Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


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  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 



    Towards a Theory of  Everything 

    Part I Introduction








    and General Theory of  Relativity 

    Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal Abstract 

    Theory of   everything must  include  consciousness.   In  this Part   I of   the  series of   three 

    articles,  we  introduce  the  subjective  experience  (SE)  and/or  proto‐experience  (PE) 

    aspect of  consciousness in classical physics, where PEs are precursors of  SEs. In our dual‐

    aspect‐dual‐mode  PE‐SE  framework,  it  was  hypothesized  that  fundamental  entities 

    (strings  or  elementary  particles:  fermions  and  bosons) have  two  aspects:  (i) material
















    experiences. There are three competing hypotheses: (1) superposition based H1 (SEs/PEs 

    are superposed in the mental aspect of  entities; when a specific stimulus is presented to

    the neural‐network, the associated specific SE is selected by the matching and selection

    process and experienced by  this network),  (2) superposition‐then‐integration based H2(only PEs are superposed, which are integrated  by neural ‐Darwinism leading to specific 

    SEs)  and  (3)  integration  based  H3   (each  entity  has  its  own  PE,  which  keeps  on 

    transforming  appropriately  as  matter  evolves  from  elementary  particles  to  neural‐

    networks;  it  is a dual‐aspect panpsychism). We  found  that  the  followings,  in  classical

    physics, are invariant under the PE‐SE transformation: electromagnetic strength tensor, 

    electromagnetic   stress‐energy  tensor,  the  electromagnetic   theory  (Maxwell's 

    equations),  Newtonian  gravitational  field,  the  entropic  force,  Special  and  General

    Theory  of   Relativity.  Our  analysis  suggests  that  (i)  SEs  are  embedded  in  space‐time 

    geometry for














    (ii) For matter field, SEs can move with spatiotemporal  coordinates of  matter because it

    is  in  the  mental  aspect  of   matter  as  both  mental  and  material  aspects  are  always

    together  in the dual‐aspect‐dual‐mode optimal  PE‐SE framework. (iii) Our specific SE  is 

    the result of  matching and selection processes and can change with space and time. For

    example, the experience redness has V4/V8/VO‐red‐green neural‐network with redness‐

    state as neural  correlates. When a  subject moves,  the  specific SE  redness also moves 

    with the subject’s correlated neural‐network.  In addition, SEs can change with time as 

    stimuli change.  In other words, SEs  in a subject change with space‐time. We conclude 

    that  it is possible to introduce the SE/PE aspect of  consciousness in classical physics. In 

    Parts  II and  III, the SE aspect of  consciousness will be  introduced  in orthodox quantum

    physics and modern quantum physics (such as loop quantum gravity and string theory),

    respectively. Thus,













     to  unify  consciousness with  known  four  fundamental  forces, which  entails  towards  a

    theory of  everything. 

    Key  Words:  Theory  of   everything,  proto‐experiences,  subjective  experiences, consciousness,   superposition,  elementary particles, electromagnetic   theory,  entropic force, special and general theory of  relativity, fundamental forces 

    NeuroQuantology 2010; 2: 206‐230 

    Corresponding author: Prof. Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal 

    Address: Vision








     Acton, MA 01720 USA. Affiliations: Dristi Anusandhana Sansthana, A‐60 Umed Park, Sola Road,  Ahmedabad‐61,  Gujrat,  India;  Dristi  Anusandhana 

    Sansthana,  c/o  NiceTech  Computer  Education  Institute,  Pendra, Bilaspur,  C.G.  495119,  India;  and  Dristi  Anusandhana  Sansthana, Sai  Niwas,  East  of   Hanuman  Mandir,  Betiahata,  Gorakhpur,  U.P. 273001, India. 

    Phone: +1









     e‐mail:, URL: 

  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    1. Introduction The phrase ‘theory of everything’ (TOE) iscontroversial ('t Hooft et al.,  2005): someargue that the unification of gravity andquantum theory leads to TOE, so the F-

    theory, M-theory or loop quantum gravityand quantum theory together might be closeto TOE; some argue that TOE must alsoaddress anthropic system; and some arguethat consciousness must also be included inTOE.

     Abbreviations and symbols list

    gμν : metric tensorH1 : superposition based hypothesisH2: superposition-then-integration based hypothesisH3 : integration based hypothesis

    I : stimulus intensityΛ : the cosmological constantLGN : lateral geniculate nucleusLQG : loop quantum gravityOrch OR : orchestrated objective state-reductionPE(s) : proto-experience(s)R μν : Ricci curvature tensorR : Ricci scalar curvatureSE(s) : subjective experience(s)SQ : sub-quantumTμν : the stress-energy tensorTOE : Theory of EverythingSAS(s) : self-aware substructure(s)

     V1 : visual area 1; V4 : visual area 4 V8 : visual area 8; VO : ventral-occipital cortex

     According to (Tegmark, 1998), TOE ismerely the ultimate ensemble theory thatcontains self-aware substructures (SASs), which can logically think and subjectivelyperceive time (not necessarily space!) andperceive themselves as existing in aphysically real   world. For the existence ofSASs, the three necessary criteria are

    complexity, predictability, and stability.In my view, the critical problem of

    observer dependent reality should beaddressed, and the TOE must explainconsciousness2  (Chalmers, 1996).3  This

    2  (Vimal,  2009e)  describes,  “meanings  (or  aspects)  attributed  to the  term  consciousness,  extracted  from  the  literature  and  from recent online discussions. Forty such meanings were identified and categorized  according  to  whether  they  were  principally  about function or  about experience;  some overlapped but others were apparently  mutually  exclusive   –  and  this  list  is  by  no  means exhaustive. Most can be regarded as expressions of  authors’ views about  the  basis  of   consciousness,  or  opinions  about  the 

    significance of 









     any single, agreed definition of  consciousness thus appear remote. However, much confusion could be avoided if  authors were always to specify which aspects of  consciousness they refer to when using 

    problem was qualitatively addressed in adual-aspect-dual-mode framework (Vimal,2008b; Vimal, 2010a), where classical andquantum concepts related to SEs and proto-experiences (PEs) were discussed and

    qualitatively and briefly introduced in stringtheory.4 

    Furthermore, Types A, B, and Cmaterialism (Chalmers, 1995a; Chalmers,2003; Levin, 2006; Levin, 2008; Loar, 1997;Papineau, 2006) imply that SEs are identicalwith  or  emerge from  non-experientialmatter. However, there is no shred ofevidence that SEs can be created from non-experiential matter of classical physics; eventhe dominant Type-B materialism (Levin,

    2006; Levin, 2008; Loar, 1997; Papineau,2006) with  phenomenal concept strategy requires the  pre-existence  of SEs to  pickthem out   demonstratively  (Vimal, 2009a).This monastic materialism has the problemof Levine’s explanatory gap (Levine, 1983):how can an experiential entity be identicalwith  or emerge from  non-experientialentities? On the other extreme, we haveCartesian substance dualism, which has ‘the

    mind-brain interaction problem’, ‘the mentalcausation problem’, and other problems asdetailed in (Vimal, 2009h; Vimal, 2009j).5 

    the term. An example is outlined of  how this can be done (using a ‘PE‐SE’  framework)”,  where  PE  is  proto‐experience  and  SE  is subjective experience. 

    3According  to  Chalmers,  “a  complete  theory  will  have  two components:  physical  laws,  telling  us  about  the  behavior  of  physical  systems  from  the  infinitesimal  to  the  cosmological,  and what we might  call psychophysical  laws,  telling  us how  some  of  those  systems  are  associated  with  conscious  experience.  These two  components  will  constitute  a  true  theory  of   everything” (Chalmers, 1995b). 

    4 “In general, PEs are precursors of  SEs.  In hypothesis H

    1, PEs are 

    precursors of 












    unexpressed form in the mental aspect of  every entity, from which a  specific  SE  is  selected  via  matching  and  selection  process.  In hypotheses H2 and H3, PEs are precursors of  SEs  in the sense that SEs somehow  arise/emerge from PEs” (Vimal, 2009h). 

    5  (Stapp,  2010)  appears  to  address  some  of   the  problems  of  materialism:  “The  probing  and  observing   psyche  of   the experimenter/observer  is  thereby  shifted  completely outside  the physically described world. Yet von Neumann’s laws of  interaction between  the  two  realms  remained  intact. Hence  the residents of  these disparate domains become dynamically linked, producing an ontology  akin  to  Descartes’  psycho‐physical  dualism.  But  the mental  and  physical  aspects  are  not  two  independent  Cartesian substances,  each  completely   sufficient  unto  itself.  […]  The quantum  explanation  of   how  our minds  and  brains  can  be  both ontologically different, yet dynamically connected by the orthodox laws of  physics,  is a welcome  revelation.  It solves a problem  that 

    has plagued








     imagined  science‐mandated  need  either  to  equate  mind  with brain, or to make the brain dynamically independent of  the mind”. “This  seems  to  imply  that  mind  and  matter  are  NOT  two 

  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    The dual-aspect-dual-mode PE-SEframework addresses these problems in acomplementary way, which is a ‘non-reductive physicalism’, where thephysicalism is the materialism plus

    experiences. In addition, our framework issympathetic to the view that SEs emergefrom the recursive dual-aspect information  based macroscopic world, such as a neural-net of brain. However, this view needsunpacking. For example, one could arguethat information  is a dual-aspect entity thathas mental and physical aspects (Chalmers,1995a; Chalmers, 2003). In addition, theterms ‘identical with’   and ‘emerge from’  need unpacking. This is done in the PE-SE

    framework (Vimal, 2008b; Vimal, 2010a), which entertains three hypotheses:6 superposition based H1, superposition-then-integration based H2, and integration based H3  where superposition is not required.They are detailed in (Vimal, 2008a; Vimal,2008b; Vimal, 2009f; Vimal, 2009i; Vimal,2009j; Vimal, 2010a) and conciselydescribed below.

