactionsof the water molecules, hydronium ion, and fixedsites. The respective contributions to the potentialenergy of the system are due to (i) interactions of thehydronium ion with the water molecules, (ii) inter-action of the hydronium ion with the arrays of thefixed sites, (iii) water-water interactions, and (iv)interactions of the water molecules with the fixedsites. Thus, the scalar friction coefficient of thehydronium ion is partitioned into four force-forcecorrelation functions:

where â ) 1/(kT), and the forces FRs, Fps, and FRp arebetween the hydronium ion and the water molecules,the fixed sites and the water molecules, and thehydronium ion and the fixed sites, respectively. Onlythe latter three terms are explicitly evaluated: theirsum is taken to be a correction, ú(c), to a “zeroth order”friction coefficient. Because this first force-force cor-relation function involves only the force that thewater exerts on the hydronium ion (FRs), it is takento be either the friction coefficient of a hydroniumion in bulk water calculated with the Stokes relation(this is typically the case for minimally or onlypartially hydrated membranes), or the friction coef-ficient of a proton in bulk water derived fromexperimental diffusion measurements (used for fullyhydrated membranes). Structure diffusion of theproton is significant in bulk water (see Section3.; thus, their model does account for thiscontribution to the mobility of the proton in mem-brane pores through the first term in eq 20, i.e., FRs.The choice of the numerical value of this zeroth-orderterm is not arbitrary but is dependent on the char-acteristics (i.e., structure) of the water in the pore;and the latter is assessed using the dielectric satura-tion model described in the following section.

2.5. Dielectric Saturation

In a typical hydrated PEM, the rigidity of thebackbone and the crystallinity of the polymer confinethe water (to regions of only nanometers); and withthe significant density and distribution of the pen-dant anionic groups give structural ordering to thewater in the membrane. Both experimental119-122 andMD simulations123-126 have revealed that waterconfined in systems such as reverse micelles andbiological pores possesses a decreased polarity andrate of relaxation, and an increased degree of spatialand orientational order, when compared to bulkwater. As such, assumptions of a constant dielectricconstant for the water in the pore of a PEM (eitherthat of bulk water or some other values) is clearlyincorrect. The water near the polymer backbone andfixed anionic groups is more constrainted and orderedthan the water located in the center of the pores. Thisphenomenon resembles that observed for an electro-lyte near a charged electrode for which variousmodels have been formulated, including Helmholtz,Gouy-Chapman, Stern, and Grahame (see Section3.1.2.1).

Structure diffusion (i.e., the Grotthuss mechanism)of protons in bulk water requires formation andcleavage of hydrogen bonds of water molecules in thesecond hydration shell of the hydrated proton (seeSection 3.1); therefore, any constraint to the dynam-ics of the water molecules will decrease the mobilityof the protons. Thus, knowledge of the state or natureof the water in the membrane is critical to under-standing the mechanisms of proton transfer andtransport in PEMs.

úR ) â3∫0


-iL0tFRs⟩0 + ⟨FRse-iL0tFps⟩0 +

⟨FRpe-iL0tFps⟩0 + ⟨FRpe

-iL0tFRs⟩0) (20)

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4647

Hence, the recent work of Paul and Paddison,47-51

which was alluded to previously, has sought todescribe the spatially dependent dielectric constantof the water in PEMs. Their work follows in the spiritof the much earlier pioneering work of Booth127 andmore recent application of Bontha and Pintauro.128

They assume that the field-dependent permittivityof the water, ε(E), may be expressed as the sum oftwo terms, according to

where n is the refractive index and E and P are themagnitudes of the electric field and polarization,respectively. The polarization is computed from arealization that it is a functional derivative of theHelmholtz energy, A, i.e.,

where the dependence of both the polarization andenergy on the electrostatic field due to the fixedanionic groups (E) and an external “probing” electricfield (Ee) are explicitly declared. One of the importantimplications of eq 22 is the inclusion of the electro-static field as part of the total energy (Hamiltonian)of the system, which removes the nonphysical resultsof divergence in the dielectric constant.

3. Transport Mechanisms

3.1. Proton Conduction MechanismsDespite the variety of proton-conducting separator

materials, the inherent protonic charge carriers(protonic defects) are solvated by very few types ofspecies. These are essentially water (e.g., in hydratedacidic polymers), oxo-acid anions (e.g., in CsHSO4)or oxo-acids such as phosphoric acid (e.g., in adductsof basic polymers with phosphoric acid), heterocycles(e.g., intercalated into acidic polymers or immobilizedvia flexible spacers), or oxide ions (forming a hydrox-ide on the oxygen site of an oxide lattice). Thesespecies participate in the formation of protonic chargecarriers and the proton conduction mechanism. In afew cases, they are also the protogenic group: i.e.,they generate protonic charge carriers by self-dis-sociation (e.g., in the case of phosphoric acid and tosome extent also in heterocycles such as imidazole);in other cases, the protonic charge carriers must begenerated extrinsically, by doping with a Brønstedacid or base (i.e., in water containing systems andoxides).

A common and important characteristic of all thesespecies is their involvement in hydrogen bonding. Thestructural and dynamical nature of this interactionseems to be the key to understanding long-rangeproton transport in these environments. Strong hy-drogen bonding is frequently considered to be aprecursor of proton-transfer reactions;129 however,long-range proton transport also requires rapid bondbreaking and forming processes, which is only ex-

pected to occur in weakly hydrogen bonded systems.Dynamical bond-length variations have long beenrecognized to be integral for the hydrogen bondingin proton-conducting systems;130 however, it is onlyrecently that the appearance of such “dynamicalhydrogen bonding” has been explained through aconsideration of the chemical interactions of thesystems (including hydrogen bonding) in a widerange of configuration space.131 The interplay ofhydrogen bonds with other intermolecular forces isgenerally examined in refs 132-136.

Proton-conduction mechanisms that occur in theaforementioned proton solvents, when present as ahomogeneous phase and as a component of hetero-geneous fuel cell separator materials, are describedmore specifically in the following two sections.

3.1.1. Homogeneous Media Water and Aqueous Solutions. of Excess Protons. The unusually highmobility (equivalent conductivity) of protons in waterand aqueous solutions (under ambient conditions, ∼9times higher than that for Li+ and ∼5 times higherthan that for K+) has been investigated since theearly days of physical chemistry, and the differentconcepts and approaches have been summarizedseveral times.34 The essential features of the presentview dates back to the work of Eigen and DeMaeyer.137,138 They demonstrated that “structurediffusion”, i.e., the “diffusion” of the structure (hy-drogen-bond pattern) in which the excess proton is“tunneling” back and forth, is the rate-limiting step.Ever since, there has been some controversy as towhether the region containing the excess proton maybe described as a hydrated hydronium ion (i.e.,H9O4

+, later termed the Eigen ion) or a smaller dimersharing the excess proton (i.e., H5O2

+, the Zundelion139). This debate was largely resolved by themechanistic details obtained from CPMD simulations(see Section 2.2.3) by Tuckerman et al.34,35 and theinterpretation of NMR data by Agmon.140 Indepen-dently, they determined a mechanism for the diffu-sion of excess protons in water, which is illustratedin Figure 1.

The region with an single excess proton within thehydrogen-bond network (protonic defect) correspondsto either a Zundel ion or an Eigen ion. Interestingly,the center of the region of excess charge coincideswith the center of symmetry of the hydrogen-bondpattern,131 i.e., apart from the bonds with the com-mon shared proton, each water molecule of theZundel ion acts as a proton donor through twohydrogen bonds, and each of the three outer watermolecules of the Eigen ion acts as a proton donor intwo hydrogen bonds and as an acceptor for thehydronium ion and an additional water molecule (seeFigure 1). Changes to these hydrogen-bond patternsthrough hydrogen-bond breaking and forming pro-cesses displaces the center of symmetry in space and,therefore, also the center of the region of excesscharge. In this way, a Zundel ion is converted to anEigen ion, which then transfers into one of threepossible Zundel ions (see Figure 1). This type ofmechanism may still be termed “structure diffusion”

ε(E) ) n2 +4πP(E)


P(r,E,Ee) ) -δA(E,Ee)


4648 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

(as suggested by Eigen), because the protonic chargefollows a propagating hydrogen-bond arrangement orstructure.

The sum of all proton displacements involved inthe hydrogen-bond breaking and forming processesand the proton displacements within the hydrogenbonds of the Zundel and Eigen ions then correspondsto the net displacement of one unit charge by just alittle more than the separation of the two protons ina water molecule (i.e., ∼200 pm). Although there areno individual, exceptionally fast protons, even on ashort time scale, the fast diffusion of protonic defectsleads to a slight increase in the physical diffusion ofall protons in the system. This is indeed observed foraqueous solutions of hydrochloric acid, for whichmean proton diffusion coefficients were observed tobe up to 5% higher than the diffusion coefficient ofoxygen, as measured by 1H and 17O PFG NMR,141

reflecting the slightly attenuated correlation of protonand oxygen diffusion in acidic media.

Another interesting feature of this mechanism isthat the hydrogen-bond breaking and forming (hy-drogen-bond dynamics) and the translocation ofprotons within the hydrogen bonds occur in differentparts of the hydrogen bond network, albeit in a highlyconcerted fashion. This is the most thermodynami-cally favorable transport path, because the hydrogenbonds in the center of the two charged complexes arecontracted to such an extent that this allows an

almost barrierless proton translocation while thehydrogen-bond breaking and forming processes occurin the weakly bonded outer parts of the complexes.This contraction of the center of the complex isprobably a direct consequence of the lower coordina-tion of the involved species (3 instead of ∼4). Theactivation enthalpy of the overall transport processis dominated by the hydrogen-bond breaking andforming, which also explains the strong correlationof the proton transport rate and the dielectric relax-ation.142 The Zundel and Eigen complexes are justlimiting configurations, and the simulations indeedproduce configurations that can hardly be ascribedto one or the other.36 Although simulations findcomparable probabilities for the occurrence of bothtype of complexes,34,35 there is experimental evidencefor a slight stabilization of the Eigen complex,compared to the Zundel complex, by ∼2.4 kJ/mol (25meV).143 However, these differences are marginal anddo not change the principal features of the mecha-nism.

One such feature is the potential energy surfacefor proton transfer in the contracted hydrogen bonds.The time-averaged potential surfaces are almostsymmetrical (especially for the Zundel ion) withoutsignificant barriers, i.e., the proton is located nearthe center of the bond. Whether its location is off-center at any time instance is mainly dependent onthe surrounding hydrogen-bond pattern, and it is the

Figure 1. Proton conduction in water. The protonic defect follows the center of symmetry of the hydrogen-bond pattern,which “diffuses” by hydrogen-bond breaking and forming processes; therefore, the mechanism is frequently termed “structurediffusion”. Note that the hydrogen bonds in the region of protonic excess charge are contracted, and the hydrogen-bondbreaking and forming processes occur in the outer portion of the complexes (see text). Inserted potentials correspond tononadiabatic transfer of the central proton in the three configurations (atomic coordinates taken from refs 33 and 34).

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4649

change of this pattern that alters the shape (andasymmetry) of this potential and, therefore, theposition of the proton within the hydrogen bond (seeFigure 1, top). In other words, the proton is trans-ferred almost adiabatically, with respect to thesolvent coordinate.1 This has important consequenceson the mechanism when static asymmetric contribu-tions are introduced, i.e., by chemical interactions orthe presence of ionic charges (see below). The verylow barriers are also the reason for the fact that themechanism can be well described classically, withrespect to the motion of the nuclei (especially theproton); in particular, proton tunneling has only aminor effect on the rate of transfer. Nevertheless, theprotonic defect (region of protonic excess charge) maybecome delocalized through several hydrogen bonds,because of quantum fluctuations.36,85

The mechanism also provides insight into thequestion as to what extent proton transfer in wateris a cooperative phenomenon. In many physicalchemistry textbooks, one still finds diagrams showingthe concerted transfer of protons within extendedhydrogen-bonded water chains (the Grotthuss mech-anism) to explain the unusually high equivalentconductivity of protons in this environment. However,the creation of the corresponding dipolar moment inan unrelaxed high dielectric constant environmentcosts far too much energy to be consistent with a veryfast process with low activation energy.1,144 As an-ticipated in ref 1, the propagation mechanism of aprotonic defect in a low-dimensional water structuresurrounded by a low dielectric environment is obvi-ously between “concerted” and “step-wise”;145,146 how-ever, in bulk water, the cooperation is restricted tothe dynamics of protons in neighboring hydrogenbonds (also see Figure 1).

One also should keep in mind that water is a liquidwith a high self-diffusion coefficient (i.e., DH2O ) 2.25× 10-5 cm2/s at room temperature) and that thediffusion of protonated water molecules makes somecontribution to the total proton conductivity (vehiclemechanism147). This is ∼22% when assuming that thediffusion coefficients of H2O and H3O+ (or H5O2

+) areidentical. However, as suggested by Agmon,148 thediffusion of H3O+ may be retarded, because of thestrong hydrogen bonding in the first hydration shell.

