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Case Study TOMS Shoes

Brief reminderBrief reminder

• All begin during a trip in Argentina

• Concept: one for one

• 400 000 shoes gave since 2006

• 2008 forecasts: 300 000 shoes

Keys barriers of internationalization if Toms shoes expands in Europe

• Knowledge of the market:– shoes market already crowded: Need of a strong

communication– A different customer behavior: more skeptical about this

kind of concepts– How does he want to manage the European distribution?

• Insufficient finances:– Installation & development costs– Is the product adapted to the European market?

The driving forces for the early internationalization of TOMS Shoes?The driving forces for the early internationalization of TOMS Shoes?

A trip in Argentina leads Blake Mycoskie to be conscious of:– the need of shoes for poor children, especially in developing countries– the shoes in developing countries prevents feet from getting cuts and

sores– they also prevent infections and disease transmitted by parasites in the

soil– Many times children can't attend school barefoot because shoes are a

required part of their uniform.

As he didn’t have any experiences in charity, he thought that a business is much more sustainable than charity

The internationalization is made by connecting a person of a rich country to the third world

Also thanks to internet, the brand is spread over the world : Toms shoes is present in many websites and works with the word of mouth

Case Study- Elvis PRESLEY

Motives for the internationalizationMotives for the internationalization

• Elvis Presley “The King” is a world famous icon and one of the most important figures of 20th-century popular culture

• He is the best-selling solo artist in the history of popular music• His music still attract the public:

– “ A little less conversation” remix became a hit in 2002• To keep is memory alive and to make profit with is name

Suggestions to maintain a steady income streams from abroad (1/2)Suggestions to maintain a steady income streams from abroad (1/2)

KEY of the success: “Keep the memory of the King alive”


• FIRSTLY: Keep what is already time-tested - Carrying on:- maintaining the buzz on his dead Means: TV documentary, articles in revues, on the Internet….Aim: improve his international notoriety, the desire to know more about him.

- celebrating the Elvis anniversaries with international shows Means: Special TV shows, add in press Aim: use these shows to launch new products (remix, best of,…) abroad.

Suggestions to maintain a steady income streams from abroad (2/2)Suggestions to maintain a steady income streams from abroad (2/2)

• SECONDLY: Adapt what already works in the US on the web in order to be positioned on the international market

For instance, create an Internet site where it’s possible:- to visit the Elvis’s mansion on line- to buy spin-off products: tee-shirt, hat,…- to find recipes to cook as Elvis- to learn how to sing as Elvis- …

Most obvious assets for further internationalization of EPEMost obvious assets for further internationalization of EPE

As in most cases of dead artists business, here are the main assets for further internationalization of EPE:

- Continue to sold EPE’s songs/albums

- Release of best ofs

- Release of books/photo albums/concerts

BUT : in this context, the key notion when it comes to release existing content, is to bring EXCLUSIVITY to the customers:

Rare or exclusive recordings, songs, videos, photos, letters….

- Promote Graceland = must become a key destination for fans or toursits

- Movie (cf. Michael Jackson, Ray Charles…)

BUT : Act Glocal : release content at a national scale, according to people specific will.
