Tom Peters Re-Imagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age Amsterdam/15.05.2003


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Tom Peters’

Re-Imagine!Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age


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1.All Bets Are Off.

“Uncertainty is the only thing to be sure of.” —Anthony Muh,

head of investment in Asia, Citigroup Asset management (FT/03.27.2003)

“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like

irrelevance even less.” —General Eric Shinseki, Chief

of Staff, U. S. Army

2. The Destruction Imperative.

“It is generally much easier to kill an

organization than change it

substantially.” Kevin Kelly, Out of Control

Forbes100 from 1917 to 1987: 39 members of the Class of ’17 were alive

in ’87; 18 in ’87 F100; 18 F100 “survivors” underperformed the market

by 20%; just 2 (2%), GE & Kodak, outperformed the market 1917 to 1987.

S&P 500 from 1957 to 1997: 74 members of the Class of ’57 were

alive in ’97; 12 (2.4%) of 500 outperformed the market from 1957 to 1997.

Source: Dick Foster & Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction: Why Companies That Are Built to Last Underperform the Market

“Mr. Foster and his McKinsey colleagues collected detailed

performance data stretching back 40 years for 1,000 U.S. companies. They

found that none of the long-term survivors managed to outperform the market. Worse, the longer companies had been in the database, the worse

they did.”—Financial Times/11.28.2002

“The corporation as we know it, which is now 120 years old, is

not likely to survive the next 25 years. Legally and

financially, yes, but not structurally and economically.”

Peter Drucker, Business 2.0 (08.00)

“Good management was the most powerful reason [leading firms] failed to stay atop their industries. Precisely because these firms

listened to their customers, invested aggressively in technologies that would provide their customers more

and better products of the sort they wanted, and because they carefully studied market trends and

systematically allocated investment capital to innovations that promised the best returns, they lost

their positions of leadership.”

Clayton Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma


“The problem is never how to get new, innovative

thoughts into your mind,

but how to get the old ones out.”

Dee Hock

“When asked to name just one big merger that had lived up to expectations, Leon

Cooperman, former cochairman of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Policy

Committee, answered: I’m sure there are success stories

out there, but at this moment I draw a blank.”

Mark Sirower, The Synergy Trap

“Acquisitions are about buying market share.

Our challenge is to create markets. There is a big difference.”

Peter Job, CEO, Reuters

““Survival of the Fittest Not the Fattest”/John Kay/FT03.27.2003Survival of the Fittest Not the Fattest”/John Kay/FT03.27.2003

“I have heard it from people who make pharmaceuticals and from people who make defense equipment. From executives in utilities and executives in advertising. Among

banks and law firms. .. They all expect their industry to develop the way the car industry has. In an increasingly globalized marketplace, maturing industries will become steadily more concentrated. Only a small number of big companies will


“There is one problem with these analogies. What is said about the motor industry is not true.The peak of concentration in the automobile industry was reached in the

early 1950s and since then there has been a substantial decline. However you look at it, small carmakers have been steadily gaining market share at the expense of large ones. Back in the 1960s, the 10 largest carmakers had a market share of 85 percent; today it is about 75 percent. Concentration has fallen, even though weak firms have

been repeatedly absorbed through mergers.

“As markets evolve, differentiation becomes steadily more important. Success in the motor industry comes not from size or scale, but from developing competitive

advantages in operations and marketing those advantages internationally. The same is true in pharmaceuticals and defense equipment, utilities and banking,

telecommunications and media.”

The Gales of Creative Destruction

+29M = -44M + 73M

+4M = +4M - 0M

RM: “A lot of companies in the Valley fail.”

RN: “Maybe not enough fail.”

RM: “What do you mean by that?”

RN: “Whenever you fail, it means you’re trying new things.”

Source: Fast Company

No Wiggle Room!

“Incrementalism is innovation’s worst enemy.”

Nicholas Negroponte

Just Say No …

“I don’t intend to be known as the ‘King of

the Tinkerers.’ ”CEO, large financial services company

(New York, 5-99)

3. The White Collar Revolution

& the Death of Bureaucracy.

108 X 5vs.

8 X 1= 540 vs. 8 (-98.5%)

E.g. …

Jeff Immelt: 75% of “admin, back room, finance” “digitalized” in

3 years.

Source: BW (01.28.02)

IBM’s Project

eLiza!** “Self-bootstrapping”/ “Artilects”

“Unless mankind redesigns itself by changing our DNA through altering our genetic

makeup, computer-generated robots will take

over the world.” – Stephen

Hawking, in the German magazine Focus

4. IS/ IT/ Web … “On the Bus” or “Off the


“The organizations we created have become tyrants. They have taken

control, holding us fettered, creating barriers that hinder rather than help our businesses. The lines that we drew on our neat organizational diagrams have turned into walls

that no one can scale or penetrate or even peer over.” —Frank Lekanne Deprez &

René Tissen, Zero Space: Moving Beyond Organizational Limits.

“Dawn Meyerreicks, CTO of the Defense Intelligence Systems Agency, made one of the most fateful military calls of the 21st century. After 9/11 … her office

quickly leased all the available transponders covering Central Asia. The implications should change everything about U.S. military thinking in the

years ahead.

“The U.S. Air Force had kicked off its fight against the Taliban with an ineffective bombing campaign, and Washington was anguishing over whether to send in a few Army divisions. Donald Rumsfeld told Gen. Tommy Franks to

give the initiative to 250 Special Forces already on the ground. They used satellite phones, Predator surveillance drones, and GPS- and laser-based

targeting systems to make the air strikes brutally effective.

“In effect, they ‘Napsterized’ the battlefield by cutting out the middlemen (much of the military’s command and control) and working directly with the

real players. … The data came in so fast that HQ revised operating procedures to allow intelligence analysts and attack planners to work directly

together. Their favorite tool, incidentally, was instant messaging over a secure network.”—Ned Desmond/“Broadband’s New Killer App”/Business

2.0/ OCT2002

“If early soldiers idealized Napoleon or Patton, network-centric warriors

admire Wal*Mart, where point-of-sale-scanners share information on a near real-time basis with suppliers and also produce data that is mined to help leaders develop new strategic or tactical plans. Wal*Mart is an example of translating information into

competitive advantage.”—Tom Stewart, Business 2.0

100 square feet

Impact No. 1/ Logistics &

Distribution: Wal*Mart … Dell … … … FedEx … UPS … Ryder … Cisco … Etc. … Etc.

… Ad Infinitum.

Autobytel: $400.