Of course, the relative contributions of “structurediffusion” and “vehicular diffusion” are dependent ontemperature, pressure, and the concentrations andtypes of ions present. With increasing temperature,structure diffusion is attenuated and with increasingpressure the contribution of structure diffusion in-creases until it reaches a maximum at ∼0.6 GPa (6kbar).1 Especially relevant for the later discussion ofproton transport in hydrated acidic membranes is theobservation that structure diffusion strongly de-creases as the acid concentration increases (seeFigure 2 and ref 141), which is probably due tochanges in the hydrogen-bond pattern (there areprogressively more proton donors than correspondingproton acceptor “sites”) and a consequence of thebiasing of the hydrogen bonds in the electrostaticfield of the ions suppressing the proton-transfermechanism illustrated in Figure 1. Mobility of Defect Protons. Because basicaqueous solutions also have some relevance for fuelcell applications (e.g., in alkaline fuel cells (AFCs)),the transport mechanism of defect protons (OH-) isalso reviewed here. Although intuition might lead oneto assume that the mechanism is reminiscent of thatof an excess proton, recent CPMD simulations sug-gest that this may not be the case.149 As opposed toZundel and Eigen complexes, in which the centralspecies are only 3-fold coordinated (under-coordi-nated, with respect to water in pure water, which isprobably the reason for the bond contraction in thesecomplexes; see above) on the average, the hydroxideion is observed to be coordinated by ∼4.5 watermolecules in an almost-planar configuration with theOH proton pointing out of the plane. This is consid-ered to be a true quantum effect and contradicts thecommon understanding of a 3-fold coordination.150

This “hyper-coordination” is suggested to preventproton transfer from a H2O to the OH-, because thiswould produce an unfavorable H-O-H bond angleof 90°. The proton transfer only occurs when the OH-

coordination is reduced to 3 by breaking one of the 4hydrogen bonds within the plane and some re-arrangement of the remaining bonds occurs, whichallows the direct formation of a water molecule witha tetrahedral geometry. Surprisingly, the ground-state coordination of the most favorable configura-tions around excess protons seem to be similar to thecoordination of the transition state for the transportof defect protons. Note, that hyper-coordination of theOH- is still a matter of controversial debate. Thestatistical mechanical quasi-chemical theory of solu-tions suggests that tricoordinated OH- is the pre-dominant species in the aqueous phase under stan-dard conditions.151,152 This finding seems to be inagreement with recent spectroscopic studies on hy-droxide water clusters, and it is consistent with thetraditional view of OH- coordination.

It should also be mentioned that OH- “hyper-coordination” is not observed in concentrated solu-tions of NaOH and KOH.153 In contrast to acidicsolutions, where structure diffusion is suppressedwith increasing concentration (see above and Figure2) the transference number of OH- (e.g., in aqueous

Figure 2. Conductivity diffusion coefficient (mobility) ofprotons and water self-diffusion coefficient of aqueoussolutions of hydrochloric acid (HCl), as a function of acidconcentration (molarity, M) (data are taken from ref 141).

4650 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

KOH solutions) remains surprisingly high (∼0.74) forconcentrations up to ∼3 M.

In pure water, excess protons (H3O+, H5O2+) and

defect protons (OH-) are present at identical concen-trations; however, because of their low concentration(10-7 M under ambient conditions), the diffusion ofthese defects may be considered to be quasi-indepen-dent. Only in small water clusters do zwitterionsshow a remarkable stability.154 Phosphoric Acid. Although the protonconduction mechanism in phosphoric acid has notbeen investigated to the same extent, it is evidentthat the principal features exhibit similarities, alongwith important differences.

Above its melting point of Tm ) 42 °C, neatphosphoric acid (H3PO4) is a highly viscous liquidwith extended intermolecular hydrogen bonding.However, in contrast to the situation in water, thereare more possible donor than acceptor sites and theamphoteric character is significantly more pro-nounced: phosphoric acid may act as both a Brønstedacid and base. In terms of equilibrium constants, bothKa and Kb are reasonably high (Ka of the conjugatebase is low). Consequently, phosphoric acid shows avery high degree of self-dissociation (autoprotolysis)of ∼7.4%,155 along with some condensation, withH2PO4

-, H4PO4+, H3O+, and H2P2O7

2- being the maindissociation products. Because of their high concen-tration, the separation of the overall conductivity intocharge carrier concentration and mobility terms isproblematic. Nevertheless, the proton mobility hasbeen calculated from total conductivities by theNernst-Einstein equation by taking concentrationsfrom ref 155; and the values have been observed tobe almost 2 orders of magnitude higher than thevalues for the diffusion coefficient of the diversephosphate species obtained directly by 31P PFGNMR156 and estimated from viscosity measurementsvia the Stokes-Einstein relation.

Pure phosphoric acid is a liquid with a low diffusioncoefficient of phosphate species but an extremely highproton mobility, which must involve proton transferbetween phosphate species and some structural re-arrangements. The contribution to the total conduc-tivity is ∼98%; i.e., phosphoric acid is an almost-idealproton conductor. The total conductivity at the melt-ing point (T ) 42 °C) is 7.7 × 10-2 S/cm, with anestimated proton mobility of 2 × 10-5 cm2/s.156 Thisextremely high proton mobility has also been indi-rectly determined with 1H PFG NMR and wasobserved to be even higher (by a factor of 1.5-2.3).This has been explained by the correlated motion ofthe oppositely charged defects (H2PO4

-, H4PO4+)

when they are close to one another (i.e., the case justafter their formation (by dissociation of H3PO4) andbefore their neutralization). Correlation effects areactually quite common in proton conductors withhigh concentrations of charge carriers and they areeven more pronounced in other systems (see Section3.1.1.3 on heterocycles and proton transport in alka-line-metal hydroxides157,158).

Molecular details of the structure diffusion mech-anism with the hydrogen-bond breaking and formingand the proton transfer between the different phos-

phate species (essentially H2PO4-, H3PO4, H4PO4

+)have not been investigated yet; however, the highdegree of self-dissociation suggests that the proton-transfer events are even less-correlated than in water(the system is more tolerant toward protonic chargedensity fluctuations). The transfer events are prob-ably almost barrierless, as indicated by negligibleH/D effects of the diffusion coefficients in mixturesof H3PO4 and D3PO4.130

The principal proton transport mechanism remainsessentially the same with the addition of some water,with a conductivity increase up to 0.25 S/cm underambient conditions. A 1H and 31P PFG NMR studyalso showed that an 85 wt % phosphoric acid systemwas an almost ideal proton conductor, with 98% ofthe conductivity originating from the structure dif-fusion of protons.159 The combination of high intrinsiccharge carrier concentration and mobility renders thepossibility of very high conductivities in these sys-tems. In particular, there is no perturbation fromextrinsic doping, i.e., there is no suppression ofstructure diffusion, despite the high concentration ofprotonic charge carriers. On the other hand, attemptsto increase the conductivity of phosphoric acid-basedsystems by doping have expectedly failed.160 Imidazole. Historically, the interest inhydrogen bonding and proton conductivity in hetero-cycles has its roots in speculations about the partici-pation of hydrogen bonds in energy and chargetransfer in biological systems;161 specifically, concern-ing the participation of NH‚‚‚N bonds between theimidazole groups of histidine in proton transport intransmembrane proteins.162 Even Zundel has workedin the field,163 and it is not surprising that his viewof the proton dynamics in imidazole is closely relatedto that of water. He suggested a high polarizabilityof the protons within intermolecular hydrogen bondsand, as a consequence, a very strong coupling be-tween hydrogen bonds, as indicated by the intenseIR continuum in the NH stretching regime. Surpris-ingly, he did not suggest the existence of any complexsimilar to the Zundel complex in water163 (see Section3.1.1.1), whereas Riehl164 had already suggested“defect protons” or “proton holes” as requirements tomaintain a current in solid imidazole. Early conduc-tivity measurements had their focus on crystallinemonoclinic imidazole, which has a structural hydro-gen bond length of 281 pm.165 The measured conduc-tivities were typically low (i.e., ∼10-8 S/cm) with verypoor reproducibility.161,166,167 Later tracer experi-ments168 and a 15N NMR study169 raised doubts aboutthe existence of proton conductivity in pure crystal-line imidazole.

However, the conductivity of liquid imidazole isseveral orders of magnitude higher (∼10-3 S/cm atthe melting point of Tm ) 90 °C);161 however, itsmechanism was investigated much later. It was thesearch for chemical environments that were differentfrom water in fuel cell membranes that broughtheterocycles back into focus. The potential protondonor and acceptor functions (amphoteric character),the low barrier hydrogen bonding between the highlypolarizable N atoms, and the size and shape of themolecule were reasons that Kreuer et al.170 started

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to investigate the usefulness of heterocycles as protonsolvents in separator materials for fuel cells. Thiswork also comprises the study of the transportproperties of neat and acidified liquid imidazole,pyrazole, and, later, benzimidazole.171 An importantfinding was that the transport coefficients (i.e.,mobility of protonic charge carriers and moleculardiffusion coefficients) are similar to those of waterat a given temperature, relative to the melting point.This is particularly true for their ratio: i.e., the protonmobility is a factor of ∼4.5 higher than the moleculardiffusion coefficient at the melting point of imida-zole.170 This is a direct indication of fast inter-molecular proton transfer and the possibility ofstructure diffusion in this environment. Subse-quently, details were revealed by a CPMD simula-tion.37 In contrast to earlier suggestions of concertedproton transfer in extended chains of hydrogenbonds161,172 (analogous to the proton conduction mech-anism in water presented in most textbooks at thattime144), a structure diffusion mechanism similar tothat for water (Figure 1) was observed. The regioncontaining the excess proton (intentionally intro-duced) is an imidazole with both nitrogens pro-tonated and acting as proton donors toward thetwo next nearest imidazoles in a configurationImi‚‚‚ImiH+‚‚‚Imi with hydrogen bonds (∼273 pm)slightly contracted, compared to the average bondlength of the system, but still longer than the bondsin the isolated complex (in the gas phase).173 Theposition of the protons within these hydrogen bondsis dependent mainly on the hydrogen bonding be-tween the nearest and next-nearest solvating imida-zoles (Figure 3). The hydrogen-bonded structure inimidazole is observed to be chainlike (i.e., low dimen-sional), with two possible orientations of the hydrogen-bond polarization within segments which are sepa-rated by imidazoles with their protonated nitrogendirected out of the chain. This may even form a“cross-linking” hydrogen bond with a nonprotonatednitrogen of a neighboring strand of imidazole. Thesimulation data revealed the existence of imidazolemolecules close to the protonic defect in hydrogen-bond patterns, which rapidly change by bond break-ing and forming processes. Similar to water, thisshifts the excess proton within the region and mayeven lead to complete proton transfer, as displayedin Figure 3. There is no indication of the stabilizationof a symmetrical complex (Imi‚‚‚H‚‚‚Imi)+: therealways seems to be some remaining barrier in thehydrogen bonds, with the proton being on one sideor the other.

As for the CPMD simulation of water, the simu-lated configuration is artificial, because there is nocounter charge compensating for the charge of theexcess proton. This is necessary, methodologically,because self-dissociation is unlikely to occur withinthe simulation box used (i.e., eight imidazole mol-ecules with a single excess proton) and the accessiblesimulation time (∼10 ps). The self-dissociation con-stants for heterocycles (in particular, imidazole) areactually much higher than for water, but degrees ofself-dissociation (concentration of protonic chargecarriers) of ∼10-3 are still ∼2 orders of magnitude

lower than that for phosphoric acid (see Section3.1.1.2). Site-selective proton diffusion coefficients(obtained by 1H PFG NMR of different imidazole-based systems) show surprisingly high diffusioncoefficients for the protons involved in hydrogenbonding between the heteroatoms (nitrogen).174 De-pending on the system, they are significantly higherthan calculated from the measured conductivitiescorresponding to Haven ratios (σD/σ) of 3-15. Thisindicates some correlation in the diffusion of theproton, which may be due to the presence of a countercharge neglected in the simulation.

In pure imidazole, regions containing excess pro-tons must be charge-compensated by proton-deficientregions with electrostatic attraction between theseregions (defects) that is dependent on their mutualseparation distance and the dielectric constant of themedium. Under thermodynamic equilibrium, suchdefects are steadily formed and neutralized. For-mally, the creation of a protonic defect pair isinitiated by a proton transfer from one imidazole toanother, with the subsequent separation of the twocharged species with a diffusion mechanism asdescribed previously (also see Figure 3). However,this transfer is contrary to the electrostatic field ofthe counter charge, favoring a reversal of the dis-sociation process. However, because the two protonsof the positively charged imidazolium (ImiH+) are

Figure 3. Proton conduction mechanism in liquid imida-zole, as revealed by a Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics(CPMD) simulation.37 Note the similarities with the protonconduction mechanism in water (see Figure 1).

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equivalent, there is a 50% chance that another protonis transferred back, provided that the orientationalcoherence between the dissociating molecules iscompletely lost. If the same proton is transferredback, the transient formation and neutralization ofan ion pair contributes neither to the proton diffusionnor to the proton conductivity. However, if the otherproton is transferred back, the protons interchangetheir positions in the hydrogen bond network, whichgenerates diffusion but no conductivity since thetransient charge separation is completely reversed.As illustrated for the most simple mechanism of thistype in Figure 4, the sum of all proton translocationvectors form a closed trajectory reminiscent of cyclicintermolecular proton-transfer reactions known tooccur in certain organic pyrazole-containing com-plexes175 and proton diffusion in hydroxides.157,158

Presently, there is no direct proof for such amechanism in pure imidazole (e.g., by 15N NMR);however, the observation that the ratio of the protondiffusion and conduction rates virtually coincide withthe Boltzmann factor (i.e., exp(- EΦ(ε)/(kT)), whereEΦ is the electrostatic separation energy of two unitcharges in a continuum of dielectric constant ε) is astrong indication.

This observation is also indicative of the impor-tance of a high dielectric constant to enable theformation of protonic charge carriers and to allowtheir mobility being uncorrelated with their conju-gated base. Of course, this is also true for theseparation of protonic charge carriers from extrinsicdopants such as acids. In addition to the perturbationof the hydrogen bond network (as observed in aque-ous solutions), electrostatic effects may also explainthe saturation of proton conductivity with increasingacidity of the heterocyclic systems.171 This effect iseven more pronounced in polymeric systems withimmobilized protogenic groups and will be discussedin Section Simple Cubic Perovskites. Since thework of Stotz and Wagner176 in 1966, the existenceof protonic defects in wide-band-gap oxides at high

temperatures is well-established; and the initialnotation OHO

• (Hi•), i.e., the assumption that the

defect is a hydroxide ion residing on an oxide ion sitecarrying a positive relative charge, is still valid. Morethan a decade later, the systematic investigation ofacceptor-doped oxides such as LaAlO3, LaYO3, orSrZrO3, which had already been known for theirmoderate oxide ion conductivity, provided experi-mental evidence that these materials may be protonconductors in hydrogen-containing environments.177

The observed conductivities in these materials werequite low; however, later related compounds basedon SrCeO3

178 and BaCeO3179 with high proton con-

ductivities have been discovered and even tested indifferent types of electrochemical cells, including fuelcells,180-185 but the lack of stability under fuel-celloperating conditions remained an unsolved problem.Almost another two decades passed before oxideswere synthesized that combined high proton conduc-tivity with high thermodynamic stability.186-188 Thisbrought these materials closer to a realistic alterna-tive for fuel-cell applications and, hence, their trans-port properties are reviewed here.

