Toddler Mania Challenge #1



Toddler Mania Challenge #1The Shadey Way

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Rules for this challenge originally created by TreyNuts2.

My amended rules can be found at my Livejournal.

Toddler Mania Challenge #1

By mountainshade1

One adult and seven toddlers.

Morgana Childs is Popularity aspiration, Scorpio 5/5/8/3/4. I wanted to try and see how this challenge would work with a sim who wasn’t Family aspiration. I

made her active so I can get her to “run here”. Anything to save time.

I moved them to a 3x2 lot in Desiderata Valley and gave them one motherlode.

In my version of the rules you are allowed to motherlode only once during the challenge.

(note: this may be amended at a later stage)

The house was built while they were all waiting by the roadside.

Yes, all the toddlers had conveniently rolled a want for a toy. 7 x ka-ching!

I immediately regretted making steps up to the front doors as it took Morganaseveral sim-hours to get all the tots inside because they kept jamming up the

space in front of the steps, trying to get to the new toys.

Quick view of the house.

Morgana’s bathroom and bedroom

Raised level with steps to stop tots

getting to the toilet

Buffet so mum need not cook

Potty room with linoleum flooring ;)

This playroom was later changed to


Changing table was later placed here

Morgana’s bathroom and bedroom

Perlina Childs – Cancer, 6/1/5/6/7

Adalena Childs – Aquarius, 5/4/4/6/6

Averall Childs – Pisces, 5/3/7/3/7

Bleuna Childs – Virgo, 9/2/6/3/5

Stephan Childs – Aries, 8/8/4/3/2

Max Childs – Gemini, 4/7/7/3/4

Freddy Childs – Taurus, 5/5/3/8/4

There is something special about all the toddlers btw, you’re welcome to have a guess. ;)

Monday 12.05; Morgana hires a nanny for the first time. It will cost me 2 points every time she does that.

I put the phone in Morgana’s private bathroom but I can’t actually remember why, I had some clever idea about it at the time.

But wait - how can Perlina be sitting on the potty, seemingly potty training herself, while Morgana is on the phone to the nanny? (skill bar hiding in the beetle poster)

Well, I gleaned from reading other toddler mania challenges that if you cancel the adult’s potty training action just at the right time, the toddler will continue to potty

train while the adult is free to do other things.

One of my own rules is that you get one point every time a toddler is sick on either a visitor or the nanny. Oh come on – it’s fun!

Mr Mole was part of the welcome wagon, but he left shortly afterwards. I wonder why?

Soon the tots started passing out with tiredness while the silly nanny had to go and tend to her bladder.

I lose 1 point every time a toddler pass out.

The lady whose arm we can see here (and whose name escapes me) was one of the welcome wagon members.

Unfortunately she was no help at all to Morgana but at least she did “worry” about Perlina before I had Morgana tell her to leave.

Tuesday 1.03 am, only a few hours after the nanny left, Morganacalled her for the second time.

I had hoped Morgana would have coped longer without help but I don’t want her to pass out or go into some other failure. For one

thing, the stompy-waving takes up valuable minutes.

No Zzzzz in this picture but Adalena was definitely passed out.

That’s Max’ second pass out, poor thing.

You’ll probably only see the toddlers in their PJs from now on; I am not wasting valuable time making Morgana change them into everyday clothes.

Anyway, I adore these outfits so I don’t mind.

Tuesday 7.16 am. The nanny isn’t doing much tidying up and Morganahasn’t time to do it, but the environment in some of the rooms is getting

so low that Morgana keeps stompy-waving about it.

It’ll cost me 2 points for every day the maid comes.

Just realised that we haven’t had a proper close-up of Morgana. Is it me or does she look a bit like Julia Roberts?

And yes, that is fly you see in the bottom right hand corner of the table in. I don’t let Morgana waste time on silly stuff like washing the dishes.

Seeing the toddlers’ skill bars made me realise it had become Autumn in Desiderata Valley, I wasn’t aware the seasons were set that way.

It felt a bit like cheating that the toddlers were now skilling that bit faster so I think I’ll amend my rules for next time I play this challenge.

Nanny pee is worth one point.

I want to call her nanny MacPee now.

Nanny MacPee left because she became stinky after peeing on the carpet but she was ready to come back

only half an hour after leaving.

Unfortunately no one managed to get Stephan off to his cot in time.