Wal*Mart: 13%.Source: BW(05.13.2002)

WebWorld = Everything

Web as a way to run your business’s innardsWeb as connector for your entire supply-demand chain Web as “spider’s web” which re-conceives the industry

Web/B2B as ultimate wake-up call to “commodity producers”

Web as the scourge of slack, inefficiency, sloth, bureaucracy, poor customer data

Web as an Encompassing Way of LifeWeb = Everything (P.D. to after-sales)

Web forces you to focus on what you do bestWeb as entrée, at any size, to World’s Best at Everything

as next door neighbor

“Ebusiness is about rebuilding the organization from the

ground up. Most companies today are not built to exploit the Internet.

Their business processes, their approvals, their hierarchies, the

number of people they employ … all of that is wrong for running an


Ray Lane, Kleiner Perkins

“There’s no use trying,” said Alice. “One can’t believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was

your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve

believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Lewis Carroll

I’net …

… allows you to dream dreams

you could never have dreamed


“Suppose—just suppose—that the Web is a new world we’re just beginning to inhabit. We’re like the earlier European settlers in the United States, living on the

edge of the forest. We don’t know what’s there and we don’t know exactly what we need to do to find out: Do we pack mountain climbing gear, desert wear, canoes, or all three? Of course while the settlers may not have

known what the geography of the New World was going to be, they at least knew that there was a geography. The Web, on the other hand, has no

geography, no landscape. It has no distance. It has nothing natural in it. It has few rules of behavior and fewer lines of authority. Common sense doesn’t hold

here, and uncommon sense hasn’t yet emerged.” David Weinberger, Small Pieces Loosely Joined

Case: CRM

Anne Busquet/ American Express

Not: “Age of the Internet”

Is: “Age of Customer Control”


“The Age of the

Never Satisfied Customer”

Regis McKenna

“The Web enables total transparency. People with

access to relevant information are beginning to challenge any type of

authority. The stupid, loyal and humble customer, employee, patient

or citizen is dead.”

Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstråle, Funky Business

“CRM has, almost universally, failed

to live up to expectations.”

Butler Group (UK)

No! No! No! FT: “The aim [of CRM] is to make customers feel as they did in the pre-

electronic age when service was more personal.”

CGE&Y (Paul Cole): “Pleasant

Transaction” vs. “Systemic Opportunity.” “Better job

of what we do today” vs. “Re-think overall

enterprise strategy.”

Here We Go Again: Except It’s Real This Time!

Bank online: 24.3M (10.2002); 2X Y2000.

Wells Fargo: 1/3rd; 3.3M; 50% lower

attrition rate; 50% higher growth in balances than off-line; more likely to cross-purchase; “happier and stay

with the bank much longer.”

Source: The Wall Street Journal/10.21.2002

5. The “PSF Solution”:

The Professional Service Firm Model.

Sarah: “ Daddy, what do you do?”

Daddy: “I’m a ‘cost center.’ ”

So what will be the Basic Building

Block of the New Org?

Every job done in W.C.W. is

also done “outside”

…for profit!

Answer: PSF![Professional Service Firm]

Department Head

to …

Managing Partner, HR [IS, etc.] Inc.

TP to NAPM: You are the …

Rock Stars of the

B2B Age!

TP to HRMAC: You are the …

Rock Stars of the Age of



eHR*/PCC***All HR on the Web

**Productivity Consulting Center

Source: E-HR: A Walk through a 21st Century HR Department, John Sullivan, IHRIM

Model PSF …

(1) Translate ALL departmental activities into discrete W.W.P.F. “Products.”(2) 100% go on the Web.

(3) Non-awesome are outsourced (75%??).

(4) Remaining “Centers of Excellence” are retained & leveraged to the hilt!

“Typically in a mortgage company or financial services company, ‘risk

management’ is an overhead, not a revenue

center. We’ve become more than that.

We pay for ourselves, and we actually make money for the company.”—Frank Eichorn,

Director of Credit Risk Data Management Group, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (Source:

BMW’s Designworks/USA:

>50% from outside work

6. The Heart of the Value

Added Revolution: PSFs Unbound/ The

“Solutions Imperative.”

Base Case: The Sameness Trap

“While everything may

be better, it is also increasingly the same.”

Paul Goldberger on retail, “The Sameness of Things,” The New York Times

“The ‘surplus society’ has a surplus of

similar companies, employing

similar people, with similar educational backgrounds, coming up

with similar ideas, producing

similar things, with similar prices

and similar quality.”

Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstråle, Funky Business

“Companies have defined so much ‘best practice’

that they are now more or less identical.”

Jesper Kunde, Unique now … or never

The Big Day!

09.11.2000: HP bids


PricewaterhouseCoopersconsulting business!

“These days, building the best server isn’t enough. That’s the

price of entry.”Ann Livermore, Hewlett-Packard

Gerstner’s IBM: Systems Integrator of

choice. Global Services:

$35B. Pledge/’99: Business Partner Charter. 72 strategic partners,

aim for 200. Drop many in-house

programs/products. (BW/12.01).

“We want to be the air traffic

controllers of electrons.”

Bob Nardelli, GE Power Systems

“Customer Satisfaction” to “Customer Success”

“We’re getting better at [Six Sigma] every day. But we really

need to think about the customer’s profitability. Are customers’

bottom lines really benefiting from what we provide them?”

Bob Nardelli, GE Power Systems

Keep In Mind: Customer

Satisfaction versus



“A little-known fact: Siemens is now the world’s largest application

service provider* to the health business. Digitally stored X rays, recordkeeping, the cameras that guide surgeons in the operating

theater—all run on Siemens software” —Forbes/09.16.2002

*E.g.: “Siemens is giving Health South an all-digital ‘hospital of the future.’ ”

Omnicom: 57% (of

$6B) from marketing services

Core Logic: (1) 108X5 to 8X1/ eLiza/ 100sf. (2)

Dept. to PSF/ WWPF. (3) V.A. via PSFs Unbound/ “Solutions”/ “Customer


7. A World of Scintillating/

Awesome/ WOW “Experiences.”

“Experiences are as distinct from services as services are from

goods.”Joseph Pine & James Gilmore, The Experience Economy:

Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage

“Club Med is more than just a ‘resort’; it’s a means of rediscovering oneself, of inventing an

entirely new ‘me.’ ”

Source: Jean-Marie Dru, Disruption

Experience: “Rebel Lifestyle!”

“What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride

through small towns and have people be afraid of him.”

Harley exec, quoted in Results-Based Leadership

The “Experience Ladder”

Experiences Services

Goods Raw Materials

It’s All About EXPERIENCES: “Trapper” to “Wildlife Damage-control Professional”

Trapper: <$20 per beaver pelt.