    In (Vimal, 2009f), the terms ‘identical

    with’   and ‘emerge from’ in materialismrelated to SE redness  are qualitativelyunpacked in the dual-aspect-dual-mode PE-SE framework as follows (Vimal, 2008b; Vimal, 2010a): (i) there exist a virtualreservoir  (such as elementary particles,external/internal stimuli, neural-nets, andso on: detailed in (Vimal, 2008b)) thatstores  all possible fundamental experiences(SEs/PEs) in superposed/latent form, (ii)the interaction of long wavelength light

    (stimulus) dependent feed-forward with

    independent  substances  because  they  are  both  dynamically  and conceptually  entangled   according  to  Neumann’s  laws  of  interaction, but at the same time, each  is completely sufficient by itself.  This  framework  seems  to  bridge dualism with materialism via orthodox quantum physical  laws.  In my view,  this  is CLOSE  to ‘substance monism with  property  dualism’ or  ‘dual‐aspect’  view, which  a  sort   of   addresses  mind‐brain  interaction  problem  and mental  causation  problem  of   materialism.  However,  the implications  zombies  (brains  without  SEs),  controversial  ghosts (minds  without  brain),  and  one‐many/many‐many  relations  are still mysteries and further elaboration is needed” (Vimal, 2009a). 

    6 There are two more hypotheses H4 (intelligent mechanism, such as cosmic consciousness and universal mind, exists) and H5 

    (emergence of 






     a dual





     at the onset of  universe), which are discussed in (Vimal, 2009i; Vimal, 2009j). 

    cognitive and attentional feedback signals inthe red-green ‘V4/V8/VO’ color neural-network creates a specific neural-net state,(iii) this specific state is assigned to a specificSE, redness, from the virtual reservoir 

    during neural Darwinism (co-evolution, co-development and sensorimotor co-tuning bythe evolutionary process of adaptation andnatural selection), (iv) this specific SE,redness, is embedded as a memory trace ofneural-network-PE, and (v) when a specificredness-related stimulus (such as long wavelength light) is presented to the red-green ‘V4/V8/VO’ color neural-network, theassociated specific SE, such as redness, isselected by the matching and selection

    process (Vimal, 2008a; Vimal, 2010a) andexperienced by this network.7  We call thesteps (i)-(v) hypothesis H1. The generationof specificity involves premises (ii)-(v)(Vimal, 2008b; Vimal, 2010a). The matchingprocess (Vimal, 2010a) can be furtherelaborated by dividing it into (i) classicalmatching for non-quantum pathways suchas classical neural firing along axon-dendritic pathway, and (ii) quantumconjugate matching for quantum pathwaysuch as involved in OR Orch framework(Hameroff and Penrose, 1998). The classicalmatching is for classical physics basedtheories and the quantum conjugatematching is for quantum physics basedframeworks. The introduction ofconsciousness in classical physics  is themain topic of current article, whereas that inorthodox quantum physics  is the topic ofPart II and that in modern physics  (string

    theory and loop quantum gravity) is thetopic of Part III of the current series of threearticles.

     According to (Vimal, 2008b), the termvirtual reservoir  in the dual-aspect-dual-mode PE-SE framework (Vimal, 2008a; Vimal, 2010a) is consistent with ourfundamental assumption that all types of

    7  The  color  area  ‘V8/V4/VO’  refers  to  visual  area  V8  of   Tootell‐group (Hadjikhani et  al., 1998; Tootell et  al., 2003), visual area V4 

    of  Zeki











     (Wandell, 1999);  they are  the  same human color area  (Tootell et  al., 2003).  VO is ventral‐occipital cortex. 

  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    fundamental experiences (SEs/PEs) arestored   in superimposed form  in the mentalaspect of each elementary particle. Thus, themental aspect of each elementary particlecan be considered storage area as a virtual

    reservoir  containing all types offundamental experiences in superimposed form. Though apparently different, virtualreservoir can also be considered as a sort of“Penrose Platonic world” in Orch ORframework (Hameroff and Penrose, 1998),“societies of occasions of experience” or“space for the qualia of material” in Whitehead framework (Baer, 2007; Whitehead, 1978), “sub-quantum (SQ)space” in SQ-framework (Boyd and Klein,

    2007), “cosmic consciousness space” incosmic-consciousness-framework (Schäfer,1997; Schäfer, 2006), and “ Purusha-Vishnu”, Paramatman,  or “primordialconsciousness” space in RigVedic-Buddhistframework (Sarasvati, 1974-89; Wallace,2007).

     Alternatively, according to the principleof emergence, the physical property of salt(NaCl) emerges  from the

    interaction/integration of its constituentsNa+ and Cl- ions because the property of saltis not present in its constituents (Vimal,2008a). In analogy to this, a specific SE,such as redness, can emerge  in a neural-netfrom the interaction/integration of itsconstituent neural-PEs in ‘V4/V8/VO’-colorneural-net. For example, the reportable SEredness might have emerged  in ‘V4/V8/VO’-color neural-net from theinteraction/integration of two types of

    signals: (i) feed-forward long wavelength(say 650 nm) light dependent PE-carrying-neural-signal from retina to LGN to V1 to‘V4/V8/VO’ color area (call it FF650) and (ii)feedback fronto-parietal attention related re-entrant PE-carrying-neural-signal (call itFB), i.e., redness  related to 650 nm light isSE redness650 = (FF650)∗(FB), in analogy toNaCl = (Na+)∗(Cl-).

     As in H1, we hypothesize that each string

    or elementary particle (fermion and boson)has two aspects: mental and physical. To

    unpack further, we propose hypotheses H2 and H3, where the principle of emergence related to non-reductionist dual-aspect viewis needed, as follows: In hypothesis H2,fundamental entities and inert matter are

    the carriers  of superimposed fundamentalPEs (not SEs). In hypothesis H3, themental aspect is a proto-experience (PE);this does not require superposition, whereasH1 and H2 do.

    In hypothesis H3, as the physical aspect(such as mass, charge, spin, and space-time)of an entity evolves, its mental aspect (itsPE) also evolves, i.e., they co-evolve. In other words, it follows the principle of integration from elemental level to neural-net level. In

    every level of evolution, an entity has its ownspecific PE obtained from theintegration/evolution of its constituent PEsof lower level, for example, neural-net PE,neural-PE, genetic-PE, …, molecular-PE,atomic-PE, and elemental-PE. A specific SEemerges during interaction process asdescribed above in H2.

    In hypothesis  H1, we hypothesized thatall types of fundamental SEs/PEs are

    superimposed in fundamental entities(strings or elementary particles: fermionsand bosons). This implies that inert matter issimply the carrier  of superposed SEs/PEs because it contains all types of fundamentalSEs/PEs and hence it is non-specific toSEs/PEs, and matter behaves as a non-experiential entity. In hypothesis  H3, thematter is not a carrier; rather matter hastwo aspects at every level of evolution. Thesetwo aspects are rigorously integrated   as if

    they are the two sides of the same coin or asif the reality can be viewed in either of thetwo aspects, in analogy to matter that can viewed as a wave or a particle depending onexperimental measurements.

    The hypothesis H1  has Type-2explanatory gap: how it is possible that ourSEs (such as happiness, sadness,painfulness, and similar SEs) were alreadypresent in primal entities, whereas there is

    no shred of evidence that such SEs wereconceived at the onset of universe. This is

  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    addressed in (Vimal, 2009b; Vimal, 2009i; Vimal, 2009j; Vimal, 2010a): (i) Since thesuperposition of SEs/PEs in elementaryparticles refers to  possibilities  (or potentialities) that actualize  when neural-

    network is formed and since we know thatthese SEs are indeed real in our daily mind-dependent reality, it is justified that all typesof SEs/PEs could be considered  possibilities(or  potentialities) at the onset of universe(more later). In addition, one could furtherargue that SEs might have been one of majormotivations for the evolution to form neural-networks. (ii) Alternatively, in thehypothesis H1, the SEs that entail this gapare secondary SEs derived from primary

    fundamental irreducible PEs/SEs. However,one has to explain how they can be derived,i.e., there is the combination problem (Goff,2009). If all SEs lead to Type-2 explanatorygap, then one could argue that they arederived from some superposed PEs and thehypothesis H1  becomes equivalent to thehypothesis H2. (iii) In the hypothesis H2, PEs(not SEs) are in superposed form  in inertmatter to avoid combination problem andType-2 explanatory gap. (iv) FundamentalSEs/PEs follow the principle of theemergence of SE and anti-SE in vacuum atthe onset of universe, which is similar to theprinciple involved in the emergence ofmatter and anti-matter in vacuum (morelater) (Vimal, 2009i; Vimal, 2009j). (v) SEscan be derived from a PE and three gunas (qualities) (Vimal, 2009b).