The highest conductivities are observed in oxideswith perovskite-type structures (ABO3) with cubic orslightly reduced symmetry.188 Protonic defects areformed by the dissociative absorption of water, whichrequires the presence of oxide ion vacancies VO

••. Thelatter may be formed intrinsically by varying theratio of main constituents or extrinsically to com-pensate for an acceptor dopant (lower-valent cation).To form protonic defects, water from the gas-phasedissociates into a hydroxide ion and a proton, withthe hydroxide ion filling an oxide ion vacancy andthe proton forming a covalent bond with a latticeoxygen. In Kroger-Vink notation, this reaction iswritten

by which two hydroxide ions substituting for oxideions, i.e., two positively charged protonic defects(OHO

• ), are formed. The crystallographic (time-aver-aged) structure of such a defect is shown in Figure5. There are eight orientations of the hydroxide ionstabilized by a hydrogen bond interaction with theeight next-nearest oxygen neighbors in the cubicperovskite structure. As opposed to the cases dis-cussed previously, for which hydrogen bonding is thedominant intermolecular interaction, here, hydrogenbonding is restricted to the defect region. Within thisregion, hydrogen bonding interferes with other chemi-cal interactions and, together with these, determinesthe structure and dynamics of the defective region.

As shown by DFTB and CPMD simulations, theprincipal features of the transport mechanism arerotational diffusion of the protonic defect and protontransfer toward a neighboring oxide ion.189-191 Thatis, only the proton shows long-range diffusion, whereasthe oxygens reside in their crystallographic positions.Both experiments192-194 and quantum-MD simula-tions,189,190,195,196 have revealed that rotational diffu-sion is fast with a low activation barrier. Thissuggests that the proton-transfer reaction is the rate-

Figure 4. Schematic illustration of correlated protontransfers in pure liquid imidazole leading to proton diffu-sion but not proton conductivity (see text).

H2O + VO•• + OO

× h 2OHO• (23)

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4653

limiting step in the considered perovskites. On theother hand, the intense red-shifted OH-stretchingabsorptions in the IR spectra (ref 197 and referencestherein) and the results of neutron diffraction experi-ments198 are indicative of strong hydrogen bondinteractions, which favor fast proton-transfer reac-tions rather than fast reorientation processes, thelatter requiring the breaking of such bonds.

Because the structural oxygen separation is largerthan 290 pm in most perovskite-type oxides, andstrong hydrogen bonds may only be formed at sig-nificantly shorter distances, the free energy that thesystem gains by hydrogen-bond formation is compet-ing with the free energy required for the latticedistortion necessary for hydrogen bonding. A reanaly-sis of a quantum-MD simulation of a protonic defectin cubic BaCeO3

131,188,199 demonstrated that these twofree-energy contributions almost cancel each otherfor a wide range of oxygen separation distances(∼250-300 pm). Thus, short oxygen separations,which favor proton transfer, and large oxygen sepa-rations, which allow rapid bond breaking, result insimilar free energies of the entire system; therefore,these separations have similar probabilities of occur-ring. Indeed, the simulation found the protonic defectto form short, but transient, hydrogen bonds with alleight nearest oxygen neighbors. In the time-averagedpicture observed in the diffraction experiments (see

Figure 5), this leads only to a slight reduction in thestructural OH/O separations, in contrast to mostinstantaneous configurations where one of the eightOH/O separations is reduced to ∼280 pm, because ofhydrogen bonding.188,200 Although the hydrogen-bondinteraction has a stabilizing effect of ∼0.5 eV on thisconfiguration, the bond is a “soft”, high-energy hy-drogen bond with extended bond-length fluctuations.This also leads to configurations, where the protonicdefect acts almost like a free OH with small OHstretching amplitudes, compared to the extendedstretching vibrations in the hydrogen bonded state.131

From the thermodynamics of such “dynamicalhydrogen bonds”, one may actually expect an activa-tion enthalpy of long-range proton diffusion of notmore than 0.15 eV, provided that the configurationO-H‚‚‚O is linear, for which the proton-transferbarrier vanishes at O/O distances of less than ∼250pm. However, the mobility of protonic defects in cubicperovskite-type oxides has activation enthalpies onthe order of 0.4-0.6 eV.188 This raises the questionas to which interactions control the activation en-thalpy of proton transfer.

A more-detailed inspection of the MD data showedthat, for most configurations with short OH/O sepa-ration distances, the proton is not found between thetwo oxygens on the edge of the octahedron but outsidethe BO6 octahedron, as part of a strongly benthydrogen bond200 that still possesses some barrier forproton transfer. The reason for this is probably therepulsive interaction between the proton and thehighly charged B-site cation, which prevents a linearhydrogen bond from forming. The analysis of a fewtransition-state configurations showed that the B-Obonds are elongated to some extent and that thedisplacement of the proton being transferred is onthe edge of the distorted octahedron.131 In this way,an almost linear, short configuration of the typeO-H‚‚‚O is formed. The proton transfer in thisconfiguration probably occurs over a remaining bar-rier, as indicated by the experimentally observedH/D-isotope effects.201,202 Although the H/B repulsionis reduced in this configuration, major contributionsto the activation enthalpy result from the B-O bondelongation and the proton-transfer barrier. Neverthe-less, the H/B repulsion may be used as an estimateof the upper limit for these contributions to theactivation enthalpy.

The importance of the H/B repulsion is also wit-nessed by the observation that the activation enthal-pies of proton mobility in cubic perovskites withpentavalent B-site cations (I-V perovskites) aresignificantly higher than for perovskites with tet-ravalent B-site cations (II-IV perovskites).131,187

Similar to hydrogen-bonded networks, any reduc-tion in symmetry may decrease the proton conductiv-ity in oxides. This effect has been investigated indetail by comparing structural and dynamical fea-tures of protonic defects in yttrium-doped BaCeO3and SrCeO3

203 and SrZrO3.204 The large orthorhombicdistortion of SrCeO3 has tremendous effects on thearrangement of the lattice oxygen. The cubic oxygensite degenerates into two sites (O1, O2) with differentacid/base properties. Although, in SrCeO3, the most

Figure 5. Time-averaged structure of a protonic defectin perovskite-type oxides (cubic case), showing the eightorientations of the central hydroxide ion stabilized by ahydrogen-bond interaction with the eight next-nearestoxygen neighbors.186,199

4654 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

basic oxygen is O1, it is O2 in BaCeO3. Assuming thatprotons are associated with these sites for the major-ity of the time, they may show long-range protontransport via the most-frequent O2 sites in BaCeO3.This is in contrast to SrCeO3, where long-rangeproton transport must involve transfer betweenchemically different O1 and O2 sites. The latter,together with the observed bias in rotational diffusion(defect reorientation), was suggested as the reasonbehind the higher activation enthalpy and lowerconductivity in SrCeO3, compared to BaCeO3.203

The mobility of protonic defects was shown to bevery sensitive not only to reduction in the crystal-lographic symmetry but also to local structural andchemical perturbations induced by the acceptor dopantor by mixed occupancy on the B-site. Traditionally,aliovalent dopants with matching ionic radii arechosen, and, indeed, this simple concept has provento be successful; e.g., in the development of oxide ionconductors. However, when it comes to proton con-ductivity in oxides, this approach clearly fails. Al-though Sc3+ and In3+ have similar ionic radii to Zr4+,BaZrO3 shows much lower proton mobility whendoped with scandium or indium, compared to yttriumas an acceptor dopant with a significantly higherionic radius. For the latter, the proton mobility andcorresponding activation enthalpy are virtually in-dependent of the dopant concentration. Electronicstructure calculations show a significant effect of theacceptor dopant on the electron density of the neigh-boring oxygen, including its affinity for the proton(O2). Obviously, the chemical match of the dopantin yttrium-doped BaZrO3 makes it “invisible” to thediffusing proton.205 However, the most common ob-servation is decreasing proton mobility and increas-ing activation enthalpy with increasing dopantconcentration; e.g., as observed in yttrium-dopedBaCeO3.206 Thus, it is not surprising that mixedoccupancy of the B-site in complex perovskites maybecome unfavorable for proton mobility especiallywhen cation ordering occurs.207

The aforementioned considerations provide a quali-tative explanation for the empirical finding that thehighest proton conductivities are observed in oxideswith a perovskite structure. The framework of corner-sharing octahedral BO6 shows high coordinationnumbers for both cation sites (12 for the A-site and6 for the B-site). There is only one oxygen site in theideal perovskite structure that has each O atomsurrounded by eight nearest and four next-nearestoxygens. Generally the high coordination numberslead to low bond strengths and smaller anglesbetween the bonds, which is in favor of the above-described dynamics (e.g., the rotational diffusion ofthe protonic defect corresponds to “dynamical hydro-gen bonding” of the OH, with the eight O atomsforming the “reaction cage” (see Figure 5)). If theangles between the possible orientations are smallenough, the effective barriers for bond breaking andforming processes are usually <0.2 eV for perovskiteswith lattice constants that are not too small. In thesecases, hydrogen bonding even to the next-nearestoxygen between the vertices of the octahedral becomepossible, opening another proton-transfer path-

way, as observed in MD simulations of protons inCaTiO3.199

3.1.2. Heterogeneous Systems (Confinement Effects)

Homogeneous media have actually been used incommercial (e.g., phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFCs),AFC) and laboratory fuel cells (e.g., sulfuric acid-based direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs), hydrogenfuel cells with CsHSO4 as an electrolyte); however,most modern low-temperature fuel cells rely on theproperties of heterogeneous separator materials suchas hydrated sulfonic acid functionalized polymers(e.g., Nafion) and the adducts of basic polymers withoxo-acids (e.g., in the system of polybenzimidazoleand phosphoric acid (PBI-H3PO4)). In these materi-als, the homogeneous media (discussed previously)are confined within another phase. This geometricsituation, which also comprises specific interactionsat the usually very large internal interface, not onlymodifies the transport behavior within the proton-conducting phase, but also leads to the appearanceof new transport features, such as electro-osmoticdrag (see Section This section reviews thecurrent understanding of proton conduction in theseheterogeneous materials. Hydrated Acidic Polymers. Hydratedacidic polymers are, by far, the most commonly usedseparator materials for low-temperature fuel cells.Their typical nanoseparation (also see Section 1)leads to the formation of interpenetrating hydropho-bic and hydrophilic domains; the hydrophobic domaingives the membrane its morphological stability,whereas the hydrated hydrophilic domain facilitatesthe conduction of protons. Over the past few years,the understanding of the microstructure of thesematerials has been continuously growing, and thishas been crucial for the improved understanding ofthe mechanism of proton conduction and the observeddependence of the conductivity on solvent (water andmethanol) content and temperature.

The microstructure has chiefly been investigatedthrough SAXS and small-angle neutron scattering(SANS) experiments. However, because such experi-ments on specific samples do not provide sufficientinformation, diffraction experiments on samples pre-pared over a wide range of polymer/solvent ratios(even with different types of solvents) have beenperformed, especially by Gebel and co-workers.208-211

Additional information from water transport mea-surements has been included into the parametriza-tion of the most simple microstructural model, as-suming a hydrophobic matrix with a cubic system ofcylindrical hydrophilic channels.212,213 This approach,although highly simplifying, has the advantage thatit allows comparison of the mean numbers for theextensions of the hydrophilic channels and the hy-drophobic matrix between for different types ofionomers (also see Section Other constraintssuch as “maximum entropy” (minimum structure)have also been used to obtain microstructural infor-mation from two-dimensional diffraction patterns bydirect Fourier synthesis.214 In addition, a recenttheoretical investigation by Khalatur et al.215 thatimplemented a hybrid Monte Carlo/reference interac-

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4655

tion site model (MC/RISM) technique to probe themorphology of Nafion over a range of hydration levelsshowed that a continuous network of channels mightexist, even at very low water contents. Based onproton conductivity and water diffusion data obtainedon diverse membrane materials, Edmondson andFontanella claimed the existence of a universalpercolation threshold at a water volume fraction of∼5%.216 This conclusion was based on the power-lawbehavior of the transport coefficients above this waterconcentration. The observations that the membranematerials continue to conduct below the “threshold”and that the conduction mechanism changes withwater content (see below) leave serious doubts aboutthe validity of this interpretation. However, themorphologies resulting from most approaches are inreasonable agreement for the most widely investi-gated Nafion (1100 g/equiv); the principal micro-structural features of this morphology are illustratedin Figure 6 for an intermediate water content. Thehydrophobic domain may be described by a frame-work of low-dimensional objects defining the bound-ary with the hydrophilic domain. In Nafion, the latteris well-connected, even at low degrees of hydration;i.e., there are almost no dead-end pockets and verygood percolation. Because of the side-chain architec-ture of Nafion, a third transition region between theaqueous domain and the hydrophobic polymer back-bone has been introduced. This comprises the hy-drated side chains, and a recent SAXS study seemsto suggest that this region swells at the expense ofthe purely aqueous region with increasing degree of

hydration.217 In other words, there is indication fora progressive side-chain unfolding with increasinghydration. This idea is supported by electronic struc-ture calculations (described in Section 2.1) on theentire Nafion side chain,18 which showed that theunfolding of the chain would require ∼18 kJ/mol.

Because the hydrophilic sulfonic acid groups arecovalently bound to the hydrophobic polymer, theyaggregate somewhere in the hydrophobic/hydrophilictransition region, with an average separation of ∼0.8nm, compared to ∼1 nm expected for a totallyuniform distribution within the material.212

Electronic structure calculations have shown thatonly 2-3 water molecules per sulfonic acid group arenecessary for dissociation, in accordance with itssuperacidity when bound to a perfluorinated polymer(Figure 7), and when 6 water molecules are added,separation of the dissociated proton from the sul-fonate anion is observed.16,20,23 This water (primaryhydration of the sulfonic acid group) is actuallyabsorbed at low water partial pressures,197 indicatingthe stabilizing effect of water in such systems, asexpected from the high energetic stability (at T ) 0K) of the H3O+, compared to H3SO4

+ (-SO3H2+).218

Apart from water, the hydrophilic domain containsonly excess protons as mobile species, while theanionic counter charge is immobilized. This is aninherent advantage of such materials over homoge-neous electrolytes with mobile anions (or otherconjugated bases), which may interfere with thereactions that occur at the electrocatalysts. Althoughthis situation is reminiscent of the simplest casediscussed in Section (excess proton in wa-ter), it is actually more complex.

