Tolerance Vocabulary. Tolerance respect, acceptance, & appreciation of the rich diversity of our...


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Tolerance Vocabulary

Tolerance respect, acceptance, & appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression, & ways of being human

Open-mindedness, acceptance

Genocide the systematic & widespread extermination or attempted extermination of an entire national, ethnic, racial, or religious group

massacre, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, pogrom

EX: Holocaust, Darfur, Rwanda, Cambodia

Propaganda the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

hoopla, half-truths, publicity

Holocaust burnt whole; a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire; the mass slaughter of Europeans and Jews during World War II

mass destruction, apocalypse, massacre, genocide

Stereotype a generalized image of a person or group which does not acknowledge individual differences and which is often prejudicial to that person or group

Aryan Used by the Nazis to designate someone of a supposed German “master race;” for the Nazis, the ideal was tall, blonde, & blue-eyed

Concentration Camps Camps constructed by German authorities to imprison Jews, Roma, political & religious opponents, homosexuals, & others considered to be enemies of the state; before the end of World War II, the Germans had created between 30 & 40 major concentration camps with hundreds of satellite camps across the areas of Europe they occupied

Killing Centers Camps established by German SS & police for the exclusive or primary purpose of carrying out the mass killing or large numbers of human beings – Jews & others – by poison gas, shooting, or other means

up to 2.7 million Jews were murdered during operations in the killing centers as were an indeterminate number of others

Deport To remove or expel someone from or to another country or place

Ghetto An area of a city or town, usually the poorest, where the Germans forcibly confined the Jewish population; usually surrounded by barbed wire or walls to “seal in” the Jews

Anti-Semitism Ideology of prejudice against Jews that often advocates discrimination against them