    The hypotheses H2  and H3  have (I) thecombination problem: “how low-level proto-

    experiential and other properties somehowtogether constitute  our complex unifiedconscious experiences” (Chalmers, 1997;Seager, 1995), i.e., how a specific SE canemerge  from the PEs of constituentelements in a related neural-net. This isaddressed in (Vimal, 2009j) by using theprinciples of   integration and neural   Darwinism  (co-evolution, co-development,and sensorimotor co-tuning), in analogy tothat of matter. The hypothesis H3 is a dual-aspect panpsychism, proto-experientialismor proto-panpsychism view (Type F view:

    (Chalmers, 2003)). H3  has the followingproblems in addition to the ‘combinationproblem’, (Seager, 1995; Vimal, 2008b): (II)The ‘unconscious mentality problem  is“accepting the mentality of the elemental

    units of mind while denying that they areactually conscious experiences” (Seager,1995). (III) The ‘completeness problem’ isthat the inert system should also showsometime causal power of proto-experiences, which is not the case; this leadsto incompleteness of physical picture of world. (IV) The ‘no sign problem’   is, “thereis no evidence whatsoever of a nonphysicaldimension to the elemental units of nature”(Seager, 1995) and there is no ‘sign’ of

    mentality in the basic features of the world.(V) The ‘not-mental problem’  is “if there wassome feature of these units we chose to labelas ‘mental’, what possible ground could oneprovide to justify this label” (Seager, 1995).

    The hypothesis H2  falls between H1 andH3. H2 follows the principle of superpositionof PEs (not SEs) to escape from Type-2explanatory gap of H1 and to avoid the aboveproblems (I)-(V) of H3. H2  then follows the

    principle of integration/emergence  (as inH3) and is closer to the current trend inneuroscience than H1. However, it has the‘combination problem’ (as in H3), which ismysterious and hard to address. Furtherresearch is needed for a framework that isfree from all the problems.

    In all three hypotheses, SEsemerge/arise when the necessaryingredients of SEs (such as the formation ofneural-networks, wakefulness, attention, re-

    entry, working memory, stimulus at or abovethreshold level, and neural-net-PEs) aresatisfied (Vimal, 2009f).

    The PE-SE framework (Vimal, 2008b; Vimal, 2010a) is extended to address (i) “thelocalization of consciousness within thephysical matter of the brain consistent withcontemporary theoretical physics, molecularand system biology, and neuroscience” via atwo-factor approach (MacGregor and Vimal,

    2008), (ii) Self (Bruzzo and Vimal, 2007),(iii) phenomenal time (Vimal and Davia,

  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    2008), (iv) the necessary ingredients ofconsciousness awareness (Vimal, 2009f), (v)emotion (Vimal, 2008a), (vi) integration ofclassical, quantum, and subquantumconcepts (Vimal, 2009i), (vii) integration of

    classical and quantum concepts foremergence hypothesis (Vimal, 2009j), (viii)an overview of the meanings attributed tothe term ‘consciousness’ (Vimal, 2009e), (ix)optimal and general definition ofconsciousness (Vimal, 2009h), (x) linkingDynamic Systems theory and FractalCatalytic Theory with StandardRepresentation Theory using PE-SEframework (Vimal, 2009d), (xi) theimplication of dual-aspect framework

    (Vimal, 2009c), (xii) derivation of SEs froma PE and three gunas (qualities) in the dual-aspect-dual-mode framework (Vimal,2009b), (xiii) the pre-existence of SEs inType-B materialism, where materialism andanti-materialism are linked via dual-aspectoptimal   framework (Vimal, 2009a), and(xiv) interpretation of empirical data ofsamadhi   state using the dual-aspect dual-mode optimal  framework (Vimal, 2009g).

    Furthermore, (Hameroff and Penrose,1998; Hameroff and Powell, 2009) followneutral monism that is close to doubleaspect (in a sense that both have twoaspects: matter and mental) and areprotoconsciousness theorists, andsometimes Stapp conceives double aspect but in a different way. According to (Stapp,1996), “The complexity of the physicalcarrier has undoubtedly co-evolved with thecomplexity of the associated experientialreality”, which is consistent with our

    framework. However, According to (Stapp,2009), “Von Neumann (orthodox) quantummechanics is thus dualistic in the pragmaticand operational sense that it involves aspectsof nature that are described in physicalterms and also aspects of nature that aredescribed in psychological terms, and thesetwo parts interact in human brains inaccordance with laws specified by the theory.This is all in close accord with classicCartesian dualism. On the other hand, andin contrast to the application to classical

    mechanics, in which the physically describedaspect is ontologically matterlike, not

    mindlike, in quantum mechanics thephysically described part is mindlike! So both parts of the quantum Cartesian dualityare fundamentally mindlike. Thus quantummechanics conforms at the pragmatic/operational level to the precepts

    of Cartesian duality, but reduces at a deepontological level to a fundamentallymindlike nondual monism.”

    Thus, Stapp’s double aspect frameworkis close to  substance dualism at operationallevel in much weaker sense, which does nothave ‘the mind-brain interaction problem’and ‘the mental causation problem’ ofCartesian substance dualism (Vimal, 2009a).

    To elaborate further, one could argue

    that as electric field and magnetic field aretwo aspects of electromagnetic (EM) field, inanalogy to this, material and mental aspectsare two aspects of every entity in dual-aspect view.

     According to (Atmanspacher, 2006),“Such a “dual aspect” option, although notmuch emphasized in contemporarymainstream discussions, has a longtradition. Early versions go back as far asSpinoza and Leibniz. In the early days of

    psychophysics in the 19th century, (Fechner,1861) and (Wundt, 1911) advocated related views. Whitehead, the modern pioneer ofprocess philosophy, referred to mental andphysical poles of “actual occasions”, whichthemselves transcend their bipolarappearances (Whitehead, 1978). Manyapproaches in the tradition of (Feigl, 1967)and (Smart, 1963), called “identity theories”,conceive mental and material states as

    essentially identical “central states”, yetconsidered from different perspectives.Other variants of this idea have beensuggested by (Jung and Pauli, 1955) [see also(Meier, 2001) and (Atmanspacher andPrimas, 1996; Atmanspacher and Primas,2006)], involving Jung's conception of apsychophysically neutral, archetypal order,or by Bohm and Hiley (Bohm, 1990; Bohmand Hiley, 1993; Hiley, 2001), referring to animplicate order which unfolds into the

    different explicate domains of the mentaland the material.”

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    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


      We need to have predictions that candistinguish the materialistic emergence  (SEsomehow emerges from matter such as fromneural-net) and the mentalistic-emergence  based on the dual-aspect PE-SE framework.

    Both need neural-nets with necessaryingredients satisfied, such as the formationof neural-networks, re-entry, attention, working memory, wakefulness, and stimulusat or above threshold contrast (Vimal,2009f). The dual-aspect PE-SE frameworkneeds additional ingredient: neural-net PE. A matching process for material-signalsexists in both. The matching of mentalaspects and then selection occur in the PE-SE framework: the selection of a specific SE

    from the plenum or virtual reservoir ofSEs/PEs during the assignment of theselected SE to the specific state of neural netat the onset of developmental neural Darwinism  is needed. The matching andassignment processes are needed in bothdual-aspect PE-SE framework andemergentism/materialism framework.However, the selection process is not neededin emergentism/materialism because it isassumed that the specific SE is eitheremerged from  the interaction of feedforward signals and feedback signals in aneural-net or the specific SE is identical  with related neural-net’s specific state. Therefore,the PE-SE framework is rejected if theselection process is somehow made inactive and SEs still occur. Otherwise, under theseconditions, if SEs do not emerge  thenemergentism/materialism will be rejected.This method of testing the prediction will

    not be an easy task. During meditation witheye-closed, there is no visual input and thereis no feed-forward signal in visual pathway.Therefore, there is nothing to match withcognitive feedback signals and then nothingto select for the SE such as redness; hence,the SE redness is not experienced. However,feedback neural signals can still re-enter inthe V4/V8/VO-color-neural-net; attention, working memory, and wakefulness state arestill present for emergentism framework to

    act on, but redness does not emerge. Thisseems to reject emergentism/materialism

    even in eye-closed normal awake state of brain-mind. One could argue thatmeditation-induced color can still beexperienced if enough effort is made.However, this can be explained in both views

    as meditation-induced endogenous signalscan occur in the feed forward pathways. Onecould further argue that a matching processand stimulus above threshold contrast areneeded for materialistic-emergenceframework; therefore, the above exampledoes not reject it. However, there is noselection process in materialistic-emergentism. If the selection process duringdevelopmental neural Darwinism  is madeinactive and consequently a specific SE does

    not occur then materialistic-emergentism can be rejected. This prediction needsfurther research.

