Train the Trainer I.G


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Train the Trainer


February 12,13, 2015

Atlanta, GA

Slide 1 Opening Slide – Time Management Workshop Slide 2 Welcome Participants

Slide 3 Introduce myself – I am an instructional designer and trainer for the Insurance Department at AAA Ohio Auto Club. I was hired as a subject matter expert in insurance and not only train newly acquired Sales Agents, but design programs and facilitate to the current Sales Agents. Slide 4

Ice Breaker – 3 minutes – Each pair has to come up with words that describe the other person using the letters in their first name. For example, Joanne = Jolly, optimistic, adventurous, naughty, nice, enthusiastic.

Slide 5 Briefly summarize the learning audience for this project and why I selected it. The learner audience that I selected for the Time Management project consists of a mixture of Baby Boomers, Gen Xers & Millennials. The current sales agents at AAA comprise of all three audiences and I will have them in my classroom at the same time. I need to be conscious of each audience by utilizing flipcharts, case scenarios, audio video and create an environment of interaction between the agents to capture all audiences in the classroom. Slide 6 For the visual audience; I have prepared a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the major skills needed to master time management, provide hand-outs to take with them to remember key concepts that they learned in the classroom and hand written flip charts filled out by classmates as we learn the skill sets needed.

Slide 7 For the auditory audience, I prepared a short video of the common mistakes made by agents in the workplace regarding time management. For the kinesthetic (kin uhs thee zhuh) audience, I prepared problem solving scenarios and will divide the classroom into groups for discussion and ensure that I set time aside to practice time management skills during the classroom training. Slide 8 Explain how your project addresses the differences in learning styles of your audience and incorporates adult learning theory. Utilizing all three learning styles will incorporate best with the conditions of learning theory. Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction:

1. Gain the learner’s attention – get excited about the subject/ice 2. Breaker 3. Inform learner of objective- “The plan for today is……”

4. Recall of prior knowledge – “Do you remember when……” 5. Present the material – “Here’s how it’s done…..” 6. Provide guidance – “This will help guide you…”

Slide 9 6. Elicit performance – “Now you try it….” 7. Provide feedback – “Okay, you need to….”

8. Assess performance – “Let’s test what we have learned…” 9. Enhance retention and transfer – “Now go try it out…” Slide 10 Explain the needs analysis process for this project. Most of the sales agents stated to the Regional Insurance Managers, the Director and Vice President of Insurance, that they did not have enough time in a day to accomplish all that was expected of them. They stated three reasons why they were not making their numbers. Due to the amount of paperwork required for each sale, the constant interruptions and the continuous service work they had to complete for their current clientele. Yet there are some sales agents making their numbers every week and month. What are they doing differently?

Slide 11 After the process of pre-analysis planning, I identified the performance gaps and causes (knowledge, process, resources, motivation), by observing a few selected agents during their scheduled shifts, including the sales agents that made their numbers every week and month. I also emailed each agent a time management worksheet and asked them to fill out what they did every half hour for one day. It was very interesting while conducting my analysis, I found out that the real issue why these agents were not making their numbers was that they did not know how to prioritize or schedule their day properly. The other main issue is that they did not know how to manage interruptions. I met with the key players regarding my analysis and offered possible solutions for the targeted learner audience and came up with the best solutions for their concerns. We concluded that training is a necessity.

Slide 12 What instructional/delivery strategy are you contemplating and why? The instructional goal strategy that I am going to utilize is the logical sequence. The goals that we will work on in the classroom are just suggested and not mandatory to be performed in order. Each agent is at a different leaning level and what is important to them differs. This sequence gives them the freedom to choose what goal they want to work on first. The delivery strategy is face-to face. I want to stimulate interaction between the sales agents, to exchange ideas and have them ask questions to learn from one another.

Slide 13 Write the learning objectives for this project? Based on my analysis, the following are the learning objectives: List the interruptions in your workplace / Explain why these

interruptions take your time from selling. Practice time saving techniques for managing interruptions Distinguish the difference between urgent and important Describe how you prioritize your daily tasks and why? Create a daily schedule based upon your priority task list

Slide 14 How will your content be structured/sequenced? Why? The Time Management course will be sequenced in the same way that a task is performed. Job Performance. Sales agents need to manage interruptions and they need to know how to use their time wisely. They need to know the difference between what is urgent and what is important and constantly prioritize their daily schedule to meet their goals.

Slide 15 How will you incorporate AV and activities into your project and how will this enhance the learning? I will have all three learning audiences in the same classroom. Therefore, I will be using flipcharts, case scenarios for discussion, a short video to watch and discuss, role-playing and provide take away handouts to utilize outside the classroom. By utilizing all activities listed, I feel that all three learning audiences will be engaged in the learning process. Slide 16 How will you assess the impact of your training? What metrics are you contemplating?

Give each student a final assessment consisting of essay questions on how they would manage a set of interruptions made up based on what they learned in class. I would also give them a case scenario to determine how they would prioritize each task (urgent vs. important) and ask what their thought process was on why they prioritized the scenario as they did. From each prioritized task, have them create a daily schedule to ensure that they meet the goals intended from the case scenario. They will have 1 ½ hours to complete the assessment.

Slide 17

What will you do to prepare the learner and their environment for the training up front and what will you do to reinforce it afterwards? As stated in the beginning of my presentation, I would email all agents a time management worksheet asking them to document what activity they did every half hour. After they complete the worksheet, I would request that each sales agent email me. This will give me a better understanding on how they utilize their time. The following day, I would set up for them to shadow other sales agents, so they can observe those sales agents that make their numbers on a weekly and monthly basis.


Slide 18

That same day, I would email the sales agents and ask them to email me back their answers to the following questions:

1. How do they prioritize their day? 2. Do they follow a schedule? 3. Do they have a goal that they have to meet each day? 4. What will you do differently after job shadowing another agent?

GO BACK TO SLIDE 17 Each week, the Regional Managers email a scorecard of all agents’ sales for the week. I will know every week if the sales agents are on track. I would also get the Regional Managers on board to help them schedule their time on a weekly basis based on what they learned in class.

Slide 19 Conclusion – As stated in our objectives, we will learn how to manage interruptions, know the difference between urgent and important, prioritize tasks and make a schedule. Thank you! Slide 20 Questions?