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Town of Ulysses

September 14, 2021

Audio of the minutes are available on the website at The meeting was held at the Town Hall at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg.

via videoconference on the Zoom platform. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board.

CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Zahler called the meeting to order at 7pm.

ATTENDANCE: The Town Clerk called the roll:

TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Supervisor- Nancy Zahler Board members- Michael Boggs, Katelin Olson, Rich Goldman, Mary Bouchard (arrived at 7:06pm) Budget Officer- Michelle E. Wright Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Bookkeeper- Blixy Taetszch Planning Board Chair- Linda Liddle

OTHERS PRESENT: Elaine Springer, Jordan Puryear

Ms. Zahler noted that the NYS legislature has allowed boards to meet via videoconference through Jan. 15.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: RESOLUTION #163 of 2021: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Sept. 14, 2021, with the addition of a resolution to authorize the hiring a temporary planner.

Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs

Zahler aye Olson aye Boggs aye Goldman aye Bouchard absent Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/14/21


REPORTS: (See Appendix for reports submitted in advance)

Ms. Bouchard arrived at this time (7:06pm).

Ms. Liddle gave the following updates: • Broadband- The county has decided that they will not charge us for the recent study • Campsite expansion application by Spruce Row. Residents have expressed concerns regarding

water supply and the aquifer in that area. Ms. Zahler added that It is a development district and there is a maximum number of campsites allowed. The request falls within that. The outcome will be determined by the Planning Board and not the Town Board. Mr. Goldman added that the Planning Board is going to visit the site to see stream set back. Ms. Wright gave an update on the following:

• The board should expect adjustments/modification to the Water District 3 budget. • Supply chain shortage issues related to:

o New computer for Bookkeeper- Jeff Burns will refurbish until shortage ends o The arch for the Cemetery Bridge may be delayed

Ms. Taetszch shared her end of month budget highlights with the board and answered questions regarding the planning and highway lines.

Ms. Taetszch excused at this time. (7:36pm)

Mr. Boggs shared the following: • He has heard concerns from Dubois/Willow Creek residents about traffic with regards to the

Spruce Row expansion request. • Noted the shared proposal for Fire/EMS.

Ms. Olson noted that she has been working on various projects.

Ms. Bouchard shared the following: • Highlights from the Trumansburg Village Board meeting last night:

o Brief mention of annexation petition o Still working on EMS cost models o Youth commission has no village representation o Harvest Market will be held on 11/22 at the Farmer’s Market o Grant for MRB to do I&I study (inflow & infiltration) o Comprehensive plan hearing is scheduled

• Attended Health Consortium meeting: o 5% increase for 2022. o Got approved to offer to 19 counties. o Admin fees less than 4%. o Update on medicare plans- it is more expensive for them to offer it than for munis to

get it on their own.

• Community choice aggregation- had meeting with other munis. This is a bulk buying program so that energy is cheaper.

• Habitat Nature Preserve Committee meeting: o Revamp entrance on trailer park side now that it is under new ownership.

Ms. Olson shared that Tompkins County is collecting feedback on its Re-imagining Public Safety program.

Ms. Zahler shared the following: • Planner vacancy- temporary planner time is ending at end of Sept. May re-hire Mr. Zepko on a

temporary basis. • The petition for annexation from Grassroots was pulled due to absence of environmental

assessment. Once that is received the annexation timeline will begin again. CONSENT AGENDA: WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed the following resolutions thoroughly and is satisfied that the resolutions are sufficiently clear and do not require further explanation or discussion, now therefore be it

RESOLVED that the following resolutions are hereby approved as printed:

RESOLUTION 2021-164: APPROVAL OF TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM 8/13/21, 8/24/21, and 8/27/21 RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and hereby approves the minutes of the August 10, and 24th meetings of the Town Board and the Special Town Board meetings of 8/10 and 8/27 as presented/amended.

