To Kill a Mockingbird Analysis Persuasive speech



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To Kill a Mockingbird

By Hillary Jong1Introduction of the book

1st POV by nine-year old girl called Jean Scout Louis Finch Recommended for adults and teenagers Main event is when a white criminal lawyer is defending a black man allegedly accused of rape, which is later found to be false.Setting and characters are vividly written about imaginary neighbourhood of Alabama called Maycomb County.The characters relationships and writers style captivates the reader as she contributes themes including racism, innocence to experience, compassion, injustice and morality.One of the best classics of our time you SHOULD read as it can keep you thinking of how society has progressed.


Vividly written through characters and setting

Recount in 1st person of a nine-year-old girl called Scout looking back in retrospect of the fictitious neighbourhood Maycomb County after the events of the novel takes place.SettingScout vividly writes that Maycombwas a tired old town when I first knew it showing her view of her town as ordinary old town, but later after the vents she changer her view as in rainy weather the streets turned to slop the courthouse sagged in the square. and had nothing to fear but fear itself (Lee, p.3, 1960)Characters: It vividly expresses characters development especially the mind of a child as Lee tries to write in the perspective of a child. Scout, the female protagonist, dislikes her black housekeeper since according to her she always ordering me out of the kitchen and asking me why I couldnt behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older. (Lee, p.3, 1960)

How and why it is interesting?Writing style and characters relationships Writing style the first page mentions the end of the story in how Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. He couldnt have cared less, so long as he could pass and punt (Lee, p.1, 1960)Keeps you curious as to what led to Jem breaking his arm and the accident. In page 264, Scout recounts that Jem is attacked by accusers father, Mr Ewell as she sees a man and Atticus was carrying Jem, his arm was dangling crazily in front of him to treat him in the house. (Lee, p.164, 1960) Character relationships: Lee also shows the relationship between Atticus and his children. They did not respect their father because they think father didnt do anything that could possibly arouse the admiration of anyone (Lee, p.89, 1960) But after his concern of Jem and wise parenting statement, wins his childrens respect as Scout ran to him and hugged him (Lee, p.273,1960)

Themes and Issues

The book makes reader think about history and society of issues such as racism, compassion, morality, innocence to experience and injustice. Racism and Injustice: Black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. People believed it even though She kissed (him) something unspeakable, but it came crashing down on her afterwards (Lee, p.144, 1960)Compassion and Morality- by defending the black man, Tom Robinson as his lawyerHe tells his children after taking up the law case that no matter what anyone says just hold your head high and keep those fist down (Lee, p.89,1960)Innocence to experience/Injustice- a symbolism, when Atticus says Remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird (Lee, p.89,1960), is applied not only when evil is exposed to the children but also the killing of the black man as he tried to escape prison. As he tried to charge at the fence and climbed over The guards fired a few shots, then to killseventeen bullet holes in him (Lee, p.236.1960)Conclusion

The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience and remember it is a sin to kill a mockingbird-Atticus Finch (Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird)