Total Onslaught - Amazing Discoveries


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Total Onslaught by Professor Walter J. Veith

The New World Order



Study Guide #221

T O T A L O N S L A U G H T S T U D Y G U I D E D V D # 2 2 12

Study Guide #221

The New World Order


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# 221

1) What did former President George H.W. Bush say in regards to the New World Order? (00:02:55)

President George Bush in his State of the Union address, Los Angeles Times (February 18, 1991).

It is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... only the United States has both the moral standing and the means to back it up.

2) Over 100 years ago, Archbishop Quigley suggested that what power would rule when America rules?

Archbishop Quigley, The Chicago Tribune (1903):When the United States rules the world, the Catholic Church will rule the world.


A Global PLAN

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3) According to Roman Catholic Canon Law, to whom does all property belong? (00:51:30)

4) What does Roman Catholicism believe in regards to property rights? (00:57:25)

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae Fifth Article: ii-ii:...the possession of all things in common and universal freedom are said to be of the natural law because, to wit, the distinction of possessions and slavery were not brought in by nature, but de-vised by human reason for the benefit of human life.

5) What did the Popes teach in regards to property rights? (00:58:03)



# 221

Pope John Paul II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (1987): 42: is necessary to state once more the characteristic principle of Christ’s social doctrine: the goods of this world are originally meant for all. The right of private property is valid and necessary, but it does not nullify the value of this principle. Private property, in fact, is under a “social mortgage,” which means that it has an intrinsically social function, based upon the justified precisely by the principle of the universal distribution of goods.

Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progessio (1967): 22:God intended the earth and all that it contains for the use of every human being and people. Thus, as all men follow justice and unite in charity, created goods should abound for them on a reasonable basis. All other rights whatsoever, including those of property and of free commerce, are to be subordinated to this principle.

6) Who wrote Rerum Novarum, and when was it written? (01:05:45)

7) What are Rerum Novarum’s key doctrines? (01:05:05)

Pope John XXIII, Master et Magistra (1916): 45-46:By far the most notable evidence of this social teaching and action, which the Church has set forth through the centuries, undoubt-edly is the very distinguished Encyclical Letter Rerum Novarum, issued seventy years ago... The norms and recommendations con-tained therein were so momentous that their memory will never fall into oblivion...

Pope Pius told us that the encyclical Rerum Novarum was instrumental in ending laissez-faire capitalism in the twenti-eth century by ushering in the era of ‘effective interference by the government.

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Pope Pius XI, Quadragesimo Anno (1931), 11:Nor were these the only blessings which followed from the Encycli-cal. The doctrine of Rerum Novarum began little by little to pen-etrate among those who, being outside Catholic unity, do not rec-ognize the authority of the Church; and these Catholic principles of sociology gradually become part of the intellectual heritage of the whole human race...

Thus too, we rejoice that the Catholic truths proclaimed so vigor-ously by our illustrious Predecessor [Leo XIII], are advanced and advocated not merely in non-Catholic books and journals, but fre-quently also in legislative assemblies and in courts of justice.

John W. Robbins, Ecclesiastical Megalomania (Trinity Foun-dation, 2006):

“those picked men whom we have named the auxiliaries of the Church” who have been so instrumental... in ending the free en-terprise system of the nineteenth century and substituting a sys-tem of effective interference by government in the twentieth cen-tury. Who those “picked men” are, I do not know.

8) All these changes are being brought about through the guise of “human rights.” Name three of these rights: (01:11:00)



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# 221

9) Some of the people who endorsed a New World Order have had high positions of power. What are some examples? (01:17:45)

Albert Einstein, as quoted in George W. Blount, Peace Through World Government (Durham, North Carolina: Moore Publishing Company, 1974): 30:

Mankind’s desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government... with all my heart I believe that the world’s present system of sovereign nations can only lead to barbarism, war, and inhumanity, and that only law can assure progress towards a civilized peaceful humanity.

Albert Einstein, “Letter to World Federalists,” Stockholm Con-gress (1949):

There is no salvation for civilization, or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government.



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U Thant, as quoted in Donella H. Meadows, et al., The Limits to Growth: The 30-year update (Chel-sea Green Publishing, 2004): 13.World federalists hold before us the vision of a unified mankind living in peace under a just world order...

U Thant, quoted in Tom Hudgens, Let’s Abolish War (Denver, Colo-rado: BILR Corporation, 1986): 41:The heart of their program— a world under law—is realistic and attainable.

Winston Churchill, as quoted in George W. Blount, Peace Through World Government (Durham, Carolina: Moore Publishing Company, 1974): 30:

The creation of an authoritative world order is the ultimate aim toward which we must strive.

UN Secretary U Thant

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1940


Charles De Gaulle as quoted in George W. Blount, Peace Through World Government (Durham, Carolina: Moore Publishing Com-pany, 1974): 30:

Nations must unite in a world government or perish.

Bertrand Russell: ...the only possibilities are now world government or death.

Mortimer Adler, as quoted in “The New Inquisition,” The Ome-ga Letter (Sept. 1988, Vol. 3, No. 8), p. 7.:

World peace is impossible without world government.

# 221

Bertrand Russell leads a political march in 1961


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Robert Muller

Robert Muller as quoted in Dwight L. Kinman, The World’s Last Dictator (Woodburn, Oregon: Solid Rock Books, 1995): 81:

We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion; under a one-world leader.


10) Who will be the global religious leader in this new world order?

11) What will it take to bring all religions together? (01:23:00)

12) Give examples of global religious unity already taking place in the world around us:


# 221

My DECISION For JesusThe systematic attack against Jesus is about to reach a crescendo in the coming of a global order and global religion. What side do you choose to take while the forces of darkness are marshal-ling one last attack? Will you accept Jesus, as Saviour and Ruler? knowing that when He is in control, there is nothing to fear?


Copyright 2015 Amazing Discoveries. Printed in Canada