    One could argue that none of views canreject the empirical observation of dual-aspect, namely, a neural-state has twoaspects: (i) its material aspect is neural-netand its physiological, biophysical andelectrochemical activities, and (ii) its mentalaspect is experiences, thoughts, and other

    mental cognition and perception. The viewsdiffer in how mental phenomena occur inour brain. Materialistic-emergenceframework hypothesizes that mind emergesfrom matter when neural-nets are formed, whereas dual-aspect view hypothesizes thatthe observed dual-aspect pervades at alllevels including elemental level (seehypotheses H1, H2, and H3). The former(materialistic-emergence) is attractive because it is more parsimonious (as it has a

    single parameter: the matter).Consciousness occurred in biological livesystems perhaps during or after Cambrianexplosion (about 540 millions years ago:(Hameroff, 1998)). But how mind emerges from the interactive neural activities is still amystery because of the explanatory gap(Levine, 1983). The latter (the dual-aspect view) addresses this gap but it burdensnature to have mental-aspect down toelemental level.

     According to (Vimal, 2009b), “One couldargue that there are two possibilities of our

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    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    In Part III (Vimal, 2010c), the subjectiveexperience aspect of consciousness isintroduced in modern quantum physics suchas loop quantum gravity (LQG) and stringtheory and is unified with fundamental

    physical forces. According to psychophysics, SE haslogarithmic relationship with stimulusintensity (I): brightness or luminance isproportional to log(I), i.e. I is proportional tothe exponential of (brightness orluminance). According to hypothesis H1  (orH2), the multiple possible subjectiveexperiences (or proto-experiences for H2)are superposed in the mental aspects ofstrings or elementary particles. This isrepresented by

    ( , ) [ ( ( , ))]k    k k 

     f  β σ τ ε σ τ  = ∑E  , where k ε  is k th SE for hypothesis H1: superposition isnecessary (1a) 

    ( , ) [ ( ( , ))]k    k k 

     f  β σ τ ε σ τ  = ∑E  , where k ε  is k th PE (not SE) for H2: superposition isnecessary (1b)

    ( , ) ( ( , )) f σ τ β ε σ τ  =E  , where ε  is PE (notSE) for hypothesis H3: no superposition


     where ( , )σ τ E  represents the superposition

    of SEs/PEs ( , )k ε σ τ    in the mental aspect of

    an entity (such as boson, fermion, string,field, potential, etc); τ  is time-like parameterfor the entity, such as time t; σ   is space-likeparameter for the entity, such as x, y, z;

    ( ( , ))k 

     f   ε σ τ   is a function of SE/PE k ε  , which

    could simply be equal to ( , )k 

    ε σ τ  .k 

     β    is the

    superposition-coefficient, where thesubscript k represents k th experience; k=1 toNSE; NSE  is the maximum number ofexperiences, which is very large; therefore,specificity is zero. The square of thecoefficient 2[ ]k  β   for the mental aspect is the

    probability (index of possibility) of the k th experience. For hypothesis H3, k=1, i.e.,there is one PE in the mental aspect of eachentity; there is no superposition, rather amicro or macro entity has its PE in its

    mental aspect; hypothesis H3  is the dual-aspect quantum panpsychism. The

    parameters ( , )σ τ   are precisely the same for both material and mental aspect, which arelike two sides of the same coin in the dual-aspect view; in other words, ( , )σ τ E    or

    ( , )k 

    ε σ τ    are attached to corresponding

    entity and hence they are exactly the same asthat of the entity; if entity moves, then( , )σ τ E    or ( , )k ε σ τ  moves with it and is

    never separated from each other.

    For example, the psychophysical channelrelated to SE redness is Red-Green coloropponent channel, which has neuralcorrelate as red-green V4/V8/VO neural-net. Thus, the structure is the red-green V4/V8/VO neural-net; its function is todetect and discriminate colors with just

    noticeable difference (JND) between red togreen, such as red, orange, orange-yellow, yellow, yellowish-green, and green. Therelated SEs are redness, orangeness, orange- yellowness, yellowness, yellowish-greenness,and greenness. In this example, k=1 to 6 forthe red-green V4/V8/VO neural-net. Whenlong-wavelength light is presented the SEredness occurs with specificity=1 in thisnetwork via matching and selectionprocesses (detailed in (Vimal, 2010a)). Inother words, for red-green color, (a) the

    structure is V4/V8/VO red-green neural-net,(b) the functions are the detection anddiscrimination of wavelengths, and (c) SEsare redness to greenness.

     We use experience relatedtransformations (called PE-SEtransformations) in physics for introducingSEs/PEs aspect of consciousness.

    2.1.The relevant PE-SEtransformations 

    The PE-SE transformations for Part I of thisseries of 3 articles are as follows:9 

    Scalar potential:  φ  → φʹ =  (φ − ∂tE )  (2a) 

    Vector potential:  A  → A’ = A +  E   (2b) 

     Vector potential can also be written as:Aμ → A’μ = Aμ − (1/e) ∂μE   (2c) 

     where q and e are charges, g is gaugecoupling constant, and  μ = 0, 1, 2, 3. 

    9 These PE‐SE transformations will also be used in Part II (Vimal, 2010b) and Part III (Vimal, 2010c). 

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    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    The PE-SE transformation for (i) thegravitational field derived from (2a) is givenin (24a,b), (ii) Special Theory of Relativity(STR), i.e., the space-time multiplicativetransformation related to Lorentz

    transformation in dual-aspect view, is givenin (26a,b,c) and (29a,b,c), (iii) geodesicequation based on (29a,b) is given in(32a,b), (iv) metric gμν (generalization of thegravitational field) based on itsdecomposition (35a,b,c) andtransformations (2a,b) is given in (37a-f), (v)Ricci curvature tensor Rμν based on (37a) isgiven in (40), (vi) Ricci scalar curvature R based on (37a) is given in (46), and (vi) themetric tensor  gμν  based on transformations

    (2a,b) and (24b) is given in (50).

    2.2. The electromagnetic strength

    tensor  It can be written as (Section 1.2.1 and Eq.1.17 of (Novaes, 2000)):

    F μν = ∂μ Aν −  ∂ν Aμ  (3) 

     Applying the PE-SE transformation fromEq.(2c) in Eq.(3), we get,

    F μν → F ’μν = ∂μ A’ν −  ∂ν A’μ =∂μ [Aν −(1/e)∂νE  ] − ∂ν [Aν −(1/e)∂μE  ] (4a) = ∂μAν − (1/e) ∂μ∂νE   −  ∂νAμ + (1/e) ∂ν∂μE   (4b)= ∂μAν − ∂νAμ  as ∂μ∂νE = ∂ν∂μE (4c) = F μν  (4d) 

    Thus, the electromagnetic strength tensor isinvariant under the PE-SE transformationsgiven in Eq.(2c).

    2.3. The electromagnetic stress-energy tensor As part of the source term in the Einsteinfield equations, the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor is a covariant symmetrictensor  which can be written from (Vimal,2009k) and (Einstein, 1916):

    Tμν = − (1/μ0)(F μαgαβ

     F βν −(gμν/4)F σα g

    αβ F βρ g

    ρσ) (4e) 

    The electromagnetic stress-energy tensor is

    that portion of the stress-energy tensor thatis due to the electromagnetic field. Since

    electromagnetic strength or field tensors F μα, F βν, F σα, and F βρ are invariant under thePE-SE transformation (2c), theelectromagnetic stress-energy tensor  Tμν  isalso invariant if the metric tensor gμν  that

    refer to the structure of space-time geometry  is invariant . 

    2.4. The Lagrangian for free gauge

     field  It can be written as (Section 1.2.1 and Eq.1.18 of (Novaes, 2000)):

    L Α = (−1/4) F μν F μν


     Applying the PE-SE transformation from

    Eq.(4a-d) in Eq.(5), we get invariantLagrangian,

    L Α  → L Α’  = (−1/4) F ’μν F ’μν

    = (−1/4) F μν F μν  = L Α  (6) 

    This Lagrangian together with DiracLagrangian (Vimal, 2010b) describes thequantum electrodynamics, which isinvariant under the PE-SE transformation.

    2.5.  Electromagnetic Theory:

     Maxwell's equations 

    The behavior of electric and magnetic fieldsis governed in a vacuum by Maxwell'sequations (Vimal, 2009k). The electric andmagnetic fields can be described in terms ofthe potentials Aμ = (φ, A) as: 

    E = − φ − ∂t A (7a) B = x A (7b) 

    in which we apply the PE-SEtransformations Eqs.(2a,2b) as,

    E → E’ = − φ’ − ∂t A’ = − φ + ∂t E  − ∂t A − ∂t E  = − φ − ∂t A = E (invariant) (8) 

    B → B’ = x A’ = x A + x E  = x A = B ( x E )=0 (invariant)  (9) 

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    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    under the PE-SE transformations (2a, 2b).The detail derivation of Maxwell’s Equationsfrom Fρσ  is given in Section 20 of (Einstein,1916). 

     Although here we are introducing

    consciousness in classical physics, but after we have shown how to obtain a PE-SEtransformation invariant quantumdescription of a particle in anelectromagnetic field, could we reverse theargument? In other words, when we demandthat a theory is invariant under a PE-SEtransformation, can this procedure imposethe specific form of the interaction leading tothe dual-aspect view? That is, can a theoryinvariant under PE-SE transformation entail

    the dual-aspect view? Further research isneeded to address this query.

