Top Generals Reveal Obama’s Secret High Level Military Purge



In Obama’s America, the military must forsake their constitutional oath in favor of blind allegiance to their new commander. And whether it’s top nuke commanders being removed for failing to play ball with the global elite, or just silencing potential whistleblowers, top military generals are now speaking out about the ‘mass purge’ within the United States military

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Top Generals Reveal Obama’s Secret High Level Military PurgeAnthony GucciardiInfowars.comNovember 1, 2013

In Obama’s America, the military must forsake their constitutional oath in favor of blind allegiance to their new commander. And whether it’s top nuke commanders being removed for failing to play ball with the global elite, or just silencing potential whistleblowers, top military generals are now speaking out about the ‘mass purge’ within the United States military.

One such general, a recipient of the Medal of Honor, has now gone on record in speaking with news organization WND about the mass culling of high level military officers on behalf of the Obama administration. Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady says that the attack on high level military personnel is so great that it has now obliterated the morale of troops at large, but is more importantly centered in terminating any high level individual that will not go along with the plan.

“There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him,” the retired general told WND.

General Brady’s admission comes just after two of the top nuclear commanders in the United States were terminated and suspended amid the high level military intelligence we released surrounding the secret transfer of nuclear weapons from a Texas Airforce base to South Carolina. And while the terminations were originally reported on by the Associated Press, who has been covering the issue in depth and even hinting towards our coverage of the missing nuke within their reports, it was revealed by the agency that the terminations and suspensions were actually found out through leaked emails.

In other words, the mass purge of military officials was never truly intended to meet the public eye. Buteven in the face of government secrecy surrounding the issue, numerous news organizations and media

figures have now come out andhighlighted the purge of top nukecommanders and others. From MichaelSavage launching an investigation intothe missing nuke issue and calling foranswers, to WND questioning officialsover the military intelligence.

Overall, the new media has forced thisissue into the spotlight, reaching millionswith the powerful information that hasbeen confirmed time and time again byscenarios like Senator Lindsey Graham’ssame day speech regarding a nuclearstrike on the exact destination of thenuclear warheads. Meanwhile, theestablishment has been busy inattempting to eliminate high levelmilitary officers who will not blindlyfollow commander Obama on his everyunconstitutional demand.

Former CIA Pilot Plumlee Says Reagan Administration Responsible For Death Of DEA Agent

Kurt NimmoInfowars.comNovember 1, 2013

Robert Tosh Plumlee, a pilot who flew clandestine CIA flights, told Infowars today that Fox News, who interviewed him last September, is attempting to shift blame for the 1980s Contra resupply network to the CIA. The network was the work of the Reagan administration, then Marine Col. Oliver North, and the NCS, Plumlee contends. The covert operation was in direct violation of the Boland Amendment, a legislative effort to prevent the United States government from funding and assisting the Contras, the mercenary group attempting to overthrow the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua in the early 1980s.

Fox News ran a story on roles played by the CIA and the Reagan administration in the Contra Affair after the release of Rafael Caro Quintero from prison this past August.Quintero, a former Mexican drug lord responsible for founding the Guadalajara Cartel, was convicted of murdering DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena Salazar and others, including a journalist, in 1985.Information received primarily from US authorities, the DEA, the White House, and the National Security council and forwarded to Mexican authorities played in a role in Camarena’s murder, Plumlee told Infowars in an effort to set the record straight.Plumlee insists the CIA did not murder Camarena as a number of news outlets have reported.

Following an interview with Fox News, the network ran a story implying that the CIA was involved and played a part in the torture murder of Camarena and Plumlee was the CIA pilot who helped Quintero escape to Guatemala and then to Costa Rica.“That was not the case,” Plumlee told Infowars.Plumlee told author Rodney Stitch (Drugging America: A Trojan Horse) in 2005 that the CIA, the DEA, the FBI and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were aware American government agencieswere involved in shipping drugs into the United States from Central America to fund the Contra freedom fighters. Details on these illicit drug running operations were also exposed in the 1990s by SanJose Mercury News journalist Gary Webb, who later died under suspicious circumstances.In 1983, prior to government hearings on what would become known as the Iran-Contra Affair, Plumlee met on several occasions with Senator Gary Hart and his security aide, Bill Holden. He provided Hart with detailed maps, information on battle zones and air routes, and additional information concerning the training of Guatemalan guerillas at drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero’s ranch, aircraft ID numbers, and other information.

The information was subsequently passed along to Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry, who was then chairman on the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Communications. Nothing came of this attempt to shed light on the government’s drug-running operations or the death of DEA agent Camarena.“Why did they bust the Buffalo marijuana ranch, but let the gun-running to the Contra go unimpeded?” Camarena had asked before his abduction and murder in Mexico.Plumlee asked the same question to government officials during a debriefing in Phoenix, Arizona before Camarena was abducted and murdered. Plumlee confirmed that this conversation took place with government officials during a telephone interview with Infowars.Plumlee’s allegations about Reagan administration complicity in gunrunning staged alongside an illegaldrug operation were ultimately dropped from an interview conducted by Fox News, the corporate media bastion for Republican conservatives who idolize Ronald Reagan.

In September, Mr. Plumlee appeared on the Alex Jones Show to talk about the murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi and the State Department’s gunrunning and arms shipment operation to support al-Qaeda fighting in Syria to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

Tosh Plumlee DEA files

The Alex Jones Show: Tuesday October 15 2013: Tosh Plumlee VIDEO BELOW