Hm, that’s annoying; Stephan woke up and wanted to go and play with the bunny head but then he fall asleep again.

Nanny MacPee was actually trying to put him to bed.

It’s not all doom and gloom though, the toddlers are mostly doing fine.

Their fun and social is always in the green and they never go hungry either. The hardest part seems to be to get them to the potty in time before they soil themselves and then go into hygiene failure. And of course then get them to

bed before they pass out.

Nice and practical that nanny MadPee did it on the linoleum floor this time.

The reason why there is a pile of rubbish on the floor in the potty room is that I cancel Morgana’s “Empty” action as soon as she has pulled the little blue bag out of the potty, to stop her wasting time going all the way to the toilet with it.

How the potty content then magically becomes a pile of rubbish is anyone’s guess, personally I think it’d make more sense if it became a puddle.

So yes, nanny MacPee had to return to base for a quick wash before she was ready for action again.

Yeeees – that is nanny pee, why do you ask?

Now that the tots have had full sleeps and are generally happy, they have started rolling skill point wants.

No real reason for this other than I think it’s quite sweet.

Wednesday 11.46 am and nanny MacPee is called out for the fifth time.

I’m loving how these toddlers want to skill.

Averall my boy; your dad would be proud of you.

The first prize for being potty trained goes to Bleuna.

I’m not too sure how the nanny MacPee’s pee puddle has grown but I’m pretty sure she didn’t pee there a second time.

Floating potty icons to prove that Bleuna is indeed fully trained.

Now watch what happens next: OK Morgana is going to potty train Max…

Then out of nowhere swoops in nanny MacPee and puts Adalenaon the potty which Morgana was about to use for Max.

Adalena is not potty trained yet.

Well, what can I say? ... Wonders never cease.

Has anyone ever seen a nanny do this before?

It didn’t take long before the second prize for being potty trained went to Perlina.

Heh, check out the icon in the top left hand corner… that’s right; Morgana has actually gone to bed while her tots are potty training themselves. I can’t believe I have never

heard about this trick before.

While Morgana gets some much needed sleep 6.00pm rolls round with a reminder that the toddlers are due to grow up the following day.

My rule is that all the toddlers must grow up autonomously, no cakes and no clicking “grow up”.

Adalena looks quite envious that Averall snagged the third prize for potty training.

Bleuna is starting to rack up a substantial amount of aspiration points now.

The dubious first prize for drinking spoilt milk goes to Max.

Happy bath time tots.

Well, apart from Stephan who looks mighty cross at getting a bath from nanny MacPee.

Oh now, who passed the potty test while Freddy was getting some tickles he had harboured a want for?

D-aww, it was our little cross Stephan.

Not sure how this screenshot came out this way, Morgana’s panel certainly never looked this way in at any point in the game.

Anyhow, nanny MacPee is called for the sixth time. She is fairly becoming part of the outfit here.

Quick pic of Max being cute.

Surely you can’t have a toddler challenge without some cute-tot pic-spam.

Hard as it is to ignore Stephan being wickedly cute, check out Averall; don’t you think it looks like he is being mean to poor Freddy?

Looks like Perlina decided to copy Max.

As you can see in the top left corner I did try to cancel her “drink” action and nanny MacPee is actually trying to give her a fresh bottle.

You know, I think this is actually Averall’s first passing out.

I tell you, this girl is a serious speed skiller.

Just living up to you name now eh?

Unfortunately I don’t have a screenshot to show, but something big happened in this picture; Morgana became Best Friends with Max after tickling him and consequently earned a huge amount of aspiration points because she had a want to become friends with three sims…

… Which meant she now had enough aspiration points to buy one lot of smartmilk.

After that the skilling was easy as pie.

Little cross Stephan became the first (and only, as it happened) toddler to learn to walk.

It was perhaps unnecessary to hire nanny MacPee for the seventh time, but I just wanted to make sure that the tots wouldn’t go straight into some need failure after

growing up. I wanted them to grow up comfortably. I know, I am just too nice.

Never too old to be potty trained.

Nah, the potty icon was for Adalena.

Go on, you mad skill boys!

Or cross skill boys, as the case may be.

Alright, it all this skilling and training getting a bit old?

Fear not, this challenge is drawing to a close.

Turn the page and you’ll see.

Joint first prize for growing up goes to Adalena and Stephan.