If only electrostatics are considered, significantattractive interaction between the excess protons inthe aqueous phase and the immobile anionic mirrorcharge is expected.26,27 Recent MD simulations ofproton transport in slab pores with sulfonate groups

Figure 6. Two-dimensional illustration of some micro-structural features of Nafion for an intermediate watercontent (see text).

Figure 7. Minimum energy conformation of a two-side-chain fragment of a perfluoro sulfonic acid polymer (Dow)with six water molecules, showing the dissociation of bothacidic protons.23

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embedded on the pore walls give the anticipated,essentially constant separation distance of the pro-tons from the fixed anions, despite changes in theamount of water between the slabs. The Debye length(typical electrostatic screening length) of pure wateris ∼800 nm at room temperature and is thus muchlarger than the typical dimensions of the hydrophilicdomain (only a few nanometers). Traditionally, thedistribution of charge carriers within the correspond-ing space charge layer is described by the Gouy-Chapman theory, which has been developed for semi-infinite geometries, or by numerically solving thePoisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation for specific geom-etries.99,100,212,219,220 In either case, one obtains amonotonically decreasing concentration of protoniccharge carriers as one moves from the hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface (i.e., where the anion chargeresides) toward the center of the hydrated hydrophilicdomain. However, this picture is not complete, be-cause these continuum theories neglect any struc-tural inhomogeneity in the vicinity of the electrifiedinterface. In the Gouy-Chapman approach, even ahomogeneous distribution of the mirror charge overthe interface is assumed; however, the fact that theseparation of neighboring sulfonic acid groups (∼0.8nm) and the typical extension of the hydrophilicdomain (a few nanometers) are of similar order doesnot justify this assumption. In addition, recentBrownian dynamics simulations of ions in cylindricalnanodimensioned pores have shown that both the PBand Poisson-Nernst-Planck continuum theories sub-stantially overestimate the shielding effects when theradius is less than two Debye lengths.221

The same is true for the assumption of a homoge-neous dielectric constant of the aqueous phase: asimplification that is not backed up by dielectricmeasurements as a function of the water content inthe microwave (i.e., gigahertz) range.222,223 As knownfor the near surface region of bulk water or anyinterface with water on one side, the dielectricconstant of the hydrated hydrophilic phase is signifi-cantly reduced near the hydrophobic/hydrophilicinterface. In addition, the specific interaction of thesulfonic acid group with water (hydration) alsodecreases the dielectric constant. Therefore, thespatial distribution of the dielectric constant withinhydrated domains is strongly dependent on the widthof the channels (degree of hydration) and the separa-tion of the dissociated sulfonic acid functional groups.This is an important result from the equilibriumstatistical thermodynamic modeling of the dielectricsaturation in different types of hydrated polymersdescribed previously (see Section 2.5).47-51 As shownin Figure 8 (top), the dielectric constant reaches thebulk value (81) in the center of the channel (pore)for water contents higher than ∼10 water moleculesper sulfonic acid group, whereas, for lower degreesof hydration, even in the center of the channel, thedielectric constant is lower than the bulk value as aconsequence of the stronger confinement (Figure 8,bottom). The calculations did not account for specificchemical water-polymer interactions (modeling onlythe interaction of the sulfonate groups with thewater), which are expected to further reduce the

dielectric constant within the hydrated channels. Thedistribution of the relative permittivity of the wateracross a hydrated channel has important implicationson the distribution of excess protons within thechannel. Because the solvation energy of protonsbecomes more negative with increasing dielectricconstant, there is a stabilizing effect for protoniccharge carriers in the center of the channels, whichheavily modifies the Gouy-Chapman distribution. Asillustrated in Figure 8 (top), the decreased dielectricconstant in the interfacial region leads to a relativestabilization of the dissociated protons in the centralregion of the channels. Only at very high watercontents (i.e., in the two-phase regime of Nafion withmore than 14 water molecules per sulfonic acidgroup) does one expect a slight relative depletion ofcharge carriers in the channel center, which isreminiscent of a Gouy-Chapman profile.

The general picture is such that the majority ofexcess protons are located in the central part of thehydrated hydrophilic nanochannels. In this region,the water is bulklike (for not too low degrees ofhydration) with local proton transport propertiessimilar to those described for water in Section3. Therefore, the transport properties areindeed a function of the considered length and timescales,224,225 and the activation enthalpies of bothproton mobility and water diffusion are similar tothose of bulk water and only increase slightly withdecreasing degree of hydration for intermediatewater contents (Figure 9).197,224,226-228

Apart from the slight retardation of proton mobility(Dσ) and water diffusion (DH2O) within the hydrophilicdomain, the decrease in the transport coefficientswith decreasing degree of hydration mainly reflectson the decreasing percolation within the waterlikedomain. At the highest degrees of hydration, themajor proton conduction mechanism is structurediffusion (Dσ > DH2O, Figure 9). With decreasingwater content, the concentration of excess protons inthe aqueous phase is increasing, which, in turn,increasingly suppresses intermolecular proton trans-fer and, therefore, structural diffusion, as witnessedin aqueous solutions141 (see Figure 2 and Section3. Consequently, proton mobility at interme-diate and low degrees of hydration is essentiallyvehicular in nature. Nonequilibrium statistical me-chanics-based calculations (see Section 2.3) of theproton self-diffusion coefficients in Nafion and PEEKKmembranes over a range of hydration conditions haveaddressed this conductivity contribution, and theyclearly show that the diffusion of water (vehicle) andhydrated protons (H3O+) are retarded, as a result ofconfinement in an environment where the water andprotons are perturbed by the presence of a substan-tial density of sulfonate (i.e., negative charge)groups.45,46 These calculations also showed that struc-ture diffusion contributes to the diffusion of protonsat the higher water contents (i.e., >13 water mol-ecules per sulfonic acid group; see Section 2.4).20,22,23

The very high conductivity activation volumes(conductivity decreases with applied pressure(-kT ∂ ln σ/∂ ln p)), which are particularly evidentin well-separated perfluorosulfonic acid polymers

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4657

(Nafion, Dow),216 may then also be understood as aconfinement effect. Pressure probably leads to anincreasing dispersion of the water, i.e., the hydro-

phobicandhydratedhydrophobicdomainsare“squeezed”into each other, forming a more dendritic microstruc-ture with narrower hydrophilic channels. This viewexplains straightforwardly why conductivity activa-tion volumes in less-separated (better-dispersed)hydrocarbon-based membranes213 are significantlysmaller. As long as the confinement does not fallbelow ∼1 nm, the water at the center of the channelsmay still be bulklike (Figure 8), and the diffusion ofhydrated protons has a large hydrodynamic compo-nent with significant long-range velocity correlations,typical for viscous media. This feature will be ad-dressed later in this article to explain the unusuallyhigh electro-osmotic drag coefficients (Section

For very low degrees of hydration (i.e., for Nafionmembranes with <6 water molecules per sulfonicacid group), the decreasing solvent (water) activityleads to a decreasing dissociation of the sulfonic acidgroup, i.e., an increasing exclusion of protons fromthe transport in the aqueous phase. Changes in theneighboring chemical group to the sulfonic acid (i.e.,changing from a perfluoro methylene to an aromaticcarbon: Nafion to S-PEK) will also affect the dis-sociation and separation of the proton from the acidicgroup.20 This effect is dependent not only on the

Figure 8. Hydration isotherm for Nafion 117 (equivalent weight (EW) of 1100 g/equiv)197 and the distribution of thedielectric constant23 and protonic charge carrier concentration across the hydrated hydrophilic channels (pores) for threedifferent water contents (top).

Figure 9. Proton conductivity diffusion coefficient (mobil-ity) and water self-diffusion coefficient of Nafion 117 (EW) 1100 g/equiv), as a function of temperature and thedegree of hydration (n ) [H2O]/[-SO3H]).197

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acidity of the sulfonic acid group, but also on thedielectric constant of the water of hydration. Withthis understanding, the significant decrease of con-ductivity in the presence of methanol,219 which actu-ally exhibits similar self-diffusion coefficients aswater (see Section but with a lower dielectricconstant, may then be explained by increased ionpairing (decreasing dissociation). Adducts of Basic Polymers with Oxo-acids. To date, the most relevant materials of thistype are adducts (complexes) of polybenzimidazole(PBI) and phosphoric acid, as introduced by Wain-right et al.229 In contrast to water, which exhibits ahigh mobility for protonic defects but a very lowintrinsic concentration of protonic charge carriers,phosphoric acid shows both high mobility and a highconcentration of intrinsic protonic defects (see Section3.1.1.2). In other words, phosphoric acid is intrinsi-cally a very good proton conductor with a very smallDebye length, and its charge carrier density is hardlyaffected by the interaction with PBI. Indeed, a strongacid/base reaction occurs between the nonprotonated,basic nitrogen of the PBI repeat unit and the firstphosphoric acid absorbed. The transfer of one protonleads to the formation of a benzimidazolium cationand a dihydrogenphosphate anion, forming a stablehydrogen-bonded complex, as shown by infraredspectroscopy.230,231 It is a common observation for allsystems of this type that their conductivity stronglyincreases upon further addition of an oxo-acid ap-proaching the conductivity of the pure acid for highacid concentrations (recently free-standing films ofPBI‚nH3PO4 with extremely high acid-to-polymerratios of >10 have been reported).232 In particular,there is no indication of participation of the polymerin the conduction process (also see discussion below).

Although no microstructural information is avail-able to date, the macroscopic transport has beeninvestigated in the related system of poly(diallyldi-methylammonium-dihydrogenphosphate) and phos-phoric acid, (PAMA+ H2PO4

-)‚nH3PO4.233 The protonmobility (Dσ) and the self-diffusion coefficient ofphosphorus (DP), as a measure of the hydrodynamicdiffusion of the system, is shown in Figure 10 for agiven temperature, as a function of the polymer/acidratio. Similar to pure phosphoric acid, the mobilityof protonic charge carriers is significantly higher thanthe self-diffusion coefficient of the phosphate speciesand both transport coefficients decrease with increas-ing polymer content virtually in the same manner.The main effect, obviously, is just the decreasingpercolation within the liquidlike portion of the phos-phoric acid domain, which is reminiscent of thesituation in hydrated acidic polymers (see Figure 6).At very small acid contents, when all the phosphoricacid is immobilized in the 1:1 complex, only very littleconductivity is left.

Similar to that observed for pure phosphoric acid,the transport properties of PBI and phosphoric acidare also dependent on the water activity, i.e., on thedegree of condensation (polyphosphate formation)and hydrolysis. There is even indication that thesereactions do not necessarily lead to thermodynamicequilibrium, and hydrated orthophosphoric acid may

coexist with polyphosphates in heterogeneous gel-likemicrostructures.232 Not much is known on the mech-anism of proton transport in polymer adducts withpolyphosphates and/or low hydrates of orthophos-phoric acid. The determination of whether the in-creased conductivity at high water activities is theresult of the “plasticizing effect” of the water on thephosphate dynamics and thereby assisting protontransfer from one phosphate to the other, or whetherthe water is directly involved in the conductionmechanism, has not been elucidated. Separated Systems with ImmobilizedProton Solvents. Both types of heterogeneous sys-tems discussed previously are comprised of a poly-meric domain and a low-molecular-weight liquidlikedomain (e.g., H2O, H3PO4) with weak ionic or hydro-gen-bond interaction between the two domains. Apartfrom other polar solvents, heterocycles such as imi-dazole, pyrazole, and benzimidazole have been in-tercalated into sulfonated polymers,170,171,234,235 re-sulting in similar transport properties, as discussedfor the hydrated systems in Section, althoughat somewhat higher temperatures. Apart from theproton donor and acceptor sites (N), such solventscontain additional sites (C), which may be used forcovalent “grafting” to oligomeric or polymeric struc-tures. If these are hydrophobic (nonpolar), a similarseparation as that described in Section mayoccur, however with covalent bonding bridging thenonpolar/polar “interface”. This approach has beenimplemented to obtain systems with completely im-mobilized proton solvents that still exhibit highproton conductivity with structure diffusion as thesole proton conduction mechanism (see Figure 3). Ofcourse, the covalent bonding across the nonpolar/polar interface mediates a significant influence of thenonpolar portion of the structure on the structure anddynamics of the polar proton-conducting domain.This cannot be approximated by simple percolationeffects, as discussed for adducts of basic polymers

Figure 10. Proton conductivity diffusion coefficient (mo-bility) and self-diffusion coefficient of phosphorus for poly-(diallyldimethylammonium-dihydrogenphosphate)-phos-phoric acid ((PAMA+H2PO4

-)‚nH3PO4), as a function of thephosphoric acid content.233 Note that the ratio Dσ/DPremains almost constant (see text).

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4659

with oxo-acids (see also Figure 10), but rather in amore complex fashion, involving (i) the position andcharacter of the covalent bonding between the polarsolvent and the nonpolar portion of the structure, (ii)the softness of this structure, and (iii) the volumefraction of the polar solvents.

As described in Section, the two nitrogensof the heterocycles act equally as proton donors oracceptors. Any covalent immobilization must avoidreduction of this symmetry, which is best achievedusing the carbon between the two nitrogens (i.e., C2in imidazole or C4 in pyrazole) for covalent bonding.Interestingly, this is not the case in histidine, whichis an imidazole containing amino acid, which isfrequently involved in proton translocation processes.However, the energetic asymmetry is very small (∼20meV) in this particular case.236 The type of bondingseems to be much more important, i.e., only singlebonds allow reorientation of the bonded heterocycle,which is a persistent element in the proton conduc-tion mechanism (see Section To minimize theconstraints in the dynamical aggregation of theheterocycles, immobilization via flexible spacers, suchas alkanes or ethylene oxide (EO) segments, seemsto be favored.213,237 The optimum spacer length isthen given by the optimum balance between hetero-cycle aggregation and heterocycle density, on onehand, and the dynamics of the hydrogen bond net-work formed by the heterocycles on the other hand.The compound 2,2′-bis(imidazole), which is a brittlesolid with a high melting point, is perfectly ag-gregated by strong static hydrogen bonding withnegligible proton conductivity (according to recentresults from the laboratories of one of the authors).Separating the two imidazoles by a soft EO spacerleads to the appearance of significant proton conduc-tivity and a decrease in the melting point and glass-transition temperature (Tg) with increasing spacerlength.238,239 The conductivity then displays typicalVTF behavior and, for a given concentration of excessprotons (dopant), it is very similar for all spacerlengths when plotted versus 1/(T - T0), where T0 isclosely related to Tg. For very high spacer lengths,the dilution of the heterocycles by the spacer seg-ments has a tendency to reduce aggregation of theheterocycles and, therefore, once again, reduce protonmobility.