    2.6.  Newtonian gravitational

     potential and field: Invariance of

    gravitational field  

     A gravitational field is a model used withinphysics to explain how gravity exists in theuniverse. In its original concept, gravity wasa force between point masses. Following

    Newton, Laplace attempted to model gravityas some kind of radiation field or fluid, andsince the 19th century explanations forgravity have usually been sought in terms ofa field model, rather than a point attraction.In a field model, rather than two particlesattracting each other, the particles distortspace-time via their mass, and thisdistortion is what is perceived subjectively asa "force". In fact there is no force in such amodel, rather matter is simply responding to

    the curvature of space-time itself; see also(Vimal, 2009k).

    The gravitational potential is a scalarfield created by any mass (M), such as theearth or the Sun. The gravitational potentialat a distance r from a point mass M is given by

    V(r) = − GM/r  (19) 

     where G is the gravitational constant (Vimal,2009k).

    The gravitational field is a vector fieldthat describes the gravitational force which would be applied on an object in any givenpoint in space, per unit mass. It is actuallyequal to the gravitational acceleration at that

    point. Gravitational fields are alsoconservative; that is, the work done bygravity from one position to another is path-independent. This has the consequence thatthere exists a gravitational potential field V(r) such that

    G(r) = − V(r) = − GM/r 2  (20a) 

    Newton' law of universal gravitation can be written as a vector equation to account for

    the direction of the gravitational force on anobject of mass m; its magnitude is given as:

    F(r) = m G(r) = − m V(r)= − m (−GM/r) = − G mM/r 2  (21) 

    The gravitational force is the gradient ofthis potential, and follows an inverse squarelaw. In this way, the gravitational potential isanalogous to the electrostatic potential and

    the gravitational force is analogous to theelectrostatic force. In mathematics, thepotential is known as the Newtonianpotential, and is fundamental in the study ofpotential theory.

    Gravitational energy is the potentialenergy associated with gravitational force. Ifan object falls from point A to point B insidea gravitational field, the force of gravity willdo positive work on the object and thegravitational potential energy will decrease

     by the same amount. The gravitationalpotential energy of a system of masses mand M at a distance r is (Vimal, 2009k): 

    U = F.r = − G mM/r (22) 

    The potential energy (U) should not beconfused with the gravitational potential (V). Whereas the potential energy refers to theenergy that can be released by a smallmaterial object that is in the gravitational

    field of the massive body, the gravitational

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    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


     well. In particular, the description of gravityas being due to the exchange of closedstrings can no longer be valid. In fact, itappears that strings have to be emergent too.[…] One can think about the boundary as astorage device for information. Assuming

    that the holographic principle holds, themaximal storage space, or total number of bits, is proportional to the area A. In fact, inan theory of emergent space this how areamay be defined: each fundamental bitoccupies by definition one unit cell. […] Mrepresents the mass that would emerge inthe part of space enclosed by the screen …Even though the mass is not directly visiblein the emerged space, its presence is noticedthough its energy. […] the origin of gravity: itis an entropic force […] We start from

    microscopic information. … macroscopictheories [such as the gravitational or closedstrings], … [are] the dual of a microscopictheory without gravity. […] If gravity isemergent, so is space time geometry.Einstein tied these two concepts together,and both have to be given up if we want tounderstand one or the other at a morefundamental level. … gravity arises as anentropic force, once space and timethemselves have emerged. […] Integratingout the open strings produces the closed

    strings, and leads to the emergence of spaceand gravity. … the existence of gravity orclosed strings is not assumedmicroscopically: they are emergent as aneffective description. … gravity and closedstrings are emergent and only present asmacroscopic concept. […] gravity and inertiaare entropic forces […] the holographichypothesis provides a natural mechanism forgravity to emerge.”

    Thus, the origin of gravity is an entropicforce, which is caused by temperature that isrequired to cause acceleration. Thetemperature comes from the total energyand information-bits present in the system.Mass emerges in space and space emergesfrom information-bits. In other words,gravity is not a fundamental force rather it isa derived entity from information i.e., from adifference in concentration of information inthe empty space between two masses and itssurroundings.

    Critics argue that Verlinde is using

    “circular reasoning in his equations, by"starting out" with gravity. Others have

    expressed concern about the almost trivialmathematics involved, leaving most of thetheory based on very general concepts ofspace, time and information” (vanCalmthout, 2010).

    In the dual-aspect-dual-mode PE-SE

    framework (Vimal, 2008b; Vimal, 2010a),the fundamental entity ‘information’, from which gravity is derived as entropic force,has dual-aspect: its material aspect isdiscussed above. Its mental aspect containsSEs/PEs in superposed form for hypothesesH1  and H2  and information-related PE forH3.

    The PE-SE transformation for theentropic force can be written from (21),

    (24b) and (2a) as

    F(r) → F’(r) = F(r) + m ∂t E  = F(r) + m ∂σ∂t E    where σ = 1, 2, 3 (24d) 

    The entropic force is invariant if

    ∂t E   = ∂σ∂t E   = 0  where σ = 1, 2, 3 (24e) 

    This implies that E  is a constant with respectof space-time for gravitation as in (24c). 

    2.8.  Special Theory of Relativity:

     Invariance of Lorentz


    The Special Theory of Relativity (STR) is atheory of 4-dimensional space-time: three ofspace and one of time. An event is defined asa single moment in space and time,characterized uniquely by (t, x, y, z). Thespace-time interval between two events can

     be written as (Carroll, 1997):

    Δs2 = −(cΔt)2 + (Δx)2 + (Δy)2 + (Δz)2  (25a) 

    This can be re-written in a more compactform as,

    Δs2 = ημν Δxμ Δxν  (25b) 

    = (Δx)† η (Δx) (25c) 

     where ημν is 4x4 diagonal matrix (the metric)

     with diagonal elements (-1, 1, 1, 1), and the

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    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    superscript † represents conjugate transpose,Hermitian transpose, or adjoint  of a matrix.

    The multiplicative transformation is tomultiply   xμ  by a (space-time-independent)matrix: 

    xμ → xμ' = 'μ μ Λ  x

    μ  (26a) 

     which is consistent with the Lorentztransformation and can be re-written inmore conventional matrix notation as,

    x →  x' = Λ x (26b) Δx → Δx' = Λ Δx (26c) 

    For the invariance of space-time interval, weneed

    Δs2 → Δs’2 = (Δx’)† η (Δx’)= (Δx)† Λ†ηΛ (Δx)= (Δx)† η (Δx) = Δs2  (27) 

    This implies that

    η = Λ† η Λ  (28) 

    This is the Lorentz transformation for theinvariance of space-time interval under the

    linear multiplicative coordinatetransformation in space-time in the STR.Since PEs/SEs are embedded in space-

    time geometry as per (Hameroff andPenrose, 1998), E (t; x, y, z ) = E (t’; x’, y’, z’).12 In dual-aspect view, multiplicativetransformation (26a,b,c) is appropriate, which in turn requires that the Lorentztransformation must remain invariant underthe PE-SE transformation, namely, 

    Λ →  Λ' = exp(jE ) Λ  (29a) 

    x → x’ = Λ’ x = exp(jE ) Λ x (29b) 

    Δx → Δx’ = exp(jE ) Λ Δx + j exp(jE ) ΔE Λ x

    12  For  substance‐dualism  in  panpsychism, one  could use  additive coordinate  linear  transnational  transformation  in  space‐time. For this,  the  PE‐SE  transformation  x  →  x’ = x + xo  exp(jE),  which implies  that  Δx is  invariant  as  Δx’  = Δx. Thus,  Δs2  in  (25)  is invariant. This  implies  that  the STR‐physics  is  invariant under  the 

    transformation related







     However,  both  macro  and  micro  substance‐dualism  have problems;  the  problems  of   dualism  are  concisely  mentioned  in (Vimal, 2009h). 

    = exp(jE ) Λ [Δx + j x ΔE ] (29c) 

     which in (28) implies that,

    Λ† η Λ  →  Λ’† η Λ’ 

    = exp(− jE 

    ) Λ

    η exp(jE 

    ) Λ= Λ† η Λ (30) 

    Δs’2 = ημν Δx’μ Δx’ν  (25d) 

    = (Δx’)† η (Δx’) (25e) = [exp(jE ) Λ Δx + j exp(jE ) ΔE Λ x]† η

    [exp(jE ) Λ Δx + j exp(jE ) ΔE Λ x] (25f ) = exp(− jE ) [(Δx)† − j x† (ΔE )†] Λ†η

    exp(jE ) Λ [Δx + j x ΔE ] (25g) = [(Δx)† − j x† (ΔE )†] Λ† η

    Λ [Δx + j x ΔE ]  (25h) 

    = [(Δx)†

     − j x†

     (ΔE )†

    ] η[Δx + j x ΔE ] from (28) (25i) 

    = [(Δx)† η Δx] − [j (ΔE )† x† η Δx] +[j ΔE  (Δx)† η x] + [(ΔE )†ΔE  x† η x]  (25j) 

    = Δs2 − [j (ΔE )† x† η Δx] + [j ΔE  (Δx)† η x] + [(ΔE )†ΔE  x† η x] (25k) 

    = Δs2 + [(ΔE )†ΔE  x† η x] where (ΔE )† = ΔE  and [x† η Δx = (Δx)† η x] (25l ) 

    = Δs2  if [(ΔE )†ΔE  x† η x] = 0ΔE   = 0 (25m) 

    From Eq. (30), we suggests that the Lorentztransformation and (hence) STR-physics areinvariant under the PE-SE transformation(29).