WDCP: $150/“problem beaver”; $750-$1,000 for flood-control

piping … so that beavers can stay.

Source: WSJ/05.21.2002

“Car designers need to create a story. Every car provides an

opportunity to create an adventure. …“The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because it’s focused. It has a plot, a

reason for being, a passion.”

Freeman Thomas, co-designer VW Beetle; designer Audi TT

Hmmmm(?): “Only” Words …


Smile Focus


Bob Lutz: “I see us as being in the art business. Art,

entertainment and mobile sculpture, which,

coincidentally, also happens to provide transportation.”

Source: NYT 10.19.01

Experience …

Cirque du Soleil


*If not, why not?

“Most executives have no idea how to add value to a market in the metaphysical

world. But that is what the market will cry out for in the future. There is no lack of ‘physical’ products to

choose between.”

Jesper Kunde, Unique now … or never [on the excellence of Nokia, Nike, Lego, Virgin et al.]

Extraction & Goods: Male dominance

Services & Experiences: Female


8. Experiences+: Embracing the

“Dream Business.”

DREAM: “A dream is a complete moment in the life of a client.

Important experiences that tempt the client to commit substantial resources. The essence of the desires of the consumer. The

opportunity to help clients become what they want to be.” —Gian Luigi


The marketing of Dreams (Dreamketing)

Dreamketing: Touching the clients’ dreams.

Dreamketing: The art of telling stories and entertaining.

Dreamketing: Promote the dream, not the product.

Dreamketing: Build the brand around the main dream.

Dreamketing: Build the “buzz,” the “hype,” the “cult.”

Source: Gian Luigi Longinotti-Buitoni

9. The [Mostly Ignored] “Soul” of “Experiences”:

Design Rules!

Design’s place in the universe.

All Equal Except …

“At Sony we assume that all products of our competitors have basically the same

technology, price, performance and

features. Design is the only thing that differentiates one product from another in the

marketplace.”Norio Ohga

“We don’t have a good language to talk about this kind of thing. In most people’s

vocabularies, design means veneer. … But to me, nothing could be further from the

meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul

of a man-made creation.”

Steve Jobs

Bottom Line.

Design “is” … WHAT & WHY I LOVE.


Design “is” … WHY I


Design is never neutral.

Hypothesis: DESIGN is the principal difference between love and


THE BASE CASE: I am a design fanatic. Though not “artistic,” I love “cool stuff.” But it goes [much]

further, far beyond the personal. Design has become a professional obsession. I SIMPLY BELIEVE THAT DESIGN PER SE IS THE PRINCIPAL


SERVICE OR EXPERIENCE. Design, as I see it, is

arguably the #1 DETERMINANT of whether a product-service-experience stands out … or doesn’t.

Furthermore, it’s another “one of those things” that damn few companies put – consistently – on the

front burner.

Message (?????): Men cannot design for women’s


“Perhaps the macho look can be interesting … if you

want to fight dinosaurs. But now to survive you need intelligence,

not power and aggression. Modern intelligence means

intuition—it’s female.”

Source: Philippe Starck, Harvard Design Magazine (Summer 1998)

Step No. 1:


[Start recording the awesome & the awful]

User …



Norman/Design of Everyday Things)

10. Design+ = “Beautiful” Systems.

Fred S.’s “mediocre” thesis. Herb K.’s


K.I.S.S.: Gordon Bell (VAX

daddy): 500/50. Chas.

Wang (CA): Behind schedule?

Cut least productive 25%.

Systems: Must have. Must

hate. / Must design. Must un-


Mgt. Team

includes … EVP (S.O.U.B.)

Executive Vice President, Stomping Out Unnecessary Bullshit

“Ninety percent of what we call ‘management’ consists of making it difficult for people to

get things done.” – P.D.

First Steps: “Beauty Contest”!

1. Select one form/document: invoice, air bill, sick leave policy, customer returns-claim form.

2. Rate the selected doc on a scale of 1 to 10 [1 = Bureaucratica Obscuranta/ Sucks; 10 = Work

of Art] on four dimensions: Beauty. Grace. Clarity. Simplicity.

3. Re-invent!4. Repeat, with a new selection, every 15 working


11. “It” all adds up


The Heart of Branding …




“We are in the twilight of a society based on data. As information and intelligence become the domain of computers, society will place more value on the one human ability that cannot be automated: emotion.

Imagination, myth, ritual - the language of emotion - will affect everything from our purchasing decisions

to how we work with others. Companies will thrive on the basis of their stories and myths. Companies will need to understand

that their products are less important than their stories.”

Rolf Jensen, Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies

“Apple opposes, IBM solves, Nike exhorts,

Virgin enlightens, Sony dreams, Benetton

protests. … Brands are not nouns but verbs.”

Source: Jean-Marie Dru, Disruption



1st Law Mktg Physics: OVERT BENEFIT (Focus: 1 or 2 > 3 or 4/“One Great Thing.” Source #1: Personal Passion)

2ND Law: REAL REASON TO BELIEVE (Stand & Deliver!)


See the next slide.)

Source: Jump Start Your Business Brain, Doug Hall

2 Questions:

“How likely are you to purchase this new product or service?” (95% to 100% weighting by execs)

“How unique is this new product or service?” (0% to 5%*)

*No exceptions in 20 years – Doug Hall, Jump Start Your Business Brain

Brand = You Must Care!

“Success means never letting the competition

define you. Instead you have to define yourself based on a point of view you care deeply

about.” Tom Chappell, Tom’s of Maine






12. Toward Work that Matters: The

WOW Project.

“Reward excellent failures. Punish

mediocre successes.”

Phil Daniels, Sydney exec

“Let’s make a dent in the universe.”

Steve Jobs

13. WOW Projects for the “Powerless”: A

Surefire Recipe.

World’s Biggest Waste …

Selling “Up”

THE IDEA: Model F4

Find a Fellow

Freak Faraway


The Enemy!

Joe J. Jones Joe J. Jones 1942 – 2002 1942 – 2002





Characteristics of the “Also rans”*

“Minimize risk”“Respect the chain of

command”“Support the boss”

“Make budget”*Fortune, article on “Most Admired Global Corporations”

14. Re-inventing the Individual: Brand

You/ You Inc./ Free Agent Nation (Or Else.)

“If there is nothing very special about

your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed, and that

increasingly means you won’t get paid much either.”

Michael Goldhaber, Wired

Minimum New Work SurvivalSkillsKit2002

MasteryRolodex Obsession (vert. to horiz. “loyalty”)

Entrepreneurial InstinctCEO/Leader/Businessperson/Closer

Mistress of ImprovSense of Humor

Intense Appetite for TechnologyGroveling Before the Young

Embracing “Marketing”Passion for Renewal

Sam’s Secret #1!

