Traces of Consciousness Newsletter - Unity of Pasadena · Traces of Consciousness Newsletter...


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Traces of Consciousness Newsletter

Newsletter October-

December 2017

Volume 5, Issue 5

Unity of Pasadena Church Office:

3053 E. Del Mar Blvd.

Pasadena, CA 91107

Office Hours:

Tues/Weds/Thurs 10:00am—4:00pm

Andrea Sheridan


Office: (626) 577.4207

Sunday Celebration Service:


Silent Unity Prayer Support Line:

1-800-699-7729 (24 hrs)

Leadership Council:

Rev. Karen Epps, Senior Minister

Gary Clason, President

Paul Smith, Vice-President

Grace LaFranchi, Treasurer

John Thompsen, Secretary


Rev. Karen Epps Senior Minister

Dropping the struggle leads not away from life

but deeply into it

For me, our annual Faith-In-Action program is a divine

opportunity to explore the activity of God in our lives. We join

together, as a community, to read and study a selected book,

which can deepen our relationships with ourselves, one

another, our family & friends, and the world at large.

This year, I am excited to be working with Dropping the

Struggle: Seven Ways to Love the Life You Have by Roger

Housden. The book has an exquisite simplicity while

simultaneously inviting us to plumb the depths of our very

own being.

We’ll celebrate the essence of BEing and how it manifests in

our lives as we rest in OK-ness with various facets of the

human journey. Each chapter illumines the dance we have in

wanting to; Be Special, create the Perfect Life, strive for

Meaning & Purpose, desire Love, pace Time, control Change,

and seek to Know. At the very heart of each lies a paradox;

the more we drop the struggle the more we actually

experience the freedom of being fully in the present moment.

Our beloved Sandy Brancheau and “newbie” Sarah Hunter are

co-facilitating the study group. They are passionate about the

book and have been working together to create an amazing

study guide with evocative questions that will stimulate

meaningful conversation and connection.

Get ready to put your Faith-in-Action: purchase the book,

participate in the study group, wear the color of the week,

and commit to attending Service during this special time at

Unity of Pasadena. I look forward to seeing you!

Love & Blessings,

Rev. Karen

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Hello to all Unity of Pasadena members, families and friends.

Participating on your Board of Trustees is an honor and a very

fulfilling privilege. Working closely with Reverend Karen and all of

the Board Members is truly a wonderful experience full of abundant learning on spiritual and per-

sonal levels.

One of our many Board projects is reading and discussing a book

entitled "The Emerging Church" by Bruce Sanguin. The experience of

participating in this extremely interesting and at times "over my head"

encounter of information and concepts have me on the Internet

frequently doing research. I am gathering insight into areas that are

new to me such as, Spiral Dynamics.

At each Board meeting we have been exploring ideas related to the

various hidden (and even well defined) cultures that exists in

congregations, including ours: and how it relates even down to the

core of our own personal level of cultural evolution. The majority of

the time, I rely on our group discussions guided by Reverend Karen to

get a solid understanding of how "creative emergence" (another new

area for me) relates to the evolutionary changes Unity itself is experiencing as well as those of

our own congregation. Delving into these areas helps everyone on the board dig deeper into our

church's past, present, and future needs. We also understand what motivates the various

personal interactions congregants develop and the many resulting relationships that emerge

whether these relationships are fleeting or long term.

Earlier, I mentioned Spiral Dynamics, which is a psychological approach to understanding how

people think including organizations and societies. Identifying how we as individuals and as

groups belonging to certain societies and organizations within an identified value system

develop and evolve is very fascinating for me.

Currently, we are at the halfway point of the book. My personal experience has been that the

second quarter of the book was a turning point for me, getting my attention as we progressed to

the halfway point. I am anxious to continue with this project and our discussions.

Blessings to you all,

Gary, Board Chair

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I can’t believe it’s already been nearly a year

and a half since I began serving you as Music

Director of Unity of Pasadena! It’s been an

amazing journey since then exploring new

ways to have music serve in our church. We’ve

welcomed new singers to our stage, had our

first Taizé style evening service, and of course

enjoyed our own Randy Ross’s beautiful

sermon where he demonstrated the spiritual

power of music and flow.

Many of you know I was raised in a Unity Church in my home town of Clearwater, Florida where

my mother Rev. Dr. Leddy Hammock has served for over 36 years. I first began playing in the

Unity Church of Clearwater band when I was 13 and continued there for many years before

moving to pursue a degree in music. Not only did that experience teach me valuable lessons as

a musician but it taught me how crucial the role is that music plays in ministry; the way a song

can deliver a message in such way that we not only understand the message, but we feel it as


This is our constant ambition when choosing music that best fits our message each Sunday. The

majority of our music comes from a New Thought organization known as emPower Music & Arts,

self-described as a “community dedicated to creating positive global change through music,

writing and the spoken word.” We share this vision at Unity of Pasadena, and we do all we can

to support this movement of positive music and spirituality. Our wonderful choir director and

chaplain, Michelle Gillette and I had the opportunity of attending emPower’s Annual Posi Music

Festival in Florida this past February where we performed and connected with songwriters,

musicians and other church organizations coming together to support positive music. Many of

the artists at the festival contribute to an incredible library of music written specifically for New

Thought churches, which we’re able to utilize regularly through our membership with emPower

Music & Arts.

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I am extremely grateful for the help of Gary Clason, Greg Stanton, Michelle Gillette, our choir

and all our amazing soloists for their tireless work in supporting our music ministry and our

cause. I would love to increase this capacity and welcome new musicians/singers that have a

willingness to share their gifts. If you or someone you know have a good deal of experience

playing/performing music in a group setting and are interested in helping to serve in our music

ministry, please feel free to come see me after church on Sunday.

As always, looking forward to joining you in song!

Levi Hammock

Music Director

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The Ability to Heal One’s Self

Over the years, I have been privileged to read some of the outstanding

works by author Catherine Ponder. Her studies have unveiled some

fascinating affirmations and techniques regarding healing and prosperity.

Here are a few of my favorite gems:

“Studies and individual experiences have shown us that the human body

has the ability to heal itself”

“Each of us as individuals, having healing proponents within us, can

heal ourselves”

“Medical history has shown us, in some cases, disease can be self-inflicted. The primary causes

have been noted as unhealthy mental attitudes, morbid emotions, excessive hate, resentment,

jealousy and possessiveness”

According to Catherine Ponder, denial is the first law of healing. Through the use of denial, one

begins to erase negative beliefs from their mind and undesirable appearances from the body. In

those cases where disease was active, the individuals who said, “No, no, no, I do not accept this

disease” were able to eradicate cancers, ulcers, tumors, tuberculosis and paralysis. Thereby,

healing themselves completely.

Right here at Unity of Pasadena, we hold a Prosperity Prayer Circle. Occasionally we deal with

health issues. We offer powerful affirmations directed toward the spiritual cause as well as

physical healing. Our goal is prosperity in all forms; health, finances, relationships and overall

well being. Join us every Thursday at 6pm in the Sanctuary.


Paul Smith

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Thoughts on Peace from Our Chaplains

Trish Bryant

Once everyone has centered themselves in complete awareness and knowledge that God's love radiates through all mankind and on planet earth- then only peace and harmony prevail.

Helen Dersjant

Peace is an evolved state where all-ness and being-ness come together as ONE. It is a cosmic state of existence where no sides are taken. Peace is the beauty of a flower, fragrant in full bloom, as it is the flower that has fallen to replenish the soil. It is a surrendering of self into Oneness. It is an acceptance of a natural balance which is Divine Order. There is nothing working against it. This is the perfection of Peace.

Stacey Kelly

The Prayer to Archangel Michael Thank you for bestowing peace among us and protecting us. Thank you God for your loving grace over us. Then I usually say a peace request for the world at large or I ask for peace over the hostile event of the day in our community. Donna Gannon I am uplifted by the wise words of Buddha "Peace comes from within." Do not seek it without." These words remind me that in order to experience peace in the world, I must experience it first within my own heart and mind. With a clear mind, I experience a deep sense of inner peace that only comes from God. As we sing every Sunday," Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me."

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Michelle Gillette

My heart Says:

I stand for Peace

I sing for Peace

I am Peace

Peace flows from me to you.

Lyrics from, "I know Spirit's Calling to Me."

My eyes are open wide

Feeling God inside, I am grateful for all I see

My heart is open wide. Feeling God inside, I am grateful to be me

My arms are open wide. Feeling God inside, I am happy to be free.

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There is something about writing by hand that engages the mind in ways typing does not.

Three faculties are at work: the hand, sight, and mind. Yes all are used in typing but the physical

act of holding the pen or pencil in hand with its tactile response is much more engaging. I have

read that they are thinking of doing away with cursive writing in schools. That would be

unfortunate as not everything can be done by computer nor should it be.

In our creative writing group participants write in longhand (cursive) with one exception.

Steve prints. I see the concentration as group members write their responses to the exercises. I

feel they are touching something within as they write and when they read their responses, it

is evident. Occasionally something is touched that a person doesn’t want to share and that is

their option.

I use five exercises for our writing group. One is interactive with others. That one is hardest to

come up with. For instance, “describe what you think would be the ideal vacation for the person

on your right.” I think that makes the participants attune with each other, unlike a traditional

classroom setting where they might never interact.

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Our writing group has a core of about five people. Others come as they find the time. There are

usually six or seven per gathering. The group enjoyed meeting so much they urged me to add a

second Saturday to the meeting schedule. Now we meet twice a month on the first and third

Saturdays from 10 to 12:30.

For class content I try to be topical. For example we will write about the end of summer, Labor

Day, Mother’s Day, a particular season or so forth. As you can see, the calendar is a big help.

Although I try for a theme, there are sometimes when we take a different approach. It just

depends. But everyone gets to tackle the same thought provoking topic from their own unique

perspective and life experience.

Each time we meet there is some sharing and discussion. We try to stay on target but

occassionally we veer off a bit and that is OK. Everyone knows what they write stays in the

group unless they share it themselves. It makes for more honest sharing.

Be inspired! We invite you to join in! It is a great way to get to know people better.

We ask $15 love offering per class.

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This year our 4th Sunday Service in December falls on Christmas Eve. This is very exciting. Rev. Karen asked me to write and direct a Christmas Pageant for our service. Of course, I said “Yes.”

As our pageant begins, it is Christmas Eve. The stable is filled with the anticipation of the birth of Jesus. There is subdued excitement. Do our characters know what a momentous occasion they are about to witness? Do they feel a sense of peace coming into the stable? That peace that will henceforth change the entire world?

We will sing 5-6 Christmas carols, starting with waiting for the birth of Jesus, through the joy-ous exaltation of his arrival.

There are a couple of short scenes. No memorization is required.

I invite each of our congregation to join me in this fun and festive Sunday morning event. Bring your family to be part of this inspiring service, as we renew our vow to bring peace into our world.

Children are encouraged. And…they will get to play their favorite animal in costume!

There will be 3 short (1 hour) rehearsals following the Sunday services on Dec. 3, 10, 17 following hospitality at 12.

Please join me in celebrating the birth of Jesus at our Christmas Eve Sunday morning service. The perfect way to have fun this Christmas season.

In love & light,


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Backpack Drive Update - Patricia Frontino, Willard Magnet School

Thank you on behalf of our children who have

been so blessed to receive a backpack from the

members of your congregation. Thank you for

remembering our school year after year. The

children’s faces get so excited when they re-

ceive their backpacks. This year our school

received over 80 backpacks from your

congregation. A special thank you to Ms. Jackie

Coulette, always being so thoughtful and

transporting all the backpacks to our school.

I work closely with our families at Willard

Elementary School, and we have many families

that are in transition, and living in the motels

on Colorado Blvd. Our families are very

appreciative when receiving a backpack. On

behalf of our Principal Dr. Angela Baxter,

Students, Parents and Staff at Willard

Elementary School, thank you for touching so

many lives, year after year.

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Workshops & Events

Beginning Sundays November 5 Pranic Healing Sessions 12:30-3:30

Pranic Healing operates on the principle of life energy. Prana is life energy. When we are filled with clean, pure life energy, we exhibit health. When we are not filled with clean, pure life energy, we may exhibit disease. In Pranic Healing, a healing practitioner removes contaminated energy from the body and replaces it with clean, pure life energy in order to assist the body’s natural healing capabilities.

Jesus Quintero first became interested in energy healing at the age of twenty-one. Having stud-ied Reiki and practiced various healing modalities for several years, Pranic Healing resonated with him at a deep level. He has been an active practitioner for more than a year and now wants to share his love of Pranic Healing with his spiritual community.

45 minute session $30 Suggested Love Offering: no one will be turned away. 100% of proceeds are gifted to Unity of Pasadena.

Sunday October 29 Evolutionary Salon Conversations That Matter: Beloved Community 12

Its update time! We will review our finances, tithing projects and upcoming classes. We will look toward 2018 and living our mission.

Sunday October 8-November 19 Faith in Action Study Group 12:30-2 Sandy Brancheau & Sarah Hunter

This year we will be using Roger Housden’s book Dropping the

Struggle for our Fall Faith in Action Study. In simple, sometimes

poetic, sometimes straightforward terms, the author describes

helpful ways we can be “more spiritual” and at the same time

enjoy a more simple life. In short, give ourselves a break and draw

closer to God within.

This book is very easy to read, one of the few books you will actually have time to finish and

enjoy. Join Sandy and Sarah as they take us on a journey toward surrender to life and all the joy

and freedom it brings.

Friday November 3 Faith in Action Movie Night Dropping the Struggle with Time: Interstellar 6-9

Grab some popcorn, relax, and settle in for this thought provoking movie on the nature of time.