Nanny MacPee, I seriously doubt Adalena wants that bottle now.

Though Stephan grew up as cross as ever, he and Adalena both grew up well.

Next to get an attack of the sparkles was Freddy.

He too managed to grow up well.

Yes Freddy, your “dad” would be proud of you.

A little while later it was Max and Bleuna’s turn.

In matching green, no less.

And both grew up well too.

Freddy is just so happy he was potty trained before he grew up, though I think Bleuna is surprised he wants to talk so openly about it.

Ah – just found something new for my rule-set: +1point for every toddler who gets a hobby

membership. Might as well get a point or two out of those creepy visits.

Oh, and I’ll have to remember to discount the skill points the children get while they are waiting for their siblings to grow up. Best idea is probably to

take a note of their skills at the point of growing up.

After a dose of smartmilk Perlina felt the need to grow up which is a little bit annoying as Morgana was just about to teach her to walk.

I’m not sure what nanny MacPee is up to, but Morgana rejected it. Sorry MacPee, no tips for you.

Perlina grew up well too.

Last but not least little Averall had had enough of being a toddler.

He too grew up well, if a little tired.

And that’s them all grown up, time to look at the scores.

Averall: Grew Up Well , was Potty Trained and got a Hobby Club Membership .

He got 9 skill points (Mechanical 6, Charisma 1, Logic 1, Creativity 1)

Adalena: Grew Up Well and was Potty Trained .

She got 6 skill points (Mechanical 1, Charisma 1, Logic 2, Creativity 2)

Bleuna: Grew Up Well and was Potty Trained .

She got 6 skill points (Mechanical 1, Charisma 1, Logic 4, Creativity 0)

Freddy: Grew Up Well and was Potty Trained .

He got 8 skill points (Mechanical 1, Charisma 1, Logic 0, Creativity 6)

Max: Grew Up Well and was Potty Trained .

He got 7 skill points (Mechanical 1, Charisma 3, Logic 1, Creativity 2)

Perlina: Grew Up Well and was Potty Trained .

She got 9 skill points (Mechanical 2, Charisma 2, Logic 1, Creativity 4)

Morgana managed to become Best Friends with 6 of her toddlers before they grew up.

Poor Freddy.

Stephan: Grew Up Well , was Potty Trained , and leant to Walk

He got 8 skill points (Mechanical 1, Charisma 2, Logic 3, Creativity 2)

Morgana’s memories.

I don’t know why – perhaps I just got a bit PrintScreen happy.

Turn the page for the scores.

Challenge Scores:

+3 points for each toddler skill (potty, walk, talk, nursery rhyme) 3 x 8 = 24+3 points for each toddler that grows up well 3 x 7 = 21+1 point for each skill point earned by a toddler 1 x 53 = 53+1 point each time a nanny pees him/herself 1 x 3 = 3+1 point for every child the parent is Best Friends with 1 x 5 = 5+1 point for each time a toddler sicks up on a visitor or the nanny 1 x 1 = 1-1 point for each toddler that passes out on the floor -1x 10 = -10-1 point each time a toddler drinks spoilt milk -1x 2 = -2-1 point for each nappy changed -1x 7 = -7-2 points each time you hire a babysitter -2x 7 = -14-2 points each time the maid comes -2x 3 = -6

TOTAL = 67

And that’s it!

The Childs family thanks you for watching and dare you give this little fun challenge a go too.


Funds : As the Childs family had over 18.000 simoleons in the bank at the end of the challenge I think I might try and make the amount of money allowed smaller than motherlode, perhaps ten or

twenty Kaching’s. I will playtest this before I amend my own rules.

House : The reason why I built the Childs’ house on a foundation was because I wanted to be able to take floor-level pictures of the toddlers. If a house doesn’t have a foundation you can’t get quite as low down with the camera. But it took up a lot of valuable time just getting the toddlers into the house (because of the steps) – so I think I will amend my rules to say that on moving in you are

allowed to moveobject the toddlers into the house, but only that once. This rule will apply whether the house is on a foundation or not, just to be fair to all.

Season : The fact it was so close to Autumn came as a surprise to me, I never thought to check the season before I started playing, but it felt like cheating that the toddlers were suddenly skilling

faster. So – my rules will now include the stipulation that the season must be set to the beginning of either Spring, Summer or Winter, and that Autumn is not allowed.