RESOLUTION 2021-165: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NO-COST GRANT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY HISTORIAN WERTIS TO CELEBRATE THE PLACING OF HISTORIC MARKERS WHEREAS, the Ulysses Town Historian was successful in securing grants from the Pomeroy Foundation for three historical markers and

WHEREAS, the placing of the markers should be cause for celebration of our rich history and

WHEREAS, the Historian has requested $600 no-match required Celebrations grant from Tompkins County to promote and host a special event to recognize the placement of each of the three new markers, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board extends its appreciation to the Historian for his efforts to educate the public about the history of the Town of Ulysses and acknowledges submission of the grant application and further

RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to accept the grants, if approved, to support celebrations to coincide with the placement of each of the three grant-funded markers.

RESOLUTION 2021-166: SUPPORT FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY COVID TESTING FOR MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, Tompkins County has encouraged all of its employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and to provide a self-attestation form to show their vaccination status and

WHEREAS, Tompkins County will require employees who are not vaccinated and those who do not return the Attestation Form to comply with twice weekly COVID tests self-administered at their worksites and

WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature is considering extending this surveillance testing initiative to municipal employees at no cost to the municipality, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby urges the Tompkins County Legislature to approve inclusion of the municipalities in their testing program and further

RESOLVED, that the Town extends its appreciation to the County for including municipal employees and acknowledges that if the Town of Ulysses adopts a similar policy and wishes to participate, that the Town will comply with all of the County’s terms and conditions.

Moved: Zahler Seconded: Boggs

Zahler aye Olson aye Boggs aye Goldman aye Bouchard aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/14/21

OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #167 OF 2021: APPROVING EXECUTION OF OUT-OF-DISTRICT WATER USER AGREEMENT FOR WATER DISTRICT 3 WHEREAS, Daniel and Brooke Palmer are the owners of a parcel of real property located on 7048 Durling Road, in the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, Town of Ulysses tax parcel number 12.-4-24 (the Property); and

WHEREAS, the Owners requested permission to connect to the existing Water District No.3 in the Town of Ulysses (the District), owned and operated by the Town, and to extend water service to the property to address serious water quality problems; and

WHEREAS, the Owners are willing to pay for and maintain the required extension of the water line from the water line on Cold Springs Road and the associated appurtenances and fees related to the extension,

WHEREAS, on behalf of the District, the Town may benefit from the increased draw of water through the Water District system by the Owners which may improve water quality and from the offsetting revenue to the Water District, and

WHEREAS, both the Town of Ithaca from whom the Water District purchases its water and Bolton Point which provides the water for Water District No. 3 have agreed to the extension and

WHEREAS, the Town has verified the quality of water available from Water District No. 3 at this location and the Town Engineer has approved the design for the connection, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Ulysses, on behalf of the Water District, is willing to consent to the connection of the Property to the District on the terms set forth in the attached Agreement, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves the terms of the Out-of-District Water User Agreement attached to this resolution; and be it further

RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreement or any further revised version of this Agreement provided that the final form of any further revisions is approved by the Attorney for the Town,

RESOLVED that the same adjustments for other out of district user in 2022.

Moved: Mr. Goldman Seconded: Ms. Bouchard


The group discussed the debt charges and agreed to charge out-of-district users 100% rather than 110%. Mr. Boggs added that they will need to make sure chlorine levels are sufficient.

