Tips That Will Make A Better Network Marketer


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Daily Traffic NOW Checklist

Your daily action guide to building your business and/or brand online using Facebook.

Consistency is KEY!

Below is My Daily Action Plan That We Implement EVERY Single Day for success......

1. Log in to your account everyday to check all new notifications. Make sure you are responding to everyone who comments on your page, responds to your status updates, and those who are asking questions on your page.

2. Respond to all emails and engage by asking questions about the person emailing you. People LOVE to talk about themselves and what they do. Engaging in conversation is your job here.

3. Post a status up date on your Facebook Fan Page as your Fan Page persona 3-4 times a day. Give VALUE, donʼt pitch! Also donʼt use the status up date scheduler as this will likely result in you not visiting your Facebook Fan Page throughout the day to respond to commenters. a. Post status updates with picturesb. Post status updates with a videoc. Post simple to answer questions, trivia, agree/disagree questions, what are your thoughts

questions, yes/no questions, anything that will result in your fans engaging in your content

3. Check your Facebook Ads DAILY. Look to continue ads that are resulting in high ctrʼs (above .1 for a beginner and .2 if you are advanced). Also look for low cpcʼs (under .50 cents is good). Optimize your ads for better performance and pause ads that are not performing well. Test Test Test is KEY here.

4. Pick 5-7 other Facebook Fan Pages in your niche to follow and interact on. Look for opportunities to respond to their status updates, other fanʼs questions, and respond to status update threads which have several comments, shares, and likes. Do this activity EVERYDAY.

5. Reach out to 5-10 people everyday and introduce yourself, find a similarity between the two of you and build a relationship with that person by asking questions. Example: Hey John, I saw you in the XYZ group. I love the fact that you like XYZ or that you have a XYZ dog, etc.... What do you do John? Looking forward to hearing from you soon, Your Name.

6. Show up in 2-3 groups that are within your niche. Be picky about the group you choose to join and make sure itʼs not just a pitch fest. There are some great groups on Facebook that offer pure value and support to itʼs members. These are the groups you want to be a part of and participate in daily. Become an authority figure in that group by reaching out and answering questions for others and by interacting daily.

Remember you must be consistent each day and not miss a day. One day missed is two steps backwards.

Relationship building is your key to success on Facebook. You want to always provide value and become an expert in your niche. Be the go to person, for example I am the go to person for Facebook marketing.

Have fun and enjoy the journey!Michelle Pescoslido