Thursday, Oct. 18 th Stephanie Hollar and Sarah Folzenlogen


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Grandview UbD & Formative Assessment PD

Thursday, Oct. 18th

Stephanie Hollar and Sarah Folzenlogen

What you should walk away with..Understanding of formative assessment

What it REALLY is & what it REALLY doesHow it fits in UbD

Resources and example to use in your classroom tomorrow

How to use the information you obtain from FAUnderstanding of and ideas for altering classroom

environment to engage students in FA that you can use tomorrow.

Effective Feedback ExperienceThink of a time when you received feedback from

someone and you were able to take the feedback and make effective changes as a result. Write down the characteristics that made the feedback effective.

Find a partner at your table and share experiences- be sure to share the details of the exchange, environment, the tone, etc

Have a table discussion of the characteristics of effective feedback… be sure to add any characteristics to your list.

UbD: Educator as DesignerWhat does it mean to be a designer?

Find & Frame Challenge

Investigate the Challenge

Draft Design Ideas with Good Tools

Use the Design

Get Feedback

Modify & Refine Design

UbD: FoundationWhat is the goal of our designing as



If you UNDERSTAND something you can…

Transfer the infoMake Meaning of

the infoDo it Independently

If you KNOW something you can…

UbD Big Picture

Design Tools:

UbD Stage 1- T M A

Stage 2

Stage 3

Take a minute…What are you currently using as a guide for unit design? Is there anything you can take away and use now from

this new template? How will the addition of Formative Assessment in stage 3

possible alter your classroom practice? Questions/comments?

Dec. 18 - ESC UbD workshop…www.escofcentralohio.orgSearch professional development calendar

UbD refresher—Dec. 18th

UbD & Formative Assessment – Dec. 19th

UbD & Rubric Creation- Dec. 20th

Formative Assessment-Gallery WalkEach station…What is Formative Assessment & what are some

characteristics of FA…how does it differ from summative assessment?

What is FA role in the classroom and why is it important? What actions are involved in FA?

What are our barriers to using formative assessment consistently in our classrooms?

Formative Assessment-Why?Effective and EngagingClassrooms that employ effective FA and Feedback show

larger classroom achievement gains that are "amongst the largest ever reported for educational interventions” "Assessment and Classroom Learning" (Black & Wiliam 1998)

Common Core, SLO, Validity, Rigor

Student engagement and participation in higher order thinking

What is Effective Formative Assessment?

An assessment is formative if it is an interim look at how much progress has been made against a long-term goal AND if the feedback can be used to adjust learning in time. (Wiggins & McTighe)

Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students' achievement of intended instructional outcomes. (Popham, Transformative Assessment)

Key IdeasProcessInterim look at long term goalsOccurs during instructionProvides feedback Teachers and students need to take actionResults in adjustment of learning plan

Long Term Goals- (Stage 1 &2)

Student Feedback-Where am I in my learning? Adjust?

Teacher feedback- Students meet goal? Was design effective? Adjustments?

Planned/Purposeful Formative Assessment- goals met? misconceptions? understanding?

Clear but Flexible Daily Goals & Learning Progression (Stage 3)

Formative Assessment is


Barriers & Change

Uncomfortable?Classroom InteractionStepping stone to understandingStudent Independence

Poll Results…

Formative Assessment: How?John: I taught my dog to whistle.

Karen: Let’s hear it!

John: He can’t whistle.

Karen: I thought you said you taught him to whistle.

John: I did. He just didn’t learn it.

How can I make my teaching more responsive to students’ needs?







It’s All About Environment

Compliance, Well Being or Growth?

Exercise: With your neighbor think back to our “A time when you received effective feedback” exercise. Circle any characteristic that have to do with the environment.

At your table discuss what environmental characteristics led to the feedback being effective? Add any more ideas your table has to your own list.

When asked to take ownership students think about their…

Then they make a choice….

perception of the task

and its content

knowledge about the task and

what it will take to be successful

motivational beliefs and interest and whether they think to they know enough

to succeed

Compliance, Well Being or Growth

Exercise: On your own reflect:

Visually shade in where you think your students fall into the range below. (overlapping may occur)

My students comply My students are most concerned

about their social well being

My students feel safe and are in it for growth

Ways we can help ensure they choose GROWTH…Let’s think back to our examples…as I go through these check your examples and see how/if they match up.

1. Share learning goals/targets

2. Promote belief that ability is incremental rather than fixed

3. Make it more difficult for students to compare themselves to one another in terms of achievement

4. Provide feedback that contains a recipe for future action rather than review of past failure

5. Students need to see that you have read their ideas and have used them to inform your teaching decisions. This helps build a classroom culture of respect and trust.

6. Use every opportunity to transfer executive control of learning to the students

7. Clear criterion by which they are being evaluated.

8. Establish a culture in which attempting work without fear of ridicule or criticism from others is the norm. Formative Assessments and Supportive Classroom Climate, Education Week Blog

9. Open up channels of communicationTraffic light, red and green disks, colored cups, learning portfolios, learning logs. (Wiliam)


The Play Book


Feedback and Interaction

The Coaching

Give feedback that moves learning forwardFeedback should:

*Be timely*Cause thinking*Move learner forward*Relate to learning goals*Be more work for the recipient than the donor

Think back to our opening exercise….Share at your table: Rate the feedback you received with these criteria.

Interaction: Students as instructional resources for one another

Ways to incorporate student to student feedback:Cooperative Learning

C3B4 MEPeer evaluation of homework

Homework Help Board2 Stars and a Wish

Group based test prep Choose Swap Choose

Formative Assessment Practices

The Scrimmage

UbD Stage THREE linked back to Stage TWO

Formative Assessment Practice: Thinking Beyond the



Choosing FAP’s that match the rigor of your learning target

Exercise: Scenarios

Formative Assessment should shape instruction

Take 5… Which of these FAP’s might you be able to incorporate

into your unit keeping in mind your learning targets, goals, and performance tasks.

Rethinking the quiz??

Alter Instruction

The Practice Plan

Stage 3 purposeful planning….Learning planFormative assessment built inIdentify your results criteria for altering

instructionGeneral ratio– flexible based on atmosphere of

classDetermine ideas for adjustments……if


Using assessment to IMPROVE student learning not just measure it!

Learning Target Formative Assessment

Alter Instruction

I can identify different kinds of figurative language correctly.

Error Classification Students meet in complimentary groups to work on problem areas.

Teacher pulls a small group of students to work on hyperbole.

Teacher tiers her lessons for next day.

Exercise: Looking at your own unit and the areas where you could add formative assessment… formulate your result criteria and ways you might alter instruction depending on how close the class is to those results?

Wiliam video?

Reflection… In terms of your unit and your practice make notes about how things might change in the following areas in light of what you

have learned today :The playing field (classroom environment):The playbook (data, learning goals and performance tasks

(Stage I and II and their link to FA)The scrimmage (FAP’s, Stage III) What two FAP’s will you

commit to incorporating into your classroom practice?The coaching (feedback and student to student interaction):The practice plan (altering instruction)