Zahler aye Olson aye Boggs aye Goldman aye Bouchard aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/14/21

OUTLINE OF NOISE ORDINANCE FOR DISCUSSION Ms. Zahler and Attorney Walsh shared recommendations for a future noise ordinance

1. Consolidate in a single place in the Town Code all provisions for regulating sound, and make them positive law, not merely ‘design standards’. 2. Regulate globally so the new scheme governs for all districts in the Town including the Fairgrounds, with the possible exception of the Village of Trumansburg. 3. Integrate noise standards into the Town’s existing special event permit scheme, treating an application for permission to host a noisy event which might not otherwise qualify as a ‘special event’.. 4. Emphasize notice to neighbors of anticipated noisy events, and a neighborly approach preceding formal enforcement. 5. Try to make noise regulation scheme uniform with the Village. 6. Use a reasonable person standard, but allow for metric (decibel) measurement where feasible now or in future., by making specific metrics in decibels equivalent with plain English standards, e.g., sound audible to the human ear, measured at 25 feet from the source. 7. Make specific intent an aggravating feature, as with repeated offenses. This would make production of noise an offense without regard to whether it was intended to be annoying. 8. Standardize definitions, provide definitions where now they are lacking. 9. Extend the application of the Town’s special events permitting system to the Fairgrounds, which is now exempt.

10. Consider whether the Town can effectively control the use of fireworks as a matter of sound and light, not as ‘fireworks’ per se, in view of the State’s preemption of fireworks regulation.

Ms. Olson wants to make sure the ordinance is enforceable and understandable.

Ms. Bouchard and Mr. Goldman will work more on this.

NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #168 of 2021: SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING ON LOCAL LAW #____ OF 2021 TO OVERRIDE THE TAX LEVY LIMIT ESTABLISHED IN GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW §3-C RESOLVED, that the attached draft local law, the full text of which the Town Clerk is hereby directed to reproduce in the minutes hereof (see appendix), is adopted as the draft upon which a public hearing shall be held to consider whether or not to adopt the Local Law # __of 2021 to Override the Levy Limit, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby schedules a public hearing for Sept. 28, 2021 at 7 PM.

Access details for how to participate in the Public Hearing shall be posted on the Town of Ulysses website at at least 24 hours prior to the date of the hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is for all persons wishing to comment in favor or against the proposed Local Law to have an opportunity to provide their comments thereon, and be it further

RESOLVED, that in addition to participation in the public hearing, all members of the public wishing to submit written comments on the proposed local law may do so in writing addressed to the Town Clerk at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886 or by email to, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to publish notice of said hearing in the Ithaca Journal as required by law and the Town Board authorizes payment of expenses associated with said publications.

Moved: Zahler Seconded: Boggs

Zahler aye Olson aye Boggs aye Goldman aye Bouchard aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/14/21

RESOLUTION #169 OF 2021: PLACEMENT OF NO PARKING SIGNS ON FALLS ROAD NEAR SMITH WOODS WHEREAS, the Town has provided off-street parking along Cemetery Road for visitors to Smith Woods, and

WHEREAS, some visitors continue to park along the east side of Falls Road near the intersection with Cemetery Road close to the entrance to Smith Woods and

WHEREAS, the narrow shoulder and steep bank at this section of the road and the proximity to the corner make parking in this location a danger for the visitor and local drivers, and

WHEREAS, neighbors have asked for the area to be labeled by the Town as a No Parking zone, Smith Woods representatives support this action, and the Highway Superintendent is willing to place the signs, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Ulysses Town Board hereby directs the Highway Superintendent to place No Parking signs along the east side of Falls Road from the intersection with Cemetery Road for .10 mile south.

Moved: Ms. Bouchard Seconded: Mr. Boggs

Zahler aye Olson aye Boggs aye Goldman aye Bouchard aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/14/21


RESOLUTION 2021-170: AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT FOR TEMPORARY PLANNING AND ZONING SERVICES WHEREAS, The Environmental Planner Position has been vacant since June 9, 2021 and

WHEREAS, the Part-Time Temporary Planner who agreed to serve through the end of September, will be completing his service on September 30, 2021, and

WHEREAS, the Town needs to be responsive to residents seeking guidance on planning and zoning while the Town is continuing to search for a full-time planner and

WHEREAS, former Planner John Zepko is willing to assume part-time temporary planning and zoning officer duties a part-time temporary basis, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to appoint John Zepko as a part-time employee for a period beginning October 1, 2021 at cost not to exceed $6,000 available from the current salary line.