The aggregation of imidazole leading to a continu-ous hydrogen-bonded structure in crystalline Imi-2(two imidazole units spaced by two EO repeat units)is shown in Figure 11a.238 Upon melting, the situationin most parts of the material is more similar to thatshown in Figure 11b. This is one result coming froman NMR study240 demonstrating that liquid Imi-2exhibits ordered domains (similar to the crystallineform), a dynamically disordered but still aggregateddomain, and a certain fraction of nonbonded mol-ecules. It is only within the disordered domain(Figure 11b) that fast proton mobility is observed,again demonstrating the delicate balance of aggrega-tion and dynamics in hydrogen-bonded structureswith high proton mobility.

Another interesting observation is that hetero-cycles immobilized in this way may still form dy-

namical hydrogen-bond networks with very highproton mobility, although the self-diffusion of theheterocycle is significantly retarded. In the systemsdescribed previously, Dσ is typically 1 order of mag-nitude greater than DImi. Recently, fully polymericsystems with side-chain architectures have beendeveloped that still exhibit high proton mobility,despite complete long-range immobilization of imi-dazole, i.e., Dσ/DImi ) ∞.241 This finding is of para-mount importance, because it demonstrates thatcomplete decoupling of the long-range transport ofprotons and heterocycles (the proton solvent) ispossible. The reader may recall that complexation ofphosphoric acid and a basic polymer does not showany signature of this effect (see Figure 10), whichmay open the way to the development of true singleion conductors.

One of the problems associated with the use ofheterocycles is that the intrinsic concentration ofprotonic charge carriers can only be moderatelyincreased through acid doping (also see Section 4.3).This is particularly the case when the dynamicswithin the hydrogen-bonded domain is highly con-strained through immobilization (especially in fullypolymeric systems), which is probably the directconsequence of a reduced dielectric constant. Thisalso leads to a further increase of the Haven ratio

Figure 11. Hydrogen-bonded structure of Imi-2 (twoimidazoles spaced by two ethylene oxide (EO) repeatunits): (a) in the crystalline state, as revealed by an X-raystructure analysis,239 and (b) in the liquid state (schemati-cal), as suggested by an NMR study.240 Note that thehydrogen bonds in the solid state are long-lived, whereasthe hydrogen bonding in the molten state is highly dynamic(see text).

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DH/Dσ, as discussed in Section (also see Figure4).

Also note that the spacer concept, as verified byseveral laboratories (e.g., see Perrson and Jann-asch242), has been moved forward to the immobiliza-tion of other proton solvents such as phosphonic acid,with very promising results (see Section 5). Composites. Because of the drawbacks inhydrated acidic polymers for application in fuel cells,composites with highly dispersed inorganic phaseshave also been investigated, and, indeed, certainsystems show improved performance in operatingfuel cells.243,244 The extent that this is due to amodification of the bulk transport properties (inparticular, the proton conduction mechanism) or ofthe membrane/electrode interface has not been con-clusively determined. However, the similarities of thebulk transport properties of some modified andunmodified ionomers (see Section 4.1) are indicativeof the possible relevance of interfacial effects. In viewof the attention such systems are attracting at themoment, some general aspects are summarized here(for a review on the different type of systems, see,e.g., refs 245 and 246). Such composites are usuallyformed by either dispersing inorganic particles in asolution of the ionomer, followed by film casting andsolvent elimination, or by precipitation of inorganicparticles within a pre-existing membrane. The latterprocedure was first used by Mauritz247 to precipitateSiO2 particles in Nafion using in situ hydrolysis oftetraethoxysilane (TEOS). Although SiO2 does notshow measurable proton conductivity itself, otherinorganic compounds, such as diverse zirconiumphosphates and phosphonates or heteropolyacids,245,248

have recently been used as fillers. Although thesematerials possess some intrinsic proton conductivity,it is much lower than that of the ionomeric host (e.g.,Nafion) at low temperatures and high humidities.This is also true for the hydrophilicity (“water-retaining properties”) of such inorganic particles,which is frequently thought to be responsible for thefavorable performance of the corresponding compos-ites in fuel cells.234,249 There is actually no experi-mental evidence for this, and the strong acidity ofperfluorosulfonic acid polymers is not expected to beexceeded by any of the aforementioned inorganics.Of course, this does not hold for the water uptake incontact with liquid water, which is sometimes takenas a measure of the water-retaining properties.250-252

The higher water uptake under these conditions maybe the result of the reduction of the tensile strengthof the polymer in the composite, allowing more waterto enter as a second phase (which is actually notretained by any specific interaction). The most im-portant effect of filling an ionomer with inorganicparticles is probably the modification of the membrane/electrode interface (see above), the microstructureand the elastic properties of the ionomeric component(with a glass transition temperature of Tg ≈ 120 °Cfor plain Nafion, the latter may be a specific advan-tage of the use of composite membranes in thistemperature range). These changes may also alterthe transport properties in a similar way as discussedfor the relationships between microstructure and

transport in plain ionomers (see Sections and3.2.1). Particularly, in the case of proton-conductingzirconium phosphate prepared via in situ growthwithin the preformed membrane,253 the proton con-ductivity of the highly dispersed filler may have somesignificance at high temperature and low humidity,where the conductivity of pure Nafion stronglydecreases.245

3.2. Mechanisms of Parasitic TransportThe transport of protonic charge carriers is some-

times inherently connected to the transport of otherspecies (e.g., in hydrated acidic polymers, Section3.1.2.1). Sometimes, there are just indirect mecha-nistic relationships, or the existence of completelyindependent transport paths (e.g., protonic chargecarriers and electronic holes in oxides). Parasitictransport frequently limits the fuel-cell performance,and a mechanistic understanding is definitely usefulin the development of separator materials.

The advantageously low methanol “crossover” ofPBI-H3PO4 adducts is well-established and theproblems related to its low oxygen transport are alsowell-described.254 However, the fundamentals of thesetransport phenomena have not been subjected to anysystematic investigation. For the recently emergingsystems based on heterocycles and other protonsolvents (also see Section 5), the investigation ofparasitic transport is only just beginning. On theother hand, there is extensive literature on parasitictransport in the widely used hydrated acidic iono-mers (especially Nafion). In addition, the transportproperties of oxides have also been intensely inves-tigated by groups mainly outside the fuel-cell com-munity.

Therefore, the following discussion of the mecha-nisms of parasitic transport is restricted to only thesetwo classes of materials.

3.2.1. Solvated Acidic PolymersAs discussed in Section, proton transport

in acidic polymers occurs within a system of hydratedand connected hydrophilic pores (channels) withinthe nanoseparated materials. The extension of thechannels, which, of course, shows some distributionwithin a given sample, may range from <1 nm toseveral nanometers, depending on the type of poly-mer and the degree of solvation (swelling). This rangecovers the transition from more solidlike behaviorwith diffusive transport to a liquidlike regime withadditional hydrodynamic transport (viscous flow).Apart from protonic defects, the main species thatare confined to the hydrophilic domains are waterand methanol (used as the fuel in DMFCs). Thetransport of these species is highly correlated andtherefore discussed together in the following section.The transport mechanisms of fuel-cell relevant gases(O2, H2), which may dissolve in the water domainsand also in other parts of the nanostructures, are alsoreviewed in this section. Mechanisms of Solvent (Water, Metha-nol) Transport. The following types of transport areconsidered in this section: (i) self-diffusion or tracerdiffusion of solvent molecules, which is the unidirec-

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4661

tional transport of “marked species” (e.g., this maybe an isotopic tracer or the spin-labeled nuclei in PFGNMR experiments) with the thermal energy as theonly driving force; (ii) chemical or Fickian diffusion,which is the average drift of a component i in achemical potential (approximately proportional toln ai or ln pi) gradient of the particular componentrelated to the concentration gradient via the ther-modynamical factor (d(ln ai)/d(ln ci)); and (iii) per-meation, which is the flow of a component (frequentlysolvent) in a total pressure gradient. Following this,the mechanisms of electro-osmotic drag are reviewed.This is the coupled transport of a protonic species andsolvent molecules, i.e., the transport of neutralsolvent in an electrical field with a vanishing gradientin the chemical potential. This phenomenon is sym-metrical to the transport of protons in a chemicalpotential gradient of solvent in the absence of anyelectrical field. The coupling of water and methanoltransport has not been studied explicitly; however,there is indirect indication of the nature of thiscoupling, which will also be discussed.

The self-diffusion coefficient of water in Nafion, asmeasured by PFG NMR,197,224,226,255-261 is shown inFigure 12, as a function of the water volume fraction.At high degrees of solvation, this is only slightly lowerthan the diffusion coefficient obtained from MCsimulations of random walk transport within nano-structures parametrized by results of SAXS experi-ments174,212,213 (see Figure 13) assuming the absenceof any dead-end channels and a local diffusioncoefficient that is identical to the bulk diffusioncoefficient of water (2.25 × 10-5 cm2/s) at any positionwithin the well-connected hydrophilic domain. Thisfinding suggests that the major reason for a decreasein the water diffusion coefficient with decreasingwater content is the decreasing percolation within thehydrophilic domain, especially at high water contents(also see Section This is also supported bythe observation that methanol diffusion follows thesame trend (Figure 14a),174,262,263 but with somewhat

lower diffusion coefficients that correspond to thelower self-diffusion coefficient in bulk methanolcompared to that in bulk water. At low watercontents, however, the experimental diffusion coef-ficient falls off more rapidly than the simulated one(see Figure 12). One reason is simply the fact thatthe connectivity within the solvated hydrophilicdomains decreases (appearance of dead-end channels,pockets).212,213 Another reason is the retardation ofwater diffusion as a result of increasing confinement,which increases the internal molecular friction withinthe solvated domain as discussed above (see Sections3.4 and A comparison of Figures 12 and13 suggests that this effect becomes particularlyevident when the diameter of the channel decreasesto <1 nm.

For comparison purposes, the proton mobility, Dσ(for Nafion solvated with water), which is closelyrelated to the self-diffusion coefficient of water, is alsoplotted. At low degrees of hydration, where onlyhydrated protons (e.g., H3O+) are mobile, it has atendency to fall below the water diffusion coefficient(this effect is even more pronounced in other poly-mers), which may be due to the stiffening of the waterstructure within the regions that contain excessprotons, as discussed in Section Interest-ingly, the proton mobility in Nafion solvated withmethanol (Dσ(MeOH) in Figure 14a) is even lowerthan the methanol self-diffusion (DMeOH). This may

Figure 12. Water self-diffusion coefficient of Nafion 117(EW ) 1100 g/equiv), as a function of the water volumefraction XV and the water diffusion coefficient obtainedfrom a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation (see text). The protonconductivity diffusion coefficient (mobility) is given forcomparison. The corresponding data points are displayedin Figure 14.

Figure 13. A few microstructural parameters for Nafionand sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone)s,174,208-213 as afunction of the solvent (water and/or methanol) volumefraction XV: (a) the internal hydrophobic/hydrophilic in-terface, and (b) the average hydrophobic/hydrophilic sepa-ration and the diameter of the solvated hydrophilic chan-nels (pores).

4662 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

be the consequence of the lower dielectric constantof methanol, compared to water, especially under thecondition of confinement in a perfluorinated ionomer(see discussion in Section and Figure 8).

When it comes to the equilibration of water con-centration gradients, the relevant transport coef-ficient is the chemical diffusion coefficient, DH2O. Thisparameter is related to the self-diffusion coefficientby the thermodynamic factor (see above) if theelementary transport mechanism is assumed to bethe same. The hydration isotherm (see Figure 8)directly provides the driving force for chemical waterdiffusion. Under fuel-cell conditions, i.e., high degreesof hydration, the concentration of water in themembrane may change with only a small variationof the chemical potential of water. In the two-phaseregion (i.e., water contents of >14 water molecules

per sulfonic acid), any driving force for Fickian waterdiffusion vanishes, i.e., there is no chemical diffusion.A fitting expression of DH2O is given in ref 264; DH2Odata, calculated from DH2O data with thermodynamicfactors obtained from the hydration isotherm (Figure8), are plotted in Figure 14a. There are very fewdirect measurements of DH2O for water available.Frequently, pervaporation-type experiments are con-ducted, where the membrane is exposed to liquidwater (methanol) on one side and dry flowing nitro-gen on the other side.265 A chemical diffusion coef-ficient may be calculated from the rate of water(methanol) uptake. However, because of the extremesolvent chemical potential difference across the mem-brane and the thermodynamically poorly definedsituation on the gas side, only average, poorly repro-ducible chemical diffusion coefficients are obtained;i.e., any information on the concentration dependenceis lost. Another complication with these experimentsis that the total pressure gradient across the mem-brane induces permeation, which may have contribu-tions from additional transport mechanisms, as willbe discussed later. Particularly, in the case of mea-suring the chemical diffusion of methanol, this prob-lem is elegantly avoided through the use of aqueoussolutions of different methanol concentration (activi-ties) on both sides.266 Many other techniques, whichare frequently governed by different water (metha-nol) transport mechanisms (in a complex fashion),have been reviewed by Doyle and Rajendran.264

The driving force for solvent permeation is the totalpressure gradient across the membrane, which isrelated to the chemical potential gradient, accordingto

which leads to the following relation between per-meation and diffusion:212

where Ps is the permeation coefficient and Kdrag is theelectro-osmotic drag coefficient (discussed below). Themost comprehensive water permeation study forNafion, as a function of water content and temper-ature, was reported by LaConti et al.267 and Meieret al.268 The diffusion coefficients Ds

P (when adjustedto room temperature) are ∼1 order of magnitudehigher than the diffusion coefficients obtained byNMR techniques (Figure 14a). The “permeation dif-fusion coefficient” has a tendency to approach theself-diffusion coefficient only at low water contents.This behavior is not expected if the elementarymechanisms of the two types of transport are thesame (i.e., quasi-random walk processes exploring thesolvent chemical potential distribution in space).Obviously, there is an additional transport compo-nent in the permeation mechanism. This is mostlikely viscous flow far away from local thermody-namic equilibrium, which may also comprise a cer-tain “slip” at the interface with the hydrophobic

Figure 14. Solvent (water, methanol) diffusion coefficientsof (a) Nafion 117 (EW ) 1100 g/equiv) and (b) sulfonatedpoly(arylene ether ketone)s, as a function of the solventvolume fraction. Self-diffusion data (DH2O, DMeOH) are takenfrom refs 197, 224, 226, 255-263 and unpublished datafrom the laboratory of one of the authors); chemicaldiffusion coefficients (DH2O) are calculated from self-diffu-sion coefficients (see text), and permeation diffusion coef-ficients are determined from permeation coefficients.212,267,268

Proton conductivity diffusion coefficients for hydratedsamples (Dσ(H2O))197,224,226,255-261 and samples solvated withmethanol (Dσ(MeOH)256) are given for comparison.