    2.9. Geodesic Equation 

     According to (Carroll, 1997), “A geodesic isthe curved-space generalization of thenotion of a “straight line” in Euclidean space. We all know what a straight line is: it’s the

    path of shortest distance between twopoints. But there is an equally gooddefinition — a straight line is a path whichparallel transports its own tangent vector.”(p. 68). The geodesic equation from Eq.(3.47) of (Carroll, 1997) can be written as,


    μ/dλ2) + μ  ρσ Γ (dx

    ρ/dλ)(dxσ/dλ) = 0 (31) 

    This equation (related to the General Theoryof Relativity) is invariant under the PE-SE


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    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


    λ →  λ’ = exp(jE ) λ  (32a) x

    μ →  xμ’ = exp(jE ) xμ  (32b) The substitution of Eqs. (32a) and (32b) in(31) implies that E (t; x, y, z) = E (t’; x’, y’, z’)is constant.

    2.10.  General Theory of Relativity:

    Gravitational FieldGeneral theory of relativity (GTR) needs toaddress “how the curvature of space-timeacts on matter to manifest itself as “gravity”,and how energy and momentum [of matter]influence space-time to create curvature. […]The impossibility of comparing velocities(vectors) at widely separated regionscorresponds to the path-dependence ofparallel transport on a curved manifold.

    These considerations were enough to giveEinstein the idea that gravity was amanifestation of space-time curvature. […]Einstein’s field equations […] govern howthe metric responds to energy andmomentum” (Carroll, 1997).

     A field equation is an equation in aphysical theory that describes how afundamental force (or a combination of suchforces) interacts with matter. The fourfundamental forces are the gravitationalforce, the electromagnetic force, the strong

    force and the weak force. Before the theoryof quantum mechanics was fully developed,there were two known field theories, namelygravitation and electromagnetism (these twoare sometimes referred to as classical fieldtheories, as they were formulated before theadvent of quantum mechanics, and hence donot take into account quantum phenomena).Modern field equations tend to be tensorequations R (Vimal, 2009k).

    The Einstein field equations (EFE) can be

     written as follows from (Vimal, 2009k) and(Einstein, 1916):

    [R μν − (gμν/2) R + gμν Λ] = [(8πG/c4)Tμν] (33a) 

    = Gμν  (33b) 

     where Gμν is the Einstein tensor, R μν  is theRicci curvature tensor (measure of volumedistortion: how much Riemannian metricmight differ from that of ordinary Euclideann-space) (Vimal, 2009k), R is the scalar

    curvature (Ricci scalar), gμν  is the metrictensor, Λ  is the cosmological constant, G is

    the gravitational constant, c is the speed oflight, and Tμν  is the stress-energy tensor. Inthe left hand side of (33a), R μν, gμν, and Rrefer to the structure of space-time. In theright hand side of (33a), Tμν refers to matterand energy (thought of as affecting that

    structure). When  Λ   is zero, this reduces tothe original field equation of generalrelativity. When Tμν  is zero, the fieldequation describes empty space (the vacuum) without matter, where matterrefers to non-gravitational fields such asfields related to electromagnetic, weak, andstrong forces. The above form of the Einsteinfield equations (33a, b) is the standardestablished by (Misner et al., 1973).

    2.10.1. Metric gμν

    : generalization of thegravitational field“In general relativity, the metric tensor (orsimply, the metric) is the fundamental objectof study. It may loosely be thought of as ageneralization of the gravitational fieldfamiliar from Newtonian gravitation. Themetric captures all the geometric and causalstructure of space-time, being used to definenotions such as distance, volume, curvature,angle, future and past. […] Mathematically,space-time is represented by a 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M andthe metric is given as a covariant, second-rank, symmetric tensor on M, conventionallydenoted by g. […] Explicitly, the metric is asymmetric bilinear form on each tangentspace of M which varies in a smooth (ordifferentiable) manner from point to point.Given two tangent vectors u and v and apoint x in M, the metric can be evaluated onu and v to give a real number: gx(u,v) =gx(v,u) є  R. This can be thought of as ageneralization of the dot product in ordinary

    Euclidean space […] the tensor g is actually atensor field defined at all points of a space-time manifold […] g=gμν  dx

    μ dxν […] Thefactors dxμ  are one-form gradients of thescalar  coordinate fields xμ  […] The metric g completely determines the curvature ofspace-time. According to the fundamentaltheorem of Riemannian geometry, there is aunique connection on any Lorentzianmanifold that is compatible with the metricand torsion-free. This connection is calledthe Levi-Civita connection . The Christoffel

    symbols of this connection are given in

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    ISSN 1303 5150 


    terms of partial derivatives of the metric inlocal coordinates xμ by the formula”13:

    Γλμν  = (gλρ/2) [(∂gρμ/∂x

    ν) + (∂gρν/∂xμ) −

    (∂gμν/∂xρ)]  (34a) 

    = (gλρ/2) (∂νgρμ + ∂μgρν − ∂ρgμν) (34b) = (gλ1/2) (∂νg1μ + ∂μg1ν − ∂1gμν) +...+

    (gλ4/2) (∂νg4μ + ∂μg4ν − ∂4gμν)  (34c) 

    Similarly as in (34b),

    Γρνμ  = (gρα/2)(∂μgαν + ∂νgαμ − ∂αgνμ) (34d) 

    Γρρμ  = (gρα/2)(∂μgαρ + ∂ρgαμ − ∂αgρμ) (34e) 

    Γρνμ,ρ = ∂ρΓρ


    = (∂ρgρα/2)(∂μgαν + ∂νgαμ − ∂αgνμ) +

    (gρα/2)(∂ρ∂μgαν + ∂ρ∂νgαμ − ∂ρ∂αgνμ) (34f ) 

    Γρρμ,ν = ∂νΓρ


    = (∂νgρα/2)(∂μgαρ + ∂ρgαμ − ∂αgρμ) +

    (gρα/2)(∂ν∂μgαρ +∂ν∂ρgαμ − ∂ν∂αgρμ) (34g) 

    Γρρλ  = (gρα/2) (∂λgαρ + ∂ρgαλ − ∂αgρλ) (34h) 

    Γλνμ  = (gλα/2) (∂μgαν + ∂νgαμ − ∂αgνμ)  (34i) 



    νλ  = (gρα

    /2) (∂λgαν + ∂νgαλ − ∂αgνλ)  (34j) 

    Γλρμ  = (gλα/2) (∂μgαρ + ∂ρgαμ − ∂αgρμ) (34k) 

    Since the gravitational field is weak, we candecompose the metric gμν into the flatMinkowski metric ημν (= diag(-1, +1, +1, +1))plus a small perturbation hμν  as follows(Carroll, 1997); p.142):

    gμν =  ημν + hμν  where |hμν| 

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    ISSN 1303 5150 


     Alternative treatment of metric tensorgμν is given in Section 2.11.

    2.10.2. Ricci curvature tensor R μν


    Ricci curvature tensor R μν comes fromcontracting the linearized Riemann tensor

    R μνρσ (36) over μ and ρ (Carroll, 1997). p.143.(6.6)), i.e., raise the index μ  of the metrichμσ and hμρ  and the index ρ  of the metrichνρ and then replace μ with ρ in (36): 

    Rσν  =  Rρ

    νρσ  = (1/2)(∂ρ∂νhρ

    σ + ∂σ∂ρhρ

    ν − ∂σ∂νh

    ρρ − ∂ρ∂ρhνσ)  (39a) 

    Replace σ with μ in (39a):

    Rμν =  (1/2)(




    μ + ∂




    ν− ∂




    ρ− ∂ρ∂ρhνμ)  (39b) 

    Rearranging indices, we get:

    Rμν  =  (1/2)(∂μ∂ρhρ

    ν + ∂ν∂ρhρ

    μ − ∂μ∂νhρ

    ρ − ∂ρ∂ρhμν)  (39c) 

     We can re-formulate the PE-SEtransformation from (37a) such as,

    hρν → h’ρ

    ν = hρ

    ν + j(∂ρE ν + ∂νE ρ)  (40) 

     Applying the transformation (40) in (39c), we get:

    Rμν → R’μν  = (1/2)(∂μ∂ρh’ρ

    ν + ∂ν∂ρh’ρ

    μ − ∂μ∂νh’

    ρρ − ∂ρ∂ρh’μν)  (41a) 

    = (1/2)[∂μ∂ρhρ

    ν + ∂ν∂ρhρ

    μ  − ∂μ∂νhρ

    ρ − ∂ρ∂ρhμν +  j (∂μ∂ρ∂ρE ν + ∂μ∂ρ∂νE ρ + 

    ∂ν∂ρ∂ρE μ + ∂ν∂ρ∂μE ρ − ∂μ∂ν∂ρE ρ − ∂μ∂ν∂ρE ρ −∂ρ∂ρ∂μE ν − ∂ρ∂ρ∂νE μ)]  (41b) 