Moved: Zahler Seconded: Goldman

Zahler aye Olson aye Boggs aye Goldman aye Bouchard aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/14/21

PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (3 min limit per person):


REPORTS CONT’D: Ms. Koreman gave the following updates from Tompkins County:

• 2.7% levy increase in proposed budget • ARPA funding use • New properties acquired • COVID #s going down but there was a death recently • Re-imagining Public Safety is looking for feedback • Opposed to NYSEG selling the Bell property (lake front property) • Funds will be given to Newfield for fiber/broadband • Testing costs will be covered for munis


RESOLUTION 2021-171: PAYMENT OF CLAIMS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board has reviewed and approves payment of claims for:

• HA fund (Water District 3 Capital Project) vouchers 40 and 41 in the amount of $1,628.25

• HB fund (Cemetery Bridge Replacement Project) voucher 26 in the amount of $101,560

• All other funds vouchers numbered 357 through 404 in the amount of $136,291.02 Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman

DISCUSSION: Mr. Boggs asked whether the NYS DOT culvert water use could be considered a highway cost as well rather than a water district cost. Zahler aye Olson aye Boggs aye Goldman aye Bouchard aye Vote: 5-0 Date Adopted: 9/14/21

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Goldman moved to go into Executive Session at 9:15pm. This was seconded by Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously.

Ms. Olson moved to end Executive Session at 9:28pm. This was seconded by Ms. Bouchard and passed unanimously.

ADJOURN Mr. Goldman made a move to adjourn at 9:28pm. This was seconded by Ms. Bouchard and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato, Town Clerk 9/24/2021



Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses as follows: Section 1. Legislative Intent: It is the intent of this local law to override the limit on the amount of real property taxes that may be levied by the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins pursuant to General Municipal Law §3-c, and to allow the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins to adopt a town budget for (a) town purposes, (b) fire protection districts, and (c) any other special or improvement district, and Town improvements provided pursuant to Town Law Article 12-C, governed by the Town Board for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2022 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the “tax levy limit” as defined by General Municipal Law §3-c. Section 2. Authority: This local law is adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law §3-c, which expressly authorizes the Town Board to override the tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by vote of at least sixty percent (60%) of the Town Board. Section 3. Tax Levy Limit Override: The Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins is hereby authorized to adopt a budget for the fiscal year 2022 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the limit specified in General Municipal Law §3-c. Section 4. Severability: If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this Local Law or the application thereof to any person, firm or corporation, or circumstance, shall be adjusted by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this Local Law or in its application to the person, individual, firm or corporation or circumstance, directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered. Section 5. Effective date: This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.

Recreation Department ReportSeptember 12, 2021

Created by: Will Glennon, Recreation Director

Fall Programs:

● Cross Country Program○ Youth cross country running program.○ Program will utilize running trails located in different areas of

Ulysses/Trumansburg including Taughannock Falls State Park, TrumansburgFairgrounds, and the Trumansburg School District fields.

○ Varsity XC runners may volunteer as assistants to the program○ Main instructor for the program is a former collegiate runner at Ithaca College.○ Program begins September 13th and will run for four weeks with a home meet

scheduled for October 9th.○ Currently there are 16 runners registered.

● Recreation Soccer Program○ Recreation soccer program in complement to the Taughannock Soccer program.

■ Program goal is to offer another format to increase the amount ofstudents being introduced to playing soccer.

○ Program will operate one weekday per week with Sunday games■ Tues/Sun or Thurs/Sun

○ Program is proposed to work with the IYB Rotary Soccer Program to have gamesplayed at Cass Park on Sundays.

○ Only one age program is viable for this fall. A 2nd/3rd grade coed program willbegin with practices on Tuesday, September 14th.