Minimum New Work SurvivalSkillsKit2001

MasteryRolodex Obsession (vert. to horiz. “loyalty”)

Entrepreneurial InstinctCEO/Leader/Businessperson/Closer

Mistress of ImprovSense of Humor

Intense Appetite for TechnologyGroveling Before the Young

Embracing “Marketing”Passion for Renewal

“My ancestors were printers in Amsterdam from 1510 or so until

1750, and during that entire time they didn’t have to learn anything

new.”Peter Drucker, Business 2.0 (08.22.00)

“Knowledge becomes obsolete incredibly fast. The

continuing professional education of adults is the

No. 1 industry in the next 30 years … mostly on line.”

Peter Drucker,Business 2.0 (22August2000)

Invent. Reinvent. Repeat.

Source: HP banner ad

15. Boss Job One:

The Talent Obsession.

“When land was the scarce resource, nations battled

over it. The same is happening now for talented people.”

Stan Davis & Christopher Meyer, futureWEALTH

Age of AgricultureIndustrial Age

Age of Information IntensificationAge of Creation Intensification

Source: Murikami Teruyasu, Nomura Research Institute


Tina Brown: “The first thing to do is to hire enough

talent that a critical mass of excitement starts to

grow.”Source: Business2.0/12.2002-01.2003

The Talent Ten

1. Obsession

P.O.T.* = All Consuming

*Pursuit of Talent

“The leaders of Great Groups love talent and know where to find it. They revel in

the talent of others.”Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman,

Organizing Genius

PARC’s Bob Taylor:

“Connoisseur of Talent”

2. Greatness

Only The Best!

From “1, 2 or you’re out” [JW] to …

“Best Talent in each industry segment to build

best proprietary intangibles” [EM]

Source: Ed Michaels, War for Talent

3. Performance

Up or out!

“We believe companies can increase their market cap 50 percent in 3 years. Steve

Macadam at Georgia-Pacific changed 20 of his 40 box plant managers to put

more talented, higher paid managers in charge. He increased profitability from $25 million to $80 million

in 2 years.”

Ed Michaels, War for Talent

Message: Some people are better than other

people. Some people are a hell of a lot better than other


4. Pay

Fork Over!

“Top performing companies are two to four times more likely

than the rest to pay what it takes to prevent losing

top performers.”

Ed Michaels, War for Talent (05.17.00)

5. Youth

Grovel Before the Young!

“Why focus on these late teens and twenty-

somethings? Because they are the first young who are both in a position to change the world, and are actually doing so. … For the first time in history,

children are more comfortable, knowledgeable and literate than their parents about an

innovation central to society. … The Internet has triggered the first industrial revolution in history

to be led by the young.”

The Economist [12/2000]

6. Diversity

Mess Rules!

“Where do good new ideas come from? That’s simple! From

differences. Creativity comes from unlikely juxtapositions.

The best way to maximize differences is to mix ages, cultures and


Nicholas Negroponte

7. Women

Born to Lead!

“AS LEADERS, WOMEN RULE: New Studies find that female managers

outshine their male counterparts in almost

every measure”Title, Special Report, Business Week, 11.20.00

Women’s Strengths Match New Economy Imperatives: Link [rather than rank] workers;

favor interactive-collaborative leadership style [empowerment beats top-down decision making]; sustain fruitful collaborations; comfortable with sharing information; see redistribution of power

as victory, not surrender; favor multi-dimensional feedback; value technical & interpersonal skills, individual & group contributions equally; readily accept ambiguity; honor intuition as well as pure

“rationality”; inherently flexible; appreciate cultural diversity.

Source: Judy B. Rosener, America’s Competitive Secret

“TAKE THIS QUICK QUIZ: Who manages more things at once? Who puts more effort into their appearance? Who usually takes care of the details? Who finds it

easier to meet new people? Who asks more questions in a conversation? Who is a better

listener? Who has more interest in communication skills? Who is more inclined to get involved?

Who encourages harmony and agreement? Who has better intuition? Who works with a longer ‘to do’ list? Who enjoys a recap to the day’s events? Who is

better at keeping in touch with others?”

Source: Selling Is a Woman’s Game: 15 Powerful Reasons Why Women Can Outsell Men, Nicki Joy & Susan Kane-Benson

“Investors are looking more and more for a relationship with their financial

advisers. They want someone they can trust, someone who listens. In my experience, in general,

women may be better at these relationship-building skills than are


Hardwick Simmons, CEO, Prudential Securities

Okay, you think I’ve gone tooooo far.

How about this: DO ANY OF YOU SUFFER



U.S. G.B. E.U. Ja.

M.Mgt. 41% 29% 18% 6%

T.Mgt. 4% 3% 2% <1%

Peak Partic. Age 45 22 27 19

% Coll. Stud. 52% 50% 48% 26%

Source: Judy Rosener, America’s Competitive Secret

Norwegian Law: Boards must have

at least 40%


8. Weird

The Cracked Ones Let in the Light!

The Cracked Ones Let in the Light

“Our business needs a massive transfusion of talent, and talent, I believe, is most likely to be found

among non-conformists, dissenters and rebels.”

David Ogilvy

Deviants, Inc. “Deviance tells the story of every mass

market ever created. What starts out weird and dangerous

becomes America’s next big corporate payday. So are you looking for the next mass market idea? It’s out there … way

out there.”

Source: Ryan Matthews & Watts Wacker, Fast Company (03.02)

“A great idea always comes from one person’s

mind, someone who is, by definition, local. If you place 10

people in Brussels to conceive a European [ad/marketing]

campaign, you’ll get nothing.”Source: Jean-Marie Dru, Disruption

9. Opportunity

Make It an Adventure!

“H.R.” to “H.E.D.” ???




Talent Department

People Department

Center for Talent Excellence

Seriously Cool People Who Recruit & Develop Seriously Cool People


10. Leading Genius

Brand = Talent

What’s your company’s …

EVP?Employee Value Proposition, per Ed

Michaels et al., The War for Talent

EVP = Challenge, professional growth, respect, satisfaction, opportunity, reward

Source: Ed Michaels et al., The War for Talent

Talent’s “Big Two” Rules

GREAT Finance Dept. = GREAT Football Team


Among Hotel GMs

16. Brand Talent+:

Addressing the Education


“At the ultimate stage, competition among nations will be competition among educational systems, for the most productive and richest countries will be those with the best education and training.”