    = (1/2)[∂μ∂ρhρ

    ν + ∂ν∂ρhρ

    μ  − ∂μ∂νhρ

    ρ − ∂ρ∂ρhμν] (41c) 

    = Rμν (41d) 

     where ∂μ∂ρ∂ρ = ∂ρ∂ρ∂μ , ∂μ∂ρ∂ν = ∂μ∂ν∂ρ , ∂ν∂ρ∂ρ = ∂ρ∂ρ∂ν , and ∂ν∂ρ∂μ = ∂μ∂ν∂ρ  (41e) 

    Thus, the Ricci curvature tensor R μν  isinvariant under PE-SE transformation(40).14 

    2.10.3. Ricci scalar curvature RRicci scalar curvature is the simplest

    curvature invariant of a Riemannianmanifold. It is defined as the trace of theRicci curvature tensor with respect to themetric (Vimal, 2009k):

    R = gμν Rμν = gμν [Γρμν,ρ − Γ

    ρμρ,ν + Γ

    ρρλ Γ

    λμν − Γ

    ρνλ Γ


     where Γμν = Γνμ  (42) 

    Ricci scalar curvature R   comes fromcontracting the Ricci curvature tensor  Rμν 

    (39c) over ν and μ (Carroll, 1997). p.143.(6.7)), i.e., raise the index ν  of the metrichρν and hμν and the index μ of the metric h


    and then replace ν with μ in (39c):

    R = Rμμ  =  (1/2)(∂μ∂ρh

    ρμ + ∂μ∂ρh

    ρμ  − ∂μ∂μh

    ρρ − ∂ρ∂ρh

    μμ)  (43a) 

     which can be re-written by replacing indexρ with ν as,

    R=(1/2)(2 ∂μ∂νhμν

     − ∂μ∂μ hν

    ν − ∂ν∂ν hμ

    μ)  (43b) 

    = ∂μ∂νhμν

      − ϒh  (43c) 

    where  ϒ  is the D’Alembertian that is oneform flat space, and h is the trace of theperturbation. 

    ϒ = ∂μ∂μ  = ∂2μ = −∂2t  + ∂2x + ∂2y + ∂2z  (44) 

    and h = hμ

    μ = ημν

    hμν  (45) 

     We can re-formulate the PE-SEtransformation from (37a) such as,

    14  Furthermore,  the  curvature  of   space‐time  is  given  by  the 

    Riemann  curvature  tensor, which  is defined  in  terms of   the  Levi‐Civita connection  . In local coordinates, this tensor is given by: Rρσμν  = ∂μΓρνσ − ∂νΓρμσ + Γρμλ Γλνσ − Γρνλ Γλμσ  (39d) 

     where ∂μ = ∂xμ. The curvature can  then be expressed  in  terms of  

    the metric g and its derivatives as follows (μ → ρ in (39d)): Rσν  = Rρσρν 

    = Γρνσ,ρ − Γρρσ,ν + Γρρλ Γλνσ − Γρνλ Γλρσ  (39e) 

     where Γρ

    νσ,ρ= ∂ρΓ

    ρνσ and Eq. (39e) can be re‐written by σ → μ as:Rμν  = Rρμρν 

    = Γρνμ,ρ − Γρρμ,ν + Γρρλ Γλνμ − Γρνλ Γλρμ  (39f ) 

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    hμν → h’μν = hμν + j(∂μE ν + ∂νE μ) (46) 

     Applying (46) in (43b), we get:

    R → R’ = (1/2)[2 ∂μ∂νh’μν

     − ∂μ∂μ h’ν

    ν − ∂ν∂ν h’

    μμ]  (47a) 

    = (1/2)[2 ∂μ∂νhμν − ∂μ∂μ h

    νν − ∂ν∂ν h

    μμ + 

     j(2∂μ∂ν∂μE ν + 2∂μ∂ν∂νE μ − 2 ∂μ∂μ∂νE ν −2∂ν∂ν∂μE μ)]  (47b) 

    = R  (47c) 

     where ∂μ∂ν∂μ = ∂μ∂μ∂ν 

    and  ∂μ∂ν∂ν = ∂ν∂ν∂μ  (48) 

    Thus, the Ricci scalar curvature R isinvariant under the PE-SE transformation(46).

    2.10.4. The cosmological constantIn physical cosmology, the cosmologicalconstant ( Λ ) was proposed by Einstein as amodification of his original theory of generalrelativity to achieve a stationary universe(Vimal, 2009k). Einstein abandoned theconcept after the observation of the Hubblered shift indicated that the universe mightnot be stationary (rather universe isexpanding), as he had based his theory onthe idea that the universe is unchanging.However, the discovery of cosmicacceleration in the 1990s has renewedinterest in a cosmological constant. Astronomical observations imply that thisconstant cannot exceed 10−46  km−2. Thecosmological constant has the same effect asan intrinsic energy density of the vacuum, 

    ρ vac  (and an associated pressure). In thiscontext it is commonly defined with aproportionality factor of 8π:  Λ   = 8π  ρ vac, where modern unit conventions of generalrelativity are followed (otherwise factors of Gand c would also appear).

    If move the term Λgμν in (33a) to theright hand side, and “think of it as a kind ofenergy-momentum tensor, with T’μν  =− gμν Λ  (it is automatically conserved bymetric compatibility). Then Λ  can beinterpreted as the “energy density of the

     vacuum,” a source of energy and momentumthat is present even in the absence of matter

    fields. This interpretation is important because quantum field theory predicts thatthe vacuum should have some sort of energyand momentum. In ordinary quantummechanics, a harmonic oscillator withfrequency ω  and minimum classical energy

    E0 = 0 upon quantization has a ground state with energy E0 = ½ ћω. A quantized field can be thought of as a collection of an infinitenumber of harmonic oscillators, and eachmode contributes to the ground state energy.The result is of course infinite, and must beappropriately regularized, for example byintroducing a cutoff at high frequencies. Thefinal vacuum energy, which is theregularized sum of the energies of theground state oscillations of all the fields ofthe theory, has no good reason to be zero

    and in fact would be expected to have anatural scale

    Λ ~ mp4  (49) 

     where the Planck mass mp  is approximately1019 GeV, or 10−5 grams. Observations of theuniverse on large scales allow us to constrainthe actual value of Λ, which turns out to besmaller than (49) by at least a factor of 10120.This is the largest known discrepancy

     between theoretical estimate andobservational constraint in physics, andconvinces many people that the“cosmological constant problem” is one ofthe most important unsolved problemstoday. On the other hand the observationsdo not tell us that Λ  is strictly zero, and infact allow values that can have importantconsequences for the evolution of theuniverse” (Carroll, 1997).p.118-9.

    2.10.5. The stress-energy tensor Tμν


     A general definition of Tμν is the flux of four-momentum pμ  across a surface of constantxν. Tμν is the energy tensor for matter, wherematter is non-gravitational entity thatincludes remaining 3 forces, namelyelectromagnetic, electroweak, and strongforces. If Tμν  = 0, then the Einstein fieldequations represent the field equations ofgravitation in the absence of matter (matter-free gravitational field equations) (Einstein,

    1916). “The stress-energy tensor (sometimesstress-energy-momentum tensor) is a tensor

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    ISSN 1303 5150 


    quantity in physics that describes the densityand flux of energy and momentum in space-time, generalizing the stress tensor ofNewtonian physics. It is an attribute ofmatter, radiation, and non-gravitational

    force fields. The stress-energy tensor is thesource of the gravitational field in theEinstein field equations of general relativity, just as mass is the source of such a field inNewtonian gravity. […] In general relativity,the symmetric stress-energy tensor acts asthe source of space-time curvature, and isthe current density associated with gaugetransformations of gravity which are generalcurvilinear coordinate transformations. […]In general relativity, the partial derivatives

    used in special relativity are replaced bycovariant derivatives. What this means isthat the continuity equation no longerimplies that the non-gravitational energyand momentum expressed by the tensor areabsolutely conserved, i.e. the gravitationalfield can do work on matter and vice versa.In the classical limit of Newtonian gravity,this has a simple interpretation: energy is being exchanged with gravitational potentialenergy, which is not included in the tensor,and momentum is being transferred throughthe field to other bodies. However, in generalrelativity there is not a unique way to definedensities of gravitational field energy andfield momentum. Any pseudo-tensorpurporting to define them can be made to vanish locally by a coordinatetransformation. In curved space-time, thespacelike integral now depends on thespacelike slice, in general. There is in fact no

     way to define a global energy-momentum vector in a general curved space-time”. T00 =energy density; T11, T22, T33  = pressure; T01,T02, T03  = energy flux; T10, T20, T30  =momentum density; T12, T13, T23  = shearstress; T21, T31, T32 = momentum flux.

    The stress-energy tensor Tμν  is invariantif the metric tensor gμν  that refer to thestructure of space-time geometry is invariant under the PE-SE transformation (2c) aselaborated in Section 2.3.

    Thus, the Einstein field equations (33)are invariant under the PE-SE

    transformations as elaborated above inSection 2.10.1 to 2.10.5.