○ The program will be coached by a SUNY Cortland club soccer player that is alsoa physical education teacher candidate, one parents volunteer, and oneTrumansburg high school volunteer.

Summer Programs:

● Town of Ulysses Summer Rec Camp○ Program ended on August 13th○ 98 individual registered campers for six weeks of camp and a total of 301

registrations for day camp for six weeks.○ 102 total registrations for pre-camp and 70 total registrations for post-camp.○ Program incorporated swimming programs at both Taughannock Falls State Park

and the Watkins Glen State Park Pool.

○ Program attended Seabreeze Amusement Park on July 23rd for a field trip toavoid facility conflict with Grassroots.

○ Working relationship with both the fairgrounds and Grassroots worked out well.○ Post camp survey responses reported 90% of parents reported very good to

excellent overall satisfaction with the summer camp.

● Movie Series Partnership with TCFA○ Second year of free movies for families offered at the Farmers Market started on

September 11th with the movie Spiderman-Into the Spiderverse.○ Movies are presented in conjunction with the TCFA○ Two more movies are scheduled for Friday, September 17th (Field of

Dreams)and Friday, September 24th (Being There).○

Additional Recreation Initiatives:

● Youth basketball program for students in grades 3-8.● Youth basketball clinic for students in grades k-2.

pg 1 Building & Codes Monthly Report

Building & Code Updates Mark Washburn, NYS CEO, Certification No 1020-0364

Reporting Period August 1 – August 31, 2021 Plan Reviews

3 discussions about upcoming projects

Site Visits

Ongoing monitoring of Erosion Plan, visited 4 times no issues

CEO Activity

• 9 Foundation/Footer inspections/ 0 reinspection’s needed issues fixed • 6 Framing inspections/ 1 reinspection’s • 4 Plumbing inspections/ 1 reinspection’s Issue resolved • 2 Final inspection • Total inspection time of 130 hrs. for June. • 1 C of O’s issued, 9 C of C’s issued • Continuing to work through back log • Code research for 15 different issues approximately 15 hours • Field work Meeting with homeowners and engineer regarding Zoning issues

Zoning Enforcement

SBL Violation Code Action Status 18.-1-3 Erosion control Not following site plan on file Reviewed plan Fixed/monitoring

2 visits were after heavy rain

4x Site visit No issues


Burned out house Safety Violation [NY] 108.1.1 Unsafe structure

Letter of violation sent

Awaiting response

pg 2 Building & Codes Monthly Report

Building & Code Updates

Mark Washburn, NYS CEO, Certification No 1020-0364 Reporting Period July 1 – July 31, 2021

Town of Ulysses Clerk’s Office MONTHLY REPORT for AUGUST 2021

Submitted by Carissa Parlato


Sporting licenses 497

Disabled parking permits 9

Dog licenses and renewals 49

Marriage licenses 3

Plumbing permits 0

Address assignments 0

Notarizations 8

FOIL requests-received 0

FOIL requests-completed 0


Routine tasks: o retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail, answered inquiries on various topics, attended town board

meetings and took minutes, kept website current, provided notary services, issued marriage & dog licenses and disabled parking permits, collected building & zoning fees, assigned new addresses as requested, participated in weekly Supervisor/Clerks office meetings, sent weekly e-newsletter messages to residents including COVID resources, contract management, coordinated building use/equipment sign out

Updated asset database

Trained Rec Director on procurement procedures

Fielded Planning & Zoning inquiries & assist Planner with meeting and neighbor notices

Met with Roxanne to discuss to Climate Smart Communities info on website and for mailing TOWN HALL:

Scheduled test of building alarm system and panic buttons

Scheduled maintenance call for HVAC units in front of building BUDGET TASKS:

Met with Budget Officer to prepared water district, clerk and records management budgets.