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Workshops & Events

Saturday November 11 & December 9 Crochet Circle Keith Sneider 10:30-12 Keith Sneider is a Pasadena resident who taught himself how to crochet a few years ago. He's been making blankets and scarves as gifts to family and friends. Keith will teach simple stitches to begin making items for personal use, donate, or even sell in the Book Nook. Supplies are provided. We hope this becomes a bi-monthly gathering to have fun and create.

Sunday December 10 Budget & Financial Planning Workshop

12:30 –2 Love Offering (all proceeds to Unity of Pasadena)

Do you want more control over your finances? Do you want to have confidence in your ability to give financially? Are you ready to experience true abundance? This interactive workshop will cover a variety of topics related to good stewardship of your financial resources:

• Retirement – Expectation and reality are not always aligned. How can you recalibrate to make sure you are on track to meet your goals?

• Is your investment strategy aligned with your future goals?

• Budgeting – Reviewing different tools to help with managing a budget

• Saving – Review a case study showing an individual saving during the greatest bull market (1995 – 2001) or beginning to save at the start of the financial crisis (2008 – 2014)

• Financial Planning – Be aware of what you CANNOT control; focus on what you CAN control. We will walk through an example of a comprehensive financial plan.

Bring a binder with a few sheets of paper, pencils with erasers, and a willing attitude, and you will gain the true confidence and satisfaction that comes from gaining control of your finances. You will learn, laugh, have fun and develop your own personal and workable budget. Materials are provided.

Instructor: Jerrod Ferguson, CFP of Raymond James Financial Services teaches this workshop. Jerrod is a practicing Certified Financial Planner who has worked with hundreds of clients over a long and successful career. He believes that managing one's income and expenses is the required starting point for a successful financial plan.

Sunday December 3 Sound Bath 12:30 with Karen Apostolina $25

A Sound Bath is a relaxing, immersive experience where quartz crystal singing bowls and planetary gongs are played with the intention of providing relaxation and an overall feeling of well being to the listener. Participants are encouraged to recline or sit comfortably and let the sound waves wash over them. Sound has been used for thousands of years to provide an outlet for emotional and physical release as well as activate the body’s natural capacity for healing. A Sound Bath is like a massage for your soul.

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October Sunday Talk Titles

Faith In Action: Dropping the Struggle

Color of the Week

October 8 Dropping the Struggle to be Special Red

October 15 Dropping the Struggle for a Perfect Life Orange

October 22 Dropping the Struggle for Meaning & Purpose Yellow

October 29 Dropping the Struggle for Love Green

November Sunday Talk Titles

Faith in Action continues

November 5 Dropping the Struggle with Time Blue

November 12 Dropping the Struggle with Change Indigo

November 19 Dropping the Struggle to Know Violet

November 26 Leftovers :-)

December Sunday Talk Titles

Home for the Holidays

December 3 The Hallmark Life

December 10 Charlie Brown Christmas

December 17 Guest speaker Karie Hillery

December 24 Christmas Pageant (No Evening Candlelight Service)

December 31 Burning Bowl Service (New Year’s Eve)

Wednesday November 8 6:30-7:30 Taize’ Service & Labyrinth Walk

Prayer in the Taizé style of worship is reflective, peaceful and joyful, including simple chants, readings, silence and prayer. Our sacred gathering is spiritual and inclusive. The chants for this service have been composed by New Thought songwriters and are trans-denominational. We will conclude with a labyrinth walk. Love Offering

Worship, Devotion & Celebration

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$10 Reiki Sessions

Every Thursday


Come experience the relaxing, energy-balancing, healing practice

of reiki with certified practitioners for a

price that can’t be beat!

Meditation Service

Noon every Thursday

Join us for a guided meditation with Suzanne

Peters, including long periods of silence for contemplation. This 30 minute meditation is

sure to rejuvenate and renew your mind,

body, and soul.

Ongoing Groups & Services

Choir Practice Choir practice is at the Church on Wednesdays at 7pm

Prayer Service Every second Sunday, our Prayer Chaplains have a prayer service immediately following our Sunday Service. Come enjoy this prayerful time. Each month’s service will have a new theme.

12-Step Meetings at Unity of Pasadena

AA Women's Group—Sunlight of the Spirit Monday 12-1:30 Childcare Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Wednesday 5:30-6:30 Cocaine Anonymous Meeting Saturday 7:30-9 Al Anon for youth and young adults Sunday 7:45-9

Thursdays Prosperity Prayer Circle 6-7

Our group is focused on creating a prayerful prosperity consciousness. Prosperity is abundance in all of life. Whether concerns are health, work, finance, or personal relationships, bring them into our circle of prayer. Using affirmations, writing, and various spiritual tools, the focus will be on bringing important goals into manifestation.