    2.11. The PE-SE transformation for the

    metric tensor gμν


    On the right hand side of (33a), Tμν

      isinvariant under the PE-SE transformation(2c) if the metric tensor gμν that refer to thestructure of space-time geometry isinvariant, as shown in Section 2.3.

    The PE-SE transformation for the metrictensor gμν in analogy to (24b) is

    gμν → g’μν = gμν  + ∂σ∂t E   where σ = 1, 2, 3 (50) 


     → Γ’λνμ

      = ((gλρ + ∂σE )/2) (∂


    ρν + ∂



    + ∂νgρμ + ∂ν∂σE  − ∂ρgνμ − ∂ρ∂σE ) (51)

    Γρρλ → Γ’ρ

    ρλ  = ((gρρ

    + ∂σE )/2) (∂νgρμ + ∂ν∂σE  + ∂μgρν + ∂μ∂σE  − ∂ρgμν − ∂ρ∂σE ) (52) 

    The left hand side of (33a) must be invariant because the right hand side is invariant. Thisnecessitates that the metric tensor gμν  thatrefers to the structure of space-timegeometry is invariant. This implies:

    ∂σ∂t E (μ=σ,τ) = ∂t ∂σE (μ=σ,τ) = 0 where μ=(τ=0=t; σ=1=x, 2=y, 3=z)  (53) 

    Eq. (53) implies the following possibilities:

    (I)  ∂σ∂t E (μ=σ,τ) = 0∂t E (σ,τ) = constant,E (σ,τ) can vary with time but

    constant with respect to space (54) 

    (II)  ∂t ∂σE (μ=σ,τ) = 0 ∂σE (σ,τ) = constant, E (σ,τ) can vary with space butconstant with respect to time  (55) 

    (III) E (μ=σ,τ) = constant with respect to bothspace and time  (56) 

    The possibilities (54) and (55) contradicteach other; therefore, (56) is the valid

    condition. This can be called the condition ofinvariance for the introduction of subjective

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    ISSN 1303 5150 


    experiences aspect of consciousness in

    classical physics. It is an elegant conclusion because it can be interpreted that E (μ) is thesame at every spatiotemporal point. In other words, experiences are embedded in space-

    time geometry in superposed form. 

    The matter field is represented by Tμν, which is invariant if the metric tensor gμν  isinvariant  under the PE-SE transformation(2c). The metric tensor gμν  is invariant if  ∂μE (μ) = 0 or E (μ=σ,τ) = constant (from (53)).This implies that all SEs E  are in superposedform in each matter, i.e., in each elementaryparticle, fermion, and an inert matter andhence constant because all SEs are insuperposed form in each entity. This meansif matter moves, SEs also move with them

     because SEs are superposed in the mentalaspect of matter.

    However, one could argue that our SEschange with stimuli in space and time. Thisseems to contradict above statement.However, there is no contradiction at all.This is because a specific SE is matched andthen selected depending on stimuli and theirspatiotemporal characteristics. One mustnote that SEs are in superposed form in eachentity both in external stimuli and internalcognitive system. The SEs represented by E  (which is constant with respect to time andspace) refers to this superposition in matter,not to the specific SE we experience. Ourexperiences are the result of matching andselection process when essential ingredientsof SE aspect of consciousness are satisfied.For example, experiencing redness  hasneural correlates of V4/V8/VO-red-greenneural-net with redness state. When a

    subject moves, the specific SE redness  alsomoves with the subject’s correlated neural-net. This specific SE depends on thespatiotemporal characteristics of stimuli andour cognitive system, whereas all kinds ofSEs are superposed in the mental aspecteach entity of stimuli and cognitive systemand hence remain constant with space andtime. Thus, there is no contradiction.

    In other words, since PEs/SEs areembedded in space-time geometry (as

    (Hameroff and Penrose, 1998) alsohypothesize), E (t; x, y, z) = E (t’; x’, y ’, z’), i.e.,

    SEs are superposed in the mental aspect ofspace-time  geometry. Similarly, for matter,since PEs/SEs are superposed in the mentalaspect of fermions and bosons (includinggravitons),  E (t; x, y, z) moves with them to

    conserve SEs, i.e., to makeE  

    constant withspace and time. However, our specific SE isthe result of matching and selectionprocesses and can change with space andtime.

    In the quantum field theory of pointparticles, the graviton is a hypotheticalelementary particle that mediates the forceof gravity. This is similar to (a) photon thatmediates the electromagnetic interaction, (b)the gluons that mediate the strong

    interaction, and (c) the W and Z bosons thatmediate the weak interaction in theStandard Model (Vimal, 2010b). If thegraviton exists, “the graviton must bemassless (because the gravitational force hasunlimited range) and must have a spin of 2(because gravity is a second-rank tensorfield). In this framework, the gravitationalinteraction is mediated by gravitons, insteadof being described in terms of curved space-time as in general relativity. In the classicallimit, both approaches give identical results, which are required to conform to Newton'slaw of gravitation”. In Standard Model(Vimal, 2010b), gravitation isnonrenormalizable because of infinitiesarising due to quantum effects and pointparticle. String theory addresses thisproblem, where gravitons and other particlesare states of strings rather than that of pointparticles, and hence the infinities do not

    arise (Vimal, 2010c). In perturbative stringtheory, a graviton is a closed string with aspecific low-energy vibration state. Inquantum field theory of point particles, thedescription in terms of gravitons still servesas a low-energy effective theory (Vimal,2009k). 

    This will be clearer when we considerloop quantum gravity and string theory inPart III (Vimal, 2010c).

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    ISSN 1303 5150 


    3. Discussion and Conclusions 3.1. Hypotheses in the PE-SE

    framework : There are three competinghypotheses15: superposition  based H1,superposition-then-integration  based H2,

    and integration  based  H3  wheresuperposition is not required. In H1, thefundamental entities and inert matter arethe carriers  of superimposed fundamentalsubjective experiences (SEs)/proto-experiences (PEs). In H2, the fundamentalentities and inert matter are the  carriers  ofsuperimposed fundamental PEs (not SEs);there is a PE attached to every level ofevolution, which are integrated   by neural- Darwinism  (co-evolution, co-development,

    and sensorimotor co-tuning); here the(mysterious) principle of emergence  of SEsfrom PEs is required. In H3, a string has itsown string-PE; matter is not a carrier;rather matter has two aspects at every level.These two aspects are rigorously integrated  together by neural-Darwinism  (co-evolution, co-development, andsensorimotor co-tuning). H3 is a dual-aspectproto-panpsychism that has seven problemsincluding the combination problem (Vimal,2009h; Vimal, 2010a).

    3.2. Four essential constituting factors

    for the PE-SE framework : The dual-aspect-dual-mode PE-SE framework (Vimal,2008b; Vimal, 2010a) consists of fouressential factors that lead to structural andfunctional coherence between mind and brain: (1) dual-aspect primal entities;  (2)neural-Darwinism:  co-evolution and co-

    development of SEs and associated neural-nets from elemental PEs and the associatedmaterial aspect of fundamental entities,respectively and co-tuning via sensorimotorinteraction; (3) matching and selection processes:  interaction of two modes (Vimal,2010a), namely, (a) the non-tilde mode thatis the material and mental aspect ofcognition (memory and attention) relatedfeedback signals in a neural-network, whichis the cognitive nearest past approaching

    15 There are two more hypotheses H4 and H5; see footnote 6. 

    towards present; and (b) the tilde mode thatis the material and mental aspect of the feedforward signals due to externalenvironmental input and internalendogenous input, which is the nearest

    future approaching towards present and is aentropy-reversed representation of non-tildemode; and (4) the necessary ingredients of SEs  (such as wakefulness, attention, re-entry, working memory, stimulus at or abovethreshold level, and neural-net PEs). ThePE-SE framework addressed the explanatorygap (how SEs can emerge from non-experiential matter).

    3.3. Prediction of hypotheses H1  and

    H2: Since elementary particles and inertmatters are carriers  of SEs/PEs (as in H1 and H2), inert matters behave as if they arenon-experiential entities. Therefore, theprediction of hypotheses  H1  and H2  of thePE-SE framework is that physics remainsinvariant with the introduction of the SEaspect of consciousness. This prediction istested in a series of three articles.

    3.4. Classical, quantum, and

    subquantum level physics: Since thedual-aspect-dual-mode PE-SE framework is valid at all 3 levels (classical, quantum, andsubquantum physics) (Vimal, 2008b; Vimal,2009f; Vimal, 2009i; Vimal, 2009j; Vimal,2010a), the introduction of consciousness inclassical, (both orthodox and modern)quantum, and subquantum physics is also valid.

    3.5. Classical Physics: Invariantsunder the PE-SE transformations: Inthis Part I of series of 3 articles, thefollowings, in classical physics, areinvariants under the PE-SE transformations:electromagnetic strength tensor,electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, theelectromagnetic theory (Maxwell'sequations), Newtonian gravitational field,the entropic force, special theory of relativityand Lorentz transformation, geodesic

    equation, general theory of relativity: themetric gμν (generalization of the gravitational

  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


  • 8/17/2019 Towards a Theory of Everything Part I


    NeuroQuantology | June 2010 | Vol 8 | Issue  2 | Page 206‐230 

    Vimal RLP., Theory of  everything: consciousness in classical physics 

    ISSN 1303 5150 


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