Calculated water units WATER DISTRICT TASKS:

Communicated with Water District 3 residents on culvert replacement/water interruption

Worked with Water District Operator on quarterly billing (Aug. 16)

Sent re-levy warnings to those with outstanding accounts

Tracked water usage/testing/consumption/billing for annual spreadsheet

Collected and posted water payments

Met with Bookkeeper to create plan to bring reconciliation up to date. HABITAT NATURE PRESERVE COMMITTEE:


Health consortium- Joint Committee on Plan Structure & Design attended Aug. meeting.


$5593.50 TOTAL Clerk fees & licenses collected

$3176.19 stays in the town

$2417.31 goes to the state

$2328.00 Building & Zoning fees collected (included in total amount above)

Building & Code Enforcement Office 607-387-9778 ext. 231

Buildings & Code Enforcement Report for August 2021 SUBMITTED AT AUGUST 2021 TOWN BOARD MEETING

Building Permits issued 14

Plan Reviews 5

Certificate of Occupancy issued 2

Permits Renewed 0

Complaints Received 1

Complaints Resolved 1

Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.)

35 Plus 2 Reinspection’s

New Site Inspections 3

Building Review Consultations (pre-plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling)


Fire Safety Inspections Ongoing

Code Training Seminars 6 hrs recert training

County Assessment, Town, DOS Reports 3

Open property in violation cases 7

Property violations resolved 0

Value of Permits issued: $360,959.00 Building Permit fees collected for month: $1,886.00

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Washburn Mark Washburn – Building & Fire Code Enforcement Officer

TOWN OF ULYSSES 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886

Town Supervisor (607) 387-5767, Ext 232 Town Clerk (607) 387-5767, Ext 221

Road Work:

Oil and Stone ( Falls, Agard, Seneca and Curry )

Driveway Pipe ( Pine Ridge and Cloegrove Rd )

Roadside Mowing ( Various Rds )

Helped Town of Covert with oil and stone ( 1 Truck )

Helped County with Milling of Podunk Rd ( 2 Trucks )

Hauling in Item 4 for shoulders

Tree Damage:

Maplewood, Hinging Post and Willow Creek


T21 Brakes

T10 Brakes

T1 Inspection


Attended Class at Bolton Point for Water Certification

Attended 6 Classes online for Water Certification

Page 1 of 3  

Report to Town Board 

Work between: 8/7 – 9/10/21 


Meeting date: 9/14/2021 

Submitted by Michelle E. Wright 

Emergency Related 

Tasks and communications pertaining to my work specifically have drawn down to near close regarding 

emergency related work activities.  As the situation with the Delta variant advances, I am expecting to 

be contributing extra hours to this topic in regards to support of staff safety. 


Active Grant Updates  

Cemetery Road Bridge over Trumansburg Creek (NYSDOT 95% funded with FHWA money, Barton & 

Loguidice Engineers) 

o Internal activities: 

8/31 Progress meeting: due to supply chain issues, rebar availability is delaying pre‐cast arch delivery.  A variety of scheduling methods were discussed and a work plan developed by Economy (and vetted and approved by our DOT contact, B&L, and the County) has now been developed that will take advantage of the change in schedule in an effort to keep the timeline as on track as possible. 

Continued work with NYSDOT and OGS Vendor Portal contact regarding the State’s reimbursement system: the way in which we get reimbursed for this project from the State has changed.  There have been some complications and confusion on the State’s end regarding the submission process.   

After some miscommunication with our RLPL (Regional Local Project Liaison) regarding the agreement process and how it correlates to the reimbursement process we have learned that there is a delay in getting reimbursed by NYSDOT—we are waiting for the last supplemental agreement to work it’s way through the NYSOSC office.  This is delaying reimbursement for the first construction payment which affects cash flow.  The Board may see a resolution sooner than expected regarding borrowing from A Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance for cash flow for this project.   