∇µbs ) (∂µs

∂p ) ∇pb ) Vsm ∇pb (24)

DsP ) RT

cs ( Ps


+Kdrag σ

F2 ) (25)

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4663

domain, which is a well-established phenomenon inhydrodynamics. This Hagen-Poiseuille-type compo-nent in the flow is, of course, expected to be stronglydependent on the diameter of the solvated “channels”(see Figure 13). The observation that this componentapparently decreases as the water content decreasesand virtually disappears in membranes with verynarrow channels and strong polymer-solvent inter-actions (see Figure 14b and Section 4.1) is consistentwith this interpretation. Hence, the mechanism ofpermeation in solvated acidic membranes may bedescribed by a combination of diffusional processesand viscous flow, where the latter contributionincreases as the solvent-polymer interaction de-creases and the “channel” width (i.e., the degree ofhydration and hydrophilic/hydrophobic separation)increases.

The aforementioned view provides a rational forthe distinct differences of the solvent transportcoefficients of Nafion and solvated sulfonated pol-yarylenes (Figure 14b), which are generally less-separated and exhibit stronger polymer-solventinteractions.

Although solvents such as water and methanol arevirtually uncharged, the application of an electricalfield may induce a drift velocity of such neutralspecies when solvating an acidic ionomer. Thisphenomenon, which is known as electro-osmotic drag,is the consequence of the interaction of such solventmolecules with ions they solvate, in particular,protons in the case of PEMs. The classical mecha-nistic theory of electro-osmosis dates back to the timeof Helmholtz,269 Lamb,270 Perrin,271 and Smoluchows-ki,272 who assumed that transport occurs only closeto the wall in electrical double layers of low charge-carrier concentration and with extensions signifi-cantly smaller than the pore (channel) diameter. Thecorresponding theories qualitatively describe theelectro-osmotic drag in wide pore systems, such asclay plugs; however, as discussed in Section see Figure 8), both model assumptions are notvalid for typical PEM materials such as Nafion. Thewidth of the hydrated (solvated) channels is ordersof magnitude smaller than the Debye length of waterand the concentration of charge carriers is very high(typically ∼5 M within the hydrophilic domain). Forthis type of system, Breslau and Miller developed amodel for electro-osmosis from a hydrodynamic pointof view.273 The model treats the ions as sphericalparticles moving in a continuous viscous medium,with the membrane matrix forming the boundary ofthe medium. The hydration of the ions is treated byan adequate choice of a hydrated ion radius, strippingoff the hydration sphere in narrow channels, and thewater structure forming and breaking properties ofdiverse ions are considered. Channel diameters werenot directly accessible by the authors; therefore, theelectro-osmotic transport of tetraalkylammonium-exchanged membranes were used to determine an“effective” pore size. Although the assumptions of themodel are severe simplifications of the situation inreal membranes (heterogeneity of charge and viscos-ity distribution (also see Figure 8) and channelwidths of the extension of only a few molecules), the

model describes the variation of the electro-osmoticdrag within model membranes (polystyrene-based) ofdifferent ionic forms surprisingly well.

The data were obtained for given degrees of hydra-tion. Also, for PEM fuel-cell membranes, experimen-tal electro-osmotic drag coefficients are generallyreported only over narrow solvation ranges. Typicaldrag coefficients in the range of 1-2.5 at roomtemperature (expressed in the number of watermolecules per transported protonic charge carrier)were sometimes identified with the number of watermolecules solvating the excess proton. Recently,electro-osmotic drag coefficients became accessible byelectrophoretic NMR174,212,219,274 for a wide range ofpolymer-solvent volume ratios, and the resultsclearly confirm the hydrodynamic nature of electro-osmosis, particularly at high degrees of solvation. Thedata174 presented in Figure 15, together with datafrom other authors,275-281 essentially show twothings: (i) at low degrees of hydration, the electro-osmotic drag coefficient approaches a value of 1 butdoes not fall below this value; and (ii) with increasingsolvent fraction (channel width, Figure 13), the dragcoefficient dramatically increases and reaches ∼50%of the maximum possible value (dashed line), whichcorresponds to an identical drift velocity of all solvent

Figure 15. Electro-osmotic drag coefficients Kdrag of (a)Nafion 117 (EW ) 1100 g/equiv) and (b) sulfonated poly-(arylene ether ketone)s, as a function of the solvent (waterand/or methanol) volume fraction XV.174,212,219,274-281 Thenormalized drag coefficients for water and methanol arevirtually identical; therefore, both are plotted together.

4664 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

molecules and protonic charge carriers. Consideringthe fact that, at high degrees of hydration, ap-proximately half of the conductivity is carried bystructure diffusion (see Section, i.e., theproton mobility (proton self-diffusion coefficient) isabout twice the water self-diffusion coefficient, almostall water molecules appear to drift at approximatelyidentical velocity (about half of the drift velocity ofprotonic charge carriers) in extremely swollen samples.This situation corresponds to minor relative motionof water molecules with respect to each other, i.e.,the transport is clearly of a collective nature. Thedecrease of the drag coefficient with decreasing watercontent approximately scales with the fourth powerof the channel diameter, which is reminescent ofHagen-Poiseuille-type behavior with continuouslyincreasing “stripping off” of the water molecules. Thisstripping comes to an end at low degrees of hydration,where the motion of one water molecule remainsstrongly coupled to the motion of the excess proton(Kdrag ≈ 1; see Figure 15). This is also expected fromthe high enthalpy of primary hydration (stability ofH3O+) and the proton conduction mechanism (Section3.2.1.2), i.e., diffusion of H3O+ (vehicle mechanism).

Extremely high degrees of swelling were actuallyobtained in water/methanol mixtures; and the dragcoefficients of water and methanol were determinedseparately by isotopic labeling (H/D substitution).Interestingly, the normalized drag coefficients (dragcoefficient Ki divided by the mole fraction of thecorresponding species i) are virtually identical forboth species in the mixtures (also see Figure 15).Because water and methanol form almost-ideal solu-tions with comparable water-water, water-metha-nol, and methanol-methanol interactions, this be-havior provides additional support for a hydrodynamicprocess. For low degrees of hydration, where electro-osmotic drag becomes diffusional in nature, it is notyet clear, whether there is some preferential solvationof the excess proton by water or methanol (primaryhydration). Figure 15b shows that the electro-osmoticdrag for sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone)s isgenerally lower than that for Nafion, which is partlydue to smaller channels. However, even for compa-rable channel dimensions, the values for electro-osmotic drag are still somewhat lower, which is anindication of the influence of the solvent-polymerinteraction on the total electro-osmotic drag. This isalso supported by the observation that electro-osmoticdrag is generally increasing with increasing temper-ature (see inserts in Figures 15a and b), whereas thesolvent-polymer interaction is decreasing.

There is no quantitative model yet describing theobserved electro-osmotic drag coefficients as a func-tion of the degree of hydration and temperature.However, the available data provide strong evidencefor a mechanism that is (i) hydrodynamic in the highsolvation limit, with the dimensions of the solvatedhydrophilic domain and the solvent-polymer inter-action as the major parameters; and (ii) diffusive atlow degrees of solvation, where the excess protonessentially drags its primary solvation shell (e.g.,H3O+). Mechanisms of Dissolved Gas Trans-port. As noted in Section 1, one of the cardinalproperties of fuel-cell membrane materials is to beable to effectively separate the reactive masses, inparticular, the anode and cathode gases. Accordingly,there have been numerous investigations, especiallyon oxygen and hydrogen transport across PEMs, andbecause the current qualitative mechanistic under-standing has already existed for some time, only abrief summary is given here.

It already had been recognized by Yeo andMcBreen282 that gas (hydrogen and halogens) per-meation rates in Nafion are strongly related to watercontent. The data indicated that most of the gastransport is occurring within the solvated hydrophilicdomain at rates only slightly lower than these ofwater self-diffusion. Ogumi and co-workers283,284 laterreported that oxygen diffusion in different hydratedmembranes are indeed very similar, with the gassolubilities differing significantly. These results madealready clear that gases dissolve in both the hydro-phobic and the solvated hydrophilic domain, whereasmost of the gas transport occurs within the solvatedhydrophilic domain. This view is supported by manyexperimental studies on Nafion285-287 and other typesof membranes.288,289 When hydrated, they all showcomparable diffusion and permeation rates for oxygenand hydrogen, and it was not surprising that signifi-cantly lower gas transport rates were found forNafion when water was replaced by phosphoricacid290 or when Nafion was dried.291 In the latter case,the gas diffusion rates were reported to be similar tothose of plain polytetrafluoroethane (PTFE). Buchiet al.292 actually separated the oxygen solubility anddiffusion as a function of temperature for differentperfluorinated proton exchange membranes of dif-ferent equivalent weights. Apart from giving furthersupport to the existing mechanistic understanding,this work showed that the oxygen solubility isdecreasing while oxygen permeation is increasingwith temperature.

3.2.2. OxidesFrom the formation reaction of protonic defects in

oxides (eq 23), it is evident that protonic defectscoexist with oxide ion vacancies, where the ratio oftheir concentrations is dependent on temperatureand water partial pressure. The formation of protonicdefects actually requires the uptake of water fromthe environment and the transport of water withinthe oxide lattice. Of course, water does not diffuseas such, but rather, as a result of the ambipolardiffusion of protonic defects (OHO

• ) and oxide ionvacancies (VO

••). Assuming ideal behavior of the in-volved defects (an activity coefficient of unity) thechemical (Fick’s) diffusion coefficient of water is

where X is the degree of hydration.293 Under com-pletely dry conditions, i.e., in the absence of protonconductivity, DH2O equals the self-diffusion coefficient

DH2O )(2 - X)DOHO

• DVO••

XDOHO• + 2(1 - X)DVO


Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4665

of protonic defects. However, near the hydration limit(i.e., X close to 1), DH2O approaches the self-diffusioncoefficient of oxide ion vacancies, which is usuallysignificantly lower than the diffusion coefficient ofprotonic defects. Because the latter case relates tothe conditions in a fuel cell, the self-diffusion coef-ficient of oxide ion vacancies, which is shown inFigure 16 for a variety of perovskite-type oxides, maybe taken as a measure of DH2O under these conditions.For a given water partial pressure, DH2O increasesas temperature increases, because of dehydration andthe increasing self-diffusion coefficients for bothinvolved species. Recently, there has been somecontroversy about the validity of the model;294 how-ever, it is indeed strictly valid in the entire hydrationrange under the given assumptions.295

It should be mentioned that, apart from oxide ionvacancies existing at low water partial pressures, theappearance of electronic holes (h•) must be consideredat high oxygen activities. In oxides, they are fre-quently localized on the oxygen (O2- + h• h O-) andmay be very mobile as large polarons. The ambipolardiffusion, together with protonic defects, then permitschemical diffusion of hydrogen; and the ambipolardiffusion, together with oxide ion vacancies, allowschemical diffusion of oxygen. However, for large-band-gap oxides relevant for fuel-cell applications,this may not be important at temperatures <750°C.296-298

4. Phenomenology of Transport inProton-Conducting Materials for Fuel-CellApplications

Transport data have been reported for a hugenumber of proton-conducting materials, some ofwhich are defined rather poorly. They have beenrecorded by a variety of methods under diverseconditions including ill-defined transient or steady-state situations (e.g., in a running fuel cell). Conse-quently, reproducibility and comparison of data fromdifferent laboratories is problematic. For this reason,we have only compiled the transport data that have

been obtained under thermodynamically definedconditions, preferably those close to thermodynamicequilibrium, i.e., with relatively small perturbations(electrical potential gradients, chemical potentialgradients, etc.) applied to the samples. Although farfrom complete, the diversity of the materials includedin this review allow for some general qualitativeconclusions (see Section 5). The transport coefficientspresented may also allow calculation (or numericalsimulation) of fluxes and concentrations for nonequi-librium situations, provided that linear response maybe assumed. The purpose of this section is to sum-marize the transport coefficients of some typical andwell-characterized proton conductors without givingany mechanistic explanations, which already havebeen discussed in Section 3 for prototypical com-pounds, and also provide rational for a qualitativeunderstanding of the phenomenological data pre-sented in this section.

4.1. Hydrated Acidic PolymersFor the application of acidic polymers in fuel cells,

the most relevant species, for which transport mustbe considered, are protonic charge carriers, water,methanol, hydrogen, and oxygen. As discussed inSection 3, the transport of all these species predomi-nantly occurs in the same environment, i.e., thesolvated hydrophilic domain of the material. Inaddition to the transport coefficients for each of thefive species, one must also consider cross coefficientsdescribing the coupled transport of different species.For a linear description, this already requires a 5 ×5 matrix with 15 independent coefficients. Togetherwith the publications referenced in Section,two more recent studies299,300 provide data and fur-ther literature on gas (predominately O2 and H2)transport in solvated acidic membranes. The repro-ducibility of these data is somewhat less than thatfor water transport; however, the general behavioris such that O2 diffusion is closely related to waterdiffusion, including its dependence on solvation andtemperature, whereas the H2 diffusion is generallyhigher (by factors of 2-4). Because the gas solubilitywithin the hydrophilic domain is quite low (i.e., onthe order of 10-6 mol cm-3 for O2 within the hydrateddomain of Nafion at ambient conditions) and de-creases with temperature, the gas permeability re-mains quite low (for O2 on the order of 10-11 mol cm-1

s-1 in Nafion) and does not increase with temperatureto the same degree as the gas and solvent diffusioncoefficients.