Richard Rosecrance, The Rise of the Virtual State

J. D. Rockefeller’s General Education Board

(1906): “In our dreams people yield themselves with perfect docility to our

molding hands. … The task is simple. We will organize children and teach

them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.”

John Taylor Gatto, A Different Kind of Teacher

“My wife and I went to a [kindergarten] parent-teacher conference and were informed that our budding

refrigerator artist, Christopher, would be receiving a grade of Unsatisfactory in art. We were shocked. How could any child—let alone our child—receive a poor

grade in art at such a young age? His teacher informed us that he had refused to color within the lines, which was a

state requirement for demonstrating ‘grade-level motor

skills.’ ”Jordan Ayan, AHA!

“How many artists are there in the room? Would you please raise your hands. FIRST GRADE: En masse the children leapt from their seats, arms waving. Every child was an artist. SECOND

GRADE: About half the kids raised their hands, shoulder high, no higher. The hands were still. THIRD GRADE: At best, 10 kids out

of 30 would raise a hand, tentatively, self-consciously. By the time I reached SIXTH GRADE, no more than one or two kids

raised their hands, and then ever so slightly, betraying a fear of being identified by the group as a ‘closet artist.’ The point is:

Every school I visited was participating in the suppression of creative genius.”

Gordon MacKenzie, Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace

Ye gads: “Thomas Stanley has not only found no correlation between success in school and an

ability to accumulate wealth, he’s actually found a negative correlation. ‘It seems that school-

related evaluations are poor predictors of economic success,’ Stanley concluded. What did predict success was a willingness to take risks.

Yet the success-failure standards of most schools penalized risk takers. Most educational

systems reward those who play it safe. As a result, those who do well in school find it hard to

take risks later on.”Richard Farson & Ralph Keyes, Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins

17. THINK WEIRD … the HVA/

High Value Added Bedrock.

THINK WEIRD: The High Standard

Deviation Enterprise.

“We are crazy. We should do something when people say it is

‘crazy.’ If people say something is ‘good’, it

means someone else is already doing it.”

Hajime Mitarai, Canon


Disgruntled CustomersOff-the-Scope Competitors

Rogue EmployeesFringe Suppliers

Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision: Beat the Competition by Focusing on Fringe Competitors, Lost Customers, and Rogue Employees

CUSTOMERS: “Future-defining customers may

account for only 2% to 3% of your total, but they represent a crucial

window on the future.”Adrian Slywotzky, Mercer Consultants

“If you worship at the throne of the voice of the customer, you’ll get only

incremental advances.”Joseph Morone, President,

Bentley College

“These days, you can’t succeed as a company if you’re consumer led –

because in a world so full of so much constant change, consumers can’t

anticipate the next big thing.

Companies should be idea-led and consumer-

informed.”Doug Atkin, partner, Merkley Newman Harty


20 of 267 of top 10*

*P&G: Declining domestic sales in 20 of 26 categories; 7 of top 10

categories. (The “billion-dollar” problem.)

Source: Advertising Age 01.21.2002/BofA Securities

Ways to Raise a Purple Cow

Think small. One vestige of the TV-industrial complex is a need to think

mass. If it doesn’t appeal to everyone, the thinking goes, it’s not worth it. Think of the smallest conceivable

market—and describe a product that overwhelms it with remarkability. Go

from there.Source: Seth Godin, Fast Company (02.2003)

“HAVE MBAs KILLED OFF MARKETING? Prof Rajeev Batra says: ‘What these times call for is more creative

and breakthrough reengineering of product and service benefits, but we don’t train people to think like that.’ The way marketing is

taught across business schools is far too analytical and data-driven. ‘We’ve taken away the emphasis on creativity and big ideas that characterize real marketing breakthroughs.’ In India there is an added problem: most senior marketing jobs have been traditionally dominated by MBAs. Santosh Desai, vice

president, McCann Erickson, an MBA himself, believes in India engineer-MBAs, armed with this Lego-like approach, tend to reduce marketing into neat components. ‘This reductionist

thinking runs counter to the idea that great brands must have a core, unifying idea.’ ”—Businessworld/04Nov2002/“Why Is

Marketing Not Working?”

COMPETITORS: “The best swordsman in the world doesn’t need to fear

the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a

sword in his hand before; he doesn’t do the thing he ought to do, and so the expert isn’t

prepared for him; he does the thing he ought not to do and often it catches the expert out and

ends him on the spot.”

Mark Twain

Employees: “Are there enough weird

people in the lab these days?”

V. Chmn., pharmaceutical house, to a lab director (06.01)

Suppliers: “There is an ominous downside to strategic supplier

relationships. An SSR supplier is not likely to function as any more than a mirror to your organization. Fringe suppliers that offer innovative business practices need

not apply.”

Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision: Beat the Competition by Focusing on Fringe Competitors, Lost Customers, and Rogue Employees

Top-performing Companies

“Extremely contentious boards that regard

dissent as an obligation and that treat no subject as undiscussable” —Jeffrey

Sonnenfeld, Yale School of Management

“Corporate consciousness is predictably centered around the

mainstream. The best customers, biggest competitors, and model

employees are almost invariably the focus of attention.”

Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision: Beat the Competition by Focusing on Fringe Competitors,

Lost Customers, and Rogue Employees



WEIRD IDEAS THAT WORK: (1) Hire slow learners (of the organizational code). (1.5) Hire people who make you

uncomfortable, even those you dislike. (2) Hire people you (probably) don’t need. (3) Use job interviews to get ideas, not

to screen candidates. (4) Encourage people to ignore and defy superiors and peers. (5) Find some happy people and get them to fight. (6) Reward success and failure, punish inaction.

(7) Decide to do something that will probably fail, then convince yourself and everyone else that success is certain. (8) Think of

some ridiculous, impractical things to do, then do them. (9) Avoid, distract, and bore customers, critics, and anyone who just wants to talk about money. (10) Don’t try to learn anything from people who seem to have solved the problems you face.

(11) Forget the past, particularly your company’s success. Bob Sutton, Weird Ideas That Work: 11½ Ideas for Promoting,

Managing, and Sustaining Innovation

Successful Businesses’ Dozen Truths: TP’s 30 Year Perspective

1. Insanely Great & Quirky Talent.2. Disrespect for Tradition.3. Totally Passionate (to the Point of Irrationality) Belief in What We Are Here to Do.4. Utter Disbelief at the Bullshit that Marks “Normal Industry Behavior.”5. A Maniacal Bias for Execution … and Utter Contempt for Those Who Don’t “Get It.”6. Speed Demons.7. Up or Out. (Meritocracy Is Thy Name. Sycophancy Is Thy Scourge.)8. Passionate Hatred of Bureaucracy.9. Willingness to Lead the Customer … and Take the Heat Associated Therewith. (Mantra: Satan Invented Focus Groups to Derail True Believers.)10. “Reward Excellent Failures. Punish Mediocre Successes.” 11. Courage to Stand Alone on One’s Record of Accomplishment Against All the Forces of Conventional Wisdom.12. A Crystal Clear Understanding of Brand Power.