Cemetery Bridge Project Timeline When  What  Status

September 2018  Project Awarded Bridge NY Funding Complete

October 2018   Project Added to STIP/TIP Complete

January 2019   State‐Local Agreement Executed Complete

January 2019   Design Consultant Contract Executed Complete

January 2020  Design sent to NYSDOT for review Complete

March 2, 2020  Public Meeting Meeting held 3/2

January 2021   ROW Acquisition Completed Complete

11/10/2020  ADP Complete Complete

12/28/2020  PS&E Submitted Complete

January 2021  PS&E Approved by County & State Complete

April 2020   Construction Phase Authorized Complete

April 2020  Advertisement Complete

5/14/2021  Bid opening  Complete

Spring 2021  Letting  Complete

7/7/2021  Pre‐Construction Meeting Complete

7/19/2021  Begin Construction In progress

Fall 2021  Construction complete TBA


Page 2 of 3  

Active Grant Updates, continued 

WD #3 WIIA Grant (EFC funded, MRB Engineers) 

o Budget modifications for the 9/14 meeting reflect continued clarification and correction to previous 

accounting entries. 

o Involvement in chlorine pump quote and related resolution 

o Engineer update:  

Guardrail installation: 

Due to extended leave times created by the COVID emergency, the guardrail 

installation is tentatively scheduled for the beginning of October, pending 

availability of supplies. 

Other Work  


Standing weekly meetings: Clerk’s office, Supervisor  Bookkeeper Supervision 

Weekly meeting on Wednesday 

Supervisory oversite requirements have decreased substantially due to experience, knowledge base and 

high level of accuracy   

 Insurance Related 

Communications pertaining to insurance renewal and brokerage changes  

Insurance applications for 2022 coverage  

Financially Related  

Banking related work activities 

SAM registration renewal 

Communications and procedures development for full implementation of asset database in collaboration with the Deputy Clerk 

Collaboration on IT Asset Inventory with the Clerk’s Office 

Continued general assistance with voucher / procurement process 

First drafts created for: o Modeling for 10‐year plan o Reserve funding adequacy logic development o Salary and benefits modeling o Capital plans 


Capital plans updated: o Highway o Bridges/culverts o Town Hall/facilities  


Page 3 of 3  

Budget Related 

Budget work was the majority of time spent during this working period: meetings with most departments before and after their department request submissions. 

Department request budget developed o Collection of budget requests from Departments o EOY estimates for all account lines 

2022 budget template work: continued development of sub budget CE lines and other document features 

2021 budget modifications 

Water rate calculations in coordination with Clerk  

Water District 3 

Upcoming: it would be amazing to prioritize development of a WD3 capital plan prior to budget season.   

o First draft completed: planning to schedule a meeting time to review first draft with any informed 

Ulysses folks who have the time. 


The very time‐consuming task of completing applications for insurance coverage will continue. 

Large amounts of time will be dedicated to the 2022 budget development process: o 9/22 budget meeting agenda prep o Tentative budget creation to Board by 9/30 

Construction process for Cemetery Road Bridge 

Asset related work: o Life cycle procedure document development o Asset/inventory policy development 



Supervisor Report August – September 13, 2021 N. Zahler Budget

• Working with Budget Officer on estimated costs and revenues for 2022. • Provided assistance to the Youth Commission on budgeting for 2022. • Met with Highway Superintendent re: Highway budget. • Met with Village of Trumansburg and other municipalities who share Fire and EMS

services. • Had a follow up meeting with Village EMS Commissioner Ben Carver re: budgeting and

cost sharing. • Reviewing current EMS fees for updates in 2022.


• Durling Road Extension of Water District #3: arranged water sample at Cold Springs Rd hydrant; connected new user to Town Engineer to review water connection plans; worked with engineer and attorney to update the out of district user agreement to be reviewed by Town Board on 9/14.

• Referred Smart Start request for multiple user water hookup along Rt 96 from Cold Springs. Referred request to engineer for technical advice and to attorney for how to consider the request and whether a new map, plan and report is needed to further extend the district.