The following compilation is restricted to thetransport coefficients of protonic charge carriers,water, and methanol. These may be represented bya 3 × 3 matrix with six independent elements if it isassumed that there is just one mechanism for thetransport of each species and their couplings. How-ever, as discussed in Sections and 3.2.1,different types of transport occur, i.e., diffusivetransport as usually observed in the solid state andadditional hydrodynamic transport (viscous flow),especially at high degrees of solvation. Assuming thatthe total fluxes are simply the sum of diffusive andhydrodynamic components, the transport matrix may

Figure 16. Self-diffusion coefficient of oxide ion vacanciesin different perovskite-type oxides,188 which equals thechemical water diffusion coefficient in the fully hydratedstate (see text). (Figure reproduced with the kind permis-sion from Elsevier.)

4666 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

be extended by three more phenomenological ele-ments describing (i) the hydrodynamic componentsof proton transport coupled to water or methanolpermeation, and (ii) the water, and methanol, per-meations themselves. Of course, the description oftransport with a 3 × 4 matrix is neither completenor consistent; however, it is a comfortable way todescribe transport in solvated acidic membranesphenomenologically with reasonable precision. Thetransport equation may then be written

with the driving forces being the gradients of

The longitudinal coefficient L11 is related to theproton conductivity σ, according to

L22 and L33 are related to the self-diffusion andchemical diffusion coefficients of water and methanol:

The cross coefficients are contained in the electro-osmotic drag coefficients:

The coefficients L14, L24, and L34 describe the viscousflow contributions of the transport of all three speciesin a total pressure gradient ∇pbtotal. Because a pres-sure gradient also imposes a chemical potentialgradient on each species (eq 24), experimentally,there is always a superposition of diffusive andviscous flow; e.g., for the description of the water fluxin a total pressure gradient, all coefficients must beincluded, i.e.,

Usually, the total permeation coefficient (PH2O) ismeasured, and this, expressed as a permeationdiffusion coefficient DH2O

P , is given in the followingdata compilation.

There are actually no experimental measurementsof protonic streaming currents (L14) and coupledwater and methanol transport (L23 ) L32); however,the first may be related to the hydrodynamic com-ponent of the electro-osmotic drag (L12/L11, L13/L11)(see discussion in Section The second isexpected to be qualitatively related to the ratio of theelectro-osmotic drag coefficient of water and metha-nol (L12/L13). In the following, the directly accessibletransport coefficients (σ (Dσ), DH2O, DMeOH, DH2O


P , KH2O, and KMeOH) for different solvated acidicpolymers are presented in a way that allows someinteresting comparisons and the calculation or esti-mation of the elements of the transport matrix Lij.In many publications, these transport parameters arereported as a function of the solvent content and areexpressed as the number of solvent molecules (i.e.,water) per sulfonic acid group. Because of the im-portance of percolation effects in all consideredtransport coefficients, we have converted these sol-vent contents to solvent volume fractions, except forproton conductivities, as shown in Figures 17 and 18.

Figure 17 shows the room-temperature protonconductivity of two sulfonated poly(arylene etherketone)s, sulfonated poly(phenoxyphosphazene)s (S-POP) of different equivalent weights,301-303 Nafion(unpublished data from the laboratory of one of theauthors), and two Dow membranes of different equiva-lent weight.226,255,260 Except for one Dow membranewith an equivalent weight of 800 g/equiv, the othermembranes have similar (volume) densities of sul-fonic acid groups, i.e., similar water volume fractionsfor a given water content n ) [H2O]/[-SO3H]. It is ageneral observation that hydrocarbon membranesrequire more water to achieve similar conductivitiesthan perfluorosulfonic acid polymers. This effect is

Figure 17. Room-temperature proton conductivity of twoDow membranes226,255,260 of different EW values, Nafion,two varieties of sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone)s (S-PEK and S-PEEKK, unpublished data from the laboratoryof one of the authors), and sulfonated poly(phenoxyphos-phazene)s (S-POPs301) of different equivalent weights (685and 833 g/equiv), as a function of the degree of hydrationn ) [H2O]/[-SO3H] (number below the compound acronym/name indicates the EW value).

( jbH+


jbMeOH) ) (L11 L12 L13 L14

L21 L22 L23 L24L31 L32 L33 L34

) (∇µH+



)with Lij ) Lji (27)

µH+ ) µH+0 + RT ln aH+ + VH+

m ptotal + zH+FΦ (28a)

µH2O ) µH2O0 + RT ln aH2O + VH2O

m ptotal (28b)

µMeOH ) µMeOH0 + RT ln aMeOH + VMeOH

m ptotal (28c)

L11 ) σF2


L22 )cH2O


RT (d(ln aH2O)

dcH2O )DH2O )cH2O

RTDH2O (30)

L33 )cMeOH


RT (d(ln aMeOH)dcMeOH




KH2O )L21


KMeOH )L31


jbH2O ) L21∇µH+ + L22∇µbH2O + L23∇µbMeOH +L24∇pbtotal ) PH2O∇pbtotal (34)

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4667

most pronounced for the high-equivalent-weightS-POP 833, and, considering the relation betweensolvent diffusion and proton mobility, this observa-tion is in accordance with the low solvent diffusioncoefficients reported for this type of membrane.302 Toreach sufficiently high conductivities for fuel-cellapplications, such membranes must be in contactwith liquid water.219

Figure 18 shows the temperature dependence ofthe proton conductivity of Nafion and one variety ofa sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone) (unpublisheddata from the laboratory of one of the authors). Thetransport properties of the two materials are typicalfor these classes of membrane materials, based onperfluorinated and hydrocarbon polymers. This isclear from a compilation of Dσ, DH2O, and DH2O

P datafor a variety of membrane materials, including Dowmembranes of different equivalent weights,226,255,260

Nafion/SiO2 composites243,244,304-306 (including unpub-lished data from the laboratory of one of the authors),cross-linked polyarylenes,307-315 and sulfonated poly-(phenoxyphosphazenes)301 (Figure 19). The data pointsall center around the curves for Nafion and S-PEK,indicating essentially universal transport behaviorfor the two classes of membrane materials (only forS-POP are the transport coefficients somewhatlower, suggesting a more reduced percolation in thisparticular material). This correlation is also true forthe electro-osmotic drag coefficients KH2O and KMeOH

(Figure 20; for this figure, data for the Dow mem-brane are taken from refs 226 and 276; all other dataare from the laboratory of one of the authors), whichsuggests that the major parameter that controlselectro-osmotic transport is simply the degree ofswelling and the choice of the type of backbone,particularly for low degrees of swelling (perfluori-nated versus hydrocarbon polymer).

4.2. PBI−H3PO4 AdductsThe transport data of PBI-H3PO4 have extensively

been reviewed in two recent papers,316,317 and theirhybrids with inorganic particles have been character-ized in another.318 The gas permeability is much

Figure 18. Proton conductivity of (a) Nafion 117 (EW )1100 g/equiv) and (b) a sulfonated poly(arylene etherketone), as a function of temperature and degree ofhydration (n ) [H2O]/[-SO3H]).197

Figure 19. Transport coefficients of diverse membranesbased on perfluorinated polymers (Dow226,255,260 and Nafion/silica composites174,243,244,304-306), polyarylenes (S-PEK/PSUblends, ionically cross-linked S-PEK/PBI),307-315 and sul-fonated poly(phenoxyphosphazene)s (S-POPs),301 as afunction of the water volume fraction XV. Lines representdata for Nafion and S-PEK (given for comparison); for datapoints, see Figure 14.

Figure 20. Electro-osmotic drag coefficients of diversemembranes based on perfluorinated polymers (Dow226,276

and Nafion/silica composites174) and polyarylenes (S-PEK/PSU blends, ionically cross-linked S-PEK/PBI174), as afunction of the solvent (water/methanol) volume fractionXV (see text for references). Lines represent data for Nafionand S-PEK (given for comparison); for data points, seeFigure 15. Dashed lines correspond to the maximumpossible electro-osmotic drag coefficients for water andmethanol, as indicated (see text).

4668 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

lower than that in hydrated acidic polymers, andthere is almost no water electro-osmotic drag, evenat high relative humidities.254 The proton conductiv-ity is mainly dependent on the fraction of phosphoricacid (frequently termed “doping level”), relative hu-midity (RH), and temperature. The correspondingdependencies are shown in Figures 21 and 22. Thedata suggest that the presence of water has twoeffects on the conductivity: (i) a minimum RH valueis required to prevent the phosphoric acid fromcondensing at temperatures above T ≈ 100 °C; and(ii) excess water leads to a further increase of theconductivity, as observed in pure phosphoric acid(Section The data in Figures 21 and 22 areactually taken from one reference,317 except for onecurve taken from ref 316, which has been includedto demonstrate the only moderate reproducibility.

4.3. Heterocycle-Based SystemsThe first heterocycle-based systems that had some

relevance in the development of new types of fuel-cell membranes were sulfonated polyarylenes170 and

Nafion234 with intercalated heterocycles. Conductivi-ties of >10-2 S/cm are easily accessible by suchsystems; however, the volatility of the heterocyclesrequires some immobilization. The effect of covalentimmobilization on proton conductivity is shown inFigure 23 for imidazole-based systems.213,237-239,241,242,319

It is important to realize that these oligomers havesimilarly low vapor pressures as ionic liquids. Toillustrate the effect of extrinsic charge carrier forma-tion, the evolution of proton conductivity with triflicacid doping is shown for the oligomeric system Imi-2in Figure 24.237 For such systems, the mobility ofprotonic charge carriers is typically 1 order of mag-nitude higher than the self-diffusion of the oligomersas a whole. Of course, long-range solvent (imidazole,pyrazole, benzimidazole) transport does not occur infully polymeric systems. Cyclovoltammetry and fuel-cell-type experiments demonstrate that there is atleast some transport of oxygen and hydrogen inimidazole-based systems.320

4.4. OxidesApart form protonic defects, the only species that

may be transported in proton-conducting wide-band-gap perovskite-type oxides at significant rates areoxide ion vacancies. Although this allows for somechemical water diffusion in the intermediate tem-perature range (typically 300-700 °C, see Section3.2.2), hydrogen and oxygen diffusion only occursunder either highly reducing or oxidizing conditionsand at significantly higher temperatures, when elec-trons and holes become relevant as additional defects.Therefore, only proton conductivities for a variety ofoxides at a water partial pressure of pH2O ) 30 hPaare shown in Figure 25 (ref 186 with data from ref187). Note that the dopant concentration for theexamples shown is ∼10% and that the proton mobil-ity in such samples may significantly deviate fromthis in undoped materials (see Section

5. Recent Approaches toward NewProton-Conducting Materials for Fuel-CellApplications

The suitability of proton-conducting materials asseparators in a particular fuel-cell application isessentially dependent on its transport properties,durability, and reactivity. Thus far, this review hasfocused on the transport properties only, but anyapproach toward new separator materials mustconsider all relevant aspects, which makes the de-velopment of new competitive materials a complexand challenging task.

Hence, most current strategies are trying to extendthe application limits while conserving the specificadvantages of well-established sulfonated materialssuch as Nafion by slightly varying or modifying them.Apart from the maximum operating temperature andthe high crossover of water and methanol, long-termstability under fuel-cell conditions is also a severeproblem. The first two constraints are related to thehumidification requirements (see Section 1), andmost materials development processes end up com-promising on high proton conductivity on one side

Figure 21. Proton conductivity of PBI‚nH3PO4 adducts,as a function of phosphoric acid concentration and relativehumidity (RH).317 Data from another source (denoted bythe dashed line)316 are given for comparison.

Figure 22. Proton conductivity of PBI‚nH3PO4 adducts,as a function of temperature T and relative humidity RHfor a given phosphoric acid concentration.317

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4669

and morphological stability (low swelling and insolu-bility at elevated temperature) and low water and

methanol crossover on the other side. One crucialparameter that allows control of these properties is

Figure 23. Evolution of proton conductivity of imidazole-based systems with increasing immobilization: from the monomervia oligomers to fully polymeric systems.

Figure 24. Proton conductivity of Imi-2 (two imidazoles spaced by two ethylene oxide (EO) units), as a function of triflicacid doping.237 Note that the conductivity has a tendency to level off at high acid concentration (see insert).

4670 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 Kreuer et al.

the degree of sulfonation (expressed as equivalentweight or ion exchange capacity), and this is usuallyin the range of 800-1200 g/equiv (0.83-1.25 mequiv/g) for perfluorinated polymers and 600-800 g/equiv(1.25-1.66 mequiv/g) for hydrocarbon separator ma-terials. Despite the diversity of backbones and poly-meric architectures, the transport properties are verysimilar, i.e., the transport coefficients, as a functionof the water volume fraction, are similar to those ofNafion (as a representative of perfluorinated mem-brane materials) and sulfonated poly(arylene etherketone)s (as a representative for hydrocarbon basedmembranes) (see Figures 19 and 20). Even thehydration isotherms (absorbed water per sulfonic acidgroup, as a function of RH) seem to be quite uniform.Only the water uptake in liquid water (or water/methanol mixtures) may differ significantly. Particu-larly at elevated temperatures, there may be tre-mendous swelling, and the onset of exaggerated(partially irreversible) swelling is closely related tothe mechanical properties of the polymers.

The transport properties that are most significantlyaffected by changes of the water volume fraction arethe water/methanol electro-osmotic drag and perme-ation, both of which have significant contributionsfrom viscous flow (see Section For DMFCapplications (where the membrane is in contact witha liquid water/methanol mixture), this type of trans-port determines the crossover, which is only accept-ably low for solvent volume fractions smaller than∼20 vol % (see Figures 14 and 15). Consequently,recent attempts have been focused on strengthening

the polymer, e.g., by cross-linking307-315,321 or formingco-polymers of sulfonated arylenes and polyvinylidenedifluoride (PVDF).322 Initial fuel-cell tests are actuallyquite promising;313 however, the brittleness of highlycross-linked polymers may cause mechanical failureof the membrane. The formation of composites withisolated inorganic particles usually does not have apositive effect on the swelling properties. In the caseof Nafion, it may suppress its crystallinity, whichleads to an increased swelling. Nevertheless, im-proved performance under fuel-cell conditions hasbeen reported in a few cases,243,244 and better under-standing of the observed effects may guide a moresystematic improvement of composites. The designof microstructures with a hydrated sulfonated poly-mer confined in the pores of a stable well-connected(inorganic) matrix may be another promising ap-proach. The mechanical requirements of such amatrix are actually quite severe, because of the needto compensate for the high pressure due to osmosisand electro-osmotic drag. Some specific interactionbetween the sulfonated polymer and the confiningphase is required to prevent the first from dissolving.Currently, there are several attempts to build suchmicrostructures, some of which are based on con-trolled precipitation from homogeneous solutions,323

and others that rely on sequential formation of thedifferent parts of the microstructure, e.g., by precipi-tation of inorganic proton conductors in porousPTFE.245 Another degree of freedom that may beexploited is the degree of sulfonation across themembrane. In a DMFC, the anode side of themembrane, which is in contact with the methanolsolution, may be prevented from swelling by locallyreducing the degree of sulfonation (e.g., by laminatinglayers of different degree of sulfonation323 or bysurface modification312), whereas an increased degreeof sulfonation may prevent drying out on the anodeside at high temperatures and low humidity condi-tions.

As explained in the Introduction, the latter condi-tions are of paramount importance for PEM fuel-celltechnology; however, to date, there are no proton-conducting sulfonated polymer membranes availablethat satisfy all requirements under these conditions(i.e., T > 120 °C, RH < 25%). The most obviouslimitation is the low proton conductivity, as a resultof low hydration levels under these conditions. Be-cause of their superacidity, which results in highhydrophilicity (see Section, the highest equi-librium water contents are observed in perfluorosul-fonic acid polymers. However, even for these, a watercontent of 2.5H2O/SO3H (at T ) 144 °C, RH ) 25%;see Figure 26, bottom) is too low to effectively bridgethe separation between neighboring sulfonate groups,which is ∼0.8 nm in Nafion (1100 g/equiv).212 Becauseof the poor connectivity (percolation) of the possiblewater structures and the strong local retardation ofthe water diffusion (see discussion in Section,fast proton conduction according to a vehicle mech-anism is not possible at such low degrees of hydra-tion. On the other hand, there is theoretical38,39 andexperimental indication324 that high proton conduc-tivity may be possible at low hydration levels, pro-

Figure 25. Proton conductivity of various oxides, ascalculated from data on proton concentrations and mobili-ties, according to Norby and Larring (the type of dopant isnot indicated; see ref 187 for source data).186 The conduc-tivity of oxides with a perovskite-type structure are shownby bold lines, and the conductivity of the oxide ion conduc-tor YSZ (yttria-stabilized zirconia) is shown for comparison.(reproduced with the kind permission of Annual Reviews,

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4671

vided that the sulfonic acid functional groups are lessseparated or at least more mobile. The top portionof Figure 26 shows the ionic conductivity of a sul-fonated oligomer (heptyl sulfonic acid), which startsto show a decrease in conductivity at a highertemperature than that observed in Nafion, levelingoff to a very high conductivity of ∼4 × 10-2 S/cm inthe temperature range of 130-170 °C (pH2O ) 105

Pa),324 which is reminescent of the conductivitybehavior of aqueous highly concentrated sulfuricacid.325 The latter observation indicates that anotherproton conduction mechanism appears at low hu-midification levels. Recent electronic structure cal-culations of a two-side-chain fragment of the Dowmembrane demonstrates that a hydration of threewater molecules per sulfonic acid leads to dissociationand a configuration in which one of the excess protonsis shared between two water molecules (the forma-tion of a Zundel ion) and the other is a hydroniumion between the two sulfonate groups.23 For some-what lower water contents, the affinities of thesulfonic acid group and the remaining water struc-ture towards the proton tend to balance. The AIMD(see Section 2.2.3) of triflic acid monohydrate38,39

indeed finds excess protons within the water struc-ture, namely, as Zundel and hydronium ions, andshared between neighboring sulfonate groups (Figure27). Such configurations may have a role in themechanisms of proton conduction involving the dy-namics of both the sulfonate groups and the water

molecules. Whether this is the case for the highconductivities of lowly hydrated sulfonic acid oligo-mers (Figure 26) and triflic acid hydrates is not yetclear (the high conductivities may also be the conse-quence of high self-diffusion coefficients of such ionic,highly fluid systems); however, these observationsmay justify an inclusion of highly sulfonated systemswith significantly smaller -SO3H separations intofuture work. Polymers with more than one sulfonicacid group per phenyl ring are indeed possible (e.g.,for poly(arylene sulfide)s) and interesting conductivi-ties at low humidification have been reported.326 Ofcourse, the formation of applicable separator materi-als requires the immobilization of such highly solublepolymers, e.g., in a manner previously described orby making them a constituent of a macromolecularstructure with highly sulfonated and unsulfonatedcomponents in controlled morphologies (for a currentreview, see ref 327), which is a strategy pushedforward by several French groups,328-331 McGrath etal.,332 and Miyatake et al.333 The latter authorsactually reported the highest high-temperature con-ductivity for a sulfonated polyimide co-polymer thatcontained fluorenyl moieties, indicating a complexrelation between chemistry, microstructure (packing),and proton conductivity for this class of polymers.Note that the typical block separation length for suchpolymers is on the order of 10-100 nm, i.e., it is wellabove the scale relevant for the transport mecha-nisms (∼1 nm), as discussed in Sections and3.2.1.

Unfortunately, the thermal stability of sulfonatedsystems is quite limited, particularly when thestabilizing effect of the hydration water is reduced(Section The transport of water not only

Figure 26. (a) Conductivity and (b) water uptake of S-C7(heptane terminated by a sulfonic acid functional group)and Nafion 117 (EW ) 1100 g/equiv), as a function oftemperature at a water partial pressure of pH2O ) 105 Pa.324

Figure 27. Defective structure of solid trifluoromethane-sulfonic acid hydrate (CF3SO3H‚H2O)4 found using ab initiomolecular dynamics (AIMD; see Section 2.2.3 for a descrip-tion of the technique), showing two hydronium ions hydro-gen-bonded to sulfonate groups (as found in the perfectstructure) but, more importantly, two “shared protons” (onebetween two sulfonate groups and the other as part of aZundel ion; see text). Note that the energy of the defectivestructure is only ∼30 kJ/mol higher than that of the perfectstructure.23,38,39

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requires water management but also leads to ther-modynamic efficiency losses in fuel cells using suchmembranes as separators. A recent comparativestudy of oligomers terminated by different protogenicgroups (sulfonic acid, imidazole, and phosphonic acid)shows that the more-amphoteric groups show ahigher thermal and electrochemical stability in thedry state,324 where they still show significant protonconductivity. However, as discussed in Section,this conductivity seems to be limited to ∼10-2 S/cmfor systems based on heterocycles. The other problemwith such systems is the high overpotentials foroxygen reduction at platinum cathodes, which al-ready has been observed by Yang et al.234 Forphosphonic acid functionalized systems, however, theconductivities in the dry state are ∼1 order ofmagnitude higher, and, as opposed to most hetero-cycle-based systems, phosphonates have some re-maining hydrophilicity. This allows for high protonconductivity at low temperatures (Figure 28) andmay help to reduce cathodic overpotentials that arecaused by the adsorption of phosphonic groups ontothe platinum surface. Of course, this is also aninherent problem of systems that contain free H3PO4,such as the adducts of PBI and phosphoric acid (seeSection

Apart from the immobilization of the protogenicgroup as part of a polymeric architecture (e.g., softside-chain polymer), ionic immobilization may beanother interesting strategy to suppress the volatilityof nonaqueous proton solvents. Some molten saltscombine low vapor pressure with very high ionicconductivity. However, the latter is usually theconsequence of a very high fluidity, resulting in highmobility of all ionic species in the systems. Watanabeet al.334 have actually reported a few molten salts thatcontain imidazolium or imidazolium derivatives withvery high ionic conductivity. However, the chargecarriers are complex ions, which are very mobile asa whole, i.e., the conductivity is not protonic. Nev-ertheless, when combined with the spacer concept,ionic immobilization may also become relevant for theimmobilization of (neutral) proton solvents. Spacer

molecules may be terminated by a proton solvent(e.g., imidazole, phosphonic acid) at one end and byan ionic group at the other end, with the countercharge being just a single ion (this may lead to aliquid (molten) systems with low vapor pressure) ora poly-ion (which may lead to a plastic material).

The use of polymeric constituents becomes progres-sively critical with increasing temperature; therefore,for durability reasons, partially and even fully inor-ganic systems have recently attracted interest asproton-conducting separator materials.

Heteropolyacids are frequently used to modifyproton-conducting composites,252 or they are justdispersed in inert matrixes.335,336 However, becausethe proton conduction mechanism of such hydratedsalts is similar to those of hydrated polymeric sys-tems,337 these composites show qualitatively similartransport properties. The same is true for organicallymodified inorganic layered compounds such as tita-nium phosphate sulfophenylenphosphonate, the con-ductivity of which is dependent on the RH value, ina manner similar to that observed with Nafion.338

In contrast to this class of materials, acidic saltsof oxo-acids may show a proton conduction mecha-nism, which is more related to that of liquid ortho-phosphoric acid (see Section The prototypicalcompound is CsHSO4, which shows very high protonconductivity above a first-order phase transition atT ≈ 140 °C.339 The conducting phase is still a solid;that is, there is still long-range order but locally,there is a tremendous dynamic reorientational dis-order of the sulfate tetrahedral and extended vibra-tions of both cesium and sulfate characteristic for so-called plastic phases. The hydrogen bonding betweenthe sulfate tetrahedral is highly dynamic in theplastic phase, and almost completely self-dissoci-ated: high proton mobility leading to high protonconductivity.1,10,144 Haile et al. tested such type ofmaterials in H2/O2 fuel cells340 and recently also inmethanol/O2 fuel cells.341 The current densities ob-tained were limited by the protonic resistance of theelectrolytes (CsHSO4 and CsH2PO4), i.e., no cathodicoverpotentials are reported, which is a true advan-tage, compared to other systems operating undersimilar conditions. The softness, high solubility inwater, sensitivity to reduction, and the very lowroom-temperature conductivity are still severe dis-advantages in these particular compounds; however,there is a plethora of solid acids, some of which maybe suitable for fuel-cell applications.

Further increase in the operating temperature ofa fuel cell is possible, using proton-conducting oxidesas separator materials. Although initial fuel-cell tests(typically in the temperature range of 600-800 °Cusing pure gases) were quite promising,180-184 thecombination of high bulk proton conductivity andstability has only recently been achieved.186,188,205

Yttrium-doped BaZrO3-based oxides actually showthe highest bulk conductivity (Figure 25), and theyhave a high thermodynamic stability, with respectto reactions with acidic gases such as CO2.188 Prob-lems are related to high grain-boundary impedances(which is probably the result of symmetry reductionin the grain-boundary region), current constriction

Figure 28. Conductivity of two phosphonic acid-termi-nated oligomers under dry and wet conditions, comparedto the proton conductivity of Nafion at a water partialpressure of pH2O ) 105 Pa.324

Proton Conductors for Fuel-Cell Applications Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 10 4673

effects, and high cathodic overpotentials at platinumelectrodes.186 More-suitable electrocatalysts have notbeen developed thus far; therefore, there is probablya huge potential for further improvements. An in-teresting feature of proton-conducting oxides is, thatthey may show both proton conductivity and chemicalwater diffusion under medium dry conditions (Section3.2.2). This allows the transport of water electro-chemically formed at the cathode, to migrate to theanode side, where it may be consumed in fuel-reforming reactions. This approach has been sug-gested and confirmed by Coors342 and may becomethe basis for fuel cells operating with dry methaneas a fuel.

The key to the development of CO2-resistant proton-conducting oxides was the maximization of the en-tropic stabilization of protonic defects.188 If thisapproach also led to stable hydroxides with suf-ficiently high conductivity, AFCs using such electro-lytes may operate even with air as the cathode gas.This would be tremendously advantageous, becausefuel cells with nonacidic electrolytes may operatewith non-noble-metal catalysts such as nickel for theanode and silver for the cathode.

The above-described qualitative considerations hope-fully give a flavor for the complexity of the develop-ment of novel proton-conducting separator materialsfor fuel-cell applications. When solely consideringproton conductivity, significant progress has been

made over the past few years, and quite a few oldand new materials have been reported that showinteresting proton conductivities, especially in theintermediate temperature range (see Figure 29).343

Also, significant progress in the understanding oftransport properties has also been made, which is,to a large extent, due to emerging simulation tech-niques (Section 2) as relatively recent research tools.The level of understanding reached so far has alreadyhelped to better control the transport properties ofavailable proton-conducting materials, and surelywill be of great help in a more directed search fornovel proton-conducting materials for fuel-cell ap-plications. This is indeed necessary, because, pres-ently, Nafion materials, or modified derivatives of itsstructure with modified pendant chains, lower equiva-lent weights, or modified processing are still thebenchmark PEMs, despite more than twenty yearsof research into alternatives.

6. Acknowledgement

The authors thank R. Merkle, E. Kotomin, and J.Fleig (all from the Max-Planck-Institut fur Fest-korperforschung) and the external reviewers forcarefully reading the proofs and fruitful discussions.We thank A. Fuchs for assisting in making thefigures and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(KR 794), the Bundesministerium fur Bildung und

Figure 29. Conductivity of some intermediate-temperature proton conductors, compared to the conductivity of Nafionand the oxide ion conductivity of YSZ (yttria-stabilized zirconia), the standard electrolyte materials for low- and high-temperature fuel cells, proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs).

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Forschung (0329567), and the Energiestiftung Baden-Wurttemberg (A 19603) for financial support.

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