18. Trends I:

Women Roar.


Home Furnishings … 94%Vacations … 92% (Adventure Travel … 70%/ $55B travel


Houses … 91%D.I.Y. (“home projects”) … 80%

Consumer Electronics … 51% Cars … 60% (90%)

All consumer purchases … 83% Bank Account … 89%

Health Care … 80%

2/3rds working women/50+% working wives > 50%

80% checks61% bills

53% stock (mutual fund boom)

43% > $500K95% financial decisions/

29% single handed

$4.8T > Japan

9M/27.5M/$3.6T > Germany


1970 … 1%

2002 … 50%



Source: Greenfield Online for Arnold’s Women’s Insight Team (Martha Barletta, Marketing to Women)

Carol Gilligan/ In a Different Voice

Men: Get away from authority, familyWomen: Connect

Men: Self-orientedWomen: Other-oriented

Men: RightsWomen: Responsibilities

FemaleThink/ Popcorn

“Men and women don’t think the same way, don’t communicate the same

way, don’t buy for the same reasons.”

“He simply wants the transaction to take place. She’s interested in

creating a relationship. Every place women go, they make


“Men seem like loose cannons. Men always move faster through a store’s

aisles. Men spend less time looking. They usually don’t like asking where things are.

You’ll see a man move impatiently through a store to the section he wants,

pick something up, and then, almost abruptly he’s ready to buy. For a

man, ignoring the price tag is almost a sign of virility.”

Paco Underhill, Why We Buy* (*Buy this book!)

How Many Gigs You Got, Man?

“Hard to believe … Different criteria”

“Every research study we’ve done indicates that women really care about the relationship with their


Robin Sternbergh/ IBM

Women's View of Male Salespeople

Technically knowledgeable; assertive; get to the point; pushy;

condescending; insensitive to women’s needs.

Source: Judith Tingley, How to Sell to the Opposite Sex (Martha Barletta, Marketing to Women)

Read This: Barbara & Allan Pease’s

Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps

“It is obvious to a woman when another woman is upset, while a man generally has to physically witness

tears or a temper tantrum or be slapped in the face before he even has a clue that anything is going on. Like most female mammals, women are equipped with far more finely tuned

sensory skills than men.” Barbara & Allan Pease, Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps

“Resting” State: 30%, 90%: “A woman knows her children’s

friends, hopes, dreams, romances, secret fears, what they are

thinking, how they are feeling. Men are vaguely aware of some short people also living in the house.”

Barbara & Allan Pease, Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps

“As a hunter, a man needed vision that would allow him to zero in on targets in the distance … whereas a woman needed eyes

to allow a wide arc of vision so that she could monitor any predators sneaking up on the nest. This is why modern men can find their way effortlessly to a distant pub,

but can never find things in fridges, cupboards or drawers.”

Barbara & Allan Pease, Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps

“Female hearing advantage contributes significantly to what is

called ‘women’s intuition’ and is one of the reasons why a woman can read between the lines of what people say. Men, however, shouldn’t despair.

They are excellent at imitating animal sounds.”

Barbara & Allan Pease, Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps


Vision: Men, focused; Women, peripheral.

Hearing: Women’s discomfort level I/2 men’s.

Smell: Women >> Men.Touch: Most sensitive man <

Least sensitive women.

Source: Martha Barletta, Marketing to Women

“Women speak and hear a language of connection and intimacy, and men

speak and hear a language of status and independence. Men communicate to obtain information, establish their

status, and show independence. Women communicate to create

relationships, encourage interaction, and exchange feelings.”

Judy Rosener, America’s Competitive Secret

Editorial/Men: Tables, rankings.*

Editorial/Women: Narratives that cohere.*

*Redwood (UK)

Initiate Purchase

Men: Study “facts & features.”

Women: Ask lots of people for input.

Source: Martha Barletta, Marketing to Women

“Women weren’t comfortable in our stores. So I figured out where they would be comfortable—most likely their own homes. The [first

Nike Goddess] store has more of a residential feel. I wanted it to have furniture, not fixtures. Above all, I

didn’t want it to be girlie.” —John Hoke, designer, Nike

Read This Book …

EVEolution: The Eight Truths of Marketing to Women

Faith Popcorn & Lys Marigold

EVEolution: Truth No. 1

Connecting Your Female Consumers to Each

Other Connects Them to Your Brand

“The ‘Connection Proclivity’ in women starts early. When asked,

‘How was school today?’ a girl usually tells her mother every

detail of what happened, while a boy might grunt, ‘Fine.’ ”


2.6 vs. 21

What If …

“What if ExxonMobil or Shell dipped into their credit card database to help commuting women

interview and make a choice of car pool partners?”

“What if American Express made a concerted effort to connect up female empty-nesters

through on-line and off-line programs, geared to help women re-enter the workforce with today’s



“War has broken out over your home-improvement dollar, and Lowe’s has

superpower Home Depot on the defensive. It’s not-so-

secret ploy: Lure women.” —

“Home Depot is still very much a guy’s chain. But women, according to Lowe’s

research, initiate 80 percent of all home-improvement purchase decisions,

especially the big ticket orders like kitchen cabinets, flooring and bathrooms. ‘We

focused on a customer nobody in home improvement has focused on. Don’t get me

wrong, but women are far more discriminating than men,’ says CEO Robert

Tillman, 59, a Lowe’s lifer.” —

“Mattel Sees Untapped Market for Blocks: Little Girls”—Headline,


“Last year more than 90% of Lego sets purchased were for boys. Mattel says Ello

—with interconnecting plastic squares, balls, triangles, squiggles,

flowers and sticks, in pastel colors and with rounded corners—will go beyond

Lego’s linear play patterns.”

“Women don’t buy

brands. They join them.”


Not!“Year of the


Enterprise Reinvention!


Structure Processes

MeasurementStrategyCulture Vision



“Honey, are you sure you have

the kind of money it takes to

be looking at a car like this?”

STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY: I am a businessperson. An analyst. A pragmatist. The enormous social good of increased women’s

power is clear to me; but it is not my bailiwick. My “game” is haranguing business leaders

about my fact-based conviction that women’s increasing power – leadership skills

and purchasing power – is the strongest and most dynamic force at work in the American

economy today. Dare I say it as a long-time Palo Alto resident … THIS IS EVEN BIGGER THAN


Tom Peters

Ad from Furniture /Today (04.01):“MEET WITH THE EXPERTS!: How

Retailing’s Most Successful Stay that Way”

Presenting Experts: M = 16;

F = ?? (94% = 272)


Notes to the CEO

--Women are not a “niche”; so get this out of the “Specialty Markets” group.--The competition is starting to catch on. (E.g.: Nike, Nokia, Wachovia, Ford, Harley-Davidson, Jiffy Lube, Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Aetna.)

--If you “dip your toes in the water,” what makes you think you’ll get splashy results?--Bust through the walls of the corporate silos.--Once you get her, don’t let her slip away.--Women ARE the long run!

Source: Martha Barletta, Marketing to Women

1. Men and women are different.2. Very different.3. VERY, VERY DIFFERENT.4. Women & Men have a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing in common.5. Women buy lotsa stuff.6. WOMEN BUY A-L-L THE STUFF.7. Women’s Market = Opportunity No. 1.8. Men are (STILL) in charge.9. MEN ARE … TOTALLY, HOPELESSLY CLUELESS ABOUT WOMEN.10. Women’s Market = Opportunity No. 1.

“Customer is King”: 4,440

“Customer is Queen”: 29

Source: Steve Farber/Google search/04.2002

19. Trends II: Boomer

Bonanza/ Godzilla Geezer.

Subject: Marketers & Stupidity

“It’s 18-44, stupid!”

Subject: Marketers & Stupidity

Or is it: “18-44 is stupid,


2000-2010 Stats

18-44: -1%

55+: +21%(55-64: +47%)


$$$$$$$$$$$$“I’m in charge!”


$7T wealth (70%)/$2T annual income50% all discretionary spending

79% own homes/40M credit card users41% new cars/48% luxury cars

$610B healthcare spending/74% prescription drugs

5% of advertising targets

Ken Dychtwald, Age Power: How the 21st Century Will Be Ruled by the New Old

“Households headed by someone 40 or older enjoy 91% ($9.7T) of

our population’s net worth. … The mature market is the dominant

market in the U.S. economy, making the majority of

expenditures in virtually every category.” —Carol Morgan & Doran Levy, Marketing to

the Mindset of Boomers and Their Elders

“Marketers attempts at reaching those over 50 have

been miserably unsuccessful. No market’s motivations and needs are so poorly understood.”—Peter

Francese, founding publisher, American Demographics

“Focused on assessing the marketplace based on lifetime

value (LTV), marketers may dismiss the mature market as

headed to its grave. The reality is that at 60 a person in the U.S. may enjoy 20 or 30 years of life.” —Carol

Morgan & Doran Levy, Marketing to the Mindset of Boomers and Their Elders

“Women 65 and older spent $14.7 billion on apparel in 1999, almost as much as that spent by 25- to 34-year-

olds. While spending by the older women increased by 12% from the previous year, that of the younger group increased by only 0.1%. But

who in the fashion industry is currently pursuing this market?” —Carol

Morgan & Doran Levy, Marketing to the Mindset of Boomers and Their Elders

“ ‘Age Power’ will rule the 21st century, and we are woefully

unprepared.”Ken Dychtwald, Age Power: How the 21st

Century Will Be Ruled by the New Old

No: “Target Marketing”

Yes: “Target

Innovation” & “Target Delivery Systems”

20. The Passion

Imperative: The


The Basic Premise.

1. Leadership Is a …

Mutual Discovery Process.

“I don’t know.”

Leaders-Teachers Do Not “Transform People”!

Instead leaders-mentors-teachers (1) provide a context which is marked by (2) access to a luxuriant portfolio of meaningful opportunities (projects) which

(3) allow people to fully (and safely, mostly—caveat: “they”

don’t engage unless they’re “mad about something”) express their innate curiosity and (4) engage in a vigorous

discovery voyage (alone and in small teams, assisted by an

extensive self-constructed network) by which those people (5) go to-create places they (and their mentors-teachers-

leaders) had never dreamed existed—and then the leaders-mentors-teachers (6) applaud like hell, stage

“photo-ops,” and ring the church bells 100 times to commemorate the bravery of their

“followers’ ” explorations!

The Leadership


2. Great Leaders on Snorting

Steeds Are Important – but

Great Talent Developers (Type I

Leadership) are the Bedrock of Organizations that Perform Over

the Long Haul.

25/8/53*(*Damn it!)

3. But Then Again, There Are Times When This “Cult of Personality”

(Type II Leadership) Stuff Actually Works!

“A leader is a dealer in hope.”


(+TP’s writing room pics)

4. Find the “Businesspeople”!

(Type III Leadership)

I.P.M. (Inspired Profit


5. All Organizations

Need the Golden Leadership


The Golden Leadership Triangle: (1) Creator-

Visionary … (2) Talent Fanatic … (3) Inspired

Profit Mechanic.

6. Leadership Mantra


Renaissance Men are … a snare, a

myth, a delusion!

7. The Leader Is Rarely/Never the Best Performer.

The Leadership


8. Leaders …



9. Leaders … LOVE the


“I’m not comfortable unless

I’m uncomfortable.”—Jay Chiat

“If things seem under control, you’re just not

going fast enough.”

Mario Andretti

10. Leaders


The Kotler Doctrine:

1965-1980: R.A.F.(Ready.Aim.Fire.)

1980-1995: R.F.A.(Ready.Fire!Aim.)

1995-????: F.F.F.(Fire!Fire!Fire!)

11. Leaders


“If Microsoft is good at anything, it’s avoiding the trap of worrying about criticism. Microsoft fails constantly.

They’re eviscerated in public for lousy

products. Yet they persist, through version after version, until they get

something good enough. Then they leverage the power they’ve gained in

other markets to enforce their standard.”Seth Godin, Zooming

12. BUT … Leaders

Know When to Wait.

Tex Schramm: The

“too hard” box!

13. Leaders Are …


Hackneyed but none the less



Half-full Cups: “[Ronald Reagan] radiated an almost transcendent

happiness.”Lou Cannon, George (08.2000)

14. Leaders …


“Leaders don’t

‘want to’ win.

Leaders ‘need to’ win.”


“It is no use saying ‘We are doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing

what is necessary.” —WSC

15. BUT … Leaders Are

Realists/Leaders Win Through LOGISTICS!

The “Gus Imperative”!

