Times Are A Changing Strategies for Transitions and Moving Jen Hammonds and Nick Hunt


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Times Are A Changing Strategies for Transitions and Moving

Jen Hammonds and Nick Hunt

Enduring Understandings• Change is a part of life• Learning how to manage change is a skill necessary for healthy living • Understanding the stages and emotions associated with change helps to prepare you for adapting positively• All family members need extra care and attention during times of change

Essential Questions• How do I manage change? How do I help others to manage change?• What are healthy and unhealthy strategies for coping with change?• What are family strategies for adapting to change? What information is helpful for transitioning effectively?• How do we as a family find ways to give each other extra support during times of change?

Third Culture Kids – A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents’ culture. The TCK frequently builds relationships to all of the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture may be assimilated into the TCK’s life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of similar background. (Pollock & Van Reken, 2009)


Times Are a Changin’Talk Transitions in Your Life

• Moving• Saying Goodbye• Changing homes• Changing grades• Changing division in school (5th – 6th, 8th – 9th)• Changing jobs• Changing family system change (college bound

kid, separation, divorce• Deaths (pet, friend, family member)• Aging & Life Stages (childhood, pre-teen, teen,

adult, middle age)

Feeling Like a Fish Out of Water

Table Talk – Conversation Starters

• How did the video impact you? Share your impressions with one another.

• What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about how living overseas may impact a child?

• What questions does the video raise about identity development? Who am I? Where am I from? Home? Restlessness? Roots?

• How do you help your teen to frame moving, changing, living overseas in a positive manner? How do you do this for yourself?

Build Your R.A.F.T.

Table Talk and Take-Aways

Resources for Transitions and Change

• Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds by David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken• Footsteps Around the World: Relocation Tips for Teens by Beverly D. Roman• Raising Global Nomads by Robin Pascoe• Multicultural Manners by Norine Dresser• A Woman’s Guide to Maintaining a Sense of Self While Moving Overseas by Debra R. Bryson and Charise M. Hoge• Slurping Soup and Other Confusions http://www.slurpingsoup.com/• TCKid, The Third Culture Kid Community http://tckid.com• Families in Global Transition http://www.figt.org• Cross Cultural Kid http://www.crossculturalkid.org/• Third Culture Adults in Global Transition http://pmbethel.blogs.com/3culture/•TCK Kid: A Home for Third Culture Kids http://tckid.com/