• Received concern about water supply on Dubois Rd. • Met with internal water team to review purchase of new meter reading device and

possible purchase of replacement water meters with radio heads for more efficient readings. Exploring cost of contracting with a specialist to install them.

• Received acknowledgement from the Town of Ithaca that they are willing to pay their share of water loss for the last several years. Updated plans for annual reconciliations to avoid future backlogs.

• Provided update on water quality and aerator project for Water District #3 and Health Department.

• Received Health Department notice of violations in water system and camping by Grassroots.

Planner Recruitment

• Interim planner Greg Hutnik is concluding his temporary service on September 30 as planned.

• Updated job description and customized outreach for Ulysses Planner. • Advertised vacancy on County HR website, through Town newsletter and through

professional planning associations. • Currently recruiting a second interim planner.


Constituent Services • Received complaint/request from Falls Road resident re: unsafe parking on Falls Rd near

entrance to Smith Woods. Followed up with Smith Woods Steward and Highway Superintendent to discuss possible No Parking zone along Falls Rd. Resolution on Town Board agenda 9/14.

• Followed up with Krums Corners resident eager for DOT speed study. • Received individual call from Jacksonville Road resident concerned with speeding. • Wrote to TC Sheriff’s Department to request increased patrols and enforcement on

roads that have requested speed reductions. They will do what they can with limited resources.

• Received request for re-zoning from a resident wishing to open a business in Halsey House to preserve the historic property in ways not allowed by current zoning, made more restrictive in the 2019 update. Consulted Town Board members, Planner and reviewed options with the resident.

• Received inquiry from a resident about the Town’s ditching practices. Following up with Highway Superintendent.

• Received request for help with Star Exemption on school bill. Checked with Assessment and provided contact information to resident.

• Received notice from Blue Ox that Jacksonville gas station and convenience store would be sold mid-September. Contact Stewart Shoppes to inquire about re-opening and was told they will be selling the property to a new owner. Awaiting details.

• Received inquiry re: serving on Planning Board and Sustainability Committee. Ag Committee

• Received request/offer from Cooperative Extension to re-engage Ag Committee. Agreed and am waiting for dates to schedule small group meeting to explore next steps forward. Mary Bouchard has volunteered to help.


• Special Counsel reached out to petitioner and Village and secured commitment to have the petitioner re-submit a complete application with an Environmental Assessment Form based on future plans. When that is received, the process clock starts over.

• Sought guidance on managing the Town’s environmental due diligence. • Identified potential location for joint public hearing when needed. Clerk identified a

stenographer for joint public hearing. Construction Projects

• Coordinated communication re: relocation of water line during Rt 96 Culvert Project among DOT, Contractor, Water Operator, Highway Superintendent and Bolton Point. Project completed with minimal (4 hour) water disruption in Water District 3.

• Cemetery Road Bridget Project. Attended Project update meeting on August 31, 2021. Excavation complete, will pour frames for wing walls while awaiting the pre-formed bridge to be delivered.


Town Board follow up

• Prepared for meetings on 8/24 and 9/14. • Worked with attorney to get outline re: noise ordinance • Worked with attorney to get water agreement for Durling Road • Worked with attorney, AOT, BZA and Town Board members re: how to manage in-

person public meetings until Open Meeting Law was re-suspended by the Legislature. Union

• Met with Bookkeeper and Town Board to review Town bargaining positions. • Contacted Teamsters rep to schedule negotiations.


• Attended meeting on 8/26 • Asked Mary Bouchard to attend update meeting on Community Choice Aggregation

initiative. • Planning to attend Shared Services Committee with Tompkins County to keep joint

recreation program on the list and to explore other options with other municipalities. Town Hall

• Talked with Clerk and Court Clerk re: arranging for electrician to install new outlet needed for automatic ADA door.

• Talked with Interstate service rep about HVAC continuing problems. • Reached out to Taitem Engineering for advice on new HVAC system.