16. Leaders


“To Don’t ” List

17. Leaders …


JackWorld/1@T: (1) Neutron Jack. (Banish bureaucracy.) (2) “1, 2 or out” Jack. (Lead or leave.) (3)

“Workout” Jack. (Empowerment,

GE style.) (4) 6-Sigma Jack. (5)

Internet Jack. (Throughout)


Danger: S.I.O. (Strategic

Initiative Overload)

18. Leaders …

Send V-E-R-Y Clear Signals About

Design Specs!

Riding with Roger: “What have you done to DRAMATICALLY

IMPROVE quality in the last 90 days?”

It’s Relationships,


19. Leaders Trust in



If It Ain’t Broke … Break It.

20. Leaders …FORGET!/

Leaders … DESTROY!


Leaders “dump the ones who brung ’em” —Nokia, HP, 3M, PerkinElmer, Corning, etc.

21. BUT … Leaders

Have to Deliver, So They Worry About “Throwing the Baby Out with the


“Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t, Just Plain

Damned.”Subtitle in the chapter, “Own Up to the Great Paradox: Success

Is the Product of Deep Grooves/ Deep Grooves Destroy Adaptivity,” Liberation Management (1992)

22. Leaders …



Disgruntled CustomersUpstart CompetitorsRogue EmployeesFringe Suppliers

Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision

23. Leaders Make [Lotsa] Mistakes


“Fail faster. Succeed sooner.”

David Kelley/IDEO

24. Leaders Make …


“Reward excellent

failures. Punish mediocre successes.”

Phil Daniels, Sydney exec (and, de facto, Jack)


25. Leaders Pursue


1st Law Mktg Physics: OVERT BENEFIT (Focus: 1 or 2 > 3 or 4/“One Great Thing.”

Source #1: Personal Passion)

2ND Law: REAL REASON TO BELIEVE (Stand & Deliver!)

3RD Law: DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE (Execs Don’t Get It: “intent to purchase” – 100%; “unique” – 0% to


Source: Jump Start Your Business Brain, Doug Hall

26. Leaders … Make Their Mark /

Leaders … Do Stuff That Matters

“I never, ever thought of myself

as a businessman. I was interested in creating

things I would be proud of.” —Richard Branson


CEO Assignment2002 (Bermuda):

“Please leap forward to 2007, 2012, or 2022, and write a business history of

Bermuda. What will have been said about your company during your


Ah, kids: “What is your vision for the future?” “What have you accomplished since your first book?” “Close your eyes and

imagine me immediately doing something about what you’ve just said. What would it be?”

“Do you feel you have an obligation to ‘Make the world a

better place’?”

27. Leaders Push Their

Organizations W-a-y Up the Value-added/

Intellectual Capital Chain

09.11.2000: HP bids


PricewaterhouseCoopersConsulting business!

28. Leaders

LOVE the New Technology!

100 square feet

29. Needed? Type IV Leadership: Technology

Dreamer-True Believer

The Golden Leadership Quadrangle: (1) Creator-Visionary … (2) Talent

Fanatic … (3) Inspired Profit Mechanic. (4) Technology

Dreamer-True Believer


30. When It Comes to

TALENT … Leaders Always Swing

for the Fences!

Message: Some people are better than other

people. Some people are a helluva lot better than other


31. Leaders “Manage” Their

EVP/Internal Brand Promise.


Talent = Brand

32. Leaders LOVE RAINBOWS – for Pragmatic Reasons.

“Diversity defines the health and wealth of nations in a new century.

Mighty is the mongrel. … The hybrid is hip. The impure, the mélange, the adulterated, the

blemished, the rough, the black-and-blue, the mix-and-match – these people are inheriting

the earth. Mixing is the new norm. Mixing trumps isolation. It spawns creativity,

nourishes the human spirit, spurs economic growth

and empowers nations.”

G. Pascal Zachary, The Global Me: New Cosmopolitans and the Competitive Edge


33. Leaders …

Out Their


G.H.: “Create a ‘cause,’ not a ‘business.’ ”

34. Leaders Know: ENTHUSIASM


BZ: “I am a … Dispenser of Enthusiasm!”

35. Leaders Focus on the


“Soft” Is “Hard”


Message: Leadership is all about love! [Passion, Enthusiasms, Appetite for Life,

Engagement, Commitment, Great Causes & Determination to Make a

Damn Difference, Shared Adventures, Bizarre Failures, Growth, Insatiable

Appetite for Change.] [Otherwise, why bother? Just read Dilbert. TP’s final words: CYNICISM SUCKS.]

The “Job” of Leading.

36. Leaders Know It’s


TP: If you don’t LOVE SALES … find

another life. (Don’t pretend

you’re a “leader.”) (See TP’s The Project50.)

37. Leaders


TP: If you don’t LOVE POLITICS … find

another life. (Don’t pretend

you’re a “leader.”)

38. But … Leaders Also

Break a Lot of China.

If you’re not pissing people off, you’re not making

a difference!

39. Leaders


“It was much later that I realized Dad’s secret. He gained respect by giving it. He

talked and listened to the fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley who shined shoes the same way he talked and listened to a

bishop or a college president. He was seriously interested in who you were and what you had to say.”

Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect

40. Leaders Say

“Thank You.”

“The two most powerful things

in existence: a kind word and a thoughtful gesture.”

Ken Langone, CEO, Invemed Associates [from Ronna Lichtenberg, It’s Not Business, It’s Personal]

41. Leaders Are …


TP/08.2001: The Three Most Important Letters …


42. Leadership Is a …


“It is necessary for the President to be the

nation’s No. 1 actor.”


“You can’t lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.” —John Peers, CEO,

Technology, Inc.

43. Leaders … Are The Brand

“You must be the change that you

wish to see in the world.” —Gandhi

44. Leaders …


Leaders don’t just make products and make decisions.

Leaders make meaning. – John Seely Brown


45. Leaders …

Enjoy Leading.

“Warren, I know you want to ‘be’

president. But do you want to ‘do’


46. Leaders …


Individuals (would-be leaders) cannot engage in a

liberating mutual discovery process unless they are comfortable with their own skin. (“Leaders” who are not comfortable with themselves become petty

control freaks.)

47. But … Leaders


The Gospel According to TP: Upon having the Leadership

Mantle placed upon thine head, thou shalt never hear the unvarnished

truth again!* (*Therefore, thy needs one faithful

compatriot to lay it on with no jelly.)

48. Leaders … Take Breaks.


The End Game.

49. Leaders ???


“Hire smart – go bonkers – have grace – make mistakes – love technology – start all

over again.”



50. Leaders Know


Have you changed

civilization today?Source: HP banner ad

The greatest dangerfor most of us

is not that our aim istoo high

and we miss it,but that it is

too lowand we reach it.

